Section Two Pages 7 to 12 Section Two Pages 7 to 12 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1918. giiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiurg I WHY PAY THE PED- I AMERICANS KNEW PRINCIPLE OF LONG RANGE SHOOTING BEFORE GERMANS 7Eacl g DLER TWICE THESE I Sides PRICES? r i s s 3 a You can nvi money by bur In your stock tonlo at thia tor, Instead of paying the peddler fancy price for good of unknown quality, took at this price for that old reliable and guaranteed stock oondltt oner and worm expeller. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic 25 lb. Pail Cost $2.25 We also handle Dr. HeM Dip ud DUInfeqtant. Dr. Hesa Poultry Panacea. Dr. Heat Initant Ixmse Killer, i 1 Tallman & Co. i 3 s K Loading DroCBtcta. 3 ' s S Wo advertise and offer War Bav. IS 2 tugs Stamps for aale wltli every S purchase. E rtNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllltiilllllllllllli? ' 1 , .-J ;. 1 'wm 111 mSiikfTsmxmBXElsrr 1 , , ' -- mTlbs T , f vj M -l l.CJ t mum "'t." ' ' ggggSSB . n-ni . ni.ii. ,. Smmm,JriSBmmmmSSifMm I Ucforc tho. Gcrmana shot seventy-six miles Into Patte long before It Gen N.O C Dr. C. F. Wood's DENTAL OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR REMODELING. Opening Announcement Made Later. Rooms 201, 2, 3 Milarkey Bldg. 7491a Main Street erat Croiier and his aides in tho Ordnance Bureau of the War Depart ment, had worked oot the possibilities Brown 10-Inch un of large calibre, of them have been inclined to believe could be made to shoot 49 miles. Ordnance experts are puzzled over of long range shooting with coast de-. Uhe present German feat because they fense guns of the United Blates. They found that a li-lnrh rifle of 2S-calibre elevated 16 degrees above the horizon tal Just as shown In the photograph find It difficult to belileve a gun could be built to shoot with a powder charge a shell 76 miles- The cost of the gun and Its charge would be prohibitory. would shoot a 1, 078-pound shell, (and It would wear out after a few That is why some the way. Investigate Wool which started with a velocity at the (Shots, they think. muscle of J.1'50 feet per second. -S i miles, in Its course the sheet would ! describe am arc Lit miles high at Its Ara Roai'd XrSll thus carrying a larger amount of ex ! plosive causing a muzzle velocity of ' 2.800 feet per second, would carry the same shell If elevated 4 5 degrees above the horizontal 87.84 mlles.That shell would go 8.52 miles high. Hut the latter gun at the same elevation and with the same itowder charge would shoot a shell weighing only 700 Pounds at X.100 muzzle velocity. 31.25 miles. The sheel would describe an arc 10.28 miles high. These facta were pitblinhed in the Scientific American In May, 115, long before the Oermans shelled Dunkirk from Nleuport. 22 miles distant. The public was told this was an extraor dinary feat, lint American ordnance exiKTtM Anew II was not Colonel In- j - " galls, one of the greatest ordnance 'ex- j In eight cities classes in banking perls, before the Germans tried their have been provided for women who long-range shooting had figured that a have been employed as bank clerks. the shells were not carried into Paris by an explosive charge, but that an electro- magnetic device might have furnished the power or that a tele scope shell. Itself containing more shell, and more powder charges, might have been used. On this theory the last shell would be the one to reach It destination, the others dropping by WASItl.NtiTOX, AHI 11. Wool is next fimiiiff under tike iiiKltectioii of 1iaimtau , ltarueli of Mm. industries board. Intol rralrio ivtiulitlonM arc rapidly de veloping, throwing an unwarrant ed burden of wont rie on tlie I civilian population- lrf leap- Iiik and the supidy In dwindling ' rapidly. Officials dm'lare that tlH strain on the wool tniply In tlie iii jl few miHitlii will be far i a-nwter than rMtlmated. partly ItecuuMc of tlic d(K-iMon to ru.sli troos. German Propagandists . .Very Busy in Mexico WASHINGTON-, April 1 1.