4 -"-U-t0 j-TMrtrt EIGHT PAGES UAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 20, 1918. PAGE TITT!S n r i ..... . iii Here fro.n f.'u; Ire 1 v ," :' Ml A :!. il,.i,hfn tLtrnnl hero last night froi t-'pokane to visit will her frleni, Mr. C. acon, for u few :'y"-' " IllRtallrtl (Ian Tank. A Inrge gasoline tank wai Installed at the side of Johnson & Sons grocery on West .Webb and Garden streets ester'dy. t . ' ' - -''- Vice-President of HoihI Hero. J. P. O'Brlert, vice president and general manager of the O.-W". n. & N. company, was here on an official visit yesterday. Mr. O'Brien Is a brother of T. P. O'Brien, who Is agent for the company here. He recently saw a French sIdI tend. Ing a flock of sheep and she wore no stockings. The mule In France, he says, are good ones, but very small In size. -, ' ' Oii W. k S. JliiKlncss. Leon Cohen left for Ontario on No. lfl yesterday, on business connected with the War Savings Btamp drive of which' he Is eastern Oregon district chairman. ' Lundrum, and came up so that Mr, Grant could, look over the advisability of locating here. He is the postmas ter and merchant at Bourne. Home from Heppncr. .Mrs. L. K. Cohen returned last ev ening from, Heppner where she went to attend the funeral of her friend, Mrsi Charles Thompson. fining Engineer Here. F. D. Stanley, a mining, engineer, who has been Inspecting mining prop erties in Baker county,, went down to Hermlston fhnt morning after a day In Pendleton" Mr. Stanley makes his headquarters at Spokane. 30,000' Ranch Deal. H. JV Hell has sold '4R acres of land near Waylund to Dr. Baddley and Millard Hall of Athena, the price being in the vicinity of $30,600. Borne of the land' sold Is in crop and the deal was made, through .W. H. Morrl-son.o Newlywfdrt fJNivc for llomc. Mr. and Mrs. K.' FT. Hartley left this morning for their home at Bend, Ore gon, where Mr- Hartley is connected with the J. C. Penney company store. Their marriage took place here T(if: day, up until which time Mrs. Hart ley was Miss Eileen Becker.' Returns from College of Missions. Miss Daisy McPherson arrived home today from Indianapolis, Indiana, where Bhe has been attending the College of Missions. Miss Mcf'hersotJMirsh Car, Arrive. Canine Boy KnHtts- 1 Joo Perry of Cayuse, came In yes terday and enlisted as an apprentice seaman In the United States' navy. He will leave Tuesday for Portland. has been away several months and has also been specializing in French at Butler College. " Now. .Mtmtana farmer Arrivi-s. ; Mrs. Frank KIngt of this '.ityi has Jtist had a letter' from her brothi'-In-law, II C. Tirndy, announcing the arrival of "a new Montana farmer." The b y was born tar Mr. an ir Brady at riavre, Montana, an Tunc ', and will cVi cd Jack" "Mrs Brady formerly lived near Pendl.'f r. and will be w-ll remembered ho"c uh M Irs Gi'a-:e I;liocSV. The Pendleton Motor Sales Co. rj- celved a, carload of Nash cars ' this morning and has made delivery of one to U W. Owen of this place. Back from! McVlnnvillo. Miss Sophia Flken came back this morning from McMlnnvllle, where she has been spending a few days at the home of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Flken. ! : . ; 1 IVeewater Man Called. . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Button enme down from Freewater this morning to visit until Sunday at the home of Dr. K. It. Clevnger. Mr. Klitton has been called for government service with the spruce division and leaves Hun day night for Vancon er. W. J. I ce rs Inr France. Floyd Walker of Pilot Rock has re ceived a very Interesting letter from his friend-. W. J. t,e wHh whom h tried to enlist a year ago. Walker himself being rejected. The letter shows Iee i doing forestry work with the JOth engineers In France. He says the trees are set our regularly and that no dead trees are ever seen there. Wants to Know Authority. City Attorney J. A Fee has recelv ed a letter from the city attorney ot l-.eviston. Idaho, wanting to know where" the city of Pendleton got au thority for pasHing the "Idlers' dlhance. ft was answered thai' It If a national war emergency measure such' as recommended by the federal government for passage In all muni cipalltles. ' City Con nr II Wilt Walk. ' When Mayor Vuughan, at the counJ, ell meeting last evening, told the council they were Invited to ride In auto In the parade Tuesday morning when the 72 Umatilla county men will be escorted to- the depot. Councilman Kd J. Murphy objected. He said, "by all means go In the ' parade. 