iwr.r: :.;m: twelve tag ns DAILY tt 'CicNtANV r;:xii.r:TON' or.no on. r.7vr.v..: Arm, is. 1 i a . - BRe Most Beautiful Cariribnmca A 4kk : i V". .N. ..-u 5 The "Preferred Investrtient The wise man selects his motor . car investment in much the same way that he selects a first mortgage bond or any other high grade security. He looks for permanent, enduring quality not mere surface veneer. He looks to the integrity of the manufacturer, the critical expressions of the average owner and the history of the product over a period of years. It is on this basis that we would have, you consider .the Paige. From the standpoint of initial cost, our's is nojt a cheap motor car. There are many cars on the market that sell for less money than the Paige and we could readily build them ourselves if we considered that the best policy, & But we don't. .We firmly believe that self-respect, comfort, and enduring, satisfaction have an actual market value. So we build those things into our product. jVe take just a little more time just a little more care in the selection of materials just a little more pride in our work.Sr And the result is a real motor car not a makeshift or com promise. ''? - v " In brief, while we agree that first cost is an important consideration, we are convinced that Ultimate cost is vastly more important. . " We believe that the only true test of economy is twelve months of hard, gruelling service on the road. We believe that freedom from repair bills and excessive depreciation is infinitely more desirable than a mere catch-penny list price. " These are our convictions.' We have held to tliem staunchly during many fitful periods in the motor car indus try. So long as the Paige Company is a factor in the making and dis tributing of motor cars, we shall continue to adhere to them. And it is because of these convictions,1 and their practical application to , manufacturing, that the Paige car is '" regarded as a "Preferred Inyest- ment". in every automobile maft of the world. ' PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. PAIGE MOTOR SALES CO. Lou A. Sutton. Swk Ma l Ion Ind.-ixitdviit .arei, Phone We advertl, and ,xt,r War Kavln-e 8tam fr m,. ultl, every IHirrliaac. . . rr ... I'hhIi ;anli-n f nmHilini. APPLKIfN. WU, April 1 2 Out. ami enuifty ha started In un a vln orou war aarden drive this year. The county round! of defense Ik distrib uting snoo copies of the war vece table carden nrliner from the Nation al War Uarden t'ommisalon. Wash. Shake Off That Grip ' When Spring comes, with its changeable weather end your exposure, it is best to clear away all the eyraptoms left after an attack of grip. That evil disease leaves you weakened, and when its victim attempt to "do hia bit' be expo hlinselftothe rUk of a lecond attack, for which be if lest prepared, and which may have graver coc sequence. There's Danger in Delay April and May are pneumonia month. In this time a weak coed yatetn i a conitant source of danger, for the pneumonia and grip infection are in the air, and after a long winter the body U so c logged with wants it cannot resist them. Fortify the health, remove the catarrh, and Improve the digestion. For Quick Relief PERUNA Tlii reliable tonio 1 recommended to remove the warte front the body, counteract the catarrhal poison and allay the lufliimination that ta catarrh, restore the regulur nitx-tiits and , tone up the entire system to resist disease. A well man la safe. Al a toots aflat grip H ha raa many eommen.l.tWns, while hsrffrfj ' va la catarrhal ouudilkuna U luhiueetiuued. 1 aaa M tluuuM lata, J'WWia. i , rMH TmUt mrm ml my tmmJf fa tea. Ymm mtmr awry m ia aria ym mmm mwrm mtr emidm mnd ea. 7m fcetMef mmmcutm i M at grmmt MHiiX, rrmtmet jew tmmutf. la Paraaa Caaapear, CoIsWho, Okia irmoH. ta hfli all th cry armrta In tlua Motion wbo us out to IncreaM th iwtton'a tHd auiwly throuMh the back yard and varant Int Tha Indl. fxlinna are Ihul ihrre will be litlta "lacker land" , around here thla I'rlna; and aummer.