w w w mnt w wr DAILY EVENING EDITION ' S ; rzi : ThtoWpta. member of .d audited JL-" M7 DAILY VMCli f U U U II tJ by the Audit Hurni of ClroulaUou.. j v' fc-M W J&T S jjWEEKtY lXVL-Ju ll ' COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ' .:s " - u u ,. DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and "Tuesday probably rain. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 80 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1918. NO. 9391 ENEMY ADVANCE EVERYWHEm IS HALTED BRITISH LINES HURL BACK HUN DIVISIONS mm AMER WITH BRITISH IN NEW BATTLE U. S. Lines Heavily Bom barded and Raked With Machine Gun Fire Today. COPY WILSON'S SPEECH ON DEAD GERMAN 27 BRITISH DIVISIONS GERMANS CROSS SOMME BUT COUNTER 'ATTACKS ARE HOLDING AGAINST EJECT THEM: FIGHT CENTERING AT BAPA1 Wk m m m m m. at ai w m m m ' . . . M DIVISIONS 97GER TWO AMERICAN HEROES IN ATTACK ON GERMANS Hun Shelling of American Positions at Luneville. Intense. WASHINGTON, March 25. British military men Bay Haig is holding Germany's 97 divisions with only 27 liritlsh divisions. It is believed here that Haig wont use any greater concentrated forces until he Ib ready to assume the offensive at the break of the German onrush, as it is not wise to concentrate during a bom bardment. The Kritish estimate German losses at 100,000 men daily and declare Germany is thus defeating herself by losses. i . (J. W. T. MASON.) NEW YOItK, March 25. The German communique indicates that Hlndcnburg ts again con- centratlng to attempt a wedge between the lirltlsh and French sector where Berlin says the Americans are fighting on tbe direct road to Paris. These Am- ertcany. If the Berlin statement Is true, may be new units who have been with the French in the Chcmindes-Damcs' region. The German statement if true may mean the Americans have j taken better positions. .:. GENERAL WOOD SCOUTS IDEA OF LONG RANGE GUN SHELLING PARIS XI'W YOitK, March 2.V icn- great aerial attack is occurring, cral Wood. homo from France k with a radical development f air- cmphatlcally declare, bis belief ,1 piano guns by Ccrmany. lie is I hut no mysterious Ocrnian gun iHisitlvc the rcxirl of a long range Is .shilling 1-uris. n believes a, gun will be proven misleading. MEET TOMORROW TO DECIDE UPON COMBINING ROOMS U. S. STEAMER IS TORPEDOED n t s ' 5 COL.DOUCLAS MacARTWJR (FRED FEROON) AMEKICAN KKONT, Mar. 25. It ! authorltatlvels stated that nomerclal Americans participated wlth.the Brit ish In the new battle.' The American lines were heavily bombarded and nn chinegunned this morning. An American patrol lust nlxht cross ed two enemy trenches and took from the pocket of a dead German a copy of President Wilson's January sN?ech, which were dropped aerinlly behind the German lines. The German bom bardment near the American positions at Luneville Is Increasing. To decide whether or not Iho Com Association will liO'IHY, Man-ir 25. Tlv Amcri euu, huuiiix-r Cliattnliourlio was' sub- combine ,nMrjmi off l,gi,,i,d, me admiralty The crew of 78 was sav- PRUSSIAN CAVALRY ATTACKS REPELLED LJ headquarters with the Elks Club as p. lnB),llttj war measure. President George Bacr c(j of the Commercial Association has called a meeting of the members of the association for tomorrow evening and is desirous that a full attendance bo out. Tho board of managers have WASHINGTON', March 23. I-rosl-consldcrcd tho mutter and, it is under- ,l,-llt WIIhoh fabled lluls a messngc of Colonel Douglas MacArthur, son of General Arihur MacAuthur. has been given the Cross de Guerre by the French government for heroic