" PAGE THREE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1018. NEW S NOTES OF PENDLETON MUvm . Kt-iiilrr III. , . Miles Keinler In ciilkully III with meningitis cunti-uuied from nildilli! enr trouble. H1h condition In hucIi that hln recovery Ih 1oii In f 11 1 I'Vbruarjr IOfs Siniill. There were only three fires diirlnR the month of Felnunry, neVordlnn to Klre chief Klnicold'M monthly reort. The lire. Iiihh hum iipiirnxlniutely $10110 rive ftallonH of chemical were used und 1CR0 feet of huKe'hild. the DoKltlnn- of roimnerclul limtruc-1 "J t' lilse hitvlnn u fellow throw roeks tor In nix pkief, Hpveral ttiilleaitlon ;at you without belntf able to. ee him." Imvo lieerr ;eci'1nc m .the principal ' ! hu write, in nH he has spuiit 3a days offi. 'wo people In purtlculur ar" ln the war zone. 1'art of hlH letter IntereMed In the poilll. a lady atwaH written from Liverpool und port . A. ('. and a man from the comWicr- from a port In thin country after his eial department at Oreicuii City. ireturn. DR. II. J. IS CITY PHYSICIAN 'lly lits for (iurilt'iis. The vacant city lots are to lo made Into pardenH thin npiIiik. The coun cil, nan decided to give the use of any of the city lots to anyone uIbIiIiik to Put III Harden and has Instructed the cemetery committee to .act on appli cations. Cotinellmen Toy lor. . Folsom and l'helps are on the committee. leHii-np Days Named. . March 'ii and L'3 will la- 1111111111"! t'lean-u'p Diiya in I'cuUleton. The council last evening set aside those days for the cleaning tip of back yards, streets and vacant lots so that th city may he attractive on Kastcr Hunday. People who clean up their debris and set It along the street curbs on those days will be assured that wagons will cull and haul away the stuff without charge. Named to Succeed Dr. H. IT. i Hattery Who Resigns to' Enter U. S. Service. ! Dr. H. J. KavananKh is the new city physlclun and health officer of i I'endletoll Acting Mayor John HI Cu.scs In Court, i liorei Is (.rallied. Vaughn last evening appointed him to There were but 1(1 cases In police I WUllam Clrigsby was today granted succeed Dr. II. II. Hattery, who has court lout month, according to HecorJ. : aivorco from runmo uriRM.y. - : received a cupinms .-omiiussioii i i the medical enrp nno wno nas r;een 'ordered to report for duty March 13. liurgess and ' 1)r- Hattery's reslKiiutlon was tender- , been unoolnted 1 (.' and accepted" la.-t evening. Conn-1 One sidewalk permit, three plumbing appraisers of the estate of the late ! cllman Mnrpl- eypressing the feel permits und eight burial ermits ware Donald Itoss. issued. 1 - - Here's Something FREE! er Fit Gerald's monthly report. The fines collected umouuted to $270. Appraisers .pHlnled. There were H building permits issued K. !. Warner, .1. X for improvements totaling 125,1117. .lames (Cramer have Honor tmttrri To Meet. The Honor tiyard girls will hold a. Ing or the council that it Was an hon or mid a privilege to accept such a resignation. Dr. Hattery is the third of the Ten dleton city officials to accept a com mission In the army. Mayor Het hav- VotingH lx-ave for Fiikoik-., F H. young, commercial teacher at the high school, left with his wife today for KllKuue. where he will take the. ordnance cotirso of the army. Members of the high school paper staff were ut the train o see him off. Mr. Young's absence wil lbo severely felt at the school as he ha.