East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Eld 1 IT
TIik nwn'ii chorus of the Baptist I converted Into a bowcrlllke spot for
i-hur-fc niannimr civ a tietro the affair, an Unusual attraction of
minstrel show in the basement of the which Is the reservation of boxes for
church thin evening. . There I individual parties and guests who do
will be four funny end men. fiood ; not care to dance, and the selection
chorus selections and solo numbers,
with a number ef side splitting; jokes
Pat 4a at the right place. The men
' are planning to give a good enter
tainment and are urging all their
friends to tone and enjoy It with
Carl Kngdnhl, manager of the Far
mers Mutual Grain Agency at Henx
was a business visitor In. Pendleton
yesterday and today.
The ball room of the Eastern Ore-
of the suburban scene adds its lore
with the coming of warm summer
evenings.' Mrs. Koy' T. Bishop has
and her assistants are Mrs. James B.
Welch, Mrs. G corse Baer, Mrs. .Wil
been In charge of the arrangements
son D- McN'ary and Mrs, Westbrook
Mrs. J. C. Woodworth's Friday aft
eruooB class In surgical dressings will
meet tomorrow in tho new library
work rooms As always. Mr Wood
worth extends a cordial welcome to
eon State Hospital is this evening the all and the roomjviU be open at 1:30
destination of scores or -enaieton o'clock.
"Yolk who are interested both In the j -
IH-ogress of the energetic plans of Wfth the resumption of gauxe fold-
Parish Guild members for the newjlng for surgical dressings, the neces
' community house, and In the inviting slty for cutting jclasses increases and
features which attend this, ev&ulcg .an urgent request Is made to allfwho
number of the series of benefit danc-jare Interested to assist with the work
es. The spacious auditorium has been when passible. The cutting class un-
Children Cry for Fletcher's
1 i 4
der the direction or Mrs. 'J.' T. Rich
ardson will meet In the Library work
room tomorrow at 2 - o'clock and a
oordial welcome Is extended to every
one to join In the work then. -
Hawthorne, the pretty farm home
6f the De Spa Ins, was yesterday the
scene of an Informal but thoroughly
delightful gathering: of Pendleton
friends who motored out to spend the
anernoon m trtnute to Mrs. Nancy E.
De Spain, whose birthday anniversary
It was. Mrs. Norborne Berkeley was
responsible for- the pleasing bit ' of
hospitality, which' celebrated a. num
ber of occasions of Interest among the
guests, the affair1 complimenting the
wedding anniversaries of both Sirs.
James Welch and her mother, Mrs
Homer Hallock of Portland, who is
her house guesr.' and the birthday of
Mrs. J. F. Robinson as well as that
of Mrs. Berkeley's mother.
Granted Divorce
Judge-'.. W.;Pherps has Issued
71'" wanting a divorce to J. ' K.
" . . . m ' uth . -Hortoiv. i"
Raker Rantcor ihvtJty."
' lwls Fernald, banker of Baker,
is In town today bn his' way to Bend
tOj attend a Bankers- convention. ':
lord Man Hero . -.. '''-.
C. Barrel of the TPnrA ui. r- :
n " m endleton for a
fev days. ; He i making is head-
wuancrs at Simpson' Atrto Co.
' ' "'-...Hi n - i .. ,,t -.' a
Estate ApiVratsed.
Wm. Duff. H. n u.ii . j m
KUambirth appraisers tf the estate of
u. x. z.rgia, -deceased, have placed the
viuuo i eT0.45.
Th Kiad Yea Bave Always Sought, and which has Been
ta use far over thirty, years, has borne the signature of
0 " anl has been made under his per
&ZjCJ&T?ytj. 80081 snperrision since its infancy.
. jiow no one t0 deceive yon fi
All Cobhterfeits, Itnirations and " Just-as-good " re but
Experiments toat trifle with and endanger, the 'health oj
Infants and Children Experience aeainst Experiment.
