DAILY EAST OREGOOTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY,-JULY 22, 1918. EIGITT PAGE3 OUTBURSTSIOF EVERETT TRUE PACK EIGHT i mm ii m ii ii ' ' sum ' ' - i7 . . .' . . . ,, ""r" .. , . . .. 1 1 1 If! "GROSSJEANS" Self Rising Rice Pan Cake Flour, "fine for summer mornings when everything Should be just right for breakfast 10 Pound Bags $1.50 Green Corn received fresh each morning, raised in West Pendleton, and picked fresh each morning. If you want the best order a dozen of green corn with your next order. DOZEN 40c Pitted Plums, pound 15c Black Figs, pound 20c GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. I "QUALITY" .Two Phones 28 823 Main St lOlWE MoneNT, MY HUSKY F(CNT.J SOMS TIM NOW. I WrtNT TO KNOW VP XO'J AR c-njOf nvTl IN l (lSPUt OCCO - . 3--- ' POTION. Z.JA gl!WftlltHHtlHtttlll11lll?HtHIHtllltliniMIIltlltlHIHntltlllllHlllll!IHIIimmiHHg THERE AIN'T SUCH AN ANIMAL was the expression of a man who gazed at the Giraffe for the first time in his life. How aboiit our or your way of doing business, isn't there possible some way by which capital employed can be made more liquid, more advantage can be taken of discounts? Our officers who are specialists in financial affairs, will be glad indeed to have you come in and discuss with you . such matters. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon." - ' i- UN VOI ihy. t : t-ksm ...; n ill rr-T:zU ' - ' 1 III tssc&s ill , , STEP C3VSR 1 IT H MS TO TM feglElZzZrt ayeMPTioN Boa rt am dorr SS. itimiaoiiiiiifiiHiiiimiiiiHiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiniiii.' F Ol S A LI AT SPECIAL PRICE IF TAKEN AT ONCE. . A good 6 room house with furniture, corner lot, on west Court street, close in, terms. This is a first class buy. See me right now. J. H. ESTES Phone 604 614 Main St We advertise and ffer War Savings Stamps for sale with every purchase. Sniniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii The Best Buy in Town THE HOSIERY PROBLEM Is becoming more acute and serious each day. The government having taken over almost the entire output of all knitting machines in the country. . Hosiery and underwear manufacturers are simply "snowed" under with orders from the retail trade, and witH no reasonable means at present to cope with the de mand. Naturally the old law of "supply and demand" comes in and merchan dise becomes higher. Having the advantage of an enormous buying capacity for our 197 stores we can offer you hosiery at lower prices than other stores, but just how long we will be able to secure enough merchandise for our trade we don't know. Take advantage of this opportunity now. , EA$T OREGON I AN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. J. E. E. King Harvesting White Hybrid Wheat i i . i (East Oregonlan Special. ) HELIX, July 20. J. B E. King has begun harvesting --and the wheat; White Hybrid, is weighing 14 1-2 pounds to th sack and is being hauled to the Helix mill. : The Honor Guards were entertained at the home of Mrs. Minnie Walker east of town Friday, One new name waa added to their roll of member ship. During the social hour, letters were read from soldiers from Helix, Letcher Norvell, stationed at Caml Mills. N. Y. and James Oriswold at Camp Fremont, O. C- C, Cal. The Honor Guard is in correspondence with 20 Helix boys in the service. Snap shot photos were taken of the Honor Guard to send their corre spondents by request. Comfort kits is the work now on hand. Leland Morrison, In the navy, stationed In Xew York, was recently married. Rudolph Lysinger received Injury to hia right hand Friday by getting it caught in a draper. One finger nail was torn off and the hand oth. erwlse Injured. harvest, being Mrnck above one eye, DOUDle 1 1'aCK HaMan pUr necessitating surgical dressing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bagwell have gone to La Grande by auto. Chas. Stanton and J. T. Orlswold of endieton, were in town Thursday evening. Rev. F. Grant Hamm ha.i return ed from a two weeks' convention at Turner, Ore. The Ladies Aid Is tacking,comforts- Leona Martin is spending the week at the Sturdlvant farm. The heat was Intense the first of the week but with an electric storjr Sunday, Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday, the atmosphere has cleared of smoke and we now have cool weather. 