East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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:tf;Tf3ffiE JULV 2,' 1918
in . ' - 1 ' . II 'l I
purine the week from July 1 to 5 i it will be necessary to secure much
the Ked Cross surgfcal dressing class- (additional help In order to meet the
os will follow the schedule given be-, local quota- The work room will be
low. Afternoon work begins ty a o"-I open at a. m. each Tuesday and Frl
clock and evening classes at '. Theiday with an Instructor in-charge,
July quota for supplies haa been
doubled, making generous cooperation ! A merry group of picnickers jejur-
Imperative, and every Instructor ex- neyed by motor to the reservation
teada to volunteers not only cordial j Sunday where a most delightful out
welcome, but an urgent appeal for as.
alnlano In the library work roim during-
any of the following classes:
..Monday afteraoon Folding .Class,
, Mrs. J, JC Thompson, Instructor. -,
Monday afternoon Cutting Class,
Mrs. M. A. Sprinkler, instructor.
Monday evening Business Girls.
Mrs. J. C Woodworth, Instructor. '
, Tuesday afternoon Folding Class,
Mrs. J. N. Burgess, instructor.
..Tuesday afternoon Cutting
Mrs, F. M..-Brown, Instructor.
Wednesday afternoon Folding
log w bus enjoyeo. i ne party inciuaea
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robinson, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. -and Mrs
Alec CHbhs, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc
Call, Mrs. Duncan McDonald. Mrs. E.
Dohnert, Mrs. Anna St.tnf land, Tom
Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wlrth, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Hartnett, the Misses
Paulino and Emily Dohnert. Mamie
Hartnett, FJdlth Laing, Bessie and
Francis Robertson, Jessie Thompson.
Class, ! EHrothy Hartnett, Flora McDonald.
Masters Bruce Glbbs, Kobert and Alec
Thompson, Kdword McDvna'd and
Francis McCall.
Class, Mrs. T. D. Taylor, instructor.
Wednesday afternoon Cutting At S;3a 0.clock last evening leneath
Class, Mrs. Joe Murphy. Instructor. !a bower of ferns and .blossoms. Miss
Thursday afternoon Folding Class, Florence Morton became the bride of
Mrs. H. E, Bickers. Instructor. ! Laurence Whitman, the ceremony be-
. Thursday Afternoon Cutting Class. :,nS Performed at the home of the
Mrs. Thomas Thompson, instructor, i brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Honor Guard Cutting Class, Miss
Lillian Boylen, instructor.
Thursday evening Honor Guard
Fading Class, Mrs. H. M. Chambers,
Friday Afternoon Folding Class,
Mrs. J, C. Woodworth. instructor.
..Friday afternoon Cutting . Class,
Hrs. J- T. Richardson, instructor.
,?For.lhe home-coming celebration.
Justice, and Mrs. George H. Burnett
entertained as their guests yesterday
Mi J. H. D. Gray and her daughter.
Miss Lmuise Gray of Portland, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Belt of WUlamlna
ho came Friday. The Tlsitors are
remaining over Sunday- Mr. Belt Is
a brother of Mrs. Burnett Salem
Statesman. - "
, ,Miss. adye Evelyn Ford, one of the
prominent .musicians of Oregon City,
wIl give one of her delightful piano
recitals. at the Methodist church this
evening., when a large nnmber of her
students-are to appear in a well ar
anged musical program. - The St. Ce
cilia Chorus, 'under rhe direction of
Mrs. Nieta. Barlow Lawrence., will as
sist. There will also be vocal selec
tions by Homer Ho Howell, with Miss
Sdye Ford at the piano and Mr.
fletchtner, on the violin. Oregon City
Enterprise. ,, , j
Mrs. George Baer. accompanied by
her small son. departed yesterday for
Portland en route to Seaside where
they will past the next several weeks
- .Miss Daphne Swearingen is spend
ing a few days in Walla Walla, as the
guest of Miss Sub Crawford, her visit
tieing occasioned by the appearance
of "Oh, Boy" at the Keylur Grand
MrsV Charle Greullch. of the local
rBed Cross organization. Is making an
'urgent. jappeai for -workers in a gauze
cutting . class .. to meet : every ., Tuesday
and Frldity forenoon jat Jhelibrary.
