East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    r" PACE TWO "
July Clearance Sale of Women's arid rCMlaYeri$Low
Shoes: and Slippers Now Going
Kid Pumps tvith Mack patent
leather: trimming; ., a very
smart pump; a little different;
pood quality and perfect fit
ting;; 6.00 value, Clearance
Sale Price . .... $3.95
No. 374 Women's Patent
Kid Pnrcip with white kid trim
ming, French heels, lots of
style. $G.OO Value, Clearance
Sale Price . ... ........ . $3.95
No. 350 Women's Patent
Kid Pumps with French leath
er heels, a pump that will give
you a lot of real wear; $4.00
Value, Clearance Sale Pr. $2.95
No. 3S5 Women's Patent Kid
Pumps with leather French
heels, hand turned sole; a real
bargain; $4.00 Value, July
Clearance Sale Price $2.95
No. 37G Women's Patent
Kid Pumps with beaded front,
Louie Cuban heel, lots of style
and service too. $4.00 Value,
July Clearance Sale Pr.. $2.93
No. 577 Women's Patent '
Kid Pumps with white trim
ming, Louie Cuban heel.
No. 581 Women's Patent
Kid Pumps with open work
tongue, a very popular pump,
dressy and good, $4.00' Value,
July Clearance Sale Pr.. $2.95
No. 583 Women's Patent
Kid, One-Strap Pumps with
celluloid French heel, up to the
minute in style and -of super
quality; S4.00 Value,- July
Clearance Sale Price $2.95
No. 582 Women's Patent
Kid Pumps with dull kid quar
tered Cuban heeL This pump
was a remarkable value at the
regular price. It's a rare bar
pain now. $3.50 Value, Julv
Clearance Sale Price. . . . $2.65
1 No. 588 Women's One
Strap Patent Kid Pump with
Louie Cuban heel, one of the
best pumps for the price in our
entire stock.' $0.50 Value, July
Clearance Sale Price'. . . . $2.63
i I A
Women's Coats
Reduced one-third
All of our spring and summer coats
are included in this sale. New smart
styles, exceedingly good values. Plain-
t ana iancy models m velours, suver
' tones, broadcloths, serges and black
and white mixtures, sizes 16 to 42. This
sale means that you can buy a
$1Z50 Coat Nov?- for Only $8.33
$15.00 Coat Now for Only $10.00
$18.00 Coat Now for Only $12.00
$20.00 Coat Now for Only $13.33
$25.00 Coat Now for Only. . $16.66
$30.00 Coat Now for Only! $20.00
$35.00 Coat Now for Only $23.33
$40.00 Coat Now foOnly $26.66
$50.00 Coat Now for Only $33.33
No. 513'$ Women's White
'Canvas Pumps, two strop with
curved Cuban heel, cool com
fortable and nice; $3.00 Value,
JulyiClearance Sale Pr.. $2.45
Special Lot of Samples of
women's white canvas pumps,
a rare bargain offer; $3.00 val
ue, July Clearance Sale. $1.95
No. 560 Yz Women's Mahog
any Calf Oxfords, with white
military heels and white Neo
lin soles, a very stylish and
comfortable low shoe; ask to
' see them; $6.50 Values, July
Clearance Sale Price. . . . $4.95
No. 450 Women's White
Rainskin Shoe, 9 inch lace top,
. with white ivory soles and heel
for comfort and service you
can't beat this shoe; $5.00' val
ue, July Clearance Sale. $3.93 -
No. 438X Women's White
Ostend Cloth Shoes, 9 inch lace
top with white soles and heels,
very smart and at the same
time cool and serviceable; $5.00
Value, July Clearance Sale
Price $3.95
No. 433X Women's White
Rainskin Boots, 9 inch lace top
with white enamel - soles and '
heels; a most pleasing summer
shoe; $4.50 Value, July, Clear
ance Sale Price $3.65
Special Lot of Women's
Shoes, consisting of white kid,
ivory kid, white tops and black
vamps, ivory tops and black
vamps and white buck, in.
top, lace; $7.50 Values, July
Clearance Sale Price $4.95
Misses' Canvas High Cut .
