,. f - , ,C,f. r t -"' F t PAGE FIVr DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON.' OftEG ON, SATURDAY, APRTL 13,1918. TWELVE PAGES S KEEP- - S HEARI r Q ON IS' TEE ECHO COUNTRY t ' 3 w HER 'I I'll mm a 1 vain pi -; .'V' i- i ') BUS 1 li . i , " ' " " l ' V. ." -a - '.;(... i-'f.jF ' " ' . ir - - - - J ill r' W ,; Between4 6,000 ah'd 50,000 . Head. Await Shearing - Crews!; - . ' BrriloX Of; ", ' AaTll 13.-fihep nhenrln beaan at the aheaHnir plant, two mltea aoiithwert of Echo on Wed- THINK OF i i . - ? I aII r7 ! "-- ; V "X, , Firestone Tires TuKes l3 Accessories . -- . ". Vw - - " . ; : ARE SUETO INSURE YOU THE ECONOMY- Most Miles per Dollar ; i.- ... Vulcanizing and Repairing - By Experts Wh$. Know How. : - Gas and Oil in Rear. Air and Water at Curb. FIRESTONE TIRES ALSO ON SALE AT - v C. & F. Motor Co. v. : -. : . -. : Pendleton RnrVp Son . L'. Athena S Weston Garage i.... ...Weston'.;. Gainer & Long Freewater Echo Auto Co h?, J. D. Royer ....... . ,. . . . Pilot Rock We arivTtle and offT Wur Kaiinm RlamM for iW wllh cwy purrluww. Simpson Tire Service .1 A.MENTON,Mgr. 223 E. Court St Company? - Telephone 651 ' tiPY nm attach . ' - - f ' , 'UX'AMHIICVX vnivut ' T'rbi. April li. A tjorman T named Hchmlln I, l-llfvnl to have btn one of the men ronnertcd wlilt aliark an a driver at an' Amertran military ptal aulomohll ' In ParH j Schnflta. who had put on the unlfori on Jin- It. Two jieraoaa threaleaed 1 of a wounded aolfller. The dlrteiet Una driver with arevolrer aild took aalturajr of the department of the ImaU aack full of lallei Vt-m IhejSelna haa Inntructed Kiamlnlnr M ! ilru-rlmloa alven hv Ihe driver It la ' lulrale Morand to InveMlKatn" tha, at-. ineiulay-. Aa UMiat. Jake Watlenuurc jei In in charge of the plant and haw ! twenty -elBht harliir ntarhlnea ,ln ! operation. "Between o.o and 69. jooo head of aheep will be Khraeert here thla anatn. - W. R. McPanl ho soured the ai-, polntmant ea V, H. mall carrier on H. P. i), ruala No. I, Bcho, rit.n. and will enter unon hla dutiea tnday. The, firm load of the IMS wool dip waa. brought Intod Echo yester day and'waa atorad In the . Itofffl warehouse. ,, The wool wua sheared from Cuoba'a aheep. : . . ' F.' T. Ueorge la able to he about agalnati altar kelnK confined to hla home for twn vwaeka. He apent Thrday In Pendleton. . Mlaa Arliaw Ilounaola eiont - laH Sunday wUh Mra. H. L. Wanfleld chi Putter creek and In the avenlntr re turned. '. I'eixiietoa where , nhe Ik teaching. ' , ;' . W. A. Jonea returned hone Thtira day fr6m I'ortland. He reporta, Mra. Jonea aomewhat lmprored In' health. Elmer, Huhhard la now In Port ; land where ha t emtrtayed in the !ahlpyardn. He expecta to move hla I family titer aa aooa aa he ctm ae !ure a dweWn houae'. . M. V- Jaaaea haa returned from a trip ta hkt former koto at Anaeot tea, WaHh. Jlla daughter Laura, re turned- with him .and will remain wllh her father .during the aummer. Mum HyTtle Pierce of Pwndleton, visited with Echa frhmda thla week. Jamea Botter, accompanied by hie aiatera. ilra Kdwar 1ieaesange and I Mjaa Htffda. ' Bottger.