DAILY EAST OKEGOKIAN. PTKBIJTOIT, OEECON, SATTTJWT, APRTTJ 27, 1013. - T vVn.VT? PAGE?? f ' t ( f t t I r , ! '-' ' i 5 1 I VV-,,'.;.: '."'-.' .' 1 . TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Insure you the most miles per dollar. Tires : give satisfaction ; that c IyA QUALITY TIRES can rehder. ; We specialize in studying your particular needs and meeting them, just, as Firestone builders spe cialize in producing and marketing tires and rims. It is the specialist that, satisfies.: ''Try; Firestone and us, and you will agree. 1 Jf : ! ' ! " .'. . ( . .i ! -i. t in??;-? t- C We carry a line of Accessories,' Oils and Lubri- Gas and Oil at rear of building. i 0 Air and water at curb."-' " ; ?'. " r BRANCH HOUSES WHERE FIRESTONE TIRES CAN BE BOUGHT. ' l-JjU-Fettdleton C. & F. Motor Co. Burke & Son ; , Uil :;itT. . . . Athena Weston Garage , V. Weston Gainer & Long . . Freewater Echo Auto Co. ..,..... .!. ...... . .". ; Echo J. D. Royer .V. . . ..' .. .'. V Pilot Rock . ,. .i .m. . -t- ..- LET OUR SERVICE CAR SAVE YOU VEXATIONS Few people know much about tire repairs. Even those who do find r it difficult work. So the next time you have tire trouble on, the roadgcrto the nearest telephone and phone for our service car Night or Day. An expert tire man will soon be at your service. The charges will be reasonable. Service Free with .new til es. . . 'v. . . . ; ,r - - ; " " We n.iv.iril and uffor Vnr Mvliuea Riami for itale with cvfry , . .. - :" Simpson Tire Service Company J" j A. MENTON, Mgr. 223 E. Court St 1 . . . ir ' ; ' rt Night Phone 2G8 r ' " . Day -Phone 651 ,; miM.mM,..,nlMM.,l,Mir,!,MMmM."iii!.mm,.,HMminlMM1-PMlHnmI.1n,.!...,..."UM.1mm...MM.nM mi.m mMM.n.m,,,.,-.,,; f lM)imu u,Ul.lalHHI. i1,lll,.illi1..iuJ1.1l.lM.t.ll.lUHUia.lil..UIl.li:lHlil.lIi.lHIll l1nuili.HHll..ul.ulu.1Uim....-.u.u.-,......M.u... - f 0. 'NEARLY EVERY MAKE OF TIRE ON THE MARKET (' , VANCED 10' IN THE LAST TWQ DAYS. AD- i! t i F 5 I J :F! ill ItS.iWtiU fciili4iLUU SGf.EDlT 10".!! f.GT WAgHIXGTON', April 2 c:hnr(?! that! b. roii of Khiibhm tmrt(fi bankers intiatfl a millon-wWe cum. palgn to dlncrMlU the Federal farm loan KjKlma wa made ii a utatement lned ty the furm loan board today. "CrllU'lHin baa been directed at. the loan board from that eectlon ot the ccuntry recently, and thin. Is charged to private liitereti), which have been forced, to lower rates by . federal loans.'", ....... - , , i GURDANE SCHOOL ' CLOSED: PATRIOTIC PROGRAM GIVEN j '.it Will do the. same, but meanwhile the old scale of prices remains unchanged. YOU HAD BETTER COME IN TONIGHT AND SAVE THAT - :- - : - ., .10' RAISE. ' . i i We are open until 11 P. M. nuf sed. " ' ., IRRESISTABLE FISHING TACKLE Isii-liiCo., lie. DISTRIBUTORS FOR UMATILLi COUNTY. . Thone 400 - - Call Our Service Caf ofrrr War Kavlnito Stamiw for sale llh rr lnrrhate. - . . 1 1 ' (East Oresonlan BpMlal.) Gt'BDANK, April it-t-TM weath. I er ias bee "Warm, the.ixwt: week, .but i eold at night. Most every one is busy farmlnar. , Lambing will noon be oyer i aiound here. ' ,. Ed Hamer came up from Echo last j week with his cattle which tie turned ! ort.b's. homestead.