EIGHT PAGES PACK Ft CI IT DAILY EAST OKtX'.OM AN, IT.NDI I ON Otu:C i.N . Ti:iT.:DAV. AfT.fL !, l'TS. il''HjitijWi Fresh Strawberries TO ARRIVE SATURDAY Put your order in early, as we will have lim ited supply. Cheddar Cheese, pound 40c Bulk Macaroni, 2 pounds for 25c Sea Shell Macaroni, 2 pounds for 25c Star Macaroni, pound 15c Ring Macaroni, pound 15c Store Will Close Saturday from 12 to 3 p. m. Thrift Stamps for sale; include at least one with your order tomorrow. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY Two Phone, 28. 823 Main St itfitfifUtfitiMiiiaiifiiiiHiiiiiiittmyiiMtiii; OVER THE NORTHWEST DIES IN NEW YORK FOHMF.H COMMAXlF.lt OF OltK I JON NATIONAL fU AHI SVC ITMIIS TO Il.I.XKSS. JtMHHHIIrtllllMlinilllltllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIj; II II OPPORTUNITY does not come on schedule time. In every one's life the time comes when he can make money providing he is prepared that is, if he has money for a start The best way to secure the money for "your start" is to save a certain sum, no matter how small, and regularly deposit it in "The Strongest Bank in Eastern Ore gon." ' The AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" Was Attached to Artillery Vnlt; Was Prominent In Portland; Itixly to mc Ill-ought Homo. PORTLAND, April 4. Major Charles E. McDonell. former com mander of the Oregon National Guard, past exalted ruler of the Port land LodKe of Klks, No. 14:1, and known throughout military and fra ternal circles in the Pacific North west, died yesterday at the Rockefel ler Institute, New York, after a long illness. Instructions were telegraphed to send the body to Portland for bur ial. The Klks will have charge of the funeral services. Major McDoncll had been attached to an artillery unit of the United States army, in active service for some time previous to his illness, in the vicinity of New York. Some time ago he was taken ill and It was thought he was well on the roaal to recovery. One month ago a letter came from I him to members of the Portland Lodge of Elks, containing the Information ;that he "had passed the worst stage of Ills illness and was able to leave the hospital within a few days. It is un derstood from the brief telegraphic advice received yesterday that there i was a relapse that required Mujor ! McDonell to return to his hospital ibed. where he at lenRth passed away. I Ho Is survived, by his mother, Mrs. D. McDonell; a brother, A. J. McDon I ell, a Bister Mrs. O. K. Fletcher, and a niece, Miss M. C. McDonald, all of Portland. Major McDonell was born In Que bec, Canada, November 12, 1871. He had lived in Portland for the past 25 years and was long prominent 1n the Oregon National Guard, where he ren dered valuable service. He served with the guard In the Philippine cam paign, and upon his return from the islands he was elected county assessor, a position he filled for one term. Major McDn1l was well known In Pendleton aavlng been In this city on riiany occa-iSons. He was a cousin of William Southland, formerly Ual-ft-ur-CUithrle aatort here. He was major of the cavalry spuadiv-i thtt In cluded troop D when the Pendleton rough riders first entered -he service. Owing to illness In New , Yoi k the Mr.icr did not acj mpunv the troops a'oriad. WHEN YOU BUY SHOES WLSO BUY THRIFT STAMPS The newest shoes. The most reasonable prices. The most perfect fit. You can't help admiring such an extensive showing of the very latest lasts that can be obtained on the market today. A perfect and comfortable fit is assured you, as we carry triple A's to D's. Black Ice, Military Heel . . With Thrift Stamp ltlack; Imco, Military HeW . With Thrift .Stamp Cocoa. Drown, Military With Tlirirt SStamj Tony Hwl. .Military Heel . . With Thrift Slump ..... . 9-1.98 5.23 S.YtlO .!. M.Hk 5.!S s. m $7.15 Khaki Drown. Knglish Heel With Thrift Stamp Black KiiKllsh Wulkltur Willi Thrift Stamp Mack, KngllHh Walking ...With Thrift Stamp Dlack Vamp, Dove Top. Military llccl. With Thrift Stump $l.8 $.1.2.1 Sl.ftO I.7H $1.98 5.23 $5.90 $(1.15 BUY THRIFT STAMPS, AND HELP OUR UNCLE SAMMY. roc cav DO BETTER AT Incorporated J Incorporated WB LEAD, AND OTHERS FOLLOW REALTY TRANSFERS j gjiililillllllllfllllilllillillllllllllllllllllillllllllillilllllilllllilliillilllllllllllillltlllllllllR War Prices have increased the value of your buildings and property. HAVE YOU INCREASED YOUR INSURANCE . so as to cover your loss in case of fire? Come in and let us talk it over. All our time is devoted to . the interest of our policy holders. THE BENTLEY-GRAHAM INS. AGENCY J. M. Bentley, Pres. John E. Montgomery, 'Vice-Pres. H. X. Graham, Secy.