- left Jkia morn- ln on a vhrit to Portland. f-. I Mr.. and Mr. C- W. Haien have I moved to Echo thla week frata their i farm aar HUnflakf and ara sceupy 'ins the feholl oMtaae on Oarden i at reet. Mr. Haaea la ana of the 4ele- graph feratora at the local O-W. R. ! 5V depot.' -- ' ' - Mra. Lfta Mathara and .Mra, I- Frank SptnninC apent yeaterday In Peifdlat'on. ' ' i i ' Mra. K. R. Willie and Mra. A. IB ' well viaMed In .Pendleton last Wed nesday. v , , , - I Mlaa Clara. Targer of Seattle. Wiu ' waa In Echo thla weak. 8ba la aell rlg th Book of Knowledge for the i Orpller Society of New . Tork. Bhe I returned to Pendleton thla morning, i 'Bane-" Beam returned to Pendle itadn 'thta eventnf; after a two daya' iMt-Kith hkt mother,- Mr. Elmer iTtiofnpann of thla place. Mra- Evelyn Skinner and Mra. Zela v Wataoa- apent Wednesday In Hermlaton where Mra. Wataoa waa having eome dental work dolt. V ::i'V "T ' VJ7 lv.Messa; f: 1 1 5 M '4 believed -an of 111 .Ihinta Urk. wttnimHtimmnHnHiMimtHiHiaiitMHWit - .WtWUIiUUitiittUUfiUtUUtltUUilUIlUllltlUIWlUiiutHifu - i rr n More , a A: complete line 6t all sizes, ot the famous dflaWe1Blfc eWWJa)k. 7 VnV v IW PA I jKSTI n liOyrtOW. Airn tf. Aa affkaal tateMent aaya tlte TMrUlnli took Uie offensive, In Palmiine Wedneiolay and liene; rated t lie advanrra HnttNii K- Mtlowv" fMuHer-attarka ejected tin Turka, the.. Brlllfh advanctng- their pualtioaa., ....... -v , j 7s Yr a 14, li li3 ffi w mm Call after call haa beerrwadc on u for FEDERAL COKI) SIZES in sizes that we have teen short on. People who know Vcleral tires always want Fed ti al n-xt time. We are rt ady foKyou nowi . ' We Ifave what you vanfin nsiIK.G TACKLE (.UN'S AM) AMMUNITION en-iif Co., Inc. DISTRIBUTORS FOR UM ATI LI A (WUNTY. Phone 400'' Call Our Service Car I nwiic M,-. Lai .rfee Mar i-.toaa fw k- rver IwntuHr. S TUM EZ E BTOMACIf TMiniU: KKIdE'Ia HV a 'I KMT 1MHK. . "I waa hotherl" wlth nervea dl penaia and chronic atomarh Vroulle o twiiMy the doctor ould n4 give me 1 jany relief. Thrf were coin id take ' l ma to the X-ray but tm;MfcZM eaved r a cm do . 1 irri'M- : i me the expenae. j1 (:.!: and 1 gut relief, within tweatv ininutea. and am now bat k. to ipyaelf ttaln after aiontha of agon". I have taken arveral bottle af thla wander f.'ful roedlrlna and cannot recojiuiieiid S,it too highly." W. C McDougal, Cr- onnrto, Calirornia. If your atomaeh IihbrU. if you hav gaa. aour rlin. blt-hhig, dyaprpnia. lndigt-atiiin. .. ca 3 tarrh of the atotnach or lMftjn., la I now to your druggiat and get a bolUe of Una niaater preacrii ach and dlgeativ Ilia, teed. lion for aUMii- It 1 guaran- EEGHH EOX'WATEK DIOTG- it TC1H- DOItT FEEL RECTT wtr"w0i yg'r b' of het ahoaahata ftefora braaKfaat waahM aut fotoana, ..(ttlH.f""' ' .l.IW.HImtf!f"MMMHMlr(tMtII,t.mMH.I?nt-tlMHWHm.t(HW"t.. I ytiiLaake up a Kb a bad luale. !". breath and tatgt' la catiwt; uf yuur hrad la dull or arlilng if hl aoura and furma' ". and arid M , ilomarh, ut you m l.ilioua, ronaiifat-t-d. aervoua. aallnw and imi'l get lug right, txaln liuada bathlbg- Ihluk 1 Iwfura brekrat. a glaaa af raa4 bxt .water alth a Jeaalxxiaiol of llMieelaii pluwiihaia In M. Thla a ill flull the polaona and lui from aieniai. liter, kldtiet and btiweky and, tieaiw. orrirn and purify l emir allmeii tary trace. o yixir lnald lallilng 1m. tfiieiluitelv up.ai aratlng In the morning la wauh ."il of ilia .V all tlte pre i volaa day'a laiiwMi waete, gaaea and ;.ur bile betiM polling more fod In . the atomarh f I To feel Ilka young- folk feel; Ilka ' yea felt fcedw your bUod. eveu 'and aiueiiea iMH-atne loaded ahh leidy Impurlilea, get from your i hnrnmi l.t i a auarter aaod of lltwaatone iha phaia ahlrb k InegpraMv and lm.