: EIGHT PAGES PACE EIGIIT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1918. a 2 s S a s B 5 .inillH'H!ll!IM.IIljl '!'!!!!!!!!!!t!!ti!l!!ll!i!!l!!!l!l!ll!!!ll!!l!!!!!l!!ll!l!!l!!!llim New Arrivals Buck Wheat Groats, pound 15c New York Limberger 40c and 75c Block Swiss Cheese,. pound 75c Dainty Cod Fish, 1 lb. wood box 40c Boneless Herring in Glass. . i 25c Anchovies, pail $1.50 Silahka, pail . . $1.50- Kippered Salmon, pound 35c GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY . Two Phone, 28. 823 Main St Piyiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw AGGiuracy and Economy The accuracy and economy with which this institution handles estates far exceed the capacity of an individual when serving as Executor or. Trustee. v You incur no obligation by consulting us regarding the facilities of our Trust De partment. THe AMERIGAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" ptmuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! COMPLETE ALIBI IS ESTABLISHED FOR MAIN riuKXixs or accvkki max ac count for a i a, his ACTIONS. State's Case Fractured : Witnesses Testify Defenant Ailed Normally; FjhI Is In Sight. CHEHAI.I.S Wash., March 8. Witnesses for Oscar Main. Napavlne business man on trial here for the murder of his closest friend, Fred Swayne, merchant at Napavlne, Jan uary 6, today spun a complete and convincing alibi for Mr Main. Not only were Mr, Main's activities sketched continuously during the half hour In . which the crime was shown by the state to have been coin- niltted, but the state's contentions as to the motive for the crime were com pletely knocked out and the actions of Mr. Main before and after the crime were shown to hare been with out the least sign of nervousness, ex citement or anything out. of the ordi nary. Defendant's Character Lauded. Character witnesses;, Including A. H. Lundin, Seattle's prosecuting at torney; Superior Judge Frater of King county; H. M. Caldwell, corporation counsel of Seattle; Dr. W. A. Major, a Presbyterian minister, of Seattle and others, all told of the excellent reputation Mr. Main always had had. The state, in presenting its case, fixed by C. P. Lloyd the-time of the crime, Mr Lloyd having passed there at 5:30 o'clock without seeing a light. He said he also saw Main in his (Main's) office between S and 5:10 o'clock. No Nervousness Noticeable. W. P. Jones, a farmer living near Napavlne. testified today that he went to Mr. Main's office with Mr. Lloyd at about 5:05 and found Mr. Main there and left a box with him for safe keeping. He said Main was not in the least nervous. Main's office Is about 800 feet from the Swayne store. Walter Mason testified that he was In in a pool hall next door to Main's office and that Main came in there a little after 6 o'clock and remained several minutes, leaving Just before a passenger train pulled into the Napa vlne station near the office at 5:20 o'clock. , Miller Ashton, who conducts the pool hall, told of having entered the hall through a back door as Main was leaving through the front door a few seconds before 5:20. UPIDEE CLUB DANCE BENEFIT RED CROSS Athena Opera House Saturday March 9 FLETCHER'S JAZZ BAND All Are Invited. ' TICKETS $1.00 DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL Room 1 Judd Bids. DAINTY FROCKS Kastcr will soon bo here, ami a mad rush will be tintkr way for that new spring Milt, Coat or IresM. Do you want In be illmipftoliitcd? 1 you want to Meo tlie very icanuent you eraved Ix-lnK woru by some one duo, when you luul tlio oiqwrtunlty to punhase it first? Now don't wait too long untll'cvery UUiuj Is picked over, but come in now whUu our stock Is complete and find Just what you want. ' THe price need not worry you, because you can buy the swellest dresses in both wool and silk from $8.90 to $29.75. The coats, simply beauties in all the newest shades from f$8.90 to $36.50, and the classiest Suits from $14.75' to $39.50 , CLASSY SHOES We Certainly Have Them. YOV CAN DO BETTER SI THE GOLDEN RULE V AT - A.u , ii ii ,i u hjimij til x m Hi m i.i "7 Wg LEAD, OTUHR3 FOLLOW MELBA Singing to capacity houses everywhere, whole tour proving one grand triumph. The Iteylor Grand, Walla Walla Mall orders filled in order of receipt. Enclose check and 10 per cent for war tax. Address Mrs. Mario Catron, Grand Hotel, Walla Walla,, Wn. Prices lower flpor, J3.00; first 3 rows balcony, 83.00; fourth to 9th $2.50; back of 9th row 82.00; unreserved 81.60. LA GRANDE HOME GUARD IS CALLED OUT FOR SERVICE mm .NEGLECT YOUR POULTRY NOW! 8 UNCLE SAM Wants You to Help Him f Win This War. Lilly's Scratch Food contains no rock or other heavy, cheap substance. Start your chicks off right. Lilly's Chick Food is the best. Blydenstein's Poultry Mash, a balanced ra tion. ' Corn, Whole or Cracked; Oats, Barley, Seed Corn. BLYDENSTEIN & CO. Phone 351 aiiiiiiiiiiuiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu I WANTED ! We have a buyer for a Modern Bungalow. West side preferred. For quick sale list your property . TTT "I 1 1A. witn us. ve specialize on city real esiaie. Chas. E. Heard, Inc. 1 635 Main St See Me Before the Fire. Phone 477 1 s Siii9Mtiiiiiiiiiiiiitiifiiiiiittifiifiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiif iiifiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiin France, Jan'y 7th, TO Franklin Motor Car CVy., tSracuse, X. Y., U. 8. A. Officer Cuiniuan-Jin, VougMi and Jura Groups, Canadians, France. . g ltar Sirs: Will you please send us a couple of your catalogs? This zero weather i supplying u with a steady stream of fro seen water-jackets, and both our own and the French Transport Officers have arrived at a keen appreciation of the many good qualities of the Air-Cooled Car. I have-owned two Franklins, and expect to buy another if I last o finish this job The French appear keenly Interested in that machine of yours I believe that if at Franklin demonstrator were attached to one of the itrnite, you could sll all the cars you can make. Yours truly, (Signed) LT.