The necessity 'of work In this line Is
provitrg heavier than -anticipated ana! jvar- chosen t be her itrQvef Jhpn-
--- - - .. . ;vm - .
( -
Morton, with Rev. H. H. Hubbell of-
jficiatlng. The couple was unattend
ed, and only a small group of rela
tives witnessed the service. "
Preceding exchange of vows. Miss
Mabel Whitman, sister of the groom,
played the Barcarolle. Tales from
Hoffman, and the couple took their
places to the strains of Mendelssohn's
wedding march. The bride chose an
especially lovely frock of ' daintiest
gray, her gown being of silvery-toned
Georgette crepe, cut on short girlish
lines, and touched with a thread of
pink and blue embroider'. She car
ried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses;
fluffy white blossoms and ferns-
About the living room pink roses
were combined with Shasta daisies and
anarelK-breath. great clusters of the
j blossoms surmounting pedestals nt
I either side of the bower of ferns. -;
After showering the couple with
good wishes the guests assembled for
a buffet supper In the dlninir room
where a great pink shaded lltjht cast
its-radiance over an abundance of pink
sweet peas. ' ' "- ' ' ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Whitman departed
later in the evening by automobile for
Walla Walla from where they left
today for a short wedding trip.
Mr. Whitman has been head of the
department of science In the high
school for the past Two years and is
himself, a graduate of the institution
as well as of the University of Ore
gon, while his bride attended the nor
mal at Cheney, Washington, aria' has
recently been with the Peoples Ware
house- Both ofhe young, people are
well known in Pendleton, where they
have made their home for several
years and both have many friends to
wish them happiness
.News has reached Pendleton friends
of the marriage of Miss Clytle Hall to
Harold Frink In Eugene Saturday
The ceremony was performed in the
afternoon at the home of tho bride's
mother. Airs. J. C- Van Uulld.tr, in .the
pctttence i( ny - ,4w. 'ktH?- d
friends. The bride's sister. Mia- C". T.
Hackett, of - Centralis. Washington.
or, while Eldim Frlnk; Jr.; attended
his brother aa best man, and the ser
vice was performed by Rev. A. M,
tlangler of the Baptist Church of
Kugone. The bride was simply gown
ed in a dainty frock of 'gray, with
which she carried an old fashioned
bouquet os pastel-toned blossoms.
Mr. and Mrs. Frink -are making
tnelr home In apartments on Taylor
street' in Portland and Mr. Frink
employed in the shipyards, .while
awaiting his call to service. Mrs. Frink
left Pendleton last week and durin
a two months' stay she made many
friends here. She was a student at
the University f Oregon, where she
specialised in newspaper work and
was a member of the Thcta. Slgraa Phi
honorary J.vurnllmlo fraternity. : She
was with the Eugene Guard before
coming to Pendleton to do reportorlal
work on the East Oregonian. ,
The surgical dressings, class-sunder
the direction of Mrs.'T. IX Taylor will
meet tomorrow afternoon- and 'Mrs.
Taylor will be at the library to wel
come all who will help by 1:30 o'clock
as there is such a great &mount of
work1 to be accomplished during the
few hours. A cordial invitation Is al
ways extended by Mrs.-Ta.ylor to vol
unteers aa well as members,- but for
tomorrow an unusually urgent. appeal
Is made that every person lend all aid
possible. The afternoon will be de
voted to .making the first .aid. packets
for use in the front line, trenches and
still another .call haa corae f or i larger
Pendleton quota.; u , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leuer. Misses
Mary and Nellie Bchultx and. S. D.
Taylor and Carl Leuer formed a par
ty which, enjoyed a motor trip . to
Heppner Sunday., . . , f c-.i ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Tlohrman and dau
ghter. Miss Alma Rohrmaw have' ar
rived home from -a most 'enjoyable
motor trip to Crater Lake. They made
the trip by way of Portland, going
down tho Willamette valley, anil re
turning, through -central Oregoa.stop
ping for a visit at Bend. . They!(hav.e
been away a fortnight.,
I ::'-
- - k
Vpt Contend 15 Fluid Pfaehnj
i rjiunl.-3 PER CEKf.