-; taken an uctive part in all affairs. He started up the high school paper and put it on a paying basis at a time when the money was most needed. He was on the t'nlversity of Oregon college pa per Ktaff and he was In a position well suited for carrying on this work. Though no one has bee nsccured for Sees Nou-l'aillMiii Menace. V. 11. Atkinson of Portland, special i meeting for selection "of officers Xut- agent for the ."Cortilern Insurance Co lurdav evenlnir at 7:3U in the city hall. and a cancidate for the legislature .Other business will also he transacted. : lug been made a lieutenant of the from Multnomnh county, is In the cit , -, inedltfal corps and city Attorney fee today. Mr. Atkinson is one who sees i.,.io ltoud ttoiu-tcrx Hero. : having been appointed a lieutenant in the proposal .to organize a branch, A strong dvleuutum of Kcho good 1,1 tlle 'Knl corps. of tho .Non-Pnrtlsun league in ore- n,ds boosters are hnje this afternoon : Charles H. Carter, former city at- ; gon us a real economic menace to the . mmcur before the countv court t torney. was last evening officially re state and ho thinks every community iurge immediate worlj on the Pendle- 1 talnr1 to assist the city attorney In, should be on its guard against the .toii-KcltO section of the Columliia the prosecution of the Jackson street organizers. highway. It is very probable that the ! foreclosure suits. He had previous-: - ;ooiirt will authorize) the beginning of : ly retained but. through a misunder- j IImh1 Itlvcr to 1'lu.v Here. ' work soon. Among those in the dele-' standing, had not so regarded him- Tho Hood Itlver girls' basketball Katie, 11 are A. li. Thomson. It. IS. Stun-1 self. . uuintet will Invade the l'endletort te We want you to cut this coupon out and USE IT! field and W. H. Crary. Another Kainlxnv Uc'Miuii-nt. Count Kuierinted(;nt Youiir Iiuh in-pii niftifiod ly Ktato Supt. Churchill that st-cfind Jlninbow Koginipnt will Volition I tlciiirJ. The n-titl"h rf the .SiniiHon Auto Co. for iJtrnifKHJMi to IntuN a gano-: UiiH tr -Ice. station In front of the Golden Itule Hotel was denied lust ; evt.-nins' upon the recornniMidMtlnn f t lie t reet corn i n Ittee. It had been Mlned by ull of the tenanu and prop erly owners In the immediate vicin ity hut a half dozen or more had sub- 'Pendleton pupils have outlined for the Beguently requented councilmen not ; l(pf..nfi rnuiiiifiit (jiwi others arc run-I to Krant the petition. Councilman , .... 1 1 ... i . . . . a . I idly ncarinB the $50 mark in their j Cenland. who voted not to accept the IEotllHl.ll Pictures AboUnl Ship. I n.mmihP,. r.o.,rr doHarr-d that not Major I.ee Moooue i - in receipt umouIltinff to $60 a day'nly do petition signers secretly re of a letter from Charles K Jlowlaby. : ' M 7. n..,itf .h .i.n,,.,..- l,t ih,. : ond regiment will be given certificates councilmen were in the habit of en ritory tomorrow niKht, in the hope of securing- tho championship of )reoii. They defeated the locul girls on their floor but the Imuls hope to turn the tables when they come here, if the 1 riuiii:iuu it-tun nmn iiiin kuiih; nicy i . win 11 it v 11 kmmi eimiii'e 01 winning tho chanipiorihhip (f regon, as the already have the Kastern onon championship. This will be the last basketball game of the season. formed of pupils who succeed in l selling jr0 worth of war Havings jutamps. Tho first regiment of 10 00 has already been filled. Already ten Well known J'endleton boy who is now aboard the C. S. H. Helena in the Asiatic fleet. He tells of having wit nessed a production of the Kound-Cp moving pictures on board his ship and of the feelings which came over him when he saw-Hero Thompson on Hue , Til Taylor. Jinks Taylor and pother well known figures at the Kound-l'p. The sailors were very en thusiastic over the pictures and kept him busy answering questions, he says. He asks Major Moot-house to send him 11 picture taken at the Jiound-l'p find labeled. "Why harU'K Howlsby Didn't 1 Jet Into the Finals," it being a pic ture of himself when he was thrown by Old Fuzzy," men enlisted from this county during the pa-st few days. A SPRINGJEDICINE That Will Make You Feel Better, Look Better, Eat and S leap Better. In view of the fact that disease is ever the same, a medicine like Hood's Sarsa pari Ua, which has been success ful for more than forty years in com. batting disease and preserving health, is a safe one to rely upon. Hood's Sarsaparllla is known every where ns the standard blood puriller tonic and vftalizer. Its record is oa.i of remarkable results. it has give, entire satisfaction In the treatment t.i scrofula, ecxemn. humors, catnrrh. ' t he steamship Philadelphia as a mem rheumatism, loss of appetite, that tire i.r of a gun crew, slates he has made feelimr and Eeneml debility, and ism... lt.