1ml walk,' and walk it will be for the city paters, with every one glnd of the opportunity to do so. May toratw Here. ' ' Mr! and Mrs. Harry Grant and little daughter, of Bourne, are spending the day In Pendleton from Rlcth. They are visiting at the home of Mrs, Orarit's mother at Rieth, Mrs. H. D. Wat Looking for Land. Tom Dunigan. who was stopping at the Golden Rule hotel for a. couple of days while he looked around for some suitable land, ia' gone on to Western Oregon.' Mr. Dunlgun is from Beach. North Dakota- Came to- See Crandsm " Mrs. L. If. Wells returned home to Echo today after a trip here Ho see her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Iehman and her new grandson, who arrived a few days ago. Mrs. Wells has been here !nce Tuesday. Is IX'frawto eo Convention. , . Mrs. Lena I'lnnon left this morning for Portland, where she will attend the convention of the auxiliary to the Spanish War eterons, to which she is a delegate, tomorrow. She will vis It there lit Portland for a few days before returning home.. New Forest Supervisor- J. M.- Schmlts, who has been su pervisor of the Wenaha forest reserve Cor many years, has resigned his po sition and Is being succeeded by L. K. McDSniele of Portland, who s arrived at Walla Walla to take u his duties. As Stylish as They Are Cool These tvd-piece suits for men and young men combine the comfort of light, airy fab rics with the elegance of K0ND styling and tailoring. Frho Girls diving Dance. Attractive posters have been receiv ed In Pendleton, announcing a dance to- be given at the Kcho city hall Fri day night. June 21, by the Eche Hon or Guard girls. In honor of the boys i about to enter the federal service. Bleetrfo- farts' are promised to keep the hall cool, and Jaxzy music from here will make the dancers happy. Midsummer fabrics from Palm Beach to Worsted. And the fact that these gar ments are tailored to the BOND standard is full assurance that the work has been well ( and skillfully done.! Pnce$12.5fli to $40.00 smhmS . !? Bond Bros.' Pendleton's Trending ... Clothiers. aVstrsj ' firnUk Inklng Bad. Grain Is In bad shape In Central Washington, and the weather Is very much hotter than here, according to Stanley Jewett of the Biological Sur vey, who returned last night from a fo-day tripro the Takima country. Mr. Jewett reports that thd govern ment trappers are doing fine work In I that section. . J. P. Walker Home From Wasco. J. P. Walker arrived home last eve ning from a week spent at Wasco and other points of tha section. Mr. alker was there settling up an es tate in wnicn ne was interested. The Dalles and Wasco county were Mr. Walker's boyhood home and a visit to that section is always' a pleasure to him. . - r m y; wee b si fcatss INVOLVING SPECIAL GRQPES OF EASOjfABLE GOODS AT VERY RADICAtrREDUCTlOS'.- - r SHOP EARLY IN THE MORNING. omen Dlart it Silk s reduced An unusuaf opportunity for the woman who'ftai yet to choose her skirts for summer wear. , These hare been considerably ntore in price and the, style's inrj colors are the most Taroretf for the sea son. Novelty Pongees, Baroirette Satins; Striped or; Floral Crepe de Chine, White Washable Satirise Fussy Willow Latins. ! 1 v ; rss $32.00 Skirts.. f3ff.O Skfrte;. $25.00 Skirts. . .$25.60" . $23.93 $22J50 Skirts ... $16.9? '.:i$20.00 Sdrtsr.s.t$13t95 " S15.00 Skirts..r $115 $12.0a Skirts. $9.00 Skirts. . , $7.00 Skirts.., $9.60 ..$749 . . $5.95 See Our. Window Display. tUlDAY SPECIALS FROM THE MEN'S SECTION J - . Men's Golf Shirts 30 dozen new patterns just received and placed on sale for our Friday and 1 Saturday speeiak First choosing gets best patterns. Come early and seleet your needs in shirts. Laundered cuffs coat styles. ; Shirts worth $2.50, our special offer..'