ia-rt--'fi.-'( -SMt'' VJa PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENPLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1918. EIGHT PACKS 71 BCLSIIEVIKi El 17EST tr iuw niM w TO SERIOUS DISEASES SIBERIA OVERTHROWN TUttt is liable to contract thm, when your blood is impure and impover ished, dettuieut in iron, and you aro .4 Wuv, "'"''" J"''""" ' urnnin i wiisiiissssmaa in wiwinmiimnm siiamnnai mm i i inn m t fnmmmmitrmimmmmmtn,mf,mmmm u limm fMMII inn il i in mi mm urn nr iliiii mm n mil ill I i'i ii i' nirin n i r i immurr nir If:- - - M If f J . If , If : 1-- It" it 1 1 This is no time to take chances on merchandise. We offer only top qualities. .We guarantee satisfaction or .your money back--. We feature the best makes in America, and we give you the best for the price, no matter wha t the price. It will pay you to trade at The i':;PenMes Warehouse. v;i;,.vA&".Y . v, . -JUA'SSZWSS!5 t; For Service and Quality Judge our clothes on that basis. . r, . ; It's the idea of 'a uni form that makes a sol dier stand up straight; a uniform isn't a shoul der brace, but it does have the effect of one. It's the same way Avith good .stylish clothes in everyday life. They brace a man's con fidence; make him .feel jure of himself. ' , ;" i ; When a man, ' 'wears "cheap, clothes, he has too many .reminders that they are "cheap." The moral effect , on him is bad; but more than . that. ..,"cWp" clothes are really the most expensive plothes. Here at this store we sell air wool clothes be cause they're real eco ' homy for you. We know it. They save money for you and theymake you fed successful. - Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are what we re fer to. They're all wool", tailored right, and they wear. The prices are just enough to give you these things. "Jfou can't possibly get them for less; they'd be cheap even if you paid more. Excellent values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $33.00 to $50.00. ti - 1 T Uil I & AW, ULZ 'l 1 11 NTS l-r. i tl - II LV NEW PLAID VOILES ,'39 inches wide; pret ty color combinations youwill like. Yard 45c OUR NEW FALL SILKS are selling rapidly, ' be, sure to see these new ones, dark rich plaids and stripes, the yard $2.25 to $3.00. - - BATHING SUITS FOR WOMEN Styles away from the commonplace in a good as sortment, all color combina tions, blue, green, orange, red and purple, sizes 30 to 44.- Prices. . . $2.95 to $7.50 BATHING CAPS Bathing caps to match suits in good quality rub ber. Price " 65c 1 TWO MORE DAYS OF THE WHITE GOODS r SPECIALS A GREAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN AD VANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK ON LONG CLOTHS, NAINSOOKS, WHITE SKIRTINGS, NOVELTY WHITE GOODS, EM BROIDERIES AND LACES. YOU TOO CAtf SAVE BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF . THESE TIMELY OFFERS. CORSETS 98c ' For the remainder of this week we offer one special lot of corsets at the extremely low price of 98c r Regular prices range from $1.25 to $5.00. It is economy and good sense to buy sever al of these corsets at this price. Come early before the sizes are broken. Choice 98c. , Counter Forces Form New ! Government, Lenine J - Mobilizing. - j COPEXHAGEX. June 19. Petro i grad dktpatches published' in German papers Mule that the Bulshevlkl In I western Siberia huve been overthrown (by counter-revolutionary forces which farmed a new government supported I by the Czechoslovaks. The counter-' ! revolutionists captured Omak, Samara and Xoranlkolavak. Lenine is mobll Izinir the Bolshevlkl troops alone the eltia river In the Cral mountains, i PAHTXEK OV THE KliEEUUVT - HLtMKIi - VISIT OUR PURE FOOD DEPT. In our Cool, Sanitary - . Basement. Phone 15; ' All Other Depts 22. COOK IKS, fro.li from the ovens. APPLl-:!, fnnt-jr Wlnoa'w, tlio pound 12 Ho l'OFKi:K, T. 1. W. Special, 35c to SI. 75. TK., T. P. W. Sim-lnl, S5c to $1.00. SARATOGA CHIPS, the ia-k-ar- ., ,.......