1,1 Walter Kirk, who has been at camp Lewis, since last September, has been transferred to New York and Is now Corporal Walter Kirk. Granville Plant of Dale has been appointed fire lookout and has been stationed at Desolation lookout sta tion. A small fire was started by light ning down on Camas creek the first of the week, lint it did no damage. Hs.niV.rrt (-hllsnn of Bridge creek is hnvlnir an addition built on to his house. f Mrs. R. Ledgerwood was in town Friday on business. Charley Metteer. and mother and niece, Irva Dale.of Pendleton were town Friday. Charley says the hay In his neighborhood Is turning off much better than was expected. Mrs. Harold Locke and son Charles of Pendleton, passed through Uklan Friday en route to Ritter to spend the summer. Ladies' Boot Silk Hose l-adies' I'anoy Hoot Milk Hoso ladles' Black lisle Hose Ijuties' White Lisle Hose )adlea' Colored Llale Hose .... Indies' mack Cotton Hose Ijuliesl White Cotton Hose. Children's Fine Ribbed Hose. . . Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose TOV OAJf . . 20c, 83c, . . at sac. 2c, , . 2 for Mr, 2 for 2oo, ...... Site, .10c 9o 49o 49e S3o ' 25o i.-,o SBC 100 Children's Pink and Blue Hose , ISO Hoys' Hoy Scout Hose 8 So Hoys' TUhhed Cotton Hose , 19c, 2Bo Infant's line Ribbed Hose le, I5o Men's Lisle Hose 3 for $1.00 .Xen's Lisle Hose 2 So Men's Cotton Hose . . . Men's Work Hose.... Men's CiiNlimrre Hose DO BETTER, VT j Incorporated - J im i&fi'M J . . 2 for 25c, 2 for avo . 3 for 2Ac, 2 for 2o IIDo WE I.EA, AND OTHBSUI FOLLOW R, Fa Ban made a trip to La Grande Friday. The railroad employes are begin ning to receive their back pay from January. Judge Joe Parkes of Pendleton Is up at his summer home now.- Ho and his family will be going Imck and worth for some time. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fngan and daugh ter orene went to Pendleton Saturday. r. and Mrs. O. Coffman went tu Pendleton Sunday. ' Mrs. O. Hchrekise went to Iji Grande Saturday night. i Mr. and Mrs. Vayne Gitrdano were up from Pendleton Sunday visKlng Mr. Gurdane's father anil 'mother. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gurdnnc. To Kamela Near Complete S Fine house, excellent location, beautiful lots, fin- i ished complete. A bargain. Terms. S g i 3 i TJf 1 T I 721 Main Street Phone 477 f Buy War Savings Stamps SiimiimimnHHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiHiiiinnninminnr; Pendleton Auto Co. Distributing: FRANKLIN REO COLE 8 MARMON MOTOR CARS DUPLEX REPUBLIC MOTOR TRUCKS GOODYEAR TIRES MONOGRAM OILS GOULD BATTERIES BOSCH MAGNETOES (East Oregonlan Special.) M EACH AM, July 22. It VaR Jearned Monday that Steve Holler and Mrs. A. Hagenhack were married on July 11 at Vancouver. Wash- They returned to make their home here- The new double track from Hanlen Spur to Kamela Is, nearly completed, reveral gangs having; been working on It for some time. The 100 oouna Up-tO-Date Movie SHOW steel will soon be laid from Hanlen The Indians have been busy- pick Ing huckleberries the past week, also people from here and other towns are busy. Mrs. Alfred l!oda made a trip to Pendleton Monday. I-eo Hawes went to I -a Grande Ukiah is to Have New (East Oregonlan SpeclnL) VKIAH, July 22. V. B. Teterson, who runs the feed barn In Uklah, has fitted up one shed of his big barn for a theater and dance hall He' has rilr-tnr tYiAfTintt nnd will from now ! on give regular moving picture Tuesday and then went through to shows every week at the Monarch , "' hf,m' ' Kahlntus. Wash., after theater. He promises to give up to spending severnl months here, date pictures. The first serirs to be I M,H" Mina rioss returned home given Julv 2Tth. The building Is Tuesday from several weeks' visit at electric lighted and the machine will ,he James ( row ranch near Pendle be run by electricity which makes It ! ,on' perfectlv safe from fire. J. T. Hale. ! Alfred Smith made a trip to Pen- who owns the electric light plant In "rton by auto Tuesday. I klah was In town Wednesday night Mra. Dick Hilyard and baby and A ,nl.d the machine irn with !nrenie naae a inu iu i -m- u-h. ..i.r,t ... hnf evervthln? is : Oleton w ednesday. . Mrs. - - - In perfect order. New Wheat Coming In To Athena is Good Quality (East Oregonlan Special.) ATHEXA, July 22. With the new crop of wheat In this week the new weighing and dumping scales at the mill have proven entirely successful and eliminate the old way of handling it in the sacks. Good nunll'.y wheat is coming from Chas. KirVs and Low ell Rogers' fields. Joe Cannon commenced threshing on the Kirk place east of town Friday morning. Hot weather has lowered Athena's water supply to such an extent that the half