Boots, sizes HV-j to 2; just the
shoe for now, serviceable, cool
and smart; $2.50 Value, July
Clearance Sale Price. . ... $1.95-
Misses' White Canvas Mary
Jane Pumps, sizes lliijj to 2,
good styles, cool, good looking
and serviceable, $1.50 value,
July Clearance Sale Pr.. $1.29
Children's mite Canvas
Mary Jane Pumps; sizes 8V-
to 11; just what the little girls
like; $1.25 value,' July Clear
ance Sale Price i : :. ....... 95c
Special Lot of Growing Girls
Mary Jane and Instep Strap
Pumps, in patent leather and
gun metal ,- $3.00 values, July
Clearance Sale Price. . . . $1.S5
Special Lot of Growing Girls
White i Canvas Mary Jane.
Pumps, sizes 21-; to -7; $1.75
values, ' July Clearance Sale
Price ........... :4.V.. $1.30
Sweaters for the kiddies.
Made in slip-on style of fine all
wool yarn, finished with angora
Collars, colors, coral, turquoise
and light tan; sizes 26, 28, 30.
Priced at .... $3.98
In our Cool, Sanitary, Flyless
Basement. Cleanliness.' Eonoray
Service. Phone 15. All other
Denartments 22.
1 1 - t-t t
Vegetables Cabbage, Rhu
bard, Head Lettuce, Carrots,
Green Onions, Green and Wax
Beans, Fresh Tomatoes, New
Potatoes kept fresh in our sani
tary basement.
Fresh Fruits Red .Raspber
ries, Black Berries, Cherries! Lo
gan Berries, Apples, Apricots,
Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit,
all economically priced.
... ... - ' . ......
For, that Picnic Sandwich
olio, Sardine Paste, Minced Ham,
Deviled Ham, Cheese, Olives,
Cookies,' Boiled Ham, Etc. Clean
fresh and pure.
ITiMiitcm Maul to Wvri. Ilancwt,
- WIITLAXii, Ore..- July li. AclUf
utw! by what they assert is only '
trtotic desire to offer" whatever , nij j
, Ihej- may bo i.t.rniiui-d lo Rive nearly
two-eore of the Iho prisoners at the
Multnomah county jail yesterday an
nounced their eagerness to join the
farm tubor movement, in answer to
the urgent appeal for more manpower
on the farms of Oregon within the next
Tew weeks.
titrl Jxmea One HnipT.
n.AKEIS. Ore.., July 12. Miss Kiln
.Nelson was the first girl employed at
the local mills to suffer injury, she
Inslnic the second finder and portion
i of the thumb of her right hand yes
terday by a saw at the box factory of
the Hsker White Pino Lumber Com
pany. t'nlun Co. Riliausta Class (.
LA GItANlE. Ore.. July 12. With
class 1 exhausted and still aoveral
short of the quota of 9S. I'nion county
awaits further Instructions lij.. fillinfi
the July 22 draft quota. It Is not fully
determined if claes J shall he called
U6u or not. r . , , .
Irrlutilio.-i Combine I rsed.
WKKIt, Ore.. July 12. The I'nker
Commercial Club has appealed for
assistance from the government
through K preventative fiinnott to re
vive the Sumiiter , Valley irrigation
project, completion of which would
water about sn.floo acres vast of Pa
ker. Horar KK rt is ;hcm.
OnrcilON AOltlCfLTUltAI. COL,
LKGE. Corvallts. Ore..- July 12.
Wayne Dinsmnre. secretary of the
Peroheron Society of America and
considered one of the best horsemen in
the country, was a guest of the animal
husbandry department of the college
yesterday. The feature of the c veil
ing was a horse show in the stork pa
vilion. '
What Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound Did
" For Ohio Woman. '"-, ,.
