East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    f - r 4
Foot rail; robe rail; Ute,C
windshield; one-man ton: Im
proved type curtains, folding up
Into the top; flaps on top of e-acn.
door for protection of the bodjf
and finlsa; pockets on the lnld
of each door; kick pad added at
the rear of tront seat; front anil
rear fender aklrta extended
meet tho radiator aplash guard
and the. rear !'" tuard on
the body.
' Improved Mirtw
Th motor I of an Improved
dc-HiKn. Tho cooling in by WAl?r
pump. The oil puinp has bon
changed to tho gear type. The
pump is placed In tho forward
end of the cylinder canting and a
fan is mounted on the water
pump nht'ft.
Tiro Carrier
Tire carrier Is provided and f
fastened at the rear of the body.
New fill Frcssnro fiance
A new oil pressure gauge has
been mounted on the Instrument
Demountable Kim.
Wheels are fitted with de
mountable rims; one extra rim
is furnished.
v Radiator
The radiator Is new, of an im
proved type, and Is fitted with A
connection for a smaller diame
ter water hose.
f A, f '
V . ;
fylvOIJIiDX - "i
I YOU BO ) ' I ,
THIS;?- f J !
Arrived Todiy
a very large shipment of
..;.") from New York f .
Arrived-Today Also
f MA.. -
v-r-jjijuoiic "2
PORTUND, Aril 4. There was
practically iiufhinw offering In tho
North I'nrtlunil yards for fresh arri
val ut the- opening of the day's trails
a few drive-ins being about tho total.
A. car of cattle was reported in. but
this came late Tuesday afternoon.
' Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOi-AL APPLICATION, s they can
not reach the wat of the dlai-ase. Catarrh
la a loral dlseaae. greatly Influenced by
constitutional conditions, and In order to
core It you muni take an Internal remedy.
llall'i Catarrh Medicine la taken Intaraallr , pr,ne heavy 16
and acta thro the blood on the mucin sur- !
faoea of the system. Haifa Catarrh Merit- I1 "
.In kb. nrenerlbefl hr one of the beat
atclaoa In tnia country for yeara. It la
ccmpoaed of some of the beet tonlca known,
combined with aom of tlx bent blood purl
flera. The erfect conhlr.atlon of the In
gredients In Haifa Catar-n Medicine la
what produces such wonderful reHillta In
catarrhal condltlooa. Send for testimoni
al., free.
t 1. CHENRY Co., Propa.. Toledo, k
; TIaft'a Fsmiiy 1'llla for conatliiatloo.
, All lrugglts. 75a
" Trend of the cattlo trade la very
p firm., with, prices well sustained and
" dcmund for stuff exceptions!.
General cuttle murket range:
Good to choice flteerH. . $1 l.OOfi) 12.00
Medium to good Mtnera. . 10.r,l)1i. 1 l.r.O
Common to t!ool atom. tt.OO n 1 0. 00
Choice cow and heifei-H 9.7 r, fa 1 (1.75
t'oiiiinon to good cows and
heifers s.OOfov B.r.O
Gunners t.-litv 6.Ji
Bulla 5.00 ii 9.00
Calves 7-TiO fj 12.00
Htorkerand feeder steers 6.50 9. SO
Market for hogs continuea form at
full prices at North Portland, with
only a handful of offerings available
during the day. Killers Deemed more
willing to support the market here,
although there was a further general
advance in the eaHt.
General hog market rnnKe::
Prime light 17.001 7.25
16.706 16.90
501 15.75 :
by Mutton Strong- 111 Kast. I
With nothing; to tost the market !
available here, the former quotations j
on sheep and lambs are nominally con- !
tlnued at North Portland. In the !
eastern trade strength was general
during the day and further price ad
vance were forced. .
General sheep and lamb range:
hi - i a i f in , . 1 4-
J ; f ' 'Jt , III
, A - ,r " : - 3 y - - ih , u fHulfT
c?& f. Motor co., inc.
CmattfU Oonnly pitrilmtor!i
723 Cottonwood Si.
' 1
i r
I 1 - " T rrr'"r"
8o far an wo are eoncerned, JoBcph iliie blfize in U. can of saotim.
Htubbera, whose bored face you H-e ; Touches fire to a ntrt-aiti of RftKd
ubovc, may havo exclusive rights to iine as it is U-hi a.std front one
this sort of indoor sport, jean to another.-, - .
tubbers is a Cincinnati inventor. ; Htubbers says this all proves tiiat it
ITe saya he has no more fear of gaao- i is gasoline vapors that are dangerous.
line than of water. Other things he So it does.
does: I It also proves to w tiiat we would
Extinguishes matches by iiumerstng not want,-to be an invi-ntor.