; What is CASTORIA
Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
J)rops and Soothing' Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains '
r i neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant se for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; "rilaying Fevcrishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomnch and Bowels, aids ,
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
.. The Children's Panacea Ihe Mother's Friend.
t Bears the Signs
Jji S XT m
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Protect Your JEarnings. . . Insure Vour Crop.
It vill pay you to see us at once.
lllEast Court St , Telephone 118 J
Master Xormair fsreraner yesterday
celebrated his stxth birthday anni
versary In a-beautiful way by extend
ing hospitality to' a group of his par
ticular friends who enjoyed games on
the lawn- followed by ' a luncheon
around a daintily ' appointed table
decked with sweet peas. The little
host received many expressions of
good wishes and lovely 'gifts. Th
merry party included Marjorle Ebert,
Arnold Ebert, Jr.. John Penland.
Vera Leas, Mary" Elizabeth Hopr,
Peggy Hexter, Charles Hexter. Jr,
Morris German and Laurence Blum'
berg. ' ..-.., ..
Mrs. JesTO Saling and daughters.
Edna and Thelma, " returned last
evening from Portland where Miss
Thelma has spent the winter attend
Ing St. Helens Hall, Mrs. Saling and
Miss Kdna went down a fortnight ago
to attend the commencement program
in which the student contributed ma
slcal numbers of marked merit. '
for points near Salem where they will
spend the summer as Mr. Drew hae
government' occupation for tho vaca
tion,''' '' ' i; - V I
Itiinrornments Ifnllutl.
The Interior of the' Pendleton Mo
tor Sales Co.V place-corner Cotton
wood and Water streets, has been
newly painted and with the olher Inv
provements -made'' the company I
quartern are" now as fine as could be
desire-"'. " - " l
Pharmacy Secretary Here.
riommer, secretary of the
dragon ooara of phanmacy, was In
' touay rrom Port nrt tr .
crence with local druggists: -Down
frum Ijehmaa Springs.
. iiartholomew . of mneiM
is In town today from Ichman nnplnin
wi.ore ne nas a band of sheen
summer range.
tiiwuMiismiiiii wiwiiiiaMaaiiiluiikiiiui
You want quality, quantity
and patriotic service.
You always get it at
Lynde Bros.
309 West Webb
Phone 334
Miss Mable Green a teacher in the
Walla Walla schools Is in the city for
a few days visiting with her brother
W. W. Green, county sohool superin
Q. Richter of the Pasco Union
Stockyards Is here today attending the
St. Joseph's Academy commencement
F. G. Shilke of the O.-W". n- A N,
company. Is here from La1 Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glllllajid and
children ef Echo, were here overnight
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Forrest are In
from their reservation farm today.
J. C Martin, Athena farmer. Is In
town today.
Mrs. Karl Dudley was in town from
Helix, yesterday.
J. R. Flyan, representing the Blake.
McFall company, is in the city from
Portland. , .
County Commlsfdoner H. M. -Coek-
burn. Is In the city, having come
down from Milton last night.
C. Kflllam of Hermiston. was an
overnight stopper at the Hotel Pen
C. Jl. Hi hoard and Charles Baxter
of La Grande, stopped overnight at
the Pondletoa hotol. . "
Kesmtth Ankenvand. A. 3. McAllhv
ter drove over to Wal la Walla this
I ; D. J. O'Rourke of Heppner and P.
I 3. ("olbtirn of La Grande, were reg-
Istered at a local hotel last night. .1
Hall Craft of Echo, was here over
night, stopping at the Hotel St.
George. ,
Mrs. M. !. Morrison, wife of he
aiayor of Helix, and Mrs. K mi bell.
are shoppers, m town today.
Mrs. J. W. Stevensen was la town
from Pilot Rock last night, taking the
train for Elgin, where she will visit.
Mrs. J. M. Hicks arrived here last
night from Milton and plans to
spend the summer at the J. TT. Ma
leney home,
Margaret L Slushcr. of X'ortland
Is now visiting; in the city as t the
guest f her grand pareu'(jj.,iirC nd
Mrs. William Slusher. '
la aasered by the oee ef some
of these beautiful fixtures of
ears. They give a light that
illuminates the room perfectly,
but that doe not tire or strain
the eyes. They, ere sot expev
etve eoasMsting tbeir extra ef.
tlcicney and ertra beauty. Wky
at at toast see Uait
Keep up the- light; do eot give so.
