EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST DREG ONI AN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, PRIE 24, igig,- FAG 15 FIVB COHROY-'S IT PAYS.TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S If You Are Looking for Bargains Conroy V j Has Them. CASH GROCERY 525 Main St, Free Delivery. Phone 640 Mount Vernon Milk, 2 cans ......... 25c Peanut Butter, bulk, pound. ........ . 25c Macaroni, Spaghetti, S pound box , ". . . . B5o ' Rolled Oata, pound sack 75o ItlM Hour, bulk, 10 poiuuls ., $1.35 . Potatoes, large !, cwt. $I.O( Himiach, pound Ho AxparaguR, pound ISO Rhubarb, 3 pounds 25o Rod Bran small can JOc, medium 15o CllruN Powder, 2 .packages . . 8&o ' Rattle Blue i ....... : 10c 'llrrsheys Cocoa H lb, can 20c, I lb. 85o Gliirardt-lli iround Cliocolaic, 1 1M. can 8()o Petite Prunes, 3 pounds tSo Kvairatod parties, pound 15o Kvanorated Apples, pound ISo Buliana. Raisins, pound , ISO Monopole Jelly Powder, a packages w. . . . SiSo 1HI Car Jam, 16 ox. Jar 23o Onion Bets, 2 quarts , . . 25c Toilet Parr, 4 rolls '25o ' BUY A THRIFT STAMP. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S BREWER'S DAUGHTER AND ACCUSED SPY L i f I - -"' " Mrs. Hugo Reislnger. daughter of j being a the lata Adolphug Buses, the rich .States. CHAPLIN TO AHASDOX 1118 TOt;i; Movie Actor In JiervoiiH llroakdown from Stogo Fright. Manager Says. . MEMPHIS. Tenn., April 24. Char lie Chaplin, moving picture actor now touring southern states in the Inter est of the Third Liberty Irfinn. will abandon his tour at New Orleans on account of a nervous breakdown, ac cording to his manager'a announce ment today. Charlie spent the day In Memphis. He was to make several talks,; but cancelled all excepting one. His manaeer said he had suf fered fro stage fright In appearing before such crowds, and that It final ly got his nerves. All Traces of Scrofula Cleansed from the Blood impurities Promptly .Wiped Out If there ! any trace of Scrofula, or other impurities in your blood, you cannot enjoy the full physical devel opment that a healthy body is ca pable of until your blood has been thoroughly cleansed and purified of II traces of impure matter. 8. S. S., the wonderful old purely vegetable blood remedy, has no equal for removing the last trace of Scrof ula and other blood taints, and there is no case that it does not promptly reach. S. 8. S. will thoroughly cleanBe and remove every disease germ that infests the blood and give you new life and vigor. It is sold by all drug gists and you should get a bottle and begin its use to-day. Write a com plete history of your case, and you can obtain expert medical advice free by addressing Medical Director, 8 1 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga. oerman suy In the United Airs. Heisincrcr. whpn ..,wi-. u. m. iu,o, 1.,t,.,N:n, .urn nimiit m aliened count said some time ago with Count liobert de she had believed he was a Invnl I ' I .. i . ... V. I .. ....... I. 1 .1 1 I n . 1 , loll,llu"l " ciu .r niwirrnncnman, ana sne was greatly sur reui.i numui Him oil a. r i eBiutrn iiui i priKea lo KHOW he. Was warrant because he Jb suspected of being a German spy. suspected TOM MURPHY SERVES AT FRONT; SAYS 'U.S. ARTILLERY: NO BOCHE Eat Ice Cream EVERYDAY ' Get your pint pr quart and take it with you when you go home. , . We Deliver Anything Above One Half Gallon Everything we sell is made in Pendleton not in Germany or Portland. Help to keep Pendleton and Umatilla county growing by patronizing home in dustry. Everything Pure and Wholesome. Pendleton Creamery 414 Main St. . Phone 444 Tom Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murphy, has served his first turn at the front and Is now behind the lines planting potatoes If the hunch he expressed In a letter writ ten on the 17th of Ireland" was right- The letter, Just received by his father. tells of the manner In which the Am erican artillerymen are plowing up the German lines. The letter reads as follows: 17th of Ireland, 1918. Dear Dad: Well, Dad, I sure wlnh you could have spent this Sunday here. I am sure that you would have been Inter ested. Since seven o'clock this morn-, Itig the Boche have been coming clear over our town and so sure as a ma chine would start the French and Americana would shoot at him. If I I saw one plane today I have seen a hundred, and the average number ot shots fired at one machine Is about a hundred. About