East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    UAfLY KASMMiMill.NMN rr:Ninrn)M mukikin SATVRPAY, APRIL l.t, 1 m 8
HI.. lUML'iniiiiwiiiiJ,. ,siij;iiiitJui.,:L3Srt--. 1, -. 4. 1 ism- n ...... - .
tWUtl Pally and Heni-weekls at fee
Omgoa. ay to
K-nfMrMl at the Baatofrlre at INaaietoa.
Oeagu. ae aecoao'-ciaae Mil Biatter.
anrtal Hotel Ncn Wand. PortlaaeJ,
, iwwataa fcewe Co., rortlaud, Oragea.
Cbb-ape Rereaa, Hug Heinrlty RatMla.
' ataablnrtos. D. C, Bmti 601 rear
emit 8in(, M, W.
Dal, M year, by calU-
Dally, alz aumtbe ay ami I
Bally, three esoatba by bmII
pally, an siooth, by mall
IJelly. eee rear bv carrier.
11 1, an aaoatbs. by carrier.
Dally, tbrea Booths, by carrler
i"iiy,ooe aenta, by earner...
8ml-Wely, one year, by ",.H
Heflal-Weakly, ale aanntha- iv nail
I IV ; t . four months. b w II
. rto
. .BO
. T.60
. .7S
My fairest child, I have noong
to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so
dull and gray;
et, ere we part, one lesson I can
leave you ,
For every day.
Tie good, sweet maid .and let
who will bo clever;
Do noble things, not dream
them all day long;
And so make life, death, and
that vast forever
. One grand, sweet song.
Charles Kingxley.
EEMAN judgment on big
) subjects is not equal to
German efficiency in the
Tnatter of detailed work. . ;
-. This is a truth that has been
Apparent throughout the war.
It is something that has count
ed heavily against Germany
and will eventually take that
nation down to defeat.
, First the Germans erred in
" their "uber alles" idea arid the
notion they could conquer the
world by the sword. "
. TViav orrorft in TAv-incr im a
policy of frightfulness. Instead
n . - - , . .i . , ,
pi lnumiaaing me- worm 11
has incensed all civilized na
tions and multiplied Germany's
me uermans errea in lorc-
lng tne united Mates into tne
war. They .erred in thinking!
this country would not become
a big factor In the struggle. I
j They erred in thinking the
i German people living in'Amer
'ica would start a revolt. They
erred in thinking they could
win the war by the submarines,
in six months time. It is also
apparent that they erred in
thinking they could drive
through the allied lines to vic
tory this spring. They have
suffered terrible losses and
gained no important objectives.
The Germans are vsrv ca
pable in some lines. of endea
vor. But in world affairs they
have overestimated. They
jhave been too smart. Their
'egotism has been their undoing.
iineynave given no proper
consideration to the rights of
others nor to the strength of
other peoples. Efficiency that
does that ceases to be effici
ency. , It js incompetency and
German leaders have this vari
ety of incompetency in a strong
degree. -
' If you have the idea that the
German leaders are wine men,
with reference to big world
affairs and war directing, for
get it. They are the world's
prize boneheads.
.I - 1776-1918
"HE descendants of the
AtX compatriots of "Washing
ton and Paul Jones are
fighting once again side " by
side with the descendants of
the compatriots of Lafayette
and ' Rochambeau. The time
and opportunity have come for
a nation to pay a great debt of
gratitude for service rendered
in great national need and Am
erica is paying France the debt
she long has owed. .
In the Revolutionary War
for the freedom of America
the French fought on Ameri
can soil under the command of
an American. Today in the
war for the freedom of France
and for the preservation of lib
erty to America, and indeed to
all the world, Americans fight
on French soil under the su
preme command of a French-
fi - 5
Why Suffer? I
Give your teeth and I
mouth the care and at
tention that they re-
3uire. Wf do Painless
entistry at reasonable
. . Kewloa Painless Dentists
Corn Main and Webb sKreeta
IS Ofxa Kreolags
man. The honors are even
and the, honors are great,
'No true American who
knows the history of his coun
try and loves the honor of his
country but thrills at the
thought of the American army
in France. The invincible Am
ericans will turn the tide of
war; they will bring to France
and her Allies a victory for
liberty such as France assisted
us to win,;and repay wjth in
terest a debt to liberty and to
France long owing and honor
ary acxnowieagea.
' '
"3rd. ART devoted 15
months to trying and
arduous work in Red Cross
canteens at the French 'front
She suffered hardships and
dangers constantly. . She not
ony served without pay but
she used her own money, which
she had saved working as ali-
branan. to help pay the ex
penses of the canteen. She did
all this despite the fact , that
her home was 6000 miles away
from the fighting zone and that
she was safe from harm if she
had chosen to remain in her se
curity. Yet some men think
they do a lot when they buy
liberty bonds or take out Red
Cross memberships.