Western lambs
Valley Iambs . .
Yearlings , . . .
Wethers . . ,
, . 14.5OW1G.O0
. 13.00vl3.60
. 12.50&13.0Q
Shorn sheep, 2 1-2 3c under quo
The only carload shipper in during
the day was H. K. Skinner, who had
a load of cattle in from Rexburg,
The more a mnn reads the more
useless knowledge he acquires.
VIVEX sor.DiKits
Medal of Honor Supplemental With
'!. S. C." and I. s. M.
WASHI.VOTOX, April 4. Pressure
of public sentiment is believed to have
had much to do with the decision of
the war department to supplement
the congressional nedal of honor with
two new decorations for those tftin
guiHhintf themselves in the war.
Tho new decorations have been des
ignated "The Disllnuuished Service
Cross" and "The Distinguished Service
Modal." Already these titles have be
come abbreviated to "I. H. C' and
"I. 8. M." In the official order of
the war department announcing their
creation they are described as fol
lows: :
MstitiKtiished service cross A
bronze ero.ss of aitpropriale ti ij(n
and a, ribbon to be worn in lieu there- ;
of, to be awardeil by I he president,
or In the nunm of t ht preKident. by
thj :oinmandinff f;en ral of tlie Am
erican expeditionary forces in Ku
rope, to any person who, while serv
ing in any capacity in the army, shall
hereafter distinguish himself, or her
self, or who, si nee April ti. 1S17, has
distinguished himself or hernelf by ex
traordinary heroism in connection with
military nitrations against an armed
enemy of the United States under cir- !
cumstances which do not Justify the
award of the medal of honor.
A llronze .Medal.
''Distinguished service medal A
bronze medal of appropriate design.
and a ribbon to be worn in lieu there
of, to be awarded to any person j
who has distinguished himself or her- i
self by exceptional meritorious ser- !
vice to the government in a duty of i
great responsibility in time of war, or
in connection with military operations
agaainst an armed enemy of the Uni
ted States."
The same order provides for the is
suance of "wound ribbons" to officers
and men who are injured in action,
and for "war service chevrons" for
each six inonthn of service during the
present war.
- A. ""k
. - IjMONTCSJ love
acftfl.i.i wwHi'.rTMiwiurt
NEW rOri,K. April 3. Kvery tine
of pro-krmanim In the personnel of
tho membership of tho New York
AHiietic Oub, tlie uso of Cerman In
,'conversfition about the club house aha"
!frerifat anl iri-U:wuaB books in It
i library, aro to be weeded tint through,
j action taken by the club'nJ board of
j g-overnors. The governors annoumied
! todav that this action had been decid
ed upon at t recent meeting, at which
one mem bet- was expelled and three
others werei. auspendecl pending trial
April 3.
Alta Today
NORFOLK, Va,, April .-r-J. J. Jo-
jhanesen, a Swedish member of a Nor
iwegian vessel in this port, was arrest
ed today by government agents and ia
held pending investigation. Federal
Shipping1 Commissioner Faddington,
who furnished the information lead
ing to the arrest said he found In Jo
hanesen's possession papers showing1
that the sailor had been in communi
cation with German secret agents. De
tail were withheld. " ,
-1 J Under Proper Headings so You Can Readily Find Them " 1. ;
Vnt- Panr i 11' I A 1 TT'- Cn. , Tc: II I A ' i
nun iuiw Uo(M)lt of wall paper, regular 35 aiul " 7... ' - Iiiilcu x oaic iuiat,cutucuus niiuiuss . i. j
VVHILK they last I will aell out nlxint
4(MkU ot Wall papi-r, regular 35 alul
fn rent paper at 20 cent per bolt, at
Strublea MKar hitore on Main
PiHurday Morning and evening:.
W'AXTKU 3 or 4 furnished hou.se
L keeping riwmn r furnished house
with ins for cooking. State ternia.
Camlirldge. Hox ri05- :
, . . WAXTKIi Work by the hour or day
furXD-Auto Klde eurlaln. between j '' experienced woman. Address
ei ... .,.ii an.i ponHiptfin. owner 12 Maple t.
can have Fame by callnrc at thla ofloe
nd paying- for thta nntico.
r"(")R ltKNT--4 room Apt.
i for aale. I'hone 34G-W.
r"OR 8AI.E Confectionery jtore do
ing good bualneaa In live ITmatllla
county town. Will cell ato Invoice
price and rent fixtures. Inquire 4H-J
this office.
PARTIRS thkt took rug from my yard
- ot 312 W Alta, Please return ofid
live trouble. n they are known.
