' TWELVE PAGES PAGE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY,- APRIL 1 ;, 1 1 8. BS SEED SHELL o OTfl BM iSPiTAl asa . n x: iX7 TIKI J t I ! PARIS. April IS. "It H'now the glory of feulture to kill worn n. ma ternlty hosplltals an veil as little ha blra with scarcely opened eyes," fald 1 Matin editorially today. A hosptal m filled with women resting with liable cradded nearby The afternoon who Ideal, with a blue sky and the windows opened, admit lln (he mmllKhl nnd nlr. The cry lug of the newb.ir-ii babes was mln rled with lullaby. The dully visits of relative ha4 Just Kh1 when shell Ml. plowln a grxnt hole In the floor. A bnhy and two women were ktled and 1 1 injured." WILLCURB SOLDIER WEDDINGS IS PLAN AS PRAXCIt?Ot Auril tnflH effort to atop soldiers Ml-advlscd ntrrlRe. Captain Cochran prnvoM marfthal of the -weatern deimrtnvenn notified the county clerks aklng them to refuae marrlajre Ilcenaes un ion tha wrtdlera present a written consent of their aunerior officer. Of ffcen are Instructed to' Investigate and determine that they ara mt ill rdvlaed before conwminir. The notices eent to- the r1frk de clare scores rf adventuresses arc niaj-rJiifp BotJiors to collect alio anees. "In view of the a;overnment'a money need, the payment of Allow acres on ill -advised marriauvs I an extravagance.' THE MARTYRDOM OF IWHIKMIA (ftora I he Chicago Journal. 1 The Austrian government. wh,lch is 1 wiser' to send dut flews of ' Impo tent "strikes" and of "rllpaftroe menta' with Germany .which are either futile or' faked, suppresses all accounts of the heroic martyrdom o' Bohemia. ' We get Information on that -aubject only when mwic neutral observer conies back from Austroia Hururary hnd tells what he has seen irI heard. One such observer evi dently a Swtas, has brought news of Us '(hernia's part In the offensive against Italy. Hundreds of Csech and Slovak soldiers threw down their rlflea and refused to fire on the Ital- i Sana. - They knew the ' penalty in- 1 want death but they raced ft Un- j fllnrhlngly rather than aid their ty rants to conquer another land. In soma ways., this is the . finest chapter of war history that even Ho- hernia lias written." She refused to fight the Russians at the Tery Ivefrln nlng ofthe war,' but the Russians were fellow Slavs; sand beside the Rohemians then weje together, and In part, at least, under their own ofri--ia. Thus ie Tuentyi-eighth regi ment, from Prague, went over to the Russian ride enmssw Rut ln'she ase Just reported., the Rohemians were, etit against a race with whom they have no tie "of blood or language, and "the organiKation which enabled them to act together In 1M has twen destroyed. There are no longer any Rohemlan regiments, ft Is duuhtTiil if there are any Rohemittn battalions.- r-ch and Slovak soldiers are scattered in small groups among the troop of other rare, so that they form a minority In the hattiilions of Poles. Ruthenes. Roumanians, froats, Herbs, Hermans. Magyars and other races under the -Hapsbufg crown.. The officers "are almost Invariably Germans and Mng Vura, aril these two races have charge of all the artillery and machine guns. Rack tittle band of Csechs or FMovaks 1a watched by superior numbers of supposedly unfriendly fellow subjects, mdmmanded 'y unsympathetic- des pots, and liable to extermination at any moment by weapons against which It is helpless, et even under such circumstance, these heroes de fy their tyrants and die! - - Trie Spartans at Thermopylae did no more. Thbi magnificent heroism imposes duty on the allies, the I'nited Ktatet Included which we must never for evt. No settlement of the struggle "which leaves the heroic Rohemlan eople aubject to the vengeance of he Hapaburgs and Hohensollems can le considered for a moment. ' It wmtld toe a betrava.1 not only of the 'principles for which we are waging war. but of the liberties of the hu man race. Heohemta has earned her freedom, r'he must have It. IJFI 1lfcS l-IKU M.TlVr3 IX ItH It W ARS " " I I, i . JV ! t ! j Tbl" t'tt i r should loinest the ate .i.li.i.- T'.. 