East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 28, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    f . . r
DAILY Eat'o71EG0 J A??, x 7iTrr7, 0R2G0? teinXl'JljCE' 'iiTf.-
Oticef Business Opportunity for Easy Reference,
i I m-?' ""
' Von. BALES O IIBEINT Partly fur
'nlshed house- Inquire 621 Maple
bt phone 230M. .
FOITI, BALE Prom 100' to 2700 owes.
' 'August delivery. .For particular
apply Mrs. Marie A. Catron, Hotel 'i
I Pendleton-
TWO MEN' and wIvch want work on
ranches. Oall 612 W. Webb,
AVU BARBER, HHtfl'S will he open
Until 9 P. m. July 3rd and cloas all
day July 4th. ,,' 'i ' ' ' '
ffANTED-rWoran without children
to do housework on ranch- Phono
FOB JtN'T 4 room apt. private bath
" and basement to parties without
children- 62Q Market street. I'hono
Hw. . .
TOW HUNT Modern 6 -room cottage
" at 0 West Webb.
' ; this office.
knife. Finder
i .. WBW TO AT.. . -.,,',.'.
' tiach hew adrertisenient will
be run under "Mew Tatar" tcr
ths first insertion only. Purine
subsequent insertions of the a4
It will: appear .under Its proper
WANTED Oood, clean rat's, at The
iS as Oregonlan office.
WANTED Sewing, phone 482-W.
WANTED Waitresses at The Quelle
For Sale '
FOR SALE 117 llupmoblle,. also
.Chevrolet, poth thoroughly over
hauled. Snaps-,, McLean Auto Co.
WA.NTBDBeoond hand desk, roll top
TPrererred, Address 6 this office.
For Rent '
FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court.
return j HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 601 Clay.
Saturday, June 29. on all rummer
millinery. - -Campbell's Millinery.
.. is rouxu
1 Th. following- described animal has
been taken up by ths marshal of the
City of Pendleton, towlt:
One bay horse. 2 years old, both
hind foot white, star In fuce. X J on
left shoulder ' " ' '
One yearling mare, right hind foot
v.'hlte. strip In face, branded X J on
left shoulder.
One yearling mare, three while feet,
star in rorchcad, branded N J on left
tne black yearling horse colt, loft
hind foot white, white strip in. fuce,
branded N J on left shsuldor.
One white horso, roach mane,
about 10 years old, blur brand on left
One sorrel mare, three white feet,
white strip In face, about 12 years old.
tilotch brand on left shoulder.
One flee bitten grey horse, left fore
foot club, branded X J'left shoulder.
' If said anlmulH aro not claimed by
the owners or those entitled to their
possession, costs and expenses paid
and taken away within ten days from
the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p.
ni of the 10th day of July, lam, the
said animal will be sold to the high
est bidder at public auction, for cash,
at the City Pound. In said City of
Pendleton, the proceed, of mich sale
to be applied to 'the payment of such
niat m n n .1 V .... .. .. .. . .1.1 . ,
WANTED At, once. girt, tq wait , on
. .laoies- .Boston restaurant.
WANTED Middle aged or elderly
woman to coek on. ranch, -family
of two. -Permanent job. Address ii J
this office.
FOR RENT Sewing machines of all
makes, 11.00 per week. 2.00 per
month. MoCllntock and Simpson. 00
u. court. . j
WANTED-Mechanics In all branch.
es of the metal trades for emer
gency ,war work. Good wages, good,
working and best climatic conditions.
Astoria Marine Iron Works, Astoria,
Oregon. 1 5;.j
Phone 2S8M.
furnished house.
Willow. Phone 482R.- ;
Fori RENT 6-room - house, Byers'
Park on Gear St. Phone644.
FOR RENT Furnished apt. with
sleeping porch and furnished sleep
ing room, fnemire D02 Waor St.
Foil UliNTV 4 room house.
' 221 Stonewall ,-Juckson. .
WANTED-r-Ironers, shakers and man
gel girls at Domestic Laundry. Ap
ply at once. -
, WANTED Roy about 14 years
. helper. Also young lady to attend
counter. Inquire at the Palm. 623
Main street.
FOB SALE One 1 foot Holt Com
'tin with Atlaasnglne. Wrlta R. 3.
