TWELVE FACT 11 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENPLTTON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1918. L.- ri, p-i i' ' - : , ' lift A change In the Red Cross suritical . dressing; schedule occurs each week because of the alteration of the (cause cutting; and folding classes- Fol. lwinjr Is the order of work for the eek of July 8 to IS. Afternoon classes beirln by 3 o'clock and those In th evening at T. Voluntrs are tinted to meet with any of th class ea and will be cordially welcomed In the work room of the IJbrary: Monday afternoon Folding class. 1ra..X. Herkeley, Instructor. Monday afternoon Cnttlnir class, Mm Walter Adams, Instructor. ' j Monday evening Business girls. Mrs. J. C Woodwortb, Instructor. ' Tuesday afternoon Folding class. Mm, KL L Power, Instructor. Tuesday afternoon Cutting class, Mrs. James Welch, Instructor. Wednesday afternoon Folding class, Mrs. T. F. O'Brien, Instructor. ' Wednesday afternoon, Cutting class, Mrs. Jim Estes. Instructor. Thursday, afternoon Folding class, Mrs F- FX Boyden, Instructor Thursday afternoon Cutting class. (Riverside ladies), Mrs. HI S. Gar field, instructor. Thursday afternoon Honor Guard class. Miss Ulllan Boylen, instructor. Thursday evening Honor Gnard girls, Mrs. H. M. Chambers, Instructor. Friday afternoon Folding Mn, U L. Itogers, Instructor. Installation of officers . wns held Inst evening by I'aullne itebt-kan Lodge No. IS, the Installing officers being Mrs. Janet McRae. IX r. P.. as sisted by Grand Marshal Xettlo Whet stone, and Past Noble Grands Julia Cook. Laura. Tweedy, Janetta Allison and Ida Grav while the nfflrora to. class, stalled were Mary Grandin. noble grand; Nellie Park, vice grand; Edna J. C. Woodworth, Instructor. Friday afternoon, cutting class, Mrs. W oodworth. secretary; Olive Frledly, tor; Fay La. Dorn. Insla guardian Lucy Hodgson, outside guardian; Hat. tie Ferguson. R. S. N. O.; I.III'un Can non, L A X. G.; and Ida Gr.iy. t, S. V. O. The trail xo folding class under the direction of Mrs. Norbome Berkeley will meet according to schedule Mon day afternoon. Mrs. Berkeley In ex tending a welcome to helpers, calls attention to the fact that a single afternoon's work may mean the sav ing of ever so many lives during the present urgent appeal of the Ameri can Red Cross for more supplies ana the Impending offensives on the bat tle front. The supervisor will be in the Library work room by 1:30 o'clock and. as always. Includes all volun- i teers In her cordial invitation. onoitte L Food Value Candies, Fresh FrozenCreams, is backed by The Delta which insists on service and quality. THE BEST 40c MERCH ANT LUNCH IN THE CITY Served from 11 to 2. Salads and Sandwiches, Creamed Dishes and Fruits. Soups, Eggs any style, 6erved at all hours. "Eat a Plate of Delta Ice Cream Every Day." A GOOD CHICKEN DIN NER ANY TIME FROM 12 NOON TO MID NIGHT SUNDAY. Decorations of red. white and blue floating In the breeze of many elee- trie fans are today being prepared to greet the folk who will attend this evening's dance, given in compliment to the Oregon Military Police by the Giris' Honor Guard and the Uma tllle County Home Guard. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock and the affair Is to be one of the ever popular Happy Canyon jitney dances, the proceeds to go to the company fund of the police. The girls under the committee super vision of Miss Evelyn Sommervlllo. jMiss Hazel Wyrick and Miss Margaret (Putnam are working in cooperation with committees from the Home Guard jcompanies to make the evening a genuine pleasure for the hosts or dancers as well as a cordial reception to the honor guests. - A meetiifli of the Busy Bee club 01 the Maccabees, scheduled tor Tues day has been postponed until a later date. The surgical dressings class of high school girls, under the supervis ion of Mrs. E. I Power are to resume work next week and will meet Tues day evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. PoW' er especially urges a 100 per cent at tendance at Tuesday's meeting. Ernie Kenny of Portland, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cummins. ijle arrived Thursday and expects to depart tomorrow, making the return trip by automobile. Mr. Kenny ta a brother of Mrs. dimming. Mrs- A. V. Humphrey plans to leave In the morning for Portland to Join her husband, who Is employed In the shipyards there. Friends of Mrs. Humphrey sincerely regret the de parture as her stay in Portland Is to be of indefinite duration. Miss Helen Raymond Is expected home tomorrow, after having spent tho greater part of the winter In Portland where her