East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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flK l OF lilM I
Utile Chilli Burned.
'Through pulling a kettle of boiling
'water upon Itself lnHt Friday evening
the little chiia of Mr. and Mrs. Iaw
rence Stover, living on West Webb
street,' was seyerely burned on the
face and arms.
'Honor Ouard iircbtlnic' IVxitiMnicd,
1 t The regular monthly . business
; meeting of the Pendleton Honor
Guard, ha been, postponed , until to-
' night from Saturday night and will
he held at the city hall at 7:30 '-
' clock. All member are urged to be
' present and others Interested are In
vited. : v ;
Several Have Operation.
Miss Emma Rowdy of Helix, under
went a major operation at St. An
thony's hospital this morning. Two
, minor operations were also perform
ed, one upon William Purcelff of Wes
ton, who had his adenoids and tonsils
removed and one .fof, Isabel Koh of
'this city, who had her tonsils taken
out. a
; ' f
Wln-klng nt Klaitfleld. ' . i '" , ' ;
J. B. Tardlff. who has' been work
ing on a concrete contractat Htan
flold, is Homo. We will return in a
few days to complete his work there.
Home from OnslnRCa Vlt. '
Jamen and. Oeorgo Hill, prominent
wheat 'growers, and Attorney J. .H.
Haley, arrived home Saturday noon
from Fairfield. Idaho, 'where they
fwcre called toy business matters. 1 ; f :
JJiK Shipment Made Today. ' "
Twenty,-rine cases of American
iled Cross supplies left ' the local
chapter headquarters Saturday bound
for Seattle, from where they will -it
sent ' directly ' to France. The ship.
Straw 'flats of "Fine'Quaiity
" A Kutid valuVYIrsf tlia-n a brisk,
timely style.
The 'maker of llond'llals have a
reputation to 'maintain. 'If you will
rmrnlHT that yon are fi-rtalii to tio
more than salaried Villli -the service
you secure.
'Climar STltAW to stick comfort
ably on your lieud, eonfiilent that
everything aliotit It Is right from the
set of the brim to the. ilk .how on the
sweat-baud. -
'-ptnCKK $3.0O TO S10.00
HOM IIATS give, the satisfaction
which comes from wearing the best.
I-cndlcton's Icadlng Clothiers.
' r 'Crane's
Highland Linen
Fancy boxed paper ahd high-grade stationery
in bulk sold by the pound
. All Sizes and Qualities
s T' -y-s ,s Seeour window
Economy Drug Co.
Hotel St. George Building
Day Telephone 711 Nurht Telephone 718
Two Garlo&ds:ofc
Are now enroute.from the factory. We
can still accept reservations for one Tour
ing Car and One Business Car. The others
are sold in advance. By placing your order
now you can procure one of these cars.
Corner Cottonwood and Water Sts. Phone 530
hicnl 't-cliresenrs 'aboiit six Weeks of
wjsrk: arid contains 'about 10.004 ar
ticles? besides five cases' of Junior Red
Cross work.' ., . ' '
frjltle mIhh Temiflo Arrtvoi.
At) elJrhl-'Poimd Baby daughter.-
was liorn to Dr. and Mrs. I. u.'Tem
ti riiid .edriUnuo, six. Weeks." Ventral
( -, - -; '
Aunt Tile's In' Ru, Grande,
j Halph Fowler of ' PeritJlotoii, "has
gdne to '.La- Tpranlle, where he was
called by the death of- anf aiint,' Mrs.
George .'.Fowler.' Y , ' ' , '
.IdlerVlHtens 3rerc. ,
' Frank Waterman, a member of the
seventh artillery company at Fort Co
lumbia arrived here last night for a
visit of a few days with relatives and
friends in this vicinity. . i
Hianfleld man Pasties Through. '' !
'J. C. ' Hoskins, sheep raiser ana
Prominent farmer of Stanfield. wa
in Pendleton yesterday on his way tt
La Grande to testify in the accident
suit of Fuller vs. the O.-W. H. & N.
company. " . .
leave f6r Vacation Visit
Mr. and Mrs; M. R, Koff and small
son, Robert, left (Saturday for vaca
tion visits for the coming several days.
