EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1918. PAor t:' pfTfsrfj '.PlATro' fir nrpoB r7As 'Iff Kh(j Man Her, Chan. Johnson. man of Lexington, Monow county, dri Pendleton for a few days. 17 tha: detention camn,tth:sr nftftrnfinft .J4iilit' ' wall, known hep Jiii 82.'- Mr. UK witt pib. P. .a. ten 5i. 4h IfcrW WocnlnsJ; poHltiun ka assistant fUt Mr, nd, Mr,,CJwle MoKuy. . 1 Id ftrtfl IXx.tco of Divorce. Judge O. 'W.Pnelp has given wauua ja.'AnnpU8n a, aecrneii oC ai: vorce 'from.-her husband. Ita,lh I. Ashpaugh. In the decree the plaintiff l tflven oare-and custody of three mi. n.on ohlldren, George, Brma and Ed na.: The decree also requires that' de crea.alno requires that defendant pay $15 ' per month toward the keep ot me last named child, lllno. - V fanH . .... abfy have th paymaster at the Hremertoit , nuvj, yards. ; . Kottira from Visit. i; ,., . Miss, Helen Irne-. f EHIs - ret none! home ihlB morning from a visit wlIJi frlendB at iPasco, May I.pcu.e In -VomUoUm- 8. K. Hnook of Baker. In in Pendle ton fur a. couple of day on business, Molly Hoy Born. ,J baby., hoy m born, Sunday to Dr. and, J0rs. George KKInz. ' ,, . Holds reave for III Tlnw. . The following members of the Dra matic Order of the Knights of Khor rasan left here by auto this morning for the "oasis oft Enterprise,' where a his; Initiatory- celebration will be 'held tonight-, Chester Martin. Wil liam Purchase, Ft," F, Kirkpatrlck, Dr. IKeorge J. Kin. Lee McAtee, A. I- Dunlan. B. J. Morris. John Dunning, R. W. Fletcher. William Capllnger 'and A. CV K,oepen. , - Ono Hundred Percent Americanism. Itoy T. Bishop, is In receipt of the following wire from. P. A. Vanderlip, of the national committee at Wash ington: "As county chairman of war AvInKs" you are expected to win suc cess in Juno: campaign- just as we ex pect our boys in France to win victory in this war. One hundred per cent Americanism (n your comity should lslie Hoyd In default of bail Is. be- mean nothing loss than- 100. per cent j,ng held In the county Jull waiting, for pieogea war savings, i am continent j trial. you will succeed." Has Tonsils Ibmored. .'. . The daysmen of J.. D Ingram, had her tonsils rerugied yesterday. Buoy filrl- Born. . , ! A baby. girl, wax-born last nifht tn Mrj' Snook Is. oonslderlne nmklne his ! Mr. and Mrs. John ninnrhu m im permanent home In Pendleton. H 1 Nichols; Maternity Hospital,,' will take, a position, with a farm 1m- ' - . - , ' plemont comrany having business, lii llns OiM-raUon for ApocmllcitlH. this territory. , v c ,1 . The. daughleti of Mr. Plnntlg ot Pi lot Rock underwent on operation for uoute append4oitla Insb night and. is now, Improyjng rapidly, , Tnklus TcHtlnHiny at Portland.. 1 The taking of testimony In the Pen dleton Library case has been, trans-, ferred to Portland tor the present, there being a number of witnesses there. J. H. Haley, attorney for the plaintiff went to Portland o. Xoj M yesterday, while J. A. Fee, trusts of the library fund "went last nlht via. Walla Walla, - 1 . , . t v Wroha; Royd Named- j .. Leslie Boyd, and: not- Lester IV) yd Is th eone held under ! bunds in. Justice J. H. Parkes' court the nthen day on a charge of larceny. Lester Boyd' resides at 501. East Cour. street Is an employe of the Pendleton iRoller Mills, and a highly respected cltisen,: In Town from Uapsner. , I Mr. and M...Ka,in Van Vact9r of Heppner, are in town for a few days. Mb. Van Vactor- was, formerly prosecuting- attorney of Umatilla and Mor. Wouotlea , ,. daug ilJc! Mrs. J line Uranstetter of thla'city,, has gone to. JJCDd to take a position in a drug store. Miss . BranatetUir was graduated, fr.om the- Oregon Agricul tural .college, this,suring, .... , fion fjocs to Bremerton Mr. and Mrs. H. McCormlck nrrlv ed.ln the city today from Eclto to say. goodbye to their son, Harry McCor mlck, of Welser.i who left this mrn Ing for Bremerton having enlisted In the navy. Tho young mn 11 .1 sister. Miss Adalalde McCormlck of I .a Grande, Is also here to see ' him go. Other Rcho people in town, to may goodbye to Mr. McCormlck and others of the boys leaving today are Mrs. Joe Cuhno. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe cuhna, Jr., and Mrs. Manuel Pedro. T Ho Kiitrnd. Today, It- C. Itecd, one of the piuties ta Ken up Saturday, at Umatilla ion ai booHegglng charge, plead guilty in Justice court yesterday afternoon. Ha will be sentenced this afternoon. The other two. Hen Wilson and Mrs. Ben Wilson, say they are not guilty and will - stand, trial. Their trial was set for 2 o'clock this afternoon. Will M. Peterson I apeparlng fur them. Kirta ;e CXirtlflcotra. 1. - Seven Pendleton girls, who took th examination for lied Cross nurses,' assistant, received their certificates yeKter.day and are now subject to call. The girls are Miss Rveiyn 8onv mervllle. Miss Vii-glnia Todd,. ,- Miss fcydney i4ommervllle, Miss Flossie John Irieknon Ibsin Rxanis. ' A letter received hero this morning from John Dickson, who left for Bremerton last week, states that he paxsea all examjnuuons O. K., and j iftenger. Miss Arlle Houansoln,. Miss that he would begin- Bcrvlco immedi- nvn.'l Baldwin and Miss Margaret tely, as he began his three weeks at Nesvold. TPvo Men 1ued,. , .. , Ehner Tow was ar routed today Jot, speeding and, Oned. $10 In, the tmcaasl-. or, court. A.MInthom. arrested for being drung .andd. Isordariy, furftlt eii.liall and was fined 10. Atlieno .Roys Enlist. 1 William Morris Hussoll and, Oeorgo McC'ulliwon, BnjiltHor bwlil of Athena. enlisted as apprentice seamen In the navy at the local recruiting station, and lo$t thia morning for Portland. Will. Go Away to School, Leslie starbo, son of Dr. Loretta starba, who won the flag In tho guess ing contest at the , Economy Drugt Store, Is planning to go away to school this fall. The. boy Is 11 yeara of age. ' 'BUY THRIFT STAMPS. at'y'TlLfn-oir 'CAx, lb will help the boys over there, j &p r SERVICE KUYTIIIJIT f ,. v -v. ; v.. nt'v auu ytv It wiH- helpt the bora W Hi C . M r mems s . '. i.. "T' - id , iimmer mm il Higjit Aovf- hen you need good tool clothes. Clothes that are good looking, good wearing and good, tailoring. We have prepared" for this narticufar time, by displaying the most popular clotheaCov roen and, young men. Just come into our men's clothing store and let us show you the good clothes we have to offer at . ' - .. S&5(1. $ 1 0, ; $15;: 20, $22.50 lip to s $40 They consist of cool "tropic togs,," Palm. Bedch Suits,, light weight Casimeres, Worsteds, Etc. All cart be pleased, fat; stout, king, slim. Bhort ok regular. 1 f Gocn to Portland, Hospital. Aleck Collett and family left for Portland oday on No. 17- Mr. Collett has been sick for some time and en ters a hospital there. He is a hunter In the employ ot the biological sur vey. , . Former Tlesldruta Ucre, i Miss Agnes Anderson and her small brother are here from Portland for a visit at the home of P. C. Peterson and with, their grandfather ..Chris. Christensen. They are former resi dents of Pendleton and will spend, about a week with friends here. " " ' ':- Tomorrow is the of -Qur lafasi BOND BOXES I . A handsome Liberty Bond Box constructed of s'heavy blue " teel, size t 1-2 Inches' by 5 t-t inches, by 1 1- l-t Inches.. A aouve- nir of the great war, will, be presented FREE re every purchaser I- 'i These boxes were made for us and are artistically construct ', . ed strong and convenient. Will afford ample protection for P : your Liberty Bonds and other valuable papers. if ' T ' Remember the number is limited. Come today, see Ihe won " . dsrtul values being offered in men's-fine clothes. . - . BOND CLOTIIES $12.00 to 40.00. BOND BROS. , "" PendlelniMl' Leading Clothiers. Bee the. Liberty ond ..Pours displayed In our window, Allicre Bros. IScvrcscnuttive. Cn4o Johns, a farmer of the Her mlwon. section, passed .through Pen dleton yesterday, going to Hi.t Lake, j Mr, Johns is the representative of Ai ber Bros., buying grain . In Union count.v. and spends much of his time at Hot Lake and La, .Grande. Return to