East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    DAILY EAST ORfecbNIAH", temETON, OTiffiCOW. MONDAY, AfRlt 22,'l918.
eight fa era
aUUa 0 Swa5 w J
4 i
1 9
UK 1 I
,. Latest in 'MiHitiery ;
vaitAvatt ten mrviv f fit t tKhpixs . J I
Hosiery and Stationery
' . -
We advertise and offer War Savings Stamps (or sale with every
, v purchase. ,
Opposite ? ' Pastime
1 I '' ' 1 ' " 4
. Catarrh Cannot Be Cared
not .- til mrmt of the dlmu. Catarrh
la a I oca I d .setts, g rea t If in ti mnred by
constitutional condition, and In order to
vtire It you must take an Interna 1 remedy.
Haifa Catarrh Medicine la taken Internally
and acta thru the blood on the mucous anr
facea of the ayetem. Ilall'a Catarrh Aletit
cine waa preacrlbed by one ot the beat phy
sicians In tula country for years. It
compuaed of aotn of the beet tonU-a known,
continued with soaxe of the beet blood puri
fier. The- perfect coTnMafion of the In
red tents in Hall's Catarrh Medicine la
what produces such wonderful result la
catarrhal condltlo&e. Bend for testlmonl
at a. true.
!.f. J. CHF..VKT Co., Trope.. Toledo. a
i v 1
OTTAWA, Ont., April 22.. Recruit
ins; in Australia haa been stimulated
by the serious news irom the front
aays a Iteuter dispatch received here
from Sydney. Eight hundred women,
serving: In a volunteer aid corps, dur
ing a drill unanimously declared thcli
willingnorr.t go to the trenches and
fight alongside A-uslfallan men ,n..the
authorities woald permit.
' U;
-Aftr all, patience is about the high
est form of- politeness. .
la assured by tfco nm of aoma
f these beautiful - fixture of
aura. Titer sin a light that
illuminates the room perfectly.
Hut that does not tire or (train
, the era. The are aot azpen
eive eoaalderinp; their extra ef
ficiency and ertra aeauty. Why.
not at leaai aee thamt
r-. . , , .- --"" " t ,' ' " "''
i : : X. ..
i ; -
lr-ri : : l; - 1 ' --
(East Oreeonlan Special.) '
MEACHAM, April 22 Our weath-
ej haa turned to uprlnic again during
the last few day". The roads are
drying fast and the. auto going
threugh are beginning to raloe a ausi.
J. D. Casey went to .La. Grando on.
Mra. I'hre Dyer and children came
op from I-a Grando on Monday to
apend the day with relatives.
Mr. and Mra J. A. Watter went to
jfenaieton on lueeany. mib. .
W .. - in aHfl tiMltn tMt. tjtken to a
KWONG HONG. LOW ' j! Privat hawiui for -treatment. ,
ton ton vvedaeaeay, y
Mrs. J. T. Laing came up from
S unnmr" nilOD CIICV PUiMTCC niCUCC 8
rU iiUUUL.CC, Uiiui oui.1, mn ho-jl. uuiii-jt p
K j" m, w. We Alia Ku, I'pulaire, Pltooo 431
Pendleton on Wednesday to instruct
the ladies of the Red Cross auxiliary
in their work. It waa the first aew-
dleton on Baturday to visit with his
wife, Mrs. Walters.
A'very interesting program of the
ing meeting- A good attendance was Literary Socleiy was enjoyed by ail
on fciaturoay menc ine prorani wuj
a follows: ; '
Pong America, audience.
Patriotic poem, composed and' read
by the editor of Hot Air Bugle, J. K.
Itecitation Velma Jenkins.
Impromptu eneech, J. D- Casey.
Solo. Ed Welch.
DuetMisses Khoda Mansers and
Mlna Koss-
The debate subject waa, "Which U
of more benefit to the farmer, the
tractor or the miller.
The affirmative speakers were
George Crook as captain. IX Black
burn. J. E. Marshall and Miss lies
sle Davidson. I
' The negative spakera were Ed j
Welch as captain J. D. Casey, Ed
Austin. Mrs- Geo. Crook.