Nature ix trying to serve you In cosqoer
rnir the wrongs that may exist.
Rod blood, vim, courage, vitality, all
seem laekiiiff. No wond-r you re nerv
ou and dlconni!red. ' ' '
- Why not raH to vei:r aid a strong,
dependable aJiy? - Dr. Piice's tiolden
Medical Dincoery has (or aesrly lilty
yars proven its merits as a most power
rnl ton re and blood bnfldwr to the many
thoussud who have been returned to
good health b its use. - '
Clntr tiie coated tonsue. get rid of
onsigbtly fkln trouble. ia inw remark
able remedy rid vntirMHKT of the Im-rnn-itk-i
of tho blood, let It tone and
stremrthnn yea.- It oltea cores the linger
Ino chr.nwi coogb,
IJr. Fierce' (iolden Medical Discovery
Is absolutely herbal, free from alcoliol
or dHinrorou habit -forming drugs. All
druggitU. Liquid or taolets.
Poirrt.AJin. Orko. "I certainly esn rec
ommend Doctor Iterre'a Uoldi-n Mdlral
Lnscovery. 1 bad liver trouble so bad
tent A was juhi
JkIIow and bad in
lgetion, too.
A lo bad woman's
trouble, and 1 was
weak and nervous,
I deeidd to try
Dr. IVrce'fi tiolden
M-dlral Il?covery
and hHi "Kavortte
Prenrriptlon.' 1
took six btl of
each and was a
w!l womsn.
My husband had
uTMihlewrthbislnmrs. He w very weak.
1 "sve him ' irvery and t4 rurrd bim.
"i rsnjMt 8pak Uw bigLiy oi lr. rerw'
Pfmirfi." lius. fuiu PArri'.Meoa, OX
Kirby street. ., . ,
PoRTt.ASn.ORxo. "For bllionsnen and
tond Wvft nnd to r-g'ilste th Niw-I.
thnre ie rmthing that ran nai Dorttfr
Pierce's Pkwani poltw. I hare uaed
them nrr tivnt yesrs end hsve olvvi
.... ...... .1 .. ,. ;.: -4-
Paid His Fine.
At the meeting of Pendleton Circle
o.. 0 ST-, IVelghbors of "Woodcraft,
issi evening, all present enjoyed
nice candy feed. - tt was a treat paid
as a -line - by Gus Benson.
Arrives from Iowa.' ;
miss Elsie McDowell arrived here
from Iowa today and will vlait with
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bryson. She Is
stopping at the Hotel" St. . George at
fSolmt to Springs Tomorrow.
tr- and Mrs. Wilson D. McXary
and their guest. Dr. I. L- Griffith of
?aiem. expect to drive out to Bin.
ham or Hklaway springs tomorrow
tor a day's fishing and outing'.
Julia A. Davis llrd at Helix
Julia A. Davis aged . wlfs of W.
H. Davis, died at her home near He-
Hx this morning. The funeral will
be conducted at Helix tomorrow mor
ning at 11 o'clock by j. T. Brown.'
W. 0 W. Onoo a Month. . 1
At the last meeting of tho Pendle
ton camp of W. O. W. it was decided
to held meetings but ence a month,
the first Monday during the summer
until October- -
Valued at $800.
The value of the estate of Grace 1
P. Ayers, deceased, has been placed at
J0 by N. Berkeley. T. E. Judd and
E. W. MeComas appraisers of the
same, '
Jihso Examinations.
Notices are - being sent out of
the school superintendent's office
that the June tests for seventh and
elgwth graddes. wil- lbe held June IS
and 14. '
5enfe Plielps Imrovlnjr.
Word received- by D., T. Phelp!
from his son. George, who Is at Hot
fake under the are of physicians, it
that tie Is improving and that he will
be fully recovered m a few weeks.
Called on Saprrlhtendent.
Mr- Schubert of school district No.
i. In the north, part of the county.
was a caller at the office of Supt. W.
