D.'.'LY EVEIll'iG EDITION I DAILY EVEIIIilS E0!Ti2i! Number Coptics printed of yesterday's VaUy Hriitton. 2,751 ThU paper In a member of and audited Jf tha Audit liureau of Circulation. WEATIIES FORECAST TnniKht anil Thursday unsettled! weather, probably showers. , r -ft DAILY SEMH.'LTXLY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPES VOL. 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1918. NO. 9429 HINDENBURG SEEMS READY TO RENEW WEST FRONT OFFENSIVE wo fi-AX STRENGTHENING FORCES; HAS 2 MILLION '' 130 DIVISIONS IN LINE - - - - MilMMia.trraW.ti'1""""". r J. fla-lICwtys . i J', M a I 4 ft 3 Bill K 4 c I W?iV v iv ) J ........ . , . . .4 RED CROSS TO START DRIVE ON MAY 20TH Patriotic Service League Handles Work in Umatilla County This Time. $600,000 WILL BE RAISED IN OREGON Seventy Five Per Cent of New Money Goes to " General Fund. The Second War Fund Drive for the American Red Cross Is next on tha Program and there Is not long; to wait. The date set for the big drive for 1100,000,000 has been fixed as the week of May 20-i7. Already plans are under way in 1'matllla county for raising; the quota here within a few days. WhIJe the matter of raisins; the funds Is delegat ed to each chapter of the lied Cross, here In 1'matllla county the machinery of (he Umatilla County Patriotic Her vice LeuKue will utilized. A meeting of the executive commit tee of the leufrue with Chairman W. L ThoniiHxin and Secretary IT. H. Roose velt of the chupter was held yester- day afternoon to discuss pluns of pro cedure and the Hed Cross official turned the entire campaign over to , the league. Meniliers of the executive commit teo will probably make a lour of the county during tha next few days to advice with the various district chair men upon the preliminary work, orrcjun'a yuola nuo.ooo. Oregon Is to aim nt fttno.floo. as waa the case In the first Ked Crowi war. drive, whea over $l,00.(ioo waa subscribed, l'ort land's quota has been - set. na lie fore, at f SfiO.Ooa, while Ihe aim for the stalo at large Is ,3G0.00. The county quotas have not yet been fixed but 1'matllla. county's will prob ably be between $30,000 and $:ir..ooo Mr. Corbett has appointed H. F. Vltham as state manager, and Mr. 'W'liham. In turn, appointed a series of assistant state managers, who be gan this morning a lour of the state, which will take them to the chapter headquarters of each district, to as. slBt In perfecting organisation. Koch a-jilMant manager Is one who has made a record previously In Liberty Ixian, Red, Cross, y. M. C. A. or sim ilar flrlve. and In some cases. In all of them. Morrow, l'inaillla. I'nlun and Wal lowa counties will be In charge of J. O. Klrod. well known eastern Oregon farmer and wheat grower- lie was a colonel In the Inst Liberty Loan drlvs and has an Investment office in Portland and a sawmill near Ku gene. Mr. El rod has made a con spicuous record In many lines of pa triotic endeavor. The The headquarters of both the city of Portland and the state cam paigns will be at Liberty Temple. Portland, The lied Cross war fund dollar Is really $1.02 for of every dollar sub scribed to the Ited Cross In the drive last year, (1.02 has been available, the two cents representing Interest. The funds subscribed will be depos ited "5 per cent to the credit of the Amerb-sn National Hed Cross for war work abroad and SS per cent for the war work of the local chapter. Not a cent will be expended from the war fund for the expenses of the campalan In any way. Woven hun dred dollar was allowed to Oregon by National headquarters from mem bership dues and this has been ex pended on the printing of receipt books, pledge cards, etc. Campaign expenses will be borne by the general chapter fund. With tho exception of Ill.Aon.onn which will be expended or contract ed for liefnro Juno I. the linn.nnn.nnn originally sulwcrKwd to tho Hed Cross has been expended. H. W, Hcks, traveling passenger agent of the O.