Portsmmrti), Ohio. "IofToTadfrom
irregularities, pains in my side and was
O WH i, uium X
could hardly get
around to do my
work, ami w I had
four in my family
and iiirca boarders
i t made i t very hard
for me. Lydia, B,
J'lnkham'u. Vege
table Compound
as recomfriended
to me. I tojk it
and it has restored
niy ( healUi. H is
certainly the Lest
medicine for woman 'a ailments I ever
saw." Mrs. Saiia SUA?, S No. 1,
l'tirtsmouih, Chia, ' 1
,(Jm Shaw proved the merit of this
mctUdne and wrote this letter in order
that other eulfering women may rind
relief as ehe did.,
Women wh6 are suflTerinff a she wa
should not drag nlonft from day to day
without Hiving this famous root and
herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
talile Cinnjun, a trial. For special
advice in rtKanl bo such ailments write
to Lydia K. PinliharaMetlicine Co., Lynn,
Mass. The result of its forty yeara
experience is at you; service .
Help win the war.
' if T i . TiT 1
Help win the war.
' Klrtcar Strike Krids.
i VAXCOUVKK. H.. C. July 12.
Oranling to emplo'yca the eight-hour
day. timo and a half for overtime and
a wage scale from 40 to fit conts an
hour, ended the streetcar strike In
British Columbia early today. Cur
service has teen resumed at most
points on regulur schedule.
t'nitcd Kupimrt Is Plea.
SPOKAXK, July 12. A plea for
united support pt the government 'in
winnins the -war was voiced by J. C.
Kaynor, editor of the KHenbur; Rec
ord, in the presidents address at the
opening session here today of the 32d
annual convention of the Washington
State Press .Association.
Draft Hoards Scored.
CAMP LKWIS, July 12. Local
draft boards who fail to do their duty
in considering claims of selreted men
for exemption, telling them that they
crtn be discharged nfter fti,.v TfnH
m camp tvero rccrrd today by rr.mKrn
of the camp exemption beard, who de
clared thatvmany men sent to camp
who could and should have been ex
empted by the local boards are with
out relief because of the more strin
gent regulations operative here.
marc eiuhnl.i-iti over file future of
concrete ships," suiil 11- J.. Wig; chief
of the concrete ship division, "From
cur comprehensive tests at sea water
we are assured that such voxels will
last a minimum of several years with,
out any protection. Applleutlon of
well known protective coatings makea
certain an esten.don of several years
additional wear with the further de
velopment of protective means whicu
we have discovered, 1 believe the con
crete shit can be made as, permutpen
as steel if not more so-''
Ypnxil.UJF.V. July 12. Otic nl
Antha-sDdor Allrltuctr ai?ui4ii was
ancMctl ttalay. says a 3io"ow die.
patch to the l Yonltfurtcr. .ileum;.
1IAVK Axil-lies' MASK
AT TI1K MAI1NR, July 1"
... '
hum smo Wri
prt.xu is M Arwii
ever possible honey, corn sirup, tna-
Cream tho fat. sugar ajid egg volkjt.,. weeks' r more, train In? is. to n. nimi.
pie sugar and sol-gum shi old be -Add the Wriip. milk and vanilla and i4hed now that a. (iirhtin. vfsr, of
u'tu n.ix W1L Adil ajLematelv the 11- ' ccnsiilemhle .tmnirih he i.A..
on the allied line.
v Ttate PmWi.ie.
3 la.ldesno4inH otirnstarch.
2 cups milk.
1-2 cup corn or maple sirup. "
12 seeded dates cut up small. .
1-2 teaspoon salt.
1 teaspoon vanilla.
Mix the cornstarch with 1-4 cup
milk. Heat the remaining milk Jn
double boiler- Add the cornstarch.
mix welL
quid and the dry Increments sifted
together. Ad,d the flavot-mg and fold
in the well beaten egsr whites. Last
ly add the raiyltiii. flake for one
hour In a moderate oven.
, we must' bw especially e&refut ! our
'The work oi the mimarlne off the l'f nwrtant commodity. TheJ
.tuajiiie ei fwa. early m juiie resulted l ultej Haee leoo wimuuMmiiui wuwt! wtirr. hid cornstarcn.
in a great low of sugar from Cuba ' stigeM that each I person use no more , slru p. . dates and-, salt, ami tlr until.
and 1'orto Jtico. Thu means that than 3 pound every montn. when- mica, cover ana cook rr 2 minutes. maple lyrui
Adl the vanilla and pour Into a Ulsh , s-eetenlns.