Amiable rVcparauoo&f As
! simUauttfithcFood by Rtf,
; wtheSiMci5alBols
Checrtulncss ana HesLwi"
Mineral. fOT"w
Km W I
v'isli) A helpful Kerocir lor
:'-Y'- and Fcx-erishncss f
::;!! Lossor-hLEEP
For Infanta and Childron. (
Mothers Knbw?fhat
. Genuine
: Always
Bears tfie
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
0 For Over
" aMeumuaAMMK. j.- t -
. Mrs. II. S- llann left this morning
to spend the summer at Seaside.
P, ,and, formerly of,, the ..iSlewct
Harester Co., is ini Pendleton today.
Mrs. M. McIntTe of Adams, la in
the city today.
"'B. R- Hushes of Portland, ia
Pendleton business visitor today.
, .M4&s;,Kliel.HawJf.s is in Pendleton
aa the guest of Mrs. Audrey King.
Fnink Atkins of Portlands, is
Pendleton business visitor today.
Di E. Webster .of .McKay was
Pendleton last night ... r . , .
Mr. an4 Mra.r Johm cott , aro
Pendleton pday frdm Athena1. T
-J.i T. rarrell.r president iot tbe-,0-
W.,it, & x. Co. pasd ,throM3h .pep-
aieton .yesterday en. route to cnicao
Mrs. Westbreoko Dickson. an4 little
daughter., Mary Xjoijise, left yesterday
for a via.it with frienda in .Portland,
Don Pruitt, private secretary to B.
X. gtanfleld, is hero today on .Heap
business, La, Grande Observer.'.,
Mr.and Mrs. Dave Johnson and
fainily went to Palmer Junction yes
terday v t, . . ... . ,.,,,' .
Frank- Knapton and William Down
er of Herraiston were, in, J'endletpn
Saturday.. .
.Miss 'Mary Doherty of Kcho, re
turned to Jher home this morning" after
a, visit here. . ,, . , -(
Mr. and Mrs. Jess IIcuallen left
for WeHton yesterday to be the guests
o relatives there,. ,
Senator Levi Ankeny returned to
hts home In Walla Walla this morning'
after a business visit here ,
Thomas Gurdane was In Pendleton
today from the south end of the coun-
' . ,
Mr. and Mrs A. N. Moore of Gard
ner, Idaho, are In Pendleton today en
route for the coast by machine.
Mrs. A. If. Davis nnd little daugh
ter Doris, returned to ,IUcth, ..today
after a slioppliig tour In. Pendleton-
Mr. and Mrs. -tfha'rten Brlerley re
tomcd to Stanficld today after a short,
visit here. f .... iw, ...
Ralph llamm. anil son, Marshall
Ilamm, returned to their home . In
Vinson today after a visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe I 'arks.
Mr- and Mrs,. Charles. p. I.cw1sJ:or
the Johnson-Pearson ranch, are reg
istered at the Goldden IUile from
h'tanfield. ,'
Mrs. E. M. Miller, of Kcndrick,
Idaho, passed through Pendleton this
morning on "her way to Pilot Hock, to
visit her (laughter, Mrs. frank h"hull.
Mrs. p. M. finilth, whjo has. been in
Pendleton visiting her. daughter,. Mrs.
B. Mclton.-left this morning for Port
land. . 4 -. , j (
X. Berkeley, real estate- man,, was
called ,to WalUburg. Wash yesterdaj-
on business. He will, return home this
evening. , , ,( . " ;
C. It. Martin, who As employed n
Baer's hardware store, left today for
Waitsburg. Washington, to spend his
vacation visiting friends. v .
Mr. and Mrs. K. j. Burke have re
turned lo their residence on Water
street They have been absent while
repairs were being made.
Gus Baur left this morning for Hot
'liTHAT I particularly like about
' yy'Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
ite mild but thorough" action on tlae bowels.
It has been very helpf ul in relieving my riirie-year-old
son, who hd been constipated since
a'-baby." . ;, '.;';; '
(From a letter to Drl Catctwelt mitten ty
M. ,C. E. ffrJjJ SlMfcdison freet,
Drl Caldwell's!";--
Syrup! Pepsin
Xfe Perfect Laxative
Sold y Druggists' Everywhere
v50 cts. ):$1.00 r
Freejrom opiates andfnarcotic drugs and pleas
ant to the taste, it acts easily arid naturally arid
restores riorrhal regularity. A trial bottle can
be obtained ' free of oharge by writing to
I. Dr: W. B. Caldwell, ;458 Washirigtbn Street,
; Monticello, Illinois.