-W. t. X. was hrre overnight and left on No., this morning- j i j , j FOR FREEDOM THEY DID NOT GET T7 Vi ' 'JVsV' i t. M l I II V :l 1 ': I-'' V X TRA W.ISHIXGTOX, May 8. See. n-lury liaker today annouiiccd that- more than SOd.CMHI Amerlcau troopa are now in SYauco. Six Americans Get Croix De Guerre For Battle Bravery UITir TIIK AMEHK AX.S IV PICAIIDY, May .Six Ameri-' canx were decorated with Hie Croix de CJuerre. Captain Hyducy Graves motorc.wIed tlirou-;!! two enemy barrages, c-arrylnjc out. a a mlfcxlon. Mcrgeant W. Omtwl and lrivate J, Xendciiluill. mcm-Ix-ra of the signal corps nutlntain ed tel(-hnne oomniHiiioatioiM with tlie rear during a honvy gas at tack. Lieutenant Paul lHily, Rcr geant IC. AVetib and Private Ben nett are cited for gallant and ef ficient patrolling. ThU Is the firtt picture to nrrlve In I weak" and that spring sowing has not this country showing the proclamation ) b-en what the (termuns expected, of the Ukrainian ri'pulllc. IVanon! i t'krainlans Germany fears will start women ure shfwn wijh banners pro-! an uprising that will break the whole claiming the independence of their j fabric ofthe "peace" she focced. They country. London now rcinrtH that ; Innist on real freedom. According to ermuny has declared martial law in 1 iennu. reports, the peasants ruined Ukrainia on the ' basis that ' thoJmoHt of the crops ruther than feed I'krainian gitverninent hu been "too, their oppressors. DOCUMENTS SHOW ENENY DOWNCAST; ALLIES HOPEFUL WASHINGTON", May 8. Tho Brit ish mlKsion announced "heavy rains arf drenchfnar Flaiidors, cmiperatlnfc with the allied kuilh in a harrassing ftro to block tho fJrmati offensive. Tho ent'iny i exfieriencinff theKreat Bt didf fifiilty with transportation. The fjprnians are now realizing? in the old Ypres -salient what Flanders mud really is.' The firitish mission declared the west front situation to "be "entirely satisfactory." iHrCuinents captured continually show that " the German troops are pessimistic. MAURIC F HAD BEEN OUSTED BY 'PREMIER Present Xritic of Lloyd George Removed for Criti cism of General Foch. ATTACK ATTRIBUTED TO HIS DOWNFALL Former Director of Oper ations Wanted More Speed From Foch. 1.247,000 IN DRAFT ARMY BY JUNE FIFTH WASHINGTON, May 8. I'rowder announced that national army mobil isations by June 6, one year after the first registration would total l.StT. 00. The futures show that two-thirds of the second draft call will be mo. blllsed by then. COMMISSION GOVERNMENT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO PLAN CITY The Commlnnion form of povern ment will In all probability be offered attain to tho voters of Pendleton at the full election nteps having been ta ken laM evening by tho roiuniercial AHMortatlon to place an amendment providing fr the managerial symeir.. ' on the lallnt, Tho matter was brought up hf foru j the Commercial Asfoclittion by W I, : Thompson and his moHon fr the ap- point m out f a committee from tho 1 a toeiatloii to act with a committed! from the council In prei'iti Ins an I tlons the tissue was beclouded by be Iniff aKKocltcl , with local controversies It ik decided at tho polls. He wo? of tho opinion that, at either election, the amendment would have carried .f it had been prescntd on Its