Mr. F.'off and the boy wljl go to Sa
lem, while Mrs. Eoff will spend some
time with a brother, Harry pinker
ton, at Wasco.
Go to Cure for Gravcs.-
H. Stewart, who is here from Port
land, and his niece. Mrs. E. M.
Brooks, of this city, wentt to Pilot
Rock today to fix up ye graves of
Mr. Stewart's wife and Mrs. Brooks'
mother, who are buried in the ceme
tery there. . ,
t'aomlii Hiekey Kays Goodbye.
j ."Goodbye to everybody, and I've
ihad a fine time," said Captain Wit
jllam lickey, who departed this mom
iing fhr San Francisco,, . following a
! week's stay here with old friends.
) Captain Jiickey formerly lived in
I , , .
Pentlst Takes Position Here.
Dr. Tom Bailey is expected to ar-j
rive tomorrow from Portland to ac
! cept a position in the dental offices j
of Dr. David B. Hill. Dr. Bailey is
the son of a Portland physician, and
'the brother of a prominent eye. car.
nose and throat specialist also of that
city. ,
HutMIng School House.
Earl Williams was in Pendleton
Saturday evening on his way to spend
Sunday at his home in Milton. Mr.
Williams Is the contractor building
the new school building at Westland.
Lit is a two room building built of ce
ment blocks. The school Is on the
Western Land and Irrigation project
In the west end of the county.
Alia Orchestra Praised.
Frequent praise is heard of the
generosity of Manager Guy Matlock
of the Alta theater in permitting the
A Ha Orcehstra. C. O, Breach, diertc
tor to play for the many patriotic
meetings held In Pendleton, many
times leaving the theater without "mu
sic during the time. As an instance.
Friday -night the orchestra furnished
music for the Elks Flag Day exercis
es, while the audience at the Aha
was without .music.
Return From Ouiada.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marty return-
jed yesterday from near Medicine
iHat. Alberta,- Canada, where they
j have spent the spring patting in their
; wheat crop. Mr. Marty has been gone
for more than three months and Mrs.
Marty for two. They state that the
country Is so dry, they are afraid the
crop won't even be worth harvesting,
as much of the seed has not even
come up, although a good rain or two
might bring It out a great deal.
I'nllsted for Train Sen lee
Sam Nell was an over Sunday visit
or In Pendleton from La Grande
slopping over here to visit friends on
his way to' Snn Francisco, 'leaving this
ewnln?. Mr. Nell has enlisted in an
eiiRlncers rcBiment tha. Is being, mo
bilized at Fort Lea Ven worth, Kan.,
for train service in France. 'He for
merly resided In Pendleton and has
many friends here. He Is past the
dfatt age and considers himself most
fortunate In getting this opportunlt
to' render serVice to his country.
Sendlnjr l:ox to MIsKlmiary.
Parishioners of the church of the
Redeemer Saeked and are sending out
today a box of various articles for
MIks Bedell, 'a Christian missionary In
Stevens Village, Alaska, 200 miles
from a pofttoftlce. The box includes
: such articles as dried frtffts, some
; candles, warm woolen ' clothing, and
r gny colored handkerchiefs and like
! articles ' for the Indians' Chrlsma
; gifts. The box must bo sent this early
in the year so It will reach 'Miss Hu
; dell before the snows set' In.
(lumlfyhiff Xcw'KcgiKtraiit
The local draft hoard hns received
Instructions from the adjutant gen
eral regarding classifying men regis
tered for selective military service
June 6. A very Inrge percentage oi
these men will bo class one men. but
In' a few cases of marriage and hav-;
Ing dependent children they will be
given deferred classification In class
two, but where marriage has been
contracted with the evident Intention
of 'escaptnfa military service the reg
istrant will be placed In class one.
Pilot liiM-k tilrl Ktoiir.
A Red Cross romance that ended
In the elopement of her daughter
with a non-commlssloned officer from
Fort George Wright. Is told in a let-
: ter which Mayor C. M. Fassett of
Spokane reeeived today from Mrs.
Charles D. Wilson, of Pilot Hock. Or.
,'My daughter was engaged to a
young business man of this place."
writes Mrs. Wilson. "A short time
ago a soldier from Fort George
Wright came to Pilot Hock to deliver
'some addresses for the Red Cross. My
daughter became infatuated with him
' litiV YOU OAK.'
