, EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OUEG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1918. PAGE 1VE CASH GROCERY IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'g YOUR DOLLARS WILL GO FARTHER AT CONROY'S COflROY'S 525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 Potatoes, extra nice, cwt. .......... $1.00 Sunny Gold Corn and Cane Syrup, V- gallon , 55c Cauliflower, each 15c and 20c Onions, pound . '. 4a (ran Onions, 8 bundiea lOo I(t Cabin Kyrup. quarts 45c, I urge slia 90o Olympic! pan Cuke, Hour, 2 paokugos 03o Washington C'rlsiw, ixtekage. 10c I'ullfoi' H liaklng Hoda, 4 jiaokajrew 25u None. Sueli Mince, Meat, 2 IMukugew 25o ;ulliard'M k-oi, 1 lb. can 3"o Mount Vernon Milk, cm l lo Van Camp's Kii, 2 cans . . 25c Van am,o's Pork and Hoans. . . No. 1 cun I So; No. 2, 20c Salmon, Hed, No. 1 can 25c Hob White Sou), 5 barn '. 25c Ivory Snap, 4 bars 25c Citrus Powder, iwckagc 21k-, 2 for 55c Onion KctK, 2 miiiiiiIm 25o 1'ctlU! Primes, a pounda 25c tilngvr SnaiM, pound , 20c IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S HEADS BOSTON RED SOX THIS YEAR Twenty Two Names Upon Tuesday's Casualty List "WASHINGTON, April 4 Tuesday's casualty llHt contains 23 names; two died of wounds, one of an accident, four of disease and two of other causes. Thirteen were slightly wound ed. Second Lieutenant- John B- Ora ham died of wounds and First Lieu tenant Henry K. Dlllard Jr.. and Sec ond Llentenant Andrew "Calhoun were alightly wounded. Died of wounds. Second Lieuten ant John 11. Graham; Private Eugene w. Tlstun. Died of accident. Private Henesek. Wed of Henry K. Dillard, Jr., Hecond Lieuten ant Andrew Calhoun; Corporal Mau rice Silverman; Cook Charles Kap. Istrand; Privates Olcn H. Caldwell, Karl J. Campbell, Harry C. Dexter, James C. Ferguson. Gratlen B. God frey, Stanley Godzlnd, James McHalei John S. Stalk. A. Earnest. F. Wein man, Ja. f""; " V A)? ' U ' n I r i$ m.)7: j Barrow will head the Boston Amor- i rather lucky In winter trades. Barrows lean Lcunue club thiB senson. This , knows baseball and has been rather club has been rather hard hit by the I fortunate In getting -the most out of draft but at the same time has been I het materal on hand. WIVES OF JAILF.I) nxxs MAKE DEMAND tXMl FOOD BUTTE, Mont., April 3. Forty Finnish women stormed the office of the county attorney today and an- Frank nounced their intention of remaining !ln his office until vthey were given disease. Wagoner Lyle , food and clothing while their hus- Vern Rhodes. pneumonia; Cook Thomas L. Fltzpatr ck, clrrohls of the liver: Privates Melvln Mathlson, dlptherla; Frederick J. Sullivan, pneu. monla. Died of other causes Mechanic Ired Harbo; Private Hubert TIUcl. bands languishd In Jail, chargel with sedition. Tho men were arrested In a raid on a suspected I. W. W. headquarters. The women declared they have had nothing to oat. and dragged In twenty half-clad children Henry to show their need of clothing. The county attorney finally persuaded the Daily Chats With the Housewife MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theatem Have to Tell You. PaMJmo Today "Beauty In Chains," the coming Ella Hall production, which will be pre sented at the Pastime thcutre today Is lain In a Spanish setting. This is the first time in her career that Ella Hall has played the role of a Spanish beauty but her success In carrying out this role leads one to believe that she might thrive In a Spanish castle. Unlfersal's wonderful permanent settings came In handy In putting on "Beauty In Chains," and so did the Spanish houses which are so abundant In and around Los Angeles. Of course the street scenes to be true to life could not be found growing wild, so to speak, but one of Universal City's justly famous settings, which are al ways left standing is a Spanish street, which has often represented Spanish, Peruvian and Mexican atmosphere. Almost the whole of the film was shot In this one street. Europe In America has no more brilliant example In pic tures than in "Beauty in Chains." AVounded slightly First Lieutenant Iwomen to depart. Children Cry for Fletcher's f The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whicb has been ow u vvo xniny jrcaiu, aaa uurne xne Signature 01 i uuu una ucen maae unaer nis per ft. A m t&W?rfaj- 60nal supervision since its infancy. Jo rtvtv5, .Allow fin AnA tn Haa1va In All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment. r What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Ita ge Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; .'.Haying Fcvcrishness arising' . therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friead. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bear 3 the Signature SI CA ItAMFJ ,KI jPOT.VN F.S 2 cups of diced hot potatoes. 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar. 4 tablesponfuls oil of fat. 1-4 teaspoonful salt. Caramelize sugar in hot pan, add oil, then potatoes, sprinkle over falt. turn until all potatoes are browned. )KI BEAN SALAD 1 cup of cooked dried red beans. 1 head of lettuce- 1-8 cup hicR sour cream. 1-2 tea-spoon salt- 1-4 teaspoon paprika. 1-4 teaspoonful celery salt. Drain and chill beans, pour over thick sour cream to which has been added seasoning. Fill lettuce cups. This Is extra good. DEAN HALLS 1 cup cooked heavy beans. 1 cup cooked oatmeal. 2 CRgS. 1-4 teaspoonful salt. 1-4 teaspoonful nutmeg. 1-2 cup cracker crumbs- Mash beans, mix In oatmeal, beat In yolks of eggs and seasoning. Form Into balls, roll In white of eggs, then in cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Drain in sieve (to suve fut). Serve hot. SOY 1'IU Ml I I IXS. 1 cup soy bean flour 1 cup cornmcal. 1 cup rye flour. 