...... $1.75 Men's Neckwear. .25 dozen men's pretty silk neckties, large assort ment to choose from, all Colors, slip-easy bands, etc. -t Very special for Friday and Saturday, each. . v;.25c Ferris Waists One lot these well known EEREIS WAISTS for women and growing girls, good run of sizes, worth $1.25' regular price. Friday special. . . ,r . , 79c WOMEN'S WHITE CANVASS PUMPS, ONE AND TWO STRAP, DRESS HEEL. .. . . . . $Z85 Childrens Hose 24c Good run of sizes in these pink and blue hose for summer, wjear.- Jugular- 30c qualityv Friday special ...... t .......... ...i 24c ipeciial Silk Sale ;$1.6P yard Many desirable patterns arid colors. ' Not a bad one among the lot. With the other "specials,. $1.69 2 Lots of Emb. Flouncing U , Specially Priced. ' - -" LOT 1 ;-'-.':"s-! ;-. & inch Flouncing", neat patterns, good edging on muslin. " Friday special,. 24c ; " v- - - LOT 2 . 13 inch Embroidery Flouncing,' makes up into ser viceable summer underwear. Friday special. . SSe BUY THRIFT STAMPS WDT AM. YfMD CAN. ! It wnl help the boys over there. Q UA Ltl T"V" BUY THRIFT" '.STAMES lil'V AU.VOU CAS. It will help the boys Considers Wheat Outlook Pretty Rood C. 1 Forbes, representative ofVthe received ins;, fought through. Tpres. and ihe Itattle of the Smme, and he .parties with him the German Bayonet with which he was vtabed in the abdomen In' a hahd-tQ-'harifi fiKht. and which caused the v.-ound for which later' he h.'ij honorable discharke. ttrand Hondo Meat Co., is In Pendleton- today calling- on the trade. Mr. Forbes is returning- from a trip through the counties west of Umatilla county, and says that he has found the outlook for wheat generally pret ty fair. There seems to be more com plaint of lack of rain in -Morrort loid Soldier Passes TVrosirli. - Johnson went to France from Canada in 115 and was wounded in ' April. 1917. H was in a French hospital for two months, then was sent to the base hospital at Toronto, from which hu was discharged two- months ago. Huter, local 'enrolling agent. ' Mr. bsanch of the American Hed Cross fa farmer near Pendleton; and Caro- m Smith has had experience as a fire- uhlch Is working under the aueaieesiline Katherine Muller, wife of O. Mut- man and also presented credentials, of. the government. It is suggested ler of I89S Court street, this city. Mr. v " and K ie expected that he will b that the better acquainted drafted .Tweedy calls attention to the faet " called very soon, as firemen are vefy and enlisted men get with the- work J t"hat all females over the age of 14 . milch In demand. Dr. McAllister had of' the Home Service Section ef ore ; years, even If born In the United- advices from the east only yesterday thy go away, the less trouble they .States, must register if their parents to enroll all' the firemen.' possible, r will have about their allotments, in-1 Firemen are paid 5 a, month, with I sirrance .and other matters concerning ! a 60 per cent bonus for running to: the comfort of their families while France. Kngland, and while in the they are away. Mediterranean waters. Child Operated on In Raett. Dale Rothwell today received a mes-1 agnlnstFamuel Rothrock itounty than In Gilliam and Sherman. bed W. Patty was In Pendleton sage from Mrs. Rethwell, who is vis- iting her parents at Durango, Colora do, saying that their small son. Ern est, had Just undergone an operation for appendicitis, and that he was re covering: nicely. The Itttle boy la about three years old, and was not feeling- well when Mrs. Rothwell left, a few weeks ago. ' 1 ' this nwrnln on his way from- the Brrnncftt His Brother to Hospital. Orting Soldiers Home in Washington. ( Felix Johnson, a well know cattle- , tn Enterprise, to visit his daughter, man of Range. Grant county, it h I Mrs. Ida West. Mr. Pativ Is nlannlnz Pendleton today. He brought his ! to attend the s-eneral enrsmnment ot brother, Jim Johnson, who has been lck. In yesterday and when he ar rived found that It "was necessary for him to be operated on at once for ap pendicitis. ' The operation was per formed during the night and the pa tient is now doing at well aa could be expected. . veterans at Portland on August Iff. With the Perfected Valve-in-head nrotol" fa-tM ideal car for yoii. If has" the quality findap" ' pearance of a car costing much wore.,,.