hour period for irrigating has been annulled. Mr." Henry Koepke and. daughter, Dorothy returned home from Califor nia Thursday, leaving Mrs. Koepke there to recover her health. . Mrs. Dean Dudley, In company with her sister, Mrs. C- A. McKathem of Wyoming, is spending a week at Bingham Springs. Mrs. R. B. Baker went to Portland Friday morning whera she and Mr. Baker will make their' home. Mrs. John Shlck left for Kan Fran cisco where she will Join her hus band, who Is In training at the Pre sidio. ' A party of Athena young Hadles left Saturday for a two weeks outing at Bingham Springs. The party con sists of Mrs. Ralph Hasscl, Mrs. Ralph Cannon, Misses Laura Mclntyre Greta Mclntyre. Kathren Froome. Lucille Taylor, Haxel Sanders, Annabel Mc Leod and Gladys McLeod. Wm, McPherson and Ernest Zerba returned Friday evening from a two weeks' fishing trip to Wallowa Lake. They had fairly good luck. ' Mdmund Walker and wife 'of M'es. ton were Athena visitors Kunday. The past two days have been some what cooler than during the first of the week and everybody Is enjoying it. the allied advisory council has accept ed the American proposal for landing troops In Siberia. A war declaration Is not necessary. r. S. PltOPOS.W, 4TF.PTKI. TOKYO, July' 19. Newspapers say Not Woiijd It. He Tcs, you know lt' costing ma 1500 a year Just to live, because of the war price. ' ' V .. She I shouldn't pay It; 1,5 U Isn't worth It. Cassell's Jour. - A PATRIOTIC DUTY Have you put in your winter's fuel? To aivoid a repetition of last winter's coal shortage, the consumer must put in the fuel now. Let us quote you on Coal. and Wood PHONE 5 BURROUGHS & CHAMBERS 550 Main Street E. O. Bid?. We advertise Bod offer War Savings Stamp for sale with every purchase.. Inc. mm 140 BuiGK Sold to Passenger Cars from July jl 1917 July 1 1918 ii D. O. Smith, formerly of I kiah, but now conducting a hotel at Hpray. ; was In Uklah a short time r rioay looking after his Interests here. 1 Harley Kirk, who enlisted In the I navy from I'klah. Is now in the hos- I pltal at Chelsea, Mass., suffering with chills and fever. nienn Cannon of I'endiemn ano Kchrekise and her daughter are visitors from Missouri and .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Granger. Mrs. J. A- Walters and Miss Leona Hardlson made a trip to Pendleton Thursday. Owen Scott came from Hllrard Thursday to visit relatives before , leaving for the army camp which he III enter on July 22. . I W. Cochran left for Pendleton .. I F.i.l-.,Hn. at the Ulfln way springs fr a few weeks. -were I Thursday to he ready to entrain with guests of Mr-end Mrs. Oeorge Nessithe Pendleton drafted boys on July for a few dayf the first of the week, j 22. - (Mrs. Ray JfcUevnnlds of Butte. I J. D. Caney. John ouwy and Roy Montana and two small daughters. , Hawes went to Ui Grande on Thurs and Miss Grace Frost of Pendleton i day to have the truck repaired. The are vlaitlng with Mrs. Warr-n Glbbs. ' latter drove It down. Mr and Mrs. J. D. Kirk are spend- i Mrs. Willlnni Hoggard and chll Ing a few days on' Bridge creek wlth.dren moved to Vale. Ore. Thursday. Mr and .Mrs. Hanf.-rd .Chllon. Wll- Alfred Pod.i got his leg broken at Ham Anderson and Karl Martin re- Parker's mill Thursday and Lois Bar- Pilot Bock- Monday. I ser arove ninv m i ....-.. ... nts hns been appoint- nuin in nave rum mi .. r and Is now stationed ! Mrs. uua went wiin mnn. Mrs. F. M. Fair and laoy. ana -rjtri i. Brok came tin from I-A Grande on TOTAL VALUE DOLLARS SPENT IN UMATILLA COUNTY PAST YEAR $201,205.1 e a e a tt rned from Owen Consta ed fire lookout at Iokout mountain. Mix Irva Ilo of Pendleton Iting her grandmother. Mrs. Metteer . tir an Inde'lnlte time, I WsMer Allison, rnnrcer. l-rt the j f;rt of the week for Lockout and i Frazier station, and during his ah-! fwnce. Mrs. Allium Is vlsltlt-g her mother, Mrs. Meenss on Bridge creek. 1 Kdna Martin Is spending the week! with her Rrand parents, Mr. and Mrs-! Friday Fagan. to visit their lter, Mrs. R- g 3 Frank Mirtin. j Charles Kveland of Dale was In ; town Friday for a load of supplies- j -voieipued tptm aa tionX Ifj 01 panojf sassrio 'peuiurex IIIJIl'l3a 3 3M THE ONLY CAR WHICH HAS MORE THAN DOUBLED IN SALES EACH YEAR SINCE YEAR OF 1913. THIS PROVES FACTS WHICH CAR GIVES THE MOST FOR THE MONEY. IFJN DOUBT NUMBER CARS SOLD WILL FURNISH CAR OWNER'S NAME ON REQUEST. Oregon Motor Garage II IJfOORFORATfcD 117, lit. Ill, 1S West Court St Telephone M 1 1 E 3 1 1 I! Kt-IUtlttimiltiil tmmmtiMiimmtttmiMMMsiis