PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGOOTAN, PENDLlTyON, OREGON. FRIDAY JULYJ," 1 i) 18. EIGTIT PAGES OVER THE NORTHWEST Irnrln the rlc ttvum July 1 to S .Johnson strwt, deported today for her j the Ked Oroin turgical dressinw class- ihome. ' -1 will follow the schedule riven be low. Aftrrnoon work fcegins IT ! dor and evening classes at 7. The July quota for supplies has been doubled, making generous cooperation , Imperative, and every Instructor ex tends to volunteers not only n cordial welcome, but an urgent appeal for as Joining a party of Walla Walla folk (for an outing yesterday at the R. M. i Dorothy home on the Walla AAlla river, were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Whitman, Mlsa MaMe Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson, James ' Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Jl. M. distance In the library work rajm dur- jTunnler. Ing anv of the following elapses: j Monday afternoon Folding Class, A little city of nearly 500 people Mrs. X K. Thompson. Instructor. .was created ny tiw guests wno spent Monday afternoon Cutting Class, yesterday in the attractive gardens of Mrs. M. A. Sprinkler, Instructor. Hidaway springs. Many, of the folk Monday evening Business O.irls, jwere from Pilot Rock or surround Mrs. J. C. Woodworth, Instructor. J'ng farms as well as from Pendleton Tueaday afternoon Folding Class, and have been arriving home during Mrs. J. 1C. Burgess, instructor. ; later hours of last evening or tp- Taesday afternoon Cutting Class, day. A party of about twenty return Mrs. F. H. Brown Instructor. U" Pendleton today Included Mr. Wednesday afternoon Folding .and Mrs. G. A. Hartman. Mr. and Mrs: Class. Mrs. T. D. Taylor. Instructor. J- Burgess, Miss Madeline Burgess. Wednesday afternoon Cutting, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Mr. and Class, Mrs. Joe Murphy, Instructor. lMrs. S. R. Thompson, Miss The. ma Thursday afternoon Folding Class, (Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Raley, Mrs. H. K. Bickers, instructor. iJames Raley. Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Boy- Thursday Afternoon Cutting Class, j den. Horace and Allan Hoyden. Miss Mrs. Thomas Thompson, instructor. JKatherine Thompson. Miss Georgianna Honor Guard Cutting Class, Miss Fletcher and Miss Margaret Phelps. , Lillian Boylen, Instructor. ran fill Thursday evening Honor Guard Folding Class, Mrs. K. M. Chambers, Instructor. Friday Afternoon Folding Class, Mrs. 1. C Wood worth. Instructor. Friday afternoon Cutting Class, Mrs. J. T. Richardson, instructor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold TS. Barnett were among the Walla Walla folk who spent the Fourth at Bingham Bprtoga. They spent the day with a party from Pendleton wno motored lap with Mr. and Mrs. L- U Rogers- ' A party spending yesterday after nooa at Bingham Springs icluded Mrs. W. T. Temple, Mr. and Mr. Ralph Temple. Al Slusher. Mis Elsie Fita maurlce and Miss Vera Temple. "A regular monthly business meet ing of tha Civic Club will toe held to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the club room of the library. Mrs. A. Johnson, of Seattle, who kas been a guest .at the home of her I Barents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E Straub on : Fcr Coated Tongue? Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Bloating, Gat, Biliousness. Sick Head ache, lad ideation, Coastiparjoa, take the always reliable FCLIY CATHARTIC TASLETJ . They dear Ibeboweb.swsctea thestom aca sod looc up tbe liver. Do not gripe. J. B. Corear, KB Labor Temple. Los Ancelea. Cat-: "Altar 56 rears' experience wiia ail KMa and kioda of cathartic ffrrtir i, I aot wite to Foley Catkartic 1 .Diets. nJ (acy arc the beet I ever used." TAI.LMAX CO. ni!niMiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii s I I Your I I Vacation I g iDays ; I will be Incomplete without a CAMERA. Coma in now and we will show you tha Ansco. the amateur camera of profes sional quality, and tell yon how to make pictures a success. Wa sell Ansco Bpeedex Film, Cyko Paper, Ansco Chemicals, every thing you need to take with you on your trip. I Tallman & Co. ! E. E. Elder of Echo, was a Pen dleton visitor today. D. O. Justins is In Pendleton todaj from Heppner. 