East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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twelve pa firs'
DAttY' rirr "or,raoNTiAN, rrrrousTON." oksgon. Saturday. atoil is. isms.
i. 1 .
Jt ll - I 'l
i il
,WM 0T m ' "'WmStnTT!
fc , , , .,
' f
rue.?, t-quk ---.-
"""" ' I V .. -- - - a
' " ' - s--y V
- , Wl.. u,. as. n .,1,.,,. 1 1 m , ,, j
Don't Hesitate to Ask Questions
i Are you doing enough driving with lights
off to keep you battery properly charged ?
, Are you replarfng the evaporation, which is
always going on, by a proper amount of distilled
. ......
Are you sure current isn't being lost daily by ,
ome defect in wiring or connections?
Xoe current PowTreely? ' ' '
If you'll stop the next time you sec our service!
Jgrt, we'll be glad to answer as many questions '
as you can find time to ask. .
, - , And don't forget to include an inqniry about '
the Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber '
Insulation. r .r . --
Electric Service Station
Cor. Main and Water Stk.
MIk Msrsnret Putnam of Penult
ton, win arrlv In Snlem
short business; trip, returning
diiy me.ru In . Mis Putnam mother,
Mra. l. I'. l'tunnm. will return Willi
hrr .lmmhter to Pendleton, whore, lo
the regf-al of nef many Salem friends.
she plans to make her home. A'-
wmpnnylng the traveler to Portland
will He Mn. ptitnanr eon antr wire,
Mr. and Mm. Iva Tutnam. , The pur
ty'wlli motor' duWn.Salcm Capital
Journal. . ( . '
LINE' in; 1 .and ' 2on- Gapacities;
e advertlMc and offer VI ar i1iis iaais tor sale ib every
.. ... ....,
ost Miles for
'-. Less Money
Can be ho fuller realized than by keeping a
dose tab on your tires and have them repair
ed when they begin to show wear.
Ouc mechanics are especially skilled
absolutely guarantee that any work done here
will be satisfactory and a'downright saving in
dollars to you. ,
II Supplies
The sura Ira I irwines clane under j
the direction of Mr. Norbnurne' Her-i
keley will meet Monday afternoon at
the Perioral Dullillnjt. Mr. Hrkelc
will cordially , welcome , Wlunteen
who' are Interested In-aeelMlnsi with
h certt' which, will -begJn. at 2 o'
clock, . .V -' ?
r 3
' MIa'rielen "d. gtewart,. rM Win
apeak In the hteh' achool audttorlam
or Monday evening will be tendered
a luncheon "at the bacree, 1 o'clock
on Monday. This luncheon to for wo
tnfn only. Mlse fetewart Is " al Red
Cross nurse , returning f" from the
front, and will .lie able lo plve much
intorniatton fh regard lo conditions,
Walla Walla lnki. ,!
I 1
The Nash one and two ton capacity,, rear driven
trucks are reliable and efficient in theif respective
fields. ' - ' 1 1 v; :. .
1 The Nash trucks have many mechanical features
. which have been tried out over a number of years
in the hardest kind of truck service, and - have '
proved their worth beyond question. , . , - , .
The powerful motors in the Nash rear driven-'
trucks are most strongly built, with extra heavy
crartkshafts and bearings and unusually light yet
' strong connecting rods, i They ard built for satis- '
factory, endifring and economical truck service.
3;i i
' Ml Xorma Allows . Mlsa Edith
Johnson and Mrs. Kuna La Fontaine,
accompanied by her; little- daughter,
Janet, left on Xo.' if today for Port
land... They expect to remain week.
Mr. 'and Mrs. H.8. Ru.dd pian to
leave tomorrow for a Severa days
vJait In. Kt-tland, which 1 occasioned
by the event of their tenth wedding
anniversary 'on Wednesday of next
week. . . ,,.
The fortotebtly twilight social hour
of the Kpwortl league of the Metho
dist church Is being anticipated by
members and friends of the organ
Ucatlori. It !s scheduled for 6 o'clock
omorrow evening and the program
'lll be doiel to Tennyson. It will
include both rctvrilnas and quartet
and solo. mtislfSl numbers.
