East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Overnight Relief!
tor Constipation a
IL ; ,
'; Internal In news comes from asn-
IMtion of the mnrrlaRe of Sim Mnble
Pinch and llobcrt Zarlnit, which was
iIrmrili!P1 nt Kverett. Vanh.. on Feb.
ri'ary 23rd. Mrs. Zarlng is well
known tn In1lMnn. being the daughter-
of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Myrlck.
nromlnent residents She is a most
attractive young womnfi nnd has a
host of friends here. Mr. Zurlng is a
enlthy Washington farmer who is
now In his country's service, hclnir a
corporal nl San Ie I.uca fort.
V'aptaln and Mrs. H.- If. Mattery
will he the complimented guests at an
infnrmul dinner party tonight for
Which Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clarke.
Judge and Mrs. Charles Marsh, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles lireulich and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Newton Hnigess will
111? hosts at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarke The dinner will he followed
by several games of auction.
' Sir. and Mrs. V. Fergus and daugh
ter. Kllzaheth. of rmalilla. are visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Keeney of this city. l-u tlrando Observer.
am V Peterson, Milton attornev.
in the city intlay. ' .
Clarence Cngnon of Athena, was In
!the city over night,
j John Walker of Athena is a l'en
I diet on visitor today.
Ornnt W. Shaffner of Athena t
making Pemlloton a visit.
I.. K. 'Weber of Walla Walla, Is ft.
guest at the rendleton.
Fred Vjtt was 'down vesterday
from his home at Weston.
Miss Mildred Hush of Hinklo Is
spending today In the city. 1
A. F. Drolshagen of Hermistitn, is
registered at the St. (Joorge.
Charles Shultz of Wallula was an
overnight guest at the Golden Utile.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilbert of Pilot
: Kock were in rondleton last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shntrum arrived
. home this morning from a visit In
I '"rt 'and.
John Mjjmm will leave thist evening
.for Montana to look after land inter
jests there. r
i Alex Hudson will leave this
ling for rayclte. Idaho, near where he
At 2 o'clock tomorrow A afternoon
l milt-ton knitters will gatlter In the
club room of the Uurnry for an aft
ernoon of patriotic work. H is an
nounced that sock and sweater yarn
Is now available. .
The Lovcjoy Layette Unit meets for
work tomorrow afternoon nt the high
school. All interested are urged to
. " has land.
rr. C. J. Whltaker was here yester- Mrs. janpt .-,,,.,, of rrt1amI
was the houseguest over the week cud
of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hatton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tullls. for
merly of this city, are , visiting here
They are now living oh a farm near
Hitter. (
flat from Cambridge, Idaho. Mrs.
fahitaker is at present at Hot I.nke.
III sn vr is N
si im:i:mi
Man? vfij'e in tlii section liave
flittered i 'in rheumatism and kiuiiey
trouble ! r.d hae tumid Annric to U?
the most i'.icoessoil ivmt-dy to overcome
these painful and dangerous ailments.
The lucky people are those who have
Suffered, but who are now well Uvau?e
ihey heeded Nature's warning siiiuul in
itne to corfVi!t thoir troulilewu!i Hiot,
ronderfiil new dixiovery of Ir. fierce s
called Xn-u-ric. You should promptly
heed the.se warninis, some of which are
dizzy spells, burkai-he, irrctriiUiriiy of the
ftrine or tiie p-inlul twing.-s of rheuma
tism. fiat ica ir Iu:nta2r. To ie'liiy may
iliake jiossihle. the dainierous forms of
kidney dts.'a? sui'h as lirtciit's disease,
qiauews or stone in the Madder.
'To overcome -t'.iesn (li-tresslnt; comii
fions ydu should taU-o iilenty of exercise
in the open air. avoid a lu nvy inrst diet,
drink freely if '.apr anil til each meal
feije Dr. Pierce's Auurie 'i ablets idotihi1
strength!. You will, iu a l-.ort thm'. hud
that yon are one of th? linn imlorr-rs ol
Au-a-ric. as ar many of.your tuMkjhljors.
'i Send Dr. V. M. Pierce. iiuiTalo, N. Y..
lb cents for trial package.
' Retsiu WAsn. Iwas trmjl.ied sotting
Bp at night for uvo years. 1- inailr I toot
s' trip to Kiorycin, and while there I sent
to Dr. Pierce hir some Auurie. T:il-,lets
and two dollars' worth of tho tk.Kien
Medical Discovery Tablets. I tool.- them
a he directed and have nut Ixhmi troubls!
with my water for somrt time. I have
been well now five month?. Vthink the
Anuric Tablets are ail O. K.r W. J.
fcooDE, Washington Yet. Hume.
i Portland. ORF.GOJf. Doc trr Pierce's
Anuric Tablets gave me rrtat relief after
eifht yeais oi surieriue with kidney
trouble and dropsy or limbs and feet.