- - Win. H. Zonikr, aarrtary of tha iinly ruunrll of d-f-ne, la punhlna tha raniiwlan and calln on everyone to aet huay Hh the ho and the l'de. Many a man who objerta to earrv- ( In a hundle home from a dry aooda more goa home from hia riuu Ifiadt'd. Palestine Coal To Help Allied Cause ,NKW VORK. April II. The Hrlt th, hy utfllKins KvyiMlan MaMtlxita. mla and Paleatlne roal Hill aava lu million tona of chlilnii In 11 , Hrlt. Ih offlrlala todHy derlarvd. The MeafiMitamlan rroitawllt feed the riuedllUmary forcea. Kir'!t haa po tatoea and freah venetablf-a. hl t t lJ l ( AltlHIW US Ml llll V( , i , V v British Advance Line? 1'M'N April II Th ftrltUh f rce In .t(liit ., hut , tlvitncrd ihtlr llffK m mil mid hjlf on a five tn tr'Mm mt of Tnl-Kr- tiirMHilf It. l( ) offirill report d to tt . They jm t t r t iiiflaj firf Ktul'tmrM rih(ln wnd imtn nrmii A f ItakCtl H lt lllra. 55 JOi:i IIOLIE GUARD .f08tp flJHE ROCK Spanish War Veterans Will Act as Drill Masters for Men. r7lX)T HOCK, April l. A Home Guard waa organized here Tuemlay night lollowlns a meetln at which mod of the men of the communltr ware preaent. Fifty-five men a'gn ed the agreement and aeveral ranch- era who were too buay to attend are expected to Join. Mr. Btaver, who la a apanlnh war veteran, haa been elected drill mauler. The whole ar rangement la temporary and will le given a thorough tryout before any definite arrangementa are made. A twelve pound baby boy waa born to Mr. and Mn Jamea Hoffner Wed nesday. Mm. a. X. Johnston entertained at her home Wedneaday evening In hon or of her slater, Mlaa Verona Fullen wlder. who arrived here Saturday from South Haven, Michigan. Games were played and dainty refreshment served. Those preeent were Ida Kldrldge. Elma Boylen. Helen I)e Vaul. I.nclle Bond,. Edith Wanke, Olive Mortlmore. Mlaa Fullenwlder and Mrs. Johnston. M. D. Orange, Ar thur Hond, Boota Paulia, Carl Mra cher and Mr. Johnston. A baby girl weighing six pound was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Matthewa Wednesday. . I. M. Bchannep will be the speaker at the church Sunday evening. The rent of the program will be similar to the one givn last week. There will be apclal music. A small party of young people en Joyed a campfire party on . the hill Thursday night. tJeorge Tonkin, deputy game war den, was In town the first of the week. Word lias bt-en rWelved here of the birth of a -baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Imrr Harrison. Mm- Harrison was formerly Mlsa Maud Matthews. M. I. Orange la planning a busi ness trip to i'ortlAnd Sunday. Mrs. E- B. Schafer haa a unique way In which to help the Red Cross She is asking each woman In the community to make- a silk quilt block eight by eight Inches. She will piece these . Into a large quilt which will be sold and the proceeds given to the Hed Cross. Anyone piecing a block la requested to leave It al Carnes Bros, store. Mrs. gchafer re cently donated a bolt of unbleached muslin to this chapter. Fred Groves, has secured an elec tric motor to run his motion picture machine. It has been turned by hand before. ... Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rankin are moving Into their home which was vacated last week by Mrs. Juliua Weg ner. Mrs. Wegner la now living in her- new bungalow. Aleck Schafer was a visitor here Wednesday. . ' Mrs. Turner who teaches achool In the La Hue district, was here Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eldrldge, who ar visiting In Idaho, will return home Sunday. Clint Harrison and wife were here Monday. Mrs. Andy Rust is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Burr Hlnkle. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Ktter were here Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Price were bus iness visitors here Thursday. John Ijradbourn Is having some re pair work done on hia house this week. He is having the attic rooms finished, Clyde Colurove la doing the work. iaw-)xi:! wiiAii no wis 01 block cor J V ?! Talks to (toon Fans NO. 4 The production of grain in Europe has fallen off more than one-half since the be ginning of the war., Meat animals ' have fallen off more than one, hundred and fif teen millions. We have shown you ; what Alberta soil3 are yielding in busheb per acre and it's equally as desirable as a stock country. On its nutritious grasses cattle can be raised for market for one half the cost here. And finer, fatter beef .you will not see in any state where corn fed. Bert Huffman, formerly of Pendleton and the "East Oregonian," in letter of JanI " SOth says: "I know from actual experience that we can place a four year old steer or fat hog on the market here one-half cheaper than any farmer in Oregon or other west ern states for the reason we can produce such an abundance of cheap feed and we get higher prices than farmers in Oregon." Mr. Huffman went to Alberta in ' 1909, and prospered abundantly. Quoting from same letter, he says: "My land has increased in value from $15.00 to $65.00 an acre, and I am frank in saying that were I selling my holdings here today I would never go back to Oregon or any other state." Now, Mr. Farmer, or land seeker, where could you go and get such cheap land, that for grain and stock growing is not excelled anywhere in this continent on such favorable terms, and where you are making six dollars an acre annual increase in value of your land. While taking off more bushels of grain each year than you are doing here on $75.00 to $200.00 land. Alberta is a sure winner, a country you can't "camouflage" try as you will. And if you could realize as we do the situation, and the hundreds .pouring into th"at country daily, you would certainly get hold of some of this soil while prices and terms are so yoy. can and enjoy the rapid rise in values. THE FACT 1$ good Alberta land is sound investment. ; Prices ytill be high next five year j at least After the war the influx must be to the land. Buy all the land you can now, while cheap. The man who has confidence in -himself, faith in the truth and future, will absolutely "make good." Ask or write for booklets, terms and special rate. Join our party going up the 10th and select your land. Pomoroy S Toniplq Temple Building Phone 190 Pendleton, Orejjon REGISTERED BULLS I FOR SALE JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER CARLOAD' Herfords and Shorthorns. These bulls are all g a . w il. 1 i A 1 A. 1Z J r. 5 to Pendleton for quality, size and breeding. jOur d 2 Shorthorns are Scotch and Scotch Topped Reds ahd j Roans, extra heavy boned. Yearling and coming 5 g 2's, ready for immediate use. The Herfords are the 4 5 best ever come to Oregon. See these bulls at the g 4 Alta Feed Yards. 5 J J. D. HUSTON, Owner, Pendleton, Ore. 3 J Wo adtertlnc and of frr War Kaiings Mampa for nab with every d K Min"tieae. ' T romiitHifmHiumjitiMHifiiiflniniiM ! JUiuUitlilii ill !f I i S 1 si 111 1 "1 j KIM I it US llvT!tMVM j I'ANK r TIIK AMKKlV VlA-' ITHJ-A In I'niwh Uil-rt, April fA rtiiii tiN Mlivtl hnmvwirii wtih III tHrilir tf biiIm-ii iii n K'U'dj mlmrd (h AmtTicurt ljritli ImmsI' 4rtrovtr i MiiiUk rvaull of ilHiHn duriiiK it -.llit(n Mh m I "th sr ahlp in K ru n to t.t-t . lrt tht Inniitm (' liarNl in j tr ih hold uf lti eM-t i . n 1 ittir-v. vli- m k, hirh Ana KUrnilrd l ffic-r ii.s mm rt I rHNnli!tir th r lit iff Amf fUilM. Thin fecruit 1" i.uexIkI. 1 1 1m laxk U I i lit a l"t nf IiI'm M t-f aMiiiiua hij Into 4-'rtj-Miiii1iriK hi-H In u Hal htaril. lUt it a tilaln Ilwit "df MHi in t f" In riKht Aftr wt. r hour uf au h tata IH ariuy oflir ft. t tha mfUUrr a nffiilal at.Uuy ami f 1 t:eitou irriilM-ianiclit. I J i I Oenersl Oalrdlno h ailceeded (ini.ul ad. rna a ll"l rMitcaeil iaile on the new liuer-alllf! war counrll. Marriage Is a raffle In.t. -,. t( a o ter. tine man gets the ji'xe while the other (eta the shake. BUTTER CREEK 0 A G SATURDAY. APR. 13 I lT hi itw OI MIOTIC 1 No rrtaii" fr Mrktna; rar. Iliti h r lir 11 mm am lr uah. IK'4 tiitia. mI "rita," i! Farm Loans IF YOU NEED MONEY at any time in the near future, Better Get It Now Our information U that money is becoming harder to get and lefore long interest rates will le considerably higher than they are now. PONT IlEIeAY Sec U. SNOVJ d SlfJIS 117 East Couri Ilione 3." Pendleton, Ore. tttiiim.tu(...itt.