PACK FOTJH DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1918. EIGHT PAGES AN IlNIlRrRNnKNT iltoka 111; aod Beml VVeeklj at 1 CO. dlMO, Oregon, by (be r ibe LIHU1NU im.uMiS rim Metered at the notnrriV lit FradlFtoa, as eeroad-cfaaa tnall matter. lepkoae OH BULK IV OTHI-R 0T1p iMparlal Hotel Nrwe Htand, r-ortlaet Huvku News Co., 1'ortinoa. Oregoe, ON FILK AT CMceee Hiri, sow Ntrarlty hallAIsc Wasblngtoa, 1 C. Rureas (Mil roar write Kr r-t N W 5 ,And when, in .sadness, there shall come the' hour. ; That I must bo and mingle - with theydead, .l-t no one stop to pick a fra grant flower jo sanctify the stillness of my bed. For they who cull a fragrance such as this Make die a breath of sweet ness on the air And rob some -gentle soul ot all trie bliss It needs would gather aa its earthly wear. I should not want a honey-suckle spoiled For me, when gone to answer for my task; If there be those who thus would show I've tolled. Go tell them wish .me well 'tis all I ask-. John J. Dally in Farm Life. IS GERMANY SHORT COPPER? OF WHE fact that sooner or, hastens to put his scheme on later Germany will suf- paper and send it to Washing- fer heavily from short- ton. age of vital supplies has long j If his panacea for the ills of been pointed out by experinc- the merchantman happens to ed men. The kaiserland has involve methods for concel been practically shut off from ing a ship, or making it unsink- world commerce, since 1914. As a result there has been a steady depletion of those sup - plies that had to be purchased abroad. Copper is one element vitally necessary in the war and which Germany does not -produce in WIHIII'TC ITT f r 110 HII' JiYT E WIS FOR WHITE ujmk rcW 00K ! At the display in our . window before ordering coal or wood To help you in selecting fuel, to meet your particular needs, we have ar ranged in our display window all sizes and grades of coal, and all kinds of Ore gon wood. Pick out what you want and either place the order at our office, or Phone 5 BURROUGHS & CHAMBERS Inc. 550 Main Street. E. O. Eld?. reftoniari) NKWSI'Al'BB rR8n:iiTioN rates (IN ADTaSCB) Kellj, oae year, by mall. Itallf, all moMhi by mall felly, three months by " fally. on month, by mall Daily, onc year by carrier all mouth, by carrier Itally, three month, by carrier IiaMy, one mnnth, by carrier - aeml-Veekly, -ne year, hy mall Semi-Weekly, six months, by mail... S"y WV:, foil montK, K null -15.00 I . jsome have served their pur- sufficient quantities for herjpose by saving ships. But the ineeds. That Germany suffers ,vast majority either have been a serious copper shortage is evident by the way she has stripped all her dependent ter- ritory of every speck of copper ,to be had. Even cooking let little things like lmpossibui Sutensils and church bells have ties interfere with his dream. been melted up to make copper for shells. It has not escaped the atten - tion of war experts that Ger - many no longer seeks the initi- ative in large gunfire. The mnf Vi nrJortwoH tmstorn nffon - jsive has not been started. Is it not possible that the copper shortatre makes Hindenburarifish desire to aid in the solu- wary of using his guns as free- 1 1 . . .1 1 t : 1 . 1 T c iurn supposition is correct it is not !hard to. foresee what will hap- Den to the German lines when the time for big action arrives. jThe side with the big guns and the ability to use them will win. jThat side can win even if the 'enemy be superior in man- If Germany runshort of ma terial to such an extent she cannot conduct adequate ar tillery fighting the boche is doomed. 