East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 07, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    4 C,". , ...... ,
I -i-r 1M'V
Notices,. Business (2pportunitiesvt tlost, Found, Fdr Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy; "Reference.
WANTED Second hand
Pin. street, ,
tent, tit,
OtRV WANTS WORK. City prefer
red.- Box 0142, Milton, Ore.
FOR SALE! Or will hire out. team
of good work hornet. Owner in
hospital. Apply 119 Turner St.
f available for loan on farming
' lands, not exceeding $5000 to dim per.
; eon. ( per cent Interest. Apply to
UhaM. H. Carter,- attorney.
Dr. Annie" Wilder of' ihe Hutnan
tcrlan society.. Tells your past, pres
ent, future. If you are discouraged
or sick come and talk with me. 1
will advise you. I have helped many.
Cosy Room.' over Pastime theater.
Improvements 'at Iteetz and lYeeman
Iteetx and Freeman have just In
stalled a new daylight lighting sys
tem, and also two of the latest elec
tric haircuttlna- far nines In their
shop at (46 Main street.
fODAT, '- -
ktactt r advertisement will
be run under "New t9mt" for
the first insertion only. Iftiring
subsequent Insertions of the ad
It will appiar under Its proper
classification. . , .
JJO.1T Lust Saturday, traveling- bag
containing baby's Indian blanket.
Phene JF4 or leave at Pendleton Mo
tor Bales Co. .
1 BUT ALL KINDS of junk at top
prices. Iron and sacks a specialty
Paclfio Junk Co J. S. Jonas, prop,
IT Cottonwood street.
" Chiropractor
' praetor, 10 West Webh Bt. Room
10. Office hour to II a. m. 1:10 to
K p. m. Kxsminatlnn free-, phon. SIS.
wajrr an coi.itmw aim .
. cxiMirirai uiBBOTonr. .
r Counting six ordinary words to
we uofl ana cnargea ay
tae line.
Want ads and locals.
Rate. Per f.taa
First Insertion, per line 10o
Each, add. Insertion. er tine ta
One woi'li (six insertions),
each Insertion, per line .. to
1 mo. 'each Insertion, pr lloe 4.
month eon tract, each In-
sertlon. per , line to
11-month eontract. each Inser
tion, per Has , , Se
No ada taken foe less tban-iia
Ads taken over tne telephone
only from East Oregonlan sub
scribers and those listed In the
Telephone Directory. Copt mutt
be In our office not later than
1:10 o'clock day of .ublleatioa.
$100 Reward. $10
Tb redr of this papr will be ple6
to Iwra ttiat there In at I runt nne drearfe
dlMaM that rlftice hai Iwn able to c.im
In all It ata; and that la ratatrft
i'atarrh blra; grwiHy lnfluiicM tf romci
timoual tfotiftitioaa reulren rontttutlnnml
tratni4iit Hall a Catarrh MtxJIrlne la take a
Internal! aud acta thru the Rloo! oo th
Mwoua Hnrfacea of the HTftin ihrreby Ue
trojlog the foundation of th dlneaae, r1'
Inf the (Mtlent atrcnatb Dy hnlldlna up tb
ronatltntluii and aaalattnit nut tire In doing
If work. The proprlctora bare ao rourb
faith In the curative power of flaM't
Catarrh MHllrlne that tlij offer One Hut
dred Do 11 a re for an rase that It fall! te
Cure. Hcnd for lint of testtmonlale.
Addraaa K J- CIIKKKY k Cq Toledo,
Jhlo. Hold br alt Drurgf. 7fte.
SAf.Ts Iff IIUK lfl ltTH mi ,
' VT are a nHon of meat saters and
our blood' Is filled' with- uric acid, says
a well-known authority, who warns u
tn b. constantly on guard against kid
ney trouble.
th. kidneys do their utmost to free
th. blood of this irritating- acid, but
become weak from the overwork: the
et slunglsh; the ellmlnatlva tissues
elo(f and thus the wast. Is retained In
the blood to poison th. entire system.
When your kidneys ach. and feel
Ilk. lumps of lead, and you hair, stlne.