All Klka are reijueated to be at
lodge tonight, lnatallatlon of orrienra
Irllmtlon anil Tefreshmoms. Hy or
der of Kjcuulleil Ruler.
. . TIIOH. F1TZ OKRAI.I', Hoc.
OfTIcn OK 11H ni IMi1W)VT-
1 Not Ire i hereby given that Healed
blda will be received at the office of
the City Recorded In Pendleton, Ore
gon up to April lth 1818 at r. o'clock
P. M. for 1991. Street Improve
ment Honda of tho City of Pendleton,
bearing date of March 1st 19 IS, with
intereat at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum payable soml-annualy. each
bid mint be for not less than par ana
accrued Intereat, and must be ac
companied by a certified check in the
kuio of $100 made payable to the or.
der of the acting Mayor of the City
of Pendleton, to be returned to the
bidder is unsuccessful, and to bo for
feited if the bid is accepted and tho
bidder falls to take said Honda In ac
cordance with the terms of his sakl
Counting- alx ordinary word to
the line and charged by
the line.
Want ada and local.
Rate. Per Une.
Plrat insertion, per line 10c
Bach add. insertion, per line 50
One week (six insertions).
each insertion, per line 6c
1 mo. each Insertion, per line 4o
6 month contract, each in
sertion, per line 3c
IS-ntonth contract, each inser
tion, per line le
No ada taken for less than....25o
Ada taken over tne telephone
only from Kast Oregonfan sub
scribers and those listed In the
Telephone Directory. Copy must
be in our office not later than
1:10 o'clock day of publication.
FURNISHED APT. Haml.ton Court. ; WANTED Good, clean rags, at The
HriTB.yggP,v sat n.vJ Est Oxonian -
2-ROOM apartment to rent.
Garden, street. Thone 207-R.
WA.XTKI) Sewing, phone - 4:!V.
FOR SALE Good Jack, cheap. In
quire Xi. I Harp, Huldman. Oregon.
HAKHElt wants wqfck or will rent
shop in Central ofcjiasttii n Oregon.
I.-I1I? IJI.-.VT rumkhofl nuim Willi'
private family. Inquire 307 W. !help WANTDE boy
Court or phone 651. wheel. Apply at Hookers Flower . 'feet
FOR SALE 10 room furnish d apart
ment house, doing good buslnese. A
wanted with I bargain. Inquire 616 Thompson
EGGS from choice, large, Winter lay- , FRED B. SCHMIDT. Attorney a twl
tag strain R. I. Reds, none better, j Room 84. Smith -Crawford BMg. ,
J1.50 for 15: 8 per hundred, phone i FRANK DAVIS. Attorney iwr. ir-
1 it r. ' I f i . v Emllli..wl.l ...1-11
fie Smith -Crawford Baildina-.
care Phone 246-J.
Phone 704.
FOR RENT 3 modern housekeeping
rooms 301 Willow St. Phone 21-V j WANTED Competent
FOR RENT Some very desirable
liKht housekeeping rooms close in
Phone 250-H.
and cook. Rig wagefr; no washing
nquire "X"' this office.
clerk Hotel ' St.
FOR SALE Wheat hay at Toakum
see Li. D. Smith.
FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy,
phone 386-J. 16 Matlock Apt.
Notice) To Contractors
' Bids will be opened in our office
at Pendleton, Oregon at 5 P. M. Thurs.
day, April 4th. 1918 for the construc
tion of a warehouse. Plans and speci
fications can he seen at our office.
move your household goods: Tele
, Phone S39. Also banage transfer
: The Common Council reserves inn ring and heavy hauling.
rigot to reject any ana an oius at us
pitted this 4th day of April 1918.
City Recorder of The City of l"en-dleton.
W. A. MILES, baggage, transfer and
drayage. Office phone 549. lies.
The offer of your property which
will appeal to you as "right" will
come from a, reader of your ad.
CALLING- CARDS Engraved callng
and business cards. See the large
line of 8am plea at the East Oregonlao
The best Job you will ever get will
come to yon through a want ad.
notice or nns ixm rMPnovK-
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office ot
the Cltv Recorder In Pendleton, Ore
gon,up to April Ifith 1918 at 5 o'clock
P.'M. for J'237.90 Street Improvement
Honda of the City of Pendleton, hear
ing date of March 1st 191S. with in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum payable . senil-onntinly. each JOB PRINTING- at the East Orego
bfd must -be for not less that par and : nlan office
accured Interest, and , must be nc- I
compalnert ly u pert If led check in tho ; Tho lorvest price you will ever pay
sunt of 1 1. Mi. in) made payable to 1 1 for a valuable service will be tho price
order of the acting Mayor of Tlie City of a want ad.
nf Pendleton, to lie returned to the - ,
bidder If unsuccessful, and to lie for
feited of the bill Is accepted and tho
bidder fails to take snid llnmls in ac
cordance with the term of his said
The Common Council reserves the
right to Tejcct nny and all bids at Its
Dated this 4th day of April 191".
