I- 4 ' TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 30, 1918. ' - f'age ITVB I: Ii m r -3 S 1 I S3 E 1 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIinnilllllfHIIHIMUIIIIlllllllllllllllllUItllllllllllltllHIIiiuiliiitiilgiiiiiiiiitllllHUliililliiitiiiiiiiKiiiiiiii.i. ...!. I IHIHIIIilUIIIIIIIIIHHIIIUIIIIIIIIIIililllljlilillllllililllllllllllllW Will! i IIIIIIIII W i . i e SHY- - -' 2C- TM twit "ii sa ! niQinVAITV I ANHQ1 uiuLuinLi i Lnnuuj TWO MEN IN JAIL MKN ItKl'l'KR TO KTM WIIEX UTAH. l"A;l,FI HAWK It JS 1'tiAVICO. One hi American am oihrr a Itiifwi an; lined of 250 Are uIm Jmpowd On Spectators at Theatre. The Franklin Touring Car A Family Car that Fits the Times B B B B YOU may have noticed lately how many cars are making their appeal on "lifiht:weifiht" , .. And implying "efficiency" as a mult ti w.,.. 1 ' "" With a paragraph or two about ."economy" , i-, "Ts ' All of which recalls to the expe rienced motorist that Scientific Light Weight, Efficiency and Thrift have been ; basic principles of the Franklin for fifteen years. And the call -to National Thrift makes the Franklin Touring Car more conspicuous than ever. , The comfort and reliability of the Franklin, you probably know about as well as we do. So the Franklin remains,' during times of Thrift, as in other times, the one fine car you can afford to use as much as you wish. A Tourini Model is now in our showroom. Immediate delivery. PORTLAND. March 30 wiih , I fine of S250 and a Jail sentence of 16 days each, H. C. Hixhon. w r:he is an American, and Victor Baulit, Sl itussian, were puniHhed yesterday s;jby Judge Rossman, of the municipal court, for a disloyal act Thursday : night,, when the refused to rise to S their feet when "The Star Spangled S nanner- was played at . the Heilig SS Theater. i Kvidence was presented showing E that the two men refused to rise when the anthem was played, after repeat- g ed requests by others in the audience. S A. E. Wellington and J. B. Khoadesi fuui.il oi fonmna, and t)r. H. C. C'oe. of Bend, wer the complaining wit . nesscs. Si . Bish4p offered the excuse that he SI was not aware that "The Star Span sj;gled Banner" was the National an- them, and besides, he said, he was too JS tired to stand up. 1 Saullt said Ive had been in the Uni SS ted States about 11 years and intend ; sjed to return to Russia 'as soon as he could. Deputy City Attorney Lansing '"" lu uraw out inrormation as to SSjwhether Baulit was a "Boisheviki.". IRRITABLE NERVOUS Wu Condition of Indiana Lady Before Beginning to Take Card-o-i, the Womaa'f .. Tonic r !-3 S HIGHi CLASS If Kokomo, Ind. Mrs. H.' Hankemeier, of this town, says: "1 look so well, and j am so well, that it does not seem as il I j d ever needed Cardai. But I was not al- i d. ways this way ... I think I have taken a ' 9 Jozen bottles . . . before ray little girl j m me. " It I was feeling dreadfully bad, had head- Z ache, backache, sick at my stomach, no I energy ... I was very irritable, too, and 3 nervous. ' , 1 began taking Cardui about 6 months j before my baby came. As a result all : f those bad feelings left me, and I just felt j grand, just as if nothing at all was the j 4 matter, and when the end came I was ' JK hardly sick at all. j if Since that I have never taken Cardui j R at all . .'. It has done me good, and I Pi a m 1 isb iiii-ij"iuw FRANKLIN LIGHTWEIGHT Scientifically eonitrue ted. Weighs 2280 lbs. from 700 to 1000 lbs. less than the erse line car. Air-cooled, and therefore not burdened villi 177 troublesome water cootiof paru. FRANKLIN EFFICIENCY Tke firit Praoklhw built are still maintaining that ability to give tin beat aervice at the leait expenae. Look up the used car value of Franklin can, to (et aa idea of how 'the public esteems thii emcieat senriceability. Bj SOCIETY WO.VAS O.V Tltl L " Si . CILUtCEO WITH 3ILKOEK Ownen record aftow . an average of 20 mMea to the aalion oi aasolias. and 10,000 miles to the set of tires, reulu occurrence. ' . FRANKLIN THRIFT Pendleton Auto Co. tl s ii vrxr . 