- : to
Frozen i nstarth
Pint r.iilk-
1-2 tci'-sistmn.s cornstarch-
1-2 tcai-onnH nolfl milk op -water, j
cup com svruf or fii.fflclent
nr bney for flwlrf-d
over one million men in
France, facilities there are becoming
more burdened and there in little room
for untrained troop Under the new
policy draftees will be put through
an extemrive nix months training
cou rue, the unfit weeded out the re
maining fiKhtlng men ntnl acrosn f.ir
a hrtTlnihing' off behind I fie lines-i
: the I'. f. Marine' Mexican tnt-rat'r
: macft, luiji been through the rooeni
i Marine drive on the Marne nnd is
tbaek in tho Murine hlllrt, unmatched
i When tho Tevil Ih(jrnM ttf-an tho
march townrd the German linen. Jim
uty fell right in line. All the coaxing,
throatenlnji' and peadinjr that tho pi ok
i of the re&inient could do was of no
avail- Jimmy's comrades were go
ing Into trouble well, then, ho was
J I in my. j
While the hand-bsvhnnd conflict
raged between tho Marines and thej
nuns, jimmy was itore, there, every
whero. scurrying back and ftrth, hlH
eyeri pleaillns to be allowed to aid.
After the haith the MurimH, real
izing they would never be able to
keep Jimmy out of atfny more enuuKe
menu, immediately fu-shiuned a min
iaturo a muak and shrapnel helmet
with which the mascot will be ermed
tho next time he Koe forth into th
For Constipation
Indigestion, Sick Headache, Bilious
new. Bloating, Sour Stomach, Gas oa
the Sumach, Bad Breath or other con
ditions caused by clogged or irregular
bo weli, take
A wholesome snd thoroughly clcanung
pnync c:i;d and gentle in' action.
B. B. Hmid, Unsdilh. G. "I find Foley
CalhartM' Tablet f irm me oulclii.r nlicf lrw4
oMiiyction ibD tuyihir. 1 tYCT VU.4."
i I
j Your
Vacation f
I Days
will he Incomplete without a
CAMKltA. Come In now and
we will show you the Anseo".
the amateur camera of profes
sional quality, and tell you how
to make pictures a success. We
sell Anseo Speedex Film, Cyko
Paper, Anseo Chemicals, every
thing you need to take with
Catarrh is a Real Enemy
and Requires Vigorous 'Treatment
1 hrow tHe makeailC remwiei u
Hecv? tiv people. I'runea
instead of dxitos-
Da Not Neglect It
TVbcn you U" medicated sprays,
atomizers and douches for your Ca
tarrh, you may succeed Sn unsto-ppinfr
the choked -up air passages for the
tim beixifr, but thin annoying condi
tion returns, and you have to do the
Fame thing: over and over aTain.
Catarrh ha rever yet been cured
hy thefte local anplk-atiorjt. Have
you ever experienced any real benefit
from ruca trcatiai. ?
the wind, and vet on the right treat
ment. Go to yon drug- store to-ia",'
get a fcoiife of fci S. 3- and coranefieo
a treatment that ha bern praised by
sui.rers for n?arly half a eeruc.
S. S. S. rcU rijrht at the source of
Catarrh, and fjree frora the blood
the germs -whi h cause t!ie dkeasa.
You can obtain Special medical advk?
regarding your 4n cae without
charge by writing to Medical Dire? '
tor, 2-i Htvcft i-ai ratorj, AUar,
ipioo take YHI Iart of tlto Sugar
1-2 cup i'nt.
2-3 cup su.iJir. j
3 xk-
1 cup. lrui. j
2- cup milk.
t tVii itiixm V: n ill n
f 1-2 Us 4p n RinKcr.
I 4 troriKjonft lakfn? iMUr
i J -4 trjiofri mi It.