merits. Mr. Thompson declared that h nrnitor of nelKhboririff cities have tried out the rtm mission form of gov ernment and found It satisfactory and much prefcruble to the councltmanic ft-rm. The managerial plan itf com mission 'vernmcnt was favored b Mr Thoi'tton but he expressed his wiHinsiiettti to leave the matter In Ihw RAILROAD MUST HAVE INCREASED RATES TIT " BEET WAR 'EXPENSES WASHIXGTOX, May 8. The rail- road administration in planning to in crease freight and passenger rates be cause an f 8H0.ttfiU.00U deficit threat ens for the first year. It was authori tatively declared' that Secretary Mc Adoo would consider the increases im mediately after disposing of the wage commissions report and fuel contracts. Passenger officials forecast a uniform two and three fourths cent passenger rate. The charge will probably boost freight rates seven and a half percent. The vastly greater fuel bill necessitates the increase as docs also the increased payroll. IjOXIMN, May a The JJoyd- Gearge government's must serious crisis 1m exiKKXcd to calmliiato tomor row, ftoth tddes are stnmtioufdy mua te-rinjr votes for and aaJiist tJtc 3Lau ricc cliargca. J. W. T. MASON- . XKW YORK, May 8 The Iwue of militarist resentment against the or ders of the British civilian govern ment waa raised by General Maurlce'9 public accusation of lying- against the Lioyd -George ministry., , , , Xo demrtcratic government deliber ately misleading public opinion can continue to exist, but Maurice's charges are not yet proved. This Is Maurice's second Impetuous criticism. He first attacked General Foch during: the German Flanders j offensive for not sending French re- j serves a swiftly as Maurice desired- It In highly improbable he would have attacked Uoyd -George jmt for hla re moval for thin offense. The Maurice charges cover statements made a month ago. If so very xerlous ax Maurice declared, why was he quiet so lone? ; - " ' IIoyct Georjje Hviui responsible for Maurice' removal becauae lie resent ed his criticism of Foch. M Register Men Reaching 21 Years Every Three Months W.VSHJXGTOY. Slay . Tli quarterly draft regiMt ration of men reachlnr 21 during next year . may te neeemiuued by the new army expansion program. Provost woneral Crowdcr today told the ' I f ous military commlttew CVowder preenteiil ertmatei for 15,00(MM0 Which M 93.0(MI,000 more titan this year's draft ck pendJturCH- Quarterly rejcbtration will be ex pcnive," lie said. WANT CIVILIAN AS HEAD OF (Card d. groat WASHINGTON, May 8. Many are urging the appointment of a civilian head for tha ordnance department, co-incident with Secretary Baker's Investigation of the ordance situation. Those favoring the civilian head de clare military men are best fitted to distribute the ordnance, whereaa its production needa a big businessman. FOUR MEMBERS OF HIGH SCHOOL CORPS ARE NOT REELECTED t Minority Leader Mann Leaving Congress, Warns Against Hasty Critics AVA SH I XGTO.V, M ay Congress "not to condemn the war's proHecutlon too hastily, because leg islative as well, as executive mistakes hav tbeen made, Minority Leader Mann bade farewell to the present session, his physician having prescrib ed gardening? The whole house rose, cheer tny when he said in this war there's no partisanship. Flection of high school teachers was held last evening: by the school board All of the present instructors were re elected with four exceptions. Th principaishtp was left open for appli cations. The other three teachers. Victor Slang, assistant in the manual training department and Miss Evelyn Hcchen, commercial instructor ?' and Miss