W. Green totlay regarding the chang
ing of boundary lines of the schoO
district. . , '
Motoring t' -Brattle. -; -Mr.
and Mrs. J. F- Ilobineon, Mr,
-lon' Cohen, ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam
K; Thomimm and Mr.' and Mrs. I
I"Tlogers comprise an auto ' party
that left Pendleton this morning for
a week's Trip through Washington to
.Seattle!-' Threy wH gr through Sno.
Quamlsk Pass and will be absent from
Pendleton a week. . ,j , , k
.'' . u . ... 1 ,,. ,
Iftipod to Meet Son Hero. ' -.
Mrs.' K. T- Smythe -passed' through
Pendleton on No. 17 today, going to
Portland from- an extended trip east
end south, during which she' visited
Washington. D, C. Atlanta. Go-, and
Chattanooga, Tenn. She had hoped
to meet her son. Dan P. Smythe, here
find was planning to stop off, but
found out at the depot that he was
In Idaho.
Writes from Camp. Ijcwls. 1 ' '
Arthur C. Lewis, a former Pendle
ton boy, writes from Camp Lewis to
Mr. Walker, secretary of the local
W. O. W. camp, of which he Is
member. He was with the draft from
Utah, and says that he is getting set
tied In the new quarters and as he
becomes accustomed to the military
Ufe he likes It better all the time- Th
only fhlng now is to get a chance at
the kaiser- .'
. Just received a line of Men's ftorse
Hide Harvest Shoes in tan and dark
colors. With oak soles; these shoes
tv-ere' maSe to retail at $3.50 per pair.
We have sizes 6 to 11 in this lot, while
they last ";.
Only 52.65
The Hub
32 Sample Stores.
.745 Maia SU i
Pendleton I 'or tu mile.
At the meetings of the ministerial
association in Pendleton Tuesduy.
June 11. Pendleton is more than usu
ally fortunate in being given an op
portunity to hear Dr. Sydney L. Gu-
llck and Dr. Geo. W. Xasmith. Their
tour through the Pnited States has
been especially sanctioned and ap
proved "by the government. Pendle
ton Is the only town In eastern Ore
gon where they will stop and in ar
ranging their Itinerary to stop here
It yas necessary to cut their stops at
Yakima and Olympla. Wash. 1
Threshing Inspectors.
Government Inspectors will be
sent to Umatilla county during har
vest with tho idea that much can be
done in the way of conservation on
wheat. ' These inspectors arc to be
under the authority of the grain
threshing division of the -food admin
istration. It Is tho Idea of the ad
ministration that through the advice
of these inspectors farmers will be
able to save an addition' of one nnd
half bushels to ovrry hundred
threshed. As tho first step the Pa
triotic Service League has been call
ed, upon by . the food administration
to make a completo census of the
throshing machines In the county, al
so, other .harvesting machinery.
ivennnD. race ieti
jj ..- -v. - AT m .
Walla Walla, Wash.,')
Jl TWO BIG DAYS - ' ' "
Three running and two harness events each day &
J for substantial cash purses. Some of the fastest A
S horses in the West will be here. Npbody barred. ' j
4 Races start at 1:3Q p. m. . , . , , - , , v 2
Admission, 50 .cents, including Grandstand seat
Under auspices and for the benefit of
Will tiend Ont Work Ttlr-sday. '
The Red Cross cutting room at the
ooimty library is again m operation
and work -on hospital garments will
go out to all the auxiliaries on Tues
day, June 11. Tnts wilt be the first
work sent ont for about a month.
Deft 2876.87. I
The estate of the tnte Lucinda
HHe, who died lasr month at Athena
has been -valued at 12376. 7. The
apiralsers were Tork Dell, B. B-
Rlahards and A- B. Hteele.
Married Yesterday.
Urease was Issued from the office
of the county clerk yertterdny to Wil
bur D. Powell end Hulda M. Allen.
botH of Pendleton. They were mar
ried by Justice Parkes.
Property listed at $ta.OOO.
The property as listed by ; R.