-..,!. Hammer came up Monday and they will remain : on the homitead for some time. j Herbert French, returned home j Monday from Long Creek, having i helped John Carter over with his cat-,; tie.' While there he visited his sister, j Mrs. Cteve Walton of Fox. ' j ' Mr, and Mrs. Olllnger came' f ! Tuesday to visit a short . time ' with ! tbeir daughter. Mrs. Vern Cates. .. Harry Selby and wife went. up to the Ely mill Tuesday where they will j stay this summer. i. I'at Monashan, wife and baby, : moved to thKlr homestead where they I ejepeet to stay for awhile. i Johh Krosbone mailo a trip to i Heppner Tuesday evenlnu. , Fat DauKhtexy took a band of nheep i to his Butter creik ranch .Tiursday ! where he wilt commence shearing;. . , Myrtle Miller, teacher of the Lena ! school, was quite 111 Wednesday but ' was soon able to return (9 her school 1 again. K ' '' T lie. two youngest children of Geo. j Boilns have' been sick the past week, j Dillard French was thrauhlnj last 1 week, havinjc a machine from little i Butler creek. Several of the farm, ers will thrash as they could not set a machine last fall. C. T,-HolllHter returned to Pilot Rock again Wednesday after vlsltlnB a few days with his family at this place.' : Mrs. Pat Monaghan and baby came up Wednesday or the school pro gram. ' ' v C. T. Holllster and Harry Enrlgtrt are building a telephone line from George Taylor"a ranch and will com plete It soon. t , . The ladlee of ttie Ited Cross' are busy-pleplns; quilts at present until they receive another shipment of ma terial to work on. Mrs. Vern Cates closed an eight months' school Wednesday with a nlc program. ' A good crowd attended. the exer? cites, the children doing fine, pass ing an excellent grade. Program given by the children: Opening Song: "America" ' By the Kcool P.ecltatlon "The Man Who Stick!" '. Manley..HJlnan Recitation Not Afraid. ; o,Any- ' thing" lr: .1.'... ia'ek More Recitation "Old ironsides" Jtobert Harrington Dialogue The Little Bell" 4 .Palsy Cerley, Vlrgle Moore Recltatlon-'I'lay Robinson crusoe" ...... . t'-. '-. '. . . ;. .. . . . Dean Motire Recitation "ffeveH Times One" " ....... 't . .'..Vi ..... Ray Taylor Recitation Jane Jones. Oiville Corley Instrumental Solo .Mr. OHInger Recitation ."Is the Gwl Wise?".( : T..-. Anton Hileman Recitation 'Little Orphan Annie".' Ruby Moqsja: Recitation "The Kaiser's Bllless Day" . . . , A . Manley Hileman Closing song by school "Old Blacft . Joe" . - ' . ' -Ruby Moore won first brlze in spelling In third grade. Manley Hileman first prise In spell ing in fourth grade. Charles Ely; won first prise for best Utendance. Frank Jones made a trip to Pilot Rock Thursday. George ISolIn, wife and throe chil dren went to Pilot Rock Thursday evening, having taken their bnby u the dcctor. Bill Jones and family of MMton ime up Jnst week to visit a short time with friends and relatives. :..1V ' ... i hen You Have the Wreck OR WHEN YOU NEED REPAIRING OR CAR OVERHAULING,' YOU CAN BE ASSURED OF liigii Grade Work at Tills Garage This garage is thoroughly equipped to handle your work in the shortest .pos sible tijne. This, coupled with a corps of high grade mechanics are - sure . to please. ...... WE ARE AGENTS FOR t-m ii I Michelin and Wire :Gi'i Auto Accessories, Oils and Lubricants, Gas, Oil, Water and Air at Curb. CARS WASHED STORAGE . liiSeBeiiiiieEll; 'Garage Court and Thompson Sts. Phone 633 Elmer and Elvln Corley came home last week from Joe Pedro's place, w here' they have been working1 ia lambing.. - Mrs. Charles Ely and children were visitors at Mrs. lineman's Sunday. ' , The Junior Red Cross of Gurdane have received their apw banner which they have up now. . . Champ Clark Wont Try For The Senate As Stone Successor -WASHINGTON, April 26. Speaker Chamn Clark today decided not to run for the senatorial chair of the late Senator Stone. Seven Men Are Sought , For Prager Lynching ' KDWARDSVILLE. Ills., April 2. Seven men are being sought today under indictment for murder In con nection with