1 ITJ1-, Vi..rl-. ft l- a ! h,d,ni a ,f II ,- l.'w i In. r- I..,,. (..Liiji-r ,f llie Atiu-i ,'i,n Iti'l tb. I UJULV; in x r . ill BOND AUTO CO, Tires ami AmI Aoorssot les, (Wd, Oakland and C hevrolet . pence. - ' PILOT ROCK, ORE. CKOYE'S MOTION PICTURE HOUSE. PILOT ROCK, ORE. pilot k6lhL Lijkin 16. -, . ' .. , . . I.umtx'r, lJuic, l'lastvr, Knofingr, Palnu and all ftvildlng; Materials. ...... . . PILOT ROCK PRE. PILOT ROCK MERCANTILE COt . .. -i Uroorriea, llry ioods, Kotioas, Men's .War. ... . - . ...... - PILOT ROCK, ORE. J. C. PENNEY CO, INC. , - . i tJOI.DKN RCI.K STORE, ' ... t KtctjUiIoj u Wear. . Wo Lead, Others I4n - f. - . ATHEJIA. ORB. PEOPLES THEATRE , ..Sfotlon OTcttires, ATHENA, ORE. .1, G mew1 lea. STEPHENS & HASSELL ", ATHENA- ORE. ECHO MERCANTILE CO. Hardware, AgrlttiltHnU Implements, Heating; and TlumWntf, - .... . ECHO, ORE. GEORGE-MILLER CO. Groceries, Wry Goods, FnrnlshlnKa, nothing. Hats, Cava, Shoe, Graultewaaa, Qncenwatw ana Xotioani.- t ..- - u - ECHO, ORE. STAR THEATRE, Motion Pictures ECHO, ORE. STANFIELD MERCANTILE CO. Grooeries, Dry Gutwts, Notkms, Getssral Merchandise, - STANFIELD, ORE. CHAS. HOGGARO, Groceries, Dry Goods, General Merchandise. . STANFIELD, ORE. "HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF STANFIELD Lumber, Baildlne MaterUils. Hardware, Palnu and Fuel. ', : ' -- STAN FIELD,' "ORE. INLAND EMPIRE LUMBER CO. : , Wood, toal, Unse, I'laster. rcmifiC. Posta, Roofing, Eash, Dotira, Urtck and All akinds of Bulkiing MatertsO. - - - ' : i ' " - STANFIELD, ORE. PEOPLES THEATRE Motion Picture. STANFIELD, ORE. ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE , y. Groceries; Clothing, Hals, Shoes," l"Ttr. - PENDLETON,-ORE. BLEWETT HARVESTER CO. lilcwctt Coniblnrd Harvester. 'V, i i - - PENDLETON, ORE. DOWNEY'S MARKET Two Phone. 188 and 187 We will buy all jour Beef, Veal, Mutton, Chicken, rail us a a. GEO. C. BAER & CO. Hard ware. :rri PENDLETON," ORE. INSIST ON PENDLETON BRAND BUTTER Get It lltrougn Your I-ocal Healer. '' -y r , PENDLETON CREAMERY. J. C. PENNEY CO., INC. PENDLETON, ORE. GOLJ)EX RI I.K STORE . . . .Eren tlilng to Wear t fjead, Otliera'r4Ia. JOE ROSE rlneat of Tailoring, Mai7 pattema to Select From, PENDLETON. ORE. McCOOK & BENTLEY Farm Impleaaenta, PENDLETON. ORE. McCLINTOCK & SIMPSON - I'srm Implements, PENDLETON, ORE. PENDLETON. ORE. PASTIME, ALTA, COSY AND ARCADE THEATRES Moving Picture and Vaudeville. - - PENDLETON. ORE. PENDLETON CYCLE CO. - - lilrri-te and Auto Aooraaorlca ' -. . - PENDLETON. ORE. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Pendleton' Greatest Ut'uaruwrut Kture. Wnrre II Pais To Trade. - PENDLETON, ORE. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE I'Uiusi, llaiera, Muasual liwtrumrnts, Cdlaon aaul Victor Talking Mavlilurav - , PENDLETON. ORE. W. I. GADWA Jlaracaa, kaildkes, Aato Tops and I ptmlxcrlng. PENDLETON. ORE. INLAND EMPIRE LUMBER CO. liulldiug Mau-rlal of All Kindu. Aba Mood aisl foal. . .. HEKMLSTON. QBE. CITY MEAT MARKET halird and un-d Most', iMrd. I Vh la WsS rVirlls and Vegetable . HERMISTUN, ORE. HERMISTON MOTION PICTURE HOUSE MuUM I'Mlun-, - HEIIMISTONj ORE. OREGON LUMBER YARD Building Material or AU Kinds. PENDLETON, ORE. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE Auto Anr Maafirti-si Itiilck anil Ttiutiwm C pJ- - - PENDLETON, ORE. I PACIFIC POWER & LICHT CO. - Aiwa) At Your Service. I - rVll 'IfTHI IS WHAT I Iff JET l)t 9 I - .."k . J saw I e-T ' --- , i I S2 i V' ' f i i 1 i ' i i i r 1 1 1 l' I I ; I '. rZ3Z-- -lZZZZIJl ' ! F'i ' '. f stum This is thd story of a man in an Indiana town. He sent to an out-of-town house fpr. his bathroom outfit. , When i. arrived several weeks later, no plumber in the town would jtajke the job of "tapping the main and connecting the pipes. So Jife hired an unlicensed ''jack-of-all-trAdesll.to make the connections.) This fellow did a poor job, naturally the connection leaked, arid the city officials had him arrested for tapping a water main ? without a license. If you wish to verify this story, just write t0 the Mayor of Rochester, Irid., and he .will confirm it.. -But what concerns us is: Are there any; of our citizens who, for the sake of a FANCIED BARGAIN, will risk sending away from Home for goods so easily handled by the home dealer, and k whc.jwill sell them to you for less money than the out-of-town , concern charges for the same thing? , . - ;, , (, These a cViicerhif' are aiding the s development of Umatilla county .,.- their interests are your interests M. o'l.l frlii'l Wofk If) the t'l.ll wsr. the rinii'ii-li ertttft w wr. ei.ai.l.li Alutfkatl 9r and lbs Jt " .... a l'.