Tho negative won. '
on hand' and considerable work "was
Mrs. F. Hanlen waa down from Ka
mela on Wednesday to. vfolt her
mother, Mrs. J. Baker.
J. D. Casey and John Casey -made
a .business trip to La Grande on Wed
nesday, '
Mr. and Mrs. D." Blackburn, Mr.
and Mra. ii- Fagan and daughter Lo
rcne. and Mlsa Helen Brog went to
Pendleton on Thursday to do shopping-
Mrs. F. Beauchamp and son Jimmy
of Hilgard stopped off here on Fri
day to visit Mra J. O'Merra. They
were on their way to California- -
Mrs. John Barker arrived, home
from La Grande on Friday after
spending several days with her
daughter. Mrs.. Amy Collins. j
J. A Watters made a trip to Pen-
i Would : Your1 Wife '
;:: Drive Your Car?
YES! If she could start it
from the seat.
Our model "four-Ninety
Chevrolet is light in. weight,
high grade in construction and
has am unfailing" eloctrical
staurtsrtff ayatero. '
It would be a pleasure for
your wife to drive such a car.
2 We will accept"
D your Ford
C. & F. Motor Co Jni 1
722 Cottonwood Street.
Phone 49
The critic report waa given by Bur
den Rosa.
The debates have been postponed
for several weeks, but, on Friday
night. April ,2. a. dajice will be giv
en by the ladle of the Red Cross
Auxiliary, for the Red Cross funds.
On Saturday night. May 4. a- mock
trial will be held. ' - The appointed
sheriff will be on the alert for a law
C. X. Samuels- arrived from Kan
sas City, Mo., on Friday and stopped
off to visit friend and then went on
to La Grande. He formerly worked
here for the Casey IUinber Co,
The first gun shoot of the season
was held on Sunday, with fine weath
er to help the rood results. The
score was as follows:
R. Fagan, 44 out of 50; Burdette
Ross, 43 out of 60; Jack Dockweiler,
27 out of 50; John Chatas, IT out of
50; John Casey, go out of 25; Roy
Hawks. 1 out of; 25. .
SAN DIEGO, Cal-, April 22 That
("Governor Cantu o Lower California
lr-, working in harmony with the TJiyt
ed Slates authorities regarding smug
gling and draft evaders Was evidenc
ed when the ' Mexican authorities
Thursday turned over to the United
Statea eustoma officials W- C. Rich
ards and a woman believed to be his
wife. - - t
When arrested by Mexican offi
cials Richards and the woman! were
preparing for a camping trip Into
Lower California. They were heav
ily armed and provisioned and had
H700 in American money with them.
Today Richards is held in the coun
ty Jail and the department of juatice
declares he is of draft age and for
merly, lived at Marysvllle.
No labor, no capital, no democrats,
no, republicans aU are Americans
BLADDKie ir.iii rA'nox ok -
- BACK AC UK. '-1
The American men and women mast
gnard constantly against Kidney trou
ble, because we eat too much and aU
our food is rich. Our blood la fiUed
with uric acid which. the kidneys
strive to filter out, they weaken from
overwork, become sluggish; the elimi
native tissues clog and the result ta
kidney trouble, bladder weakneas and
a general decline in health.
1 When our kidneys feel like lumps tit
lead; your back hurts' or the urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek -relief two - or three
times during the night; if you suffer
wlrh sick headache or dizzy, nervosa
speUs, acid stomach, or you havs.
rheumatism when th weather Is bad.
get from your pharmacist about four
ounce of Jad eiilts: take a tablespoon
in a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts ta
made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with Ilthla. and
htm been used for generations to flush
and stimulate clogged kidneys; to
neutralize the acids In the urme so It
no longer is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad a!ts is Inexpensive; cannot In
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water beveraee, and belongs in .
every home, because nobody can maks
a mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time i
The Wants and Needs of Pendleton Are Noted Under Proper Headings so .You Can Readily Find Them
BOY WANTS work on rane hor In
town. Apply 124 Jeff Davis.
WANT to buy some good grazing land
In township 1. North Range 35, or
near there. Call or white '. H
Morrison. Pendleton. Oregon.