Following Jin 8 o'clock business
meeting f the1 I'arlsh House Guild of
!he ChuTcn.tif the Redeemer, Miss
Helen Stewart, whose lecture at the
Christian church last evening proved
tti he -of exceptional Interest, will give
short talk at the rectory this even
ing.- It to scheduled for 8:30 o'clock
and will precede an Inftarma! .tecep
tlon. All members ami friends Inter
ested In the parish .house guild ure
cordially invited.
Mrs.' William h'llisher has returned
froai a visit in Portland. She was ac
companied home by her grandchll-
ren, Virginia and William Oullch.
1 1
The predominant feature of these twoitrtiCk$;tth'd;that'hich'ibtiy.
ers appreciate most ii the'automatically locking differential A
larts ojf the ti-uck from the first shock of poWer.as .
the clutch is thrown, in, and is a saver of tires and
?ef fuel.
E 1
1 1
5 I
Both these rear driven trucks are equipped with
internal gear driven rear axles. So each has .a
solid "dead" rear axle under its load. Nash engi
neers, beh'eve.this type of axle much strpnger and .
more satisfactory as a load carrier than the axle
. composed of several different working parts. Be
sides this advantage, the internal gear driven axle
; is economical of power and thus (Knomical of fuel
. Another big advantage these trucks, possess is
. . the Hotchkiss type of drive which makes the use of
" torque arms and radius rods unnecessary, without
irt the least taking away from the strength of the .
trucks. The Hotchkiss drive, by applying Jbe pow er. ;
through the rear springs, protects the "working
Nash rear driven trucks are equipped tvith elec
tric lights and starters. ,Tiey can work atrnight as
well as by day. The driver of a Nash truck does
nob waste fuel. He shuts off the motor when' he
leaves the truck standing. - 1
i Also, both these trucks are equipped with an au
tomatic governor which prevents abuse at the
hands of careless or indifferent drivers, and which
by automatically regulating the speed of the trucks
and the flow of gasoline necesary to maintain that
speed, is a big saver of fuel. , : 'v ;
Buy them now,-get the full year's use and
save the advance in price that is sure to
, . come on many articles.
Shock Absorbers
Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co.
W IKil I vl K AND ItlT-.IL,
W, U. Milijl'-"ini. Win. Ituam, Majugoe,
- ti t'fMM t'mrt m. Trlofilxiaa III
M adx-nl- awl i.ii.tr Wr haxnka mhihJ'. fr Mit hHIi iiit,
. j Hin It;
A number ot Pendlr-ton motur par
ties, are -planned preceding the dahee
at Putter Creek this evening! fieveral
machines went ' from ' here to Athena
lust nighi, and other, parties enjoyed
the dance at liermiston on Thursday
Mrs. J. A. McLaiiKlilln of Echo,' and
her son, James McLaughlin, an offi
cer in the aviation corps who is home
from New Tork htm a furlough, were
Pendleton visitors yesterday.
Prices on Model 2017 One-Ton Truck
. . . .
' i'rieos
... un
. V. .
ii v-
Standard chassis (in lead)
Btako platform body (includes painting ch:iH.;hO . . .
Flare board express body (includes painttnK chus.(.
Fixed cap top over driver's Beat (with cartainw
Folding bow top over driver's scat (with curtit . . .
Full eanosrog tor express body (with urtrlns . . .
All, prices Itst f. A h. JCenot-ha
Prices on Model 3017 Two-ton Truck
8iHmlnrd chassis tin I Ad) ,,
Stake platform' hotly (includes painting chassis)...
Fixed ealj top over "diiver'il seat (with curtains.;.
Folding bow top over driver tent (with curtains)
, All prices list (. o. h. Kenosha
f 1.875
. .s Prk-ea
. . .. . t
Pendleton Cadillac Auto Co.
M Cottonwood and Water Sts.
Phone 5.'J0
i!"HlWffl!iniinmjl!i,i,i,i,iiiii'riiiiniiiiiiiiiiriiii j
at Blsbee. Arlsona and has .taken up cs
his transporuktlon.