1 know ft will help others, if they wilt only ' try it." Many women have written grateful let ters like the above, telling of the good that Cardui has done them. Why should it not help you, too? If you suffer from any of the ailments so common to women, and feel the need of a safe, reliable, strengthening tonic, we urge you to be gin today and give Cardui a fair trial. Your dealer sells Card-u-U EB-IO i fmnii KMTAMMHIIKU ISO? ' S jpfc 7l!!l!!lllll!lli!!III!!lllll'illl!l!lllll!!l!l!ll!ll!'l!l!!lll!lllli!lll!l!llll!IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII!IIHllll!inMMIIll .! 'JlilUliUiil 111 illlll i 1 i H i lliiitl H til IU1 M I i i - II h C . '? I "V. w ' " f 1 m i v i mm m mm w ma mm c mm r t m m j-- - - I W If 111 .mr-s: o. a. .howe. '"W II i I i I Mrs. O. B. Howe. wlfc of a snls- llve In this belssed country have- n right to over-look the good thing tfam are placed at our very door-steps: There is no getting around the fact chat food Is going to wjn this war, so every day put the question xip to your self: Have I a right to this?, and as the good book said 'Le your con science be ypur guide." I i ! Is assured when you have your work ' done here. Expert workmen, latest, equipment and prompt service are at your commancL SEE US BEFORE THE BLOW-OUT "A stitch in time saves nine," are words well spoken and can be very justly applied to tire trouble. Don't wait to have your repairing done, but see to it now. j I !' -. -v ' Z ' - i WE SELL FIRESTONE TIRES All treads and sizes. ALSO Take the trouble out of the trip" "Tf ft "w TTI H HJ.JJH.rfV. JLS LiLi 2LW 3 '3 I '1 3 a 3 11 i I I 3 6:3 1 -A IL JlL JLL 11,3 for that fishing trip -and we sell FISHING TACKLE to k , take with you ; I Wc'fhfke our own adjustments on Federal Tires Retired I-1arniers and Business Men With Farm Kxpericncc Arc Asked to Help for 30 Iters. CORVAL,LIS, Ore., ilarch 28. Far mers are looking to the city for help to sow their spring crops. Many of them have the land, the teams and the seed for increasing the acreage as called for by the food administration program, but lack men. Retired farmers and young men with farm experience now working in busi ness establishments are asked to give ; up four weeks to helping the farmer j put in his spring crops. Men capable of handling big teams and running machinery are the kind most needed Merchants .and manufacturers who have men that can be spared are urg ed to consider it a send these men out. The only way this help can DIAMOND SQUEEGEE TIRES GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES - REPUBLIC TIRES SERVICE STATION, OIL, GAS AND WA TER AT CURB. VULCANIZING and RETREADING Satisfaction guaranteed. . Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. WHOLESALE AND IIETAIIi w. sr. Matlock. President. SOS East Court St. Wm. Duaa, Mstnacea Telephone 135 P P Brewer, Federal farm help speeialist : increased more than one half, and the who has just completed summarising spring program calls tof a substanti- patriotic duty to the crop and labor survey, finds thatlal gain in acreage. But to carry out an honest attempt is being made by the program, help from the town la be tho Oregon farmer to grow the big needed. reached is by voluntary enlistment. Concerning the need for help J. W. 