4i. J. M. Stevens of La Grande, is reg istered at Hotel Bowman. Lawrenoe Malcolm of . Echo Is In the city today. ! J. T. Bullord of Echo Is in tbe city i today. I J- T- Ayers was in Pendleton yes terday from Echo. J. Leeper of Enterprise, transactea business In the city today. H. K. McClufa was In Pendleton yesterday from La Grande. J. Ringer of Helix, Is in Pendleton today. Mrs. Frances Crandell Is a Pendle ton guest from Helix today. J. C. Campbell .and little daughter, Margaret, are in the city today. Kverett King of Cold Springs Is tn Pendleton today. Mrs. J. H. Duvaall of Lexington Is a. Pendleton visitor today. C. & Jayne, stockman of Heppner, was In Pendleton yesterday. I John Bowman will leave tomorrow j for P.exburg. Idaho, to visit . his snuiueun, ju rv iHmiiian. Mrs. O. B. Williams arrived this morning from Los Angeles to be the guest of Mrs. C. S. Terpening. Mr. and Mrs. C L. Merley are reg istered at Hotel Pendleton fro:u Stan-field- M. A. Rlcker of Pocatello. Idaho, la a Pendleton business visitor to day. . . , - . . ....... H. W. Hicks of the Union Pacific system. Is' registered at Hotel Pen dleton. A. M". Patterson, sheepman from Condon, Oregon, Is in Pendleton to day. Joseph Leuer of the Leuer Auto Co., Is a business visitor 1 Portland today, expected to return to Pendleton tnight. ,i i , t3nzjs nd Mrs. R. Alexander return- UlnOTHErl HUBBARD Wll.1, W AVE A NEU rionnaoM ftiftTH fQOO PIUO UP rUGHOMGAQ4 SHCIF SHE XL. HAVE ALL SHt'U NEED ALL. ) HSR HOUSEHOLD TO FEEO J)Hl U. CAM IT OR DKf IT HCftSELF. A.WAUei4tON,3C - j ed last night from C;unp Jwis, where they visited their son. Roy Alexander, who Is in the service.. Mr. and Mrs. William Purchase and little Miss Kieanor Purchase were members of a motor party whlth went yesterday to Lehman Springs ' Mrs. Florence Spere returned yes. terday from lone where she was goest at the home of Mrs. Nell Wlson and her brother, Walter Smith. I. E. E. King, clerk of school dist rict Xo. 69, near Helix, transacted business in'Pendleto ntoday at the county superintendent's office. Mr. and Mrs. A. C Brail en and daughter, and A. J Gales and Louis Lagoin arrived in Pendleton today by auto from Toppenish, Washing ton. Mrs. Raymond "Walker, who has been visiting her parents, - MY and Mrs. D. I. Conner at Pilot Bock, re turned today to her home In Stan fleld. Mrs Anna Furnish and little daugh ter, Katherlne, left today for Bickle ton. Washington, to visit Mrs. Frank Stevens, mother of Mrs. -urnlsh. Brooke IMckson and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gorries motored to Pilot Rock last night to attend the dance there- A. J- Owen caught some good fish three miles from town yesterday. "WOOF" IS YANKEE FOR "I WANT EGGS' Mr. 3 We d rertlse aad offer War 8aT. S a pa for sale wltb every ' 1! 1 i g Goes Further n Delicious Flavor t r 7- tit Vacuum Jrackea - uaranteeJ aaa n aasaa BY FRED S. FERGUSON. " (United ITess Staff Correspondent. WITH THE .AMERICAN ARMY IN THE FfELD, June ,16. (By Mail) Oof is one of the first things tne American soldier learned to say fn France. It is his pronunciation' of the Frefichmari's word for egg. The doughboy is a constant egg hunter. On arriving in a village while on the march the figst thing sought is the source of the town's egg supply. If the troops remain for any length of time the hens of the village are cer tain of a busy session if they expect to keep up with the demand. It is nothing uncommon to hear a grinning American tell of having stowed away a doxen tggs at a single meal. If officers expect to have eggs at their mess, their orderlies must get out an4 bustle to beat the doughboys to the hennery. It's a wild race lor "Oofs." A new arrival In France recently joined up with a certain outfit now in Picardy. He hadn't learned what Is an fn ri-nh Ttttt he rolled Into the (first shop he saw that looked like It might sell eggs. He tried every way he kney to tell the shopkeeper he wanted eggs. Then he resorted to sign language, A box1 was on the counter. iThe American spied it, hopped up on !the counter, sat on ' the box. then IJumped down and flapping his arms! ....1 ' .. .1 ! - , 1 . . -4 nj tnnff "1 WllOl. CaCRieu i,uu i ". Still the French worrym did not un derstand. Other sold iors passing by !aw the performance, and "called i "Oof" to the unfortunate bunkie. He fairly stormed the shop with: "Woof! Woof!" Woof!" i The snopKeeper run evu. i "Woof: wool. ' exciaimea tne vi ;terican. 4 Then a light dawned Irt the shop keepers eyest A minute uiitr " doushboy had a dozen eggs. llogtra Llcpior Xo MriiMS OLY.MI'IA, July 4. Washington's prohibition law penalty falls -equally upon the man who sells real liquor and tho one who-undertakes to do so and discovers that he has had color. ea water foisted upon him. The su preme court so decides in affirming a conviction of Henry Seablom. 