Chautauqua speakers, Is at Hotel Pen
dleton, -i...
aira. .iu. t;arter lert yesterday arter-
noon. to spend her vacation In Walla
Walla and Seaside,
Horace Walker, of Stanfield, is In
the city today.
E. A. May berry of La Grande Is In
Pendleton today on business. . ,
T. C. Boll and Ale Bell are in the
city today from Stanfield.
E. L. Bean Is a business visitor from
Stanfield "today.r!- Vr'."
, -Mias Ke.ite Sawsr of Lewiston, is
registered at Hotel Bowman. .
-!" ' e-r a torn W !! JP4
the sale of War tSaviiiKS Stamps, In
the first mix months of the year it was
found the district is keeping: up with
the quota called for, 'and as no trouble
is anticipated in making equally as
ffood a record for the rest of tho year,
it was thought' a soliciting' campaign
unnecessary. "" ; '
AVeatlicr Cooler, . s
Ma.tUuiuu tenikrutiire. H8.
Mhiimum Temperature. 52.
W'Uid. West. J Vesih.
Weather, C loudy.
ItHhurall, None.
Mr- Kerr Seriously ill. . , , i
Tbonioa Kerr of Nulin. father of
Mps. Grin Steeht of Pendleton, is seri
ously ill at his home an the result of
aii. auto accident which occurred re
cently, Just after Mr. Kerr vas op
erated on for appendicitis.
AjvIvo by Auto.
Mrs. Cua La Fontaine,
Miss HeJenl-Ia Fontaiite, t
granddaughter, Sylvia KnlKht, re-1 Sheriff T- l. Taylor , and . Deputy
turned todav from Portland. TheviJk Murin nr at Wn 1 In Wnllii tndav
Here jWfc 9 , Th.; Palies by Mrs. l.a having gone after couple of men held
r pnaine s son-in-iaw. icaipn 1 empie, 'tnore as suspects ror naving stolen
with a machtn and made the remain il400 grain sucks from the Pacific
and little (.ot Away With 1 HM Sucks.
der of the trip by auto.
Will Hold Consultation.
Dr. Frank Boyden and D.. F. W,
Vincent left- yeterda,y tor Ht Lake
Where they Wl!.. consult-with Dr. Phy
regarding; the health of Qeorge Phelps
who has been 111 for some time and
1 now at iLot Lake,
oast Elevator Co.'a warehouse in Pen
dleton. The sacks were first missed
last Friday. The names of the men
held at Walla Walla have not been
Ladies' Fancy White and Brown" Sport
Shoes, all sizes and widths, special
Sell 6 ,
Ladies White Top 'Kid Shoes, worth a
: third' hibre . : : '. ,v i $4.93
Ladies' Brown Cloth Top Shoes, with,
' 7-8 Iri: heels,' very popular, only $5.00
Men's Outing Shoes, black," ? tan 'arid
'white'...".-.'..-... $2.65 and, $2.95
Children's - Patent Leather Slippers
at $W$i.69
Special lot of Ladies' Oxfords, while,
they last , - $1-65
65 pair of Men's Sample Oxfords worth
' $5.00," the pair while they last? $2.65
The Hub
32 Sample Stores.
74'5 Main St.
AduilU Tltey . SM.U
I'uut of Action. .
WASHINGTON, Juno S. A dls-
. .. . i .. 1- ... V. .lut. tlnnurlm.iit tn.lf.v
i song of that the Uorllncr Tagcbloit In Its.
, . . - Isnuc of June
-The fa-!
BACRAM I'TXTO, July S -mous
ncrsonaRe who "sank
sixpenao" and then backed
twenty blackbirds Into a
thought It was great stuff wasn't such
an old. nut as many thought him to be.
.n race, ne was an epiour.. accorotna , mUi wrl(niu u dld nut C(),Cd.
to GeorKe Neale of the state game and .... . . i.i,,.
10. tiuoted a Uernian
general as saying that the American
I military activity was very embarrass-
! ing' tq German military stfaugy and
flh .commission. ,
- "Eat . blackgirds' and . save meat."