- Jteports arrive of renewed activity, although the entrenchments of the Mexicans on the border caused little uneasi ness, except as it Indicated an effect of German propaganda. Mexican pa pers arriving ure filbd with violent Pro-German sentiment. There Is lit tle American propaganda in Mexico. MOM odvator Valloy OF EASTERN MONTANA Ocdvafer Valloy OF EASTERN MONTANA LET'S GO In our previous announcements we have been telling you all about the wonderful section of a wonderful state and it all summarises as follows: SOIL Deep and very fertile. Level no brush, no rocks. RAINFALL Between 19 and 20 inches, more than half coming in May, June and July. (You only get about 11 inches here in Umatilla County.) CLIMATE Long growing and working season. JFYeezeup rarely comes before Christmas and spring plowing generally com mences about April 1st. PRODUCTION From 25 to 40 bushels of wheat jer acre, a normal crop.' " ' PRICE From $20.00 to $10.00 jer acre, on easy terms. This sounds like a pretty good proiwsition and all we at-k is that you go over with us ami SEE FOR YOURSELF. . Spfing work is in full swing there now, the weather Is good and the roads arc fine. Our local of fice at Terry reiorts large numbers of buyers coming in daily, so the earlier you go the better opjior tunity for selection you have. Call and see us and let us plan your trip. 3 117 East Court Street SNOW & SIMIS Pendleton, Oregon. 'Phone 35' Berlin Claims Taking , Of Charkoff, Ukraine rO.VIMXV. April 11. Charaoff. one of I'krainps most Important cities, was captured Monday. Berlin offi cially claimed. The Germans occu. Pled the Karis railway station In Finland- Charkoff has 1 75.000 popula tion and Is 420 miles southwest of Moscow. I'OVGIiKKS TO yilT JIXY 1. Thai's What Kii.-biii 1-n-dlnx, and House Aplalauds. WASHINGTON". April 11. The house cheered today when Democratic Leader Kitchin. urging that debate on all measures be kept to a minimum, announced that talk with senators had convinced him that unless some thing unforseen develops congress will be able to adjourn by July I, KAIKRit AS A TI1IK Pi. , : .'I tt( fn-r ft iht Tl- " t.m'i; )(( n lit- r''lniri 1 t ill! ! ull 1.(1 ! 1 (tl f Hf HI m tIM t- ilul n.l liiui h atlftili -n ! hw itiitr tnilil Hit- 4r romr Thi ih.ti' Kt apti hu htn rii ciUif nm-Mi -si -1 7v .i: y F Were Just As Particular As You About Tires O UR customers arc thrifty, calculating v fellows who know tire up-keep costs. Believe us, we've looked into this tire proposition from top to bottom Take our advice and buy Diamonds, the one best buy on the market. The Dia monds we have sold our customers are running farther, giving less trouble, and. costing less in tho, end than any other tires we knew. Put a Diamond Tube in c Diamond faa. ing and you have tho idee! tire equipment , i . . , . Pendleton Rubber 8c Supply Co. 305 E. Court St. PerHfeton, Ore. , r rfnmniDnnrnjr 1 r SQUEEGEE4 r : in.r - m. .- Lot's Go FiohingSaniQy- McKAY CREEK AUGHT, TO BE GOOD, AND A NICE CATCH MADE. I J you see mm np,Q 4 yiiui and buy "Fishing . Tackle that's fit for. Fishing." ; SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY, THEN COME IN SIDE AND SEE OUR PRICES. BASE BAL Sunday Afioraoon WALLA WALLA VS.' HXREDIES PORTLAND BEAVERS This w ill Ih the big: gunic of the training: aianon. Round-up Park ADMISSION 35, Iiuluding War Taic 1 1 j i