action. Ho was censor in the War Depart ment when the war began, but he de manded that he bescnt to the front, Sergeant Hank Gowdy, whose name has been mentioned s one of the Americana who attacked and repulsed the Germans in tho Ijinoville region, was catcher for the Boston National Leagues baseball club when it won the pennant. In fac.Uuwdy's heavy batting won tho pennant. Ho was the first big Idaguer to enlist for Uncle Ham :. WILSON SKXIS MIvSSAOK OF CHEEK TO IIAIG stood, are favorable to acceptance the confidence in Ms forces today. projosuI of the Klks but wish to give every menber u chance to voice his sentiments., I'nder tho proposed ar- TO SIGN 1'EACE TODAY AMSTERDAM, March 25. A Bu- PENDLETON SHOOTERS LOSE TO .- WOODBURM (WIUIAM PHI14JP KIMMS) liRITI.ir FRONT, March 115. Un der tho eyes of captains nnd kinRH the battle In imceartintf. The kalKer. crown princes. Von Hfndenhurjr and Von I-u-.endurfr ur conHuKinj? on fine nI'Ic awulnHt Sir Douglas Httfg on the other. The strtiftKlea are nihtly, contracting durlnjf the day. Iy moonllnht, air iftanen droji lon of exphmlvcH ovnr a wide area, but few towns escaping In dHyllKht the scout flcetH fly over the Infantry, and jUrert-. artillery. PrusKlan cavalry attackinK at neveral points waa repelled everywhere. Ter rific encounters of mounted and un mounted enemy befween?th Tergnler canal and Ham resulted In the tier mans hoiiiff driven back. Knerny cavalrymen are doing their i utmoHt to harruHs the Brttih with-1 drawat but only comparatively sioall bodies have yet appeared. The hUuh tlon Is aocessarlly obscured with ct-aseluHH attacks and counter attacks on both sides under tho sun and stars As Is Inevitable In uch cases, the at tackers have taken Hrltlsh Runs, ma: terlals and prisoners but It Is not be lieved In alarming' numbers. Tho men's spirit Is fine as tho prospect for stiy harder fighting opens. NOTHING IN WEST -FRONT SITUATION TO WARRANT ALARM Thouprh the Pendleton trapshootcrs !yust(-reday made the highest score thev ranfjement members of the Com- cnurest nisputcn published by the Gor- i made since the opening- shoot of tho mernlal association will have the club man foreign office says tne Rumanian ' tournament, their senre was not bii privileges of the Klks Club which Is German peace will be signed today orjonoi,Kn to top the Woodburn team, much better fitted up than the Com-, tomorrow. Rumanian delegates have 1 Pendleton s scattergun experts broke mercial association rooms. acce-ped all German terms. 118 birds out of U'5 while the Wood- burn shooters broke 120. Boh Saunders was the leading1 hot of tho local squad yesterday, making a perfect L'5. Charley Hamiiton, was but one bird behind and Dan Bow man, John Me.N'urlen and Albert Humphrey each broke 23. A high wind and dust storm .sprang tip during the afternoon and interfered with the shooting. The results of yesterday's matches were: McCoy defeated Aberdeen. 123 i to 116; Woodburn defeated Pendleton, i 2a to US; Heppner defeated Albany, I 1 l '' to 1 t 'A. nnd Vh nroiivrr t iorl with ALL NEWSPAPERS OF COUNTY -PLEDGED TO PUBLISH FULL LISTS OF YELLOW CARD MEN; . ; ii .''Sl,' -' JstrW ' "-J '-7 ',- - jt m I Li-'j;f-"'. Lit f':r" a i -I J j S i i I k- t t - t -, Ts , 5i SERGEANT HANK GOWDY NEXT 24 HOURS WILL MARK THE CLIMAX OF HINDEiURG'S DRIVE We, the editors and publishers of Uniatilja comity, Oregon, in con vention assembled, herewith pledge oivrselvea to support in every man ner possible the work of the war drives council of said county in con nection with the Third liberty Loan or other patriotic