time has been devoted to voice training under the instruction of Herbert Hurlberth. Miss Raymond will arrive by the Northern Pacific route from Pasco where she Is at present a guest at the Gus Ber tholet home. Donald Allen of Echo Is In Pendle ton today. It. 3. Moore of Pilot Rock Is In the city today. R. M. Dori Is In the city from Echo today. J. M. Hayes of Echo, Is a Pendle ton visitor today. A. A. Simon of Echo, is a Pendle ton visitor today. Miss Ida Russcn Is in Pendleton to day from Pilot Rock. Father Butler of Hermlston, was In Pendleton today. Miss Lulu Croyne Is In the city to day from La Grande. Mrs. F. E. Schmidt and baby left this morning to spend some time, at Stanfield. Mr. Schmidt expects to Join her tomorrow for the week-end E; C. Kilea of Seattle, is a business visitor inthe city today. ' Mrs. E. S. Barmim of Wendell, Ida ho, Is In the city today. Rev. Mark Phlnney . returned to Boardman this morning. John Stevenson of La Grande was in Pendleton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Bell of Stanfield are Pendleton visitors today. Roy A. Shelton, of La Grande is registered at Hotel Bowman. . Lawrence Womock was a Pendleton Visitor from Echo yesterday. Mrs. s. H. White and children ar rived in Pendleton last night. ri F. Koepko of Athena, Is In Pen dleton today on grain business. . , Mr. and Mrs. H'. S.. Denton are in the city from Klondike on business. Sam Oldaker and Bert Nation were in Pendleton yesterday from Hermls ton. I A, Racken, attorney of Port land, Is in Pendleton today on bust, ness, B. W. Jones and J. W. Bristow, in surance men of Portland, are In Pen dleton today. Wilson Smith returned to his home in Portland' this morning after a short business vlsjt here. R. D. Rodgers, a cattle buyer of enver. Colorado, was In Pendleton today on business. Mrs. E. J. Green, who has been vis iting at Walla Walla, returned to Pendleton yesterday. Watt Shtpp. pioneer sporting goods dealer of Salem, Is In Pendleton to day on business. . , Clyde Phillips left this morning for Portland Mr. Philllns expects to leave on July 22 with the drafted men. John Rust and wife and Mr. Rust's mother are in Pendleton today on their way to the coast. They are traveling by auto. ' Mrs. Rose Campbell left today foi Imbler, Oregon, accompanied by her little niece, Katherine Smith. They will visit at the home of Mrs. Gerald Tuttle and Mrs. J. Smith. ' Non-Fatal Injuries Quite Common. In a booklet published by the Aet na Life Insurance Co., we find the following Item: "Available statistics prove that last year In the United States 11,000,000 people received non fatal Injuries." This must Include In juries not sufficiently Berloua to re quire the attention of a surgeon. People should be prepared to treat In juries of this character themselves, for most of them all that Is needed Is a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini ment. It Is excellent for sprains and bruises, also to relieve rheumatic Pains. ' Ktomach Troubles. When your system becomes clogged from overrating, constipation and a torpid liver, your stomach is likely to trouble you. A dose of Chamberlain's Tablets will give you quick relief. They cause a free movement of the bowels, tone up the liver and strengthen the digestion. You will b surprised when you realize how much better you dire feeling a day or two after taking these tablets. Children's Coughs and Colds. For children's coughs and colds Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is ex cellent. It Is- prompt and effectual and contains no opium or other nar cotic anr Is pleasant to take- War gardeners will now swat the kaiser with a homegrown ripe tomato. Ladies White Shoes IN POPLIN OR REIGNSKIN V Button style, worth $4.50, only. . $2.45 . Ladies White Reignskin lace boot, wood covered heels, welt soles. .... . $4.95 : Ladies' White Kid Lace Boots, Good year welt soles $6.50 Ladies' and Misses' White Kid Sport : Shoes, foxed in brown, low heels, a shoe for solid comfort ........ $4.50 Ladies' Black Vamps, white kid top y shoes, Goodyear welt soles. . . . $4.95 Ladies' Brown and Grey Walking Shoes, 1 in. heels, all sizes. . . . . $5.00 . Ladies' Comfort Shoes, plain toe, cush ion soles $1.95 The Hub 32 Sample Stores. 