(.. erncU v,. .i...,n,. i., t '.' taken as effectively at one irn o , . , . i.a .. .i 1 k"k i-c, uerniau w Among The IVris'uw, In a letter to ltis father. Albert Friedley, Karl Frielley, wlm is' aboard instead of buttons. o More liuiifl'enrs Wan ted. I The local exeinlftion board last j night received a telegram from Ad-J jsitant General Williams closing the j enlistments for truck drivers, slat- ing that. Oregon's quota had been raised by voluntary induction but! that he had asked that the ouota be i Increased so many are. the men whoja- service station in front of the Dutch wish t. enlist In this branch Seven ! Henry Feed Yard was granted. couraging peoitle to ask fr things they know they will not get. thus making the committee members the goats Councilmen Murphy and Tay lor explained their opposition to the petition on the grounds that arj or dinance had been adopted to prohib it service stations in certain limits and should by enforced. Application for the Installation of This coupon is good for one inner tube repair up to 50 cents in cost FREE, when filled out and presented at the SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO., 223 East Court Street, , Golden Rule hotel bldg. Name Address Make of car owned : This offer now in effect and expires Saturday night, Mar. 16,1918. " . i Only one coupon accepted from each person. 1 Tho won nre Se nice Co. IH More Classified. The following clasif ications were received this morning from the dis trict board: Harvey Booher 4-c j Henry K Duoher 1-f, Elmer Hooher 4-c, Albert 1. Kirk 1-e, Carl K. Kirk 1 -e. Ji dm 1 Kirk --c. Harrisn C. Kirk 4-c. Hoy Ixigun Street Xcxt. An -ordinance proiding fr the im provement of Cogan street betweeo Haley and Jackson was assed last evening as were ordinances ratifying the contracts mude by the street com mittee with tho Warren Construction Co. for the paving of lasi Webb and West Haley to the city limits. There Is not lung Pewer as a prom pi. ( "t ' " " KP:'al tonic for wcMv nrnl run-down onal J Hm.i jih being the first member of, men, women and children and tdi th crew to sight u. periscope. He 1 people, invalids and convalescent s. NII(.M h(. Knos the experience of see- i t .t is n eanni to lake, aUb dmestmn . V a W supplies the vital mxans with tb '" 11 t,,r'"Ul If" i:iJlt h,xv j jifch red bluod esxetitinl to health tho ship without a submarine in sight. i;mery Hronson 1-e 1-a, J'arl S. Fox 1-e 1-a, Hon K. Ktter 4-c, Hilmer O. Fell 1-e. Fred W. Fell Fdward K. Fell Jt-c, Charley Ware Alfred H. -Kibby 1-f and Hern hard d. Krebbs 2-c. The Dean Tatom Co. ' Telephone 688 " j GROCERIES AND MEAT Corn Flakes, 3 packages 4. 25c Cranberry Sauce, the bottle, something good . 33c Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Preserves 33c Standard Corn, 2 for 25c Apex Coffee, none better at any price, pound i 33c Rome Beauty, Wincsap, Jonathan Apples, box $1.75 Meat Dept. Phone is 86, there you will get the best of everything in themcat and fish line. When a wuniau lilies uii the physi cal culture fad Hhc is anxious eithfr !