Art llucr, Portland recruit who
has shown uu well at short, will con
test for his place with Sunds. releas
ed Jiy iaU Luke to Fisher, and Fear
born, hts teamjiiate for the came
club. Is gog,to make a bid fur third, j
These two and Morton, Halt 1-ake j
pitcher, are expected to arrive tonior-1
rodw or Monday.
t . tlarrfck, .a pitcher who tried ohi j
with I'ortui'nd last ve'ar and who hails
formT Tendlotonlan. I (rom .h, expected S'ln the
f it, . ; . ..u '
Caiicerning a
the Walla Walla t'nion ears: Kdward
Milne, a graduate of Whitman college
in 1912 and for several years profes
sor of mathematics In Bowdoln college
has been commissioned a captain In
the artillery branch of service and will
leave soon for France.
Tbe Women's Council of. National
Defense will meet In the elub room
of the couty library Monday evening
U l.il o'clock.
' Mrs. June Wallan of Adams was a
Pcndk-tnn Vlsltodr yesterday.
W. f. ilartle of Wallace. Idaho, is
rKistere4 at the Uolden Hule.
I'erry Houser was Jiere yentt-rday
from his ranch near Pilot Rock.
1 Kthel fasey and Hetty Baker of
fleppuer are registered at the I'endle.
ton. , . ' .
. Hen P. Ilrnwh, ivomlnent stock
man lit OiWI.on la making Pendleton
Judge J. W- Sluloney arrived home
this morning from short visit In
I ortland. 1 ..
W, if. Hinscr and B. A. Ktsher. for
n, er iwtlru t l ioaillU, ooumy are
visiting lu tbe city.
camp n-..xt week. William ITt ivinl-.-y.
a right handed pitcher picked up
around Portland liy McR-edle. anlved
In town this morning to give Fisher
a chance to look him over. "The
team is looking better every , day."
Fisher declares, "but I'm In the, mar
ket for another seasoned . pitcher and
old-head .caticher."
Ill h IX ftl .WM Tf AltltU C
X)u Kfxt.i iiin'rr
AIJKIttHJK.V. April . Not
in uie nrst draft last y.r,
Hemrlch, of the Hurf Canmirv
ticfiire going to
pany. gave his word
Aiaa)t ihsi ocu.ber to -tlilish : a
eann. ry thero, to be in Alierilej n
ready to report to the draft' board fcjr
April 1. He kept his wpnl, arriving
hare last week, hut lo rfo it he mushed
850 miles from Inner kln lay to 8
ward, dragging his aled by hand. lie
lost thirty five pounds on I he tp.
ran out of provisions, lived on porcti
pine and clams and spent - nfty-ono
du on tho trait ,"
' j
flMIHt Ml TY.
Ctt4 from Fag t.
War Prices
have Im rfast-d the value if your LuildingH and
pixji ty. ;
m m U cover your lorn in cum; of fire? Come in
Xiiil k t u talk it over. All our time is devoted to
the i:it ri'Et of our j!iry hollers.
Tin: Bf:.TLr.v-(;R.HAM ins. agencv
J M. Iwnii. , !.
..1 a : Mur.igumery, Vire-Pre.
II. N. liuluKi, r1 .Tints,
IS MtM fc4.
Me i"rii .ml i i.-r Mar Mii sxamps fi salo with rtrrf
a fmrt 1
ftourg to AlM.rrten and ihev will
leave. In a day or two to report t
that iluli. Mri'redle has ssrn.il lo
turn over alt of his releed men to
Aliprdern and .Filr psts to let
several tiurs go the laiirr'pa-rt of
next week. fl iuld not Inllniata
ll.e l.linlliy of IDs iran-fers but It Is
pretty i-erialn I liy ' tll liielmle aa
ninnHdrr. a plielier or two. a eoupit
r more liifl. ldns jind jndiiaiily one
or tool rauJieis. ,
There are alresdy Iwo flstores la
His outrield. 'tiff Leo and J..hn I.
Siillnnn. This niurh anyone rtuM
guiws and MnimP-r Fl.her Is wlllln
to admit. For ths llilrd oiufield
Iwrlti Flaher del lares ll Is Up to l.il
die Teck and lieinuw, lo show which
will remain. H..th have showed a
good deal of promise.