4500 IDEAS VERYBODY with an I If 5 idea for beating the sub- marine, unless ne modest-violet rare in be a these I days of vast riches for ideas Jable, or warding off a torpedo, !or nullifying the effect of an ' explosion, or a thousand vand ; one other plans for thwarting !tte Hun. it eventually finds its 'way to the Committiee on Ship Protection of the United Stetes shipping Board. There it is SHOES vTTT. A lily white finish that leaves no yellow tinge. r-k i jl a 1 icexams xne natural jrrain of leather. Doe3 not fill the sur face of fabric. ASK NEAREST STORE FOR ELA&l TAN-RED WHITE ShiwhA dealt with according to its mer its. To date there have been about four thousand five hun dred persons in this country who have solved the problem of beating: the submarine and had confidence enough in their solutions to send in a draft for the enlightenment of this com- M i After separating the grain T-X'from the chaff, the committee s:ihas worked out a number of highly feasible schemes from 5;,' 'these suggestions. Some of M,them already are at work and .impractical on their face, or have been tried out and found j wanting. The non-technical man who has an idea does not It has been the unpleasant duty of the Committee on Ship Pro- jtection &( different times to jshatter dreams and awaken the j dreamers. Yet there is another side to ithis avalanche of ideas that re- fleets a patriotic eagerness to help and a sincere and unsel- j tion of the world's most press- linnr onrl tfi f"vi ti cr nrnWpTTl and terrifying problem With that in mind, the com mittee feels that appreciation is due the public for it is inter est and that it would be unwise to discoarage the activity of pseudo inventors. Some very loyal people who through neglect or over pru dence, have failed to purchase liberty bonds in the past are now coming to the front with early subscriptions for the third loan. Let the good work go on; take no chances -on a yellow card. Victory is to be largely a mat- ter of manufacturing and that is one reason why an allied vic tory is certain if we but hold a firm and steady gait. It will soon be April 1 and Hindenburg has not even got started toward Paris. 28 YEARS AGO (From the Dally East Oregontan March 20 1890) A few days ago an offer of tlii.oon was made for a corner lot on Main street Jn Pendleton and refused. Property values are steadily climbing in Pendleton. A lady clairvoyant and corn doctor U - persuing her calling- In Pendleton. J. B. in the city. Mr. Purdy says it Is quite probable that he will reopen hi warm springs re sort this summer.. 3 Honorable T. J. Kirk was in the city this morning on his way to the sotted. P. HL Kemper has lost a pug dog and offers a. reward for Its recovery. Mrs. W. G., Wilson Is on a visit to her parents at lone. Morrow county. --She was accompanied by Master Bert Campbell, who will remain with his grand parents all summer. REALTY TRANSFERS F. B. Clark et ux t C. C. Watson. 11.00, irrigation ditch through E. 1-2 -N'W. 1-4 Sec. 22, Twp. 6 N., li. Si,. Helen Hirst to V. B. Clark $1.00, j Irrigation ditch B 1-2 KW. 1-4 Sec. 22. Twp. 6 X R. 35. j Ida Carlson to Marie Johnson $1500, E. 1-2 xf. ,1-4 X, 1-2 HV. 1-4 Sec. 1 15, Twp. 1 X., It. 31. L&ramie Leep KoKers et al to C J. iBYadley et ux $10.00, lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, block 17, Freewater, Oregon. Martha Stagga et vir to, Minnie Walker $12,000, S .1-2 ,SV. 1-4 Sec. 127. Twp. 4 X., K. 35; SW. 1-4 Sec. 27, Twp. 4 X., R. 35. j C. E. Zerba et ux to Florence A. jZerba et au. E. 1-2 SB. 1-4 Sec. 35, iTwp. B N.. It. 34. I C. li. Howell et ux to 8. E. Herr You can't think clearly when your head is "stopped up" from cold in the bead, or nasal catarrh. TryKondon's to clear your head (at no cost to you) 50,010.000 have ovd this 29-year-oM re roedy. For chronic catarrh, sore nov, cwmhs, colds, nezinte. nose-bleed, etr. Write usfor complimentary can. or buy tube at druRsist - It will benefit yo j four times more than it cnt.aTre pay mney bark. For trial ca n tree wn'e to K0MOI Mf fl. ct., MmuMin. Mm. 22 M in the United States 4 CUPS OF WHEAT FLOUR TO THE POUND If each family used 4 cups of flour less per week, the saving would be 22 million pounds or 112,244 barrels every week. The greatest help housekeepers can give to win the war is to make this saving and it can be done by using this recipe in place t5f white flour bread. Corn Meal Biscuits cup acaldad dtlk 1 cup corn meal 2 tablespoons shortening -Save V cup of tha measured flour for board. Pour milk over corn maal, add shortening and salt, When cold, add sifted flour and baking powder. Roll out lightly on floured board. Cut with biscuit cutter and bake in greased pan fifteen to twenty minutes. Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, "Best War Time Recipes," containing' many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed free address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.,' Dept H.. 135 Wflliam Street, New York FOOD WILL WIN THE mm $1.00, mote and bound XE. 1-4 Sec. 35, Twp. 6 X., K. 35, J. T. Dowcll et ux to Chas. Hoyden, S2500.SE. 1-4 XW. 1-4 NE. 1-4 tfec. 35, Twp. 6 N,, R. 35. John Xelia et ux to Jus. Wisenor 15000. E. 1-2 NE. 1-4 XE. 1-4 See. 30, Twp. 35. Walter li. Brooks et ux to H. It. Perkins, lot 16, blk 62, Free water. E. C. Annibal et ux to Carl Wheeler $1.00. lota 13, 14, blk. 35, reservation addition, Pendleton. T. I. Taylor to Julliu Marlow, 5.60 lot 6, blk. 2, Holdman's addition, Adams. Frank Sloan-et ux to Ralph A. Hol te, $1.00, X. 1-2 XE. 1-4, Sec. 2,Twp. 3 X.f R. 29. E. L. Longmeier et ux to Matt Deininp lot 4 blk 6, Haley's addition, Pendleton. AMKUICAV liS MASK WORV I-V SCLIUKKS OF PKIISHIXU l This is the type of Ras mask worn by General Pershing's men in France the kind one contingent of his troops had when they were assailed by burst ing German gas shells. Many of the men under attack were unable to ad just the masks in time to save them selves. As a result five died and many more seriously injured. HOUSEHOLD OM! IHSII VICTORY MIvVLS. One-dish meals will please the whole family. They will please moth er because they are easy torprepare, they will please brother because they "fill him up." they will please sister because it will not take so long to do the dishes, they will please father because they go lightly on the pock et bfk, and they will please the U. S. Food Administration because they ar6 food conservation meals. Potted Hominy and Icef. Hominy is excellent to use as part of a one-dish dinner, if you have fa fire in your stove so that you can cook it for a ions time, or If you use a tireless cooker. Heat 1 1-1! quarts of water to ixjillns. add 1 teaspoon lif salt and 2 cups of hominy which has j been soa ked overnight. Cook III aj ooiioie iioiit'r ni x,,ui imphi.-, fireless cooker overnight. This makes r, cups This recipe may lie Increased and enough cooked In dif ferent ways for several meals Hom iny is excellent" combined with dried, canned or fresh fish, or meat and .vegetable I'-ft-overs may be used. Hero is one combination. 2 tablespoons fat. . ,( 2 tablespoons flour. 2 cuis milk ' - - . 4 potatoes. 2 co ps carrots. 5 cups cooked hominy. 1 teaspoon salt. 1-4 pound dried beef. Melt the fat. stir In lh flour. adi the cold milk and mix well. Cook un til It thlckon Cot the potatoes and carrots in dice, mix all the materials in a baking dish and bake for one hour. Potato Krouil I lolls. The following proportion will yield one dozen small rolls; H ounces (about 3-4 cup) mashed potat'-t :. 1 1-2 Clips of xifte'l flour. 1-3 ca-k1 ff coin pressed yeast. t tablespoons of fat. 3-4 level teanpwnrul of salt. illion Families teaspoon ealt 1 cup white flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baiting Powder 2 tablespoonfuls of lukewarm wa ter. . ; 2 tablespoonfuls of su&ar. I Boil, peel and mash the potatoes. ' Add the salt, the yeast rubbed smooth j and mixed with the water, and lastly two tublesponnfulH ,nf flour l,et this mi3rture .stand at a temperature of i about St desro K., until a touch will it to fall. Add o this j sponge the fat, the .sugar, and the re mainder of the, flour, and, if neces sary, enough more flour to make a; very stiff doiiprh. Knead thorouffhly I until a smooth douph, which Is no; longer sticky, has