ten o'clock two Boche machines came so, close that the guns back of our house opened up on them and the worst part of the whole thing Is that every one' r saw got back over again. I suppose that Wllhelm knows It all by this lime. Do you remember of reading about Hhe Americans taking some Boche trenches. the boys of (censored). I want to tell you that if this war Is ever won the llalnbows will have a lot to do with It. The artillery from your native state are some wonderful fighters and good marksmen. An Instance like this proves their ability. The Infan- have two trucks loaded now and will load the resit tomorrow. We have heard that we are going back and plant potatoes. The government has a gob of land down there and we are going to plant It full of spuds. well. Dad, I think that Is Is all I know this time, but will write again soon. . . Tell mother to send Me about six tubes of "Pebico" tooth paste. With love, 'THUS. P. ..MCUPHY, DR. HARRY A. GARFIELD United States Fuel Administrator - Says: "Order your next winter's fuel now. The great danger of a fuel shortage next winter lies in the habit of putting off ordering until fall, and under present conditions Oregon may ' experience a fuel shortage next winter due to a , labor shortage, and the lack of cars sufficient to ,' meet the normal seasonal demands. Fill the ' woodshed, and fill the coal bin and do it now." PHONE 5 "SUPERIOR" ROCK SPRINGS COAL "ABERDEEN" UTAH COAL The best that money can buy. BURROUGHS & CHAMBERS Inc. 550 Main Street. E. 0. BIdg. Wo advertise and offer War Savings Stamps for sale with every purchaso Will Urge Use Of Cottage Cheese Here WASHINGTON-, April 24 The Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States department of agricul ture has named Miss Genevieve Pot tor, of I'ort Washington New York, home economics graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural College, to encour ape in Oregon the production of cot tage cheese on fn:ns and also to stim ulate Ita use in homes, i Miss Potter, one of 47 w.m.!n aucnts named fur as many states is to cooperate with federal unrt amr- and holding "'uiiurai and home-demonstration Well that was, !M"- M,ss Jessie Hoover of Mos- eow, mano, rormerly professor of home economics at the I7ttlvet?y of Idaho, Is the leader In the cottne cheese work for the western states. The work in Oregon will be part of -ho department of agriculture's na tti nal campaign. In cooperation n-iih What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. JScppclln's Iju Raid Arcade Today A mighty Zeppelin, plunging to earth from aloft, flaming and smok ing fike a giant meteor, forms a tre mendous climax In the latest Thomas Ince Spectacle, "The Zeppelin's Last Itaid," to be shown at the 'Arcade; theater today. This production Is the ; Initial release of the recently organ- ' lzed U.- S. Exhibitors' Hooking Cor- j poratlon -and has occasioned wide- ' spread comment throughout the pic ture world for Its unusual scenic ef- ; fects. .-.':..,-. Surpassing In point of dramatic ten- slty and scenic lnvesture even "Civil- ; liation," Mr. Ince's first great spec tacle, "The Zeppelin's Last Raid." ; terms a landmark In the career of the ' famous master of lights and shadows. ; Bach picture of Mr. Ince, while 1 not claiming anything for Itself, has: been a rung climbed In the ladder of ! success and. looking back, . we see j nun nil. . j" ill, (icm uuctivi i im, jiiv. gressed and that his success Is due to j JP his clear foresight and calm dellber- Jjd ation rather than to any meteoric i . j .. rA 'V. ,,t . an T K i. rT-,.,1 ..... 1. .. masn-'S standard of artistic merit In the film Industry, rlo when a spectacle of his making Is "announced one may expect a product of unprecedented quality. Such a picture is "The Zeppelin's Last Raid." It will bring to the name ot Mr.. Ince fresh laurels. ? ' PASTMIS TODAY in?" V: THE FIRE GOD Thrilling, Sensational, Daring Climaxes. -A picture with a throb and a thrill in every scene. KEYSTONE COMEDY HIS BUSTED DEBUT A Hair-Raising Comedy. Full oi Laughs and Stunts A RKAIj APAqiCB DEV. Artist Who Knew Paris Underworld Supervises Fox Picture, Children 5c Adults 20c :!!!!H!fli"tmtmH!mmnn iUiuiuiifiiiiuiiiluiliuiilU I &3 Alta today. The abode of the Apache has had ' great deal of mystery thrown around It. Bome of the truest ones have never been visited even by those 3 who believe that they