LOST On street. Urge cameo pin
. t srlth small diamond. Please re
turn to this oflce. Suitable reward.
WANTED About May 1st. man and
wife on ranch;- no objection to one
child. Long Job to right party. Give
add and phone, ydd 61 T this office.
LAND 50 sections unimproved, land
for sale, well watered and well
grassed. 50 per cent tillable. Price
reasonable. O. B. Pope. Owner.
Miles City. Mont-
WANTI Competent woman or
girl for general housework- Phone
WANTED ComPe'en woman or girl
for general housework. Apply 00
W. , Court or phone 1 1 . .
FOR SALE Three milch cows,
Phone 4FS. .
Showers and Warmer
Weather Forecasted
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 22
Forecast for the period April 23 to
April 27. Il. Inclusive.
Pacific Coast Mates Probably
shower first of week north of central
California: fair thereafter .with tem
perature above the seasonal average.
Northern Rocky Mountain and Pla
teau region Fair and warmer first
of week: scattered rains north paction
middle of week; fair thereafter.
. . 8- NAVY WORK
former German transatlantic liner,
now In the United States service, has
reached here with rty German pris
oners on board- One Is said to hv
been the captain of a German subma
rine. Others are reported to have
been captured by American troops In
The only Incident wn the sixhtlng
of what was suH'oed to 1-e a Ger
man submarine. Depth homhs were
diahard by the destroyers convoy- I
tag rtte MifT end the ehjecr tnsen,
ftr a ubmarfne was not seen again.
EGGS from choice, large, winter lay
Ing strain R. L Reds, none, better.
1.50 for 16; 1 per hundred, phone
10F5.. - t- .......
LACE CURTAINS laundrled , with
care Phons 2i-J.
I BUT ALL KINDS of junk at top
prices, iron and sacks a specialty.
Paelfla Junk Co.. J. B, Jones, prop.,
17 Cottonwood street.
SCIENTIFIC rug cleaning. All work
guaranteed. Reference Furnished.
Phone 69-W. Appointments for free
demonstration. 201 Water St.
For Rent
FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court.
FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen
tleman. Close In- Phone 459M.
POR RENT Unfurnished -room
apartment. 223 E. Washington.
FOR RENT One of the most desir
able rooms Jn. the city, 7 windows,
large closet. Water In room. 407 W.
FOR RENT Two room furnished
house. Inquire 20 Cosble.
FOR TRAD B Good paying business
on Main street, invoice about 15250.
Want good residence, property for
3500, balance cash. Address 4 "S"
cars this office.
FOR RENT Furnished room. Phone
PAINTING, paperhanging
Phone 329.
E. Post.
COL, W. F. - TOHNKA, Auctioneer,
makes a specialty of farmers stocs
and machinery sales. The man that
gets you the money.' Leave orders at
lat Oregon laa Office.
2-ROOM apartment and sleeping
room to rent. 2 IS Garden..' Phone
SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms
at (08 Willow street.
For Sale
WANTED Good, clean rags, at The
East Oregonlan office.
WANTED Woman cook and dinning
roem girl. Phons or write Hotel
Stan field. Stanfleld, Oregon.
WANTED Woman for general house
work. Phone 68.
WANTED Woman, without cnildren.
to cook and assist with general
house work. Apply 40-M this office.
WANTED Sewing, phone 482-W.
WANTED At once, pasture for 10
. head calves. Write James Hill.
Helix, Ore., or phone 973.
WANTED By May I, a 5 or room
modern' cottage or bungalow- Call
phone 411.
Contractors and Builders.
C 8WAKSON 4k IS. R. DuPuts. Esti
mates given fsee. All work guar
anteed. We build anything, city ot
country work. Phons S4SM.
l'eston-Feiidleaoa A to Mac) "
Leave Weston for Pendleton at 7:45
a. m. and 12:45 p. m.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 1:01
a. m. and 1:00 p. m.
Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 1:20
a. m, and 1:20 p. m.
Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight
Store) for Weston at 1 a. m. and
4:00 p. m.