'crops on which the success of the war The going wage Is $60 a month with I largely depends. The fall sowing was board. Mrs. O. B. Howe. . wife of a snles- i I man of tho National Cash Register E j Company, once prominent in society b of Oakland and iSan Francisco, has i been on trial for her life on the S3 I nhnrir. tT murrlprlnir TT Ttrnnlis t:3 ; ill a hotel in Porterville, Cal. She j declared that ho had persecuted her I ana uu uvvn iuv uwutte ui iiie rimitt tion of herself and her husband. len-Iioht Co., Inc. DISTRIBUTORS FOR UMATILLA COUNTY. For Sale at the Following Places Gertson & Edwards : Pendleton Stone Garage ... Pendleton W.E.Smith Pendleton Frank Taylor Pendleton Westlawn Auto Co Echo Zerba Bros. .. - Athena Bunch Bros Adams E. E. Eheler Helix Stanfield Garage Stanfield J. D. Royer, Pilot Rock - m Oreffonians Should Use More Green Vegetables 51 umhii litiaie .Nays taie is fienuiui Jn rdon lYucii WH-n Simula Be Used. 11 UXIVERSITT OP OREGON. EU , GEN:( March 1. Saint Patrick's day j has just passed and in honor of the i patron saint of the Kmerald Isle, Miss ; L.iltan Tingle, of the household arts J department, has concocted a new soup ! which she has named "St. Patrick s !oup.' And beslt of all this soup Is In , tensely Hooverlsh. The first and oriK t nal soup made by Miss Tingle herself, i was entirely of common greens which ! she picked by the wayside, from a gar ; den that belonged to well, everyone. Chick-weed, musard plant, parrot tops s In fact anythln green can go into this a soup, and the result Is always savory g and delicious. 1 In speaking to her class in Villard i hall last week Miss Tinglesaid s? 1 "There is no time like now for the j need of greens in our diet, there is no I S country where greens are so plentiful Jj as In the United Stales, and yet there piis no place on the face of the earth gj?3 ' where they are so neglected, so poorly fill! cooked and so disliked." 1 22 : Oregon was spoken of by Miss Tin HH as one 'ne mos resourceful of , the states. It should realize the ad--Vantages placed here. Oregon is full Egg of fresh vegetables the year round. EH and, according to Miss Tingle, if we gHj d not have a garden of our own. we seldom have to ro as far to find plenty pa of fresh greens growing. 3 'It was several days ago,' sh said, p3 "that I just stepped out into the l DRCk yard and in a minute 1 came in T5 with a gond meal in my hands. If I had a husband, 1 am sure I would pk hnv been aide to fetul inxself and a . prTS Very small man on what 1 plrked la E that short time.' , Miss Tingle gave several rules on the conservation of meat and w heal and also gave several practical sug j EES firestions for substitutes. The Lasfl oirci in VULCANIZING and REPAIRING We are equipped with the very latest up-to-the-minute machinery, includ ing a 150 ton tire press for applying solid tires, and other equipment that en ables us to turn out work that is satisfactoiy. - You Can Save 1500 or More Miles On a tire that you probably think is worthless if you will have it repaired now. Don't wait, for each day after they start to go reduces their mileage at an alarming rate. . . . WE ARE AGENTS FOR Firestone Tires All adjustments made here. No waits. SERVICE CAR TO CALL FOR YOUR WORK Oils, Gas and Accessories. Gas, Air and Water at Curb Simpson Tire Service Co. 223 E. Court Golden Rule Hotel Bid?. I ! s I 1 E 3 i i :f,l(!!lll(H!!!' (..Nl.u.ililll.li.i 'rrfffiimtfif jiHiiiiiM HMiHUHMlillllllHll IIIIIIIII 111 lliilB II!!!lll!!llllll!ll!!!!I!!l!!l!IIII!lllll!lllf!l!!!!!!llll!!!! Wo are surriuindod, she said In I iiiyiiiii iiiiiiliiiilll iiiiiiiui iiliiiiiilil!liyiNii,clo!,i,S' ."nUh sod ooJs Wa IIHIIiMIIIIMMWIIMMIUIHItllltiHIUml