c " "" PACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREG ONI AN,, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918. TWELVE PAGES oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SUM it m,viav' at Tiir: mcivif.s j Alta-PMtTh wwy in "The TCye if Myntory imd two gKnl arts of vmidovilk. Arcade MuiRnorUo ttark In lasHme Shirley Mason in MCy WhHiaJvfcrw Ward." to jiIpasg you In their artistic rIhk- ' Inff (ifforlnRM called "HHh of liar 'tunny.' T"heir iv jtportoire of : boiikh : Is selected from tin most popular of the day and are sun In n manner : that jjleaneK all. Mowe and Harlow an athletic young j man and woman with really wonder- ! ful physlijues present an amazing ex- ' j IllWIiiUII til HUVMIHfU IIKIK'ICK 111 nuu , air on the traiiezo and slack wire. I They are both marvels of 8trenth . and many f their feats ore of the HiMtime Sunday ami Monday , j inn jaw order. The Intftime has secured for un-j ,- , - da-y ;and- Monday n ; pleasing picture i K1ITH STfHFV 1.IKFS from the Perfection studio. Shirley j ATIILimo KOI.KS MaHon ts featured In "Cy Whittaker's i m Word' ft drama of love Hind retrilui-J Rdith Storey, the star of the Metro tlon. Miss Mam who last appeared ' picture. '"The Eyes of .-Mystery. in Pendleton at the Mta theatre in) which will be the attraction at the The Apple Tree GUI won a host of Arcade theatre on Sunday and Ion- admirers and doubtless 'the majority day, delights in playing athletic roles who witnessed the Apple Tree Oirljon the screen. will want to see her in her latest pic- t "I feel that my role of Carina Car tore Cy Whittaker's Ward.". In ad-imiohael in "The Kye of Mystery." Is d it ion will be shown the Vniversal ; very well suited to me.'' paid Miss weekly a newsy pictured magazine of j Storey in an interview. "I just love world wide events Including views of i the type or role that pives me oppor our boys (over across the pond. - t unities to wear 'sport' clothes and " ' i to be a real red-blooded athletic girl Vaudeville Program One of Merit who rides, swims and shoots. I love The Vaudeville offering at the Alia ; the srreat outdoors which develops the for Sunday and Monday is said by ; R'rl of individuality and so-to-lt-iive-thnse who saw It in Portland lastfness." week to be well above the average. In this new photoplay. Miss Storey The Thornton Sisters are two beauti- : Is able to do all the athletic stunts ful young1 Birhs of charminar manner- which she enjoys. She makes a ism and splendid voices who are sure , thrilling escape on horse-back, and row belna pursued by a man in beat when she'rides across u Ht renin, she has a terrific struRnle In mid stream with her pursuer. In other scenes she shows her ability with a tun when, with the aid of a few men. she defends the historic "House in (ho Mist" from a host of half-crazed" Virginia mountaineers. "The Kyes -of Mystery' is replete with thrills. ItAXGF it noi.ns ;A s.l noi.ns off iAVKK ItFKTI.FIt PHlSONKItJ? One of the most Rripptn scenes ver filmed Is shown in "Cnvnnaimh )t the Forest RanKers," the Vltasraph Blue Rtbhon Feature, which will be (he attraction in the Arcade Theatre o n Saturday. I toss Ca va nan gh , young and intrepid ranger, brings two rustler prisoners to town. The rough er, elements in the frontles settle ment, abbetted by the judge and Ry the sheriff, "rush the saloon where he has taken refuge bound on rescu ing the men ?ven at the cost of kill ing the ranker. Cavanaugh by sheer nerve and service revolver awes the mob and gets his prisoners to a more secure retreat. Alfred whitman is the ranger Ut this rugged romance and Xell Ship- man the girl whose love he wins. finally t ffm"mmmmmm . 