Campbell, Box (86, Pendleton. .
FOR SALE Wheat hay.
Pendleton, Ore. .,
D- B. Bell,
FOR SALE NEW and second hand
-fiewins Machines. Singer. White.
New -Jdome and The , Free Machine,
McCllntock Simpson. 400 E. Court
FOR SALE-- Twin cylinder Excelsior
' Motorcycle, electrically equipped. In
good condition. Has tandem attach
ment, Run about 2 thousand miles.
Inquire' Standard OH Co. Phone 441.
FOR SALE 12 foot
good Holt motor..
King, Helix.
combine with
Inquire E. J.
Notice of Payment of tfty of Pendle
ton Improvement Bonds.
Notice Is hereby given that City of
Pendleton Improvement Bonds No. 2,
Series O, No. 7, Series ii, and No. 7.
Series' P, will be paid upon presenta
tion thereof to the undersigned at the
American National Bank, Pendleton.
Umatilla County. Oregon.' Interest
on said bonds ceases July 1, lilt.
Dated June 19, 1918.
Treas., City of Pendleton.
By Wm. Mlckelaen, Deputy.
DID YOU KNOW that Rudd Is an ex.
pert at cleaning auto seat, covers
Phone 68p.. 206 WV Webb St.' '.
I Second-Hand Dealers
FOR SALE Holsteih milch cows and
lielfers- , Gulliford & Hampton,
Echo, Oregon. ...
Price reasonable,
leth street,
2 lofs and barn.
Inquire 201 Lll-
WANTED Woman without thlldren
to cook on ranch. Addrets- 2711
this pfflco.
FOR RENT Modern, clean, cool 6
room . house, furnished during July
and August. Will rent for ti month
If allowed to retain one room. Will
rent unfurnished after Sept. 1st.
l'hono 627J. 4(19 Logan streot.
RAYMOND W. HATCH, Architect. De-
"spain building. Phone 768, Pendle
ton. Oregon.
The person who Is able to work.
and inclined to work, may find the
right opportunity quickly through the
W ANTED Woman Or girl for gen
era! housework In small family,
Phone 321 or 661. ' '
Farm Implements
THE "NON-SKIP" Weeder gets all
the weeds the first time over the
field. Saves one-third the time and
does lots better work. Order now,
Pendleton Weeder works. (22 Cotten
wood St.
In writing a classified ad be specific,
definite. Generalities befog your message.
A majority of classified messages
may be clearly told in lea than fifty
Whf tint RMiimii thst vnur nf-rt
Dated this 28ih day of June. 1818. tenant Is a reader of the classified
AL. ROIIEUTS, city Marshal and got in touch with him at once? -
I BUT ALL KINDS Of Junk at top
prices. Iron and sacks a specialty
Pacific, Junk Co J. SL Jones, prop..
(17 Cottonwood street.
ou.u Purse, owner can secure
same by Identifying same and pay
ing charges. Phone 1SJ22, Echo,' Or-
FOUND Purse.. Jyhone. 514 Vi.
a -' ' t ; , . . ... .....
FOR SALES Good 6-room house and
garage on North Side with furni
ture, also. Three other good pieces of
town property. Phone 317. B. F
Dupuis. ,
Sealed proposals will be received
up to 6 o'clock, p. m.. Saturday, June
29th,. 1918. for furnishing school Dls
tr'ict No. 16; Umatilla County, Ore
gon, with: .
One hundred tons of Rock Springs
lump coal, or some other kind equally
as good. Coal to be delivered as di
rected by the chairman of the board
of directors for-said district.
All bids to be delivered to the un
dersigned "on or before ( ' o'clock.
Juno 30th, 1918.
The board of directors reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, 21st
day of June, 1918.
Clerk of School District No. J6, Uma
tilla County, Oregon.
V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec
ond band goods. Cash paid for see
ind hand goods. Cheapest place to buy
lousehold goods. 110 U. Court. Phone
FOR SALE A good work . horse,
spring wagon, double set of har
ness, new top buggy and harness. In
quire Box 115. Stanfteld, Ore.
FOR SALE Gas range, dresser, bed.
: springs, mattress, pillows, coal oil
stove, chairs, rugs, table. 622 Madison.
FOR SALE Good player piano.
