EIGHT FAGH1 FACE ETGTTT PATLY EAST OREflONlAK, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1818. OVER THE NORTHWEST Prepare for May 5th National Low Shoe Day The government requests it. It is more economical .to buy low j hoes and pumps. The saving on leather at this time is absolutely essential. Why not do your part. Our stock is complete with White Canvass Slippers and Pumps. A rtice line of the newest black oxfords and pumps and a very swagger brown POTATOES EAT THEM AND SAVE WHEAT f - The food altuatlon of ttlo Allies continually grows mora critical. The French are reducing their bread ration; the English have adopted bread cards: Italy has tightened her bread belt to the last notch... Wo must tend more wheal. JIW.W. IS BEATEN BY wool from the sheep weighed 1JH pounds and was auctioned by Judge J. T.'jiorlck and was bid out to Max A. Vogt for 1S, and he wll have tt scoured and sent to the Oregon Wool en Mills to hfcve it made into yarn tor the Red Cross knitters. The dance was largely attended. MOB AT ABERDEEN pump. . White Canvass Pumps and Slippers $2.19, $2.40, 4 Gets Coat of Tar and Feath 0 " ers and Attacked by 20 Workmen. y 4 ABERDEEN, Wash., May 2. Law e rence L. Kalb, an I. W W. was picked A up by a mob of over 20 workmen here jj Tuesday night at 11 o'clock, and driven black KM Pumps ...... i... W.M. .. 9M lllaclt Patent SHH-'rs , $2.98, $3.19 Ularit Kid Sllpixm a.4B- 2 08' 8 W CHILOHKX S BAhteFOOT SANDALS B8o 11T EARNINGS' $3,090,400. gfflll-- -'.l J-gTSI 1 -L-JJ1 We have aa abundance of potatoes. We can not export them, but we can EAT POTATOES IN PLACE OF WHEAT Show your patriotism. Urge every customer to use more- potatoes Advertise their use. Serve Uncle Sam. PUSH POTATOES Weston Mountain Potatoes, 100 lbs. $1.00 GRAY BROS GROCERY CO. lIcroulc- Mine's lToflts (or Past Year 2.00. lilavk Kid Oxfords , Brown Jvid Oxfords' . . . . lilack Paient Pumps w. Aitound. WALLACE, Ida., May 2. The Her cules mine, located northwest of Bur ke, Ida., made profits in 1917 of 93, 690,400, according to the official re port filed here today with the county ...... 1.98 . . .'. . . $5.50 . $3.50, $4.08 BUY THRIFT STAMPS WE HAVE THEM. assessor. The mine, which is owned by Wallace, Ida.': Spokane, Wash., O B LEAD, !15 miles outside the city limits and jan PortIand Ore., residents, pro TOW CAJf DO BETTER A itit-u ittirew miiu ufniuii up. Jiaio J says he was warned two days ago to K leave the city but that he did not heed the warning. He loft this after- duces galena ' The Caledonia Mining Company filed a report showing its profits last year to have been 11,227,- 7 S? ST vZ? 156. P Two Phones, 28. "QUALITY" 823 Main St, 4 Kalb says he was told that If he re- ! ' JYait Companies Merge. turnea to Aberdeen he would be WALLA WALLA, May 8. What a hanged. He returned, however, to get amounts to a merger- between two of ji his clothing, but did not stay long. the largest Northwest fruit market A In beating him up. he says the men corporations has been consum- ga uiu nut aiiacK mm in a Doay duc sent 5 one mail at a time against him. rj Kalb, who is 34, claims to have been B born in Philadelphia and says his Rj father, who was of German birth, lost K;an arm at Gettysburg. gK MI';ttlMf?lIIMIMIMII!!IUIMIIItHlMII)IIIIMllllHllllllllt!IIIIIIHIllllllllllr YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to ask questions of our tellers and officers in regard to any of your financial or busi ness affairs that puzzle you. The benefits of our experience is equally at the service of patrons of small and large means. TUG Ai AH NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" We advertise and offer War Savings Stamps for sale. SHEEP BRINGS IV $1017 Bed Cross Animal Auctioned at The Dalles; Wool Sold for $13. THE DALLES, Ore., May 2. The Red Cross sheep, which was auctioned last night at the 'Red Cross dance in the Elks' Temple, brought $1017. The sheep was immediately presented by Mrs. Charles Johnson to the Red Cross organization of Wheeler county The mated at Spokane, where the board of directors of the Spokane Fruit Grow lers Company voted unanimously to affiliate with the Northwestern Fruit Exchange of Seattle, the resulting con solidatton forming one of the largest organisations of its kind on the whole Pacific coast. Fruit crops of every kind in Wash' ington, Oregon and Idaho will be handled under the new deal, repre senting ah annual traffic of many tens of millions of dollars, with a well defined and certain increase in profit to growers in the states named, si well as a badly needed stabilization of a big Industry. f Daih Chats With Lthe Housewife &iiiUJiUiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiuuiaiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiR Auto Accidents are numerbus and of ten very expensive to the own er of the machine. Our New Automobile Liabiliay "policy pays all the loss and assumes all your worry. Come m and we will tell you all about it and how little it costs. THE BENTLEY-GRAHAM INS. AGENCY J. M. Bentley, Pres. John E. Montgomery, Vice-Prea. H. N. Graham, Secy.