East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 12, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Xew instructions have come to the
t-al lied 'Cross chapter from head
quarter asking (hut the white aproa
and headcovering he worn continu
ously Ity fverj-one working In the sur
gical dressings room. With the com
ing of summertime tab-frocks there
ha been discussion of abandoning the
large apron, but the hi test. Inst ruc
tion make its presence imperative.
Following is the schedule, for the
wk of June 10-15. with the Instruc
tor in charge. The cause liegia hy
S o'clock in the afternoon or 7 In the
venlng and the same urgent request
la made for workers:
- Monday afternoon Folding: class.
Mrs. X. Berkeley, Instructor; cutting
clans. Mrs. John Thompson, lnstruc'
tor. - . -
Monday evening Business girls,
Mrs. J. C. Woodworth. Instructor.
Tuesday afternoon Folding class.
Mrs. R. L Power, Instructor; cutting
class, Mrs. j; Js". Burgess, instruc
tor. Tuesday evening High school girls
Mrs. E. I Power, Instructor.
ed by many of their elders, as welt
are enjoying the day at "Hawthorn,
on the hank's of the McKay.
Mrs. F. E. Boydcn and Mrs. Wil
son D. McNary announce the meeting
of their surgical dressings class In
the basement of the Library tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock and every
woman who can help with the work
is urged to come-
i Mrs. U. U Oliver and daughter. Miss
Grace Oliver, went over this morn
ing 16 Walla Walla for a few days'
visit with friends.
A charming summer cottage be
longing to Mr. and Mrs. G. I. La Dow
-h 3ust heen completed a few miles
this side of Bingham Springs, over
looking the I'matilla river. ' The lo
cation is near that of the Vincent and
Koblnson cottages and is a pictur
esque spot among the pines. Mr. and
Mrs. Li Dow nd the boys, accom
panied by Mrs. Mary La Dow and Mr.
and Mrs- W. H". Evans formed a mo-
afternoon Folding tor party which went out Thursday
Heads Artists Company on Second Day-"'
for k "week-end stay, returning Bun-
day evening. ..''.
Week-end ' guests at ' Bingham
springs included from Pendleton:
Class, Mrs. TN F. O'Brien, instructor;
cutting class, Mrs. T. . D Taylor, In
structor. Thursday afternoon Folding class.
Mrs. F. E. Boyden, Instructor; River-
aide cutting class, Mrs. H. S. Gar-1 Nellie Bryson. M. McDonald, Napa,
field. Instructor; Honor Guard cutting j CaL. Elsie- McDowell. Clarinda. Ida.,
class: Mtsa Lillian Boylen. Instructor, j W. Bryson, W. E. Campbell and fam
Thuasday evening Honor Guard , lly, v. E. Love and family. Joe
Girls. Mrs. H- M. Chambers, lnstruc- i Itawnsley. Mrs. Joe Ttawslcy. War
tor, i ren Crispin, W. S. Tates, Arthur
Friday afternoon Folding- class. Chapman. Greta Mclntyre. Mr. 8. O.
Mrs. L. L. Rogers. Instructor; cutting Crawford. H. E. Green, wife and son.
class, Mrs. J. O Woodworth, instruc
Sat untax afternoon - Volunteer
class, Mrs, C. L. Bonney. instructor.
Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Idleman. Miss
Helen Idleman, Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
ulnehart. Sam Coppnger, L A. Sut
ton, John Olson. J. J. Chlsholm, Mr
May Hager, Fred Dohnert. Kirk
Mrs. R. A. Wills has returned to t Thompson and wife. Glen Slater and
La Grande after being enjoyably en
tertatned for three weeks as the guest
of Mrs.' A- Thomas, 706 Aura street.
I wife, Percy Johnson and family, Mr.
j and Mrs. George Perlnger. Mrs. Dave
Nelson. Miss Helen Nelson. Mr. and
Mrs. McKay. Kenaeth McRae. Dr.
and Mrs. Floyd Croup, Mr. and Mrs.
E.' a. Lampkin. Mr. and Mrs. P. T.
Hales, Miss Rena Hales. Mrs- Daniels.
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Sharp,. Dorac
Copeland!, Mrs. Frank Greuliah, Mr.
I Frank Greullch, Evelyn Greullch.
i The annual picnic of the Sunday Leno re Greullch. T. C. Jackson, Mr.
school of the Church of the Redeem- ; and Mrs. Nesmlth Ankeny, Mr. John
er is a greatly anticipated event of j Luck. Herman Rosenberg, Jim Dev
today. Merry groups of kiddles Join- I elln. A. C McCook, H- S. Stcmbolton,
. Sirs. S. C Houston of Grand Is
land, Nebraska, is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs, Theodore H. Itembolt of
this city. Mm. Huston expects to re
main in Pendleton for the summer.