It will holp the boys
I over there.
' t. i i
It will help tha tooya
, A limited quantity of sum
mer 'parasols. New color-,
ings and of the latest styles
and shapes, that have Wood
handles." "Keep Old Sol but'
Priced each ......... $2.93
One lot' high grade plaid
voiles; excellent finish, 40 in,
wide, suitable for cool sum
mer dresses. Beautiful com
binations. ' The yard. . : 35c
Comes in white kid, color
ed suede and black patent
leather. Use these belts to
finish that 1 little dress.
These' are cool sum
mer, wash dresses in a
wide assortment of
stylish models, made
of the ever popular
ginghams, voiles, lin
ens, tissues and silk
poplins in plain col
ors and a variety of
plaids and stripes, as
well as a tasty combi
nation and figured ef
fects; prices $3.50 .to
2ac to $1.00
"For Men artd Boys J
For your vacation
time, for your dress up
time, for the harvest
field time. - We are pre-;
pared "to supply your'
every'' want. - Straw Sai.
lors, the season's most
styush summer hat,
priced. . 2.50'to, :$6.00
'.Panama "'Hats." ' come
in all shapes ' and
.weights, the serviceable
and dressv'hat'fbr gen
tlemen. : Priced S4J0O to
L . low cuiites ute vaca
tion and harvest -hat.
We nave 1 tnem m an
sizes for ' the- child,-bby,
girJL' ladies' .; artd . men
AH Weights and shapes
Priced. 2 20c to $1.25
Finest -quality, fits Svell
and wears better. 1 Comes' in ,
all sizes and in flesh shade.
A real summer . garment .
Priced $1-85 to $2.75
- J
' An assortment "of highest 't
grade, in shell top and band
tdp, all sizes; buy your sum
mer vests now. Each -23c
to 50c
V. WOMEN? ..
Georgette collars; "Organ-.
die,' voile; wash satininf plain
styles-and neatly-" trimmed
with' henistitcning and laces.
It puts just'the finish ,?on'
that -dress, "waist"-wuit. "
Priced : . ;'. .... 35c to $6.00
r t.-x-V - :. ..-'?'
... ; , .. , i. .
ONEY.--."..::. Jr.y-v :c:;r J.. ' - " -v V
and last Saturday eloped to Spokane.'
read the letter. Spokane mayiage li
cense records show that a- certificate
was ' Issued Saturday to Joseph A.
Arlsno. aged 30. Fort George Wright,
end Edith M. Wilson, aged 20. Pilot
Hock. Arlsno was quickly located at
the fort. His wife Is there -also.
Here from 111 I II njr.
Miss Xlta- Berry arrived - hrr? this
morning from Billings, Montana ' for
a visit at the home of her' iui'-le. H
C. Craig of this city.
i -
Mttte Child 111. .
The little' child of Mr. and Mrs
August Koreen of 61R5 Ann street, is
quite 111 with intestinal fever, reports
the attending physician.
Sailor Here to Visit Mother.
Sam Oliver Is here from Mare Is
land, where he is . training for the
United States' navy, for a 10 ''days'
visit with his mother. Mrs. S. A. Oi
fver..of 812 Maple street.
"Will htiUd ltniisiilnw.
I-oy K. Morse was Issvied a permit
Saturday for the construction of a
modern bungalow dwelling on Per-l-ms
aV'iue. The: 'home Is to cost
alo'ut $3000 and ' Is expected o be
ready' lor occuphhey by September 1.
Peoples Warehouse by MtFs' T6. ' ernment wfll furnish' the help
.. Parker, sent here by' the gov- to put in and harvest crops, ,'i
of the
ernment and the Oregon Agrloultar- give me ahl particulars.
si college- Miss Parker gives two; . . -
demonstrations dally, one at 2 o'cIock i Iteturn from ' BikoV.
and one at 4, baking breads ar.d pas- j Mr- and Mrs. J. L- Cox" returned
tries entirely from substitutes, vshi j , this morning from Baker where they
no wheat flour. Chairs are provided I 'have been visiting with Mrs. Cox's
and the women of 'the city ore i.rsed
to attend," so they may see Miss Parker
'make 'different articles, and so they
may ask her any - questions about
baking' with substitutes. It is Irf.port
frnt that everyone be there on time,
either promptly at S or 4 o'clock. Miss
Jarker is using a gas range tor hot
drrhonstrations. '
Hide Buyer "Here.