In gpalns In the back or the urln. is
cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad
der Is Irritable, ohllglns; you to aeek
rallef during- the night; whon yoo
htv severe headaches, acid stomach
or rheumatism In bad weather,- avt
from your pharmacist about four
nu.ces Of Jad alts; take a tablespoon
ful In a giasa of water before break
fast each morning and In a few days
your kidneys will act fine. THIS fam
ous salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
llthla, and ha been used for genera
tion to flush and stimulate clocked
kidneys, to neutralize the acids In
UTtm? so It H no longer a source of
Irritation, thus ending urinary and
bladder disorders.
Jnd SsltS Is lnexpen!v. and cannot
Injure: makes a (telln-nlfiil efferves
cent lithla-water drink, and nobody
ean make a mistake by taking a little
ocinslonallr to keep th. kidnoy clean
an dactlra, .
For Sale
FOR BALE--. 117 llupmoblle, also
Chevrolet. Both thoroughly over
hauled. Snaps. McLean Auto: CO.
FOR SALE! One 1 toot Holt Corn
tin, with Atlas engine. Writ. R. J.
Campbell, Box (81, Pendleton.
FOR BALE Wheat hay.
Pendleton, Ore.
D. B. Bell,
FOR 8ALK NEW and second hand
Sawing Machines, ginger. Whit.,
New Horn.- and. Th. Fna Machine.
nacnntoca Btmpson. 40. K. court
FOB SALE- Twin .cylinder" Excelsior
Motorcycle, electrically equipped. In
food condition. ;, Haa tandem attach
ment. Run about 3 thousand miles.
Inquire Standard OH Co. Phone 441.
FOR SALE 18 foot" cdmbine-, with
good Holt .motor. Inquire E. J.
King, Helix. ... ., " M '
FOR 8AL.K fiolsteln milch cows and
heifers. fiulllford 4 Hampton
Kcho, Oregon. ' ,
FOR BALE House t lots end- barn.
Price reasonable. Inquire 801 Lil
leth street, phon. 89M.
FOR 8AI,E 1 foot cut Holt com
bine. Inquire J. Miller, Tutullla.
Pendleton, Ore- . .
FOR SALE House furnishings and
6-roofn rottdgS for rent. Apply
H05:W. Alta.
FOR- SALE Old style piano,
cheap.. Coll 8F3-
FOlt MALE Household furniture. In
quire Alexander's residence, ill El
Jackson. Phone 7-
FOR SALE, CHKAP far cash or on
reanonubla terms. One 9-room and
one 5-room houHe, located on 2 3-4
acres land In city limits of Helix.
Address Joe Kcrley, Helix. Oregon.1
FOR SALE Very desirable property.
Very closo In. Phone 660W.
FOlt SALE-r-A Htudeboker for I17S.
Ooing to war; must bo sold. Phons
4tSW or call 305 Cosble st.
Xotioe to Contrairtorg.
Bids will be received up to June
15, 118, for the construction of an
nnnexx to school house In School Dis
trict No. 1 1 7, Riverside. Plans and
specifications can be seen at offlco
of Raymond W. Hatch. Despaln build
ing. Bids must be accompanied by
certified check of S100 which amount
will be returned to unsuccessful bidders-
Suitable -bond must be furnish
ed. Right reserved to reject any or
all bids. a W. BLUE. Clerk.
Noi( of Bids for filitcwatk Construc
tion. N'otic la hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore. I
gnn. up to 5 o clock p. m. on June !
Hlh. 1918, for the construction of a -
sidewalk Oft the west side of Madison
street In front of lots s and . block R.
Switzler's Addition to the City of
Pendleton, said sidewalk to be con
otructed of the materials and In the
manner provided by the ordinances
of the City of Pendleton. TH. Com
mon Council reserves the right to re
ject any and all yd
Dated r Pendleton. Oregon, this
6th dny of June. 191R. - '
City Recorder of th. City of Pendle
ton. If Is could be done through classi
fied advertising, why not attempt ItT
it j "vt I DON'T tlk-E HIM- lI SMPGREFljTfr "
vj look?, HBLghl, HeeB . nj AftroL. t TlV nLBERT' tooWHS FW& MBS. .
kl Comes DEKTeReeAj Oj ,RotweC r if f Puff! this iswdeeD
r" "
A dandy irnve wire like
lev have, it
1 1
ROME AMD riPEsiD6 ruK.
For Rent
KOOM FOH RENT... Phone B39W.
FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court
FOR RENT Furnished room. Phone
75W. "t
TWO GOOI rooms for rent, til So.