1 Grays' Harbor Payroll. ABRHfiBRX, Wash., July 4. The Jul- Fourth payroll of Grays, Harbor logging; , camps, which is being met today, approximates Jl. 500.000. All the harbor cities, especially Aberdeen, are crowded with woodsmen. Hotel? and lodging houses have been forced to place cots lu their hallways to ac commodate the crowd now l.i town. Military police have been placed on duty here to look after tho 2000 sol diers who will be in the city over the holiday. Xewberg Has $8000 Fire. NEWBERG, July 4. Fire follow ing an explosion of gasoline In the rear of , the I. W. Hill tailor shop late Tuesday afternoon entailed lors esti mated at 18000. Insurance carried by the owners of the damaged struc tures could not be ascertained to ' - Manslaughter Ts Verdk1. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. July 4. Guilty of manslaughter," was the verdict brought in by the Jury today following the trial of William H'ol brook and J. E. Paddock for the mur der of O. T. McKendree at Dry Tralrie April 20, 1918. Oregon First State Of Union Over Top With W. S. S. Pledges r Ore.. July 1. . in the W ,S. 8. Farm Has Second Suicide. COLFAX. Wash.. July . 4 George Hayes, aged 47, a farm laborer on the P. W. Gecr ranch. 15 miles south west of Colfax, was found dead today inf. a neighbor's deserted cabin, hav ing taken strychnine. County Cor oner Bruning brought tne body to Colfax. lentui mm i ii i ii in ttiiraiairirrmw . ailllllllllMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlllHllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIIII"''''''"""1"1" We Sell "War Saving's tamps - ' ' r Save and Serve APPrtOVKH ISOVMAMA-V THEATV WISTKMOVW. July . Tho ; nmi n-k-liHtaic lia pimved the Iton- manian ix-acc treaty says a Berlin dls IMilrh. KiH'hlmann formerly annnunc ccl that (icrtnany doesn't Intend to Mart a campaign Invading India. The ratification of the treaty Is a victory for Junkers. The socialists arc hit-' tcrly u;ioserl to It as Urn severe. KITTLE yACK MORHER WILL IT IN CORNER tJlTH nAVS MIS O00O MOTHER HAS PLANMEO. CxE'u'rcEO her wMoce Baoort Hoy Has Narrow PSt-apc. COTTAGE OHOVB, Or.. July 4. To be whirled around a rapidly revolv ing shaft, to have every bit of cloth ing except his shoes and stockings torn from him and yet escape with but a few scratches was the experi ence of Ralph J-ammers, 14-yfar-old son of Mr- and Mrs. George Lammers. 10OO Tractors for Oregon. SALEM. Or., July 4. VIck Pros., cf this city, have just purchased 1000 of the new "Fordson" Ford tractors for use In Oregon. George F. Viok, of the firm, left for Detroit recently and today his brother Charles received a wire from him of the purchase. Tacoma Gets T-Ont Fare TACOMAi July 4. The Tacomae city council today approved a 7-cent street car fare and a provision allow- ing the sale of 15 tickets for $1. By the ordinance passed the higher fare will become effective July 8. Nanal Plane Makes Trip. CAMP LEWIS, Wash., July 5. Sea and land forces of the United States exchanged greetings by seaplane yes terday. Lieutenant J5. T. Condon, Jr., naval aviator, bringing a message to Colonel E. N. Jones, camp command er, from Rear Admiral R. E. Coonts, commandant of' the 19th naval dist rict, and carrying back with him a message to Admiral Coontx. Salem Asylum Has No Room. SALEM. Ore.. July 5. Because of the crowded condition at the Oregon state hospital for the Insane at Salem, future commitments from Multnom ah county will be made to the Eastern Oregon hospital at Pendleton, accord ing to an order made by the state board of control Wednesday after noon. ' W)lin,.VXII, "Oregon First" i drive. j : i VII available Information gaili ereii by the Oregon War Saving cointntltuev Indicates that this state, was first In going over the top tn tho cuiiiaign which end ed Tuesday. So far as Is known no other , state had reported reaching its quota when Oregonto telegram to President Wilson and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo was rrttdy to send, Utah, it was said, was almost at the jiolnt of victory, in Wa-di-ington, Seattle's alugglisliti.f In reaching its quota is dclaylrgr tho entire state, it was reported. The Ptiget Sound clly attempted to register War Stamp uirdges ' by having people come to toting boot ha, but the plan fell short of results obtained through personal solicitation. 