. . Lee.
FOR SALE Collapsible baby pen, in
good condition. - Phone-668 or In-
quire . 417 -Perkins- - -
Notlro to Formers.
We will buy 60 tons alfalfa hay;
also 30 tons wheat hay. Phone 338.
l'enland Bros. Transfer.
..-move your household goods. Tele
phone 239. Also haggage transfer
ring and heavy hauling.
FOR SALE Six room modern house,
full basement with furnace. .Will
take 'good Ford as part payment.
Phone 494 W.;
FOR SALE; 1918 Ford. Fine condi
tion. Inquire O. K. Barber Shop.
speed .motorcycle In fine condition.
Can be had for less than half original
cost. Pendleton Motor Sales Co.
W. A. MILES, baggage, transfer and
dray age. Office phone 649. Res.
LOST New 36x4 1-2 Gordon tire with
inner tube on rim and covered with
block coyer, lost on road, .between
Echo and Pendleton or on road to
Walla Walla- Reward If returned to
this office. js-
Weston-PeSKlleton Anto Stage
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:46
, a. m. and 12:46 D.-ra.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 1:00
a, m. and 1:00 p. ra.
Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 1:20
a, m. and 1:20 p. m.
Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight
Store) for Weston at 10 a. m. and
4:00 p. m.
' 8AM HA WORTH. Driver.
FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney 4 Law.
Room 24. Smith-Crawford BIdg.
D. W. BAILET, Attorney at I
. Rooms 1. 8. 9, Despaln Building.
OEOROB W. COUTTS, Attorney at
Uv. Room 17, Schmidt block.
CARTER 4t BMITHB. Attorneys al
Law. Office In retur of American Na
tional Bank. Building, i t .
FEB se FEB), Attorneys at Law,
in uespain Buliaing.-
R. X. K BATOR. Attorney at Law. Room
4. 8 ml th -Crawford Buliaing.
S. A. NEWBERRT, Attorney
Smith-Crawford Building.
at "Law.
Xw. Rooms 1 and 4. Smith-Craw
ford Building. .t.i
JAMES B. PERRT. Attorney at Law.
Office over Taylor Hardware mm-
RALET BALET. Attorneys at Law.
urrtce In American .National
8. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel
lor at law. Off le In TOASoaln Klla
cam pon bids;
Notice Is. hereby given, that sealed
bids Will be received at the orflne of
the City Recorder of The City of Pen
dleton, Oregon, up to 6 o'clock, p. m-.
on the 3rd day of July, 118, for the
improvement of the following parts of
the following streets In said city, to
wlt: Garfield street from the north
line of Raley street, to the south line
of Jackson street, according to the ,
plans and specifications for such im
provement, prepared -by Geary Kim-,
brell. City Surveyor, and now on file
In the office of the Recorder of said
cityr- each bid' must .tieiiccompanled by
a certified cheek in the sum of 1160-09
made payable to; the order of the
Mayor of The City of Pendleton, the
Check to be returned to the bidder, if
unsuccessful, and , to D forfeited- if
the bid Is successful and the bidder
falls to enter Into a Contract In ac- .'
cordance with the terms of his bid;
sealed bids shall specify as follows:
Gravel Bltullthle pavement, In
cluding the surface finishing
course and bituminous foun- '
datlon, a per plans and
specifications, per sq. yd.... $-...
Concrete curb, per lineal ft..
Excavation, per cubic yd earth I....
For entire Improvement com- - .
plete (tota.1 bid)
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. :
Dated June 20, I91S. '"
Recorder of The City of Pendleton
scales for sale. .' Good condition.
Very reasonable. The Pendleton
Roller Mills.
LOST Pair of spectacles In case.
. Finder please return to this office
FOR SALE Milwaukee mowing ma
chine. Inquire Qeo. Hooker, 623
Main street. Pendleton,,- -
FOR SALE; 7 head of 'good work
horses and two wagons- Inquire al
Dutch Henry Feed Yard.
Used Cars
FOR SALE Case 40 Touring car.
Will make good service car. !Aita
Auto Radiator Jb Lamp Works. 701
E. Alta. "
1918 FORD for sale.
O. K. Barbtr
Contractors and BuildersV
C. BW ANSON A E, R. Dupuis. Esti
mates given free. All work guar
anteed. We "build anything, city of
nountry work. Phone 242M.