C. W. Mobley. hide buyer of Port
land, arrived this morning for a few
days business stay here and at Walla
Is Out In Forest.
Supervisor W. W. cryder is out on
an Inspection trip through "the Uma
tilla natonal forest. He will be gone
about 10 days.
Kieitd lay at Hincliaitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swartx and Mr.
and Mrs. Kreertiont Harvey and small
son. Harold, were ' auiopg Sunday
guests at Jiingham Springs from I'endleton.
Hoii's Xeits of )u-otlicrR Heath.
, Itev. Alfred Iockwood reeelvetl the
saw news this tnornlng of tho sudden
H.th n kl- kn.lt... I ...... .1 ( ' T . . l.-
wood, which ' occurred In New yorktV"" v-,vu , " " . -"'-state
yesterday, morning. The mes-i"la cunv here from hfh Kna"
sage sahl he had been In his UsuaM burg Soldiers home to spend the sum
health Saturday but died suddenly "er at !h" m ,' t!'tC M""
..,. i .. -n,,r... 'Margaret Colesworthy. Mr. Thomp-
- . . . mmi ltved here for ?4 years and heloetl
Veteran nere for Summer.
Moses H. Thompson, a veteran of
glu. of the heart.
jmake roads and many other of the
'first Improvements. This will make
'his third summer spent here since so
ling to the Home.
Is at Cwni Meade.
Jacob II. Pnoher. Athena Wy.'is at
Camp Meade, Maryland, with a
tachtnent of railroad men. There are IjK, Mnl (lrt officrH.
4.1. OHo men all told at the camp M A Ferguson and Va
which Is 24 mllea from Haltlmore. I...rn-j vesterdav from
stroble re-Marshflrld.
The weather has been hot but young U-here they attended the annual con
vention of the Fraternal Order of
ltooher writes that he likes the army
service'. His address Is Private Jaeo
H. Hoolicr. lath Co.. 154 Oepot Bri
gade, Camp' Meade. Maryland. 1
Firt-miiur In Alhcrtm.
-Thomas Narkaus, former I'matilla
county farmer and who has been In
Alberta for a number of years Is here
upon a vlslt'ahd Saturday drove down
from Weston with his father-in-law,
U. F. Johnson. Mr. Karkaus has J -Cttn
acres of land rn.. wheat this sun.
mer and says the frop outlook th'ri
is favorable.
Ragles. Mr. Ferguson was advanced
from state chaplain to state worthy
vice grand, and Mr. Stroble was el
ected state secretary. The next meet
ing of the state aerie will be held In
Portland during the second week in
April. 1I.
Fool Qnestlon From Alaska.
Seoretary C. K. Cranston of the
Commercial Association, has Just re
ceived an inquiry from Anchorage.
Alaska, that tn a collection of fool
questions should take & prize. The
i iwriter says he understands the 1". K
(.Itlng WhcaileMi CUildivr f.Mwottw. 'government has a lot of wheat land at
-f Immense value to loer.l houe- j Pendleton on hlch It wants to place
wives should be the free cocking ;- settlers, and wilt sell the land at very
sons being given todb., tomorrow and low figures on easy terms for the pur
'.Vednesday at tha grocery department pose of raising wheat. That the gov-
sister, Mrs. T- G. Montgomery.
Visited Injured Brother.
Mrs. A. F. Lundberg returned home
to Sianfield this morning after a vis
it here with hex brother. Grant Walk
er, who Is at St. Anthony's hospital,
receiving treatment for an Injury re
ceived Saturday when he lost hla
right hand.
New IIxkI Itiillellus Iteceived-
County Agent Shrock received a
number of new government food bul
letins on the following subjects this
morning. "Fish,' "ltice,
vegetables," and 'wheatless
fbr 'liO each. Another " Is fDorothjt. ,
Brlggs with a Jersey red sow who' r '
meeting with splendid success, v ,
IJbrarjr '"Trial Starts Wednesday.
