rscr. hctjt DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, TENDLHTON, OREGON. SATURTjAY.UrRIL 27, 1918. TWELVE PAC: lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO'OOOOOOCC !0 - ' JIL.I r.0jlJ.'..IuJ, , What the Picture Theaters c t :! o; ;( f f otinciay o o Ilava to Tell Yuv 5 rx" 1 ' ,N .r ay o o CHILDREN 10c ADULTS' 25c -U liDAV Y'KATVHUS. 'AL.TA .Jkluhel Narniand In "The. . , Vlonr Jlplow." - . . AKCAOli Anna. I.tttle In "Tho W.irld fur- Knle." rASTlUIi-rNnmin. Tullll.nlBn In "Tho Secret of ; thu Storm . "Country." . v . J .-'Stuart Dlackton THE MASTER OF SCREENCRAFT Presents ;0 PPT' ..P, n n J L. LA Li L kJ L , J -' L Lw 1 1- j ' L J U JJ . v ,i : -' ... . children rc ADULTS 20c Til HI.I.S ANIMVSTntY ' o o Q o Q o o M 1 t ' : Special music on the $10,- ' 000 Orchestral Pipe Organ. i Prof.vElbert Plomteaux, or- " i 1 - "us set l.CIn iii- i iJUNTBV r Universal '.News, war news from the ent: battle fronts . a ! . Late differ- '"over IN THV. II 7o 1. SEQUAL TO .STESSJOE THE STORM COUNTRY) .THE HEROINE, 1 TESS, ! i'RUNS iTIIE G ASIOT. OREMOTION BEFORE THE , STORY , IS COMPLETED. f '."MOTHER LOVE IS; GLORIFIED.' k 1 - YOU ALL SAW MARY PICKFORD IN TESS OF iTIE STOR3I COUNTRY. ; YOU ALL WILL'WANT TO SEE NORMA TADMADGE IN THE SEQUEL. . IMtHII!ltlllilllllllllll)jlUIIUIjllIllllltlllllllllllllllllllllUM!lllllllllllllll 111111111111' VALTASCREEN TELEGRAM ..Late War News. BRAY CARTOON TnE IIOITSR OF niTAT ITV . $ t Children 5c Adults 30c mm FIX ' ; hare sent ml. r. - knolfteiyScreenSetisciliottZof? iijstery?LoveTaid Laughter: : Starring JkeJVidezworld Favorite , , in Off 1 1 r 11 ' J-fAVv rt. !ubuitw1.. -'v ft 8 , i i -! rt i ' ,y Elaine Sferne Filled with, wonderful' 5aspenseiExcitement wand Keepinq the Dig i Secret ; tU last minute The star who In lnved by millions. All the mystery and romance rnu'red to make you sit tiKht in your seat. I'a newest ' Goldwyn production. I g Floor ieiow.'', shown "-. !!: a o o Quick action nnd real emotional apnenl. form the basis of Mabel Nor- rrjnnd'a "Th Binning; ismnday -at the Alta theater. Miss Normand. plays a copy Kirl. Ini a busy newspaper office, getting- Into.J a semper which causes her .aischarnet or is about to brin It ..when h Is saved. : Patricia O'llourke Is givei. hn. .ftrat wiiSii the. Tironi ...... -j - - - -w i'l B. Ise .that the job -will wait for her if U she Is sccessful. - A number of dar-ijJ ine; roooeries nave oeen wniiniw .ijr j . crook who seem possessed of . inside information i concerning the .-rich homes they plunder. The police have a clue- which .causes them to wateh the. nettlement. house ..conducted by-j Hunter 'Mason, a young, millionaire, i aa the source rom which utha plans J come, t Patricia Is .ordered, to go tot the mission as a derelict and. if poss i silile, eital a tin arch on Jhe police and score a ."beaff for her, paper. , Mistaken for a thief,, in. sore need of reform, the girl. Is received ,lyH Hunter Mason and. Latham, his seo-.. retary, and so appeals to the million aire that he enlists his mneber's ulii, in caring for her. She also meets a girl .who, in spite of her . love ; for Latham, is making a bid for Mnson's-Jl alfections. . Then cmes .a benefit dnnre nt the Star. of Hope mission. Everyone Is akd to pay. for the pivllege of danc- thls.phptoplay n:ill. appeal not only toj box in charge, of Patricia. The ball- room . la. thronged .with fashionables y and the contribution box contains thousCTids of dollars. No one suspects that among the guests is the very f person responsible for. the robberies,.'