Pendleton. Mrs. C. ft. Jerard and- Miss Leu ra Jerard arrived here yesterday from f Kugene. where Miss Jerard graduated from the University of Oregon. Mrs. Jerard attended conynencement exercises. Onc-TIUrd Over the Top. --Kev.. Alfred Lockwood, city chair- nan for the. War Savings stamp cam paign, reports That Pendleton la now one-third over the top in the drive for $150,000. Reports of committees are still coming, in, Consin Passes T1 trough. Mrs. Rdltht Panty, a cousin of Charles Hamilton of this, city, passed through on one of the morning trains on her way from Deunver to Aber deen, whene she. will visit. On her way- back, Mrs. Bnnty plan to stop off and visit . Pendleton, where she. has enjoyed several stays In the past. ! ' Lots of the best patterns are here for your choosing. Ire the last day.1 Plaid silks, striped silks, check silks and some' last day seljing. TheVard $1.69. . ,.: . Special Sill! Sale C . .' i u . ' : to faetfsomeinew ones, h,avQ bpen aadtjd. for . plain colors; values to $2:507 fbr torildrrowj SUMMER UNION SUITS For Women. . , , Offered in all styles,, ex pressly for summer wear.' Just the right weight, "made up' of very best materials that wear. The-garment. . . , 50c Uo. $3.50 BATH TOWELS An assortment of the best made, double loop knit, all sizes in white and colors. Swim ming time is here so get your supply now.. Each. 20c to $1.00, KNITTING YARNS, For sweaters, sox and the like, for the boys, that are in service. Colors of; Khaki, Na vy, Grey,, etc., good supply on hand. Everybody, knits for the boys. - FILET LACE CENTERS ; ' ' -. and Scarfs.. . The newest of is kind beaur tiful pattern and finished well, all sizes, shown in our art dept. Each. . . . .$2.50 to $3.00 I'ernJnir' tiaadA Cliet-k r . A check for $38.60 was received at tha local Red Cross headquarter thl? raomlnf from the Ferndule nrxlliary with an accompanying note lv Myra I Hallou. treamirer, stating that the r-tnoney mat the proceeds from a so cial. - ' Nothing- but an actual demonstration can show you the many superior features of the nn THE CAR WITH THE PERFECTED Volvo-in-Hoad Hlotor Extremely powerful and with graceful, yet sturdy fines, it "is indeed the mosC wonderful value in motor cars on the market We can mate immediate delivery Corner Cottonwood and Water Sts, Tbone 530 . Haroid , Young, formerly Instrnctor to tiie commercial department of the 1 Pendleton high school, now In the ordnance corps, was recently chosen with nineteen others from Camp Han cock, X. J-. to lav at once foi franca to do stenography work. versy arose as to the weight of t red heifer. Each farmer present made a guess, paying $1 for the privilege. As a result we raised $17. Sam Mltt ner made the closest guess t to the actual weight of the heifer."' - To. Ha vi S Maifct Ofccntln. Mr. and Mra. McKoberts are in the city from PHofc' Rock, havlnif come t that Mrs Roberts could undergo a slight operation under the rands of a local physician. St-Jtcr 111 at Hospital. Mrs, V. B. McCarty of Faker, is here to he with her sister, Mrs. Kath erine O.Hara. who Is onlte 111 at St. Anthony's hospital. Mrs. oIIara is gradually growing weaker, one of the piurses reported " j i Salute the J-lns:. lay Ih nt iii a noticeable Improvement in the re spect shown by the crowds on the streets to the flairs as thev nassed SoullK-nt I11m Looks itHxxU Men were seen to take off fielc hats Suiithenern Idaho and the country, and In many Instances give the- mill I along the. Wyoming border looks fine. according to Luther J. aoldmnn of the Idaho branch of the I'. S. Hlo logical Survey, who returned hre yes terday Trom that section. Jlenty of rain has fnllen and the grass Is a , foot high,, he says - Stock Is also looking fine. While there, the coun try exirlenced a cloudburst and. on electrical and. thunder storm, he re. ports. tary salute. The people are learning the respect due the colors. - Cat 1ml ic Sisters Itvfrlstec. Seven more alien enemy women have registered wUh Postmaster T. J. Tn-eedy, who give out the