movements en dorsed by said council, to further an equitable distribution of tho burden VK ICSPKCIALLV I'l.llIK.K ourselves to publish such lists of subscribers to the Third Liberty Loan or other patriotic endeavor and, such lists of "yellow curd slackers"' us may be authorized and fur nished us by the Drives Council. ' Knst Oregonian, by K. 13. Aldrich, cditori Kvening Tribune. by-Wm. K. Lowell. Kree,vater Times, by I. . Sanderson. Athena Press, by F. H. Boyd. Ktanfield Stundard, liy Chas. K. Short. ' Pilot Hock Record, by Jean P. Kirkpulrick. Milton Kaglc, by X. J. Vnnskike. llermlston Herald, by M. O. U'ConncIl. Kcho News, by XV, If. Crnr. Weston Lender, by Clark Wood. Helix Advocate, by H. C. Julian. . (J. W. T. MAi?4X.) NEW YOftK. -March -'5. The next Astoria, each club shattering 1J ' blue, j twenty four hours will probably mark jroclts out of 12.". jthe climax of ' Hindenburs's unprece- I The teams will line up as follows j dented laughter of his ow n troops in next week: Astoria vs. Woodburn, on effort to overwhelm the Pritish. Aberdeen vs. Albany, McCoy vs. Hepp- !lf lne Britons hold their own during ner, Vancouver vs. Pendleton. Thejthat l'r-oti. Hindenburgs bale is rest of the tournament schedule: iost' For tne Present the Germans nave gained two objectives. They ve largely improved tWir own defensive positions guarding the chief commu nication lines in western France and have disarranged the X'ritish offensive plans for the summer. Put the Ger mans have nut yet regained all the territory t hey voluntarily aba ndoned last March when they retired to the Sunday, April Astoria vs. Albany, . A berdeen vs. Woodburn, McCoy v: Pendleton, Vancouver vs. Heppner. Sunday, April 14 Astoria vs. Hepn- ! ner, Aberdeen vs. Pendleton, McCoy vs. Woodburn, Vancouver vs. Albany. HUNS PLAN OFFENSIVE IN ITALY,,, -dlinrleliimiK line. As Ions as the I'ritish orderly rrlii-einent proceeds, the Gurninn attarks mast coiitiuue to jcxhaust Gertiian "s maul'"" er without jcorrespontiine coniptnsatii,..i; advant ages. TON" AVI) Wll I.XKI) v h i. mi:i. r ov ji i,v 1 1 The I'tnatllla county man who at' The editors were here Fattirduv as jthe conclusion of the liberty loan. drive members of tbe publicity committee of lor In other manner becomes listed as the war drives organisation. K. 1!. ja slacker will run Into a publicity j Aldrich, of the Kast oreRonian holna i barrane of nn Intensity never before ( the committee chairman. Thev had witnessed In this county. His namo lunch at noon at the Hotel 1'endleKin will be piihllshed in every newspaper i and Immediiuely thereafter went Into ! in the county. There are eleven of : session at tho rommeroial Club rooms. i them all told, two dallies and nine I.I. V. Tallman. Judpe (;. W. I'helps and weeklies, with a total clrcuIuUon t M. 11. Chessman explained the purposes .. ,, (WILL IRWIN.) lover 10. lion copies per edition. The and the- working methods of the war riJi x THH UNITEU ; Publishers are under pledse to expose drives organization which is also cx- i ivr, i-.fr. luiui, inarcn zo. the slackers and also to clvc credit to!pndlnK Into a leasue to .soininK in me western rront situa-, those who do their duty by the kov- of disloyalty and any uon warrants pessimism or depres- , ernment. The pledKe. as may be seen slon. America and her allies should above will hoiri mnri ihron..hii ih. handle case. other work that may come to hand durlnir the war. Without l...nt I.li-t,na ... suo.u Ka.M n,c murine a.pinK war and applies to all efforts In which pressed euh-erness to go the limit In