TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONI Atf ; PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, WAY 11, PAC"':',! , ' ' G1595 First Quality Has Put . Chandler in First Place" ' ...V. . : ' .'V ! ' WHEN men talk now of fine cars selling at me dium prices they speak first of the Chandler. Because, for five years, the Chandler has been such . a good car, so well built, so dependable in its ser vice on the road. And because now, so distinctly, i it offers extraordinary value. r The most distinguished feature o the Chandler Six is, its marvelous motor Chandler-designed and Chandler-built which, through five years, of re finement without radical changes, has bee,n devel oped to a point approximating perfection. ', The life, pick-up, power and endurance of the Chandler motor have been a revelation to thou sands of experienced motorists. The Chandler motor is mounted in a really great chassis,' and Chandler bodies offer an attractive range of choice. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES , Seven-Passenger Touting Car, $1395 Four-Passenger Roadster. 1595 - Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 675 ' .' Convertible Sedan, S229S Convertible Coupe. S219S XUmousine, S289S - , All prices f. o. b. Cleveland) " vCOME CHOOSE YOUR CHANDLER NOW N. P. McLEAN, Distributor Main Street, Opposite Hotel Pendleton Telephone 222 niAMni.P.R MOTOR PAR "nOMPANV.1 n.F.VRI. AMn OTTIO w ' - A FOHOUJITY nissra The East end believe that they are entitled to representation In the re sults of the coming primaries and ap peal to all voters In the Republican primariee to aid them In their modest desire. ' The West end in addition to Robert 8tanleld torn V. fi. Senator, have two candidate on tha Republi can ticket for the legislature; the Kast end has no candidate for any office save that of H. A. Williams of Mil ton, for County Commissioner'. Mr. Williams has been X years in the county, has hud large ' experience in municipal work, has a constructive road program which Is designed to put the road money at the right time on the feeders to the trunk roads of the county, giving to every district Its proportion according to nevd and uric. Ilia opponent C. I l)unnlng Is from the West end, and while we believe him to be a good man, ho hns only been a few years In the county. Tho East end auks thut their pleu. he ron atdored and that In marking their bal lot the voters consider tho claims of the two men and also the claim of this Beet Ion for representation in the County Court. . . , (Paid Adv.) FurnlsJied by tlw Mi Kud Williams Campaign Committee. H. A. (Lon) Williams Candidate for COUNTY -COMMISSIONER in the Republican Primary, May 17. Your vote and influ '. ence respectfully solicited ' ' (Paid Adv.) i REALTY TRANSFERS Deeds. - ' James Johns ef ux to Pendleton Sheep Co., $1200, 8E. 1-4 Sec. 30, Twp. 2 N. It. 28. , Mary Ida Morrison et con to Pen dleton Sheep Co., 1000, BE. 1-4 Bee. 24, Twp. 2 X. K. 27. i William C. Bhields to Hugh C. Cur- rln $2400, N. 1-2 BE. 1-4: BW. 1-4 8E. 1-4: SE. 1-4 SW. 1-4 Bee." , Twp. 2 8. K. 22. , - T. D. Taylor to Josiah Cruli.' $2, X'E. 1-4 Sec I. Twp. X. H. 32. Hercules Lodge No. St K. of P. to Milton Slty a corp., 11500, lots 3 and 4, block 7. McCoy's addition. Milton. ' iKllzabeth Banschard et ui to R. O. Ranks, et ux $2400, NE. 1-4 Nff, 1-4 SW. 1-4 Sec. S. Twp. 4 X. R. 2. C. A. 8iecht et ux to R. G- Banks $1800, NW. 1-4 NE. 1-4 SW. 1-4, Bee. 5, Twp. 4 N. It. 29. MagKie Horn et con to J. W. Ma loney $1, SW, $-4 BE. 1-4 Sec. 32, (Twp. 3 N. R. 84. GERElll BEGAN W to mm TERRiTom Lecturer Condemns Ger many and Says She Has , Already Lost,, "If the United States had not de clared war against Germany It would have lost its national soul," declared John Lewtas, traveler, evangelist and lecturer, who spoke on "The World War'' to a good audience " at the Methodist church uut night. Follow ing the