FOR RENT Sewing machlnee cf all
makes, $1.00 per week. $3.00 per
month. McCUntock and Simpson. 400
B. Court.
FOR RENT Furnished
Water St.
Apt. 603
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
sleeping rooms wth bath and tele,
phone. Inquire 45-M this office.
WOMAN wants work on ranch. Cook
house or . camp . preferred. 700
East Webb.
Used Cars
I WILL TRADES my Chevrolet for
your Ford. Be Miller.. 723 Cotton
wood. .
WANTED Elderly man for Janitor.
etc. Good wage lnquiro. 50 "C
this office.
FOR. RENT $ room apartment in i
steam heated building. Apply this'
FOR RENT S room apt. Steam
heat, 'hot and cold water. Apply
J. F. Robinson, Domestic Laundry.
remodeled; furnished or unfurnish
ed suites reasonable, 702 E. Alta. C
P. BarnatW
Farm Land For Sale
The offer of your rrooertv which
jrlll appeal to you aa "right" will ,
oome from a reaaer or your ma. .
Second-Hand Dealers
V. KTROHI.E. dealer In nw and -
ond head goods. Caah paid for so- 1
n4 hand good. Chespeat plaoe to buy
houabtid goods. . Court. Phone j
The most valuable business ac
quaintance yu will ever make will
-rer have will find ro through
want ad. . . i
FOR SALE S7S acres of choice
wheat land near Weston. land lies
m gentle slope and best of tractor
land, half la crop this year. Owner
gets possession this fall, price $110
per acre with terms. - Corbett Reality
Ce-, First Alder St., Walla Walla.1
Wash. !
The most "lucky want ad you ,
bare ever written may be your next
The best price you will ever get for ;
a used article will he the jrrmlt of a
seat ad.
WB HAVE THREE Dodge Brothers
touring ears, one Ford and one Ru
lck for sale, reasonable. N. P. Mo
Lean. Main street, opposite Pendleton
Hotel. Phons 222. , .
FOR BALE Veils In good gonditlon.
5 passenger. Would make good
truck PhdVe 400 or T4-
Call and see the different samples
of engraved, announcements. Invita
tions, cards, etc, at the East Orego
nlan office. Printed orders furnished
If you wish. "
HOGS FOR SALE Fifteen good
brood sows with from six to ten
pigs each. Tom Boylen, Jr., Echo,
FOR - SALE Wheat bay at Yoakum
see B. D. Smith.
WICKER BABY carriage for
Call 776J.
' sale.
FOR SALE One 1( foot Holt Com
tine with Atlas engine. Wrlto R. J.
Campbell. Box 68. Pendleton.
FOR SALE the following alzea In
second hand tires, 30x3, 30x3 1-2.
32x1 1-2, 22x4. $4x4 real snaps. Simp
son, Tire Service Co., 223 E. Court.
FOR -SALE Assorted Burbank pota
toes, from 1 to 5000 aacas at i
cents per 100 lba. Buyer must fur
nish sacks and sack potatoes at pit.
located 1-4 miles from Stanfleld. Ad
dress H. E. Bartholomew, Stanfleld,
FOR SALE-"-Wheat hay. D- B.' Bell,
Fendleton. Ore.
FOIt SALE New Ford roadster.
-Overland Pendleton Co-, 813 John
son, phbne 542.
FOR SALE Good high speed Wiz
ard washing machine. Phone $4W.
FoiVSALB NEW and second band
Sawing Machines. Singer, White,
New Home and The Free Machine.
McChjttock Simpson. 400 E. Court.
Tho quickest -exit" from real per
plexity you will ever make will be by
ihs "-went ad way."
Counting six ordinary words to
the line and charged by
the line,
- Want ada and locale.
Bares Far Mae.
First Insertioa. per line lfo
Each add. insertioa. per Una e
One week (six insertions),
each insertion, pes line Be
1 mo. each insertioa. per line 4e
0 month contract, each In- '
sertion, per line So
12-month contract, sach Inser
. tion, per line te
No ada taken for less than25e
Ads taken over the telephone
only from East Orsgoniaa auo
scribers and -those listed in the
Telephone Directory. Copy must
be In our office not later than
l:Se o'clock day of publication.