City Reaordvr of The City of Pen
FOR RENT Sewing machines of all r IFOR SALE Assorted Burbank pota-
makes. $1.00 per week. $3.00 Per i WANTED Two in five ton irnclt ! toes, from 1 to 6000 sacks at 76
month. McCllntock and Simpson, 400' with driver m haul hnv hv the t; tnt per 100 lbs Buyer must fur-
El. Court. jat stanfield Oregon. Apply Smytlie-1 ntah sacks and sack potatoes at pit,
FOR rfvt vnrnih.,t TZ M)2 ' Loncrgan Company, City. I located 1-4 miles from Stanfield. Ad-
rOR RENT furnished Apt. 50 drmn W V. Rnrtholomew Stanfield
Water St.
FOR RENT "wo nicely furnished i 2or,.J
WANTED Girl for General house Oregon.
work. Inquire 117 Lewis or phone
sleeping rooms with bath and tele
phone. Inquire 45-M this office. j WANTED 4 or 5 room modern un-
. I furnished house. Room 5 Temple
FOR RENT 800 acres Bunch grass , Ridg
pasture, well fenced, running v.-.ter. 1
Near Cabbago Hill. Earl Gllland- i WAXTKt
era. Pendleton Ore.
j FOR SALE One 16 foot Holt Cora
tine with Atlas engine. Write R. J.
'Campbell, Box 686, Pendleton.
FOR RENT Furnished 2 room cot
tage, 129 Lewis. Phone 246-J. '
FOR RENT 3 room apartment Jn
steam heated building. Apply this
office. '
Woman cook and dinning
room girl. Phone or write 'Hotel
Stanfield, Slnnfiold, Oregon.
I FOR SALE tho following sizes In
i second hand tires, 30x3, 30x3 1-2,
S2x3 1-3, 32x4, 34x4 real snaps. Simp
son Tire Service Co.. 223 E. Court.
WANTED Woman for general house- FOR SALt3 Two fresh milch cows,
work. Phono 6S. x j Ralph Tachetla, phone 2F3.
-77T j D. W. BAILEY. Attorney at Law,
nun Rooms 7. S. , Deapaia tsulldla.
: GEORGE W. COt;TT3. Attorney a
I BUY ALL KINDS of Junk at ton! KTOm gM""
prices. Iron and sacks a specialty j CARTER & SMTTHK. Attorney at
Pacific Junk Co., J. S. Jones, prop.. Law. Office in rear, of America Na-
617 Cottonwood street. . . tional Bank Building. . .,
FEE & FEB. Attorney, at T-w
RELIABLE party would like to rent ; in Deapain Building-.
fl . , ,, ... , It- I- KEATOR. Attorney at Law.
dress 41-M this office. j4 Smith-Crawford Building.
SCIENTIFIC rug cleaning. All work
guaranteed. Reference Furnished.
Phone 569-W. Appointments for free
demonstration. 201 Water St.
3. A. NEWBERRT, Attorney at
Smith-Crawford Building.
The most valuable business ac
quaintance you will ever make will
ever have will find you through a
want ad
I Law. Rooma t and . 4, 6oaith-Craw-
iford Building.
DR. LENA A. UOOXE. Chiropractor.
Women and children. 9 to 12 a.
m. 1 to 4 p. m. Phone 154. Tele
phone bldg
j JAMES B. PERRT. Attorney at Law.
Office over. Taylor Hardware Com
pany. ,
jRALF.Y A RALEY, Attorneys at Law.
orfice in American National Bask
j Building.
iS. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel
1 lor t i nrric m nDin rm.
I RAYMOND W. HATCH. Architect. Tw
spain building. Phone 16$, Pendle-
i ton. Oregon,
FOR RENT 8 room house close in.
gas and lights, hot and cold water.
S25 Willow Street.
A.Mh.D woman, without children, for SALE One nine room house:
to cook anil assist with general and one 5 room house and 2 3-4 acres
house work. Apply 40-M this office. 1 0r yimi located in Helix, Ore. Ad-
7777773777 777 7J 77 ! dress Mrs. J. M. Kern, Helix. Ore,
"ANTED Ijy tho East oregonian ! . .
young man to serve as cub reporter.