Main. Phono- 367J. - . j. ' :
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
rooms; tie Lllleth street.
FOR RENT Sewing machines of ail
majres, (1.00 per week. U.00 per
month. McCllntock and BlmpsoD, 400
S. Court.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage Jit
Neahkahnle Beach. Phone 90.
FOR RBJfT I room unfurnished
apartment in steam heated build
ing. Apply this office.
FOR RENT I sleeping rooms, ladles
preferred Call evenlj.es. 120 Wil
Willow. Phono 482RV
Oil RENT Unfurnished J-roora
house. Inquire 201 Water street.
FOR RENT t fu'niHhed housekeep
ing rooms. 602 Water.
WANTED Good, clean rags, at Th.
East Oregonlan of fie.
WANTED Sewing, phon. 482-W.
WANTED Waitresses at Th. Quelle
WANTKI) An orphan colL Inquire
2 OW this office.
WANTED To rent. 5 or 0 room mod
ern house. If, 1. Whitman. Phone
418. '
WANTED Man and wife to work 0.1
ranch. Apply "H" this office.
WANTEDSecond hand desk, roll top
preferred. Address S.thls office.
WANTED At once, girl to wait on
tables. Boston restaurant.
WANTED 7 or g room hotiHe, fur
nished. Close in, modern- Phone
654. j
WANTED Woman to cook on ranch.
Address 23X this office.
WANTKD Day work by competent
woman, phone 290M. Room' 3-
Farm Land For Sale
FOR SALE 375 acres of choice
wheat land near Weston, lund lies
In gentle slope and best of tractor
land, half In crop this year, owner
get. possession this fall. Price flSO
per acre with terms.
Corbett Reality
Co.. First 4k Aldof St., Walla Walla
Used Cars
I WILL TRACE my Chevrolet tor
your Ford. Be. Millar, 712 Cotton
roft SALE Case 40 Touring car.
Will make good service car. Alta
Auto Radiator A Lamp Work a 701
E. Alta.
Contractors and Builders.
C. SWAN SON A E. R. DuPula. Esti
mates given free. All work guar
anteed. W. build anything, city or
country work. Phon. 34 1M.
would b&.
f1j0ii Tom, vmN VoT Vch H ?
I swf
the legal voters of tichool District
No. 16, of Umatilla County, fttate.of
Oregon, tltftf a SCHOOL MEETING of
snld District will be held at th" City
Mail, on the 17th day of June, 1918. at
2 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on
the proposition of levlng a special
district tax.
The total amount of money needed
by the district during the fluni yia
beginning on June 20, 1918, an i enri
iner on June 30. 1119. Is estimated in
the following budget .nd includes the
amounts to be received rom Ihi coun
ty school fund.- state school fund, spe
cial district tax, and all ntner moneys
of the district:
Kstlmsfeol JSaveadftares. '
Teachers' salaries $38,320.00 I
Apparatus and supplies, such
as maps, cnaik, erasers,
stoves, curtains, etc., man
ual training trades 1,000.00
Library books, text books.
statonery, supplies ana
miscellaneous -
Manual training department..
Repairs of scbooinouMes,
outbuildings or rences..
Science and Art .
Janitors' wages
Janitors' 'supplies .
Fuel. Dhones. eXDressage. eto
Clerk's salary. JS00; and tru-
ncy, f'.0; election ana cen
us. 1200 ...
Medical Inspection and cler-
Pontacre and stationery
For the payment of bonded
debt and Interest tnereon.
Issued under-Sections 117,
144 to 148, end 422 of the
School Laws of Oregon, ,
1917 ... : ..... 13.200.00
Election and census ....... . tiltMti
Truancv. medical inspection
and clerical ir,..i
Insurance - SOU. (J J
Snlary euperlntiidv-nt 2.800.00
Total eetiinatf-d amount of
monr-y to l expnUeu fr
fill purposes durins the
yaf ..-.. - J81.375.05
Intimated Reeelpta.
From county ecliool fund
durlntf the cominff - sch wil
year - UrOOO.OQ
Frcm state aohool !uni -iur-in
the . commit cho'1
yar - - 8.000.0
Cash now In the bunds of
the county treasurer, bc
lonfrlriff to the district 4,000.00
Estimated amount to be re
ceived from all other
sources during: the comlntf
school year, JL S- H. Fund 2,000.00
Total estimated receipts not
Including: the money to bo
received . from the tat
. which it Is proposed to
Tote 19,000.00
Total estimated expenses for
the year 4 81.375.00
Total estimated receipts not
Including: the ta to be
voted i. 19.000.00
Balance, amount to be rais
ed by d.fltriet tnx G2, 375.00
Dated this 27th day of May, 1911.
