, if- art-J-aj- f TT7IXVE PAGES DATLY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, DRAGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1918. ' pag n.nvrv i I f t 'C ' f t t i i f W "S : " ) f J i 4 f K .4 Tf?oThnfiCar ir ' , Complete . .;v i Cannot .Be Bought For Les ' To pay less is to risk the ,,Joss of rfficiency, comfort. . nuxk-rnizt-d improvements, 'beauty of design or lung ; lived service. ' '.'The. absence of any one of these essentials robs you of ." maximum value, useiulii2.3 x4uid satisfaction. At a low first cost and or .economical maintenance, .this Model IX) gives jover -iproditfious power front its . . jiertrctcd, frugal with -Tucl motor. . jipfxaranee,' Perfirtnatue Cemfert, Service and Pries Overland Pendleton Go. '"-.. WII-IAS-OVKIUiAND MOTOIt AH DEAfjKns 812 Johnson St. ; - Phone 542 Better a bread card with liberty than a Mailed ox commandeered by the kaiser. - An Jnside Bath . Makes You Look I and Feel Fresh Bay a'glaaa of hot water' with I pftosphat befer breakfast - keep tlinea away, i. t Thla ,.xcIHnt, common-M ..health meaaur .being adopted by mllllone. t Physicians Ihe world over recom mend the inside bath, claiming this i vaa.tu ta.tra ImnnWnnf fhim fill t side cleanliness, because the skin nor.. At nni nhmrh Imourities Into the hiood. causing III health while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged to drink each " morning before breakfast a glass of hot water With a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In . It, as a . harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous days' indigestible : material, poison, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food Into the stom ach. Just as aonp and hot mater cleanse and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on tho elim inative organs. Those who wake up with bad breath, coaled tongue, nasty taste or have a r!ull. aching head, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who are subject to bilious attacks 'or constipation. should obtain a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate at the drug store, This wiffcost very little but is suffl- clent to demonstrate the value of In-iValley yearlings ........ 15.25015.50 side bathing. Those who continue It Wethers . 13.00i 1S.60 each morning are assured of pro-.JJwes .' 12.0j 12.50 notinced results, both in regard . to 1 , shorn sheep 2H3c below quota health and appearance. ,tions. f '111 - f"" i in iiiiiiiatiff r ''" ii niisffJ iV'ir'laf CAN BE CURED FreovProbf To iYcu A II I want I ynar nsate and sddrvsn to I csa send roa s frrr trial treat nent. I want roni.ul to In Uua traaloamt UuU U last try It, aa& smy H.lrrffuaBe&U . I've been io drisr bvaineai it Fort Warne for fs rear, naartr c eel yens knrg me and kmrwiaboMt my aucoeatti! (mtiafflt. Ovav aim thoaaaud frwm fcasdrad paoaia otiUitie of tort Warnc ha-e. aetwdois tat tuetr awa Uta&aau. tswa aunat by. Uua treatmrnt ataue 1 Drat made thla otTer p.iblK;. If yoa h.r gcaaaaa. tteK SaH miaiaw. Tattae aim BilM haw bad air trestaaaat has cared the worat cajaia I aw aaw-gb-e aa a shame ta aarasra say alalia. Send me ynor Same and addr- an the coupon below and set th trial tra.UBent I want to send you KRh K. 1 lm woinlrrr. ancompliahed in voar own caae will be praf. . , iaiaeiaaaaeaaTnaaaaiiaiaa,CUT Am9 pa All. TODaT anasmai n iiaaaaaaaasasaas 1 1 nail I. C. HtTZrLl. Omssltt, Kit Wait Mala St. Fart Waya, laa. ; - rieaaa at-nd without cel or aNimw tc. aae rer rraa Proof Treatent, r s Kam ( aAce Satisfaction It is simple to handle, has .t narrow, turning radius, ami, easily operating cjutch, V t- It is comfortable with spa cious interior, wide seats, deep upholstery, rear cantilever springs, lCfl"vheclbase,lar(fo tires, non-skidrear.andAuto-Lite Starting and lighting. .Successful "men do not w caste their time and energy in getting around thousands -', ,use this Model 00 and save -, their vitality for Iheiloing of more things in less time. TOPSTEERS BRING 1 4.25 IS PORTLAND PORTLAND. April 27. Market for cattle reflects great strength at Xorth Portland. In fact at this time; qual ify considered, Portland Is one of the highest markets in the entire country. Local offerings of cattle are : scant and It has been found necessary to (again go into Montana and other dint. I ant points for actual requirements.. r While thfre was a fairly good run (reported In the yards overnight, local 'packers brought In some of the stuff 'direct from their own feed lota. I , General cattle market fange: i Good to choice steers. .