I 1 teBpoon cinnamon. ,
j 1-2 teanpoon c!ovm.
1 toapooa allxplc?.
2 2-4 cup bnr!-y flour.
' cup raisin.
1 1-2 ttiu;tunm v.'tlilla-
) 1 - i o,a pi , c; n mi H . f
j Hoald the milk, anrl ad'l the corn
iaturch mixel with tho cohl milk or
i attrr. Co' tho ritixtore mcr hot
pviuer fr-r IV mlnutf: Atl ih
I f Hhtlv Ijraii n, and c-ok tho i,i::tnre
for 5 r.i.ju:te:v A 'Id the c.rn if.yrur
( and tho mult a:id utirr the mixliire
j well. Uraln. I:, fml coo! !t- Add th-s
;.inMla, mid fr't-e-.t!io cn.'ird in tne
;f.Tiiie way any Ice-cre.im.
t;lVK. ((MMSMJt.
TtOSTOX, July 12, SurKOunt Fran
i cl Oulmet. of the national army,
; western amateur d charupMin, waa
, i if mi if a touny mat ne naa reen com
TTiJ.trtfoncd a fcecond licuu iiunt and ati
rig nod to tho ciuartermarter's depart
r.ient hore-
Coat Will Protect
All Concrete Ships
WAHrN'flTO'.Y. July 12. Discov
ery of a ne- protective routing- which
Ih xjrflted t in.'vjie coiK'reto nhh' (ih
durablo ai xtoel wa. annuuncl ' t'
Uiiy by Lae ahippfnz board.
"Engineer studyinsr concrete con
struction are becoming mora nnd
1 Tallman & Co. i
3 Leading DnirKlns. &
3 ; S , r
a We sMlTeHiae anil orfor War 8a. 3
Iiiks titatniw for Katie wlLh erer 3
mircbaa. , S
5 3
" I
' 1 1
i Two Buj-s a War Stamp '
oles worthy's
Mill feed, shorts, bran, poultry supi)lics,
hay and chop.
127-0 E. Alta
Thone 151
To arouse a sluggish Ever,
to relieve a distressed
stomach, to fortify your
self against, disease, use
V..... - a ,s : .... - 1 S-
"i-iami .iwicot-. .
1 '(uart enn n;rnit .
2 citw corn or other iyrrp- 1
j To the nyrijp fritt ihr n;rt: add;
j tho corn yrip ad 'iifficic:;t a-it t
make . ) Quart. Hurn the .vfvinr
the ii; rM -;-rif:- mors r
' cru fr:; nay 1 n-f d!. Vv the
alric-CK liiioch v. Ft miner. Viix the,
pulp thoroughly . !th the line it), ;tnd
freeze the miMiii'.'. i
I Con Dun Low
I chop sue y, I
Chl;iM Bt ia C
im'AMSi: hT ML. -
U. S. To Send Across
Only Trained Army
. I 3
WASHINfiTO.V, :, July ? 2. Only
waj ned im n, trnfnvj t U-uM ix
'.x monchu on American soil, are to , S
le ent Wi f ranee tinder a new pro- j
Tm-sk wm Mini ui r rinr unm r a n" w pn- .
I I ft CJ Kram being worked fmt by ihe war z
f i" i 111 - department KiilarKctnent of Mivoral
JJ ' cantonments to accomniodate thou- ( 5
! A M4lr' LiUWasU. Mnda of additional rweri jit part of thl 3
rrwWtv H Phim. l!ri aHu s Plan. The jreant practice -f rush-j 5
Eerj thins; elean and ep-io- H
TEA 5c Package
Or. Wehb BQ4 Clonwood (U. S
I'hone ((7. plleiua. On
You should have
music in your home.
You can have one of
these splendid ma
chines with Terms
to Suit Your Con
venience. '
All the new late
records, are here.
Economy Drug' Go.
Hotel St. Ceorge Buildlnir
rsv Tlephon 7U Nijht Telephone 718
trig troops ncroma with only
three riuilUIIUIIIlllllUlllllUIIIUIIIlllUlinmi?