-Treas. 815 Main St. Phone 404 Deeds. . Bess Tull etvlr of Spokane, Wn. .to Damon Lodge No. 4 K. of P., Pendle ton 1.00 Lots O and 7 Block 3 Pendle ton. D. L, Gubser etux to A. H. Ross $300. Lots 1. 4, Block 13, McArthurs adHi tion Weston. A. L- Lambert etux to Maud L. Maxwell $1.00 Lot 2 Block 11 Liver mores addition, Pendleton. Jesse M. Prindle etux $288.00 24 acres SW1-4 NW1-4 Sec. 4. Two. 4 Nit 28. Jesse M. Prindle etux $120.00 Mete and bound SW1-4 NW1-4 Sec 4, Twp 4 NR. 28. Wilfred Ashton etux to Charles H. McElroy $1.00 SE 1-4 SE 1-4 XW 1-4 Sec. 21 Twp 4, NR 28. E. J. Morse etux to Chas. McElroy $1.00 SE 1-4 S 1E-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 21, Twp 4. NR 28. J. H. .'Booher Athena to Lenore Swaggert $1.00 Lot 1, Block 4, Center ville. Now Athena. Charles E. Bean etux to Mrs. Esther Anderson $590.00 Lots 13, 14, Block 136 Res. Addition, Pendleton. Fred Hesse to Arthur G. Hull $5250. Lot 17 & W 1-2 Lot 18, Grand View orchad tracts. Adolph Kruger to Frank Micheal $500.00 Loe 4 Sec. 5, Twp 4 NR 29. Mortairagcti Nellie Slyde etvlr to Anton Kotke $2500.00 Mete and bound Section 19. Twp 6 NR 36. Maud L. Maxwell to Ida J. Davis $136.00 Lots 2 Block 11 Llvermores Addition. Pendleton. Joselph J. Korinek to Mary Anna Taltenger $350. Lots 3, Blk 1, Jacobs Addition. Mrs. George Myers etvlr to C. H. Torrance $750 Lots 1. 2, 3, Blk. 102 Reservation addition Pendleton. S. R. Oldaker to H. s. Ewing $800. N 1-2 'SW 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 10. Twp 4, NR 28. Daniel Doherty etux Vermone Loan & Trust Co., $1526. SE 1-4 less 3 acres. Sec- 22. Twp 2, NR 32. glilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU 1 North Side Homes For Sale f 5 We have listed two of the finest homes in Pendle- g ton. If you want a swell place, investigate these. 5 We also have three modern bungalows on the S North side, prices are right. POLICE SAVE IliOJI CROWD CELEBKATOIt OF HUN" DRIVE BOZEMAX, Mont., April 3. Charges of sedition were filed yester day against Julius Heuer by County Attorney C. E. Carlson. Heuer is charged with remarking that he "hoped the Germans would make the same kind of advance every day." A crowd attempted to take the man from the chief of police and deal sum marily with him. Umapine Ladies Give Hoover Dinner for Mrs. Kemp, Field Lecturer (East Oregonian Special.) Boof Cattle Shipiml Out of Hudson Bay Artop Wintering There; Cliff Wahl, Somcwlicre in France, Meets Another I'mapinc Boy. UMAPINE. April 4. On last Wed nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoon, the Presbyterian Ladies Aid were entertained at one of the finest of dinners they ever partook of, every thing being In accordance with Hoover Food Regulations also. Chick ens, potatoes, salads, vegetables, brown bread, pies made of barley flour, etc., being on the menu. At the noon hour over forty sat down at the long tables. After din ner, Mrs. Jennie Kemp, field agent for the food administration of Ore gon lectured on "Over the Top of the Table." Miss Geneieve Sevy of Mil ton sang two patriotic numbers ac companied by Miss Fay Price also of Milton. Red Cross, work was worked upon and It was decided that until the end of the war the aid should meeton Thursday.. hereafter In order that Red Cross day should not be fol lowed the day after by the aid soci ety. Mrs. W. B. Phillips was elected treasurer of the society to take the place of Mrs. Will Moore, resigned. A week from Thursday Mrs. James Kirk will entertain at tea. Friday afternoon Vincent school de feated the baseball teum frajn Milton, the final score being 14-0. Lionel Re roux and Ralph Gentry were Vincent batteries. . Demaris Bros, of Dixie, Wash., dur ing this last week, took their 250 head of beef cattle back to Dixie after win tering them on the Simonds ranch. Wright, of Vklah is feding 300 head