East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 26, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    v r f t -
in isrrpME"T ftr-sps
Iwlly 4 Hltel M
'nMI t tw Miorrv at pm1i
cw ai. ix mur ciTir
ivrltl II. Kffl Pta4. Poniul
VMa Co . Irtt4, On(t
us rn.B IT
tvin ttwrss. 1 i Hf Bslss
uuttia. It. t. Bum 0l Jaw
's ftrf.
CBeCilKTIOS kill
fl!f ADTA.VCK)
UsJly. M yar. kr Ball.
Mil;, sis stents by mil
tares waua try
cm b,
Ism:-. ea rr try ctmn
lt;,. sis tlut. bf r.-ri.r
7. Ibrw rarrlet
1 . ott.i. by rrv.r
"3y. wt yir. by auil
hi sost&t. ky atl
t 00
1 25
, 1 M
if HI Ml P'l
AO book. be anentiored can
I'ounljr IJbrarj.
be found in the
Air OaMle
If you have
built ramie in
th air. your
work need not be
loot; that is
where they
should be; now
put foundations
under them.
Henry I. Thoreau
New Books For Mechanics
''oilm tor car.
ma n.
with vf.ur mo-
-Firm principles of elw-
talks hopeless and he is a
: friend, give him a tonic, if he is tric.ty.
a foe, give him a poke. Mow-ton Electric motor.
i a ruj njt run an auiomoune.
Ta t e Fo u n il ry pract ice.
fr'rt,- U-&ftr b-ad too far ahead
H ,eh-vi)on-d, unafraid;
yt k"" after they arc- dead
We tr h the path they
- h-frtf ls'b-r( !ad too far be-
.r --m to kep th track;
Y-l th-v brim; t-n the deaf and
Who irism- would hoJd us hack.
And Him iHrn not to lead at
Ki'.w rii'v,ng on the way;
Y-t hl the w-ary fet and
' vmall
9 Of thote who elte would stray.
F the kaiser made his sen-' Over Here
national drive against the evening a little iri whose -
British Dartlv With the aim aPlrd jun abv- the Iibrar- loan
of affecting the morale of the r Wk do?1 and cnf.d.
H , dt-d in the librarian: -I II not bf read
ies so as to pave the way for inJS an- mirt for a little wni(e
a German made peace he has vau i m kr.ittmir for the oidier."
had Valuable help from some aktd what she a knitting fihe
American newspapers. With 'rr'"'JJ raw,
- . ... . i-i.i If the old;erB and war
scann? headlines and highly
sensational reports they have at .
times given people a gTossly stitutions are manifesting them.
2 exaggerated idea of the success iselves in many wavs. Manv
' gained by the Huns. !good people unconseiously fail
could only see the bright ees and'
milling hands yf littl' children ovr
herr" it m'ould give them new cour
age und hope at lonesome moments.
New Books of Travel
Childs Across Asia Minor on foot,
Fordyce Touring afoot.
Aoltz Glacier National Park. its
trails and treasures.
Meany Mount iianier. a record of
Pleaaants Old Virginia days an!
Vaka Heart of the Halkans. '
Whiting Canada the spell binder.
as cleared for the benefit of the
children's department. Thirty fi.'e
children's books were als.. donated.
Eight New Fiction
teiner Broken wall.
Sullivan Heart of us.
Thurston Sarah Ann.
Vachell Fushpingle.
VanSchaick Top-floor Id;. 1.
Watson Todd ie.
White Hse of Paradise.
White Tess of the storm country.
Weston Library Tea
The Weston Library Board held a
library tea last Saturday at which an
refugees interesting: program v. as given and IK
One would judge from some; victims to those sinister forces
of the stuff seen that the al-when they complain of slight
hed armies had been destroyed, inconveniences resulting from i
that Pans was in ruins and all -p.ar conditions; when they agi
was over but the crowing in tate, rail, and criticize because
Berlin. There was never any-their business is suspended for;
thing to justify that sad pic-;a few days or their profits are ;
ture. Only a fraction of the 'lessened by a few dollars;
allied army was engaged, jwhen they allow the spirit of
Though driven back and tern-.selfishness and of greed to ;
oorarily defeated Haiir's men tmnnnriiv nutn-uk ih mr.