Attest: H. K. RICKKRK.
District Cl-rk.
RAYMOND W. IATCH. Architect.-U-apBln
bulldicff. FUeo Ititf, Pendle
ton. Orearon. . .
HAVE your clothes cleaned or pressed
Rudd'e 206 W. Webb. phone ft 86
COU W. F. TOHNKA, Auctioneer,
makes a specialty of farmers' stock
aud machinery sales, "The man that
Sets you the money." juearo orders al
but Oregonlan Office,'
TVewton-Pendleton An to BtaJre
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:4t
a. m. and 12:45 p. m.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00
a. m. and 1:00 p. m.
Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20
a. m. and 1:20 p. m.
Leaves Pendleton Allen-Knight
Store) for Weston at 10 a. m. and
4:00 p. m.
Second-IIand Dealers
V. BTKOHLE, dealer in new and sec
ond hand goods. Cash paid for sec
Mid hand goods. Cheapest place to buy
lousebold goods. - 21 E. Court. Phone
171W. .
Farm Implements
THE "NON-BKIP" Weeder sets all
the weeds the first tlm. over the
field. Save one-third th. tlm. and
does lota better work. Order now.
Pendleton Weeder work. (32 Cotten-
ood Bt.
mov. your household goods. Tele
phone; 339. Also baggag. transfer
ring and heavy hauling.
W. A. MILES, baggage, transfer and
d ravage. Office phon. (49- Res.
l-RED B. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law.
Room 34. Smith-Crawford BIdg.
D. W. BAILBT. Attorney at Law.
Rooms 7, , 9, Despain Building.
UEOHdE W. COUTTS. Attorney at
Uw, Room 17, Schmidt block.
CARTER SMTTHE, , Attorneys at
Law. Office In rear of American Na
tional Bank Building..
FEE FEE. Attorneys at Law. Office
in Despain Building.
r. j. KBATOR, Attorney at Law. Room
24. Smith-Crawford Building-.
& A. NEWBBRRT, Attorney at Law.
Smith -Crawford Bulldlns;.
Law. Rooms 8 and 4. tiiaith-Craw-ford
JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law
Office over Taylor Hardware Com.
HALET as KALET, Attorneys at Law.
Office In American National Bank
a A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel
lor at law. Office la IVenaln Ride
at a. rparular mtt tinar of thu Common
Council of The city of Pendleton, held
on May 29th, 1918. the fallowing reso
lutions were duly r.ipia:
WHEREAS, the City Surveyor of The
City of pemlloton did on the ISth day
or itay, lyts, under nirecuon ana ur
requirement of th Common Council
lile lu the office of the Recorder of The
City of Pendleton, pians and specifica
tion for an appropriate improvement
of the following named street In said
Garfield reet from tne norm tine
of lialev Street to the South line of
Jackson Street together with the esti
mate of the, work to be done sna ine
probable cost thereof with a statement
of the lots, ports of lots and parcela
of land to be benefited by such im
provement and the percentage of the
total cost of Improvement, which each
of ffuch lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on oceount or the
nefits to be derived from such lm-
provetttenis; and t
WHEREAS, the council nns examin
ed such plans and ppecifications and
estimates and found the sime satisfac
tory and the estimates thereof to be In
accordance with the probable cost of
such work, and
whkheas. the oronerty recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be included
within the boundaries of the District
benefited Is In the Judgement of the
Common Council properly to be Includ
ed within such improvement district
and no property is excluded therefrom
which should properly be included
therein; and
WHEREAS, the Improvement of the
herein above described portions of
Garfield Street with Gravel Bitulithic
pavement is at this time necessawy;
therefore, be It,
RESOLVED by the Common Council
Generally Steady
In Livestock Yards
at North Portland
TOfSTLjiND, June 7. Twelve
loads of livestock entered the North
1 ortlnnd yards overnight and trade
conditions were considered steady.
Run of hoss woa quite liberal for
th. day and priced were seuerolly
held nt former fiBures.
