PAGE EIGIIT DAILY EAST ORKGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1918. " EIGHT PA0H1 jf,ai!'.ig,;,n',ajw..u:;-!- Ij ' - - .. . . . , HOT WEATHER LUNCH GOODS EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. P i HOT WEATHER DRINKS Our Mock of Inm-h goods is complnc, and s parry the better kinds of .summer drinks, SUCED TO YOl'R ORDER Roiled Ham, pound 0c tttlppcd IWif, too ml K Columbia Frankfurters, ound 20e Summer usagc, pound too Swifts Iimlum llacon, sliced, pound 60o Kippered Salmon, pniind 35c .SIMM Kit BRINKS Wciohs Rrape Juice . pint SOo, quart R5c Ijoganbcrry Juk-e pint XSc, quart Site I"alk bottle 15c, rasp (3.50 Sheboygan (linger Ale 20c, S for .10c Overland Cklcr, bottle '. 2Sc tianao-O Cirar. bottle ... 30c WE PAY 84 CENTS PER DOZEN FOR EGGS. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. 4 Scarlet Fever Claims Little Girl at Athena JJ (Rust Oregon ian Special.) K ATHEsN A, June 11. Bssla Mar- El tin, the twelve year old daughter of J! Sir. and Mrs. John Martin, died yes- JPjterday evening frttm an .attack of j scarlet fever. Resale had become so m HI that it was necessary to secure & trained nurse for her Sunday. A Rev. and Mrs. W. S. G leister of the Two Phones, 28. 'QUALITY'' 823 Main St, pmiltttlHHIMHHtllllHttll'MIIIIIMIIHItlHtlHIIMHlTlllllHIIIHHtlllilHIIimiimilllHt'li WHETHER III All AIRSHIP on terYa-firma or. under water, the American boys will beat them to it, but It has meant constant and hard training, with good leadership and lots of will power. Your business or professional success is just as sure if the same principals are ap plied and you should bank with a strong, safe Institution, such as THE AMERICAN NATIONAL 'HUB Pendleton, Oregon . "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon." Methodist Episcopal church, are B i spending their vacation at Dayton, S! Washington-" Mr.' Glelser Intends to I work In the hay harvest. . I , O. M. Shlgley, who Is working In ! the mill at Helix, spent Sunday in I town with his v family. " Mr. and Mrs. Brock of Pendleton were Sunday guests at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pambrun. ' Al Slgman, George Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Ony Cronk spent Sunday at Bingham springs. ' Miss Areta Barrett Is visiting al Baker for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Howden of Freewater. motored to Athena Sunday. The first cutting of alfalfa Is In full blast In Athena. A few farmers will finish this week Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas of lone are visiting at the home of Ar- thus Douglas. ' it la believed I. W. W.'a came out in a car ana rired the Johnson barn Frl auy nignt last.. A blacksmith shop and sheda were destroyed beside the barn contents of horses, feed, etc., making the loss run into thousand, of uunam, Carl Engdahl and (lien Scoit vls'.4 Frank Engdahl and other Hell hov ac amp ewis !ast of weak. . .. Mrs. Elmer Albee Is exoecting a visit from her mother, Mrs. Rcbecoa Gra ham of Jloiso. Believed I. W. W.'s Fired Johnson Barn Near Helix (East Oregonian Special.) HEIJX, June 11. The swimming pool is a favorite place these June si days. J. S. Korvell has received two car 3; loads of small harvesters. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kjng were guests at the McKee-York -wedding in 3Sj Pendleton Tuesday. Defective Flue Causes Fire Destroying Home ; (East Oregonian Special.) HELIX, June 12. -The Melix flour mill is running two shifts of men, be ginning Tuesday. Mrs. Caples of As toria, Is foreman of the night shift, Two hundred seven barrels of flour were run out in 10 hours. jesse w. smith came Tuesdav to case charge' of the bookkeeping at smith Bros,, El U Norvell, who ha teen bookkeeper: for several years for piason & Norvell and Smith Bros., will now hold that position at the ., , . .""Mrs. Myrtle Dand Jiidd of Walla Walla is visiting friends here. . Mrs. H- B. Richmond and family of Walla Walla, Is visiting her moth er, Mrs. D. Kendall. Miss Blanche Lewis of Vansycle, is spending the' week with Mrs. Min nie -Walker east of town. - A small , dwelling belonging to Kaspmus and Oeorgeas, a few miles west of tOjWn was destroyed by fire Monday. A , defective f lye was the cause. '' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hendrlckson of Adams were Tuesday visitors. Mrs. F. Barber has the ice cream department In charge at