1 m :) rl o crwpnmn qnriu-in a l, .. s . i - i e : r: .
. t..-.. . i umciuve me spirit vi Bacruite
Twenty seven divisions of Brit- and of service. I
ish checked 97 divisions of on- 0a
viivfcu auu gain die 11' J i. nca-
Iad on, f l-ad-r of the rate;
Your work in tontr and wide;
We ne-d your h-Jp- in every
l;fore. behind, beside.
harlott I'erkin Oilman.
The German
rushing Teutons.
loss in killed has been
heavier than the British loss.
The general situation from the
allied standpoint has never ap
proached anything bordering
disaster. There has been gen
eral confidence at all times
that the foe would be checked.
Without intending to do so
some of our newspapers have
helped the foe by overempha-j
sizing his accomplishments.
The kaiser wants just that sort
It helps his game
nnritt vx-lth uhirh wo nan win
much u , Tfcn - V,
llll. " 4 i . 1 HCJ QIC tilC lllOLIVVa
;that inspired it. We can win :
the war only with sacrifices, ;
sacrifices yet undreamed of;;
with service, service greater;
than we have anticipated. I
Above all, let us keep watch j
and guard in order that the :
enemy may not, by insidious;
propaganda, by falsehoods, j
innuendos, and agitation, de-
moralize the neoDle at home :
upon whose soldierly and patri-!
otic cooperation the men in our
army and navy are depending.
HATEVER may be the
temporary fortunes of
war one fact may be
; et down for keeps and that is of stuff,
mat the war is going to end in along.
Jefeat for the kaiser and vict-;
t ry for the United States and WATCH CLOSELY THE ENE
.ne allies. t MIES AT HOME.
No nation has ever conquer-'
, d the world in modern times, ft" HE task of this country, in
Germany cannot do it now. The ' Vjs . , ,
v. hole Teuton scheme is upon a the P"nt war. would
i'alse basis and it is going to, be greatly simplified and
fail. France, Italy, England greatly reduced in its magni
and America will die before tude were all our country's
they allow an insane mental enemies in the German and
monstrosity like the kaiser to Austrian armies. The fact that
rule the world. But they will there are hundreds of thous
not die because before that ands, even millions, of enemies
time comes they will have ' scattered all over our land, ei
wiped the Hohenzollerins andjther conspiring to poison our
all their wooden headed sub- soldiers or to Doison Dublic od-
jects off the face of the earth ; inion that supports them ; con- j nrdCrrr'biockshe "artic",antH ,,elns
they will have made the Boche spiring to dynamite industries r ' "c
an extinct species and the only i making munitions and. sup-i . .. , ,
. , , , mi t i - - , , 1 A gentleman from La Grande In-
Place that German will be spo- plies for our army or to de-jf,,rm UH tnat u street raiiway com
icen will be in hell. (moralize public opinion and de-. pany has been organized in that city
Do not countenance discour-! stroy the' morale of the neoDle i and has been granted a franchise.
agement over the war. An al- upon whom the men in our
led triumph is as certain as the army and navy must rely for
sunshine if we but stay in the support these facts and these
game. If the allies are beaten activities mean not only a pro
it will be bv themselves not by longatiori of the war and a
the Germans. larger loss of life, but it means : 'h
If you meet someone who tears otherwise unshed and
sorrow otherwise unknown.
i The forces of evilT of Hisnr-
ganization, of disloyalty and of , V kTlf'Xon
enmity to America and its in-; Attract cn.
" I
'a V!
V -
Blind Magazine
The library receives each month a
magazine for blind readers. It is
printed in raised type in two editions
both of which are received here.
One edition is printed in the Am
erican Braille alphabet which is taught
. , , , in the Oregon school for the bhnd
" jand the other is in the New York
WOl'U) 'point alphabet.