on Mrs. Wellman's ranch. W. H. Witherite and family moved Monday to their new stock ranch at Wallowa, Ore. J. W. Chenault left this week for North Powder with his herd of cattle where he will summer them. His family will remain here until after school closes. Stanley Wright and family moved to the McDaniel ranch, on Pine Creek where they will make their home. They came here from Burbank, Wn. and are former residents of this com munity. In a letter received by the Hoon family this week from Cliff Ward from somewhere in France, he states that while he and his brother were walking along a village street they met Itayford Witherite also from L'mapine. FOR SALE 670 acres close to town, 300 acres of same fine bottom land, good Improvements, 200 now in grain, balance alfalfa. 108 acres on the river, 40 acres In alfalfa, house, barn and orchard. Will take house and lot in Pendleton in ex change. 300 acres fine foothill land, 90 acres in grain, house, barn and orchard, some alfalfa, no hotter land in Oregon. 9 houses on North side of Pendeton, four pt them strict ly modern. 720 acres, BOO of same seeded to wheat, price $23 per acre. Lease on 480 adjoining it trans ferred free of charge. Will sell outfit, good horses and machin ery to run it, at reasonable price. Will give terms to right party. I cannot call out prices and details on all these ranches. You make a big mistake if you do not investigate. I will tell you, and show you, E. T. WADE, Temple Bldg., Pendleton, Ore. lirXS FROM RVSSIAX FRONT , Identify Four Divisions a8 Formerly on Eastern Line. WASHINGTON, April 3. Among the new divisions identified on the German front, the war department is udvlsed, are four which have been brought back from Russia. 1 BUQKJfESCHT ARMY SHOE The moment you put it on you say "Hello" to com fort and " Good bye" to cramped toes, crowded feet and the other foot troubles that mar your comfort and your peace of mind. Here it is take a good look at it : lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllM'i Peacock The Goal Without Regrets SMYTHE-LONERGAN C0. """'i"- Quality Quantity Service .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl(llfllflllr. Matrimonial packages are not al ways what they are tied up to be. Chas. E. Heard, Inc. I Phone 477 1 nmHiimiiHiiiiititiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiimiiimiiiiimiiR 635 Main St See Me Before the Fire. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRVE BUY THAT COLE TODAY Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1'JO' "-Ti'3 r - ' $6.50 , Sturdy and serviceable and substantial isn't it? And every bit as good as it looks. Made on the famoos Munson last specified by the U. S. Army worn by all our sol diers and thousands of men in civil life. Our registered trade mark BUCKHECHT-isstamped on every pair for your pro tection. Buckingham & Hecht Manufacture Smn Fraacleea You can get the Kucichecht Army Shoe in your town. If your dealer does not carry it, write ua direct. AUTO THE PENDLETON AUTO WRECKING CO. Pendleton, Oregon Can supply you with parts for most any make of car in this vicinity rtt very reasonable prices Telephone 476 546 Main Street ROOMS foei mm IN SMITH-CRAWFORD BUILDING Phone Mr. Smith 404 WHAT 1Vll.L YOU TOke ror? THAT (ohistcc Ivhat'h- You : SIMMS p--j I SBM U .3, i V I' r t-:-n To thim f r -- I i n TOUTS'. t$MB Automobiles and Gas En gines Repaired. STAR GARAGE Corner Lillcth and Alia Streets. Prices Reasonable. Phone SH2-YV GIVE US A TRIAL, . Ur. Lynn ft. lilakeslee Chronic and Xervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Hay Elec tro Therapeutics. Temple Hltl;r., Itoom 12, I'hone 418 DALE nOTTrWBXIi Optometrist and Optician Glasses ground and fitted. Twelve yean experience. American National Bank Pendleton. Bulldfba. A Good Reliable Aim is an absolute necessity these days, MR. FAR MER, to aid you in Doing Your Bit It's hustle and bustle with the end in view of accomplishing the most possible on your farm. With & BUICK you have the most reliable car. Low in up keep. High in performance. Ask for a demon stration. ' Oregon Motor Garage DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL Incorporated. 117. 119. 121, 123 West Court Nt. Telephone 4M Room 1 Judd Bldg.