Ghormley' trug store. Maybe Jt Rain How good we all will feel.. The farmer will be happy and the ' merchant will be happier. Don't let us get the blues,' Umatilla county has always been lucky in getting a rain when most needed.' It cannot fail us now. Bummer Voiles and Wash Materials, yard 10c, ia 1-Se, 11c' 17 l-2o, 22 1-2C. .New Georgette Waists ...... t ..... . $3.08, C4.B8 "ree le Chine Waists...., 82.D8, S.8 Voile Waists . . Mo, Silk Camisole a 98c, $1.19, $1.4, $1.69 Cool Enveloiie Combinatlona 98c, $ 1.19, $1.49, $1.69, $1.98. . ' TOV CAN Ginghams, yard , 19c, 21c, 23o Percales, yard . . l ie, lflc, 22 l-2o 2So Serpentine Cotton Crepes, yard ........... aao Sateen liloomern Bo, flflo Girls' Giniriiam Dresses. . .98e, $I.2S, $1.49, $1,011 Roys' Wah Suits... 9 Ho, $1.49, $l.9 . New Fancy Collars 23c, 49o, 09c, 9Ho Boot Silk Hose , S9o vna IjEad, DO BETTER AT j Incorporated' 'Gr ) J 4XD OTHERJl FOLLOW ; HOUSEHOLD riiitiiiiiiiiaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitR T ?j , Cream butter and corn syrup, add well beaten yolk of eggs, add sift 6 i ed Hour and milk alternately, add flavoring. Beat well, stir In stif ly , WIIEAHESS, SUGARLESS CAKE H Cup Butter, or other sliortenina;; 1 cup corn syrup, 2 eggs; 2 cops BI.YDEXSTE1VS RICE PASTRY FLOCR, sifted; S-4 cup milk, one teaspoon lemon extract. B beaten white of eggs, bake in rather hot oven, " You will find this rich enouai for any one; eggs and shortening can be reduced if less richness ia required. BIYDEXSTEIJKS RICE PASTRY FIOCR, self rising (contains no Wheat) for all pastry work. I FOUR GREAT MORAL . WARjiS STATED Dr. Batten Discussed Them at Ministerial Meeting Yesterday. , The four great moral alms of the war, as stated by,' Dr. a. l Batten t-f Warthmore college, who was here with Ir. Frank J. Klinarer and lr. Gifoige W. Nasmyth far the roat putriotlc meeting last night, at a mn- tfterial and lay conference at the Church of the Redeemer yosUrrclay afernoon are: 1. to win the war against autocracy; 2, to, make the vorld safe for democracy, !, to guar I 'in 1 1;? iu mi iiuiiiiiOt irninii flivai, safety, justice ana equui economic oi-portunlty; and 4, to establish a "e.igue of nations. last point is a new thlmr in man history, and was only made Ta j nfJF.i!Die wnen tne uniretj states en- Ritf-red the war, the speaker explained- r It is in order to help th? whnl-j booy of American people, which Is so strong' and Independent in opinion unOer- stand and sympathize with the league S ZA The 5 ' lun civ which is setting out to make Ihe whole nation aware of tlio moral alms of the war, and which is ailing com in unities to organize for carrying on the work. '-;,. If Germany wins, American rtc mocracy would fall' very soon." clared Dr. Batton, who has crossed the German border 28 times ..fnc. the war tegan. and who has talked with many German ministers and othe. leaders of thought. vr. Batton was International or ganiser of a world alliahou for inter national friendship which wis estah- llshed in 1914 and he has spent much time in Europe since the war started. He Evaded Draft; Married in Court that he and his colleagues are making ta.'ks In 30(f American cities, he said-Pt-tause public opinion is so strong and free here it Is feared that Ameri ca may be slower than' Frince or nmiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiin WAR SAVINGS STAMP $4.17 I WITH one of the BEST RESIDENCES ' 1 IN PENDLETON $3004.17 England to act as a unl: In this mat- jr t ter wnen tne war is ovar. j Dr. Batton declared the morale of V 1 America, which is kept up by organ isations Buch as the Red Cros and the Y. M. C. A., is more Important than men, money or munitions. The hitter three are suppllel by govern ment agencies, such as the armv, r.avy, -Jood and fuel administrations, but the moiale is kept up through the whole citizenry. It Is a dmmlttea formed from each of the two agen- ts s E S s g I Chas. E. Heard, Inc. DENVER. June 12 Judge Hosea Wells performed a rather interesting marriage ceremony in his municipal court today and if it had not been for Mr. Hoover and his rules there wotrld have been rice and everything. As it was, Paul V- Olokodo, 2 years old, and Mrs. Ludwiga Janlu- ka, same age. both Russians, Joined hands, said "they would" and went to housekeeping at 1418 South San agmon street, where Olokodo hd j'been boarding with Mrs. Janluka for iwo years. Olokodo, who!rcannot speak Eng lish, was one of "the men who drew the lucky number. 