1 Oregon as m whole wrfl probab ly, hi the final reports, be shown to have exceeded Its $17,500,000 substantially Multnomah county for msancc, has subscrklcd $7. 000.000. approximately, says Dist inct Manager.. Henry E. I teed. The county's quota, including that of Portland, was 4ff.322.280. There are only three counties in the stale which as yet have failed to make ofriHal report of the termination of their campaign. These counties are Wallowa, Mal heur and Harney. Preliminary reports to Associate stulo Direc tor Wonarott from these countiivi .contained declarations that whllo they were not yel over the top they would keep on until they arc successful. . X. Y. Culls 70. Idlers. NEW YORK, July 1. Seventy men are subpoenaed under the new work or flsht order effective today. Forty thousund New Yorkers are affected. MXTY-TllttKE IECOnATE!. AVASIII(iT()X. July a. KKIy-thrco more suldtcrs were awarded distin guished scrvf crosN fr guilumry In action, Pershing anjmuwcd today Get a 10- cent package of Or, James' Headache Powders, ' arid "dob. 't suffer. Ladies White Shoes IN P0FLIN OR REIGNSKIN i . . Tlur fori . Ladies White Reignskin lace boot, wood covered neeis, weic soies pt.vo Ladies' White Kid Lace Boots, .Good year welt soles , $6.50 Ladies' and Misses' White Kid . Sport: :Shoes, foxed in brown, low heels, a shoe for solid comfort $4.50: Ladies' Black Vamps, white kid top shoes, Goodyear welt soles. ... $4.95 Ladies' Brown and Grey Walking; Shoes, 1 in. heels, all sizes. . .'. $5.00 Ladies' Comfort Shoes, plain toe, cush-' ion soles .' $1.95 ! - " ": ' ' ' ; .: The Hub 32 Sample Stores. 745 Main St Wlien your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's heedlesa - to Buffer when you can a remedy like Or. Jamea' Head ache Powders and relieve the pain and neuralgia at once. Send "omeone to; the drug store now for a dim package j of 'Dr. Jame' Headache ' Powders, j Don't suffer! In a few momenta you j rill feel fine headache gone no more J leurtilria pain. j PATtNTCO THE ':. For Ford SsGckAbsorkr g is everlastingly at work on 300,000 Ford cars, saving tires and i DOING ITS BIT In the transportation work of the Nation. The saving It cftrrts In .general up-keep ad tlfrs expense makes it a great ECONOMIC UTILITY Write for the FRF.B TRIAL BLANK, lllua tratrt Circular and Opinionsof Uacratoday. $18.00 Installed .1'. ,n - . . 1 Simpson Auto Co. Dor. Water and Johnson Bts. rbooe 408 ooooooooooooooeeoooooooooooooosooeoooooo I lit? WiatMjauii TtoWtA AmU Tkosa Paina and DMrasa Which a Maay Matfaara Hsnw SoffaaasU MILITARY D A 1 : C Vi Given by the Girls Hoijor Guard and Umatilla County s Guards . ... ...v r .: . . : : ' . . :' . In Honor of rrcpamtion f.imillar to many women u O Mother Friend. It f more electlre In It action than aTl fh benl Lb rutva erer laid down for tle gnridanca of expectant mothers It is ' external application that apreada Ita influence upon tbo corda, tendona aed mimcJen of tha abdomen, rendering them pliant, and they expand ffrset'fullf wilhout that peculiar wrenchinc strain, Tha occnjrlon fw, their fore, one of n n boondad Jrvyful antrcipation and too vrarh stresa cannot be laid npoa the remarkable influenoe which a m-tber s happf prenatal dispnvltion tins nnon tha aealtli ami fortanea of Uta ffenciiitiuua to come. Tho p:vn at tha criris la hiflnlMr le when M ther Friend ocd rtoHrnT the peri id of expertaw y tar ttv niuwlea ex- SanH raster and itb lesa strain when baby 1 bora. Mother's Friend tf for external 1e only, la entirely tat and maf be had of your I rtruinrist. It ia preparei by ttaa Brarlneldl ReKaiainr Co., Lamar B)ir., jMlnnta,! Ca. Wrtta Urem to mail you tlefr interest-1 in Mother.ooJ Book." They will arnd t nt ; once, rilhout chnrro. and yoo 1U And Hi ery arlpful. Do not nerleot for a slnr r.irfit nnd mornlnff to apply Mother's Krnd acronMnc to direction, a round the "O' ! rnd thim fortify yourself arainrt pain and' When your nerves are all on edge and sleep seems out of the question take at bedtime one or two o o o o 9 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ga.nyon at Happy " ' . -i ... - . ' is. 1 Good Music a A (Good Time Invited So Plan to Be Tliere o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o a a o a a 0 o a o o o a a o o o jO 0 o. The First National Bank PENDLETON You are r wit The CrOtCtsrO foOO 3n'lCH Srt IN HEW WISOOCI a.W Aar : ti o"iiiiiiM isiiMt!i' 4 ill: mi ii