Iola. Doherty were not re-elected the board wishing to defer action. Inasmuch asj the gas engine course I being put m the school under the Hughes act., the board is yet undecided as to whether an assistant in the man ual training department wilt be need ed. The following teachers were re-el ected: C. A.. Veburg, manual training; J. I Whitman, science; Camille Iol son, language; Norma Graves, ng- 8. Advising lish; Anita Slater, assistant; Caroline Bonney, history; Catherine V. Hoag. domestic science; Alberta Ca vender, assistant; Louise Bailey, physical cul ture; Myrtle Harrison, mathematics and Mrs, M. W. Fore ha wf music. FOE DOUBTFUL OF ABILITY TO GAIN VICTORY British Again Advance Be tween Somme and Ancre Taking Many Prisoners. BwsshwssssBsaja ENEMY ARTILLERY IS BUSY NEAR KEMMEL Australians Make Further Advance Over Two Wide ' . , Fronts. , , . 13 AMERICANS ARE KILLED amendment was cirrled uiiiiniiiiiiusly. j hnmla .f (he Joint committee. The coiniiiiasliin form or ai.vern- i I'resMcnt Hucr of tho Ominirrlnl monl hm tlo Iwn vnted on In I'tn- Assiirlallon has not yet named hla dlelon anil both times the noirn.lim in . n.mmit'er. Mayor Vanxhan was pres as ilifi'.iUtl by a siiiull iimmliv , ml at the meeting anil will pro ha I. It However, an pointed out by -Mr j mime a rommlttee from the council Thompson last evening, at both elec- this evening. AERIAL COMBAT FOUGHT TODAY Amerl names. . . WASHINGTON. Muy 8 can cas u a 1 1 1 cm today give Including 13 killed, three missing, two dead from accidents, and three from disease. Thirteen are severely wounded and 41 slightly. CLOSE FROM 9 TO I ON DECORATION DAY : I OVER TWO BILLION FOR SHIPBUILDING BULLETINS WASHINGTON. May 8. Chairman Hurley informed the House appro- BAKKK'S SKtltETAKY DRAFTED VASHIUTO-, May . Italph Hayes, Secretary lister's private sec retary expected to be drafted into the nationa1 army Immediately. DEKHAI DF.D KARMEItS. POItTI.AM, May 8. Joheph Knnes was arrested today, eharjeed witii hav- 1110. ONrd tlie mails to defraud A4HI priatlons committee that the nation's vahliiBlon and (Irrtton farmers by shipbuilding hill for this fiscal year jofrerln to buy their produce at big will be $2,223,000,000. Practically all prices but not paying tho fanners, will be used in directly producing shlos- CADFT AVIATOR KII.I.EO. j HEMPSTEAD, Ijoiut Island. Slay 8. r A kin nw A C A C UttCC ,,rt John Irwin, or .MtsKlsKtnpl, SAiSU rLiA I J AO iVIiOO iwaa killed ami two aviators Injured to- a, jday when two planes collided at Camp Mills. WILSEY LEAVES FOR WASIII.Vt'TON, May 8. ieraian is w - a m . kirTTPmnnO fccdliiB "'e ieoile on tile sales of I CJiVllyCi I I KJtrj vast Ixwly captured tliiriuir tlie psut BETWEEN AMERICANS AND HUNS .IVF1 IP IHMiltl IMA. 7.1 HUH, May . Tha ikwo trea ty w hich It a nut ni Imm jiiMt i4ginl with live central power itrovltlra for llM) ceding of MMitlicrn rlirmlja tu Hula aria and iMrrthsern Itaihrtidj to lc rwled by tiiit ininilwiiHi iiendlnvt nrttlement. iHrbnidJa H on tlx lUack IC and hm popiilntlon nf joo,oo. WITH TIIK AMKKIfA.N'S IN 1U nAINK May 8. 4'alain .lame Jlal of Colfax, Iowa, l. missing foH'twin. an aerial rum bat bf lmrcn fmir lii r niRns. and three Antcrlcntts this morn Inff. Tho AnierlranM were l in ilc within the (territitn frnticr. nrth nr Ton). Hall was f lying lowest. All the iilunt'S beuan diving and turning. oeKing an advanttiKOMi Mltiun. Friends tlicvc that Hall landed safe ly and Is now a prisniicr. Th t,rr mans hnve sent a new aerinl "t ircus" to, thia front cmpised of tlie Ihm ' tiernian stunt f lyei-s hrrau -r of re cent American aerial stictesnes. The Germans ore tricky. They sent me ir two planes to lure the American flyr. then folloMfd with rflnftircemerits gi - ly ut nun1 tcrinK tlie Americann. They Alo sent one tbw-fllng lientinti piane lining the ?mtrt-an dn ncn ft)r inttbe Merman Hio then a liriiimn sii;olrui drup rd down fnm the chm!