East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    j m ij n.i j'f y muimij u i o i$ '" i m impum v'' ttftpv -m-M' 'i
'Lilly's Seeds
Best by every Test
i W THR6B-I'M SORE .' J . . JX V-JJj ' . , ' l lr-?--, -A .
ose Bushes
Best by every Test
I i , ' t . I :
f-mr-, 1 . . I
Brazil Makes Good Use
Of German Ships Seized
(I'MHod l.'rf'Htt Staff Oirresimndont.)
Mall.) When Hrar.ll "rmiiilsltlimt'd"
the forty-one Gcrmun fchlpsi intc-rnd
There In mora Catarrh In thin icctlon ol
tho country than all other dlnMMea put
toifithr, and for years It wns fiipiiuard to
foe lm-uratle. 'Loclf-s irHritMMj !!
reirxMllea, and hf vonatantly fHllliiR to cure
with local trentmentt pronoiiarrd It la
ciimblc. Catarrh la n local dlaoaHc. Kratl;
Influenced by ronatlttitloanl contlitloua and
therefore require rotirttltntloual treat
oient. HnH'a i'attirrh Medicine, mantifa?
lured by K. 1. 1'lieney Co., Toledo, Ohio
14 a ronatltutlonal remedy, la takeo Intern
ally and acta thru the Wood on the Mn
rone rlarfacea of the Nyateui. One Hnudred
l'ollara reward la offerefl for any caae thai
llall'a Catarrh Medicine fatlit to cure. Beno
lor clrculHra and teatlmonlnh. -
K. J. C11KNKV A Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
roiu oy nruKKinta. Tfte.
llall'a Family l'llla for conatlpatlon.
In her harbors since tho outbreak' of
tho war, tho great Hotitheru repub
lic accomillHhcd an exceedingly good
Mroke of bUHlneHH.
liy an aKt'OiinKint now coniijeted 3d
of theac :hiH have been chartered to
the French government until March,
1IM3, for u cSillBiderutlnn of 22,iW -000.
Tho onllle fleet will sail under
tho lini.iliau flag and each ship will
make approximately 75 round voyut;e8
between Jtrail and Kranco. They
will )o used exclusively in the trans
portation of fnoutliff.s to , France
alone not Including J.Diiii.ihiii i,ukh of
toffee already under contract.
AitnnuKn many or tuo kIUpm were
duinaRed by ihelr Cicriuan crewH and
office tjeforo tho Brazilian seizure
In the Idea that they c.uld not be
used by limnany's enemies, several
of the Bleaniern are already In nervio
and Mic reinuluder will be in oitumlK-
! flon 1n-the 'near futflro. Ah far as
j has been announced but ono of the
shlpa will nece:isJlate repairs beyond
I VlHAr'a The Bifi ipeA
OH this COPNER-7
wen., if Soo
MUT know-I'M
Waitws Here PV
1 V
; it
1 W th
Hie facilities of llra.ll ja n Hhljiyards. j Tt is prol.ol.lo that the e."ablish
The H. R Keopoddina." a t2,(i(l ton inrnt of the new wervlco belwe.-n l!,;,.
steamer, will be towed to the United ' zil and France will free many i-hii.s
.Stales for overhauling und re-outfit- now eiiKaKed in-the Kuropean traffic
"'"i- , ' for service between tho United Stales
M: L
i, it - it rjK j- '
ti I' .Ml r-i
7 fir i
1 a 1
A Lightweight Gar That Can
Stand the Gaff
in the new series model
"490" Chevrolet
a & F. MOTOR CO., Inc. I
Chevrolet and Saxon f
Service and Parts
I Ask the Man
who owns' one
and l:i-ail. 'i'iie addition tif thirty or
fioi cla.s ns to Atlantic service
v!ll a cjn.si(h'rablc relief to the
shortage canned by th submarines' ac
tivites. .Many of the steamship lines
running to .South Anirican water3
have suffered severely during the war
although "the additional patrols af
forded by the United States and Bra
zilian wiuadmns have materially cut
down these losses durinff tho past
eisht months. The new Franco-Ura-zflian
lino will have a much better
protection than other trans-Atlantic
lines had during the first three years
of the war.
The former Herman ships will be
controlled by the French government
but will be' operated by Brazilian
: Don't allow your doifs, your children
' or your troubles to trouble yjour nelgh
! tor. ' .