Wm, Mtckelson, 'Gean Hampton, Oi
son Strom Mr. Van Patten, Harold
Holdman (Sack Station), Clifford
Holriman, (iack Station), Lillian
Cully. Ethyl Boothby, Virgil Sribveley
I4nwood Llvermore, Erma McLean,
Merle King. Mr. and Mrs. Everett
King, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Tannler, Miss
Anna Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Simpson. James Simpson, Maude
Greaves, Gladys Bed well. W'aldott
Byers, Slegle Parlett. Marjorie Ire
land, Marjorie McMonles and Rich
ard Nlel, .
From Walla Walla were Mr. and
Mrs. L P. Hayes of Wattsburg Mlse
Wade, MIssDelaney. Miss Rice. Ml-.
Issater, Mr. and V W. H. Kitto,
:Kd Greaves. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Lapgdon and Herbert Skyes.
From Athena were John Benson.
M. E. Briggs Harold Smith, Max Hop
per, Laura Mclntyre. Belle Mclntyre.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cronk. CV A. SUr
nion, W. R. Wlnshlp, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Stone. Mr. and Mrs. c W Wallan Jflr.
and Mrs. P. L. Woodward, Miss Sue
Tipton,, Cuthersvllle. Mo.. Mrs. W.
Piper, Violet Kindlg. Will Piper. M.
It. and Herman Watts, A. A. Foss, M.
W. Hanseer, Adah DeFreece, Carrie
Do Freeco, Elmo Coe, Milton, Noble I
Hendricks, Milton, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Bergemine and family.
From Adams, Mrand Mrs. G. M.
Morrison. Kawlind - Morrison (Xew
York), and from Helix, W. H Shan
non and family and Sillian Watten
burger of Echo.
Dr. and Mrs. Guy Boyden. Mrs.
Thoa. Thompson and Mrs. Boyden
are spending a few days at Bingham.
f - . -' T : . ,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Huff are enjoy
ing the week at Bingham and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Loedlngr are also
spending a few dayny there.
Mrs. W. U, Nugent la up today
from Umatilla.
County Agent M. 8. Shrock la at
Milton today.
Ira W. Durrbw of Echo Is In town
on business trls morning. .
P. R. Brownell the popular Umatil
la merchant, la in town today on coutt
J. L. Hall and daughter Miss Mleta
Hall, have returned to their home 802
West Alta from Seattle, where Miss
He Will Welcome
a pouch o3
Real GRAVELY CLewlng PI33
Any gift from tlis folks back home
a lot to the boy.
When you send him tobacco, let it bo
good tobacco -tobacco worth sending tJ
that !onjr way the flat, compressor! plus
of Real Gravely.
Civs any man a chew of ReaT Graver Prog, and
will tall yea that 's tha kind to mmad. Sor.J tlie
Ordinary plug is false acoiieeay. It costs less per
week to chew Real Gravely, because a small cinew l
at lasts a long while.
V yon sssoka a pipe slice Gravely with your knife
and add a little to your emokuuj tobacco. It will givo
flavor improve your smoke.
,...... . -a roues or ckavixy
CWm uneil fc rrr it m 10c ,. A 3c ttmmn
wiD pot at mto mm bands " mmr Trainins Cmmp or Smmvtt of da
U.S. A. Eraa "otr tbare 3 shuaa will teke it k Mat.
1 Fafeml read kttpm H Frtdk 4 CUm mi Ci
C U set Itcal browiy snnVstrt Hit Protcctim Sd
Established last . ,
Tho Fcnwlck Newell Concert Company, vlto vJr preMOl tv? projr;au
at Chautauqua oo the second day. Is one el tho iwilu trio h camar
platform. Fen wick-A. Newell, headina the . y. to t tyrle teuv vr!C h-X
been advanclrur very rapidly to popular favor dnriiij,' the- pat lv rors HI
rtch natural voice, ander the car and Inslrtiethm of th 3aHt Wtt
coaches la the country, Radanovlta of Cbksgo unj 0rn. "an(ar of w
York, has developed tones of glorious wnruitli ecH co!o.
Miss Lillian Shank, violoncellist. Is an artist of litMf Tjr.'li.j;. tccan'.nt:)
and deep musical understanding, with a record or
form, Mnrr Jane Grigsby, accompanist, l a tree artist at, tha . gt 150.
Pendleton Chautauqua, Jane C8ta la July ltli, Inclusive.