( init 'ii fm in- tul.c it o: f. Women, Prepare! SENATE VOTES TO LIMIT POWERS IN WAR FINANCE BILL Measure Authorizing Govt, to Sell Alien Property Un animously Reported. WASHINGTON, -March 7. The n- ato this afternoon voted to limit the power of tile war finance bi!i grant ed Secretary Jlt-Adoo by providing e to must be confirmed by the senate. Trte or iginal biii allowed the federal reserve liom-i. ioiiii Hiu as iiqiiiu, at, any : f jrniation drug ttoie, and t'vcrv woin.au. who su(- '. his from backache, headache, nervous- NolPnir Mii u l'roieriv. I ties., should take t ! i i .3 "Prescription" . WASHlXliTO.V. Murrh 7. The sen- ! vt Ir. Pierce's Tlior.sands of women near the coast iiave tiveii.'oinc their Miiicrings, and ' iiave been cured of woman's ills by Dr. Pierce s i avoruo Prescription. This that members of te eonimitte temperance medicine, thouuh fCirleJ l,;'-ss "" "o new securities issjies nearly i i it 1 1' -n century ago, sells most widely to-day. It can now be bad ill Will give to any automobile owner, one inner, tube repair amounting up to 50 cents, absolutely free of charge, upon presentation of the above coupon v.ith the order. .;. . ...i i...i5f!i! We want you to get acquainted with our shop and service We are equipped to handle, in an efficient and satisfactory manner, V . - - . .- i T- j ! r. j 1 1 t anv kind ot tne repairing, sucn as licireauing, Decuonai aim inner When in need of tire repairs see us Free Air-and Water at Curb. 223 East Court Street Golden Rule Hotel Bldg. WE SELL L2 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i he i Kilitorijtl iis.oc:ation. reach H.-nerl men from (.regm ' "That, while not having oin-.rr.mi- iv- iiivotiQiiti the husiness man- It. h prepared from u,e approprintions committee unani-, a'Sement fi,n-. mr to see a financial of tho paper, it is our bi-liut the methods used in socming fi- narcoUc. Ifs not a secret prescription power I'residcntr WiLson to l.ny the lnt lim- u Inst ow wln for U3 in-rrdionU arc piinted on wrap- Hoboken piers of German steamship ; n ' ' , 1 as v'urs thought nature's roots and herbs and does not mous,'v rePtc lne ,as"re author- roport , i iiziiiK the government to. sell all enemy ,i,, ,u contain a portico n alcoliol'or anv ,. . . . . tnat tn Tl u Hen proju-rty and also voted to em-1 ,.;.,. per. Send 10c. for trial package to companies. The plan is to weed out Dr. V. M. Pierce, UnOaio, X. V. .o entirely German interests in the I'ni ' h ted States. The properties will he re- sold under the plan of liquidating tier Mi;m ot:i, i:k(,on -Tor three or four man interests. The government will days ut a timo I would sniffer miUikl them cUirinff the war and pay the lijouy, it, wsun t h 18 (.Jerinan owners after the war. The tlllIIItllllllIIIIIIllSItiliiill'lllflll'llitiIIIIIiIli-IIIIllIlllfIIIllIf lilllfjifijff , I . JJDDB& Brothers ! . motdR-car Only an Owner Can Appreciate Its Rugged Sturdiness. Its remarkable power and smooth, quiet ' operation are subjects offavorable discus sion among owners and non-owners alike. The Price F. O. B. Detroit is $883. i ft I'oreo an uo time out lltwi,. n1,1m.n1,ii.i1-inl- n.ti-..it-.- Cirr w V- nover trot, any hlp. vi'i A friend told me WA amt lr Viereo's K-1 11KAI-TU COMUTIOX ;)()!. "a ' X vorite Proscription. 1 H l'Eln!! VASllIX;TtV. Maivh 7. ;-m-rul j trotihle. At anotlicr ni'al111 HiHHtions In the eaiiloiiiiniil- ', Time 1 Hint w-rriOie ciniiinuo kimmi, (iimutui i-oruuM nn- . di.y spells and a notim-ed. Tlio il'tl ralo fm Hu lul i'lP'W ,) t , if wM'k is tne. lowt-M since -vcn!K'i ? V S ' i'iri uliui' :'"' MMliotiul iuirct has the lowest wisiuervnus: ;mn utter eacli meal would 'hkne-s Oo naiional army the Wont sonvthini: rerrihlv. Had inclitre.-- Jowest, death rate. : tion so that I could liardlv eat anvihinir L and uiv liert:is ntleeteii. I airain took the Kiivorite rrescnpt ion and it en red mo. It is a jrtand men!, in and I am glad , to tell others hmv it tupped m. "Th rie:fant' (Vilms curiMl mo of , ehnuHOCOUJctipjitJon: reuJ.ttcd my bowels yt that F iicvi f lnuJ anv more trouble." i Mrs. A. I. I.n.n i', i N. Liivei-sido, Avb Portland Board is Against "News-Letter" xs Needless Expense j they wore contributing to a juihliea j tlr-n siionsored by the Portland rre.