know their g Paris best. But at the William Fox studios In Los Angeles has been dls- i 3 covered a man who has had the en- 3 tre to thena before he ever thought v of coming to this country. He Is an i 53 artist and he supervised the making of the wonderful underworld scenes 2 In the new William Fox play "The : Devil's Wheel!" In which Gladys Brockwell is the star. Me has painted many of the sketch- nviKu.v Ull tins wtfiia. The scenes In ttie cellar In the un derground Paris are marvels of ple turesqueness. They are exact to the finest detail. To the real caaks, to the sealed door, to the chairs and bottles. But most of all to the draw ings that deface the walls, drawn inl&a J.17 THnsf flmirh every Apache den by men who would ! ESj rather live In the wild underworld ; 3: than in the places of honest men. !2E 'The Devil's Wheel'" will be shown at the Alta today. Farm Loans IF YOU NEED MONEY at any time in the near future, Better Get It Wow Our information is that money is becoming harder to get and" before long interest rates will be considerably higher than they are now. , DONT DELAY See us. show & sums Phone 35 Pendleton, Ore. liillllllllliiBiilil f!n!!!f!!!!!!!!!H!!!!!!IH!!"H!H!!tIl"!!,!!'m''r','"'!'"'!'''"'T'""'-3 IllililiiUHiliUilllllliiuliuuiiu ARCADE TODAY HE' ZEPPLIS try was to go over the top and the! 9 1 nl,ea states food administration, said artillery was to shoot the wli . , encourage the use. as well as the down and put up the barrage. When the Infantry got to the place where the Boche were entrenched there wa no wire, no guns no trench and no Boche. The artillery had plowed up the whole thing. There was absolute ly nothing left. Well, that Is enough of that and be sides this is another day. We built some road this morning and this aft. ernoon Harve and I went to the city slaughter house and watched them butcher horses. I will never eat a steak In a French cafe gain. On the square, Dad. they take the horses out of the harness and kill them. I can't say Just when but some time this week our first time at the front will be over and we wil back. I don't know where we production, of cottage cheese, which experiments by the department have chown Is equal In food value to meat i c ttase cheese can be mado from s.tim milk or butterilk, now largely wasiti: or tea to animals, and its ex- tended use Is expected to save targe a nount of meat which can be used by the armies and allle ..f Am erica. ARCADIA, CAU. TO GET BIG B.MiUKW SCHOOL go but It won't be far from here. Weimended WASHINGTON. April J4. The fi nal decision of the army chiefs to lo cate the balloon school at Arcadia, Cal., has been announced by General move!8quire, chief of the signal corps. An will appropriation tlf $400,000 is recom ALEXANDER THE GREAT GIVES MOVIE ACTOR A LESSON IN PITCHING A CURVED BALL NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINESE DISHES i ripV'Q KWONG HONG LOW f - - . """j If you are 1007o American you are buying Thrift Stamps. CI1EATESX SPECX 4r( mMMt CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 25c i LAST RAID aatr-v vw n ,i i r CCABPM svumit IHVIM. M WUXAt WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. a bomb drops in the schoolyard down the street and kills and mangles innocent tots ! a shower of death-dealing missils from aloft blows St. Patrick's Cathedral to atoms ! another ear-splitting roar and the majestic Times Buildings spreads itself over Broad way, killing and maiming hundreds! then, in swift succession, go the hotels, thea tres and the towering structures that line the Canyon of the White Lights! And the proud metropolis bows its head to the Hun in our snug comfort, far from the scene of strife, it seems absurd ! ' But it HAS HAPPENED in Belgium and France and England. See "THE ZEPPELIN'S LAST RAID!" ALTA TODAYS The House Of Quality ALTA SCREEN TELEGRAM . Snapshots of "Our Boys" in France. WILLIAM IXX PRESENTS oiov iiocitw:L'. OIRCCTION WH.LIANA TO - ; ; Hi iii'A rmi lUit ttni ft 3 k'mv' . BUY THAT THRIFT STAMP TODAY Gladys Brockwell -IN-, The Devil's Wheel SAINTS AND SINNERS 1 This sweet dispositioned girl loses hej me mory after a thief strikes her and she becomes ugly and vicious and is known among the Apa ches as "The Wildcat" An operation brings back her memory and leaves her Apache life a blank. How a Woman Ruled the Heart of Paris Un8cr-w6rld." n ADULTS 20c CHILDREN 5c : t I i I 5 P i V 5 5