&. ' . IMfMlUV m:t. Ki(Kl FI.Itirso MTTlf TIIK AMI.ItK'AX i t.V Til K l'l '.K1 Y FHOXT. M..y S. An rri- enn4 artillery thruHKlimit the nlitht ' l'tiuioled tJenmin itinii at Cnn tlny, fturteiiijiit.chc. Kuntulnen ous. Monie Pldier. Mesnil. St. (gorges and all the jnuds and wmij. I'r.der extrt-niely heavy fire Can- tiK(i) ftT-st wn detroed by hijth ' e.li si. Knemy aufi'ly trains are deluded with Fhe!lf. The nky l . ab..se. lliK-he urullery nhells the A iin rir;m rvar itrjeantauit lon. The wia'htr Ik rfert. French Hup bine "i r flat kii . ifr t ite .crtiiati I in cm. The (rout if a ffi-.t i-C lunrl. . ;:p.A OF WHEAT of candy as a token of appret i- Her .lead and t decorate the"""" from Jack l:obli.5.m jA QAIir Tlir l OQ1, I f(,r . w, b..t imt) vy hemvy lhl. r of friem, n.d b.ive, f 1 l jib ABUVt I Ht HUKMAL be .I.Tl,i,,. to eb.se H..d the h..(ira Hcso,.illtHin HIU, lhc u1bcr mem- ' ",,- 'treed to get in All btiylnrsH In Pendletofl will be KOspended on lectiruti"n Iki.v, May 30 between the btnirs of a, m. and 2 r. m. in obseranre of tb d;iy not asld to honur th inctimry of our old Riav T of cb-Finc were made la,;t eveidnir at a meet ln tf the O'lnmerchtl Astcin tion. L l. ioyrep. etiairinan of the coiiiinitiee on pliy ffalrn, prewntei an a itrr-mit MiKned t- eery baAlnes house in i'enaletoti t cbise on any occaiin wmcticned by the Commer cial AHiK'iation and city council, pro viding three days notice le Riven. There were If 3 iKtier to the agree ment and Mr. Sayrca reported not a single ref jh1. Several of the busineae men at the meetlnir but evenlnij wanted to close all da May 3i and a number of nth em wnnted t close only from 10 to 1 2. The hours finally decided upon were in the nature of a compromise. The ln It id Spun if h War Veteran are inkiuc the lead in arrangements for i he otrr of the; d-ty and will be nN(Hl by the A. XX. Miss Myrtle Wilsey, Pctidle ton's firat young woman to enter tho federal bervice as a yenmn ctte of the naval reserve, was ven a rousins farewell by the udietoti band and a lare num- ler of frtenda nt 2 o'clm-k thi3 afternoon a she boarded the Northern 1'acific train for lirc- nierton, where she will be ta 4., six immttiH. orrM'iai aisiii-ffiefi iicrr si tow tliat the (rtniiRm Halm tin eap - tore of 1 d 11 odor witrlli S7I7,OOO.t0. i I -.l1'l BI HST KIM.S J. l,-Ksit li.. Wot Va-, May a - fltNHllHirsI oIay Mmck IMx iMiac. kllhu; T-ien porsonH. Tito fUtod ; KWoH. away dwflliucH- WlfJLf.VH PIIIMJP SIMMS. WITII TIIK HlliTlKH AftMTFS. May 8 -llindenburx apprara ready to Mtrik It h Imrned that wit m eiiinerjr ooinpoalnff road, raUwaya lrtdpe, imirdrunvtH. airplanea and ar tillery coiM-entmUoa fa compieted, while number Ion troop refrastied. await tlie of tensive' a order. Tbe Ah traUana advanced affain north of tlie 80 nunc, once 300 yarda oa a 500 yard front, and again to a ftOO yard depth. on a aoo yard front. My compntaUonet allow SOa enemy enemy dlvifdona, well over twn million men. on tlie west front, with ISO dl vision in line. llindeJibnr.r to pre- Humably in about tlie aamo poaltiou now aa on March Si wlUu two Import ant dlfferencrs. Ttten ItiN troops wera fienli and defied with Cite victory Idea and lie atoo had tlie advantage of winter-long- fireparaUnna In maffiin cry. A new drive mast be niwtertak en with Ida