Gonerat hx g range:
Prim, mixed . . .
Medium mixed ..
Rough heavies .
. .$17 00J 17.25
.. 16.501 16. Si
. 15. S0i 15.85
. 1 5.00 Q 15.75
XTittlp pemaiKl Good.
Cattle market continues to reflect
a very iinonsonnlle good demand at
North IV.rtland with llsht offerings
Oeneral trend of the trnde was con
.iilered Meady.
lener.il cattle mnrkot rniiee:
Prime steers $i4.nni 15.no
Cunil to choice steers 1 ..". H.Ii
Medium to Rood steers.. 1 1.0ilt 13.00
Fair to medium steers. .
Common to fair steers. .
TZ I':;;"
t'holce cows and h.-lfers 1 1.00W I 2.00
Medium to good cows and '
helOr. 7-50 Ci S.00!
Fair to medium rows and
heifers . . S.onfli 7.001
Canners 5- !
TttlllTl B.5fl, 10.00 ;
Calves s.50ll.5J
Stockers and feeders K (HHi'10.00
Mutton lrk't II. .Id.
No chnnse In prices or condition
were shown in the mutton and lamb
trade at North Portland. l.lht
weight mutton continues In le.--t call
with heavy stuff under some pres
sure. In general the n-.nrki t Is con
sidered Just alont steady.
Oeneral mutton raniie
Fast motintsin lambs.
'allev lambs
. iic.r.os? 17.no
Ifi 0.? li.50
to.innf 1 l.n.i
. in.ud lii.ro
T.oit w ! r.o
: YenrllnKS
! Wethers .
! Kes ...
Ai.l.lTs Villi, ;ivi: i:i i.
1 III 1 IMIM Tl ltLl)
IjONOOX, June C. It official
ly announced that at Monday's ses
sion of the. supreme war council at
'cr:D:::cr t:-.i Tr; i 'l r.cnc-h r.i;d !t.-.l
of The City of Pendleton that if is ex- ' Whereas, cotffiCfl fcss exsminV-d
pedient to Improve and it is berbysuch plans and specifications-and -ea
Drnnnu-d tn Imr.rove tiarfleltl Street
from the North line of Haley Street to
the South line of, Jackson Street by
paving the same with Gravel Bitulithic
pavement: such pavement to ne con
structed and the surface thereof to be
finished upon the established grade of
said street and the street to nave euros
and gutters and all other things fn ac
cordance with and as shown In the
plans and specifications for the 1m
provement of eaid portions of Garfield
Street, prepared by Geary Klmbrell,
City Surveyor, filed with the Recorder
of said city, on the 15th day of May,
1S18, which plans and specifications
are hereby particularly referred to;
and be It further
KE30LVED that the engineer's esti
mates of the probable total cost of sucb
improvement, which said City - En
gineer's estimates were made and pre
pared by Geary Klmbrell, City Surveyor
of said city. In the sum of
and was filed with the Recorder Of
said city on the 15th day of May, 1918,
is hereby included ana nereny rererr
ed to narticulariv. and be it further
RESOLVED, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such lm-
orovement as Drenarad. by the City
Surveyor and filed wjth the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 15tn
day of May, 1918, be and they are here
by adopted and approved, ana do u
further ...
RESOLVED that the cost of making
such Improvement shall be a charge and
Hen upon alt lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land to be benefited by such
improvement, and the owners of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
so specially benefited by such im
provement shall be liable for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, and be it
RESOLVED that an assessment dis
trict is hereby created to be known aa
"Assessment District No. 6" embrac
ing the property benefited and to be
assumed for the payment of such im
provements. Which Assessment District
shall include all lot, parts of lots and
parcels of land lying and being within
the district bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Oeac Halloa ef AsaessnaeMt ' Dlsfriel
Xo. tut.
' Commencing at the N B corner oi
Lot 12, Uloek 10, Raiey's Addition to
the Town now City of Pendleton, O're
thence S. 1 degree 65 E. 300 feet to
the S. E. corner of Lot 7 of said P.lock
10; thence S. 83 degrees 5' W. iGO feet
to the S. W. corner of Lot C; BJock 11
of said Raiey's Addition; th'-noe N. 1
degree 55' W. 300 feet to the N. W. cor
ner of Lot 1 of said Block 11, thence
N. 88 degrees 6 E. 2ti0 feet to the place
of beginning.