$13.26 14.25 .'Medium to good -steers. . 12. 00S 13.00 Common to med. steers 10.2S W 1 1.25 Choice cows and .heifers 11.2S12.25 Common to good cows and - heifers .vastners 7.25il0.75 4.25 01 6.55 "u1' . 6.25W10.T5 8.75112.25 iCales Blocker and feeder steers 7.00 Cf 9.00 Kntitc Trade Holds Firm. . Great .strength continues , in' .the swine trade at North Portland. Over night there was a fair run and these sold well early around former prices. The eastern situation la showing a steadier tone with, advances noted at some points, although Portland con tinues at the extreme point. ' . General hog market range: Prime mixed $17.0O H.OO Medium mixed , 17.0erl7.86 Rough and .heavy. ..... 16.51.85 Pigs lo.60i'16.. , Small Offering of Mutton. - Small offerings of mutton - were shown in the North Portland yards overnight. Some came direct to, pack ers on previous purchases at country points. .General trend of the trade Is strong. . General sheep and lamb range: ippring lambs $ 20.00 15. 25ff 15.50 iM'estern yearlings "1 - Aa - But.. Fciio cay nam by i;03SE wiLL RECOVER William UcCormmacK Suf- , f ered Broken Leg Dur ';. ' ing Accident. ; j . i' k 1 East Oregonuin Special), ECHO, April 27.- The ladlea of the local Tied Cross Auxiliary served luncheon, Thursday .afternoon from 2 o'clock until 6 o'clock at the city hall and netted $30.70. . This tnakee $101.05 raised In Echo during this month by the Echo branch of the Red Cross. . . . i ' Tho auxiliary also elected officer on the same afternoon. The, entire corps of previous officer were elect ed and are a follows: Chairman, Mrs.rT. M. Johnuon; vice chairman. Mre. R. B. Stanfleid; secretary, Mrs. A. B ThomRon;"- treasurer, Mr. Wm. Efifielstyn 1 - The organization In Echo i beside raising the amount of money reported above, finished' 191 garments : since March 27. ' -Wm. McCormick,Vhe. thirteen year old son of Mi and Mrs. . Humes Mc Cornitck who . was dragged tbrough the streets tu? his horse on Thursday. v an resting much, easier last evening. Although, ha Is terribly, bruised and bis right leg Is broken just abov the ankle his condition, la, not considered fatal. . ' . I His sister. Miss Adaline McCormlckl who (, Just recently graduated as a nurse from the La Grando hospital, is here nursing him. Miss Krma Ashbaugh who has been III with pneumonia, is, much better. . Carl Gilbert ,ha spent tho past week In.I'endJeton. ,... .. I'. Adams in a business visitor In Seattle, Ho, left-for that city on Sunduy. f ' ' -t t-.' . Mrs. C- ft, IJsle,sreturned Thursday f iim a short visit, with her son Nel sttn Taylor of Lena. Ore. ' I Mrs. Jack iJhatoiL, nrn , Ida WeJls, ,of ,Bend;' tpenl. , yesterday In Kelio .visiting with Wtas Bsther Kcholl. She t left 'for Pendleton this morning, to spend a few days with Meadsv. ... -. t "Horn., on Sunday. April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Win, H. Long, a baby girl. r The. Willamette University Glee Club Will be, here tonight at tho city hall. The entertainment is given un der the auspices of the M. Ei church and promises ta..be of unusual inter est. - Mrs. Agnes Wiggle of Portland Is visiting here, the guest of Mrs. C. A. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. -Johnson and Mrs. J. F. Cook were visitors In Pen dleton on Wednesday. Mrs. J. It. Jordan was In Pendle ton on Wednesday. SOMR PIUXKS X)MMTTTEI BY ' HMtTHQTJAKE SAN1 JACINTO. April 2. "Ra--mnna," Idealistic Indian character .of Helen Hunt Jackson, suffered In the earthquake when the home of R. E. Strout fell In ruins. It was there that "Aunt Ho," now dead, was In real acters, lived, and It was there that much of the novel was written by Mrs. Jackson. Burled In the ruins Is "Ramona's Chair," enmeshed In romance, a show thing here and a feature dear to the heart of many tourists. Helmet was the scene of much of the Indian ro. mance. " "Aunt Rl," now dead, was In real life a Mrs, Jordan remembered by a few of the oldest settlers. Fortune played queer tricks in the earthquake. A Chinese cook In the Vosburg Hotel was made Indignant, almost to forgetfulness of his little English, when the shocks broke all the freshly washed dishes from the hotel's Sutfday dinner and left quite safe piles of unwashed tableware. The Bothing block, once a two story ones nullum, lost its upper nair in aa earthquake Christmas Day, 1899. Yes terday the Bhock leveled the lower story. , A linotype machine In the office of the San Jacinto Register, facing In One direction before the earthquake, fac ed In the opposite diroctlon after wards. Apparently the halfturn dam aged It In no way. SPIKF.r HRLMET SKLI.S FOR. m'NDItKT THOUSAND NEW YORK. April 2. The Ger man spiked helmet, trophy of the sec ond hattle of Ypres which J- P. Mor- gsn obtained last week hy purchasing $50,000 worth of Liberty loan bonds at a loan rally here, was auctioned arain today, Mr. Morgan having re turned H for this purpose. This time It sold for $100,000. Peter Doelfer. brewer, buying that amount of Liberty bonds. Mr. Doelfer Immediately re stored the helmet to the loan commit. tey to be resold. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APl'LICATIO.VS, aa tbey can not reach the seat of the diaeaae. Catarrh Is a local diaeaae, greatly Influenced by coaarituttonai conditions, sad in order te cure it yov nst take sn internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken Intarnallt and arts thru the blood on tua nncoas sur faces of tha ayalem. -'liall's Catarrh Uedt elna was prearribed by one of the beat phy ah-lana In tbts conntry for years. It Is posed of some of the bast toolee known. eonithned with lone of the beat blood rmrt- flera. The perfect combination of tha In. Keedlents la Hall's Catarrh Medlelne Is hat irodneea aueh wonderful reaulta la catarrhal coodltloDs. , Send for testltaoah Is, free. J. CIIHNKT CO., Props., Toledo, a Bella Kamllr tills for coaatipatioa.. All Dfeexlsts. 75a. aaaaakaaaa f inanj t : i 6 . 'r- 'If . a a' . i HaJ .EDYFORf AT VOU DROCBIST. ucgist. ' CHICHESTER S PILLS af-rt-v Btl4t . fl a,t. Iia at, 4ee. H mr ,,.. V , I - ..V li.-it-.s'thoe'i ii."" v"' iri52i s.tii,,, ,:,',j - ' laWaaannMtowIM Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Reri't, For Sale, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. NEW TODAY IT, H li-" FOlt SALE One four , flame . stove. -, Good as new, cheap, pair hip" rubber boots, almost , Phone 693W, oil One new. WANTED Second hand Underwood Typewriter. Must be In first class condition and priced reasonable. Ho-! tel Kcho. i , , t . FOR SALE-Barred Rock eggs for hatching $1.00 for lj, Apply 220 Long street or phono 208W WANTED Waitresses at The Quelle . ..Cafe. .',,, FOR RENT One large outside un furnished room suitable for light housekeeping. Phone .ill-it....... ., FOR SALE Bedstead, mattress and springs, i Phone 730M. FOR. RENT 4 -room, house .close in. Phone 190 or 113. STEW TOD AT, : aeh new. advertisement will. , .be run under -w Ta4ar" tor., the first insertion only. During, subsequent insertions of the ad ' It will appear under Us proper classification. . Real Estate . Montana Ij"1 for ial. , , I will Irade ray 240 acres Montana farm land, located in Dawson Co., 4 miles from, Jtiehey. a ralh-oad town, for. good, modern residence property In-Pendleton or will, sell on terns to responsible party. See me at Hotel Bowman. ( R, B, Miller. "owner., TbA. rnnit vb I n hln , business se qualutance you Will ever make will ever have will Ind yoa . through a wane aa. WEDDING ANNDL'NCE M E N T iS Call and see the