1 PAGE STEVE!? EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1918. .a........ .......itttfttttllttltft gy ALLMAN lfUIIlllHIII!IIIIIIHIIiiHi"" .nwiflti tP THE IMJFF.S tANSY.HAS HER OPINION OF WILBUR . r.T .. r-ininwiiMMMirMMiWilinf MM t-"" ' ' i mwhhmhH v imtavwiuuLr J "SUSS?011 BfQ 'WVij li1 I -v.1 1 ;:. jj MILLINERY ARRIVING i . . 'W P,J? , CT "XJLir ; , j -from New York, St. Paul, Seattle and Portland. ff ' fS-' ' &&JjM "' l ' frjP-v "." r " ?N ! - OPENING NEXT SATURDAY : ' J f f ' ' (if jl ' Ufev': - ----" ' , " Brll 111 yoUI oldhut"- 'Trimmer hero tomorrow. " 1 I j E , ,.,.L mTi i" ''" " ! i.oHKBi-w.Ks cARn.vUtooAv,- I i j S1 lSr jl A Lightweight Gar That Can 1 Best by every WL ', . A mW X , -' , i , ' - - '. '; : . I .fir- PTOir -i ;- , "Stand the,Gatf" F ,-. . --'AilS. r-, II fo iikk To srr mo va 4i So' To l . PamsS ? Well. No II - Opposite J PasUmej . ;S JJTrl'i now iSwou s I J , , . ; . ' iirrra1 I 1 icnr m.mss rVM. r1 tARTH? I ti . -..--; . B3 ill : l ii - -ij-rs: I , ' I , -, . i 11 W-W :M-. W . 1 C. & F. MOTOR KIIIPDQ PflMPFTINR POD (1ATTIF e" n cl':- L 'm 'J'OKTUXU. Wan-h 19. it wifs a day; In fact, an ol.l fuxhlunetl one lot North Portland. There was a lib - i . t,! There l more Catarrh In tht. -tlo t ! division at 11.50. which wan uie pre llh cnuntrr than all mher dlneaani put vlous extreme mark, and the compe- . tagrthrr, and for jn It w uppuera 10 jjn,,,, for nuppllcs was keen. Out fc Incurable. .Doctors presrr ul toral u.... hiH unK. fnv rMiedlM. and By contntij rmn to curt with ItM-al trratmeut. oritnounced It In- cnrable. Catarrh la a IckoI dlieasp. freatlf Influenced by conatltutlonal conditions ana therefore requires constitutional treat pBt. Hall's Cstafrb) Uedlclse, nuuiufac tared by V. J. Cheney Co.. Tnlerto, Ohio r"h consltutlonnl remedy. In taken Intern- ny and ana tlirn the lllood on the Mil raus Surfaces nf the Hyatero. fine Hundred Italian reward Is offered for any case that Wall's Catarrh Medietas rhila to cure- ctena tor circulars aud testimonials. B J r'flK'NKV Ji Cn.-.-Tuledo. Ohio. , Sold by lrniclttts. TSc. .'""! , Ball's Family l'llls for conatlpstlon. ; . BUSINESS LOCALS AND WANT "V : The Wants and Needs of Pendleton Are Noted Under Proper Headings so You Cart Readily Find Them NEW TODAY .VANTKlv Olrl to- help with house- work and care of baby. .Inquire 117 j Lewis or Phone 2a-J. .aVRfOM apartment ; tiarden street. ,LACB CURTAINS 'laundrled with care Phone 246-J. MAN with family wants forman j)ob on ranch. Capable of taking full itinrge, best of referances. Addfoss a. B. 041. Milton Ore.. HTENCKJ-RAPHER Young lady wants position. Address K-354 Carlton Court Spokane, Wn., HEW TODAY. Each new advertisement will 'be run under "Sen Tedar" !. the firat inacrtlon only. During subsequent insertions of the ad It will appear under Its proper classification. i WATIT Al COI.rMW AND CLAIIIKlBn DlRKOTOBlf-- , Counting six ordinary words to the line and charged by the line. Want ads and lotals. Rates Pee Llae. ' First insertion, per line Wo ' Ksch add. Insertion, per line 6o Oils week slx Insertions), each Insertion, per line 6c 1 mo. each Insertion. ,prr lino 4c . 