, Notice.
Special meeting Pendleton Lodge
No. $2. A- F. & A. M.. Monday evening,
April 22nd. Work In E- A. By order
of W .M.
One black horse, 4 years old, weight
1100 lb., white spot on each shoulder,
had on haltec, $10 reward. Dean
Dudley, Athena. Oregon. ,
RATMOND W. HATCH. Architect. D
spain Duuaing. rnone 11, resale
ton, Oregon.
Auto Hire.
D. B. Waffle, touring, city trips,
Charlaat Cn abosa T
Farm Implements
THE "NON-SKIP" Weeder gets aU
the weeds the first time over the
field. Saves- one-third 4 he time and
does lots better work. Order now.
Pendleton Weeder works, 032 Cotton
wood St.
FRED EL SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law.
Room 14. Smith-Crawford- Bldg.
FRANK DAVIS. Attorney at Law. Of
fice Smith-Crawford aluilding. .
D. W. BAILET. Attorney at 1
Room 7, S. 0. Deapaia jnilldiag.
GEOnOB W. COUTTa. Attorney-
Law. Room 17, Bcbmlflt block.
The "turning of the lane" In your
personal fortunes may be reached
through a want ad.
movs your household gooda Tele
phone 33. Also basgaga transfer
ring and heavy hauling.
W. A. MILES, baggage, transfer and
drayage. Office phone 54. Rat.
xnrw touat.
Jtach new sdvertlaemeat will
be run under "Ww Tlay t.
th flrat Insertion only. During
ubaeouent Insertion of the ad
It will appear uadar Its proper
e-S:---e eee o-eeee
HAVE your clothes cleaned or pressed
Rudii's 20 W. Webb, Phone $$.
' -N ;- A Jf Wrasflet
-A t M-f.ea.lrrt IrtaaeaJ RrA
k I'tit. 4 UrJ . .1 fc.l nh- tcV
I ' " -. r-( sew K si K '-:., V
I'n.(-tTt. A:I'4lll.IUI vTri,
fMnmstW fek-at, TUlaaL At- KcTta, m
CARTER BHITHS, Attorneys at
Law. Office in rear of American Na
tional Bank Building.
FEB a FEE. Attorneys at Law.
la Deapaia Bulldiag.
R L KEATOR. AUoraey at Law. Room
34. saith-Crawford Building.
a A. NEWBERRT, Attorney at Law.
Smith-Crawford Building.
Law. Rooms sad 4. Smith-Crawford
Noaicid OF SALK OF LVU'ltm k.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder In Pendleton. Ore
gon, up to i o'clock p. m. on April
34th. 119, tor t3.$5e-S Street Im
provement Bonds of The City of Pen
dleton, bearing dato of March 1st.
10M, and hearing interest at the rata
of per cent per annum, each bid
must bo accompanied by n certified
chock In tho sum of $150-00 made
payable to tho order of the acting
Mayor of Tha City of Pendleton, to
bo returned td the bidder If unsuc
cessful and to bo forfeited If the bid
la accepted and the bidder falls to
enter Into a contract in accordance
with the terms of his said bid.
The Common Council reserves tho
light to reject any and all bids at Its
Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, taw
11th day of April, 11$.
Recorder of The City of Pendleton.
B. PERRY, Atterney at Law.
Office over Taylor Hardware Company.
KA1.KT RALE T, Attorneys at I-aw.
Office la Americaa National Bank
a. A. LOWELL. Attorney and Counaai-
Ine at law Offte la Dasoats BMa
JOB PRINTINO at the Kaat Oregta
nian office). ,
Notice of Paymf-m of City of lea
dlrenn Improvrsnent Bond.
Notice Is hereby given that City of
Pendleton Improvement Bonds No.
I. 8erlee l. 11 and 12, Serie N. .
Series V and 5. rle X. will he psld
upoa Presentation thereof to the un
dersigned at the Americas National
Dank. Pendleton. Umatilla County.
Oregoa. Interest on said Bonda
cease May 1, 118-
laled April 1. 11. a
Trras.. Ctiy ef 1-awdWtta.
I'y William Mlckebon, Dtpuirt