I Every monthly issue contains on
tthe front cover the dot combinations
Jfor each letter and the symbols nb
: breviations for the most uNed words no
I that with no further inwt ruction, one
is able to learn to read the articles.
Maps anl other illust rati tins are of
ten included.
Any who know of blind friends are
cordially invited to brincg them in. The
magazine may alo be takn out for
two weeks, or a month as desired.
2 More Carloads Here this Week
Those who want' immediate delivery better
come in and get their Ford3 now.
We have a few extra touring cars owing to
several cancellations of contracts.
Immediate deliver' can be made now but future
deliveries will be very uncertain as the Ford fac
tory has cut their production 50 per cent;
If you want a Ford get it now.
Simpson Auto Co.
Cor. Water and Johnson Sts. Phone 408
The Library Fountain
An ail winter record has been mado
by the fountain near the library steps.
It has run day and nim throunh the
coldest winur weather which speaks
well fr the weather in Pendleton '
nn.l l.-Mirmv.rM.te the Euixl wn icS of TKI.I-S IIOYA
an outdo.. r fountain. The co)le.t I'lSOM A CKHCX AM) MFT
niKht was 3 deferens above xero and x KH;HT OIT.
the small
udy s'Tfain
sijrns of freezing.
The Library Flag j Tent For Soldier's Books
The beautiful flag recently given to i A small i.-nt has been set up in the
the library by the Civic lub and itn- children's rvoin in which the books
til now hung in the club room, was : gifts for tUiters are twins? pi need as
yesterday raised on the new flag pole. ; they are bnmght in. It is filling :jp
!The library flag will be kept up lir- rapidly but should be fuil and over-
mg day times in clear weather, but flowing by Monday night. An unusu
taken, in at night and of course dur jally fine lot of books "is beinu donat
ing storms. ed.
The contract for the Pendleton
f'avingK Hank building was let at a late
hour this afternoon. The contract
calls for completion by the middle of
Al Vogel left this morning on a busi
ness and pleasure visit to .Spokane
A general family row occured In a
household on Webb street last night,
Women elected Mrs. Ralph .Smith
of Vancouver to the provincial parlia
ment of British Columbia and gay
her the distinction of being the first
woman in the world who owes her po
litical success to the women of her
Where ar- the antis who used to
say women would never elect a wo
man to office?
Roint"T1 in L.S.Pat Of e
1 ip
Hospital records show that every
time ym cut n corn you Invite lock
Jaw or blond poison, which Is needless,
says a Cincinnati authority, who tell
you thai a quarter ounce of a drun
called freetme can be obtained at lit
He cost from the drug store but Is
sufficient to rid one' feet of every
hj.rd or soft corn or callus.
You simply apply a few drops of
tlhs on a tender, aching corn and the
soreness is instantly relieved. Fhort
ly the entire corn can be lifted out,
root and all. without pain.
This drug is sticky but dries at once
and Is claimed to Just shrivel up any
corn without Inflaming or even Irri
tating the surrounding tissue or skin.
If your wife wears high heels shw
will be glad to know of this.
Stops Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn,
Gases, Sourness and Stomach Distress
Eat "Pape's Diapepsin" l:ke Candy
Makes Upsvt Stomachs feci fina
Largt 50 cent cast, jiny drug itort. Rjlicf inf.vc mznuXs! Tmu it!
20 Rides fof $3
A savins of just 12.00 on 20 Taxi
Win. Goedecke
Auto ami Tiui STvloe
Phone 464 .... 'l Main Bt.
"There are precedents for It." ex
plalnH the learned gentleman who used
"that many" In a carelf-ss moment
Dear Hir, that "precident" bii.inFn 1m
what set the kaiser on the road to
Assailant andVictim
In Stabbing Affair
Take Ride Together
Pendleton also has a street railway
; company with a franchise but no rall-
j W. H. Babb of Echo has purchased
Fred Pae Tustin s fine thoroughbred
"Don", paying $:J50 for the ani
The Marston-.Sharon & Co.. have
For Itching Torture
When good nheepmen are
needed there is no time fof
quarreling is evidently the view
of Ira Miller and SI. Hotchkiss,
two men working for Sloan
brothers near Echo. Sliller is
under J1000 bail awaiting trial
for having nearly killed Hotch
kiss with a knife several weeks
ago at Juniper. However,
Hotchkiss has recovered and
Saturday morning the two men
rode in the same seat of a car
out to the Sloan ranch to re
sume work again.