6 month contract, each. In- - sertion, per line Se It-month cohtract, each Inser- i - tlon, per line Jo No ads, taken ton less than....25o Ads taken over tne telephone oniy rrom Ln ' scribers and thone hated In the , Telephone Directory. Copy must be In our office not later than ' ' 1:0 o'clock day of publication. iiek iipoTii was n rr or war ' , : JIAZAAII V v. p v4 V. uuiiii tinui . i uii uniiLL h . jfa: L, crul nupply of cuttle and tho bent of all was thut tho iiuulity was Rood and (must -of the old time ehippcrs were In ! for tho day. Earlnlps were made In tho steer ..... ..... cuttle of quality and tuklnit the situ ation aa a whole. It was a jolly and well satisfied lot of shippers that In vaded the cattle division at North Portland for tho day. " ,' General "cattle market range: Medium to choice atcers $ln.60i 11.70 Good -to medium steers 9.BO10.H Common to good steers. s.OOift 10.00 Choice cows and heifers 8.5(Mi 10.00 Comnron to good cows and Real Estate I ACRIJH wheat land. 100. Terms 00 cash, balance easy terms with lnterest" 880 ACRES adjoining big. well im proved farm. This Is all tractor plow la'nd. 915 per acre, and 11000 will handle this. Balance four yearly payments. , 172 ACRES, all In cultivation, sur - rounded by well Improved ranches Can be cropped this year. Price $25 per acre,. )1000 cash, balance 5 years, at per cent interest. ' See me at my ranch 10 miles NF. of Islington, Ore. " W. D NEvVLOV. 020 Acres In Wheat. 470 acres fall sown, .70 acres fall sown rye, 30 head good work horses, 26 head yearlings and colts, 9 head cattle. Com ik e farming equipment, Including a Best Combine., good barn. 35x70 feet, lots of good water, from never fullljig wells, reservoir hold? 23,r.0O gallons, ranch well fenced, with and I wires, also 1 no-acre hn llaht fence, good 7-room house, with machinery sheds, tool houses and all other neressnry nut-bulldlng. all in (good condition. This ranch of 2640 crcs Is in tho best wheat section of "torrow county, 9-milo haul to sta j Hon. lTrcc, : Including everything, irmly $30 per acre. Terms. $50,000 cash, balnnce 10 years at 6 per cent. Ileal. Airair and Stork H;hi li. , 12S0 acres, 127 acres fall sown wheat. 490 acres more extra good wheat land. IIS acres extra good al falfa land In fine condition, with first water riht on the stream, ranch well fenced, extra good buildings, full farm equipment. Including everything needed oh tho ranch, .elegant 7-rnom home with beautiful surroundings. Also good family orchard, extra good large burn, with plenty of good out buildings, located on mal i highway from 'The Dulles to Pendtoton, which will be) macadamised shortly. 9 miles to county seat and high school. This wheat land averages about 35 bu. per acre. Price, Including everything, together with 7 horsea, 130 per acre. Terms, '$16. 000 cash, balance at 6 per cent Interest. Post office address Lexington. Ore.. or see me at my ranch 10 miles NE of Lexington, Ore. W. D. Newlon. IX MAXKntTTCV. Earlcuales were made In iho tcer Ti i I 3 J r'lp f I- n i I i cunie 01 qumuy ana ihkimk iiu- - - v 11 -vsjji i In the Dlstrlft Coart of the United I states for the District of Oregon. ' In the matter of Charles M. Stype. j Bankrupt. I -in the creditors of Churles M. i Ptype of Pendleton, In the County of Umatilla and State of Oregon, Bank I rupt. j , Notice Ik hereby given that on the 1 12th day of March A. D.. 191S. the suld Charles M. Stype was duly ad ! Judlcated a Bankrupt, and that the 1 first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned 1 Referee , ill Bankruptcy at Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregon, on March 27th. 181. nt to o'clock a. in. of said day nl which time nnd place the cred i ltora may attend, prove and file their ' claims' elect a trustee, examine the j Bankrupt, nnd transact such other business ns may properly come before such meeting. Done nnd dated at Pendleton. Ore I gon this 13th day of March. A. D. jlSIS. THUS. F1TZ C.F.ItAI.D, ' ' Referee n Bankruptcy. I pit i - 1 1 a ."; -. rrr.o.