"Ilotky but profitable." said the
cradle manufacturer, describing bis
The? l'nciimfiiiia ScaJMin.
The damp, oold weather of March
seems, to be the most favorable for
the pneumonia germ. Now Is the
time to be careful. The quicker a
cold isgotten rid of the less the dan
ger. As soon as the first indication
of a cold appears take Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy. As to the value of thhj
preparation, ask anyone who has used
it. Adv.
After a man gets about so full he
ccn make himself believe that other
men think he is sober.
The Wants and Needs of Pendleton Are Noted Under Proper Headings so You Can Readily Find Them
HOY 14 with wheel wants work utter: su Al'UKS wheat land, J100II. Terms
ueh..i.l rind KtittinlllVS. Add. 217' ftttOO nn.h K,. I.. ...... ..
school and Saturdays.
stonewall Jackson.
9800 cash, balance easy terms with
0 per cent Interest,
1IAVK your clothes cleaned or pressed 320 ACISKS adjoining big. well Im
ltudd's 2116 V. Webb. Phone S5. 1 proved farm. This lrf all tractor
I plow land. 115 per acre, and J10M0
WA.NTKD -Itooms suitable for rs- , ' ,, ,.,,,
Real Estate ' For Rent
For Sale
small rent.
-Furtilshed apartment.
lntuire s:i5 Thrunpson.
tauraut with living rooms in connec
tion, with or without furniture. ATI
dress "34 1", this office. ' J
Fill! SAUK Modern six room house,
a bargain If taken at once. J'hone
WANTED Second hand slip scraper.
Inquire Dr. Lassen.
Foil KENT furnished
Phone 1'50-H.
WA.NTKD- Carpenter work country
or town. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone 302TW. .
WA.NTKD I.ate model Dodge car,
will pay cash. Inquire 630 Collenwood
or phone 203.
172 ACRES, all In cultivation, sur
rounded by well Improved ranches.
Can be cropped this year. Price 2r
Per acre. (1000 cash, balance o
years, at 6 per cent Interest.
See me ot my ranch 10 miles NE
of IxlnRton, Ore.
Fnlt SAI.K 4 room house, 3 blocks
froin-.Maln St., Cement sidewalk, newly
papered. Will take late model Ford,
in good condition, up to $3011. inquire
36X this office.
WAN'TKD Man and wife without
children for farm work, phono
LOST tiray Kid glove on street Satur
day. Finder please return this office.
WA.NTKD Four or five room bun
galow or aparlment furnished or bohrd
and room with private family for 2
persons. Inquire 3Xthls office.
HUGS from choice, large, winter lay
ing strain It. I. ltls; none better.
H.Sir for IS; s 'per hundred, phone
FOK SAI.K Holt Ore., -special as
harvester in good shape. J'hone .or
write Alex. Mclntyro or C. K. Zerba.
A.thena ore.
02O Acres lit Wheat.
4 70 arres fall sown, 70 acres fall
sown rye, 30 head good work horses,
26 head yearlings and colts, 9 'head
cattle. Complete farming equipment,
including a Itest Combine, good barn,
35x70 feet, lots of good water, from
never, failing wells, reservoir hold
23,.riiq gallons, ranch well fenced,
with 2 and 3 wires, also 160-acro bos
tight fence, good 7-room house, with
machinery sheds, tool houses and all
other necessary ont-bulldltHTs, all in
good condition. This ranch-of 2640
acres Is in tho best wheat section of
Morrow county, it-mile haul to stn
tion. Price, Including everything,
only $.10 per ucre. Terms, $MI.000
cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent.
Wheat, Alia I fa ami Mock Ituiuh.
1280 acres, 127 acres fall sown
Wheat, 400 acres more extra good
wheat land, 115 acres extra good al-
ifalfa land In fine condition, with first
i water right on tho stream, ranch well
fenced, extra good buildings, full
farm equipment. Including' everything
I needed on tho ranch, elegant 7-room
j homo with beautiful surroundings.
Also good family orchard, extra good
largo barn, with plenty of good out
buildings, located on main .highway
from Tho Italics to Pendleton, which
will bo nuica.damb.cd .shortly, 9 miles
to county seat and high, school. This
wheut land averages 'about 35 bu.
per acre, price, including everytnmg.
