V V ' W VV - page Fnvrrt TWELVE PAGC3 DAILY EAST OltEGOftlAN, PENDLETON, OHEG ON, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1918. 4 ffitiw ' Wratio is en enlarged view mado V'M I S f ' Wf fr actuaLeross-sections of two 34 x 4 T XV , 3 " V ' ''('J tire on. a Mickalin Universal, the ether ' VXW 1 I flf ' ''W ef another standard make. ' V ' ' I f lllHll 73!fi ' n left (which I. a atsndard m.te Y V ' l I II II' f I of 'nnrti other than Michrlinn) is at practically riual I VtilVI V I ' ''' I ' uuaioess tareugnoul. 1 ae MKkclin on the right is pr I .'' I ' 'rf f tr"J eowaward. so that in si.lcwall is 'thick where I iii'.il'I I ''' I ,,u''l,n'M . essential, jrct particularly flexible where resiliency l!'il' I - i I ,',';; I Ue prune rojuiajte. ' I S'SS'' f) ( I (lllltt This construction gives" Miehelin Tirea ' li'i'M f ' - llijijif I - superior durability combined with re- '' J1'''''! ltjjlj'.t 1 . y marlcoble eaay-riding qualities. - I Si Will 1 '"AL Micaelln eroM-atrtion the layers of fabric ere aL ill I it ' - -, ' '"!. - ; I'.'Ut'l A meMrd m a liberal cushion of rubtpcr whic-h bind JfTyfUfillf 1 uVVil H taeai into a aioirle straia-rraistini though flexible aiasa, . ' MI'Ii'iI lVly . "eral advantage that cannot le exaggerated, Wlli 1 if: ViV" . W, ,l,e ,,,a i" "renitth when the layers of Hi I 'I , ' . lV", 1"c.om apart, -Just as a tope lose, its strength fii'.i I jl ' " f Jh its siriatla atparate, M Thlt ttrltt ef 'ANsSN ja er SSjiV'l''' MieLaJi. S.rti.i. want vJ?--ssvNCCSNi, 3ssr'y's " Rfc ( ' war-" v yMw-Sr""5 j aiBHBBHBiaVMnaVriBanaaaVBMBBBAi -j KssaBaaBaBBBaBBaal ';. t J ,'lliimmammmmmmmmmmmmmm ' ar i na world-wide reputation of the house of Miehelin the oldest, moat expeneneed or i (til tire-makers U proof that only the best of materials are used in Michelina. f That a greater quantity of these auperior materials is used in Miehelin Tirea is proved by their extra weight and remarkable thickness, which mean greater durability. And the superiority of Miehelin design is shown by the above illustration. t ' j Better materials, more materials and superior construction, these account for the supreme durability of Miehelin Tires. INDEPENDENT GARAGE L Court and Thompson Sts. ' Phone 633 REVELATIONS FROM THE DAYS BEFORE GREATNESS WAS MOST UPON THEM (Clytle Hall.) REALTY TRANSFERS J. H. l luifdlu tn Wm. L. Tuyvorm. Skoo. I.ota 2, 3 mid 1. block S, Kill fore's Audition to Wcaton. Ft"nk Iloulen to Allen Fuleom, $800. W 1-2 SB 1-4 and W 1-2 NB 1- section 36; towrwhii. 1 south, runge 24. Oco. Iluaun to D. F. Schoonrauker, II. Lots 12 and 13. block (7. Andrew J. Yount ot ux to Joseph John Miller. 110. BW 1-4 NV 1-t xtctlon 1, towaxhlp 4 north, run go 28. T. D. Taylor to Annie U etunley $21111.71. B 1-2 NE 1-4 SB 1-4, sec tion 3, township 4 north, range 28 et al. Felix Paul to 3us La Fontaine. 1350. NE 1-4 XB 1-4 section 21, township 2 north, range 34. Chester C. Lone to Frank Hilbert. 1100. SE 1-4 SB 1-4 section 1 town Ship C south, t-ange 31. Warren M- Walter et ux to Qeorise Tlllntson $3000., Mete and btittntl NW 1-4 XB 1-4 section 34, township i1 north, range 35. T. D. Taylor to Warren M. Walter, 831,4 50, El-2 NW 1-4 NE 1-4 sec tion 34, township north, range 35 et al. C'has. V- Willman et ux to John K. Jfiics, $1935. Mete and bound SV 1-4 Section 19, ' township . north, runge 35. , Pendleton's Handy Auto Supply House Kdlth Perry to A. Hironlmous $100, Lot 15. block 62, Freewater. F.