Neale advised today. "'As a table bird
they are excelled by few other. They
are not. costly to shootj as they travel
and feed in large bancls. and many
birds can be killed with a single load
ot No. V shot. .The young birds are
now able to fly and are tender and
with the German program for influ
encing opinion at home.
; LONDON. June 36. A dispatch tt
the Times from Toklo quotes the mill-'
tary correspondent of the Toklo news-
deliclaus to eat. In many of the puper Asahl-as saying that the busi-
southern states It Is necessary to pro-
tect blackbirds because, the epicure
realize the tttblo - dualities of this
. "In game districts-Nos. 1. 2 and 8.
which comprise most of California ex
cept the most southern counties,
blackbirds may be killed at any time
dnd In any numbers. No
required to hunt them."
ness considered by the council at the
General Stuff Office pn June J ,wi
the abolltn ot the brigade syxieni for
the army, the adoption , of , a , corps
system similar to the German, nnd the
increase of the army to twenty-five
corps of two divisions each, with each
division containing three regiments.
license is j Alterations also are contemplated
the navy, the correspondent adds.
f f f f f f f ?? f f f ?T?T??1
C. A. Moll Ilarvrhlin.
C. A. Moll was In Pendleton today
from his farm northwest of Pendle-
Uon. He say he haa started harvest
lint; and hia grain Is turnlnK out a fair
William Hoch was In Pendtcton tor yield and that it is but little shriveled.
day. from Bingham Springs and says 'He is cutting 600 acres and expects he
tht he anticipates a big crowd at the
resort for the Pooirth of July. Those
ho niajde reservations tor tfie third
are -now arriving- :
will have It all In the warehouse
the first uf August.
Carlrfad of Trout O mil it if.
A carload of fry Rainbow trout will
arrive from the Bonnrvillp hatchcy on
Friday, says Deputy (Same Warden
George Tonkin. Owing to the short
age of help in the hatchery these flnh
are smaller than the ones usually
placed In the streams, and for this
reason they will be taken to a spot
near Bingham springs and placed In
Another Smallpox Faiknt. . a ooop pond for a month, when they
('Mrs-' tft JJti -was- uorantlned at ( will be distributed In streams in the
her horae;-901' RaleJ. street today for county,
smallpox, ;. It s -understood to be In
lH4ii'9). Told to 3IOVC.
Chief Al Koberts today, told the
Gipej- fortune- tellers mho have been
operating ffer svcrV days on Main
street this was a good time f or ' mov
ing. It is said Hhoy were attempting
to defraud n Indian.
1 j-r
mild form.
llermlMtoil lla No Cmpal(rn.
Sq. far, as known Hermiston dlstrlt
is, the only one In Umatilla county In
which no campaign was carried on for
"WA.SIIIN;tON. .Inly 2: The navy
Itn anmmnoed Uie llolfrlun steamship
l'Jiill?r was stimr by l'-bont sliell fire
1 lliq ml)fft a sea Jum. 21-. ..A nailing
rewijcd 25 survivors.
k.W!iifiifrriitif iiiltnttftirtf iiititrttirtf iff iiiiriiifiiiiiiiKiiiiiinif nit iiiiifiiiinifiinatt ;
-. - - - . ffl U. r-I.L aUI lal ixt er:
Tour teeth carefully examined
and properly fixed, by the beat
painless method known.
Kcwtca Painless Dentists .
Corner Mala and Webb treed.
We advertise) and offer War
ita vines fctaaipe for sol wlta
Mr. Clark, clerk elect of school dmt-
S. rtct No. u2, was a business visitor, in
g Pendleton today.
mt Mr. H.4VJten. district- factory ifb-
- peel or for eastern Oregon. Is home
jy in Pendleton for a- few days having
S "returned 8unda" from a tour of l'a
E k?r county. -2
MIm Myrtle Ross left " today Xor
Portland to visit Mrs Tom Campbell.
SiMiss Hon expects to Join her sister
X soon and together they will go to the
Mrs. J. Griswold of Helix 1 In Pen-
S dleton today.
it I .i .it tt In ..! it iV'Ii,
) - , -'
s . . .,. ,
There will be an advance of $100.00 within the next
few days. ' Now is the time to place your order.
PRICE $2390.00 F. O. B. PENDLETON"
M i
XT' a '
Of all the aggregation of greats Oer of the three flners to take a hand
who have one from the Chiraito Cubs " en.iorary minaier.