different samples of engraved announcements. Invita tions, cards, etc., at the East Orego- nian office. Printed orders lurnlslieu If you wish. ' AGRJEEMK.VT TO EXD AIR RAIDS l!OPOSKJ IX rtElCH(jTAG Socialist Itenorted to Haw Made Sug gestion Regarding Open Towns Out side War Zona ; t ; LONDON, April 24. ARautcr dis patch from Amsterdam says that, ac cording to advices from Berlin, dur ing the sitting of the Reichstag, Herr Geek, socialist, - suggested making an agreement with, the i allies to cease aerial attacks on open towns outside the war gone. A government representative re. plied that no official request had hitherto come from - the allies, but that should It be received. It would be examined by the military authori ties. " . , ' ' i CORN BREAD POPrLAR ATTHB WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, April 24. Corn- bread is served at the White House. Wheat and" w beat products have been off the menu there for some time, it was learned through local food offi cials. ahe city Is believed to be leading the wheat savers of the country. Res taurants, hotels and clubs have cut off wheat in any form. The city is believed to be leading the wheat savers of the country. Res- i taurants, hotels and clubs have cut . off wheat In any form, i OUTBURSTS OF 756T eAN-OTHeR.iWOADot.y rYoo. or. s't-cT- oaves Yow' NOTMBft GcxjoTslamI OvesR. Of ANOTMBft KNOB m I- - H. " I TU Htm u a a. m. a a " - . - 1 I i' 'Vri I 'PON'T Oetge, UlMT ybo UirrM -rwa -r '" flUTl. HO KNOfS VHPOteCTeD IVCfitSN - 'P - Li I aj&aasainnflslasaa - .t, aWra.'.rVnew' : Wanted WANTED aood, clean rags, at East Oregonian office. WANTED Woman cook and dinning . roem girl. ' Phone or writs Hotel Stanfleid, ; Stanfleid, Oregon. WANTED Woman for general house work. Phone 68. WANTED Woman, without children, ', to cook and assist with general bouse work. Apply 40-M thla office. WANTED Sewing, phone 482-W. WANTED At once, pasture for 10 . head calves. . i-Wrlte ; Janaea Hill, Helix, Ore., or phone 73. ' " WANTED Competent woman or girl r. for general housework. t. Apply 600 W. Court or phone 113. BOY. WANTS work on rane hor In , tpwn. Apply 124 Jeff Davis. WANTED Girl for dining room work. Inquire Mrs. T. C. Crawford, Rlelh, Ore. WANTED -Competent elp for gen i ral housework. Mrs, -W. U Thomp son. . Phone 430. MAN AND WIFE, wants work ranch. Apply Kenmore Apts. LADY EMPLOYED wants pleasant room. Address 53M this office. Cleaners HAVE your clothes cleaned or pressed Rudd's 20 W.,.Wel.b. Phona CSC. , Lost LOST 3 year old sorrel horse. Ranch mark LO left, side, one white hind ankle, a star face. Finder please no tify Anton Arnold. Stanfield. Ore.' : LOST 2 mules, 1 bay, 3 coming 4 year old mule, weight aout 1050, fresh . brand "SB" on left shoulder: also 1 black mule. 3 year old. weight 1050. branded "SB" on left Bhoulder. Last heard of In Alkali Canyon, near Ben Fix's ranch, about 15 miles southwest of Pendleton. WH,! pay suitable reward for return of mules. Advise. Dan P., Smythe, Pendleton. The wholesale bakers have set the example to. merchants, having more than 300,000 pounds of wheat, flour and an additional saving makes the record more than 500,000 pounds, enough to feed stricken Belgium on w ar rations for some time. It was said. KXIGHTS OF MBERTY WARN DISIJYALTT TALO ALTO, Cal., April 24 "Knights of Liberty" placarded Palo Alto, in. the early hours of Monday mornng .with warnings to pro-Ger mans and disloyalists. A large sign bearing. the word "Disloyal" was plac- ed In front of a delicatessen owned by Frank MtUer, an Austrian by birth. Miller today protested the action of the "committee." saying that he is en tircly loyal to the allies' cause. He has bought bonds of the three Lib erty loans and 'has contributed $259 to the Red Cross and other, relief measures, he claimed. , CHICAGO) CUBS TO i:se $100,000 FOR LOAN BONDS CHICAGO, April 23. The Chicago National League Club ha subscribed for $100,000 of thifd ' Liberty Loan bonds. The sum is the unexpended part of the $250,001. which the