IIOUSKKKKPLNC. and sleeping
rooms at 60s Willow street. .
BOY WANTS WOItlv in town. ln
I quire 124 Jefferson Davis M.
Ol'KN SHOP moulders and maehin-
i ists. Jlox 852, Spokane, Wash.
i .
- i WANTED Good, cfean raes, at The
East Oregonian office.
For SA J.K tiood Jack, cheap. In
quire It. L. Harp. Holdman, Ore
gon. SKKD l'OTATOKS for sale, 75c pel
, .sack. Keturn sacks. Phone 446.
fc'KED E. SCH1I1DT. Attorney at Law. on f.; of STHKKT ASSKKSMKN1
Koom 24. Smith-Crawford lildg. j nsr tl,l IKT l'RIVILKUKs,
" : Notice is hereby given that the
KRANK DAVIS, Attorney at Law. Of- Common Council of The City of Pen
fice Smith-Crawford Building. dieton on February 13th, lslg, made an
1 ' ' assessment for the improvement ot
D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, that part ot Jackson street between
j Rooms 7. 8. 8. Despain liullding. the .&,t line of main street and the
TWO FUl;.Ni.sHK1 rooms for house
Keeping. 114 Stonewall Jackson St.
WANTED Work on ranch by man
and wife. Inquire 24 " K" thia of
fice. ,i,
i ll' w T P- in room furnished ninrt. 1 : 7TTTZZ77. Tl'cast line of Monroe street. Monroe
-' ujuttujli w. niimiir "''istrei
ment house. -doim
bargain. Inquire
, street. rhone 70.
good liusinese. A
616 Thompson
FOR KENT Sewing machines of all
makes, 11.00 per week. 13.00 peri
month. McCTlntock and Simpson, 400
E. Court.
-Cook on ranch. Phone
i WANTED First class woman cook.
Law. Room 17. Schmidt block. , street and the south line of Clin.
" . . , ton street, and Washington street, bo-
CARTER . SMITUL. Attorneys at tvetn the eaEt llne of Main street
l.v nffieo In rr of American a&- ... ... ... ...
i V t i d ii- and the west tine or .Monroe aireet. tn
FOR SALE 191S Buick extra rord : said City and assessed the coats for
. ' . , . . .. . ... nfiA niaking said improveuieats against the
ines, ouini.ei, lire on rear, umunc I nn, " "" ,.. ,., , .n,i i, c l,d
peeiaMy benefited thereby. All per-
Ralph Temple, l'hone 614.
in Despain Building.
FOR RENT Rooms and apartmentsi,
at the Kenmore. 617Wiilow.
remodeled; furnished -or unfurnish
ed suites reasonable. 702 E. Alta. C.
P. Barnett.
FOR RENT Two mom apt;
sleeping room l'hone 207 R.
Phone or write Hotel Hermiston, ;
Ilermiston, Oregon. i
WANTED Chickens and ducks ;
Phone Earl Coutts, 322 or 240J. Top
prices. '
WANTED Several small rag rugs
woven Mrs. G. X. Johnston, Tilot !
Rock. Ore. I
and acceptance blanks for sale at
East Oregonian office.
For SALE Fresh milch cows.
Phono 6F14 or address Lester
ITurst, Pendleton, Ore,
For SALE White Leghorn eggs;
from extra good layers, 16 per hun
dred. Mrs. L. G. Pell, Pendleton, Ore.
723 Aura.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. Inquire 61!) Johnson.
WANTED 4 or 5 room furnished cot- i
tago or 3 fir 4 room furnished
apartment. Steady tenant. Address'
llov X:i'( l-llv i-lvli,-. mirflelilfirt ! Pa rl llicill
S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at
Smith-Crawford Building.
R. L KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room "on affected by such improvement
24, Smith-Crawford Building. '" .-.,.....
aavantnge of the provisions of Chapter
Law, ". of Title 26. of Lord's Oregon Laws
providing that such assessment may
oe paia in ten annual installments,
PETERSON & BISHOP, Attorneys at ' are hereby notified that application
Law. Booms 3 and 4, Smith-Craw- so to do must be made to the Recorder
ford Building. of The City of Pendleton as in said
.Chapter 5 provided, within tea days
JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. from the date ot this notice. Blank
Office over Taylor Hardware Com- ' forms for such applications may be se-
Foil RENT Furnished room, l'hone
277 or call 0S E Rluff.