-...; 13 i:isi.s. tho lux-kairc. . 12JSO V.lt.M DAY Ll'Njrill-.'ii liotk-d Ham Jiiu-cd Ham, t'beesc. alt kind:1 Iirktl ltccf, Pickles olives. .Jellies, .lain-., preserves. Canned Meals and Canned Fruits. The licst for tlie price, no mat ter what the price. THESE NEW "OVER THE TOP" VEILS are positively the new est creations of the manufacturer's art in veils. Beautiful em broidered designs, large chenille dots, various colors, purple, gray, brown and black 75c to $2.00. . , SLIPOVER VEIlis Showing entirely new ones, new mesh, new designs, each15c to 35c DO YOUR DUTY. DO IT TODAY. BUY THRIFT STAMPS PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE WHERE ETt PAYS TO TttAOE 1 , DO YOUR DUTY. , DO IT TODAY. BUYTHRIFT STAMPS Wash sport skli-ts ara like shirt wulsts and collar there can't be too many In the well-dressed woman's wardrobe. Here Is sketched a stun ning model in l'oiret twill with large Match pockets, mucn 'ocstitched and buttoned. ' ' . - At a- tirao, the best irealment for you, bo far aa inedicioe roe is thjit combinatiott tbut M giving M much MtiHlaetion and is found to bo ho eoooomtual, Hood 'a riarsapanlla before eating, Peptiron alter eating, and, if a laxative is needed. Hood ' Pilto at night on going toed, . gold.by U dxutgrists, . HOUSEHOLD Plan for Emergency Paris Evacuation PARIS; June 20. The Deputiees of thee Department of the , Seine the rWin.lie and the Heine and Marne, whirb comprise IVris and the con tiKtrous departments, continued today of defense of the entrenched camps of population, tias discussed, and Minis- ItrsiXIuSS MFX AID k to tho meanb of transport at his die. Pari, its provisioninsr and the secur ity of rt population. The Minister of tho Interior, Jules Pams. and Al bert Claveille, Minister of Public Works, were heard, particularly with regard to the evacuation of (he popu lation tf It became necessary. tcr Claveille furnished Information as i One lH'ud lu l-V J lt"l -Ion.' I-'attory Oplo. I jposal which could insure the exodus fit tile population should the occa rioa arise. The Uuitstv? of fiiiucation Ieputy Louis Jean Puech's report, 'described measures already taken to their examination Into the measures .dealing with partial evacuation of the cafefe-Hard ertistic treasures. AIS-TI.V. Tax. J'jae i:-.--Tv..a tui; cssnien c?:scd mi ihop and l l'rlied in to fi !lp falinen lmiigii U'. urlon and Wyrw v connlies to lurfrt their .pot jt-j cri; when lit v Jii was t!ir ..c. ..I irv f :u I-I.or iVi; Use. fAHI.. Juno 1S.-A 'violent explo sion occurred in a factory at St. Den nis, near i'ftris, during the nlKlit. One person was wounded and material damage was done. A compressed air tank blew up several minutes after llie worhers had h'ft the building. GERMAN DRIVE GiV ! PARIS LIKELY SOOS Positively Known High ! Cmmand Plans Repeated i Preparatory Attacks. (HK.VRT W(i!D.) .WITH THE FKENCH AriELD. June 19 Despite four great German ; drives since March with many divi sions engaged, two, three or four times, Mindenhurg's reserves are still jealously, guarded and Are untouched It Is positively known the German high command plans repeated at 1 tacka between the North 8ea and i Champagne region, killing and wear I ing down the allied reserve. Mean ' while ,the' Germans seek to advance their lines toward Paris along the Marne and Olse, until convinced the allied reserve Is completely exhaust ed. Then they