feellnKS. Anions the same classes In ,he war drives organization takes part j support of the Rovormncnt and in u ti the allied countries, there was de-j Vn,i Kor x.nnlry covering those found riisloval or vel- pression verging m a panic during : Fnr the first time In history every low. The country weeklv publisher KEI-OItT IS IM)TI-n) " " j iiwrnj-i in uif vuitiiiy mix repre- cnen agreea to devote to patriotic WASHINGTON. Mar. 25. The sen ' " " " '"-i"n-.sentea at tne meeting, all the publish- purposes fwo panes each week during late adoptnd the conference report on . ,ITIIIritv . pr" neing present in person, excepting the entire six weeks. of the libert Itbe urgent i'efhdciic b!U cmp"U'rfn w h k ACTHK, . u. C. Julian, of the Helix Advocate , Iran drive. When the list of tnih-'thc president to take over German .1 j March 26. There . ..ely,who was obliged to return home Fri- scribers or of. slackers are published steamship iders and the alien enemv artil ery duelling on various points of day but pledged himself over the tele- , they will be carried In full bv all thJproperiv custodian to . soil. German pnone to stand by the action taken, (papers of the county. . J owned W AS H 1 St .1 i X. Mnr. 2.. Italian cnibay cables say t lie Teutons an pii taring1 an offen sive on (lit Italian from us nimui as 'natural cMiditiiu." i-tturn in nortlicrii Italy. AiiMj-hiii dixislons aro steadily arriWng. COPKM1 AGKX. March 2f. The present Germa n offensive is only a link in the m-eat offensive. It will be a long time before the final result is reaehed. General Auffenburg, of the Austrian army says in the A zujsag. "The m-st violent fighting will be near Ver dun and important things will happen in Italy. CHICAGO. March Fulton nnd I Willanl hac signed an amccmcnt lo j im-t t duly 1 for the ltea y ciglit . championship. Tin- place i- iittnami-d. , . WHIartt "-ts ibrce fourths or the net ' receipt.- ami l itlton get . suo.niMi. j FRENCH RELIEVE' PART OF BRITISH BURDEN; EMPIRE IS CONFIDENT. BULLETIN 3 O'CLOCK LONDON, March 25. The war office tonight an nounces the British were pressed back at several. , places south of Peronne, -and sustained heavy losses of war material including a number of tanks. The. enemy has captured Nesle and Guiscard. The Haig statement this morning is the most optimist ic issued since the German offensive started. According to Haig, the enemy advance has been stopped everywhere, temporarily at least. The gist of Haig's statement is that the Germans have been temporarily halted. The enemy is again attacking north and south of Bapume, which is apparently one of his immediate objectives. LONDON, March 25. The Germans crossed the Som me south of Peronne but counter-attacks ejected them. Haig said the first hostile attacks this morning develop ed on both sides of Bapume, though they are raging with great violence everywhere north of Bapume, Powerful enemy attacks north of Bapume, last night were sangui narily repelled, the Germans reaching the British trench es in only one plaqe which they were unable to retain. Elsewhere rifle and machine gun fire repelled the Ger mans. "The empire stands calm and confident in its sol diers" the king declared in a message to Haig. . ARTILLERY VIOLENT NEAR RHEIMS. . PARIS, March 25. The French have relieved part of the allies shock. .There is hard fighting in the N.oyo re gion. Artiilerying is violent northwest of Kheims and also at Sourcy, Loivre, Arrascourt and Vosgas. Enemy attacks east ofcbuippes and east of Badonvuiers, where the Americans are fighting were repelled. Mysterious