4 I jgj a r' ' t f si iTth A-- Sundav 4 1 c'tJpyUliU Monday j : 1 y,H I 5 2 , j Si Xk ' ' $ 8 si r ! i Mnslr Xolcs on Sundays On'Jtostra Pniri'am t the AItu The Overture to Zampa or "The Marble Bride" an opera in three acts with music by I,ouIs Joseph Fed iuaid Hereld and words" hy Mellesviile was produced Paris March 3rd, 1831 It was the first ' exclusive romantic C'Pera of the perid. It is noted for its dramatic Intensity Jntersperert with lovely melodies. Selections from Martha or "The Market at Richmond' a comic opera in five acts with music by Friedrich von Flotow and Libretto by St. George aind Friedrick was first presented at Vleuia. November 25, 1847. It is an elaboration of 'Xad Henrietta, or the Servant o Green wick" a ballet panto mlne with text by St. George and music by Flotow. ' : Burgmuller and Deldeuvez which was suggested by an ictual incident and was presented in Vnris In 1844. Xearly all the numbers in "Martha" have for years ben household favor!- j tes. Hifh in especial favor however stand the familiar ballad "Tis the' ; last rose of summer" which Flotow interpolated in the penes, preceding Lionels love, avowed to Martha. Selection from ' "Trnvlnta" or "The Misguided One" a grand . opera In three acts with score by Gulseppe rdi and text byPiave, was first pre sented In Venice. March 5, lS.r4. It founded on' Dumas' "Lady of the Camelias" but Xhn' period is changed to the time of Louis 14. It was at first -reciHyed codly but was' later re deemed. It fairly ' overflows with exquisite melody and Is of marked elejrance and refinement. support of Kinmy "VVehlen In u Metro presentation of "The House of Mirth,'' from Kdtth Wharton's fnmoua novel. Miss Hrlsco hua just fully recovered from a serious Illness and operation, Hamilton Uevelle, who plays oppo site Kilu Jolivet in the Metro screen spectacle of International wnr events. "Lest We Forget." hna previously ap peared under the Metro banner In "Tho price of Malice" and "An Kn emy to Society" with Lots Meredith, 'ttevello Is conceded to 1m one of tho host portrayors if romantic roles on the vitenklng sUige. "Meet me at 'the Cow's ftwith." How would you like to get an Invita tion like that? The production of "Sunshine, Nan" Is said to have proven a trying ex perience for Ann Pennington, who plays the title role In the Paramount picture released March 11. The strenuoslty of the part and the cold weather prevailing while the exteriors were being filmed convinced the star that the path of tho motion picture actress It not strewn with roses. So she hied herself to Palm Beach for a rest, but no sooner had she .arrived there than she was joyfully hailed as a new recruit for Red Cross work by a prominent soeltey leader of New York. , Hiding in, or on, a toneau of a mo torcycle is not regarded as exactly the last word in enjoyable recreation by most young ladies who have been ten derly reared. Yet such indulgence contained more thrill to the linear foot than any other riding sport in the rid. Ing line, according to Mary plckford. And she knows, because she had her first experience in "go-devil" speeding during the filming of some scenes for "'Amarllly of Clothesline Alley." her new artcraft picture. The limchine was driven by "Billy" Scott, who plays opposite Miss Plckford, and out side of a few spille, which resulted in slight bruises and abrasions, there were no serious results. Continuous -Program-. Sunday, Beginning 2 P. M. Sharp. presents mm er ro Children 10c; Adults 25c 4 1 I 1. MARGUERITE OAJW', . If.' I . nil VJT W wi 11, 1 II I V V. 1-" AJaptedmd directed by I 1 M '". Jit'.