SEVERAL FORDS. Chevroiels. Bu-
-0-rD OAT Xi Calf I. ,1 H. vauniao HIIU . V 1 1 , n, , 1 . n , i.. ueni
combined haiester. Will radei bargains In-Pendteton.- lTsed car de-
fnr r.,..nrt mhin or oit. partmeni or me i-enuieion
property. Machine praetlcally new.
only cut few hundred acres. Inquire
or address Geo. Feebler. Pendleton.
I' Sales Co.
M. Every useful th(ng shduld be used.
' 1 Sell that used article to somebody
' I who needs It through the classified.
practor, 103 West Webb St. Room
10. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. 1:20 to
6 p m. Examination free. Phone 58).
Counting jsis ordinary . words to
. the line and charged by
the line.
Want ads and locals.
Rates Per Mae.
- First Insertion, per line Its
Each add. Insertion, per line fee
One week . six Insertions),
each Insertion, per line . so
1 me. each insertion, per Mne 4o
( month contract, each in-
ertlon. per line' . te-12-month
contract, each Inser-
tlon. per line , So
No ads taken for less than26e
Ads taken over the telephone
only from East Oretronian sub-
ecrlbers and those listed in the
.. Telephone Directory. Copy must
' be In our office not later than
1:10 o'clock day of publication, .
Notice is hereby given, that sealed
bids will Ee received at the office Of
the City Xtccorder of The City of Pen
dleton, Oregon, np to 6 o'clock p. m.
on the 3rd day of July, 1918, for the
Improvement of the following parts
Of the following streets In said city,
to-wlt; Pine street from the. south
line of Railroad street "to the south
line of Webb street, according to the
plana and specifications for such Im
provement, prepared by Geary Kim
brell. City Surveyor, and now on file
In the offic of be Recorder of said
city; each bid must tie accompanied '
by a certified check In the sum of
(160.000. made payable to the ordee
of the Mayor of The City of. Pendle
ton, the check to be returned to the
bidder If unsuccessful, and to b for
feited if the bid "is successful and the
bidder fails to enter Into a contract
In accordance with the terms of his
bid; sealed bids shall specify as fol
lows: Gravel Bltullthlo pavement In- ;
eluding the surface finishing "
course and bituminous foun
dation, as per plans ' and -.
specifications, per sq. yd.... '$....
Concrete curb, per lineal ft.. I..-.
Excavation, per cubic yd earth f . . . -
For entire Improvement com- " "
plete (total bid) ....
The Common Council reserves it he
right to reject any and. all bids .
Dated June 20, 191. :
Recorder of The City of Pendleton
COL. W. .F. TOHNKA. Auctioneer,
.makes a soeolalty of farmer' stoe
and machinery sales. The man-that
gets you the money." Leave orders at
East Oregoniam Office,
Like Being Hit '
By Rattle Snake
Sayj that every time you cut
or pick at a corn' you
. invite loekje-.v
Sheep Market NOW night, the demand frtr hogs In .the
f Tif-;. North Portland market is favorable.
, lUKeiy ai IXHIOm, .i,, fact even-thing considered the
Call May Improve trend of the trade is strong.
I Finished stuff continues lacking in
PORTLAND. June 28. Only six the local market; most of the arrivals
loads o. livestock entered the North consisting of hogs that weigh less than
Portland yards and general trade con- , 200 Pounds. Real good packers are
ditlons are favorable. , needed.
I While thore was only a handful of! General hog range:
stuff reported In the mutton and Prime mixed
'inmh ulleva St N'nrth Pr.rlh.nrt and lie- Medium mixed
PARIS, June 24. News of the
Austrian -repulser on the Italian front
i and British lines, silence on the part j city has assumed an apearance near-
of the long range guns for six days r that of before the war than at any
-"-; , , t-i nosiiiiiies. -
und the inability of the Gothas
ctoss the terrific defense barrage in
their three attempts to reach Paris.
You rr-ckief men and won, en whoibrisk. It looks as If the bottom, price
for the season has about been reach-
aro pestered with corns and who have
at least once a week Invited t,n uwful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
are now told by a Cincinnati authori
ty to use a drug railed freesone, which
lhe moment a few drops are applied
to any corn, the soreness is iclioved
and soon iho entire corn, root and all
lifts right out with the fingers, with
out one particle of pain.