stock holders appropriated late last year for purchasing new players and otherwise strengthening the team. . EVERETT TRUE It kJ For Sale HOGS FOR ALK Fifteen good brood sows with from six to tea pig each. ' Tom. .Boylen, Jr., Echo, Ore. WICKER BABY Call 77J. carriage for sale. FOR. BALE One It foot Holt Corn- tint with Atlas engine. Write B. 3. Campbell, Box 8. Pendleton. FORi SALES the following size in second hand tires, 20x2, 30x3 1-2, 32x3 1-2, 32x4, 24x4 real snaps. Simp son Tire Service Co., 223 E. Court. FOR SALE: Wheat hay. Pendleton, Ore. r B. Bell, FOR SALE Three v Phone 4F3 milch , , cows. FOR SALE Good high speed Wiz ard washing machine. Phone $48 W. FOR 8AL,E-Fbrd delivery car in good condition; also house tent 18x 24. Across Lea St. Bridge. , FOR j SALE-rLivlngston . vacuum cleaner. Phone 346W. FOR SALE3 NEW and second hand Sewing Machines. Singer, White. New Home and The Free Machine. McCUntock A Simpson. 400 K. Court. FOR SALE rAasorted Burbank pota toes, from 1 to 5000 sack at TS cent per 100 lbs Buyer most fur nish sack and sack potatoes at pit, located 1-4 mile, from Stanfleid. Ad dress H. E. Bartholomew, Stanfleid. Oregon. '" ''' Architect RAYMOND W. HATCH. Architect. I spain building. Phone lt8. Pendle ton, Oregon. ' - Farm Implements THE "NON-SKIP" Weeder get all the weed the first time over the field. Save one-third the time and does lota better work. Order now. Pendleton, Weeder work $33 Cotten wood St. t For, Rent FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 501 Clay. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen ' . lleman. Close In. Phone 459M. FOR RENT Furnished room- Phone 795W. FOR. RENT. FURNISHED 4 room apt., large back porch, cellar, bath and gas. 407 West Alta. Close In reasonable. 2-ROOM apartment and sleeping room to rent. 215 Garde Phone 267-R. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms at 60S. Willow street. FOR RENT Sewing machines cf all make, $1.00 per week. $3.00 per month. - McCUntock: and Simpson, 400 E. Court, FOR RENT Water St. -Furnished Apt. 602 FOR RENT 3 room apartment In steam heated building. Apply thla office. ALTA APARTMENTS Thoroughly remodeled; furnished or unfurnlah ed suites reasonable. VOX E. Alta. C P. Barnett. NICE APT. for rent. 109 Water. Notices Notice to tbo Public. All those having claims against Milea Kemler. deceased, will please present or mail same to me at once. MRS. MILES KEMLER. Pendleton, ore.- Itids Wanted. Bids will be received by the un dersigned for flat tone work on. walls, varnishing woodwork and puttying window frames of Umatilla school house. AU bids to. be In by May 4, ISIS. ...The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Gladys L. Spinning, C'erk School District No. C, Umatilla, Oregon. .Used Cars WLL TRADE my Chevrolet for your Ford. See Miller, 721 Cotton wpod. ... ... . . - FOR SALE Veils In good condition. I passenger. Would - maka truck Phona 400 or 74. Miscellaneoos EOGS from choice. large, whiter lay ing strain R. I. Reds, none better. $1.50 for 15;' $3 per hundred, phone 10F5. LACB CURTAINS lau'ndried with care Phone 244-J. - BUY ALL KINDS of Jnnk - at top prices. Iron and sack a specialty Paelfto Junk Co, J. S. Jones, prop, (17 Cottonwood street. SCIENTIFIC rug cleaning. All work guaranteed. Reference Furnished. Phona 5S9-W. , Appointments for free demonstration. 201 Water St. ACCORD.'ON pleating done. any width or length. Call at $42 Cot tonwood street. . ' ' ; Aato Hire. D. B. Waffle, touring. city trip. Or.arle On. nbnna T The best business "chance" you have ever had will reward, your read ing of the want ada ..." i. I ' n Farm Land For Sale FOR SALE 375 acres of chulea wheat land near Weston, land lie hi gentle slope and beet ef tractor land, half In crop this year. Owner get possession this falL Price $!$ per acre with terms. Corbett Reality Co., First & Alder St., Walla Walla. Waste. . . 6. . LAND 50 section unimproved,,. land for sale, well watered and well grassed, 60 per cent tillable. .Price reasonable. O. B. Pope, Owner, Miles City, Mont. ! 