-' r: rlfwley pieSevenSwani37' " ?? -V wwnount And there you'U find your old sweetheart again. , , , V , . Perhaps only in mind, through the haze of a memory clouded by the years, but a pic- ture just the same of the sweetheart oi otner aays wno sijecuiatuu wmi yvu wneuit-r the fairy prince or the bad "ogre" would "live happy ever after." You'll live the "old days" over again when you see this wonderful picture, staged with the hand of a ma gician, at our theatre this week. In Addition KATZEN JAMMER KIDS .. In "TEMPEST IN A PAINT POT" 0000600000000000000000000000000000000000 SC'I.IEEX fiONKIP Oua Metzger, manager of the Film 3uiiply Company of Oregon, which huiHlk-s Universal, Hluehlrd and Jewel productions in the Northwest Is at St. Vincent's Hospital recouperating from an operation for gall stones. Mr. Metzger is one of the most suc cessful and at the same time one of the most popular film men In the West. Her name is Pauline Theresa but they call her Polly. ' Iast name.' Moran. She's the "sheriff Nell" of those Bennett burlesques. Nudity in itself is not objectionable in motion pictures," pays Maurice Tcurneur, the French director. i tv wnTjyufs A DELIGHTFUL PLAY Or LOVU AND KUTKJ HUTION. SHIRLEY MASON, STAR OP "THE APPLE TREE GIRL" SCORES A HIT IN PICTURE. IN ADDITION Universal News Weekly INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN THE GOOD OLD U. S. A., AS WELL AS SCENES OF "THE BOYS OVER THERE." CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c ' - , . - - " " THR 1IOITSF OF OUAUTY AY Sunday Monday .-Jr'' xS. Continuous Program Sun- , yyV SS. day, Starting 2 P. M. Sharp. tr , Children 10c Adults 25c ytf ! - t Tel. that to the cenrs. . V , ALT A SCREEN TELE- ' jS' - vi f GRAM. t i K Mary Gardener declares the vain- , 'J jl!EIS5i " ' !-i . f ... T j 4 Plre serves a good purpose. ' ' ' Late War INeWS i t r ' MUSICAL PROGRAM T"''- -M ' CRAY PICTOGRAPII ' 3 5 , Overture; .UMipu Ilcrold ? f v , ' J "In the 'Moonshine Country." iiart of Waltr touriiet of Itoses. . . . ( Ulliuil " j v y i I 5 the I'aramount Bray IMctogra ph. dn- S'i-'iiaile A. ICulK-nstehl 1 T"" '- i IB ''ts the process by which moonshine Si'lit-tioii MaHlia Flotow . v .r. " '" , i (8 hlt key Ik made. Very popular sub- , Ihimp ClaNKcquo The Tlireo i "X ' . t 1 A vvv- wmw M , i t Ject. Nymphs ( ol.h " , J ' ' VAUDEVILLE ' - ; V I A The Perfect Song, rrom tho nirth of a , . - ' TUnDTAV OIOTPDO t f News Viola Dana hus mastered tht -Notion Itrell j '' IHUKlll hlSilliKS 4 "cliing broncho which she purchus- Mazurka No. 1 V. Saltit-Saens , i J r : " , ' Jj BltS of HamiOnV . . eo recently. 'Selection Travlala ..: Veerdl . " ' " ftf!" ' I tk Tegy Pur. erstwhile Peggy Sweeney ' HOWE & BARLOW J lTtrXZ nSSr - Ciedy Novelty. M R thetlc sense was hurt by the orialn.il - - CTC.JO I ITJILK.I VN. 3 R cognomen, has a part in Emmy Well- Vx VvV -, j len's new picture jZf WHERE HEARTS BEAT NSS. . 5 To,, remember Lottie Briscoe? The Ay HIGHLAND LOVE IS KING SS. V ' W fnrmcr Liihln star, whose team work yx , v ' Zk with the later Author Johnson is a do- sS SX. " m, j "xhtfol memory to those who recall Xjv' , . - - , , wt wm W"m mK, VnS. "the good old day " comes hack in S I M 1 C I il NN. limit 5 Ar"? i 'sty -s ra t-mxn?s cmr3rTfT nv this tt f ; w I I -si ' - n 7j V A 1V1ETRO SCREEN STORY OF ROMANCE AND S. J f XA, 4 AY ADVENTURE STARRING .'- Hu !h J EDITH STOREY ' V J The Bernhardt of the Screen. - - . p 'O.J, jTjiC