sr-m-f ymwww-mmw&wvmmmMmt"t im w. m m - - a...., .u.. ...... . .,-,.. .. ----- - - in,i.rr MmiiiMnii.M.niww-ri -a-miy ynrijriir fr wth iiw PAGE FOUH DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1918. TWELVE PAGES " ARCADE Tcyday Only h r E--3 AW INDRPENDBST WKWSPAPBm "Wlrta nallr and Hwnl-Wwklj at Pea ' dlelon, Oregon, by the AM OKKUUN1AN l'UHLlglUNO CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES (IN ADVANCB) Barer at the paste Ofgam, aa aeeAfKl-cIaaa i t Peadlatoa, tatter. Dally, ooa year, by nail. Dally, six nonthi by mall. Margurite IN Fisher Dally, three m on tin by mall. E ally, one month, by mail.. Dally, one year by carrier. I ON BALK IN OTHKR CITIES IBperlal Hotel News Ntand, Portlaai. , Howawa Mawa Co . l'orilaud, Ortfoa. ON FILB AT , Chlrata ftareao, hw Herarlty DaUfftag. " Waabloartan, 1. C, Bureaa fiOl 'our taeiilh Htreet, N. W. Ltally. alz months, hv eari-ler Dally, three months, by furrier... Dsllr. one month, h rarrUr . Girl -Who Beml-Teokl, one yesr. by mall.... Seml-Weekle. sis mtilh. h mall 8eml Weekly, four months, by mall. M f OAILVX iW HMMVltWY IX VVl ' a saarWlaUw fop VfVT S3 aa nr. I 1.23 SI .80 I S3 7.50 l.tXJ I S3 HA i :2 The 1 SU 3 78 S-3 B S3 3 S3 1 it window Is array and white; j I see It toss In the darkness All the night. My soul swoop down to sorrow Ja Aa the sea-gulls dip, , CAnd all my love files after Your lonely ship. j p Tet T am not despairing; j Though we must part, p Nothing: can be too bitter ' ft For my high heart; j All In (ho dreary midnight.. W Watching; the. flying foam. I wait for a golden morning t When you come homo. Uy Aline Kilmer In Good Housekeeping. i , for liberty , bonds and thrift at .iiii 1 1 I ? T a " "ijuonvc Hi hi. T o they be forced to pay unreaa- ' The aea that i watch from my onable prices for food. When tney are urged to eat fish so as to save beef it is wronsr that they should be forced to pay ;ior naiiDut a price approxi- ,mately six times what the fish- merman gets for his catch. It is J I wrong- that they should have to I pay a stiff price for smelt when jsmelt are being dumped back into tne river. T ! v here the blame rests the East Oregonian does not know but it suspects that the so-called fish trust in Portland Couldh Grow Up Miss EXORBITANT FISH PRICES I and Seattle is in need of atten tion. This paper knows of no retailers who are growing1 very rich out of the business. But wherever the fault may be it should be checked. We have a Trifif! onnnmctrofiAM Tio4- 5 nam Posed to be possessed of very . . jfuntio, 1 lie Oregon 1 HERE is lL strange about l : r nrf Z T.Vf -. representative ot tnat orgam. h K.rr t z.jz a: z.a.tion . overlooking irA.ttu.Zr vZVSrZ towg with reference VVUIIU 1UI iiailUUL, xct, Iiajiuut r 1 1 - j. - i T-i 1 1 . . s selling today in Pendleton for 28 cents. The price of salmon is 30 cents a pound here. Smelt are being caught in such heavy quantities that much fish is be ing dumped back into the river. Yet the price of smelt here to day is eight and a third cents per pound. When people are asked to economize so as to save money some- to fish prices and this neglect is ac complishing harm. 'DIRTY PIGS" HE above is the " choice and complimentary term applied by a Berlin offi cial newspaper to Germans who live in America and have taken up with the League for a German Democracy, the son ot Oeneral ranz Sigel being prominent in the number. In otner words the epithet ex presses the official view of the A laughable comedy drama in ' which Fisher scores a decided hit. : " In Addition MUTT & JEFF Cartoon i . COWS AND COWS 1: Children 5c Adults 20c r.tii lie help out by wearing the same pair of shoes twice and s also help their feet. ' We may as well 'charge up Russia to "Profit and Loss." i "Call foY. Miss Spring." I 28 YEARS AGO present German government towards those of German birth or parentage- who in their hearts prefer a democratic form of government to the mi litary despotism that now has the Fatherland in its grasp and seeks to enslave the world. It means that nine tenths of the, Germans in America are re- garded by the kaiser as dirtvl swine because nine tenths of the Germans in this country do prefer democracy to autocracy. If they did not they would not be in this republic. Thev would have remained in Germany. Will your loyalty. Mr. Ger man, be to the kaiser with his! insulting tongue, or to the Stars j- James A. Drake returned from Port and Stripes Under which you i ,a"d tnls morning where he had been have had protection, prosperity i enJln a brlet holiday. Mr. Drake i - , -, . 'I fell in with the real estate agent while and recognition of the ele- beUw and enJoyed BeveruI freo rIdes mentarV rights Of manhOOd , to the multlnlicltv of additions around and womanhood? Portland. (From Tho Dally Etast Oregoniau March 9 1800) It is said the county court is considering- the advisability of separating- South Pendleton Into two pre cincts, Main street to be the dividing line. i Thorn psi PUBLIC SPEAKERS SE LECT SCHIEDER EYE- GLASSES Men who are ' addressing the public, and who spent their spare time in study and reading, require efficient eyesight and eye-glasses. Schieder optical service meets the exacting require ments of all people. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE . Optometrist Optician Dr. D. R. Haylor, Manager. A HOOD RIVER HOME With the completion of the Co lumbia River Highway this spring. Hood River is going to be a mighty desirable place for a home. An Meal climate; unsurpassed scenery. The following offer is the bent I have ever listed: The best general farm in Hood River Valley. An ideal home. Kighty acres. Thirty acres fu'l bearing sixteen year old apple trees. Forty acres finest timothy and clover hay land. Thirty inches free water. Thirty inches from East Fork IMtcli. Good eight room house, rui.nin. water, electric lights, bath; beautiful sit sur rounded by oaks Lnd firs; fine view of Mount HooJ and Mount Adams. Two large eaule' barns. iSixty ton silo; cow an hog sheds. Six room tenant house, also tuo loom house. Two fretks on place. In the heart of Hood River Vally. Four miles from city; half mile to Van Horn station and wan-nouses on Mount Hood Railway. The buildings alone are worth JS0O0.00. The entire place offered for Jl'8. 000. Terms. The apple crop this year is estimated between 10,000 and 15,000 boxes. - C. X. IIAVUN Reliable Real Estate lloucl lUvt-r, Oregon. ipson Juiinii Brown have sold the hall manage i StI'atrick's It has been facetiously sug gested that some women could Keep the Home Fires with MUSIC in YOUR HOME, and When You Think of Music Think of Pendleton's biggest and Oldest Established Music Store. , r. ' Warren's Music House BIGGER AND BUSIER THAN EVER LATEST SHEET MUSIC LATEST RECORDS Pianos This big music store with its complete stock of everything musical is in an ideal position to serve you best when you need Violins A marriage license was granted to day to Mr. J. F. Wommack and Miss Flora Gillihan. The pope's good remarks i i. , . . , . , . I Horse creek of 160 acres to George aims statements are alright but i Browrt consideration woo. it would help more if the vati-' Can WOUld frankly advise AuS-i As a mark of respect for Mr. Thomas trian and German folk to re-, Mi,arkev the Miiarkey ,rlf orroirct- t ! """"t has arranged for 1 i-1 1 1 ? i , anu tnus am jn Dnnging aoouti peace based On decency and I I-andry & Demott. the grocers have democracy. ; Purchased 25 feet frontage on Main a.taaaa.aa street of W. P. Matlock, consideration General Pershing says : Germany must be beaten; Germany can be beaten; Ger many will be beaten." Julius Caesar never said anything better than that or anything truer. It is merely a matter of time and we will take the time, whatever it may be. Portland is going to weed out any. disloyal teachers in the schools of that city; let it be I done and send their names abroad so no other town will get them without knowing it. You cannot afford to have yourself listed as a disloyalist or a slacker. 1 N offering this new Oakland Sensible Six to the American pub lic, its builders' do so with what they believe is a clear understand ing of the needs of the progressive automobile buyer 01 today. Accordingly they have embodied in this car that desirable union of high ABILITY, LIGHT WEIGHT, SURE COMFORT and LOW MAINTENANCE COST which is the "sum of true automobile value, and toward which the sensible motorist inevitably is turning, . , Oakland is frankly proud of this new car. It is a fine car as it stands, and it has behind it a record of performance and service soundly fortifying such a . pride. . It is a good car to look upon, better to drive, and best of all to own. It is ffich a car as properly can be offered as the product of the eighth largest producer of automobiles in the world. In three seasons of service, the Oakland Sensible Six by its practical design and the high character of its performance has established itself as the pre eminently SENSIBLE automobile of the day. Phone 222 N. P. McLEAN, Distributor Oakland, Hupmobile and King. , Main Street Opposite, Pendleton Hotel MACCABEES AT ECHO CIVE DANCING PARTY LAIUili M'MUER IX ATTKXnAXCU A.J I'l.KASAXT TIMK KX-JOYKl. A Sliver Tea Cilvcn Wednesday Hj ijiilieH Aid Society: Other Interest lug 'Xew und Swlal Xotes. Player-Pianos Ukelales Guitars Banjos Edison Talking Machines Victor Victrolas Rccd Instruments Brass Instruments Strings Instruction Books Sheet Music NEW VICTOR RECORDS JUST RECEIVED. Come in and look over our stock whether you wish to buy or not. 820 Main Street Phone 524 (Kast Oregonian Special. ) KCHO, 1arch S. The Keho Mac cabees gave another of their social dancea on" Wednesday evening at the I, O. O. F. hall. A large numlicr were In attendance and a jileasani time reported by all. Music wus fur nished by local talent. A silver tea. was given on Wednes day afternoon from ' 2 o'clock to o o'clock p. ni. at the residences of Mrs. ! A. Koontz by the Ladles Aid of this Mace. Mesdames F. W. Hundley and Alex Malcolm were hostesses. The receipts of the afternoon. $4, went to wards paying for the improvements on the M. K. church. -Kdward Ltieseganar has volnteered I to carry tho mail on the Echo route until such time as a regular carrier ; shall be appointed by the federal gov i ernment. Mr. Liesengang made the first trip on Thursday. Ucrt Wilson, O.