There is one remedy that leldom fails
to stop itching torture and relieve skin
irritation and that makes the skin soft,
clear and healthy.
Any druKRist can " supply you with:
zcrr.o, which generally overcomes all
kin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pinv
ples, rashes, blackheads, fa most cases
i ive way to zemo. Frequently, minor
Llemishes disappear overnight. Itching
usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe,
antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use ar.d
d( prndaHe. It costs only 35c; an extra
large bottle, $L00. It will not stain, is
not greasy or sticky and is positively
bale lor tender, sensitive skins.
Tb . W. lose Co.. Cievemd. O
Givri brTMant sr1oT bln that
n ru' f-T or dut on mat
rm-Ai X'i t!ie ir"n ttt lt IOUT
Elack Silk Stove Polish
! fn flH by ltM-lf. Jt muni
tttffmllv niawleitnd niavU
tlm btiUr mtttrrutii.
IryitM yrar parinf
a v, yi"j r ruult s'
Air yu g ratijcai.
IT nrm i nnu it
tlir- tftwt t-Uli yon
rv.r UBd, jrur
hurdwar or
MA Jr .v' '4'
la st a r et a nc w mark for
Thif is a story about a gr-at
mar M hi' h 1; not trnpsr;ifn ntal.
.That's one of th r-nsnn nh-'s a Kr-.it
mar. f titer r ;tfMi ar r rr
mfre i
of ir,
a ten In
f -nli-hi
stepping a mil- In 7:00. Kvn ' circuit
ronflrful than this was hr race
for the ear. Khn won 12 out
races In the free-for-all cIush
1 the Krat"t papers f the y-ai
,nd on v ar aid
mm A mm f.iiihhinv wend i-nc -yinr aid f.rrer
. . . 1 ""' '"" hil "" w-nd only t-i
ft Vl U" 1 " "'"t racltijj heart. Tvmmt Moihy, one V.f the great-
JI j Thu mure is :.lii- Harris SI., who est drivers aVid truiners on the trnnJ
has bought Miss M., and w t i I
use her in a'n attempt to realize his
Br:ttcst ambition, f hat of brealunK
the world record f'r harnesH fnan-f.
Murphy will flirt fl-i Harrin M'h ef
forts fh: jpiir with the vie Vt drivr
ner a ni.l- in l::.fc or and hait"r
the record for rnarew, made' by Lou
Dillon In 1 303.
8, 1.918
2 Milch Cows.
2 Heifers.
1 Brood Sow to Farrow in May.
7 Shoats.
10 Dozen Chickens.
1 Wagon and 16 ft. Rack.
2 Hay Racks and Trucks.
1 Cook House and Trucks.
1 Feed Rack and Trucks.
1 Water Tank.
1 16 Holt Superior Drill.
1 Double Disc.
1 Spring Tooth, 3 sections.
1 1 i-in. Canton Gang Plow.
1 Chatham Fanning Mill.
1 Saddle.
1 Pair Chaps.
1 Hog Vat.
12 Tons Good Wheat Hay.
1 Stewart Horse Clipper.
1 Surrey.
3 Bedsteads and Springs.
1 Chiffonier.
1 Dining Table.
1 Set Dining Chairs.
1 4-Burner Gasoline Stove Complete
With Oven.
1 Cupboard. -
1 "Kitchen Treasure.
1 Washing Machine and Stand
TERMS All sums under $100 cash; over $100 time will be given until
Oct. 1, 1918, on approved notes at 8 per cent. 2 per cent off for cash on all
sums over $100.
C. E. ZERBA, Owner
COL. W. F. YOIINKA, Auctioneer.
F. S. LE GROW, Clerk