-Treas. IS Mala St. Phone 404 We advertise and offer War Savings Stamps for sale purchase. with every Potatoes The enemy Is out-eating us In pota toes out potatolng us. Here are the figures per capita weekly consump tlon: , united States 3.3 nuarta Austria-Hungary . ... 8 quarts Oermony . . .i 16 quarts The following recipes are suaeested by specialists as some of the ways to make potatoes take wheat's place: Yeast Bread If potato is used for bread making, allowance must be made for the large amount of water in it and less addi tional liquid used for this reason. Potato Bread 1 cup mashed potatoes. ' 1 teaspoon salt. 2 1-3 cups flour (more if necessary.) 4 tablespoons water. 2 to 4 tablespoons liquid yeast or j 1-2 cake dry yeast, or 1-6 to 1-2 cake I compressed yeast- i Short process: Mix the salt wltn the mashed potatoes, which are free ; from lumps and cooled until luke warm. Add 1-6 to 1-2 cake compress- ' ed yeast softened in 4 tablespoons warm water, or 2 to 4 tablespoons liquid least, or 1-2 cake dry yeast, j Wien liquid yeast is used no additional (Water must be added. Mlend with this ; potato and yeast mixture l cup floui. : Stir until smooth., cover .and set to rise. When this .sponge Is light and soft, -kneud 3n enough flour to make a rather stlif Jut elastic dough".. Be sure that it Is suffer than ordinary Cover and let rise again until ' very light. ' Knead down. mold, and place ' in lightly greased pan. Let rise in .pan ' until as high as ordinary white bread, then bake at least one hour in a mod erately hot oven. Bake very thorough-. I ly. This makes one loaf. .. 1 1 s If desired, -an amount of grated raw SHIIHnillHIIIIUUIIIIIHIIIIinilllllinilllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'S potito 1alL tn amount of mashed S f potato called for may4be used, but the S i resulting bread Is darker and haaj a more marked potato flavor than when cooked potatos are used. Ouk-k Breads. 2 cups sifted flour. ' - 1 teaspoon salt. I teaspoons baking powder. , WAR SAVE GS STAMP $4.15 i WITH one of the BEST RESIDENCES IN PENDLETON $3004.15 a Ch&s. E. Heard, Inc. f 635 Main St Phone 477 f "SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE" f tiftiintiiiiiiitiiiiniifiniiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifitiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiife? S tablespoons shortening. 1 cup mashed potato. j Lfqquld sufficient to mix. Sift together twice the flour, salt, and baking; powder. Cut or rub Into this the cold shortening. In the same way rub Into this flour mixture the mashed potato. Finally, add Just enough cold liquid to make the mass cling together.. . Do not knead- Place on floured board, roll until 1-2 Inch thick, and cut Into rounds. Place these In lightly floured biscuit tins and bake 16 to 20 minutes In a mod erately hot oven. Bake all potato breads more slowly than those with flour alone. Potato-Cormiiual Muffin. 1 cup mashed potato. 1 cup corn meal. 1-2 cup sifted flour. 1 tea poo n. salt 3 teaspoons, .baking powder. 1 or 2 tablespoons syrup. 2 tablespoon shortening. 1 or 2 eggs. Liquid to mix to a medium batter (about 1-2 cup.) Add the corn meal .salt syrup, and 1-2 cup liquid (o the hot mashed pota to, place In double boiled and steam 10 to 30 minutes. Add the shortening and allow to cool thoroughly. When U cold add the well-beaten eggs and the j t flour which has been sifted with the baking powder. Add just enough mor$ liquid if necewaj-y to make a some what stiff batter. Heat thoroughly- place In gem pans until half filled, and bake 25 to 30 minutes in a moderately hot oven. Tested Heel pes. Coniiucal Muffins Beat two eggs until light, add three-fourths of a cupful of sugar or honey may be uped a fourth of a cupful of soften ed shortening. oTie cupful of sour milk, a half teanpoonful of soda, two cup- Vils of flour and cupful of orn meal with a half teanpoonful of salt sifted with the flour Bake Jn hot but tered muffin pans 25 minutes. liakod Banana -Bananas are fruit that should be ripe or well cooked before serving. Baker banana may be given to the little people. Peel r . half dozen banan&s and place them in a baking dish with sugar, water, lemon Juice and a little butter. Baste them often while baking and serve the sauce with the fruit. . lUco Hread.