The chief thing this country
needs is ships to transport our
men and supplies to Europe ;
we have a million men waiting
for transports now.
The Irish who oppose con
scription are placing them
selves in the same light as the
Quebec men ; what is the mat
ter with these fellows!
This is the
year to plant
(From the Kant 61-egonian, April 13,
James Lehman Is down from the
Teel Surinsra. which he reports . is
blossoming as the rose. He Is mak
ing preparations for the mountain
seekers to come.1, y
Deputy U- S. Marshal Watrus arriv
ed In town last evening after a rough
trip on the reservation, with a
whiskey selling prisoner whom he
captured at the mouth of Thorn Hoi
low. , , . ,
T. B- ftwearlngen left today for
Bridal Veil to take charge of a saw
mill at that place.'
Joseph Robinson. : father of J. F.
Robinson, Is in the city from his
Morrow county ranch,
This section Is alive with sheep
buyers, eager to purchase mutton or
stock sheep, and the market is good
I--- :
111 ?
A-T""'"'i'"'"""i'"HtitiiirittitiiHiituiuitiiHutiiiisMiiimnw mail
One Patriot.
George Borden, a negro of Oolds
jboro, N. C.. la the father of thirty
five children, twenty-seven of whom
lara living. And fourteen of his sons
are In the United Htatea army!
Probably that's the most patriotic
j family In the United States, passers
i by, looking at the service flag In that
'V .
, I AU WITH YOU! My Store Is
open every evening till dark
, and on Sunday's so that you can
come down or phone ln after
work and pick out yo'ur aeeds
for your war garden. '
Portland Seed Co?s Ore
) . son Grown Seeds
in Bulk .
. Varledes that have beeni tried In
Pendleton and are sure to give
the best results.
. Cabbage, Rhubarb and Aistor-"
jrus Plants.
Free delivery." Thone; your ;
G. W. HOOKER, Florist
62S Main fit, Nr. Bowman Hotell
' 1 Phone B43.
man's'' wlndodw, probably . mistake
his htURe for an athletic, ciuh. ,
One can't- help speculating on the
possibility of all those boys -having
the army insurance policies pf $10.
000 rach.Mn fsVof of their father. And
suppose . 1. , . , . ..
' : .' ' ''
Conldnt'See It.. ' ; ; ' . :'
A Cleveland at her tells us that he
liad thought ftp ' aT' great' scheme for
keeping; order In 'his household.' He
noticed that hie rather obstreperous
young -son had the quality of thrifti
ness, and resolved, to appeal to U.
"Sonny." said-he, "I'm golag to give
you a nickel every day you're.a good
oy, on condition that every day you
are naughty you are to give me a
nickel. Is it a go?"
Td -likeita do It, Dad," answered
the kid. "But I can't afford It. I've
only got $1.2 In my bank to start dn.'"N
A Canny Scot. . '
Sandy, and John "were .'sitting In a
car when a pretty girl Rot In and
smHed at the former. ' He raised his
hat, .
"Do yoii know her-" a.ked the
BngHshman. '
"Oh", yes; very weel." tli Scot re.
plied. ' ' -1
"Well, shall we go and sit over be
side her, and then yon can Introdduce
me?" masked his companion.
'Walt a bit," returned he ahny
Scot.- "8he hasna pan! her fareyet.1
t Have; Been Appointed
a it a 1 i- .a j-- . . a 1 u ti k a j
aUULvlil U f LJ i;:;yiJpWU:.
. ...... NORTH SIDE. ' - -
and gel our choice of 132 very desirable lots; one-
y . fourth down; balance on easy terms.
.' if '
To? s crJf-4-TrA
j 3 Cm
I sell Thrift Stamps for 4 of a Dollar each.
, v.
' .
rh'one604 ...
614 Main s
liuiiiiluiiiUiiiiiUiUUliWuiUiiilMlUu J
: a
Residents of nine state,
includinff Washington, Ore
gon, Idaho and California,
have taken over Seventeen
Million Dollars' worth of
Life Insurance with New
World Life.
You my confidently follow
their lead. Take your poli
cy in this company Surplus
to policy .holders . $1,11,-
New World Life
rHrveris Illdg., I'ortlsnd.
R. Slmlrf, GcnL Agt
a A. Ash to L. R. Lucas, et al. $1.