The i'endleton 1 Ubrary istrit ' mart "
Wednesday, , Vitnessea ' ar being, I
subpoenaed by J. H. Kaley attorney.
for the plaintiff. "Twelve witness erf "
are "betng called tor' the ffrst dayl .
Active In '"tV. S.S.sWork. " " J"
The chamber of commerce 'of lia,
United States is active in the promo-
tiun of the success of the War Savings
drive, and is writing to 'all the com-
mercial ortranizations of the United"
States urgmg co-operation lrfputttng-
the drive over in record time.' ' ;
Going to1 Eugene. . . . . , . - '
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hainpfon. wilt.
arrive in Pendleton by auto tomorrow
Fresh j from U Grande to visit . two daya
breads with friends here, and wilt then go on
and cakes.' They may be procured j to J-.ugene lor tne summer school at
by calling at his office. jthe tiniverslty. Mr. Hampton was for-
' merly superintendent of Pendleton
V aluable Kitten ItecovcrcU. schools,' and now has that position at
Police Officer Shearer yesterday ;La Grande, "j "
vhit. T3Pr-.inn kitten 1 ' ' ' ' '. '.
owned by the station agent at I ma-Just Itiard of lligtstratkMi. ' ' " "" "A
'Ilia, which had been brought herel Mendonca Lucas was registered "fo
bv a cotiple of Pendleton women, whojday by E. O. Praper, clerk of the local
were visiting there one day !ast week, draft board.- Mr, JLucas had been tn
Thty tried to buy the kitten, but the 'the mountuJnr.'r several weeks and
atrent wouldn't sell, but after they'on his return just heard of the re
teft. he found the pet gone also. The jquirement that'bo's 21 years' of ' age
kitten will be sent back to L'matUU lajbe registered for military service. He
a day or so. hastened at once to ,get his name ea
. ' it'hete larrrk records. 'He has been
working' in the sheep ramus for Joe
Finds frtm Condition.' l-'air.
Alfred Campbell, county club agent, jvey. . '
In his trip over Cmuttlla county haaj ' ' v -
covered practically all of the wheal Cottonwood Pledges SIW. ,.
sections, and says that he finds fairly Reports received from Cottonwood
good prospects fry wheat crots on precinct statethat place' has pledged
the whole. Itain if course is needed 'j;, no tn the waravlngtamp drive,
and with a good soaking ralst the out- jThls is over the top for Cottonwood,
look wonld l-e very much improved, j r. t. Ilishop. unt- chairman or the
He was In tho Pilot Hock section a war savings drive has word that eom
few'days after the rain of hurt week mitteea are already starting their cam
and fa Id that It seemed to have done paign In many precincts and are ttirH
a great deal of good. ,ing with very good success. Hoy t'en-
1 .land, chairman at Helix, will start
Children's Club Work. (Wednesday and Louis Seharpf at Pl-
Alfred Camplell. county Club agent Hot Itock. hUo i ready fo start t
was In I'endleton Saturday afternoon. Umce. The entire ram;wtn Is stap
returning to his home at t'niaplne to posed to be woitn.l rp the 2tttl.
spend SuntViy with his family.' Mr.j .
Campbell has Just completed a tour ' fh. Men Ca1l d. Viuntrt-rH.
or tne western part or tne county in-, B 0. ira,,or. nrv o lh
speetlng the club work of the chil-'drilft board rtwlit.t this afternoon
dten. At HermLston he found amch !notto of a n-"v cat' for f t e turn froirl
enthiisiastu being shown In the club . L'matflla cnunt.v. t-tr t4 hnrat train
work. There are 40 children regis- lnx for milfart rerviee. Thr nren
tere.1 In the wtjrk, most of them car- wl he arcr:,t,-d ';. v..tuhteers until
rj'lng through in good shape. tme the 21st of Juir. If h n'ioia t not.
of these are ennaued in gardening, filled by that dale t vlll be fitted by
srme coekljig. others sewing and a draft. The men at- to L ive here Ju
few are rai!g!, stock. One nolabt- v 1, and will be er.t to California for
Instance mentioned by Mr. iampbell their tertod of lnruciton. The mn
is that of Ittcky I'pham. 'He lias are wanteti for t'.e rsfoe srrvtei ant
registered brood sow with ten pigs. j training as the men who lft here, foe
and has already soljj some of these. Portland Saturday morning.
' ft