1-2 cup finely cooked minced black figs. 1 1-2 cups skim milk. 4 tablespoons peanut oil or fat. 1-2 teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoons baking powder Sift flour and baking powder, add oil to milk, stir Into flour, add all in- gredients and bake In oiled muffin 'puns twenty-five minutes. Good hot or cold. . . DKAXS AND nCLLETS.' e : , 1 quart of snappy green string ! beans- j 6 potatoes medium size. J 2 tablespoons butter substitute. j 1 cup of milk- 2. tablespoons flour. , 1-2 teaspoon salt. j 1-2 teaspoon onion salt. 1-8 teaspoon paprika. String and cook beans lender, drain ' save water. Pare potatoes, cut in small balls, cook until almost done. Drain. Add milk to bean Juice: I when It bolls add butter and flour icreamed; stir until smooth. Add po tatoes and beans, being: careful not to t break up the potatoes, as they are the bullets. JtADIKIf KAIDEKS Twelve red radishes. Cut radish tops one inch from ra dish. "Wash and crisp in cold water. Just before serving thurst in each radish three wooden toothpicks In such a way that they will stand up. I'XCLK SA.U-S DKEAD 2 cups cornmeal. 1-2 cup of flo'ur. 1-2 cup corn starch- 3 teaspoons baking powder. 3 tablespoons sugar or molasses. 2 tablespoons oil or fat. 1 1-2 cups skim milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 eggs. Sift meal, flour, starch, salt and baki ing powder together. Add fat and Alta Today Montague Love and Dorothy Kelley are co-starred In "The Awakening," the new World-Picture Brady-Made which will be seen at the Alta theatre today. This picture has that Indefinable something called charm In the most generous portions. It is a story of life In an artist.' colony and the principal figures are two orphans a man and a girl. The man Is called "The Beast" on account of his general disagreeable character and his disreputable ap pearance. The girl Is Marguerite and when she comes into "The Beast's" life she entirely changes his mode of living and makes his general tender ness come to the surface. The story is replete with Incident. The staging Is the most effective seen on the screen in a long, long time. The whole production Is an exceptionally charming and entertaining attacttion- OCIOI IOE30I locaoi locaei molasses to milk. Mix all Ingredients and bake In oiled gem pans. PERSHING'S PIE. 1 cup stewed pumpkin. 1 cupmllk. 1-2 sup sugar (reserve 2 tables spoons.) 1 .teaspoon ginger. 2 eggs. 1-2 teaspoon salt- Separate yolks from whites. Mix sugar and corn starch, dissolve in milk, stir in pumpkin, add yolks of well beaten eggs and salt and ginger. Line a rather deep pie tin with crust, fill with mixture, bake twenty min utes. Remove from oven. Whip egg whites until stiff, fold In the two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Pile on top of pie. Return to oven and brown. Some Good Advice "Don't think too much of your own methods. . Watch other people's ways and learn from them." This is good advice, especially when bilious or con stipated. You will find many people who use Chamberlain's Tablets for these aliments with the best results, and will do Well to follow their ex ample. t.inuun .Mouais ana flag Found. j iuuconuitu, April 3. bix small bronze medals attached to the German national colors were found here yes terday. The medals bear the follow ing inscription. "Relief for the widows and orphans of the German, Austrian and Hungarian soldiers, 1915." Rheumatic Pains Relieved. "I have used Chamberlain's Lini ment for pains in the chest and lame ness of the shoulders due to rheuma tism, and am pleased to say that it has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, Bata via, X. Y. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS TOM TOOK NO CHANCES BY ALLMAN In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought I Salts Fine for Aching, Kidneys f We eat too much meat which clogs Kidneys, then the Back hurts Most people forget that tho kid neys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have Backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepilessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Halts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonf ul In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days end your kidneys will then acl fine. ' This, famous sails Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia. and Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimu lute the mto normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent llthia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says lie sells lots of Jad fc'alts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while it Is only trouble. BOH. I WOUOER I I SEE, HE MUST) I IFp WHAT HAS BCEAI & I jrryvugaasa i i . -i towus3i Wr OPFICSRS J m( BROltfHT HOME , ffi II ? M . LI .11 APOUMDOF UL f 1 I TODAY THE HOUSE OF COMEDY Fatty Arboclile IN Fatty at Coney Island A roaring, laughable comedy, with the King of Laughter as the comedian. Come on boys and o 5 girls, let's go. Also BEAUTY IN CHAINS With Ella Hall. An intensely interesting story. ADULTS 20c CHILDREN 5c ALT A Today THE HOUSE OF QUALITY MONTAGUE LOVE and DOROTHY KELLY -IN 9$ "Ihe Awakening An Unusuial Drama Charmingly Presented. PATHE NEWS The Boys in France, Work of the Red Cross and Other News. VAUDEVILLE NELSON NORWOOD CO. Comedy Sketch "The Mysterious Blonde." CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 30c IIilIi!!ll!SlllS Get the Best it costs no more. Go to Lynde Bros. for Groceries 309 West Webb Phone 334 j A REGISTERED BULLS FOR SALE Herfords and Shorthorns. These bulls are all registered and are the best that were ever shipped to Pendleton for quality, size and breeding. Our Shorthorns are Scotch and Scotch Topped Reds and Roans, extra heavy boned. Yearling and coming 2's, ready for immediate use. See these bulls at the Alta Feed Yards. J. D. HUSTON, Owner, Pendleton, Ore. n I