"l ne oijt Indiana miner aia so wen
thst he was xfven the Job ernianent
ly and it now looks as thouxh cvlum-
to managerial berths the only one who
appears to have any success Is a
ot lon aao Tinker felt that h
wasn't setting what he' should out of
bus would finish there or thereabout.
If Brown makes Kood with Colum
bus this year he will have been th
!r I ,f llir "''I f iaw lit lUrrr-f-A li
.. ...i...- ...W f. .v.
MOTOU-- llutln H. ,lr. mililnry type, cesignei. esperiaMy for heavy duly
military track service. Bore 4 1-4 In, Stroke D -t Ju. 4 cylinder,'
vertical, en boc, "I." head type, 4-rycle. All worklnK parts en
closed. Three-point suspension. Insuring pci-fect JtltKnmeiiA ad
flexible under ull conditions. ('rankshu.f I carried on 3 extra, larftd '
bearines. Front, riiauteter 2 J-8 In. by 3 1-8 In. IcnKtli. Middle'
diameter 2 1-4 In. by 1 3-4 In.. K'UKth. Hear diameter 2 S-S In. by
4 In., lentrth.. ConnoutiiiK rod beuritiK. diameter 2 1-S In. by Z 1-2 In.
lcnxth. I'lslon pin bpurinir. diumeti-r 1 1-1. In. by z 1-8 Jn. ICUKth.
OIL.1SO BYSTKM Full 'force pressure feed to ull hearings through
, drilled erHnc shaft.- ull Is pumped by u scared pump from the oil
reservoir located in tho crank case. , r.
COOLINt 8THTKM Centrlfugul Water I'ump nnd Kun.". , ,
CAKHL lth-Tult Muster with governor uttuched. Air adjustment op
dink. ' - -.- , . , , -, . ,, ;
ION4TIO.V Klseumnn High Tension Valeriroof o 4 Mugnctb.
C'LirTCH -Multiple Disc Dry I'lato fuced with Ravbestos. ,
THA.V8MISWIOM Selective sliding gear, three speeds foiuiil una
one reverse, bolted securely t tho motor nnd furmliig a unit Power
plant. Annular ball bearing throughout. Nickel steel gears and
Chrome Nickel Bhafts of largo diameter.
STEKltt.N'O OKA II Semi-Irreversible. Worm and split nut type, "8-
Inch steering wheel. '
flADIjiTOIt Honey comb coro with cust tunks and frame mounted
on cushion springs to relieve vibration from road shocks.
Fit AM E Pressed Bteel. with all spring hangers and crow-members
, hot riveted. 1-18 Inch section, with 3-Inch channel, 1-1-Inch
stock. Five cross members are used reinforced by gusset plates.
Length, ill 3-4 Inches.
SPHINOH Alloy Steel Heat Treated Front Seinl-F.llttic 44 11
Inches long, 2 1-2 Inches wide, 11 leaves. Hear, Krmi-ICIliptic ii
Inches long, 3 Inches wide, 13 leaves.
nio.N'T AXIE Tlmken Drop Forged I-li.um with Tlmken lioller
Kcarlngs. .,...
KBAH AXLK Torbensen Internal Gear Drivo with Drop' Forged
I-Beam Ioad Carrying Memler.
BRAKEH Emergency Internal - Expanding on rear wheels. Bcrvlco
External Contracting on rear wheels.
CONTROL' Left Hand Bteer. Center Control. Throttle lover on
steering column.
WHEELS AND TIKES Artillery type with air curled second-gruwlh
Hickory square spokes. Tires, pressed on type, 24x4 front 3xs rear
OAHOLINE TAXK Capacity la Gallons. ' .
DB Ll'XE CAB Curtains and plate glass wlndhleld 186 00
E.N'CIXlHEM CAB With (lours. 21 IK.OO.
WHEEL rlAHK144 Inches. Loading spaoe to end of frame 1 "0 In
FNJCIPMEXT Tliree nil Lamps, tool box..!.... I kit and airui'.-hi.n.'
Tainting, 2,-,.oo extra.
. i 1 - l-
CHAHHI8 CtiLOIl Iad coat.
Simpson Auto Co1.
Dor. Water and Johnson Bta. PbotM 409