will throw final and absolutely fresh divisions for a de cisive battle before Paris. " Allied reserve are being- nursed masterfully, yet because of the Ger man's present numerical superiority, nothing but continued arrival of Am ericans will give tho allies the advan tage in manpower, when the enemy plays his flnsd trump. . The supreme iattle Is likely within two months. Brcaktawt. ! ' ' Cream of Jlarley Porrldae iTop Milk -Comblnatloa Sauce Aprlcota jaad Prunes) Kye Bread! Coffee i liUBclteoo. ' .. Split Pea 8oup wllh Toaat Cubes lirowa Bread and Peanut Mutter ;. Sandwiches Lettuce with French Dressing , v Canned Pineapple'. I . Jilnncr. ' Chicken Soup wlthf Pearl Barley ' Chicken Rlced Potatoes wllh- Paprika Lettuce and Onion fc'alad Itye Bread Apple Ginger Bread Oetns Tea - " ' .. Breakfast - Coddled Kgf v ' Graham Toast orange Marmalade Coffoe i Itaciicoa Chicken Salad (Leftover- Chicken) Potato Puff (Leftover Potato) Graham Bread Apple Siauce Tea, i DlN'XBIt Baked Kice asd CnrroU Tomato on Lettuce. French Dressing Asparagus wlUi Natural Sauce on Toast ' Barley Gems Stewed. -Prunes Tea auNsikf ant fiorn Muffins with Italslna , " Halved Orange Puffed Ittoa Coffee liMIM'lltMHI. Salmon Loaf with Lemon Slice x Uahed Potatoes la Skins (Same Uvea lt.vc Bread Canned Cherries !.,- , , Tea j Ij' Uiawr. j (War Service Day Kaslly Prepared .. . . Meal) i i - -. Siloed Salmon Loaf and Hard BwileJ Ugg on Lettuce. Mayonnaise . steamed Kloo Oreen Onloas , Rhtml Cup Cakes Tea . jtet-liira.' Barley Gems One tablespoon veg etable fat. 1 cup brown sugar, 1 well eaten egg. ! cup thick sour milk. 1 cup each sutetl wneai uhu less raisins, 3-4 teaspoon cm- )-J leaspoisi nutmeg. 1 ; aklng powdor, half teaspooa K-ria. Cream fat with sugar, add well Leatea egg, rplcea, ralsMis-and altv nately sour milk and flour stated with , salt, bakliue potllir and soda. Beat . well, pour Into greased gem tins mid j take about twenty-five nilnue 1" j a numerate oven. Baked Bice and Carrots fa good meat substitute) Three medium sis ed carrots prepared and put throutfh the food grladee. about 1-a ep boiled rice. Z medium onions mlncen finely, tablespoon vegetable fat, 1 cup milk, salt and pepper. Mix. plnee In greased hake dish, eisrlnkle a II'- tie flour over the top and bake from an hour and a quarter to an hour and a haHT la a fairly' hot ovea. . -Brown Bread One and threr fetrrths cup grahr.nl flour, half cp , each Wheat and barley flours, nan ' heaping Muspuon salt. 1 1-3 cups sour milk (best when thick). 1-4 cup mo lasses. 1 good teaspoon soda, half cup raisins, ir usea; wunwu i"- spoon vegetable rat nienen: sni- i j Inaredlenu together, add sour milk, molasses, fat and raisin. If used- f'i-1 Into greased breed pun and bake about one and a quarter hours la a moderate oven. Thaviu's Exposition Band at Chautauqua i Only Band Honored With Return Engagement at San Francisco Exposition' Band Music Cures "Down-Hearted" Yank IK s- , .' . . K. . ; : i : , ' i"1 ' 1 , i X ftW i iff I t '. n i. t n if ,'-'" , 'Vs. ' Jrurln tte Psnaais-Paciae Expoeltlna at San Francisco in 3915 strteen of the greatest bnnd-i of the country were used. They were :l'i-d with extn'tiic rare and only orKuulzatloM ot ,tabllsbed national reputations were engaged. Tbsvlu's Band was one of these and was given the honor of the opening encag'-men'. Tiie grente-t nark of honor aiid appreciiition. however. IU wnea Thevla was requested to return for the closing series of concerts of the Exposition season. Ills ws the ouly Imrd f Iht? sixteen great irRMiiziiiiotis to receive a return enmgement. Thirty sl"ted neuilsprs of this enerb baxul are coming to your Cbautanqua en