men doubting their own abiUty. - lo.MH), May a. The British have aiaun advaiM-ed ttietr linen lie tween tlie hummfr and AmT-ex, taHiijr prinnerN, llaiif animHncvd ' totiuy. Tltere was heavy riltat eamioiiadinjf In Handera. Knemy nrtileryinjc n creatsed UiW niorniiijr on tlie nortliem fiorUon oT the Flandeni front, about Meteren and Kenunei. PARIS KKPOKTS ACTIVITY. PAICIS. May ft. Tliere la moat vio lent artilleryiiur today north and Mouth of the Avre river ou tlie Amiens front. It ta officially annonnced. The Australians first feinted with a heavy bombardment In another por 1 tion of the sector between tha ftomme and Ancre and then attacked limub taneously on two front. The enemy barrajred tremendously with shrapnel and machine guns but could not check the Australians. Sunehlne deluge the ibattle field. HOLMES WILL FIGHT FOR WYOMING COAL PORTLJVND, Ore-. f May S Fuel Administrator Holmes of Oregon la en route to Salt Lake City to attend the conference of western fuel administrator-, which convenes Thursday, May 9. At the conference ways and means of providing- the North Pacific section of the nation with fuel and securing its dint rib u tion at lowest pos sible cost will be diacuRMCd. In thia connection Holmes Is deter mined that the reported plan of Washington state's mine operators to capture the Oregon market by secur ing an 'embargo on Utah and Wyo ming coal, shafl not go through. He takes the stand that Oregon particu larly eastern Oregon. Is a heavy con sumer of Interniuuntain coal and ' that It would be an Imposition on them to force tbe use of Washington coal which would coht aa much If not mc re. not Including the higher freight charges. I Moreover. Holmes declares that the j cf-nipeatcd freight Klluutinn may not ) Kot any better and he wants all the l tuc-l be (an get to prevent any short ' ae this cumbis winter. Hlnce the V'Vernment hart virtually decided tu citrlitil the o-e of fuel nil In the north. I west. It ut expected that tbe demand bers of that body. Mr. Itobinson and II v. Al- fred IockwiKr eaeh made short talks, wishing Mb- 'i!ey Uod speed, and tbe crowd gave three cheers. The band played "The Mar Spangled Panner as the train pulled out. Mus Wilsey was a senior at the Pendleton high school, and although she will not be here for graduation. nht said fhe was gtsd to go. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs..L. F- Wiiwy, of 512 Clay street. Miss Theima Kichardson. al- so of this city, enlisted In the naval reserves at the same time as Mi Wilsey, but has not been called to service. VASMINiT. May g, The con oftion of wuiH-r wheat May 1 was per cent normal against 7- per cent on Aril l and hj.t for a Irt-year average, t he ariuHiiral depart men announced today. The winter wheat acreage May 1 wa-s s.c;.aMi greater than last year The wheat crop is one of the coun try's large!. It demonst rates how the American farmer Is responding to help win the war. their fuel i chii na n 0.1 pplies ntw and take no. nettle. das this winter. ; SOLDIERS 111 FRANCE WONT GET TO VOTE , 1 Scire at tha risk of hla own I iff, j WASHIXUTu.V. May . Tha war lilFpartmrnt lircklvd that anldlora In ! France will not I permitted l ('He Ir4vM r liar lUminc Guard, tin cumins elections. Men training iAKl!s lUv . A (iernian prison- ' here can vote If their states wish to er named Kreilerich has been off lei-1 collv-ct the Iwllots. ally congratulated and cited bv the1 The department announced that military authorities for bravely resru- Franc rota could not 4m taken wlth Inp a ituard from drowning; In the, out seriously Interfering with mlUtar