Lola , . I and , Section 1$, Lots 1
and t and S 1-2 t-E 1-4, Section 14.
lodts 1. 2, 7. ft. 1, 11. 14 and 15. Sea
5, Twp .orth. Range Jf.- . '
R. fVancll, et ui to W. 1 Oreer.
$160. Lodts 6, t. 7. I. . 10, 11, 12.
It and 14. block It, Freewater.
. Jolm F. Temple to C J. ftommer
vtlle, $1. y 1-1 lodts 7 and . Klk.
"C" Jacobs Addition, Pendleton. ,
f!. J. Sommerville et ux to Edna B
IJsble. $1. w 1-2 lots 7 and I, Klk,
"C Jacobs Addition, Pendleton. .
TCffls Adams Parr et vir to Thos. K
tleualleh et ux. $1. RH 1-4 NE 1-4.
taction 15. Township North, Rang
Thos.' A. Ueualjen et ux to Effla
Adams Parr. $1. HB 1-4 NE 1-4 Hec
16. Township I north, rsngs $4.
ro. R. Roberrs et ux' to Sherman
T. Roberts, $1. Mete and bound de.
acriptton SW 1-4 Kectlon l.
Walter J. Idtrns et ux to Christian
RredJnK, X I- KtfCtlon IS,' township 4
nonh, remte $2.,
IV. S, Htaaficlii et ux lo Townnite
Co.. $1, W l-g HW V-4 Section 13,
Uwnship 4 north, rang I',
Henry W, Cue et ux 4o Townslts
Co., II. W 1-1 HW 1-4, section J I.
townrhtp 4 north, range Jf. ,
Parson Clayton to Itoy W. miner.
110(10. NtC 1-4 HK . 4' section t, Twp.
1 north, range kit. - . . v
Ncandlnsvlan Amerlran I'unk l
Todwnalte Co., 11. Hei-tlon It. town,
ship 4 north, range Ut
Fraitk Haling et ux -to' n. F. Hey
den Iro.doo. Mew and bound de.
scrlptloa AM' 1-4 tscilim Si. lown.hlp
4 north, rang ix.
t.'olunibia iJind Co., tr Townslts
Cod., $1. W 1-2 HW 1-4'siwtliHi . I
,wnhltn 4 north, range :.
Mary Alice Hh-rllsn la,Aernn A
Cole. I4. Ijrt. ! and "K" Blk,
"If. pendlt-lon-
Ypur Candy . and Ice Cream Store
Every Cold Drink sparKles with Quality and contains a large
: , 1 quantity of food value. . .
Every piece of candy is superior; nothing in our shop but the ma-'
terial is, cooked and purified in the construction of the sweets
.' ;. you eat. ' " '
3 a,
1 ,
S 3 ,
Tis our ambition to make better and to please you.
The Best Served at Each Meal. .'.
' ft " " ( '
New Specials at the Fountain
e.M,iM n.M,.M, ntMmmMiiMiBiiiiiiMMilMIIMIimtimimMtmtlHIIIIHtHmSltHtttttfHmMlfmHMtlHItttmtinilHttflMtHWIIMI'lHtMmi
Aliens ArrcaUd in
Raid Are Released
MILWACKtia. April It Nearly 1
al of the 200 alien eneftile -arrNtd
in Wdnilsy'a raids were l
t,. !)'. Thirty asrs held for further
auMisunlng ad olhsra were warned
OI(riOV MK.f.f UX Till
KNAPPA, Ore. April t.
the L. I 1. int, is the' I. V. W. U,e
latter sets the eorst of 11.
Members if the IimI It,,n of
LoKS.ru felt aellsflpd lou) that two
I, w, W. of ,ro-;rfftan m .t h ira
will nt stum. T. Yaneff and IjiwUi
MeuM-ff a ere Isrred and festbered and
run out of town lth a warning to
pass the word about that' pru-Oer-nans
are net waated la Kiwpl. .
- i-i jii-.s.JHI y.-t-.'J. i.x yjgtap. pKSi .J 1
. iTlie, Latest Hits in Arousing
0 -
ifirn'dfiic Misssnc
V Will Give You "Per' for War Work.
O n- pi th) p nn i rj
This big music storrf with its complete tstock of everything musical Is in an ideal
position to serve you best when you need the. latest, high-class and satisfaction
giving ,-,;,; . ' . ,
Pianos 'Player-Pianos Violins
Ukelales , ' Guitars Banjos
Edlaon Talking Machines
Victor Y'ictrolas
Reed InKtruments , Brass Instruments
Strings Instruction Books Sheet Music !
Come in aid look over our stock whether you- wish to buy or not .
820 Slain Street IhoneC2i
,.,,,. ,- t , -,n,i ,