Hall has been attending the University
of Washington.
Mrs, F. A. Branson and daughter
are here today from Hermiston.
Mrs. F. A. Brunson and daughter of
Hermiston are here today upon a visit.
Mrs. 3 T. McKee returned home
to Helix today after spending a cou
ple ot days here.
Mrs, Jennie Waldon came in from
Baker today for a visit with her cou
sin, Mrs, W. Richardson.
Charles E. Lewis of Stan fie Id Is at
the Golden Rule hotel, having come
In to. have a well drill repaired.
Mrs. John Strohm returned to The
Dalles today after a visit here with
her daughter, Mrs. Jack Young.
' Mrs. Ralph Stanfleld returned home
to Echo this morning after a two days'
stay here. Mrs. Hugh Stanfleld was
also in town today, coming to do some
Ladies' White vKid Sport Shoes, foxed
in brown, all sizes, . values $7.50, our
price ....... . . . . $4.50 '
Ladies' Black Kid . Lace Boots with .
white tops, Goodyear welt sole, real
bargain at $1.95
.Ladies' Brown or Grey Kid lace .boot
with cloth tops to match, ,7-8;, inch
: heels at .r.. $SjOO
Ladies' Brown Patent Leather Lace '
Boot with cloth tops,' 7-8 inch heels.
Price . .................. ..,7 $3.00 ;
Ladies' English Walking Lace Shoes,
Neolin soles arid rubber heels, prieed
i $
. I $i50
32 Sample Stores.
745 Main St
The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Span
ish War Veterans Is requested to at
tend the sewing class at-tho Federal
building at 2 o'clock tomorrow aft
ernoon. .
At noontime today Miss Clara Muriel
Straughan and James Harvey plighted
their throth at a simple hut otiarmlng
service at the home ofthe bride's
parents at 1704 West Webb street. The
couple was unattended and Rev. H. H.
Hubbell of the Christian church offi
ciated in the presence of the Immedi
ate famines. Following the cere
mony a beautifully apoplnted lunche
on was served and Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey departed by 'automoblla for a
short wedding trip.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
an Mrs. E. F. Straughan. ,8ho is a
graduate . of the Pendleton high
school and the possessor of a wide cir
cle of Pendleton friendm while her
husband is a'promlneirt and success
ful younsj business-man,, having ex
tensive farming interests in Dcspaiu
Oulch, northwest of town. An evi
dence of the popularity of the young
XEW YOR, Juno U Herbert U
Pratt, vice president of the Standard
Oil Co., of New York, who has'- re,
turned to this country after seevral
weeksrpent In Franco In organising
army stores at the Y. M- C A. huts
and canteen, sold to!ny that,, when
he was on the Toul front, the story
was told tnhlm over atufovor again
that Americans. In a raid on Ger
man trenches, had found tw Ameri
can soldiers crucified to trees.
He said he had been told, also thai
niany American soldiers had been
fcund with their heads cut off. Mr.
Pratt spent a week mingling with tlis '
Americans and he had heard these ;
stories from so many independent
sources tha he had no doubt of their j
truth. -
Their effect, he raid, had been lo
fill all the. American soldiers in this
territory with boiling wrath, so that
war In that section was heing car
ried' on practically without Quarter.
'The Ford Sedan, 1695 f. o. b. Detroit, hi a handsome enclosed motor
car that meets every demand In an up-to-data enclosed car.' A roomy
Interior seating five; deeply upholstered with fine cloth'; plats glass
sliding windows; silk curtains; latest type of ventilating windshield;'
large doors everything fur comfort, and the everlasting regular Fora
chassis to carry It, all means safety with simplicity In operation and
the lowest cost for maintenance, The real family car just as de
lightful on the farm as it is in town. ' Come, 'see It '
Simpson Auto Co.
i Hi:
mM)m?finjmmmn!S,coapI. 1s a hoat ol lovely ffif t , of
MMHHiHlU.Wi auver ana cue giasa wnn wmtn tnvr
3, were presented. - .
i I
I i
i 1
t ;
( !
f f
... v
Hot Weather
sf I Mrs. Fred Book was yesterday af
g ternooa hostess to the Husy Hee club.
fUjTha early hours were spent with lay.
ggjette work for the French orphans afi
srj unique guessing contest in which
gHjMrs. Guy O'Melveny and Minnie Uran
dim won high honor trophies. The
3 afternoon -was rounded out by the
fsgiservlng of dainty refroshments. GuesU
1 other than cluh members Included
. lMra, Rose ran berg, Mrs. Jennie Mey
l l'ers. Mrs. Adeline Huchl. Mrs. Minnie
3 Llnd, Mrs. Ida Olcsen and Mrs. Ben
:3 Wells. . .