-W. Phllllpl to John E. Jones, $164. Mete and bound SE 1-4 SW 1-4 section 19, township 0 north, range 35. Henry Eiffert et ux to Velma Har ra $1200. Meto and bound BW 1-4 section 19 .township 6 north, range 35. ' Fred Oalfke et ux to A. B. Mane- la. $3600. W 1-2 NE 1-4 SW 1-4 section 26. township 6 north, range 35. John M. Brown et ux to James M linker. $3500. Mete and bound NE 1-4 XE 1-4, section 26, township t north, range 3 5. "AAerlcan National Hank, Pendle ton, to C. F. Bowman. $1. Lots 6 and 7, block 22. lies. Add. Pendjeton. I'niiitllia county to Frank Hilbert $75. FB 1-4 SW 1-4 section- 1. town ship 6 nortea-rnnge 11. ,.. Former Helix Resident ' Died at Walal Walla HI ;vJ- V 1 1 III III 111 I iTrr TEDERAI t.re8''wiir I r'not rlm cut bIow .ut I above the rim, rock, shift I-1.-M I , I or pinch -the inner tube.. V4,t These annoyances have been eliminated by our. 1 , sDoublc-Cable.-Base; ' ; . y I ft J1 A (Special Correspondence.) HKLIX, Juno 14. Miss Letha Al boe hud her tonsils removed Thurs day at Pendleton. Miss Sarah Montt Ronicry. Jit-r aunt, uccotnpanlod her and 'will remain with her while In Pendleton. Kronk lHtvIs has returned to Camp Iwls, hnviilK been called home bj tho sli-knesi and tlculh of his rnothcr Mrs. Wii. Davis. Mrs.' Thss.v Stewart, fttrincr Helix rciidenl, died In Wallu Walla Thurs day. . 1 Miss Sadie Young of Lailrandc Is ! house guest of Mia. J. S. Norvcll, 1iaptor s. A long time ago. In the land of the Cherry Blossoms, a Japanese lad and a Japanese maid attended a kinder garden school together at Wakayama ken, Higaahlmurogruft, Katsura. Now. the name doesn't matter at all, so don't try to remember It. i. The boy was aged eleven, and the girl, his .sweetheart, was seven. 'Me was Hatch! (pronounce lt I'syehe) Tateshima and she was Matsu Ouakl, although' the Ouakl part Isn't of any consequence as ffalchl himself Intimated- , After awhile, the boy left his na tive land and sailed' for that mystical America. . He 'fame to' Portland where he had a friend who ran a ho tel, and he stayed there for awhile. About 16 years ,go he came to Pen dleton and besan work for the Ore gon, Washington ftailroad and Navi. giition company, "and . he's been with them ever since. For fear some peo ple won't recognize Saichl by his Cherry-BIossom land name, we'll say that evrybody In Pendleton calls him Togo, and that he wears a red cap. But we're getting away from the rovelwtlon part of this story. Ever since he left her, Matsu has written to raichi. and right here we'll let you In on the big secret'. Just as Togo told j It: "Matsu, she write me come back to Japan, say no marry anyone else. I sav, 'No, you come over here." she say alright and pretty soon she come. She sail In two months, we marry In September in Portland." Matsu's fath er didn't want her to come, but he Is dead now, Saichl explained. 1 Saichl and Matsu haven't seen each other for more than IS years, i and he realizes that seh may not -like : him as much as she did the kinder garten lad. "Maybe she no like, we j quit." he announced philosophically. : But Saichl thinks Fatsu will do pret- I ty nicely, for .he has her picture, and he says, "She took pretty to me till j right." But ne's a little uneasy on one score. He said "She lg woman, like you, she weigh 'bout 140." Now ev erybody knows Togo lsnt any giant. and It s no wonder ne s worriers ior fear she may be one of the scrappy kind, and show a disposition to take him in hand should difficulties arise. But Togd's willing to take a chance and Just waiting how for his bride to arrive. When' asked her name, at first he said only, "Matsu." and In answer to "what is ner last namer he said, "No matter, pretty soon change, ell be same as me pretty soon." Stop Tcflay and live os Examine