3" Contractors and Builders. C, 6WANSON E, R. DuPuls. Esti mate given free. All work guar anteed. We build anything, city or country work. Phona $4SM- Second-IIand Dealers V. 8TKOHI.K. dealer in new nd seo end band goods. Cash paid for no end band goods. Cheapest place to buy household foods. gi JaV Court. . fboa 71W. Auctioneers PrTTrci'-a:i--c"-c -ir.si3i--i i in nr 1 1 "fr- i Jt"'BMB COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer. makes a specialty of farmers' stock; and machinery sales. The ma that get you the tool -y." Leave order at Kauat Oregoniati Office. Draymen CALL.PKNLAND BHOH.' VAN t . move your household good. Tele phone 3J9. Alsa baggag tranafer rlng and heavy hauling. W. A.. MI LESS, baggage, transfer and drayage. Office phona 649.. 'Be. 749K. 3 Attorneys FBGD EL BCHMI&T, Attorney at Law. Room 24. bmita-crawfora tswg., FRANK DAVIS, Attorney at Law. Of fice gmltb-crawiora Buiuung. D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Room 7, a. , ijeapain nttiiQinv. .GEORGE W. . COUTT8. Attorney at Law. . Room 17, Bcnmiot titocs- CARTER SMYTHE, Attorney at Law. Office in rear of American na tional Bank Building. FEE FEE, Attorney at Law. . in Despaln Building. R. L KEATOfl. Attorney at Law. Rood 24, Bmitb-Crawiom Building. . 8. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Bmitb-Crawfora uuuaing. PETERSON BISHOP, Attorney at Law. Room 1 and 4. Bailth-Craw-ford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law.. - Office eve Taylor Hardware Com pany. ' RALEY BALEY. Attorney at Law- Office in American national etas Building. , - 8. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at law. Offiea In Daa-naia Bid. JOB PRINTING- at the - nlan ef f lea. . East Orego- Lesrals Notice of Payment of City ot Pen dleton Improvement Bond. - Notice is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bond Nos. I. Series Q. 11 and 12, Series, N, . Series U and 5. Series X. will be paid upon, presentation thereof to the un dersigned at the American National Bank,- Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregon. Interest on ald .Bond ceases May 1, 1918- ,,, Dated April 1, 191S. . . LEE ilOORHOUSE, Treaa, City , of Pendleton. By William. Mlckaln.. Jhiputy. IN POUND. The following described , ahtmal has been taken up by" the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: ' One bay mare, 5 years old, 900 lb.. right hind foot white, fork in left ear. puff on right hock. If said animal Is not claimed by tha owners or those entitled to Its oposses slon, costs and expenses paid and. tak. en away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. tri or the th day of May, 1912, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City. Pound. In said City, of Pen dleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to. tha payment pf auclt costs and expenses of making. sale- Dated-this 24th day of April, 191$. , AL ROBERTS, City Marshal. TIME CAJID Weston-Pendleton Auto I Leaves Weston for Pendleton at T:4i a. m. and 12:46 p. m. Leave Athena for Pendleton at :. . m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave Adam for Pendleton at 1:29 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave Pendleton AUea-Tn!fht Store) for Weston at 19 a, m. and 4:00 p. no. . . . fiAU W A WORTH. Drtvar. WIST AO eflitmt ASJB CLAStltien DIHILC-TORT. Counting six ordinary word to the line and ehargaa by the Una, Want ad and locals. Ha tea tea' t,hae First Insertion, per line .la Each add. Insertion, pr line 6 One wk taix Inaertiosa), each Insertion, per lino ....... $e 1 mo- each inaertica. pep line 4 6 month contract, each in- - sertioia, pr line .1.. la 12-month contract, each basea- tlon. ,,-r line .. . , $s No ada lake fue less tbaaM Ad taken ever "t t.t,phfiit only from Kaat Orea-onia ettb ertbera and tboaa bated ia the Telephone liireuturr. c,.p muat t. Io our office not latr tbaa l it o'clock say at abitUa. ' Tha beet Job yon will aver get will com to yon throne a want ad.