MontliH Taxes Pay Two Days.
WASHINGTON, June 10. Govern
ment taxes gathered from a wide va-
rtty or sources, every nmrtth - are
barely sufficient if levies on income
and excess profits are excluded, to
pay war expenditures for two days ot
the month. This was shown today by
a detailed treasury report of tax col
lections for April giving the yield of
ordinary war taxes for that month
a f s3.700.OtM. Government cxpens.
o are now running nearly tiO.OOVf
DUO a day. .
R 0or. water and Johnson Sts. , f. . Plwaa 09 a K
p ' " " -3, . p
Thft thermometer hud dropped to
8S at 2:.1t) this afternoon, according to
.3 jthe official -weather observer althouKh
H t ho mornlnff's maximum temperattiro
was 5. The minimum wan 61. Th
weather Is cloudy and threatening and
" . there is Ifxht west wind.
llipm OmiIiicxh ount.
laONDO.V. Jun 2. Major
Iawrenoe V- M CosRrovo, of a
Canadian 'artillery . regiment,
wears the diKtlriRiii&herl aorvlco
outer decoration Cor rlnkiriff hta
life when a dorry In the middle
of an ammunition convoy was
blown up and six casualties 'oc
curred. Ho supervlMed removal of
wounded tinder heavy nhell fire.
Hy having (he lorries nearest to
tho hurnlnf( one removed he
minimized the effects of the
second explosion when two more
lorries blew up.
r' ' v i : 5
Modern in every machine and method; catering to
you with personaj service y
Telephone 179
E J I State Kxamlnalhns.
31 The June ttxamlnajjlns Will be
j held June 13 and 14 for seventh and
I eighth grade echolars. The examina-
lions for 1'endleton will be held at
f ; Lincoln school.
f : Knot Hrlf lit Voot.
i Kidon Condgon is receiving treat
E H ment from a local physician for a bill
;f let wound in the right foot caused
S 3 when he shot himself with a rifle last
4 nigh. The boy had been working at
f the new Intake at Thorn Hollow. He
3 . is about 1 3 years old.
By taking LydiaE.Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound, One
of Thousands of Such Case.
' Block Kivef rail, Wh.-'"As lydia
E. Pinkham'g ' Vegetable Compound
saved me irons as
On Blites, Lice and Disease. l
It's not the chicks you hatch; it's the chicks
,.. you save.
Diamond Chick Feed; Chick " Milk MasK,
' ' Egg Mash.
Poultry Remedies, Insect ' Powders and
1 " . Conditions.
- - . H
3 'Ktomtograott 8ar Rain.
I; The stormogrsph at the- Royal U.
1 Kawtelle jewelry store predicts rain,
the Indicator pointing lower than It
I has for the past 11 hours and still go
I 5 ing doT. The humidity Is about it
S per cent which means almost sure
I I rain ' It is declared.
..f..,.A. tl t!ii,.tt Muutt.,.
Cnrinx lYr Chinci-.
j It Is reported that fully 206,000 Chi
nese laborers are In France, bnlldin?
rnllrosdw end worklnc behind th
! ' -
operation, I cannot
av enough in praise
efit. I sniTered from
organic troubles and
my side hurt mo ao
I ceuld hardly be tip
bed, and I
Hi M"4
Tour teeth carefully examined
and properly fixed by th bast
painless method known.
Newton PaLifcss Dentists
Corner llala aa'd Webb Kreata
IS . Opea aremas
We advertise and otter War
Savtni Mainp tor sale with
: . .. averjr poaobasa. ..
S3 .
front m
was finable to do my
housework. 1 had
the best doctors in
EaaClairaaad they
wanted ma to have
an operation, but
Lydia E. Finkham'a
Vegetable Compound cured me so I did
not heed the operation, and I am telling
all my friends about it." Mrs. A. W.
BiNztR, Black Kiver Falls, Wj,
It is just such experiencea as that of
II l) . thmt k.a mvl. rhia fmon
root and herb remedy a household vord j d
from ocean to ocean. Any woman who i d
displacements, backache. nrrvotMnessv g
irregularitiea or "the blues" should
not rest until she hts (riven It a trial, !
. I v."'.' I
"' " " y - ' ' ' ! I .IJLL.M !
t 7 T7 . '
la assured by th use of soma
of these beautiful fixture of
ours. They give a light that
Illuminate th room prfotly,
but that doe not tire or strain
th area. They are aot expen
sive considering their extra mf.
fldsnoy and ertra beauty. Why
aot at least asa thsml