shells fell on Paris this morning but the people are undisturbed. GERMANS CLAIM BAPUME. BERLIN, March 25. The German war office today announced that Bapume is captured and a passage on the Somme below Ham. Fresh enemy divisions failed to change the battle and the enemy is streaming westward defeated. Northeast of Bapume, the Germans broke through and drove the enemy back to Ytres and Sailly. Strong positions west of Crozat Canal were captured. There is hot fighting for the possession of Combles. , " WOltST ltl.OW CO.MIXO (William I'hillli. Simms.) N IIIUTISII I'ISONT, Maix-h 2o. l-'luliUnir, continues from tho .ScarH' to Oise with increasing intensity. Trooi on Isxli side art Tag-ut'd but continue fig-hting. Captured prisoners say the worst blow is yet coiiiiuir. . At appalling cost the Oermnns pnsrcs.td across the old Suniniv battlefield but the llrilish line evcrswlitw is intact. lighting: was severe all night. ch-cui1!y on .the Sa'Hg-nics-ltupumc road. Kritish ma chiilc guns raking- in the moon light tin' (icrmau dense masses. The enemy is advancing almost without artillery supiort. hopiiur to smash the Itritisli line by shc.-r weight of iiiimlM-rs. Airmen an' constantly skylighting. t;crnians dressed as liritisli soldiers were arrested in a town Ih-IiIihI the liius as they w-ie warning- the la-ople to fle. saying- the tcrinans wcrt in tlie jie; tillage. DRAFTED MEN TO GET ! FREE LEGAL COUNSEL. Men drafted into the national army , from Cmatilla county will have the advantage of free legal counsel in the settlement of their affairs or in any dther matter in which the services of a lawyer are required. In response to' a request from th state council of de fense the local legal advisory board, composed of Judge James A. Fee, Col. J. H. Kulfy and Will M. Peterson, an nounced this morning that any man, actually called for service, may con sult them and secure their profession al services without charge. They will make wills, assist In the settlement of bifcinei-s affairs or represent them In any court without fees. I'rcncli-Amoricniis Thrown lUtck. ni UI.IV March The IVeneli and Americans have Ixi-n thmwii baok through the wo4dcd iuiitrv near l.nuem tile Ville Outer and .u mont. it Is aituiiuiHMMt. .iiiartl ami f 3 VV V HA 11 f immicv nae ih-ch taKurci. I ik ia KILLS MAN WHO i WANTS GERMANY '.losses arc iiinisiiatly heavy. the Ituliun front. property. kla.. In'l'ltl, a spec th-fe pressed eri n TI'I.SA, t Joe Sipg. a was shot by the eount when he ex "every Am France will be 1 Iveroff. PuUanan Hickory told pohe Main.i he ' isbf.J w onld win 1 lie a a: ' cd him. Mun-h a n t alter here al officer of isc council a hope that soldier in ilied.' Steve miner at man John German y Mains kill- 3lisconduct Is Charged J Against Boy Scout Men J W A S M(3To x. M a rch 2 :. Chiiri's citing twenty counts of iis- conduit in office were received by the attorney general auainst Colin H. Liv- higstone and James K. West, heads of the hoy scouts of Amerwa. The eom- plaints were made by John 1. tlluek. federal officers are to investigate be- f . re taking an action. ' HEAVY FIRING HEARD ALONG KENTISH COAST l.t)Mt)V. lur-li S3. Kitn-m-et) luuy firiiii; was llrd alfHiy tbe Kentish c.Mist last nlirtu. Ioii--h hvh sluikisji by the con- CUSsi4II. t.KKVIW HOI.il) V Dt'l Altt lt ls.Tl l:lAM. .Mar. a.1. TImi kl--r and lliiideidiuric vislteal IN-toiiimi last nlgiit. Tin. kaiser ordi-n-d flag, liol-tisl as holiday throiiKhout 4irr iiiauy ivleliratint; the I'l-rouue fall, (.eniiun lossts. in tuklng ltaiauni wcr couiaraUtely heavy, Ik-rllil !taltst.