Oitnn.r f-rtet, Pendleton rati h .
"r .f.o
I' t'ks ft bav a stMMdr l ' Mn-9
Fit-hir nMrd urty ihsi hf yipt-t-d
Mi um firmn s rgWr Hmwht
ftr tb itftia lM(a Ut u hUn a
a mtiiiy trsn bniM ( hi nil
rmid a'Mf aad irlef. fn
!rk od Jbftn ntf hava ti fiM
U I'Di ftr a prrth behind lb ImI and
i ihr iitifi iMrnd laKirtfp,
b nittr turn at f them rf tt
Th c;.i,p-iib.M fr 4nil lit t
kn nov t4HtMn ' H'tltathiT and
lifUti- but M s ' tfrfDine
mitfti-r vVtb lh atrual .f Hufit-i, tb
Afi 9 fhi-rh tr ha trd
f'l hhh f..f snd h. m Nitt I"
im a (MfirsdbMiil fpidef.
Bliss Rachel Johnson
Tells How Cuticora
Healed Her Skin
Of Blisters On Face
Sore, Disfiguring
and Painful
"Evsry time 1 was exposed to wind
and sun, my isca woe Id coma out In
blisters. These would brsall open and
war vary sots and disfiguring. My
lac. would burn and Itch, and I could
not sleep H was aa psintuL
"1 triad many preparation but with
aOreltsl Tbsui I assd a Ires sample
of Cutirara Soap and Omtment. I
found sslisf at ones, so I bought more
and I ased ens nam erf Cutu urs Oint
snent wits the Catkuni Jtoap when 1
was perfectly bealsd. I us ih Csu
cars Sosp and Ointment all the tiros
aed would not ba without Ihara."
(Biigned) Mis Pachel Johnson, Pu.
bow, Idaho. ,
Cuticurs Boap and Ofmmsnt tr not
only most valuable for lh lr.alm.rt
of phwptoW dandras! and irntawd
arslaw but their ' mission I to
prevent sock eonditlons. CuHreia
Soap used ssclustvsljr tat lbs usl.t,
snd Cuncura Ointmant. as needed,
keep ths akin and scalp clean, clsu
and hesHihy. -
lMse KaeB . M.ll. AiMr nwl.
tain- "..ii..rs. ll. si- p. H.ta
,wnks. S.W.AC i,,i sarflK.
H. A. (Eon)
, Candidate for
in the
Republican Primary,
May 17. ,
Your vote and influ
ence resjectfully
- solicited
fPald Ad )
ww mix mi mi (nkm :
Let Facts
Appraise the
Value of .
Your Next'":
Motor Car
TEAL fact concerning
all ifhakea of cart are
not easy to get except
the fact of the purchase price.
Tnat'a published broadcast.
But what bout
Safety? "
-Comfort? . '
UGaioIlnc Mileae?
f-Tire Mileage? ,
i-Depreciation? ;
Here are 9evctiprl!Mi
until you pwh thecar.
Tien the aniwcri come
through tspritnc0.
Ilut there ii one eir about
which yfMi, fourtclf, may Jutifo
thca (Mjiata hMf t tho
Irankitn, . ..
Scientific Jht Weight plaori
the intormaiioa - in your tiandt,
m litre it the teats Put the Prank,
lin louring - ear on the scale..
It weighs only 22H0 pounds. And
the Franklin .Sedan typical of
I'ranklin enclosed car tip the
Scales at 2610 pound.
Then weigh the tther not.
When Yod Look For
' These Qualities .
Franklin Scientific 'Light
eight insures strength and en
durance; sure, safe, fast, and aaty
travel er ths rosdj conomy all
along the line. -
All because the snd drat
and mimrtititm rf iinneccstary
weight it eliminated.
l--t us wme this, afier u gt
the alwut the lu-aty r, ifou
pre lucky enoush lu uiieaitli tlo'iit.
Thousand of ,spiietieeil wwnrrs
hsve ..unl In the Franklin III iUsll
lioa iliey as nt In a ir,-
Mr adti-rlJ.' awl of fir War hs.
Ins. mmmi" "f sale bilk rnr)
i '