- i ' II I , f Jk t . V" i. I I 7 iV : . II Nl 1 J til ''i '.! k I !4 a J I . 1 -Tte- KSNN. a It f I Ir -.1 lk.k rrr- VT1T - ft 'J II ri. B 1 - : lw i i heifers . 8. floss S.IiO 4.25 W 6.25 S.00 8.00 '. . , 7.56 fit) 13.00 fanners . Bulls . '. . calves . Htockor'and feeder steers 6.60(fy 9.50.J Swine About pteauly. Trade in the swine division of the ; For Rent FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 601 Clay. IlOUSEKEEprxo- and sleeping rooms at 608 Willow street. FOR RENT-i-Sewlng machines of all makes. 11.00 per week. S3.00 per month. McCllntock and Simpson, 400 E. Court. FOR RENT furnished apartments Phone 250-R. , AITA APARTMENTS Thoroughly remodeled: furnished or unfurnish ed suites reasonable. 702 E, Alts, C. P. Barnett. FOR RENT Two room apt; sleeping room JPhone 207R. also NICELY FURNISHED , sleepinjs room. 723 Aura. . FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Inquire, 619 Johnson. Ft lit RKNT Furnished 'room. Phone 277 or cull Ids K Bluff. FOR KENT Furnished 3-ronm apartment for adults. Phone 280W. HOMH CHOICE unfurnished oflees and sleeping rooms in the tSfnith Crawford Hlilu. Phone 404. ., TIM K CARD Wcston-PtfiiHeton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for rcndleton at 7:45 a. m. and 12:4 5 p. in. Leaves Athena for PenCleton at 8:00 a, m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendloton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 41. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allon-Knlght - Store) for Weston at 10 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. - SAM HA WORTH. Trlvr. Miscellaneous MR. FARMER With Income tax . rules and regulations you no doVibt Used Cars are In a fix how to keep your books. - Why not let us do thl3 for you? We t W1IA TRADE my Chevrolet for are experts and can save you trouble your Ford. See Miller, 722 Corton- and money. Very reasonable prices, wood. Oregon Auditing Bureau, 812 W. Courti Tel. 351 or 825J. SALE Oakland touring car. almost new. Good terms. Inquire HAVE CASH for Investment. Will Independent Garage. buy building on. Main or Court streets if priced right. Wish to hear FOR SALE Some excellent bar direct from owners. AtWress X23, s"!" in Ford cars. Pbona 721M. oare East Oregonian. . or call 402 W. Bluff. K(KiS from choice, large, winter lay- WE HAVH THREE Dodje Brothers tng strain It. I. Reds, none better. touring cars, one Ford and ene Bu- $1.50 for 13: $8 per hundred, phone CK- sale, reasonable. N. P. Mc- jQjrr, . Lean. Main street, opposite Pendleton Hotel. Phone S32. I BUY ALL KINDS of Junk at top ; prices, iron and sacks a specialty FOR SAL12 elle In good gondltlon. Pnclfic Junk Co.. J. S. Jonee. prop.. 6 passenger. Would make good 617 Cottonwood street. truck Phone 400 or 74. CARPET and rug weaving. Mrs. TWO FORDS FOR SALE Just Te Francls. 1000 K. Webb street. painted and overhauled. Genuine - bargains. Pendleton Cadillao Auto Draymen company. call penland Bros.' van to ripnnino- anil Pressing move your household goods. Tele- C leaning; ana i ieshinif phone 339. Also basgatt transfer- . ring and heavy haulins. II AVE your clothes cleaned or pressed - t - Rudd's iofi v. Wehli. Phone its.".. AutolIire- Auctioneers " t. nr. tnu.ln elltf , -1 i ' . . . ' Charles Co., phone 7. JOD PRINTINU at the F.ast Orego North Portland market . , was. Just about steady with last week at the opening: of the day's activities. Total run was sliehtlv greater thun th( showing of last Monday, but demand held about the same' and early prices were not molested. IT Wanted BOY WANTS WORK in town, qulro 124 Jefferson Davis St. In- OPEN SHOP moulders and machin ists. Box 852, Spokane, Wash. WANTED Good, clean rags, at The East Oregonian office. WANTED Work on ranch by man and wife. Inquire 24 "K" this of fice. WANTED First class woman cook. Phone or write Hotel Hermiston, Hermlston, Oregon.