YoiTires After they show the first signs of wear or a break, then is the time to have them repaired.' ' . . , Don't put it off. Delay of a single day is likely to cost you tire mileage and trrinWp that wnnld far exceed the nrice vou would of paid to ' have had them repaired at the proper time. , .. rr VULCANIZING and RETREADING will solve your tire problems. Modern equipment and methods with compe tent workmen enable us to do your work right. AUTO SUPPLIES Buy them now, get the full gear's use and save the advance in price that is sure to come on many articrbs. , BUMPERS JACKS 41 ' SPARK PLUGS TOOL KITS SPOT LIGHTS WIRE CLOCKS . SPEEDOMETERS LIGHT GLOBES - "t Mr "4 asaMsassssasi l Al f ,? . ' imm Ll WARNER LENSES SIGNAL HORNS OILS TUBE REPAIR KITS CHAINS CAR POLISH . . BRAKE LINING TOOLS Shock Absorbers DIAMOND TIRES . GOODRICH SILVERTOWN COFlDS, KELLY-SPRINGFIELD AND, MOHAWK TIRES ' ' SERVICE STATION, OIL, GAS AND WA TER AT CURB, .v J : Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. W. N. Matlock. President. wholesale: and ketah, 05 East Court St. Telephone 133 We advertise and offer War Savings Stamps for sale with every purchase. Wm. Dunn, Manaser. I1EUO OF ZEEDKUOGE . ' ... U-B.VSE RAID "Fix Us Up Quick So We Can Go Back" Say Americans PARIS, June 11. The spirit and morale fit the American soldiers wounded In the Cantlngny battle. 40 ner cent of whom will recover. Is won derful. The first question they ask the surgeon is: "Doe, when will I be able to go back after the German who fixed me?" Two 5'oung privates were waiting their turn to enter the operating room of a large American hospital In Paris today. One said: "I have been 'over the top three times and It Is the greatest sport I ever had. Fix m up quick because I want to go back after the boches again." , The second soldier, who had a seri ous wound In the thigh, said: "If I do not return to. the trenches T have the satisfaction Of knowing that I fixed three two bayoneted and one shot.' I am satisfied." The soldier probably will recover but he will never cross bayonets with the Hermans again as he will lose his leg. Montana Man Wins lirst, 4 GREAT FALLS. Mnnt.. June 11. The first man to draw a homestead this afternoon in the government and drawing being held under direc- tiMsVof Judge John Mcl'haul, was 1-.I-sanl Matliiomm, of I'arter, Mont. Those winning; the first 50 ranged all tho way from Great Fulls to Los An geles, tho latter city's winner being Miss Blanche Heynolds, an actress. who drew 15. Another girl members 'of the same company drew 98. Horses Slay He Oiimed. PORTLAND. June 11. Tho new- est tiling In food conservation has Inquiry Is Indicated, come to Portland. From Colvllle, ) El'GEXE, Ore., June 11. A grand Wash., comes the Call to can horse 'jury investigation of the action of Wi:. meat and save beef. Forest Ranger . liam Lnndess, foreman of the Ijtns C. C. lleid, of the Colvllle Forest, county grand jury, which indicted Pr writes to the district forester In Prfrt- I John W. Harris, In issuing a statement land telling him that there are plenty j declaring In his opinion the doctor of horaea in his section of the country never should have been lndicte. and and that stockrarsers are anxious to asserting that he was not permitted to got rid of them so that they can turn call witnesses, -was indicated by Illst thelr attention to tho raising of beef rtct Attorney 1 t Ray today. 7 " ) I I -,1 I ) 7 7 ratholes." This uhoto was snapped! Am sorry that they wont let par- when the admiral was attending the eels come any more for it means that funeral services at Dover for the men;we have to use English tobacco, and who died In the Zeebrugse raid. 