This freezono Is a sticky r.ulmtanre
t hlch dries tho moment It Is applied
and Just loosens the corn without in
flaming or even irritating the sur
rounding tissue or skin. He says a
quarter of an ounce will ciwt very lit
tlle at any of the drug stores, hut Is
sufficient to rid one's feet of ever)
hard or soft corn or callus.
-You are positively warned that cut
tlnn or picking at a corn is n rtulcldul
vbr-.cAN ititiNG nck tYi,tj)n
TKA AND Kl l.Plll'It
When you darken your h-ilrlth
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell',
because It's done so naturally,' so even.
Iv. Preparing this mixture, though,
at home Is mussy and troubl-mime.
For 60 cents you can buy at any drug
store the ready-to-use preparation.
Improved by the addition of other In
gredients, called "Wyeth's uge and
Sulphur Compound." You Just damp
en a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time." By morn
ing all gray hair disappears, and. after
another application or two, your hair
b-omes beautifully darkened, glnssy
and luxuriant.
Oray, faded hair, though no ills-
.J16. 60 l 16.75
. 16.46l 16.60
.. 16-60(6 15.75
. -t-H 16.60 4 15.76
ed in tho local yards. In fuct it looks I
at present as if any curly Improve
ment in demand and prico conditions
may be forced.
Killers would by no means be ad
verso ,to such a "movement of values
because most of them have quite
ample supplies on their own fecdlots
so far as their Immediate- require
ments are concerned.
General mutton range:
Eust of mountain lambs 6 1 4.00 1 4.50
Valley lambs lI.riOSrl3.no,
Yearlings , 7.50JI 8.00;
Wethers 7.00 M 7.50 j
Ewes . 6.00 7.00 1
;ixmI Cuttle Scarce.
Total run of cuttle In tho North
Portland -yards over night was small
and only odds and ends and dairy
stuff came forward. Whilo there is
merely steady- tone for this class of
stuff, really good quality cattlo woul.l j
rtnn a. i iM-rai call nere at me momcni
land top prices are still being offered.
General cattle market range:
Prime steers ... I 2.00 J 13.00
Good to choice steers. .". 11.00O12.00
Medium to good steers.. 9.00O10.00
Fair to medium steers.. 8.0(1 tr 9.00
Common to fair steers.. 6.00 If g.oo
Choice cons and heifers 6.50 O 9.00
Medium to good -rows and
heifers 6.00 p 7.50
Fair to medium cows and
1 i
1 1
" LO.VDtrN; June 1 27. Successful
.minor oiHTtUlons and h out lie i. an nun-
adlng In Flanders aro reported b
Hald-' Therp Is hostile art illeryinK.
Including gus Knelling, ut-en lilv
enchy und Kobecq and In thf north
catern portions of Nlcppe foreet. West
of Vleux Hfcniuln, succcpsful minor
operations (mined a Htroiig pnnmy po--nltlon
oapturing nionera and" soverul
machine-Runs. '
tVi'iit Alno SiiivwiI.
TAUIfce, June 2 7. Fairly aullvo or
tlllerylnn north of tho Alsne nd thre
succoanful raids In the Vosr region
fhere iirifonem were captured are of
ficiuJly reported "today.
the comparative quiet on the French I the taut nerves of Paris to relax. The
History as It Is be In? main is Justifying--
John Hlchard nrn'n mnMni
oniy one uerman nuving Bucceeueu j Gf K as beinff the product of peoples
in flying over the city, have cauaed wind ideas, not of dvnA8tfM
4.50 fi' 0.50
7.00 ii .UU
8tockers and feeders.