And be it further resolved that a
copy of this resolution together with
the notice that the Surveyor" estimate
of the proportion of the cost of said
work to be charged against each lot,
part of lot and parcel of land is on
file in the office of the City Recorder
be publiHhed for a period of ten dayj in
the East Oregonian, which newspaper
is hereby designated by the Common
Council for the publication thereof.
And notice is further given, that
the Surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion of the cost of said work to bj
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the assess
ment District in said resolution men
tioned, is on file in the office of the
Recorder of The City of Pendleton.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
29th day of May, 1918.
Recorder of ThrCtty of Pendleton.
at a regular meeting of the Common
Council of fThe City of Pendleton, hcttl
on May 29th. 1918, the following reo-,
i " ' ' ,,, " ,.,, v-..-. nf Th.
City of Pendleton did on the 21st dny
of May, 1M8, under direction and by
;rmr, t nf the fommon Council
file in the office of the Recorder of
The City of Pendleton, plans and
.specifications for an appropriate im
provement of the following named
street In said city:
Pine street'from the south line of
Webb street to the south line of Rail
road street, together with the esti
mates of the work to be done and the
probable coat thereof with a state
ment of the lots, parts of lota and
parcels of land to be benefited by
such improvement and the percent
age of the total cost of improvement,
which each of such lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land should pay on ac
count of the benefits to be derived
Lfrom such improvement; and
lan premiers agreed to the following
declaration: j
"1. The creation of an Indc-pend-1
ent Polish, state, with free .access to I
the sea constitutes one of the condl- j
tions of a solid and just peace and j
of the rule of right In Kurope. j
"2. The allied governments noted i
with pleasure the . declaration, of .the I
secretary of the state of the United
States that the American government I
desires to associate Itself with the ex
pression of earnest sympathy with the
nationalistic aspirations toward free
dom of the Cxecho-SIav and Jugo
slav peoples.
Navy Enlistments Big:
Eager tO Get bllbS '
SEATTLE. June S. Young1 Amerl
teans, following publication of sub
marine sinkings off Atlantic coast, are
flocking; to recruiting; otficea here.
I "We have enlisted 34 out of 44 ap
plicants." paid Sonman Pimonton nav
camp publicity, today, "and it's the i
est day we ever had."
senators invite
j hamlnur'a. june o. rnaiir j
L-ewis preoiniiuit'o u uiuer ranEij
charclnjc that senators, by attacking
tho war's jconduct. had invited the t- i
Iwata ncrosts. Kepubllcan nietnbera !
resentfully counter-attacko!. char-
in? that Iwis 'nttemptedtt stop tulif
manning by attacking the rt'ptibli
Ruy liN'tty b4nds and thus help to
r'pel he ravoninir Prussian. j
St' l IKS.
V. t. I. I.carnie. '
SVultlo t. Alx-rd.-en 5.
foat Ix-affiH-.
Pacramento 3. Vernon 2
San Kmn( isco 1 '. Salt I.nWe 1
l.s AliR.'i.-s "'aklantl .
athinal TasiHN
.t. Imis 12. New York 8.
Brooklyn 1. riitstmrjr 0.
Chlcugo 3. rhllad. lphla 0.
- American I A-asow-Boston
1. Cleveland 0.
Washington S. Detroit S.
New T.rS 5 ? ;.
