PACK TWO . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 1R. 1918. TWELVE PAG EH A-Stdre Full of Wonderful Values That Spell ' Economy For You Awaits Your' Selection Here , pm ; 1 igf Mil ni r; v- f J . S' J U lU Id i '1,1 ' HavWnn FvS - . ; FRENCH FLANNEL? "' " " J We arte Bhowlnr the. heat quatitv . ') . , l. ... ' . that money can' buy in red. China s- mm ' . bl,e npd, white, ver,y smart and 1... g I sirabre'for the new Jackets, middies ff a. to- Auk to gee them. the-Vard C7.v Vf If iff f I with Thrift Stamp - I ''vVWV I J GINGHAM PLAin SII.K" I . - I Aro maintaininje their popularity for I . i r $ J wnien, mJatW and children's drmra, I I etc. The new pnea are, p-r I I vard ti.lMl anfl ata . .... I . .... .. ., . - -. . The Smartest; New- Separate of . B usiness If you -can save money or your., clothes, it's good business providing the clothes fit, are stylish and of fine quality. " ;We can save money for you and give you every thing you have been getting. .HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES " ARE GOOD BUSINESS. They're all wool; made in models o fit every fig ure; they wear long and always Jook well. $23.00 to $33.00. Have You Ever Seen Real rine FRENCH FLANNEL? We arte Bhowlnr the. boat mi.niv that money can' buy in red. China blue opd. White, verjr smart ur,A .,. sirabre'for the new Jarketa. nili.lie eto. Ak to ae them. thvrt tx. with Thrift statan - ' GINGHAM PLAID SILKS Are malntaininir their popularity for women, miasea- and children's dreasea, skirts, etc.- These hew onea are. i...r ard 2.oo -wnd 2.5: ei iMk i nnrt NtanvK IMPORTED PONGEE .SILK , A splendid-weiKht, finish and qual ity Jo rf, imported silk, worth much more, per yard; milh Thrift Stamp ft. 25. ..-; , BUY BLACK SATIN NOW AT TIHS PRICE , We art offering our standard sa teen., heavy wciahtv ood finish at a price actually iasa than we could bur It nt the present wholesale price. The yard t!tr; JSc extra with Thrin Stamp. ' MERCERIZED COTTON FOULARDS Printed In the same..dea!ft-ns and col ore aa yon ace In the all silk foulards, such aa navy, tone. Copenhagen and black, with lb 'desiKna mostly In white. The yard 4.1c; 2S extra with Thrift Htanxp, That's what youll find wncri' you come to our women's wear department 2nd floor. Well shqw you the very newest and mdst up-to- date stylesmiade in the most popular materials." - . a Street Skirts If you're looking ;f or a good, serviceable skirt for business nr every day wear! we'll show you skirts in black or navy blue 'serge, poplin, chuddah cloth or fancy worsted plaids, made n tailored lines with side pleats or gathered under a wide belt with fancy patch pockets on the front. They're priced at $5.00,. $6.75, $7.50 and up; 25c extra with Thrift Stamp. . Dressy Skirts If you're looking for a skirt intended for,, mora dressy wear we'll ehow you models in black or navy blue taffeta, tan or grey silk poplin, or fancy plaids as well as the pretty light colors and white in the new "Baronette" satin. Heavy crepe de chine and radi um taffeta at prices ranging from $6.75 to .$25.00; 25c extra with Thrift Stamp. s ' PEftDLETONS GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE Bay Liberty. Stamps Today Don't wait, help now, while , i Is still hot too late. " ' WHERE- ft PAYS TO THADF YTTP Buy Liberty Stamps Today Don't wait, help now, while it is still not too late. " ! U I i 3 t.