Used Cars
Foil SALE Furniture for "7-rooiu
house, suitable for two complete i Building.
House ft rent, cheap.
I Call 715 W. R. R.. Tonus.
RALEY & RALEY. Attorneys at Law.
Office in American National Bank
S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel
lor st law. llffieft in Despain Fldg.
cured at the office of the City Re-
: corder.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon. this
11th day of March. 1918.
City Recot-der.
FOR RENT -Furnished 3-room
apartment for adults. l'hone 2S0W.
I WILL TRADE my Chevrolet for
your Ford. See Miller, 722 Cotton
wood, si
So M 1(3 CIK !'!: unfurnished offices
und stei'j'iiV renins in the Smilh
Crawl'ord lildg. Phone lot.
FOR SALE Oakland touring car.
almost new. Good terms, fnqulro , Orcjn,
Independent On rage.
FOR SALE Assorted Ilurbank pota
toes, from 1 to 5000 sacks at 75
cents per I'm) His Buyer must fur
nish sacks and sack potHtoes at pit,
located 1-1 miles from Stanfield. Ad
dress 11. K. Bartholomew, Stanfield,
Notice of Payment of City of Pciulle
tou improvement limids.
Notice is hereby given that City of
Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nos.
15 and 16. Series F, will bo paid upon
' . ' 1 presentation thereof to the under-
UAVM'iXl) w. HAT!. ' Ar,Vi'lV.ra,i:iianed at tho American National
spa'n ouiuiiug.
JOB PRINTING at the East Orego-
nlan office I
Architect !
Phone 168. Pendle-
' ton, Oregon.
We Want u Live Mint
"'In every community In Oregon
Nevada. Arizona, and Washington to I . ,ln 7 horBe-. npr ucr0
operate our wonderful new tlmo and , Terms. 116,000 cash, balunco at 6 per
labor saving machine. Tho product of 1 CFlt ntorPsi, .
this machine is used and needed If VaKt offlca nddross Lexington, Ore.,
large quantities by every farmer and Ilp we mo Hl ,ny runrn I0 ,nes NE
rancher, and there Is absolutely no i (l Lexington, Ore. W. I). Newlon
competition, witn mis macnine you
will own an exclusive btislnoss Inayour
homo town that will make you 1200
and more evorjs month. Tho machine
complete costs only 00. Our Mr.
Jlert Shendel will be at Pendleton.
Ore., March 19, 20. 21. and 22. Call at
Hotel Pendleton. Write or call on him
.(here for full particulars and demon
stration of the machine. Continental
Manufacturing Co., 10 S. 4tb St., Minns
spoil, Minn.
Erich nrw adverttsemant will
be ntn under JVrw Todnr lor
the first insertion only. During
ubarquent Insertions of the ) '
It will eoppar und.r lt proper
TV Wliom It May Cowrm.
In tho IlNtrh't imrt of the I'iiHihI
StnKH for the l.Htrlct of Orftft"
Xii the mutter uf Charles M. i-Uype.
To he Ih-edltora of Charles f.
Stype of t'emllcton, Jn tho County of
Umatilla and .State of Oregon, Hank
nipt. Notice is herehy r I vert that on the
12th day of March A. .. 1!18, the
said Charles M. Htyp was duly aU-
fjudicated a Hankrupt, and, that the
first meet ins; his creditors will be
held nt the office of the underniRiied
i Referee In Bankruptcy at Pendleton.
' t'mntllhi County, Oregon, on March
i 2th. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said
day nt which time and place the cred
itor;! may attend, prove and file their
i claims, elect a trustee, examine the
j Punkrupt, and transact such other
business as may properly come before
Having sold my blacksmlthlnfr bus- i such meeting.
JnrMS, I desire that all those knowing: Diyie and dated nt rendition, ore
themselves indebted to me will please ; Ron, this 13th day o Murcl A. I),
call ntil nrrnnwo settlement jliMS. TIIos. FITZ 3KKAM.
U. M, 8LCWVN. Kefvrce In Uaukruptcy,
Weston-rcudlcton Auto Staf?e
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:45
a. m. and 12:45 p. m.
Leaves Athena for lVnuleton at 8:00
a. m. and 1:00 p. m.
Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8i20
a. m. and 1:20 p. m. S
Leaves Pendleton ( Allcn-Knlcht
Store) fur Woston at 10 a. m. and
4:00 p. m.
Mil, KAHMKIl With Incomo tax -
rules and regulations you no doubt
aro in a fix how to keep your books.,
Why not lot us do this for you? We,
are experts and can save you trotible;
and money. Very reasonable prices.
OreRon Auditing Pufpnu, 812 . W.
Court. Tel 3." 1 or 'A JiJ.
FOJl SAI.tt Some excellent bar-
ea i 1 1 s in Ford ca rs, 1 1 hone 7 1 M ,
or call 42 W. P.Iuff.
W1-: IIAVW Till IKK lodf;o Brothers
tourhig cars, one Ford and ono Un
let, for sale, reasonable. N. P. Mc
Lean, Main street, opposite Pendleton
Hotel. Phono 222.
FOR, SALK Vclin In pond ponditlon.
G passenRcr, Would make good
truck. Phono 400 or 74
TWO F(Mil'S Ftdi SAI.K- Just re,'
paint etl and ovrrhauliML Clenii iae L
"barpuins. Pi-mlb ton Cadillac Auto
Hilt KALK NICW nd second hand!
Sciwinjf Machines. .-Mnf:cr, White, j
New Home and The Free Machine.!
MoClintock & Simpson, 400 E. Court- I
Pank. Pemlleton, I'matllla County.
C'resttn. Interest on said bondj
i ceases April 1, 1CUS.
I lated March 1.1, 13 IS
Treasurer. City of Pendleton.
Full SA LK Residence hit on North
Side, liupiire K this office.
Foil SALK CHKAl Slialer vtileun
i:u r. .enrly new, fur tubes ami
r.i: 'nqs repiilr. See P.race. Pomlleton ; V- ST!iUU.I5,
CaiiiHao Auto Co.
Second-IIand Dealers
HAVM CASH for inveslment
buy butldliiK nn Main or
streets If priced rbvht. Wish to hoar ;
direct from owners. Address j t
care Fast Oresonian.
COU W. F. YOHNKA. Auetioneer,
makes n onrtnlty ol" Tirmers' stock
und m neb in try snles. "Tho mnti tliat
Rets ynu the tnonev." ler. vn -ontrs at
Fi); SAI.i: (U Ti:.!)i: Oregon llo-
t- t l nt 110 Fast Webb street. Kvery
: tiling- in sood co nd it ion. Phone &03
i i : s A LK Slih1 used piano, a
bur:::i in if ta ken at oneo. . liujuire
2 I W. Webb. Phonu 2IU.I.
DO YtU KNOW that Kstes & Frledly
"Sell, rent or, lnsiiro Anything?"
611 Main street, l'hone f.04.
1 1ST La rse an t o ro te
Kemler ranch on McKay creek and
town. Finder please return to this Wim. Mickelsen, Deputy.
offieo for reward. -'
Xotico is hereby civen, that sealed
bids will bo received at the office of
. . . tb.' vity Recorder of tho City of Pen-
ler in new and sec- dteten. Orosron, up to 5 o'clock p. ni..
hmut poods. Cash paid (or b-c- on M;r h 2uth. PM8. for the improve-
ond bnnd rxk!s. Cto-nprst plana to buy ment of tho lollowmir psrt of the fol
household eooiis. 10 K. Court l'hone lnw inc street in said City, to-wit-:
Ian street from the north Una of
( ."' '' ' 1 - Kaley street to tho south lino, of Jack-
i flii rnni'irtnr !t"n street, in seeordanco with the
.llllopitn.ivi plans and speei f ieations for such tin-
1 ' ". " proveinent prepared by Geary Kim-
j I'll. LKNA( A. lt NK, chiropractor, , broil, city Surveyor, and now on fll
Women and children. 9 to 12 a. 1 in the of rice of the Recorder of said
m. i to 4 o. in. Phone 154. . Tele- "V .V'V".
Will Kast Orctonian Oilicw.
Court I - . . '
Ft Ot SAI.K Small cleaning fnd
. presthiiT slioj, uood location, doln
coid liti.liieNs owner leaving town.
In'i'iire "X" liii. office.