- WANTED Chickens and ducks Phone Earl Coutts, 322 or 240J. Top prices. WANTED Several small rag rugs woven. Mrs. G X, Johnston, Pilot Rock, Ore. WANTED Second hand slip scraper. Inquire Dr. Lassen. WANTED Carpenter work country or town. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 3U2-W. WANTED Late model DodKC ' car, w-ill pity cash. Inquire 6:ji Cottonwood or phone 203. w BOY 14 with wheel wants work after school and Saturdays. Add. 21V stonewall Jackson. WANTED Rooms suit;inle for res taurant with living rooms in connec tion, with or without furniture. Ad dress "34 U". this nflirc. WANTED Man and children for farm 1"F12. wife without wmk, phone WANTED Four or five room Imie galow or apartment furnished or board and room with private family for 2 persons. Inquire 3r,thls office. ! COL W. F. makes a aneclaltv of farmers' tock and machinery snles. "Tlie man that ts you the money." "Leslie i orders si East Oregonian Office. General hog market range: Prime light 16.90 ih 1 7.00 Prime heavy 16. 75 16.83 Pigs 14.25 15.25 3lutton Oines Direct.' A couple of loads of mutton were reported in the North Portland yards For Sale FOR SALIS Good Jack, cheap. In quire R. L. Harp, Holdman, Ore gon. SEED POTATOES for sale, 75c per sack. Return sacks. Phone 446 FOR SALE 10 room furnished apart ment house, doing good liusinese. A bargain. Inquire 616 Thompson I street. Phone 704. FOR SALE 4 room house, 3 blocks : from Main St.. Cement sidewalk, newly j papered. Will take late model Ford, in good condition, up to $300. Inquire ! 36X this office. FOR SALE White Leghorn eggs; from extra good layers. $6 per hun dred. Mrs. L. G. Tell. Pendleton, Ore. FOR SALE Modern six room house, a bargain if taken at once. Phone 482-R. FiHt SALE Holt Ore., special gas harvester in good shape. Phone or writo Alex. Mclntyre or C. E. Zcrbu. Athena tire. FOR SALE Assorted liurbank pota toes, from 1 to 6000 sacks at 75 cents per 100 lbs Buyer must fur nish sacks and sack potatoes at pit, located 1-4 miles from Slanfield. Ad dress IT. E. Bartholomew, Stanfield, Oregon. Foil HALEIMS Rtiick, extra cord itires, bumper, tire on renr. Inquire Ralph Temple. Phone 614. ELECT) IK'S NO.MlNATINiI Petitions and acceptance Mnnks for sale at Cast Oregonian office. Foil SALE Fresh milch cows. Phone 6F14 or address Lester I Hurst, Pendleton, Ore. I ' ' 1 K SALIO Furniture for Tntoni hou, suitable for two complete apartments. House for rent, cheap. Call 715 W. It. It.. Terms. JfoR SALE NEW and second hand Sewing Machines. Singer, White, j New Home and The Free Machine. ' McCllntock & Simpson, 400 E. Court i : FOR' SALE CHEAP Shaler vulcan- Izer. Nearly new, for tubes and casings repair. See Brace, Pendleton Cadillac Auto Co. FOR SALE Olt TKADli Oregon Ho ' tel at 116 East Webb street. Every thing in good condition. Phono 503 FOR SALE Slightly used piano, a bargain If taken at once. Inquire !"14 W. Webb. Phone 240J. DO YOU KNOW that Estes & Frledly "Sell, rent or Insure Anything?" H Main street. Phone 4. FOR SALE Small cleaning and pressing shop, good location, doing good business. Owner leaving town. Inquire t9 "X" this office. ; Contractors and Builders. C. SWANSON F. R. DnPuis. Esti mates given free. All work guar : anteed. We build anything, city Of country work. Phone 241M. To Whom It May t oiiifrn. Having sold my bloiiismilhlng bus iness. I desire thnt all those knowing