the fifth day tinder the leadership of the great Tlialu.' Th-iviu's Kxpolllon B:ind will not only he tha rget, but by all odds the best band eve- brought West for CheutaiKiaa audiences. Two full con'-erts, afternoon and evening, will be presented. In ni'i;tion to the Land In the evening, three TluMT eome from Thaviu s omn jrrsmi opera orrnmsatioD and occupy positions or prominence in ina woria or musirai -achievement. musuai agirregatloa and Tuaviu has secured for these solo parts voices ol unusual powtr aua pniiiuury.. imnd opera alnrer wiu appear as soloists srfoss art reoufed a hen supported by se large So Instrumental agirr. By FltED S. FEBGfSO.V (I'nlted Press staff t'orre.siondrnt.) WITH THK A ME III CAN AltMY IN P1CABDY. May IK. (Py Mail.) Imagine the early moonlight of a warm May evening y?tu are seltiug on a low stonn wall, and from a band canio the soft strains of "La Vaioma.1 Tou may be In a gurden la tho South or In New York. No doubt American efflcers in a cortaln little village in Ptcardy Imag ined such a scene tonight. They hnd the moonlight, the May eveninir, the Iand and "La. PuJohmi." but tho stone wall on which they sat was alsjut one of the village duck ponds- The band. Instead of being hidden behind, a bank of flowers, stood in the open road. The bandsmen were soldiers. Their uniforms were soiled by days of marching. They were on tho eve of entering the baltlo line of nations. But with the rear of heavy guns dis tinctly uudKilo at the front they gave tlieir evening ciuiccrt with as much caro and enthusiasm as If tbey had leen In a, concert hall. Little Fronch loits the few rcmuinlug In tho vlll aKO -played alanjt their feet. An oc casional supply wugon or French cam ion rumbled by, rarely drowning the music, btit they played o. i g -They !. e Band Music. At the end came tho Marseillles'and Hiar Stmngled Banner, with every man man In tho village within hearing dis tance standing stiffly at salute. .. Then oaane the trudging to billets ahomr the dtMly. crouked streets, i If anyone' was "downhearted." the Isind htMt- eured 'him. In every direction j went officers- and men whistling snatches of some tune the band had iJust linwlcd theta 'ssith. There's one I everybody l;ed. The band san-g the ' chorns IHie hi: -' ' ---i-..ei i. 1 "We re lae lo the Hamburg fair. "To see the elephant and the kange ,joo; j -And we ll all stick losether In all i kinds of weather, I "For we're going. to see the whole show through, us, i. ; PERSHING REPORTS CONTINUED FIRING AND PATROLLING ' WASHINGTON, June 19. 1'urHhln ppiiricd continiicd urtltieryliiff lu the Chateau Thierry ietii" and on ttM Marne front -et,vrd:.v. Me uhlt luM night our putroln criiwed'thti Marni capiurhiar nevrul prisoner." ROW, Or (5)HEROES ' Wluls ar givvsg thee chaws for the Khatt Ul's rive as anaay for Ike Ciaghsm. Canaaog sntl Dryia vegetables assl frmits will kelp wis ihe war, accordiag to tke National War "Grd. CewnUeJea, WssJias lea, D. C InstrBctiosi bosk fro (or X cents to pay postage. top Itching Eczema Ilcvrr mir.i fceve often yoti havn fried crd foiled, ymt enn etop burnirs?, itching ccretr.a qcicUly by applym? a httks ftmo furnished by any drugrrist for 35c Extra lr-a bottle, C1.00V Healins berHna tha noment ferno is applied, in a short time usually every traro of ocscru, totter, pimples, rash, blockheads and similar sitn diseases will be removed. Tot cl'arin tha rkin and nc!:lrvT H vliorously health;', lwayi tue ecnolt'ia penetrating, antircptie liquid. It fcir'ta preaaf salve and it does not stsin. Vliea fithers fail It is tha one drpenc'shle trcat ment for skin trw.iMrs ef all kinds. llisE. W.koasCA.CIcrusu,0. , I .1..