lecture, Mr. Lewtas showed a number of views taken in the war zone. . . In answer to Germany's assertion that she was fighting fur the freedom of the seas, Mr. Lewtas said there never was a bigger lie than that em anated from the bottomless pit, for Oermany had always had the freedom of every part of the globe. Germany had planned this1 war for yean In order to obtain more terri tory, and she chose the moment to strike when England waa beset with internal troubles and when her ter ritorials could least be expected to aid the mother country, the Bpeaker said. Germany had warred with France once, and come out the victor, and as for the United Statesthe Ger man nation thought this countrjr money-mad and entirely lacking in ideals. ' : '. . ? .. i. When tho war was started. Ger many expected it to end quickly. In fact, Mr. Lewtas said. Germany .mili tary writers aaid that Germany would H-in the war In 90 days or she would never win It. "And she never will, id!ed Mr- Ixrwtns. ' ' Tho religion of Christ stood in Ger many s way, the speaker said, for n was a religion of "Thou shalt nots," and of "Blessed are the peacemakers.'1 So Germany discarded ft, and adopt ed' that of the "ubermenschen," Ger many's "supermen." They believed In their own superiority and divine right, and felt that practical Chris tianity was no longer necessary for them. . ' This war la between Christianity on nn .Ida and the Dowers of darkness on the other, Mr. Iewtas pointed out He asserted that Germany has al ready lost it, that she is hopelessly floundering about and that the allies are holding fast. Mr. Lewtas also de clared that America had a . million men in France If she had one, and added that our boys were oh the most dangerous part of the firmg line. Mr. Lewtas denounced Russia, say ing that if It hadn't been . for her weakness. the,' American , boys wouldn't needed to have . gone. ' and that this country needed not have raised a dollar fdr Liberty "bonds or j Red Crosa work. He declared that j "neither Prussians nor Russians ; should be allowed In the; United; States for the next 50 years, and was heartily cheered. j The lecturer gained his knowledge ! of war conditions from a several j months' stay at the tmttle front Be fore America entered the war. Jrr rr s-7, " ? Z J:VrVn ".fiY'VS BEST IN THE LONG UUNjCv. r T qTlleVerdict of tfie Tet Cafsy . 1 ire JVliies -.- 3 -.$jr- HWim', jWaWt "'-""JW "" rE STE HSITI RES QYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ! Hear the Verdict of the Test Car Jury. "Secure sure tire service in Tested Tires. Theypive sure service because , . : :u nrvon aKrviw. Their 'nliir;inr aund ilurabilitv have been proved in the one way to assure tnUcage to the motorist, under the cat oa th ' ' J, throughout 4,1 jo, i ure muea. - : road, every type of road, That is the verdict of the jury of Goodrich's forty Test Cars, which, for a year have hammered Goodrich Tires from state to state, putting the nation-wide test to them. Every kind of road, every kind of climate, t every kind of weather shar ed in that verdict ' , -; -. : if "These tires defeated us," the roads testified. On such testimony the Ei verdict of the Test Cars proclaims,. '.'Matchless in strength and dependa- ; bility are Goodrich Tested Tires." Here is certainty of service for the tire i: wk, t s ti s user, because it is proven service. 