-COI GEO. H. JOHNSON, Officer Commanding', Yoagcs and Jura Groups, Canadians, B. K. F., France. LA GRANDE. March 8. While the citizenship of La Grande serenely slept last night, picked sections of the La Grande Home Guard battalion stood faithful watch over the city's water reservoir, and patrolled the George - Palmer Lumber company yards and mills. The guard was call ed out upon the discovery of a clue that might have meant a catastrophe to the city and might have meant nothing. After due deliberation of the evi dence in hand. Sheriff Wamick and Major Coolldge decided to adopt pre cautionary measures and said - the word that brought out the needed 32 men and the officers of the battal Ion. This order was given to the j Company commanders. A., W, Nelson and J. H. Feare, at 11:30 last even-j ing, and by 1 o'clock the supply com- i pany under Lieutenant Skill had Is-1 sued guns and ammunition and pro- j vlded automobile transportation and j the men were patrolling their beats. The Hystem of calls previously draft-1 ed and adopted worked out nicely, due in a large measure to the vigil ance of the operators at the Home In dependent' Telephone company and the alacrity with which the men re sponded. Three reliefs were posted on the Palmer mill property and two at the reservoir. The nature of the susplcloned at tack was largely incendiary and the sheriff and officials of the Home Guard immediately threw protection j about the water supply that It be not destroyed before the match was up- : piled, if such action was contemplat- ; ed as set out in a letter found on the 'l street last evening. The epistle was addressed to Seattle, saying the fir ing was to commence last evening, and it asked for further instructions. It intimated therein that the writers were camped in a nearby canyon, but the Home Guard found no trace of them. It was signed by the name "Busch." WANTED A YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK. One experienced in bookkeeping or with high school education preferred. Must be able to furnish best of references. j. : " Pacific Power & Light Co. the new spring coats "prettier than ever" Rooms like the dcaignerg have out done nil previous effort this Spring In creating "nifty" Couta for the "sun Bhiny" spring days. Kvcry Imaginable "cheery" shado is represented In our new showing. You'll be surprised at the values we're offering at (15.00, $17.50, $19.73, $21.50 and up. "VVo aro bcinfr favored with many compliments on our splendid ahow lini. ' a shop for particular women lon't be too self-important. There are other men, Just as small as you are. I HUNS IKI"OKTIN'C; 1JOYS. WANHINCJTON. .Man'h 7. Gc-r-many Jh now lrortln; boys from 1:1 to 15 from Ifc'lKlum. according to the Belgian legation. About three hun dred arc reported, wnt to (Germany from tlie Mons district. The destruc tion of ImlustrUw and removal of all rail Mipplictt continues. iter's Owelt L uiicli OPEN 'TIL 1 :00 O'CLOCK A. M. COMMENCING TONIGHT. Mr. F. B. Pangburn, with . Leighton's Dairy Lunch in Portland for over four years, will be chef in charge evenings. CLEAN, WHOLESOME, HOME-LIKE MEALS Open 6:00 a. m. to 1:00 a. m. 733 Main Street AUTO THE PENDLETON AUTO WRECKING COJ Pendleton, Oregon Can supply you with parts for most any make of car In this vicinity at very reasonable prices Telephone 476 546 Main Street i ANDKKSON I-H.KS CANDIDACV. . i KAI.K.H. Mart. 7. Ir. J. K. Ander son, of The Dalles filed today lus de claration of candidacy for the repub lican gubernatorial nomination. Ills slogan Is "Hone dry, win the war, de. velop Oregon." Jlo Introduced the bone dry amendment In tlie leglHla ture. He Is the first ouididacy filexl. No, liafalo, there is1 nothing cun ning about the toothache, even If It Is acute pain. Ohio Stale raves IOOO. COI.UMltL'H. Ohio, March 7. Four thousand stars, represent- lng both graduates and under- - graduates, will adorn a huge service flag which will be un- furled on Commencement Day, May ii. at Crhlo State university. ANOTHER BIG SAVING ROAST OF VEAL 18c BACK BONES front cute little young . Country Hogs at 10c the pound Don't this listen good to you. Saturday Only Central Market Co. WE HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY. CARLOAD NOW ON THE ROAD HERE. F..W. IX- Four Wheel Drive OTOE. TOUGHS 3-Ton Capicity Adopted by the government as meeting their requirements just as they come from the factory, for heavy duty, trailing, etc. The Ideal Truck for Soft Fields and Rough Roads in This County. s A model of simplicity. Eliminating expense of operation and upkeep. Gives constant ser vice. Not an experiment but tried and now in service. The entire output taken by the government but we secured this shipment by special dis pensation. WAIT FOR THEM Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 117. 110. 121, 12S Went Court 6k Telephone U i)