themselves indebted to me will please r , rrnec ctt lenient lenient II. M. SLOAN in liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis over Sunday, but the trade continues as during roccnt weeks, oi ik very nominal basis. Ktllers are well sup-'i n,ii.a with frozen mutton and have liberal stocks of live- stuff on their .own feed lots. General sheep and lamb range: Western lambs 1 5.0Bh la.50 VallevVmbs 14.50 15.00 Yearlmgs 13.00 13.50 Wethers ' 13.5013.91 Ewes ..10.00 ft 11.00 Shorn sheep, 2 S 3c under quota tions. O. V. It. & Jf. Service Han. . With nine stars for Umatilla county men in the service the big O. wK. & N. service flag with a total of 520 Attorneys FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford BIdg. FRANK DAVIS, Attorney at Law. Of fice Smith-Crawford Building. D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Rooms 7, 8, 9, Despain Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law. Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER 6MYTHE, Attorneys at Law. Office in rear of American Na tional Bank Building. FEE FEE, Attorneys at Law. Office in Despain. Building. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. 3. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney ' at Law. Smith-Crawlora uuiiamK. PETERSON & BfSHOP, Attorneys at Law. . Rooms 1 and 4, Smith-Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. RALEY & RALEY. Attorneys at Law. Office in American National Bank Building. I A- LOWELL. Attorney and Counsel lor nt law. .Office, in Despain BIHar. Architect UAYMOND W. HATCH. Architect. De spain building. Phone 168. Pendle ton. Oregon. . Lost LOST La rg 6 auto robe between Kenilrr ranch on McKay creek and town. Finder please return to this office for reward. Li ST Gray Kiel glove on street Satur day. Finder please-return this office. Second-Hand Dealers' V. STitOltl.E. dealer in new and sec ond band goods. Cash paid for sec m' hnnii coods. Cheapest place to buy household goods. 210 E. Court. Pbon I71W. Chiropractor DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, Women and children. 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 4 p. m. Phone 154. Tele phone bldg Farm Implements SEE THE HALL "Non-Skip" Weed er. (blade type). 100 per cent ef ficient. Credit allowed for old blades. Pendleton Weeder Works: Opposite fire department. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One bav mare. 10 to 12 years ohl. about 16 hands hith, two hind feet and one forefoot white, wire cut on rlsht hock, white strip In face. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled t Its posses sion, costs and expenses paid any tak en away within ten days from the date hereof, then at I ochck p. m. oi the H.tti day of March. the said animal will he siMd to the highest bidder, at puMfr auction, for cash, at the fity pound, i" ald City of Pen dleton, the proceeds of such sale u be applied to the payment tif such costs and expenses of making sale. Paled this it.i day of March. li'lS. Ah popKUTS, CUy Marshal. the new series model ii 490" Chevrolet-"- 1 CO., Inc. J Chevrolet and Saxon f Service and Parts stars, will soon tie flying1 on Main ; street near tha depot. The f lag Is now here for the purpose of receiving the stars for local men and after being displayed here for a short time will be) forwarded to Portland where ultimate ly tt will fly from the O. W. It. N. headquarters in the Wells Fargj building. Agent T. F. O'Brien receiv ed the flag. today with instructions that a star be placed on the flag by each of the following women relatives of rail read meal in the service; Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin" Echo; Mrs. I. D. Con nor. Pilot Rock; Mrs. Jennie Duncan. Reith; Mrs. Maudle .Tompkins, Rieth; Mrs. Tom Maharas. Rieth: Mrs. Nova do Bieil. Pendleton and Mrs. C. t Rowers. Pendleton. Thcaflag is 17 by 1 3 feet in size. . ADS ' 'Legals SiOTh f: of strrbt amkmem instai.lmkst privi.lkt.ks. Notice is hereby given that th Common 'Council o The City of Pen dleton on February 13ft., 1918, made an assessment for h improvement of that part of Jackson street between the east line of main street and. tha east line of Monroe street, Monro street between the north line of Jack son street and the south line of Clin j ton street., and Washington street, be II tween the east line of Main street and the west line of Monroe street. In said City and assessed the coats for . making said improvements against tha lots, parts of lots and parcels of land .especially benefited thereby. All per ! sons affected by such Improvement I and assessment who desires to take i advantage of the provisions of Chapter a, or Title 26, or -ora s oresron uri providing that such assessment may be paid in ten annual Installments, are hereby notified that application ao to do must be-made to the Recorder of The City of Pendleton as hi cafd Chapter 5 provided, within ten day from the date of this notice. Blank forms for such applications may be se I eured at tho office of the City K corder. Pntd at Pendleton. Oregon, thla 11th day of March, l!m. TUOSL FXTZ GERALD, CItjr Recorder. Notice of Payment of lit y or Pendle ton Improvement IVmds., Kolico Is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nos. 15 and IS. Series F, will be- paid upon presentation thereof to the under signed at the American National Bank. Pendleton, Umatilla Counts'. Oregon. Interest on said -bun da ceases April 1, 11-18. Paled March 13. ISIS LKi? MOOItHOUSR. Treasurer," City of Pendleton, by Win. MIckelsen. Peputy. cam vert biidsv Notice Is hereby uivrn. that sealed bids w-ill be received at the office of the City Recorder of the City of Pen dleton. Oregon, up to 5 o'clock p. rn.. on March 20th, 191$. for the Improve ment of the following part of the fol lowing street in said City, to-wit: Lrosan street from the north line of Raley street to the south line of Jack son street, in accordance with the plans and specifications for such im provement prepared by Geary K lm brell. City Surveyor, and now on flta in tho office of the Recorder of said City: each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 100 t made pavable to the Acting Mayor of the City of Pendleton, the check to be returned to the bidder if unsuccess ful, and to be forfeited if the bid Is successful, and the bidder fail to en ter into a contract In accordance wttft the terms of his said bid. Sealed bids shall specify as follows: Gravel BituElthic pavement. In cluding furface rrnlshlng course and bituminous foun dation, per suuare vard I Excavation (common ) per cu bic yard - $ - Curb per lines! foot 9 For entire improvement com plete (total bid 9 The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated lb is Tth day of March. 191S TUOt4. FITZ GKIIALD. CUT Record. j Many Ciood Portions Can be had by any ambPlou young man or young woman In the field of ; railway or commercial telegraphy. ! We want a number of young men and younj women to prepare for the tele r:iph service to fill vacancies ratissd by unusual drafting of young men I for the signal corps. Prepare te help ' your country. Writ today for full , particular Th P.nlway Telegraph 1 Institute, t'urtland. Ore,, 13. s E nian OttlCO. .. ... i