With a limited run In the yard, over
$100 Reward, $100 U
TUm fMMnri ol tbla ppr will bt plMSM
: . PAiriS, June 25. I Yimh'Ii InMHM
vho odvamitl Nlightly mirtlu-aht of
Iftori ycHtmlay nutlntaliicvl their j
new MsitionH Ucupite violent C-erman
Kiic,twfu rahl were foudiK-trd lu 1
S.OOtf? 4.50 l-"rr' l,a wtp, j
.00t 8.00 l . "
8.5ot ti.-o Clemnecean Travels .
to lrn ttist tbr I ai least ooa areaute
dtaMs tbat aieor has bra abJ to can :
In all Its mtPff and tbat la eatarr t
Vatsirrb U"tu sreatly Inlineneed by eonatfr
luttitiwl nHiniiuiDi rMMlri'S constitution! f -tmiiiBttit
Halls Catarrh M1m iua la take !
in a mimn of old aft, and as we Hmci sur ami na tKru tli Hiood on tM
all desire a youthful and attrat-tive m
Teara n re. net 1 u ny
Jaltt.u itio-lsm uf the Hrsteio ibfrrb
iaroMiif tne louoonti.to or iii aieaa, rv
once with j jjjj, tilr ,Mttf?Mt siii-iiKiii iijr bnhuiuv up to
ItUIUst Ufl to
W'vAth'. Rnra unri Snlnhur o'npoiind I rrnsc It lit Ion und aHuUrln nature In doina r
, . . .. , rp w rou... i Ks win k. Ti nrt-irMlrs mi' l
and look years o.mser. Th- reail-i () )n thf ,,','.. ,, of ..,
to-use preparation is a delightful tol- Uaorrh Slil.'ln- Hist thrf nfrr One Hue i
let requisite and not a medicine, ltjdiwl Ixillais (r n that It talis M
Is not imnded for the cure, nililpntlon I nT, . V-v T . . . i
or prevjf ntio' jif". -ji a.'
ainiri r . j I i r i a
4 Ihltt, -e-,.K tntl (ru4k'tm, Tpe.
l, Tolrda
Far To Congratulate '. 1
Yanks Who Helped ;
(Lowell Mollet. )
ntA.WK. June 27. l'remler i
Clenienceail personally con.rat- I
ulated the Anierlcftns mho :mlt- ,
ed to slop the Herman runh '
toTvnrd i nrfrs. Atrlvlntt nt the
frr nt he said. "I sreatly ad-
mlri this unit's work and came
especirlly to felicitate It.'
t 'lemi-noeHit nrrlxed at the t
hMd-ftuitii-r" In ah ancient Kam-' ',
yard this inornlns after a long e .
motor trip.
J J II YnM Less IS46
nil - v I - . - m u i i.i
1 J S?W?PM
1 Vy ' ; , u- Do ,T sot a tack rrw 1 zzt l
spHEV6R mjmd Ns "cra 7 W kaiser! 'Ml
i wt -thw J;JL: -jc : f k lV 1 '1 IJ
Titoniixs ' yoc.
No man or .woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flutfhlng the kidneys occasionally, says
a well-known authority. Meat forms
urlp acid which excites the kidneys,
they become overworked from the
strain, set sluggish and fall to -filter
the waste and poison from the blood,
then we get sick. . .early all rheuma-.
tisni, headaches, liver trouble, nervous
ness, dixlnesa, aleepletscsness and urin
ary disorders come' from sluggish
The moment you feel a dull ache In
the kidneys or your back hurts or' If
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment. Irregular of passage or at-
ttnded by a sensation of scale" In g stop
eating meat and get about four ounces
of Jad alt8 from any pharmacy; take
a tahlespoonful In a glasft of water be
fore breakfast and In a few dvr your
kidneys will act fine. "Thi "famous
salts Is made from the acid -of grapes)
and lemo n Juice, combined with llthla,
and has been uwd for generations to
flush and stimulate the kidneys, also
to neutralise the acids In urine so H
no longer causes Irritation, thus end
ing bladder weakness. ,
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure: makes a delightful efferves
cent llthia-water drink which every
one -should take now and the to keep
ths- kidneys cleah and active and the
blood pure, thereby avoiding serious
kidney complications.
Doot suffer! Get a dim pack,
of Dr. Jamas Headache
Ton ran eW your teed and reliers
a dull, splitting or riolest tarobtxnf
fcsadaree ia a noment with a Dr.
James' Flda( ae Powder. Tbia eld
time headache relief acta .Im-iai .i.
call.T. x-n i aome oae lo the drur store
BOW 'or a aiate parksire and a lr se
saeau Sfter rou take a powder To.
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