--One quart water, one cup rice, one or two cakes compress ed yeast, one-half cup lukewarm wa ter, four teospoonfuls alt, three ta blespoonfuls corn syrup, six cups flour Mix as follows: Cook rice until soft, In the one quart of water. Cool until lukewarm, then add (1) yeast softened In the 1-z cup of luke warm water, (2) the salt, (3) the sirup, and (4) the flour. Follow directions for kneading, rising and baking given for the potato bread. Dot't Hcllsli Mix thoroughly 1 cup chopped' cold cooked beets. S table spoons grated horseradish. 2 table spoons lemon juice, 2 teaspoons pow dered sugar and 1 teaspoon salt, Can ned beets may be used If fresh one are not available. Brown Bread One half pint flour cne-half pint rye flour, two potatoes, one teaspoonful salt, one pint Indian cornmeal, one tablespoonful.. brown sugar, two teaspoonfuls baking pow der, One-hajf pint water. tft flour, cornmeal, rye flour, su gar, salt and baking powder thorough ly. Peel, wash and boll two mealy po tatoes. Kub through sieve, diluting with water. When cold mix all into batter. Pour Into woll-greased mould having a cover. Place it In sauce pan Jialf full of bulling water, nhere the.loaf will simmer one hour without water getting Into it- Remove and take off cover. Finish by baking ir fairly hot oven thirty minutes. NEW CATIIOIJO CHAI"IA1.Y GENEHAL OP V. S. Alt-MY "PUTTING THE GRIN INTO THE FIGHT!" A Ask the Man Who Owns a Duplex how he likes it. Ask if it transports his loads, if it stands up satisfactorily, how much it costs to operate. . 4 Ask him anything you wifh to know in regard to this great truck. Ask if ho is able to haul the rated c-fparlty or if he is forced to haul a part of a load at each trip. Ask how much it has cost for repairs. , 1 It-re are a few representative farmers who are using the Duplex. Ask thc-m. lll ltM N' ISOSENIHiltG, I toy itt F. J1M 1IAKVKV. IIOMKMAX HHOS., IHU'NO WKHKIt. J. F. TF-MI'I.K. JIL IIF.XHV KTItl'VP.. 4. M. JHoOOIt.MM.C1I Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907. I tn W 7 if . 1 if: '-"HJL'.y.'X'!' X t.- : Witlvt:. . Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' n- ..tio. Bi'rrit War Ravlnirs Stamps for sale with ever B purchase. EL W A E E I DO YOU KNOW WHAT KIND OF COAL YOU ARE GETTING? . WE HANDLE ONE KIND OF COAL .EXCLUSIVELY The Famous "PEACOCK" THE COAL WITH NO REGRETS. Phone 178 SMYTHE-LONERGAN COj , Quality Quantity Service r.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllli-. Bishop I'atrlck J. Hayes of New York has been appointed Catholic chaplain general of the United gtattas army. This Is a photograph of V. W. Wright's painting of him. The bishop Is fifty-one-years old. He was ordalu ed a priest In 1892. 1,800,000 AMERICANS TO ME IN FIOHTINO SOON OALLUP, N. M., May 2 "Don-t be a 25-ccnt patriot when you can be a Sr,00ft patriot," Hocretary of the Treas ury McAdoo tolay advised a crowd aMM-mbled to meet his - train at the Kanta Fe deptt hcrev 8ieaklng from the steps of his coach, the secretary appealed.. ffr, heavy subscriptions for the third Liberty loan. "Ixsnd the government the money and the boys at the front wilt finish the kaiser," he declared "lion't lend 25 cents on a thrift stamp wJion you can buy $50oo lMinds." Mr. McAdoo predicted l.gOO.OOO American soldierswoon would be in tho fighting." ' DALE! nOTnWEMi ' Optometrltt and Optiolsa Eyes Scientifically examined. Glasses (round to fit Amarlcan National Bank Pendleton. Building. "Ain't it awful. I've had to iake four b&thn this week eo's rould wear j Automobiles and Gas En gines Repaired. STAR GARAGE Corner I.illcth and Alia Streets. Prices Reasonable. Phone HJ-W GIVE I S A THIAl) FOR SALE 1917 Model. Run only 3000 miles. Call Oregon Motor Garage Plow an acre an hour with PARRETT - Power. The One Man TRACTOR Ask for demonstrations be fore you buy, Oregon-Parrett Trac tor Co., Pendleton. If DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL Room 1 Judd Bldg. Dr. Lynn K. Blakcslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Itay Elec tro Therapeutics. Temple Bldg., Itoom 12, Phone 41$ II!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be sure what you get from a garage is STANDARD and you will eliminate most of your motoring troubles and costs. Cars Sold by Us BUICK HUDSON DANIELS Motor Trucks DENBY two wheel drive. F-W-D- four wheel drive.. All baiked by efficient repair service. Goodyear Tires Valvoline Oils Presto-Lite Supplies Shop work you can depend upon. Satisfaction guaranteed at all times. Oregon Motor Garage INCORPOIIATED 117, 119. 121, 123 West Court St. Telephone 4M WE SELL WAR, SAVINGS AND THRIFT STAMPS. i this soap down to lit this box rnndwr . sent m.". .