1 ' ' SILVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK SAFETY TREADS have proved themselves in actual road tests under light and heavy cars, ' conquerors oi tne roaa. nearKen ro mis ver dict brought from America's roads, and make sure of your tire service in the tires that won the title "America's Tested Tires." mi SI a .I J! THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBERTCOMPANY Portland Branch: Broadway and Burnside St., Portland, Ore, s 4 Coont that day hm J 5 S which bur Ww S u ftavinff Stsmpw ' r .ff f J . i-' - f; ADAMS NEWS TOLD BY CORRESPONDENT (Kast Ore&onian Special.) ADAMS, May 11. The Ladles Club met at the home of Mrs. M. A. Baker. All enpoyed a very pleasant after noon. Thoae present were: Mrs. JU U LJeuallen, Mrs. Hoe Kager and dau ghter, Betty Jane of Athena, Mrs. Alex McKenrie, Mrs. J. J. Tlckner, Mrs. J. A complete stock" of GOODRICH TIRES carried, in all sizes. SIHP801I AUTO CO. Telephone 408 Corner Water and Johnson Sts. WE SELL . GOODRICH TIRES PendlGton Motor Sales Co. Telephone 530 Corner Wrater and Cottonwood Sts. rihe Spirit Gleams as in Days of Oldl 1 mm. Pendleton Rubber & Supply Company AGENTS FOR GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES. 305 E. Court St. . Pendleton, Ore. C. Chesnut, Mrs. J. .W. Spencer, Mrs. Lair bee, Mrs. Will Boyer, Mrs. R. C. Ies Voigne, Mrs. Henry , Bunch, Mrs. John Geiss, Mrs. Bunch, Mrs. Mable McCollum, Mrs, A. J. Baker and M.iaa Hilda Kice. The Ladies' Club will meet at the country home of Mrs. Charles Duputs. it being missionary day. Every body is invited to attend. Mr. Blake of Illinois, has been visit ing at the home of his aunt, Mrs. , Clara Whitley, for a few dnys. - Mrs. James Chesnut motored to the I county seat Friday. j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christian have moved down Jnto Mrs. Ella Simon Eton's house. Mr. and Mrs. Ofho Ft oil and little daughter motored to Her miston Wed nesday evening. Tho Hed Cross niftf Friday after noon for its usual meeting and a good crowd was present. . Mr. Hutch of Pendleton was in Ad ams Friday. Mr. Hatch is tho archi tect of the new, school building whu h is being luilt in Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrison mo tored to the county seat Saturday. - , - Cecil iCirl. was. in. Adams ThursUay. Mr. and Mrs. Jes Halea and mm, John motored to the county seat Sat urday. ': , "l""ve noticed," said the cautious mam "It seems, quite strange right now. That men who wuut a raise in pay "'ljuito often ra&e a Tow.' GET L S i r ?J. VM'; . .1. I f I I rr r n , rr i The hope of a nation la In ths youth of tha land. Look to the aplr '!'. of '17 to maka country safe (or ; democracy. Tha person or thing (that can Inspire a Arm belief In tha 'Slorloua patriotism of that spirit la ,'dolnf a, aerrlca In theaa days of stress and turmoil. It tha lnsplra , tion can coma in tha farm of en thralling; entertainment tha lesson la ao muoh the mora efTectlra. And that' Just That Jack rick ford does In tola neweat Paramount photodrama of patriotism, Tha Spirit of '17." Whether it be a Tom Sawyer, a "Varmmt of prep ecbool days or a soldier lad In khaki, Jack Plckford. la tha typlfl cation of what la clean and true and lOTable and human In tha American boy. Fortunate ha la that ha baa been prorlded with ma terial to make that typo well known. "Tha Spirit of 17" a atory of a bit of boy Jote, of hero worship directed at tha reterana who aacri floed in their day, as our boya ara sacrificing- today; of Intrigue antT; plot, caught and turaed from aTll'i to good by lha Indefatigable spirit, and sheer boyishnesa of a ferrldf little patriot a picture to call for' a catch In tha throat, a amlla oa tha lips, a tear or two In the eye. a'' thrill in the heart and a new confl-t denca In all that la Una and noble.' . and true In young American mas-j hood. ' k 1 icsnicL 3& youo 0-9AL U 0 U In Placing Your Order for Storage Coal the most important item is to determine what kind of coal to order. Just at this time we are prepared to furnish you the Kemmerer Lump Coal, Utah Coal, or Rock Springs Coal. According to Government test one ton of. , A 13 M M is La 12 La lb W L IL is equal to 2290 pounds of Rock Springs, and besides the Kemmerer Coal is a harder coal and will store at this time of the year and keep through the season. Let us have your order at once for your needs for storage purposes. Oregon Lumber Yard t roun osuceisr. s kk A A. a fc.'X as iA