been formed, el j back to rise again, and when the ; dough has trebled in volume, knead lightly, form into small balls, and I place, not too together, in: greased pans. Allow to rise until1 double In volume, and bake 2n min- i utes in a moderately hot oven (about 400 degrees F Cobody a'pks nfw whiit we are fight Ing for, the ruthless enemy been u n ma -s U e d . having AUTO j been unmasked. a . P 1 - . f iu"V : , y Vv'iA ' . TEN PLATES j ' 7 ". of delicious, nourishing, perfectly f ":' --lf "'"&,.,, ! , blended VEGETABLE SOUP pre- , j "v- f pared from a single package of f U ' hh - I Wtentedprocess. : - l&ft -. b (qL Soup Vegetables " f W ' ' ) hj A marvel of economy, yt ' , 'j I tbpsp wonderful dehyen-at- pj. ; f J '. C ed products economy of . I ' 1? ) labor for the housewife T f--y pf&r cWyi no tiresome marketing for ritfTmA ' rr soup vegetables no work I --1- of preparing them and no S I y&Z' r waste. You "refresh" ( $f A ' tnem - y simply adding freta jr M water in place of the mois- rm Vy , r ? ture we take out. They ( jfA i .Jr'ff!l r'lV can't spoil if you wish to (PTvt 11 1 r use on'y a Part a V"xi ' ! f " jCTrvL. PacaSe close up the vCjrlis ?vi f - Nrj-r remainder in the carton v'-y ' vV 1 . j c "N ana iney oe just aa r - I I good in a month or IT X V 1 I i morei Fine for flavor- XJlX V lTr?rrrL ing soups, gravies, sau- J J im ces or Lora Meatless Kjjr- V Y JSi 3 :r""8.Loaf an excellent con- JL-.- 3 Sjv fWfJf ,1 "sC servation dish. f. KING'S 4 trJfnt)r Phono Your Grm-or isilit Away. c(Xsi:itV ATIOX , "I 0Cr-ljL- ,,,,t KINis "" RECIPES -'J' Y,'T ,,",,try Sent FflEK on I!e.,uet. "S . 5 "X WI..ber.Kin 'Co. A "'P tVEm jmL w l ' Modern roixi ihihW voih J jfX THE TENDLETON AUTO WRECKING CO. Tendlcton, Oregon Can supply you with parts for most any make of car in this vicinity ft very reasonable prices Telephone 476 WAR ART ACORD HELPS THEDABARA VAMPM Many Pendleton people went yes terday afternoon and evening to see Theda liara vamp through several reels of Cleopatra. They saw her al right, for there wasn't very much of her concealed from view, but they saw also an old friend they had not expected to see, none other than Art Acorcl, famous' R6und-tTp star. Art was there in all his muscular bigness In the role of Kenhren. slave and bodyguard to the siren of the Nile and he was present at almost every scene in the lust act, figuring conspicuously in several of them. The picture shows Theda Kara at her best as an alluring seduetresa. It Uollows in the main tho well known story of the Egyptian queen who i changed tho history of the worl l through her womanly arts and wiles. PAINTS 516 Main Street ,1,1 ...Mi. a 111 JM...MI 1 .r i .iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii I JJ. I- . Ml I I WHY PAY, THE PED- DLER TWICE THESE S - i ' ' "l S" 5 You con gave tnonoy by buy- s 5 Ing your atoc-tt tonlo at this js S store, InBlead of paying the 5 peddler fancy prices for goods of unknown quality. Look at S this price-for thai old reliable , S and guaranteed stock conditl- 5 oner and worm expeller. , E Dr. Hess Stock Tonic S 25 lb. Pail Cost $2.25 Wc nlso linndlp B' Dr. IIchs Dip and Disinfectant, s Dr. Hess Iultry ranacea.. 5 .3 Dr. Hess Instant I;ouso Killer, a Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist. S r-iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimiiimiiiii'iiiii'"'"""' 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Hi iTi i i 1 1 1 Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY, 5 NOODLES- m , Chinese Style, , HOT TAMALES I CHILLI CON CARNE SPANISH STYLE. E I LUNCHES COFFEE 5 Z Even thing- clean and up-to- s date. FIUST CLASS SERVICE 5 TEA 5c Package 1 UNDER STATE I HOTEL Cor. Wehb and Cottonwood Bta. Phone 667. Pendleton, Ore. ClIIIMIIlilllttllllllllllllllitlllllMIIMIIIIIII s USE MY COUPON BOOKS 20 Rides for S3 A aavlng of Just $2.00 on 20 Taxi Calls. wiiyI-ay siohe Wm. Goedecke Aulo and Taxi Kcrvirc Phono 464 .. .. J1 Main St.