following list, five of whom are Catholic sisters: Sister Mary Ludovtca. of SU Andrews mission; Sister Mary Falconlorl, St. Andrews' mission; Sister Mary Je-j rome of Si. Joheph'a Academy; Sister ' Weatltrr Cooler Strawberries at Commercial llooms After the completion of the exercis es at the Alta theajer last evening the drafte men mere entertained at th Commercial, Association momr- After being, first fed on strawberries and cream, they were addressed l y. J. It. Ttaley on the legal rights of the sol diers and matters of this character of Irterewt to the boys going to the army life, being followed by a talk by tr W. IX MfXary on soelnl hygiene. The Alta orchestra, C. O. Breach leader, helped In the entei tainlng j with musie and singing. or f NEWfAID TO CUPID Mary Tulrherla. of Bt: Anthony's, hos pital; Sister Msry lrrmslns. of 8t. Anthony's hospital. Mrs. Kmll Dthn. prt. Ill Stonewall Jackson stroet, and ratiltne Ariwi Dohnert, as rue atMrosa. Gsmss1db ntCN& Itritwjrs $17. A check for $17 m-as received nv I SwrManr C. K. Kooevlt of the fma- laxlmum If-miM-ratiins HS. llnlmum tcniiruiiins iw. WoailMv, dear. ' No rainfall. 1IONOK.S V. S. JNKAXTHV. WIXXII'IKi. June S.V A lHlilaj km nfflfiallr dcaHnrod today utirii tllla ronnly Hed Cross this wwk with xlio ,-llv eu a ijt.-d stairs Infantrj rccllxia om ot Ihr aroatr. otaikm cot of frreo a militarjr ftin liere. Tlio the fnlltiwlns; letter from Major K. L. XwnnilBndcr o( tha I'mstllW Initinn nsency: .'This money was donated ntailiw lt cr tlx- arrival ot Hir iy a numbw of farmers wh. were nt 3;j mrlmcntt llttt flrM armed Vaiird tha agency yastarday attend I nK pub- jsiain U-rv mi t-Xira Canadian auQ lie sals of school cattle. A-contro- since 1812- - v JZmm - - I ' ' T LONClSlA'iS .r ' -JSyCnr. A A OHIO V VA . . -? ss 1 xTa VC I ris ) 'V J S ' S mwm DISAGREE iMSTKBOAVf,; Jime- E4.-rman subntarina ajig : (41.000. tuna of ai- jlfed-sniupins; during Hay according to a, Berlin, dispatch.' Allied statements i credit the submarines with half as imueo. ..: , ....' I.. YANKEES HOLDING ADDITIONAL LINES JUST ANNOUNCED (FRANK J. TATLOIt.) . THi AM KRICANHt, Franca. June 25. American troops, e huld Ins the nlountsmeoua sector scutheaat of St. pie where the battlellne crnssea front Lorraine Into Germany, It la cow permissible to announce. Am j er-icajis have occupied, tha trenchea j Uhera since June 1- It was kept se. j crel until the Uarmana mala. tha di jovery. . Thia occurred 8unday when an entimy raid. In this sector captured two' Americans. (Hhar Americana ) were captured by an enemy laid be J tween Su We ajtd Lunevllle. ' German artillery waa actlra north 'of Toul last nisht, probably retalia ' tory for tha ehelllns our gunnera gave : the (term an rear areas shortly be i fore. RUMOR SAYS FOR3IER j CZAR ASSASSINATED ;ir-T . j Lii.NDOX, Juna j:. l'rtnrad dla. patches state that It Is rumuMd there that the former czac waa killed by the bolshevlkl. For Burning Eczema Private HorT?erT70rricka Creasy salves ad ointmenia siiotaiil not . .ati - ; m ; , ,' ; ' appiiea u g xxl hit mkla y. wanted. aaalaB-a . ... trom any druti It.r 3.")c r tl tut .- rrivale llonn-s 1. orrlrk of Oe ' The bride's sfeaer. In Kansas, then extra larcre ttK, cv-t a bc tti of srmo. iolo. Kan -was married In Camp placed a wedding; rlnsr on h--r flnser. Hlien at(.iLJ aa Cl.' ectrri it ef. actively Mill. N. .. avi telesrai h to Miss and on Lon Island, the best man UHt ; removes ecjt ma. q.puCy ;ct i!eiutis anj tloldia I t'araenfof Ienaie. Kaa. , l!kcwlfe for the britesroonv heals skut et'u..., Lores, burns. With nn ofliclMli's. clersjn.an and Th. ceremony ,dl bv th. brio. cu.?''r- rn"trt" cUanaea and brideSTm pl.c.mt ,hu.r hsnd. Z on duplea telcsrai.h ke. mile. Uq.nd. Try.ua,ir.i,rvh1.. Uia ai art. w hich curreiHndtd w their Vtoivrru t ii ji3t:U.c.eaidaituIu. j taking each other s hands. 1 & W. kos, te., CJrerUaaV a witnesw at eurh-nd of the aire, all liarls of the murnHfp cerenuny were sent by wire" and retteated w ttie prli.. clpala by the clergymen. I