! i but when one of the crooks confesses t th police make for the dance.. What follows forms the big surprise of IhM story.., From the Novel by Sir Gilbert Parker v Pictui ized and personally directed by J. STUART RLACKTpN i -.' i t - v" -L. ill MMbtmiau siKimrf i ' I i J STUAKT blacktoks ' n'TheU'crWfoi&le' JJCjtuumi)untflhlure J Arcade Sunday-Monday-Ann IJUle. wInKOir. heroine ot The AVnrld for Sale,"- a- Paramount Lplcture which has been dramatised for the screen by X Stuart Blackton,, makea an ideal Fleda Druse an ahe !j the exact type described by Sir Gil nert barker In his well-known novel by that -name.- i Her former screen experience also fits admirably for the role as she has appeared almond exclusively in parts of this type, Anfbng her best known screen productions are: "The Land of IJaardR," 1'Matchln. Jim.' "Imme diate I-oe," and "Count of St. Simon." Miss Little, in "The World for Sale, will appear at the Arcade theater on Sunday. . O o o o o o o o o 9 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO' Romance, adventure, and thrills galore are in this wonderful Paramount Pic ture by the world famous author, Sir Gilbert Parker. A virile story of the great-Northwest and racial conflict. All the thrills, adventure and wild Romance that enter into the life of the frontier. KATZEN JAMMER RIDS , ' In Comic Capers. ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. aiUSICC PROGRAM J " Chas. 0.u Breach,I?Director, ' Overt ui e - Monttna'. Noon and Xteht , l ' 8une valsc Ixml. Den-cement UabrhHr. Itohcrt Three Dance from Henry VIII. . . ... Cjerman (a) Morris Dance ' . (b) Shepherds Dance. . (c) Torrti Dance ' 1 - ' .Selection I lavorila. . Donixetti - Suite The Land of Ilirds.. . .'. .- KMo (( Tlie-Swallows. ( b The Nightingale. () The Canaries KekKelkm Madame.' Favart . '. .'. ..... . ,i Pastime nnday.Mmday. , "The Secret of - the Ktorrn Country" will, have a lesson. for everyone -who seea it." .declared Norma Talmadge in discussing the picture. ''In my opin ion it. is- every motion, picture actress' duty. to. uphold the sanctity, erf the heme, and Inasmuch, aa. the 'fifth ei tate plays such an Important part In moulding present-day public opinion this photoplay will apeal .not only to one class but to every rank of society, rich or poor, worldly or homelovJng. "It is because it has this appeal that I think It the greatest picture I have ever done. ---The story depends for Its climax on love's sacrifice. And inas much as this is an era-of sacrifice it will teach to every woman who sees it a lesson which will make her wa,m to sacrifice herself for a worthy cause, either for home or for country. "True.. "The Secret of the Storm Country i is melodrama, but the., big gest successes in New York this year have been melodramas. .-The heroine. Teas, runs the gamut of emotions be fore -the story Is completed," contin ued Miss Talmadge. "Mother love Is glorified, if there Is each a thing as glorifying the - noblest emotion rot which the-human heart Is capable.' The scenario has heart-Interest, love, action ana sacrifice, and a more com plete formula for a screen triumph cannot be imagined." Offenbach IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIII1: It Is rumored that . Marie Doro la to form a company and make her own pictures, using stories by big authors, j A recently dismissed suit-in, New York reveals tbaf thar-early-te-uus. John It. Freuler. president of Mutual,.; offered Mury rickford 15.0n a week 1 to make pictures for Mutual and that Mary's mother wanted her to make! the change. However, Mary prefer..) red to remain with Adnlph Zuknr of j Famous I'luyers. ... ; He CI ulte SCTIEKX OOSKIP. . t -v -i Doris Kenyon used to., be a n-m voiced chorister In Brooklyn. Molly ikfnlone says she broke into pictures to eat. she just had to get a job and the first money she earned went for a meal. Arthur Ouy Empey. star of Vita graph's "Over the Top," had his first histrionic experenee when he predtic ed his sketch. "Th Diamond I'aluce Saloon," in