Apply to the editor. .
COL. W. F. YOHNKA. Auctioneer, ;
makes u specialty ot farmers' atock
nd m-i.cli inry snl.'s "The man that
(jets yon the i::on--. Ltii'd orders
Second-Hand Dealers
nt Or--
remndeled: furnished or unfurnish
ed Hiiltes reasonable. 702 E. Alta. C.
P. Barnett.
HAVE your clothea cleaned or pressed
Rudd's 206 W. Webb. rhone 6 85.
Used Cars-
I WJLL THAUI5 my tr'nevrolet or
our l-'ord. See Miller, 722 Cottonwood.
FOR SALE--150 head of rattle a:
1-roNin .ately per cent three year im
steers. E. F. Hoskins lAi.ier i-rlds.-.
Oregon. '
l-.l.E' TOR.S NOMINATING Petitions
and acceptance blanks for sale ai
Kast Oregonian office.
,. STR-im.E. d-iler In new and -i
"oi.d l ai.J to.Kli. Cash prfid ror mo
ond hard irootis. Chi-npst nlacu to bu.
uoia llii i- Court. Phone
FOR SALE Oakland touring car.
almost new. Inquire room 5 Tem
ple, bldg.
FOR SALE Fresh milch
Phone 6F14 or address
Hurst, Pendleton. Ore.
4 lini rr-r-r s T I m
1 hii:hi-. I t-K Ml I 1:1
5 I .I1IUII I L.B 1 u I IhkW I-
f .-I t-uim-ivim-s ana uuuaers
jftjv I'lll. In lli J - I buld nuia:W . . . i ,. ,. . '
iy Tle ".ik?r! Il.ii'ofm't V V. SWAXjoX &- K. H. Dill'ilis, BstK
3 i:A"UAilVV,rLt"J I All work guar-
a yeat.nowfi ur-t. litest. A!-s r,,:i: i. niteed. We build anything city a
, r MHO BY Dfi'JQGISIS EVERYUfriESE , "y -.rk. phon. 43.u. !
LOST Masonlo charm and gold chain
Finder leave at this office. Reward.
WE HAVE THREE Dodge Brothers ' FOR SALE NEW and second hand
touring cars, one Ford and one Iiu-
ick for sale, reasonable, N. P. Mc
Le&n, Main street, opposite Pendleton
Hotel. Phone 222.
Sewing Machines. Singer. White
New Home and The Free Machine.
McCllntock &- Simpson. 4 00 E. Court
Mnny Good' Positions
Can be had by any ambitious young i.ti i ,, j,,.
man or young woman in the field of K ,
railway or commercial telegraphy
Auto Hire.
We want a number of young men and
young women to prepare for the tele
graph service to fill vacancies caused
by unusual drafting of young men
for the signal corps. Prepare to help
your country. Write today for full
particulars The Railjvay Telegraph
nsiltute. Portland. Ore.. IS.
I 6 passenger. Would make
truck Phone 400 or 74. . -
D. H. Waffle, touring.
Charles Co.. phone 7.
city trips
The best business "chance" you
havo ever had will reward your read
ing of tho want ads.
The best servant you could possibly
secure. Is probably reading the want
ads theso days.
The most gratifying trndo you will
over make will result from a want
Farm Implements
THE "NON-SKIP" Weedcr gets all
the weeds the first time over the
field. Saves one-third the time and
does lots better work. Order now,
Pendleton Woeilci: works. Cotton
wood St.
Weston-Pendleton Auto Stngej
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:4 8
a. m. and 12:4 5 p. m.
Ieaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00
a. m. and 1:00 p. m.
. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20
j a. 111. and 1:20 p. m.
Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight
Store) for Weston at 10 a. hi. and
4:00 p. m.
8AM HAWORTH. Driver.
i ,
) Tho most '-lucky" want ad you
j have ever written may be your next
; one'
The month In which you print and
answer the most want ads will u
vour "good -fortune" month.
FOl'XD Hlai
Willi K recti .
uveeii I'eudlot
can have sam
rhon- 731-M.
k leather hand bay
tone clasp, on road bo
rn and Adams. Owner
e by pa ing charges-
The best price you will ever get for
a used article will be the result of a
want sd.
The best business advice you will j Tho "turnlmr of the lane" .in your The quickest "exit" from a re;il pcr
evcr receive is to "get closer to the personal .fortune may. - be. reached plcxlty you will ever make will bo by
classified ads," j through a want ud. jtho "want ad way."
strong men in cause and
effect." Luck finds a job
for one man and leaves ten
in idleness; effective want
advertising reverses the proportion.