- , ,. . The carload We received yesterday' were due in May before the pi-fce ad tance; therefore we are going to sell them at ther oldprfce of $1460?. Kow i the time if or you; to pf ocurea r'eal car at ' a substantial saving in price. ' " : Corner Cottonwood arid "Waier'Sti; Phone 630 Adt(rcsseJ Tie nww MeeflnaT. ' Yesterday afternoon - o. Breach. leader of the Alta Orchestra, aa. Throngti With FleM Work, dressed a meettng- of Red -Cross la Tmntinar Connff Owjpte' Wed. ' Frank Ashby Allen and Bessie Maud Rogers, both of this- county, wer married this morning by Justice of the Peace Joe H. Parkes, at his office hr this- city. The young eonpte were attended by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Rog ers.'anrf. Mr.' and Mrs. t J. Rogers. Water Case at Milton. Tuesday at Milton there was a hard fought ease in the justice court, the state of Oregon against C. F. Collins. It was a jury trial, R. I. Keator appear ing for the state, and Atty. Reader of Walla Walla, representing Collins. Collins was charged with failing; to Coonty Assessor X P. Strain.' is in .comply with the water code. He was Dee-Mo n Yet. In the trial of the ca-e- of the State in Justice are aliens. The registration closes o ' '. the evening of .June- 26- Parkes' court yesterday afternoon the judge has not rendered his de cision. '' Another Weddiiur- ''Hello, this the Host' OregontonT Jun"ge Parkes. talking, "another ww ding. Fred Home and Bonnie Mo. ren." Today ha--feeen a bnsy one In Pendelton ,ln the marriage line. Chamnaqua Meefiaa? Tomorrow. . A meetina; of all whe joined In the Chautauqua guarantee for 131a aa well aa anyone interested tin the t'hau tauqua'a eommg; la eaned for tomor row evening at 8 o'clock In the Com mercfaf club room." The Chautanqu. this year is to be located on tha block between Altai anal Weba streets, a few blocks east of Main, which ls asedl by the city for a feed' ground. U t just west of tha Catholic ehurcli. ' dies in a patriot! talk1 and will also 'the office today, the first In several convicted and fined and also assessed talk to them -thin afternoon. Prof, jdays. Mr. Strain has been devoting the amount of cost a The amount of the fine was not learned. in-each is working Very hard for a much of his time to the field work splendid success for the parade Tuex-lof his office during the sprina but idny morning for ' the boys leaving jnow feels that he has about finished L'matiila county to join ther colors, his part an will be at the court land In this conneefiort Is anxious to house more- from now on. . I arrange for the mothers, i wives andH ; ..... sisters fo those already In the service Three MftrrlaAe 1,1 ceases. i' j to take a part, and requests thnfj County Clerk Brawn ha been bftsy ; those Interested In this part meet him 'this morning Issuing marriage licenses i either aa' the Alta theater or hht' rea 'an If this rate Is maintained tin the I Idence oft West Webb street. : . 'first of Jdly, Cuplr roonth bids fair I " 1 "' - " ' to he- n- record breaker.' Following illas Fath In Sammy Snd Tomrnyv are those- issued Up to 1 o'clock: Ja "Tell fire" people they need, not cob Markaiis and Zena "Fern I-anertalc, v.-ornv Sentmy and Tommy will see it 'both of Weston: Frsak Ashhy Allen, throuKh." Is the message given ont l. and Bessie" Maud Rogers. Is, both hf Onnner' J: Johnson, of the- ' Royal of I'matHia. James X. Cantrell, Port Csnadtan Horse Artillery. whv was in laid, and Abhle Johnson, Pendleton, I'endletoh for a 'few- minutes this 'colored. ; mornfnsv on his wny trt Mlltnn to makej . k connection with a 'train- for Walts- Patriotic--Meeting at I'klnh. : ' ' ihurg. where he speaks tonlprht wfth j There wtll be a big patHetic meet the rttmMit ChautauqnaTis. ' ftonner ,lnt at Vkiah this evening, that wtll Johnson "go Ms" at Vhny, after hav- mark the launching of the War Kav ' ' .... Ungs dflx-e id Camaa Prairie. Rev. J. ! -' x m ' 1,111,1 1 1 IB. Snyder of Pendleton, will' be the Says Convention Grand Kwrcse, Tiiesday's convention of the Western States Optometrists held In