the lyhching of Robert Praeger. three weeks ago. Five ot the 12 indicted are being: held in jail here. SEAG1I.LS AID AlilIES SEARCH OIT SVMMAIUMB not fish. They expect something to appear on the surface of the water following a commotion underneath. That something is food. "When gulls detect a submarine they follow h like a school of f ish. and if jWadsworth Amendment mis nation ever i mi Lu.:vrv w m, boats we shall be sorry that we haven't ten gulls for every one we have now." into a ship's side whn someone con tested his supremacy. The average riveter hammers Bom 300 to 50 rivets In eight hours. DOING UIS SlUPPIXtl ' IUT -PHILADELPHIA. April 5- There is one "king" In the United States, and he Is "doing his bit for democracy." William Baker, of tbls city. Is the un crowned "rivet-king. . With his com pressed -air, steel scepter he hammers into place 1.090 rivets a day on the modern -"old Ironsides" that are being constructed at the Pennsylvania Ship building Company's plant at Tlouces ter, N. J. With apparently little effort he drove 1247 of the little red-hot pins Adopted by Senate WASHINGTON1, April 26. The sen ate today adopted the Wadsworth am endment to the Overman empowering bill authorizing the President to cre ate a new division of aircraft produc tion. . . IlOl.LAXD THREATEXTD BY OKltMANV. REPORT LONDON. April 24. A plot to force Holland Into the war Is brew ing in , Berlirr, according to an Amsterdam- dispatch. , . - (By United Press.V PHILADELPHIA, April 25. In re gard to the many reports from abroad concerning the part the common or-j dinnry sea-gull is represented as tak ing In the capture of the Urboat fol lowing the underwater craft Is quest of food' and 'pointing them out" .to our destroyers, listen to this "yarn." Saje. Frank B. Stewart, president of, the Ocean City (N. J.) Fishing Club, one of the largest on 'the Atlantic coast4. ' ' ' t "Kvery gull on our coast is an aWa tor in bur defense and worth almost as much aa a soldier or sailor for Our protection. Toir see, the gulls live 1 chiefly on the fragrants of fish left j by the hungry tigers of the Sea feeding on schooled fishes. ' 1 ' "Every Toy oi the seashore knows j a that a diving, screeching flock of gulls j jS Indicates a school of fish. B "Like an aviator, they can see below K 3 8 s i EfJlER FAC11MS FOR BjUEDO-TOQ TIRE EEPAIRKG ' ' the surface, but they cannot reason that all things under the surface are Y V'1 , X rsflsjttesswjisst f -fmtf m m f i Mfi f f ... K MWsMkS v. 1 1 i I I I Win 1' uil m'hl il I o m :rinir. - . Oil V IB" mm Wll For the past two weeks we have been rearranging and adding new equipment to our work room which is now one of the best if not the best in Bastern Oregon. The last word In lUph class Vulcanizing and Tire Ift-i mir ing. Owing to the continual rise In the 'price of tires it Is your duty to see that you get every mile possible from your old tires. Have them t repaired NOW. STANDARD TIRES WE AIIE AOKXTS FOB lliamond Squeegee Tires Goodrkli Silvcrtown Cord , . . Tires. . Kelly-SiiringfieW Tires Republic Tires HI IXZlll' ; 5 eUlCAWJ TODAT. ACCESSORIES BUMPERS V JACKS srAKivrLiiua TOOL KITS . SPOTUGIITS V 1TRE v V CLOCKS SPEEDOMETERS LIGHT GLOBES WARNER LENSES SIGNAL HORNS OILS TUBE REPAIR KITS CHAINS CAR POLISH BRAKE LINING . TOOLS r Shock Absorbers SERVICE STATION, OIL. GAS AND WA TER AT CURB. Pendleton RuMer & Supply Co. : WHOLESALE AND RETAH. W. H. Ms Uock. President. Wm. Poos, Masafen IOI hJt CMrt St. Trkrhone 11J We sdYfTtlsc and offer War Savli.es Slant for sale with e'erj purchase. e I 4 j "A i I J 1