-W. U. & N. claim agent,' was here from Portland on ft'od nesday. Mrs. 'Bert Tefft returned Sunday from Walla Walla and is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millard Hewitt. Mrs Kalph Martin and son arriv ed here Tuesday evening from Walla Walla to join her husband, wiio is in the employ of the George & Miller Co. 3r. and Mrs. Martin have secur ed apartments in the Uorn building. Mr. Wm. Gillette, Sr., who spent the winter at Iewiston. Idaho, spent yesterday in l'Jcho and in the evening went on to Hermlston where he will visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Anna M. Young la in J'ortland visiting with her daughters. YOU'RE BILIOUS! LET "CASCARLTS" LIVEN LIVER AND BOWELS The Hit Sleeve Valve Motor DOX'T STAY HKADAOIY. CONS' PATKI. KICK. WITH IlKKATH IIAI AND STOMACH SOl'lt. ,TI- m et .Get a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't feeling right who have headache, coated tongue, bud taste and foul breath, dizBiness, can't sleep, are bil ious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you' keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every-few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascareta work while 'you sleep: cleanse the stomach, remove the sour. ; Undigested, fermenting foodTtnd foul ! gases; take the excess bile from the! liver and -carry out of tho system all J the constipated waste matter und poison in the bowels. ! A Cascaret tonight will straighten j you out by morning a 10-cent box' from any drug store will keep youri stomach sweet, liver and bowels re- j gular. and heatf . clear for months. Don't forget the children. They love I (-'aMcarets because they taste good never gripe or sicken. IMPROVES WITH USE IS MORE POWERFUL IS. MORE FLEXIBLE IS MORE SIMPLE V IS MORE ECONOMICAL i u I' The Knight Motor is the car of Royalty. It is specified for officer's use in war service. It js moving the English troops in France. It is driving the mighty British "tanks" that are battering the German trenches. The Willys-Knight is the lowest priced sleeve valve motor. Call and look it over. Overland Pendleton Co. - MI,l,YS-OV Kli Johnson SI. :i:i,.M Moi'oi; lenillf'ton caii iKAiaa:s I'lione 71 first wave to croaa Xo Man's Land. He stayed with his unit until the objec tive w-as gained and when they had to fall back before a heavy counter attack he 1 fell back fighting with them. Some weeks later he went over the top In a tank and followed that trip a few days later by an aeroplune ob servation flight. For the greater part of an afternoon the plane cruls ed up and down a Oerman sector watching the effect of big French shells on concrete defenses. The Boche anti-aircraft guns made it warm for the American flyer but he was still, an enthusiastic aviator when the plane came to .a successful landing on Itfl :own field at dusk. - - , One American Always First Over the Top J. WITH: THE AMERICAN' EXPK DITlnXAHY ARMY. France, Jan. 20. (Iy Mail). If they ever invent a new way of KMnf? over the top thereV one American officer who will probahly be on hand to try the new wrinkle. j The Ki t rich government has iIt- 1 orated him with- fche 'riox de (iucrre for K'jnic over the nacfct In every way j known to date. I Finst he went over with the French) Infantry in un attack laxt sprint?. Though detailed an an observer nnd j rw t required (o t.ikc too ninny chance ' Hie American officer was one of the i HALF SICKJALF WELL A Condition That Will Not Improve Upon JUtlf. In the Spring- the depressing condi tion that many call Sprinjr fever often runs through families and neighbor hoods. Thi Indefinite. hnrd-to-descrlbe state of poor health probably means that you are thin-blooded and anemic' iv-thaiiHted thin nloou Bets thinner, low vitality falls lower, poor .appetite, be comes poorer. Then the thoroughly exhausted nyslem can no longer resist, nnd on comes t he pros t rat ing illness or serious disease. Treat the half-flick.' fipi imr-t lred condition with that splendid course of medicine Hood's Hat'sapa rilla. to for tify the whole body; ivpttron, to iron ize and make rich red blood: Hood's Tills to rouse the liver to its regular daily duties. and the half-well re vives in perfect health. Kaeh medi cine is valuable in itself but is trebly so when used in this combination, ' Uednosiiay Evoning x MARCH 13, AT! Given by the members of Sawyer's Orchestra and friends. Your attendance will be greatly appreci ated. Big augmented orchestra made up of the musici ans tif the city. TICKETS $1.00