Portland w-as a grand success, according to Dr. IX It- Haylor. who just returned from there. He states thnt gratifying pro gress In the profession Is noted dur ing the past year. Among the events of the session were a trip up the Co lumbia Highway, followed by a ban qeet at the Benson Hotel, and a num ber of interesting addresses and ps- ers. There was a large attendance and many good sieBkers present Mrs. Haylor and small son- Robert, who accompanied Dr. Haylor to Port land, will visit there for a few days, teturning probsldy Wednesday Win Have. Trial Saturday. Otis Thomas of Echo, was brought before Judge Parkes yesterday even- j ing charged with having created Plead not gu.Hy7 His trial was set flBlSV MOMWG TOB T.YIAR; Saturday. The defendant Is one of those caJled In the drafr to leave Pen dleton the !5th. Pretty Hp Today. Maximum temperature, MM. Minimum temprratBre. 51. Wind, easterly anal llaflt. Weather Clear. OX RIGHT ROAD NOW, THO. NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT. !-";wtte' ?vr: ,h , IM DFMr,. tTnM f Boln out td Uklnh this ei-enlr will dl- k in rtlt ULt 1 U i, ht Wnu Buhvipv ,nd m. R. Ch ess- There Has- never een anything m'lnan secretary of the Patriotic Scr Pendleton, with tho IX!TA:T ar'ton vir i.n.i.. h. m enk.i .r ih. er sunpie uurinurn i rats, g.ycern e. meetlns the worklnc ef the.W. . ajCeorge Ilartman Is chairman of the etc.xas mrer In Adier-I-Rs' 1X1? and how the" pledge enrde are work, and la being assisted by Mrs. VPOOXFTt,' flushes the rTVTlRE 'to he handled. The psrty writ return I sylvan Conn, both of whom would be bowel tract so completely ft relieves to- Pendleton tomorrow evenlna. ! alnd to meet aa man others of the Home Nervier nrtpinc Men. A rep.irt is made that In response to the cards sent out by the. Home iervlce SectUin of the American Red CtiMs some llne ago. many men in the draft list are responding to Its offers of help and have called at the services headquarters in Room 208 of the Federal building to talk whh thoee In chance about the matter. Mr : CHICAGO June li. Jailed after' con V ret ion of a minor charge. Frank . Two Woaaon Register. 'Taylor administered a thrashlmr so a Postmaster Tweedy reports that ; cellmate ao maligned the United ' two women have registered aa alien States. FedVraf Judge lemHt at once) enemies' and that eight more have recalled 'Tarter to court andT v scat eel taken papers to fill out. Those who jhis sentence of one year. Freed, have registered are Chrlsttua Wich"- jTaytoT hied htm serf to- a Brfttsti -mann wife of Johann H. Wlchmann. icrulting mew ion and enlisted. (ComfbrfeblD- foroix The big things you demand in a shoe upper are selected Trora the heart of are bu3t iota the BUCK.HECHT Arsjr , specially- chosen, pi amp csli . stiaa, AY CAKTI' sour stomach, gns hr con stlpation and prevents appendicitis -alista In Mm-Iant Mn-rne. j draft registrants as can come. Their i ofilce Is on the second floor of the Th INSTANT. p.,Tftt rtlmi (.f .3- Mae.Mami Wrnlth mmm accepts yr- ! Frrtral tiniMinv. which 1a th one In it-r-i-Ka urpn.r mt cior and ; tfr.luy firninn for thi patient. TallmoD Co dgglsta. J merchant marine by Dr. A J. I". S, j which the poMoffire In located, and McAt-ithc work they are dhic la an official Shoe. Its comfort come from the Kl union Last as specified by the V. S. Arm jr. Business men, fmrmrrs, rme, miners, rnnfkers, sportsmen, kikefs, 0mtJor ereraVrTj all are wearing the BLCKHECHT Army Shoe. Result? Foot troubles are no longer known to them. A-kJ what's mare their bo bills aaTe been satisfactorily redoevd. The durability of this shoe and good looks, too come from the finest xnattrsahv ao ant wwkmsmahrp. Its - nUCKlNCHAM & IIECHT SAN rNCTr Sturdy eak leather son into the aolrs. The BU'CKHKCHT Army Shoe has been mamitartored ever since tha Muotoo Last was aerfetted. It la aot ao experimrnf. nor a hasty war-tinea creation, but the standard time-rete4 Army Shoe. And its price is very ( reasonable so why take a chaace with) a tubnitutef Afc fee the BUCK. HECHT Army Shoe by njro. Our . regit red trade mark ea leery psir at 'w a-. vtit mm 'm er f w.w.r fcfc. . l mm wKff. Jk ( tTOaat -ah