Ortitied check in the sum of JlOO.ttO
made pavablo to the Acting Mavnr of
the City of Pendleton, tho cheek t
be returned to the bidder if unsueepsw
tut. nnd to be forfeited If thn bid Is
sMeresiM'ul, and the bidder fails to en-
into a contract in accorlane
I BUY ALL KINDS of junk at top j
prices. Iron and sacks a specialty j
Pacific J u nit Co., J. S. Jones, prop., j
617 Cottonwood street. i
CAltPKf und rui? weavitiR.
Francis. 1000 K. Webb street.
move your household Roods. Tele
phone 3.10. Also bfliTETnKe transfer
ring and heavy hauling.
W. A. MILKS, ImRsairo, transfer nnd
drayiiRc. tfflce phone tA. ltes,
Countings! ordinary words to
tho line nnd elir,ed by t J
the line. J
Want ads nnd lot aJa.
Knlos ler f.lne.
First InBcrtion. per lino luc
Faeh add. Insertion, p r line .o f
Ono week tsix insert ions I,
, earli insertion. e r line 3 c
1 mo. each insertion. pr line 4c
6 month contract, each in-
sertion, per line 3c
12-nmnth contract, eneh Inscr-
tlon. per line ?c J
Ko ads t ft ken for les than ...2.'c
Auto Ilire.
phone titi
Shadow Social ami Fnlcrtaitiiucnt.
To be held on Saturday evening.
March lt'.Ili, under a u spires School
iMstriet o. -II. at school house in
said district, located, half mile west; with the terms of his said bid. Sealed
r:nholio Mission. Ijidie reiuest- hi,tfl !'i;,u fp-ciiy as follows:
i , . i4 i. --i'svel liituiithie paveinvnt. in-
eu to brmc baskets. Proceeds to so. t.lu(ini sur!nt!(1 nnt-hin
to tho lUd Cro.-s. Public cordially course and bituminous fuun-
tnvlted. daiion. per square vard .......
i . . . . ' -j1'. .. . t-cavatiou (common t- per cu-
1). U, Wattle, touring.
Charles Co., phono 7.
city trips.
Farm Implements
SK K THi: HALL 'N'cn-Skip- Weed
cr. (.blade type. 100 per cent ef
ficient. Credit, allowed for old
blade. Pendleton Weeder Works.
Opposite fire department.
3Iany timid Positions
C.'in be bad by any ambitious young ( dat
The followimr described animal
has been talcen up hy the marshal of
the City of I'cndleton, to-wit:
One bay mare, lu to 12 years old.
about 11 hands hih. two hind feet
and one forefoot white, v ire cut on
richt hock, white strip in face.
if said animal is not claimed by the Contractors and BuilderS,
owners or those entitled to it posses- , , --nJ-L,-Lr-,T
s:on. costs and fXieTises paid any tak
en away w ithin ten tla s from the
hereof, then at 2 o'clock v
bie yard
Curb piT lim-al foot
For entire t mpreveinent
pb-te (total bill $ .
rh Onmmon "ounei I renerves th
ripht ti. r. b'ct anv anl alt bids.
Dated this 7th day of March.
The month In which you print ami
answer the mest want nds will b
your "good-fortune' month.
man or youuar woman in the flvld of
railvv r. y or commercial telegraphy.
Wo want a number of yonn? men and
youiv women to prepare for the tele
srraph service to fi'l vacancies ranged
I y u mist ml draft Ins f younsj men
for the signal forps. Prepare to help
your country. Write tot! ay f or full
J - - J particulars The Kaihvay Telegraph
MMtMMttMMw i institute, Portland, Dre.t 1.
Ads tnken over the telephone
only from KnM irpcoiiian sub
seribt ra nnd the -itft.'d m the
Tii'phtte tiu eel or y. i"opy mt!.t
be In our office not later than
1:30 o'clock dsy of publication.
the 27th dav of March. 0 Oi. the
si iid animal will be sold to the h inkiest
bidder, at public auion. for cash, at
the City Pound, in wild City of IVn
dieton, (lie ptoceds of -ui s::!c to
be applied to tiie pavrc -!it ,-f s: h
Ct sts v!',d expense maUir.i; ale.
Oat. d thl-i 1 dav of March. I '. I "5
A I. Ui i:KI;TS.
City M ughal,
C. sV..SO & K. It. UuPult. inti
mates irivm free. AH work guar
anteed. We build anything, city oi
oimtrv w-itflc. Phone 241M.