-t t-Iub. and exi-ressed eonsbleral'le stir I prise when they found that this was i nut the case. "We therefore recommend that un- . til tlie management of the Sdtliers 1 i Xews Letter furnishes to the public 'a linancial statement showing that, ilbis is a atriotie irjeot and not one lor private gain, and also that there is sufficient need fur the publication to justify its expense, the support of all patriotic people of oreson be with held." 1 'or mil Is oifsaiv. 1'n tier the ord inanee recently ad opted hy the city, contribution; can- j I not 'bo solicited lor the further sup 'port of the Soldiers" News Letter without heconiini: liaide to pi usecu- tii in and pennlt t' fine or imprisonment. iJiiuiJiisiJiiiiiiiiiwniiiiiiiinwiiiiiiiiHieiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiir- Look at Your Teetli J Are they decayed, full E of holes and abscessed?, E If so remember it iar the 1 worst thing possible for your health. . Newton Painless Dentists Corner Main and Wabb 8trai E Pnoae 13 Open Evenltm E 4in:iiiiiiii:iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinihn I PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. j Cor. Cottonwood and .Water Streets niiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinMiui'MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiT; ! rollTUXli. .Mri-h 6. Xulwilh xtaniltn tht' ;u1vere loptn't l'V the i l'orthvnil War l.;:neri;tMH'y council m the Snliliers' Xews Letter, u1)11.")hmI ' hy the Northwest l'atriotic I'ress as- N-.ci:itton, Ktihelt . Michael. hnsl- ; lli'ss maraer of the iu iilicat ion said this morning: v "We will ctntinue issuing the Sol- licrs' News I.etler as lon?r us we havt ; money for it and as lonir us the los: ! Mailt It " Mark Woodruff staled this Instant relief no walling. Your , mornine: th:it he had withdraw n as Z;t'n-KKed iiisli lis open l'iKht Ul: t he a Ir i president of the Northwest Patri.tlc S. passages of your head clear ami yop'l'ress association and could make no Ejcun hreathe freely No more hawk-; statement as to the association s in- lintr. sntiftiny;. hlowlnr. headache, dry- tcnlions. 5j . No st i-UKclhiK for hreath at The report on the- Soldiers' l'au i..t- niKht: your cold or catarrh disappears 1,. News Letter was made Monda? small lioltle of i:iys freain night hv a special roinnilttee of the I'-alui from your diusnist now. Apply , war emers;ciicv council headed b little of this fragrant. antiseptic Lruoe Hcnnis. 'i'he r-iMirt was ai- E HEAD STUFFED FROM 1 CATARRH OR A COLD ! J Says Cream Applied in XostriU "! A Ovens Air rassaircs Kicrht L'p. hiMtin-- cretin in our nostrils. It Poat'tiate-t (hriMiuh every pa.-snKe of the Ivvul, soot lies the inflamed n jwollt-n mucous memhrane and ndii-f (. I'uu-M insia nily. It's just tint'. !on't stay Mi)ffod-uti iiih a cold or nasty catarrh. opted. It asserts: lair Ih-c'laiSI VcvrtU-. 'Thai Ihw Soldiers- New.; i.e;t-r i a neettloss puhlicat ion, inasmuch as its mission is only lo ie print new -1 1 um stare papers, which papers, ae- lorclinjf to the serrcMiy f the Stati- DRIVE AWAOEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A hes&che remedy without the dan sera of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from culds or congestion. And it acts at once ! Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and docs not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it cftect stomach and heart, as some in ternal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralnu. com ::jstion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbego, ill pains ond aches of the back or joints," sununs, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, trusted feet, colds of lie chest (it i)i;. r. pivvents pneuinonia). ;;oc and 00c jars; hospital size $2 30 h mh fresh for Friday I3i variety and little prices owney s of course TELEPHONES 187 OR 1SS 1