ni'iaies lounu ut" a.iiu n,,nl.:-
tory and the etimit-a thereof to be
in accordance wjth ithe prohahtle coat
of such work, and
Whereas, the pi-operty recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be In
cluded1 within the boundaries of the
district benefited fa in the Judgment
of the Common Council properly to
be included within such Improvement
district and no property Js excluded
therefrom which shouri properly be
included therein; and
Whereas, the improvement of the
herein above described portions of
Pine street with Ornvel Ititulithiu
pavement Is at this time necessary;
therefore, be It,
Resolved, by the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton that It la
expedient to Improve nnd It is hereby
proposed to Improve Pine street from
the south line of Webb street to the
south line of Railroad street by pv-
ng the same Willi Gravel Ritullthlo
pavement; such pavement to bo con
structed and the surface thereof to
be finished upon the established grade
of said street and the street to have
curbs and gutters and all other things
in accordance with and as shown In
the plans and specifications fori the
improvement of said portions of Pine
street, prepared by Geary Klmbrell,
City Surveyor, filed with the Record
er of said city, on the 21st dny of
May, 1918, which plans and speciffea
tions are hereby particularly referreoj
to; and be It further '
Resolved ' that the engineer" esti
mates of the probable total cost of
such Improvement, which said City
Engineer s estimates were made and
prepared by Geary Kfmbrall, City Sur
veyor of said city. In the sum oc
f and was fired with the Re
order of said city on the 21at day of
May, 1918, is hereby lneludwl and
hereby, referred to particularly, and
be it further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such Im
provement as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The city of Pendleton on the 2lst
lay of May, 1918, be and they are
hereby adopted, and approved, and be
t further
Resolved, that the cost of .makinir
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to be benefited by
juch improvement, and the owners ot
uch lotSf-parts of lots and parcels of
land so specially benefited by sucn
improvement shall be liable for the
payment of the costs thereof, and be
it further
Resolved, that an assessment dis
trict la hereby created to be known
aa "Assessment- District No. 67" em
bracing the property benefited and
to be assessed for the payment of
such Improvements, which Assessment
District shall include ail lots, parts of
Iota and parcels of land lying and be
ing within the district bounded and
described as follows, towit:
leerlp4ioBi mt AKwesaaaeat District
Ne. 7.
Commencing at a point ton the east
line of Lot 11. Block 102, Reservation
Addition td the Town now City of
Pendleton, Ore., 25 feet southerly
from the N. E. corner of said Lot Jl;
thence S. C6 degrees 24 min. W. ICS
feet to a point on the west line of Lot
I. Block lot, in said Reservation Ad
dition, 25 feet southerly from the N.
W. corner of said Not 4 ; thence ?f.
23 degrees 36 min. W. 685 feet to the
N W. corner of Lot 1. Block 88 of
snld Renovation Addition: thence N.
6i degrees 24 min. E. 260 feet to the
V. E. corner of Lot 14. Block 87 of
mid Reservation Addition; thence S.
:i decrees 36 min. E. t5 feet to the
plnce of beginning.
And be it further
Fcesolved. that a copy of this reso
lution together with the notiee that
tin- .surveyor's estimate of the pro
portion of thetcost of said -work to
be charged against each lot, part of
lot and pare! of land Is on file In
the office of the City Recorder be
published for a period of ten days in
the East Oregonian. which newspaper
is hereby designated by the Common
Council for the publication thereof.
-And notice is further given, that
the surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion of the cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the Assess
ment District, In said resolutions men
tioned, is on file in the office of the
Recorder of The City of Pendleton.
Dated Bt Pendleton, Oregon, tbfa
29th day of May, 1918.
Recorder of The City of Pendleton.
. l.t STKK TO 11AIIU
-you can turn gray, faded hair bean
tlfully dark and lustrous almost over
nlKht If you'll get a 50-cent bottle ot
"Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Com
pound" at any drug; store. Millions
of buttles of this aid famous Sage Tea.
Recipe, improved by the addition ot
other ingredients, are Bold annually,
says a well-known druggist here, be-
j cause it darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that no one can tell It haa
Those whose hair Is turning gray
or becoming faded have a surprbr
awaiting them, because after one or
two applications the gray hair Vani
shes and your locks become luxuriant
ly dark and beautiful.
This Is the age of youth. Gray-
i haired, unattractive folks aren't want
ed around, bo get busy with Wyeth'n
j&iitn and Sulphur Compound to night
and you'll be deliKhted with your
1 dark, hnndmiino hair and your youth
j ful aiHrt-arance within a few days.
This preparation i a toilet roqui-
site and is not m.t-naeti ior me cure,
mlit.iat ion of prevention of dlneaiw.
Get a 10 cent package of Dr.
James' Headache Powders '.
aad don't suffer.
mr li.-a-l at-lio ynu simply
ri-li.f or you will po w il.t.
ti MifT--r h.n you eaa
I list In
n mr iy l:k. fr. Jairn-' llead-
: .li-n aa4 r. it. ve t!i p iia sn.1
1 ::t (m--. Si-n-l miiiiihim ta
.rn:fl non- f-r a dims p-u-kajrs
.1 imiV lfeai!ach rowtiers.
'.-n'l mfT-r! In a l-w moment you
-i'l feci Hne headache goas 00 mora