258, the first pn tne call. In the first draft last year. Then hedlsappeared when called by his draft board and wair discovered only a few days ago. by Policeman Jobn'-Steib. who arrested him.. was learned that Olokodo had been boarding with Mrs. Janluka. who was in destitute circumstances when Olo kodo found her last year. She had been a widow for several years and had two children. It was also learn ed that the man Is an expert machin ist and has saved $1600. A consulta tion with members of the draft board led to a decision to marry the couple and then take up the question of Olokodo's Induction Into the army. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE : 635 Main St. Phone 477 II -SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE" 5iiHiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!iii?-) All EXTRA SPAN OE MULES That is what one of our customers said in re gard to the Chain-Case on the DUPLEX 4 WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK. When you get into a soft spot, in gravel, sand, or mud, when you hit a grade that is a little too steep to pull on your regular low gear, shift the chain-case drive, and you will walk right thru. It has all that reserve power that you get from hitching on an additional team of mules. A fea ture found in no other truck. INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU BUY. Pendleton 'Auto Co. Established 1907. 1 I'M G1G TO CCN H00S5 TOEWY. ZtNtO X UmAHT YOU TO TAKE (THAT STOVCS DoWNP BrOR Whirs aowtjil Botjy ecso tobo rr Becaujel T UVWulT- TIMS 1st v u . . 1 - - , - ' - - - - a r-,v l 11 If: 3 s Vu&7s?vv -s v - w g;i 4 3'LV- HELP.YOU J! Thursday Breakfast. Oranges Barley Meal Corn Syrup and Top Milk War Bread Rye Bread Eggs Potatoes Coffee Nut Margarine Berry Jelly. ' lilllK'llCOII. - Potatoes Fried In Milk War Bread .Nut Margarine Peach Butter Stewed Corn (Home Canned ) .Tea. Milk for children Rice Boiled In Milk . Stiier. Potatoes Boiled With Beef Bones Lorn and Barley Fritters (left overs Tomato Relish. Cream of Rye Bread and Biscuit. , Baked Apples. Nut Bargnrlne. Cereal Coffee and Coffee, Friday Breakfast. Rolled Oats With Raisins. Corn Syrup and Top Milk. Cocoa Boiled Eggs. Bread. Coffee Stewed Prunes. IjUnciicon. Macaroni, Tomatoes and Rice Boiled in Left Over Broth from Yes terday Soup Bone Baked Potatoes. Barley Bread Quince Honey. Milk. ' Tea. v Supiier. Boiled Pptatoea Dandelion Salad- Cottage Cheese Pud , ding. Canned Teaches. Victory Bread- Nut Margarine. Crabapple Jelly Coffee. Milk. Cereal Coffee. i Saturday Breakfast. Soft Hulled Eggs- Bread. Cocoa Grape Jelly. Fried Potatoes. Rye Bread Coffee. Barley and Rice Boiled ' .Nut Margarine 1UW-llOOIl, Mashed Potatoes. Dried Beet Stems and Dried Beans Cooked With Mam Bone. Tapioca Pudding With Blackberries (Canned.) Barley Muffins. Pickles (Home Canned) Nut Margarine. , Coffee. Milk. Supper, . Roast Pork. Potatoes. String Beans (Canned.) Rhubarb Sauce (Home Canned) Victory and Rye Breads. Margarine Coffee. Stale Bread Pudding. ' Monday Breakfast. - Buckwheat Griddle Cakes- Maple Syrup. , Mashed 'Potatoes Warmed in Milk Voffee. Rye Bread. Margarine Luncheon. Baked Potatoes. Vegetable Salad. Compone- - Nut Margarine Milk Canned Strawberries Rice Pudding. Green Onions. Supper. Baked Beans. Raw Fried Potatoes. Fried Brains. Cold Slaw. Pickles. Onions. Creamed Carrots. Cream Rye Breads Margarine. Coffee. Milk Recipes. Dandelion Salad Wash dandelions In many waters, let stand for several hours to keep crisp. Prepare di lng of 2 tablespoons diced and fried ham. Beat up 1 egg, 1 tableapoca corn starch and flour, half and half mixed, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-2 teaspoon dry mustard, and mix with water to smooth .paste. Add more water a needed while cooking In fried ham ntll done. Add vinegar to taste. Squeeze dandelions dry. cut into 3 Inch lengths, put In dish, sprinkle with suit and pour over dressing while hot. v War Bread Water from boiled potatoes, about 1 quart, t cups mash, ed potatoes, 1 . tablespoon sugar and 1 of lard, 1 1-2 cakes yeast softened In lukewarm water. When water 'Is cool add 1 cup wheat flour and yeast cakes, let raise over night, covered to keep warm- I use a hjot cushion to set crock on and cover with a piece of clean old blanket. ... Bread -Two cups corn flour