-iiiwiaaia iiriij.. -- , BRUCE DENNIS OUT FOR COfilfJIITEEMJIN t.fl A.VIiR X KSI. ii-:hm . M AWIJI NCIJi HIS AMH- i.c-. Pt'iltTUA.NM't, ore., April 11. liruee Ieiiiils, well-known irtKon newsini. Per -man ,furmr proKreMsiva iarty Icailer und mil il recently secretary of I the Stute Council of iJcfrnsv, y enter- day filed witli th aecretnry of slate at Halem aniiiiuricment of bis cantfl- j ducy for nutloml coiumlitieman in I the republican ticket. 1 In becoming a candidate, Mr. Den nis, who was In Portland yesterduy. Is. sited a statement In which he says repiililicnns throughout the state are dissatisfied with the manner In which the office of nutlonal committeeman has been handled. It is In resiainsa to the requests from these republi cans. Mr. Iennls fxpbilns, that he has consented to enter the contest. In apieallng to republlcapa for theii siiport Mr. Iennls says he dfes so thst ttregnn may have a republican party that la "thoroughly progressive, thoroughly sincere, thus changing It from a lifeless, mummified organiza tion of a few to a virile, active Inst I. tutlon of i lie nany." Are Yoix Going to Buy an Automobile HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YQU INVEST IN THAT CAR?. ' ; Is the price that you have decided that you will pay for yur car enough to give you the same performance your neighbor enjoys with a Big "Six," "Eight" or "Twelve" cylinder car? YOU WANT MAXIMUM POWER DONT YOU? ' Ounnew OAKLAND "Sensible Six" gives you Maximum Power combined with Minimum running expense. We have gone over Swift Hill, which U the first hill west of the Sla9e Insane Hospital, on the Stage Gu4ch road to Echo, on High Gear, and finished with power to spare. If you doubt this come down and let us remove that doubt' If your neighbor has a Nig "Six" or "Twelve" Cylinder car, ask . him if he makes this Hill on High. " A nuiiiW-r of our owners report 18 to 2.1 miles per gallon of gaso line. Ark them. f ; ;:,N. P. McVE AN, Distributor . . Hupmohtle, Oakland, ('handler and Garford Trurk.i. Phone li!2 . .' . " i- Main Strt-rt . ' Ojijiosite Pendleton Hotel Hi aslxTti and ufitf Mar hatlngs Mauii a fisr saw with ni-fr AnsinT. I k f ' M. C4111 1.1 Joid many women, J ' "I 1 sufiei-U bci vte I J ol C'Hrdui tnd the I rc-ru-l I to be defivee j r 1 Una letiedy. A I f T"f ko I became n it lically helplesf . , .' Here Is a message to tutierini; wocici, (rom Mis. KaHiryn lilwarJs, of K. F. U.4. WfhitiPtrMi Court House, Ohio. "I i t i-Iaii lu tell, and have . ulial knew great derived irom A lew TAKE svk JIsb Wcmaa's XcnlCfrj S 1 "I very wek," 1 fcLf Mri. tdward coca on l I .S to Uf, "and could nut R il aloop williout aul.erm ,-i Krejl ('-"I . . Nulliitnf ' ii-emcd lu lu lp me iiniU ; , I heard otCardul end be- ,J fc-au the urn ol it ... I blieni'lh ... 1 am now able lu do all my woik." it you oeea a .iuc i.ikt NOMMKHft' Iltl-VTIUf'ATItnV i llistli AUK AIVATA;TOCS J WAMHI.NOTO.V. April 1!. rre j'luenl mentlim has baen made of the lilentlflcutlon discs adofited by Vncle Sam for lila soldiers and sailors, but he advantages offered 1 the sva- ore not graerally known to the rublic. tin one side of the disc Is en k raved the man's name, with the dale of his hlrth and enlistment. ln the other side Is in etchrd finger print with the index finger of the wearer ! the duplicate of the print being at j 1 1 he war and navy departments, uf: cotiKe. there nilRlit be two men with , identically the same nam. Willi the' dales of birth and enlistment in aine, but any difficulty arising from' s remote a coincidence will be got over by the fingerprint. It Is. how-' ever, about the metal of the rtln- ,sl I he Invention mainly scores. This l ( Monel meial. silver-white In color and t C'ilii.iel lug of nickel wllh a inislura i of lion and copper. After being S'lh-' jjicletl to i-ertiiiu processes, tile mi tal jciinoot rorodi, or Mrlsh by fire. If jtbe wrsrrrs h..H waa entirely con sumed y fire, and mi trace were left 'f him. hu Identiricallon disc If lounn. would be lilHlamageil, I he ringer print. I HURCH EY v-.'