-t UMrlraa, eai-epi fur a auk,h taiaa jahb h la iit unileierii. od aa l and hot atr a-t oa the kln, I'lrao'log. eeelrMH. aa freaheitbig, ei h-H auier and lltae,i,a pfeoephate ai wo the aiuioaili, iiw-r. !kUloryM and iMiWrl, Men and woloefl aho are uaoally conMlpated, blliea beetlerhy or hee any vi.miimoh aw.. oil.r rh.Mihl In-gilt thla liiaide bathlaf before breakfaMt. I'bry are aaMired they alll heiiie real rrank on th ui.Jrct ibortiy. ' 4 mm !i ! MJ . 1 ! 1 v"f dEf.UREertaintyf aerrloe in Te-te4 f ire-- Thcv pive r ' Ti..'1 ... l,u it li nimra -rA itf . '1 heir cotfur- " h ) i nre imI milcip?e haw trw ve in me cm waj iw J aaeure mil-agc to the inoloriat, on tlie car an the road. . , j ' Hearken to that 1918 message, "the roads of America send Jmerican motorists. Last year Goodrich, launching six Test Car Fleets irr six widely different regions of our country, took Goodrich Tires, and with light and heavy cars mauled them over sand, gravel a i- a . A .1. aVea V M lf aaaa and rocK roaas oi piams, aesens anu nKJuuiuna w , . .. j i t r v. li i! p 1 y ' TESTED ( i at H a i If. n M t .1 ''aaSw What those tires endured doubled' Goodrich's: pride fn its tires.1 They fought America's roeds , through 4,178,744 tire , miles. They conquered the roads of America in that phenomenal mileage, those BLACK SArETi IKE-aus ana ttiis.itn " ' Let American motorists listejj to this message from America's roads. It means time and money t saved them.' They get lasting service with the tires ; that have won the title, '"America' Tested Tires." . thr R P norynRTCH RUBBER COMPANY . . . . . t . t,-j- amj ftnenniH fit Pnrt.TT1f1 Ore. lf,'2 J r .?"' THE CITY OF GOODRICH ''AKHOH, OWO; -..j Every War Saw ing Stamp t a atep ' . toward Peace. 1 St s , " " Si It" V dlgMigHa'gW! "f f t b A complete stock of GOODRICH TIRES carried, in all sizes. simpsou auto co: Telephone 408 C&rner Water and Johnson Sts. """" mmmmm mmmmmmmmmm-- WE SELL - ' T. 1 GOODRICH TIRES ' 5 PcnCeton Auto Co. Telephone 530 - - Corner Water and Cottonwood Sts.; . - . . . . , ! Pendleton Rubber & Supply Company " j " AGENTS TOR GOODRICH S1LVERTOWN CORD TIRES. 303 E. Court St. ' ' . , FehdSeton, Ore. t "1 4 1 1 d" When -You Ha ve the Wreck OR WHEN YOU NEED 'REPAIRING OR CAR OVERHAULING, YOU CAN BE ASSURED OF High Grade Vbrk at This Garage This garage is thoroughly equipped to handle your work in the Bhortest pos sible time. This, couplet! with a corps of high grade mechanics are sure to please. m awin-f it . rw JfVJaV. WE ARE AGENTS FOR Michelin and Wire Grip TIRE , - Auto Accenwirles, Oils and IiliricantK, Gasi Oil, Water and Air at Cuih. it. tafeieMJeifot Garage Court and Thompson Sts. Phone 633 rt;M."WMiitM.'ii,ti"a",iW"ilt.u'"i'"MM, -i