scold ed with 1 quart boiling water or more to make smooth paste, S cups barley meal cooked. VVheh' cool add 1 cups cora starch, S cups rye flour graham flour, 8 quarts wheat flour, 2 level tablespoons of salt in 1 quart of warm water, add to yeast. Stir up and add to flours, knead in more flour and starch till stiff. About 40 to 45 minutes Is thelength of time. Set In warm' place again, mold In loaves, raise and bake! This makes six to seven loaves. Small families may halve or third this recipe. - BASE ABIJU YESTERDAY'S National league. Pittsburg 3, Boston 2. Chicago 5, New York 8. Other games postponed, wet ground American IiCagiie. Cleveland -4, New York 3. Detroit 1, Philadelphia 8. Chicago 4. Boston 1. Boston 2, Pittsburg S. chance. He Is now being prepared for burial. In the old days I never expected to cheer at a funeral, but I cheered at his.-' ... . . DA1E ROTITWEXXi Optometrist and OptUsa Eyes Bol.ntlflcally examined. Qlasses ground to fit. American National Bank P.ndl.ton. Building, HOOKER'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone 522 ' r. Calls 15c and up. , A second-hand automobile is a won derful- thing. It enables an owner to forget all his other troubles. We know a man who' owns one who has even forgotten about the war. I INSTANT POSTUM Is made Instant lyjustriiihtiust enousJh.N0 WASTE Less Susjar, and-! DELICIOUS sl'MMKIl SCHOOL, for elementary and grammar grades conducted jj Grace Frost, will open in Un co in School building Wednesday morning 8:20 o'clock. Pupils may enter at any time after this data. lieers at Funeral. William C. Levere, former Judge, legislature and newspaper man, now YM. C. A. hut war work secretary France, writes as follows: "From he window where I sit, only an hou ago, I could see a saucy Boche who came flying over our lines and made- sport of us. Two American airmen leaped 'at him and he never had CASTO R IA For Infants and Children ' In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears -ytf Curnatun of TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Umatilla County, Oregon, will hold the regular examinations of applicants for State Certificates at Court House, as follows Commencing Wednesday. June 26. 1018, at 8:00 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Saturday. June 29, 1918, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. . Wednesday Forenoon. U. S. History, Writing (Penman ship),- Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon.' Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Sci ence, Methods In Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods In Arith metic. . Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic' History of Education. Psychology. Methods In Geography. Mechanical'Drawlng. Domestic Art. Course of Study for Domestic Art- Thursday AfterivKin. Qrammar, Geography, Stenography, American literature. Physics, Type writing, Methods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate . (.Friday Forenoon. j School Law, Geology, Civil Govern ment. o . Reometry, Botany. V - Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. ' .Very truly youra W. W. GREEN. ARMAND S Tha only NEW fc powdtrf in th pajt SO ytMura Oh yea, there are muy, many kinds of powdert oa the market, but this one Is abaolutely different from any yoil have ever nad. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Hav It I'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliilllllliU s S s s For the Lover of All S3 Good Things wmi 'si .a County Superintendent CANDIES j ARE THE BEST Take a Box Home With' I You. i 8 ' S Tallraan O Co. i I Leading D!-ulsta, g We adrertiae and offer War Sav. g S. Inga Stamps for sale with rarr g g purchase, g .1 iiitiiiiuiiHiiiMiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3 mmn Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Klee-4 tro Therapeutloa, Tonplo Did, IftMcajt. pboo. f jf Exclusiveness and good judg ment -the ownership of a mem .tne ownersnip or a t - i DANIELS I U J -THE DISTINGUISHED CAR Because of its refinement saf eness as an investment B -cause of Its , EXCLUSIVENESS AND INDIVIDUALITY FOR EACH OWNER. Soft and smooth of oteratJon. Vpholtttcrlng and finish do Inxe. Perfection In every Integral part, tlicapcr of up-keep In proMirtKra to first cost. CAM MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED HI, 1st, 12$ West Court 8C Telephone 4(1 J ; .,.,. - : ' -----