a barn, "somewhere !n France." i Don't Forget to Buy that Thrift Stamp. VAUDEVILLE ; PEAT & STEVENS Fun in a Chinese Laundry. Singing, Talking and Dancing. ORBASANVS COCKATOOS Birdland Paradise. .:S SylvUi Dreamer, who halls from a : SI frontier settlement of . Australia, has .rrjbeen chosen by J. fttuart nisckton..t iElPlay the leading role In his picttiriza . jrjtion of the llrs. Humphrey Wafd - Sj novel, "Missing." i js) They sav Theda I'arn' sister Is gA . lng Into pictures. - ?. si The Novation of Alma fluben - fo stardom ndls another convent-bred girl to the srrern luminaries. , j 21 ay Tncher will le long remember S ! ed as the loudext ftrweeer of xiubrette m i stars. hh' KiMrialixed in stripes btft "T tbey-say she's reformed. . who wished some thing auhe ultra in garii for a new comedy, has bought a suit from the Salvation Army In Los Angeles. The j raiment was built several decades aKOj Mary Anderson has quit Vltaaraphij She wants $350 a week for her next j engagement and says,, she's going t, hold out for it. - , , . Ben Wilson, popular ITniversnlj leading man. Is now a serial director, i One of the first liberty bond sale Mary Pickford made In New York, on ! her trip east was- to .'Jack, herj brother. Mary, .Jack and Ma Pick- ford held a reunion in the ClnriilKej Hotel. Jack wearing the navy, uniform; The latest Is that Margarita Fisc-h-j er has changed her name to ,Ms '. , itc Fisher. .. Harry Pollard, her hits' band, Is directing Kiln IJnlJ for l iil- versal. . . - Rumor has It that- Wtilard Mack la I to take charKe of the, Oolilwyn ace naro department. ( Which wns renpon- HlttlA for the 'i. report that ;, I'i.uUn Frederick was to switch from mount to Goldwyn. 1 9 - VIVIAN MARTIN, ' , IN The Fair Barbarian I ji'iigniiuny inceriaining. . . Fox Sunshine Comedy ; "SHADOWS OF THE PEST" , Laugh and Roars. VAUDEVILLE . BARDELL & OTTO 1 The Somewhat Different Jugglers. MARGIE CARSON Female Baritone. j BUY THRIFT STAMPS EVERY DAY. Pauline Ctirley, Harold, Iockwood leading woman, is sorely peeved cause her home folks at Holy ok e, Mass., have been reRaied with tori-n that she Is to wed an operatic bari tone. Taullne Is 26 , or 'ihereabout.v has no4 intentions .of-marry Ins anyone, for many a year, and ' In addition,, doesn't vcn know the -. baritone in question , How truly pooplfe sympathise with the "underdog" 1h shown by tho let ters Hud Flher receives, generally, fn.m younxHtera, nsklnir that Jetf le 1 allowed, to.,"piit., one over, n'a M utt la the animated cartoons. 1 4'- 3'Fca3e Today BUY THRIFT STAMPS CHILDREN 5c. ADULTS 20c J ' ; - .i Here's n fecord. .Trlanale's acrin reading department read S.'iOO stories, in throe months and 38 of them wore. purchased. Little more than one et I cent of-the. stuff auhmlttcd proved; A' available. . A Some-day a siatlstirian will give ta the world the exact p.-roentaRe of hf r Kalary, that a motion ptdure star de pends on- varlods thinps. Tho couii pller will find that clothes take nioMt of Virginia l-'earaon'a shekels. a la tb jmakins; of 'Tht Fire-brand.'' ht-r new est idcture, it was .revealed th.'ir tbe Mialely Miss IVarson never "rctHt" on her $ownM In any, of h r. prduf " tlons- -2' A Uhode Jdand representative has . S introijiired a bill In concrep-, nskinB for a IS-cent piece. Motion pM-ture S-.ltffMtlllllllininilMffHIIlUMiltHlllllfllllllllllinMlttlftnilfflitltinHllffflfit. behind the wove. ' , 5 ' 5- f do with your' A . s. In Its death throes Ju'nketifm aeekrt What are you gflng to extra hour of daylight? . ' - in ' "f The Bandit, and a The Prpacher .A FIVE PART WESTERN AND ONE OF HART'S BEST PRODUCTIONS. THE SCENES ARE LAID IN THE WESTERN CATTLE COUN TRY. IN THIS PICTURE HART IS CALLED UPON TO , IK) THE BUST W()RK OF HIS CAREER. ; ,; ALSO MUTT & JEFF CARTOON. f 1 i 1 I