'it is sure awful stuff. About every : Uiree puffs on the old pipe you have Feeding Heiny Iro'n Rations; ntTZZ.LV: .houm That's Stuff tO Give 'Eltt worry, anything to win. i Well, dear brother, as news Is very Joe Despain, who is serving in the 'scarce, I will close with love to all. Canadian army, under date of May 15 writes to his brother Grover C, in Pendleton as follows: Somewhere in France. Dear Bro ther: Well here I am again, happy and smiling as ever. We are out rest ing now tres bon. Am laying in the sun In a lovely wood, full of beautiful flowers. . We are Just far enough behind the i line that we don't have to look out for the odd shell now and then. It's quiet here, a least what we call quiet. There is a target range on one side of us and some big guns on the other. The big guns have ' been sendins Heiny some "iron rations," and every Itime they shoot I think "that's the 'stuff to give 'em." The more we give ( 'em the sooner we win. Oh. yes; you .bet we are winning, even if he did intake things lively for a while.. The old line is stronger than ever now, and Heiny hasn't got near the men he had when he started to get busy on tho western front. FROM JOE. HARDWARE DEALER IS TTXED l'OR KEEPING IflGII EXPIXJSIVB CENTRA LI A. Wash., June 14. In the federal court at Tacoma. yes terday John Hughes, a local hard ware dealer, was fined 2I5. Includ ing cost5. on a charge of having high explosives In his possession without the license required by the govern ment. Mr. Hughes 'pleaded guilty. The hardware dealer was recently In dicted cn two counts, that of possess ins dynamite and that of selling It. The second charge was dismissed, hovt ever. IXJMKN AXI PARIS HAVE Allt MAID L.IXB PARIS, June 15. An aerial postal service between London and Paris has been successfully Inaugurated. aLaaaaa .V, V'. i aaa- , afli. ii i. ...i ) ' aAISHRAL This is the first photograph of Admiral Keves to reach America since the Hrltlsh sea-f iyhtor led rlarlnir raids on ZcebrtiKgs and tend which bottled up both the I U-base : HUN DRIVE SLOWS D0V.N Automobile .Accessories, Gasoline, Oils, Water and Air. FISHING' TACKLE THAT GETS THE FISH. AHen-tCnight Co., Inc. DISTRIBUTORS FOR UMATILLA COUNTY. Thone 400 , Call Our Service Cai rj: 7 7i Keep Right on Driving Battery repairs may be a necessity. But they're not an excuse for letting yorrr car ' lie idle. ' , Because as soon as the battery comes out of your car a Willard Rental Battery cart fo in, to continue the starting, lighting and-ignitioa f service tlaat your own battery provided. i t- . So Willard Rental Battery Service means more than jnst o much wood and lead and acid. It means ability to go into the city, or out to the country. It means ability Us . tour to make the fullest possible use of your car. f Come in and talk batteries Srith us Well tell you how to take care of your battery, and why your next one should be a Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation. The long rife" more than balances the alight Increase in cost over the ordinary battery. It's the only battery with the "Bone Dry" principle that is your ab solute assurance of getting a battery as new as the day left the factory. Electric Service Station Cor.rMain and Water Sts. Yc advertise and offer War Savuure Stamps lor sale with, every pnrvha-. 1 4 1 1 f The heavy line In the recent battl front; the dotted Jlne vhowH the orllnnl front before the nr. Mnrne f tvnlvr-i hmn- Th 1im :( il'.i :t:no -.'t- ! i h r. : : ; : present At.n ' e-S '.e:- ' ;. r ; . -