Taylor, B. B. P.ichards and Frank La
Fave. appraisers for the estate of
Mary La Pave, and" filed with the
county clerk showing a total value of
Sowing a!es to I!
Hospital garment sewing classes
Will report for duly again beginning
Monday, and full classes are- desir
ed. Class leaders are asked please
phone or otherwise notify class
members. Ladles who desire to be
regularly assigned to some class are
requested to call on or phone Mrs. A
H. Cox, ' '
Aipna is a cool
ing, refreshing, satis
fying drink the best
you ever tasted.
Try it today youH
say "it's the drink for
Every Home'
Should : Have.
lire Call Was Palsn Alarm.
The entire fire department and
rood many citizens were balled out
about lVjO this morning by a fire
alsrm from box 25 on Main and High
streets. The fire was supposed to
have been at 118 High street, but af
ter the fire truck made the hfll with
some difficulty, there was no fire to
be found, and no one knew why the
alarm had been given.
tnrilon Brought SC322.T3.
The Pendleton May Day auction
brought 632.7, according to the
financial report Just In, and . same
has been deposited to the credit of
the I'matllla county chapter of the
American Red Cross. - The chapter b
in fine condition financially, having
the sum ef I3.17. on hand, with
Mils against the chapter amounting
only to about 20. Con tribal Ions
since June 1, besides that from the
May Day auction, include 1421 sd
from the Helix auxiliary;, (20 from
FrtiitTsle; 1742.7 front E.CHO, and
11124. JS from Milton.
Tesve for Valley Points. 1
.r,.'M.Pr ni-i V. t'. TV. Pr-r -'
j;... ... Hi. t...
W -.l-4.liil".8.Is3:f.Trr I A
wmmmmmmmmmmm, m M r.
Alpha is a bev
erage of quality
served wher
ever soft drinks
are sold. Ordera
casenowand get
acquainted with
new beverage.
The Ford Kcdun, 1693 f. o. b. Detroit, Is a handsome cnrlunrd motor
car that incuts every demand In nn up-to-duto enclosed car. A roomy
Interior seating five; deeply upholstered with fine cloth; plate glass
sliding windows; silk curtains; latest typo of ventilating windshield;
larff door3 bvorything for comfort, and the everlasting regular Ford
chassis to carry It. all means safety with simplicity In operation and
the lowest cost for maintenance. The real family car Just
lightful on the.farnvas it Is.ln town. Come, se It. ' '
i Simpson Auto Co.
as de-
t-m m wfI
Cor. Water and Jfoluisoa Sts. 1 Phone 4M :
I n 1
fplia Beverafie
Chicage, UL ,
' AkTerDder
r.W.JewAC. LaiaJsaaaCe '
Don't -worry and complain about a
bad back. Get rid of that pain end
lameness! Use Doaa's Kidney Pills.
Many Pendleton peop:e have used
them and know how efective they
are. -Here's a Pendleton case. J
Mra P. T. Kriser, 107 Oarfielrl 81,
ays: ' "I am subject to backache
snd kidney disorders about once or
t'.vlce a year and at times these at
tacks are very severe. My back aches
aid I can hardly get up or down.
During this misery with my back. I f
mv ktdnevs causs me a great deal of
trouble. Since f have been taking ' j
Doan's Kidney Pills, I am bothered j I
but little by my back and kidneys I
working order and relieve that awful j
misery in my back." j -r 1
Pries 0c at all dealers., Doa t ; ,
simply ask for a kidney remedy get l
Doan's Kidney piils the same that
yi-m y--t-- r-,-'i-r ril'iiin "'. zp.
We have over 500 two-horse cveners. ' And
three-horse eveners. And four-horse "eveners.
Also six-horse eveners. and header evencrs; Also
several hundred wagon Reaches!" Anything
from 10 feet to lb feet long. Lots of
tongues. All kinds of plank stuff.
Come in and get fit up for the harvest . AVE
CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. You will find me
the Hardwood is stored. ' ' v
E 5
i i
E .-3
"' ""'''l''ilIMlll...l.u..uii.JuJ
J '