745 Main St JiihVIJke Tliot! ' LONDON, July . After the cap ture of an objective. a. party of 12 Germans attempted to move a round the flank of a, British battalion and attack in the rear. Corp. W. Jones, British Infantry, rushed at the party single handed, killed the leading man, and captur ed yte remainder. THIS COIWTY CARES Jrxm 106 or.PHAXs (Continued from page 1.) SUPPLIES FOR THE MOTORIST No matter what you may need we are prepared to supply your wants. WARNER LENSES SIGNAL HORNS OILS TUBE REPAIR KITS CHAINS ' CAR POLISH M BRAKE LINING TOOLS SHOCK ABSORBERS BUMPERS JACKS SPARK PLUGS TOOL KITS SPOT LIGHTS WIRE CLOCKS SPEEDOMETERS LIGHT GLOBES Standard Tires of the Leading Makes DIAMOND TIRES GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORDS, . KELLY-SPRINGFIELD AND MOHAWK TIRES vTTTr-A-vfTvr! ppTPPAmr. ATCn TTTRF. REPAIRING I uiAnniuiKU, unuiiuu,u - - The price of tires has been steadily advancing for the past year or more, bo it is up to you to get the most out of your old tires. A small repair bill will often give you double mileage. It is important that you have them repaired before they are worn to too treat an extent SERVICE STATION, OILS, GAS, WATER AT CURB. Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. W. W. ttutlac. President. WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL ftn Fast Court M. Telephone 11 IVn. I) una, Manager. We Bttvertiitt and offer War Kavlnss Stamp for sale Willi every purchase. N'ason at the County Librnry. phone 3!4. Following is the list of Vmatilla county subscribers who "adopted" the forty three orphans: Mrs. It. Alexander. Mrs. Florence Berkeley, Mildred Berkeley, Mrs. Fred Brown, Mrs. G. W. Byers, Charles Carter, Ambrose C. Funk, L- H. Oelss, Mrs, A. K- McCulley, Mrs. J. V. Ma loney. Myrtle KosaT Mrs. A. E. Tarn- lesie, Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. T. J. Tweedy. I Tenuis ton. Mrs. J. I. Agnew, Janice Irigham, Tom Campbell. Thomas Campbell, Sr.. Mrs. E. I". Dodd, Mrs. TV. J- Warner, Mrs. H. J. Fraser, Mrs. Ceorgla Hen derson, Mrs. F. A. Phelps, Mrs. P. II. Siscel, Mrs. C. 6. McXaugnt, Mr H. M. Straw. F. B. Swa"yze. Honor Guards. Athena. Echo, Helix (3), Hermls ton, Milton, Pendleton. Organizations. Current Literature Club, "High school Domestic Science Class. Ladles of the Spanish War Veterans (2), Magnolia Lodge, Presbyterian Sunday School, School District No. 66, Clara Mark teacher (2). The orphans who have been "ad opted" are from the Department Selne-Inferiesnre In the north of France and Alpes Marttlmes In, the , south of France. The names of the girls are Eugenic Allavena, Marguerite Angrand. Lu- i clenne Anquetll, Madeline Anquetli, Suzanne Anseaume, Aiarie j. Anouo, Mlcheline Asso, Marie Bemolin. An tolnette Bertrand. Germalne UidoU, Rcrlando Blnard. Slmone Binard, Elaine Blottlere, Luclenne Biottiere, France Bondl, Jeanne Bondl; Denlse Porrell. Alphonslne , lllachemaln. Madeleine Cauvln, Ivette Cavallero, Therese Colombel. The boys are Georges Anquetll. Georges Anseaume. Emile Astegglan no, Laurent Bellardi, Augustin liel modi, Germain Belmondi, Kugeno Bertrand. Hubert Bldois. R ger Bi nard. Bene Blottlere. Emile notte, Georges llotte. Holland Botte. Jullen Cairschl.- Alphonse Carlettl. Albert Chabrol. Marcel Chabrol, Raymond Chilleaut. Jean Dobis. Vallerie Dra go, Emile Ducrot, Jean Docrot. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TO LEASE B-room furnished house Phone 651. ' LOST W. 8. M. book on street. Find er return to 11 Stonewall Jackson Reward. ' Foil RENT During July and Au gust, modern furnished house. Phone ;1W. IK RL'DD CAN'T clean your suit. throw It eway. J06 W. Wet.b street. Phone 685. H,ST Wire wheel and tire for t' dillas on reservation rood. Finder notify Quelle restaurant or Gus 1-a Fontaine. Reward. CAKI'EXTEIU $-0. laborers 4.r,.l. per g hours- Three month' work. Join union, carpenters IS to Join, la borers 110, payable In easy payments 923 commerce Btreet. Tacoma. Wah. Don't write but come now. FOR. KENT Three unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. I.. W. Copeland, 223 E. Washington street. ni'l'K Hl'XTBRS-Ort the limit. Domesticated wild Mallard decoys that do the business. Ducks, prices and Instructions from O J". Palmer. , . . : t- p-"-eq --- " Vulcanizing and Repairing ACCESSORIES Wo advertise and offer War Ravin? Stamp for Mlo with every purchase Simpson Tire Service Company 223 E. Court St Night Phone 268-J L. A. MENTON, Mgr. Day Phone 651 iWiien Your Car is Ovcihaiiletl or Repaired it is essential to know that the work will be done right We don't believe there is a garage in the Northwest that is any better prepared to turn out f irsf-class work than we are. Skilled Mechanics, Best of Epuipment and Prompt Service are all at your Command A big, roomy, fire-proof Garage in wh ich to leave your car: i Accessories, Oils and Greases Michelin Tires SERVICE STATION, OIL, GAS, AIR AND WATER AT CURB. t, Mepeufctafcti Garage Court and Thompson Sts. Phone 633 La. Grande, Oregon,