-'i'K-ii -'iK iiv,-iK 1'.' i COMING JO WALLA WALLA DOCTOR i r tVntocnNtal Naitarene." i . The regular Kundny aervlcea of th T'eniecostal Naaarene church of Pen dleton, an as follows: chonl at 10 o'clock: preaching at 1 a, m. and 7:30 p. m.; prifer inreilng on Wednesday evening at 7: 0. fharlea Maxson,. ihahiot. llaptlUt. ' The Mble Bchool will meet at Preaching at II, subject, "rioine Char acterlstlca tif a l'ulrlot." At 6. ' clock if the weather la fine, the K V. I. U. will meet at the parsonage. 120 Ire street, and go to the bill for an mil cif doorstnecttng. Preaching. 8 o'clock. Subject, "The Itose of Sharon.'' . , pFTtytr1n. t'sual servllces nt Ha. m. Mr. Snyder will prench on "Christ. Price I of soul," and at the evening service the subject will lie "Tlie Ilread of Lite." Kuliday school at 10 a. in. Young Peoples Meeting nt 7 l- m Miss ls-ellle Anilal will be soloist In the morning and Mrs. Weslbrooka Dickson 1b the evening. Mrtlxxll-it. While physically recuperating, use rOtaJ'a plan and enjoy a menial and i spiritual stimulus tiy attending church : tomorrow. Church school at 10 a. nt. i Bend, or "Isrtter bring your children. I Morning worship with aacramenlal ' ser'lce and reception of new mem i bers nt 11 a. m. Miss Coutts anil Miss .south will sing. The funeral service or Mary Jane i Jordan will he held at the church at i t:S. The Fiiworth league will observe the "Twilight hour'' from 6 to 7, fea turing Itrd Alfred Tennyson. The regular devotional .service Willi follow. Profit liy regtilar attendance. The 'Way's program culmlnaU-s with praise and worship from I -to Spe cial music by chair and solo by MiR Esther South. The pastor, st this service will speak upon "Talents Which Bless the World " ' Are your talente a world asset? Hear this message. . A hearty welcome awalu you. Christian. faluWGLU CO. SPECIALISTS DO NOT USE SURGERY mil lie at I f k DACRES HOTEL ( FRIDAY and SHOT; April 19-20 - . . i . : - ; -:ti r y m en rtriK 'tri rvtATiox Tha dbctor la charge hi a regular graduate In Mclioia and Surgery and la Ilcensen ny mi sie i iioia- ton. )lo visits jirorcssinnii v inn mora Important towns and cltW-a and offers to all who. call on this trip con sultation and enamlnailon free, except the expense of treatment' when de sired. According to Ills methods of treat ment he does n operata foe chronic appendicitis, gall stonos, uloara of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to hlB credit, many wonder ful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, akin, Breves, heart, kldneya, bluililer, bedwettlng, catarrh, wonk Kings, rhauwiatlsm, aci atica, leg ulcers nnd rectal aliments. If you have been ailing for aav length of time and do not get any bet ter, do not fall to call, aa Improper measures rattarr than disease are of ten the cause of yoaf long standing trouble. . Remember above date, that exami nation on this trip will be free and that hia treatment la different. Address: 336 Boston ltlock, 'Minne apolis, Minn. - , . i . . ' Two helpful sermons are arranged ti be sjlven at the Christian church by ' Pastor Hubbell this Sunday. The j subjects are "Things That Aceom ' pany Salvation' and "What Shall a : Man Oive In Exchange for His A1eT I Hlhle school at 10 a. in-: C E. at J ; p. ni. tSood music by the choir and special nnmliers by individual mem bers of the choir. The general pub - lie made welcome at all our services. Ctirllstian Ncicnco K. Webb and Johnson streets. fU-r- vlces Sunday II u. m., and g p. m. Si.nlay school, in a. m. Wednesday evening wieetlng. H p. in. SilbJTi of the lesson sermon, "Are Sin. IMsi-nse and Ileal h Keal?" The reading room at Ihe cliuri-h Is open dally, except Sunday; from 1 Kl until r, p. in- Far Vision j Viink,U W;l i'siiii n Sv . VVX Lowcr PartforA Jjear Vision tliun li mT Umi f ledi-iia-r. Itev. Alfred lickwood. rector. R a. m., holy communion; :41, church ai'hool; il. inoriilng prayer; a p m. evening prayer and sermon. At tlie morning service aliss Helen Stewart librarian at Victoria, ft. .. who worked for IS months In France un der the direction of the Ixndon 1'iiin. mil tee of the French I ted cross, will make the address. Jn the evening the rector will speak on Ihe "Life Which Is Life. Indeed." rmYPTOTfV 11. GLASSES 11. the invisibic rirocAj. Think of the convenience in being abb- In see near and far without changing your glaases. The smooth, clear surface of KltVITuKH (iironannand "ri.torksi are entirely free from the disfiguring, age-revealing lines, seams and sliesl ders of old-fashioned bifocals, and ronreipienlly cannot lie diallngulshed Irom sioglu-vision lertsea. . SKK ItOTIIUI'.IJ, (mtofiM-trtet ami isjak-laa. American Natl. Hunk liuililing.' ROOFING . Slate, Tile, Metal and Certain-teed Roofing Paper Old Roofs and New Repaired and Painted CHIMNEYS, PIPES, FURNACES CLEANED All roofing paint guaranteed for six years, not to crack, break or blister with heat or cold ' Certain-teed Roofing Pafier Guaranteed for Fif. teen Tears. All Work Guaranteed. Thomas C. Connelly Phone 731 310 West Webb SL. even l.uf)M-ru-l.otheran chinch services wll,e held at the Presbyterian church nt 2 e.n nunoay anerniM,n. M l.'VAIIIVti 111 AIT eiiiirr n' ItltOTHI ft S 1 w..., - i ..... ..nvu.i.r;. w. va-, April il. J 1 Caldui. II l lot won i-s. r I" le.age IK.ll.-y f Clarksburg Is esi.1 ff .1 Macu ren(ly and reliably . 'i.. have brouRbi in. ,fc and iwo P 4r '1 P'OOaWy tirlj MrhlldreB of 1,1. ,lf brolhcr Itcnja. I la o-abcloed.,itody. " l:,ln Mwl)r f,,,r , Z.u, ,"in fj 1 VJ iVnigglHl l jt. o.i r. .r.-,i i., lrlii as bis J I till j I '" I" " effort to evsile the drstl If Llfmm1 f " ""m 1 l I Hs'ley followed IIi.oii here If . " "L " l''f"m ci.rk. burr, shot and wounded .S?jT '"if, ..T' , r -1 'eoras and then killed himself. t BETHLEHEM MOTOR TRUCK . THE DOMINANT MOTOR TRUCK s ' , ... IN A MOTOR AGE Bethlehem Dominance in an age M truck specili zation cannot due to one or two factors. The motor must Tie a dominant motor the Trame-. the rear axles the steering gear the ignition the cooling and oiling systems each part must be tnd is. in a Jiethlehem. a nmvnn rutituea n i .-, ' - ... ' "Su"t ' I here' is no one "Belling feature" in a IJcthlehem each inU'gnd part is in itself a proven, convincing ' Helling jioint, backed by the big JJethk-hem organi zation, the third largest truck ' manufacturing plant in the United States, , Call, ace these trucks, and le convinced. W will give you big values. ' Overland Pendleton Co. OVERLAND DEALERS 812 Johnson Vhlue 512 " derll. ami Mitrr War Kaunas Ms,ms. t sole wMh el erf ' IHtn-liaMMs S! i