Anuric is certainly good. ,t Mrs. J. Cas
trux, 447 Kti'pheus street.
t? - c"Al-
K f . '" '
f v; . i
A Canadian order in roundl of Feb
ruary 8, til$. roportod by the Amer
ican nmyul Kingston, provides in
the follbwlnir terms fnr th free ad
mission of certain traction engines un
til February 7, JJHI:
Terms of tho )rUr.
"Kemiwion and refund of duty is
herchy authorized In respect , of trac
tion engines costing not more than
$ 1,4 00 in the country of production,
even- designed to be moved by steam or
other motive fwnvor for farm pur
poses, and parts thereof for repairs;
and traction attach meats designed
and imported to be combined with
automobiles in Canada for use as
traction engines for farm purposes
and parts thereof for repair." , The
duties thereby remitted amount to
27'. per cent ad valorem in 4.he errse'
tf impMrts from the I'niled Wtntes,
and 2o per cent ad valorem underthe
Hritish preferential tariff, it heinsj as
sumed lhat the esenlptinn "sipplies to
tioth the customs duties and the war
Admission of Meat Cattle.
Another order or lh same , d-iie
i provides for the f i adiiiis.tiui of
I meat eat t It until February 7, I ? i 5.
i win ii irupoited by bua fnl.- residi-uts
l of Cjt nada. und r t-;;n J:i (ions ty t lie
in.ini.i'er of nstoiiiP. Cattle, except
Tor breed piirpofS-. art ordinarily
jdutiable at n v c ent ail val.rem,
i including the snr surtax, on impouta
1 1 ins ironi (he 1 Tu i t t-il Slates.
THE mild, pleasant-tasting combi
nation of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin that is known as Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin, taken just before bedtime,
will afford grateful relief next morn
ing, withoutjmping or other discomfort.
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup, Pepsin
The Verfect Laxative
50 ets. GZ) $1.00
S A trial bottle can he obtained, free of charge, by writing to
3 Dr.W. H. Caldwell, 457 AVashington St., Monticello, Illinois m
EcisBfflsaaBassBHaiitfKaiiHBsaai hbbimiiiiimmm
cet(t ycars.'may afford bpporttmity
fon the confidences, the Ideals and
aml'fllon t hrit nro ho often poured
into 'sonietine" ejse's ears hecausff the
mother seems so busy in t he home.
At ny rate, you will ud slop the
walks and talltw vhn tiie klnderKar-
tn ae has passed. Vmi will Keep
jit up from year to year und e;ich year
win aia Ke t tn-ai set m more worth
While. Yu will have to Increase yuur
to spur you on, and the many book
on .the library shelve that nro now
eady to helj you, this ought not to
he (Hfflrult nor burdensome. . y
"How far to
' 'Itoula, mile
"Why ii soldi
Hi well- it
the capital,
and a half.'
IT jUSt t.dd
miht be ti
Mr. Rai (r?
me i(
him ;
only four NipiaVt
used to walkin'.'
roriiTii iti ( i: t i.Ass s
I lil t.lXMNt; TO ASM-.MIU.K
; iivr;iisiTv 'F ortr-;ox, Kp
Tie. March 7. Tiie fourth ordnance
class in tin- school of commerce is
now hetdunii-r t" assoiul.le on the
;Uuiersity campus for the six weeks'
ct orse of instruction opening on
I Monday. March 11. Most of tin- stu
j dents have been recruited' from Mon
i tana, Idaho and Washington. Tho
SuKitcsllniis liv Mini Iiim h I uiw Imiii Uillilrrunrllirl--.. Issucil by
i'h l iilii il s(;in liuri-uu (if I'Miit'Ulion.' Wn-.liiim)in. I. '., iinil
Tin Xitlinnnl KiiMli'i'.mirlrii AssiiriHtion, Xcw York, X. V.
Article I Walks and Talks Afford Opportunities for
Teaching Facts at First Hand and in Interesting Ways.
t'Siin moil in fourth
leat lis in tlio 4hrfP
I'll is will ho' I he bitf-
Kritni nliimc Ii
li'iiilins inilfliiiii
llond yenrs, thfif
aiil fur Hip moth,
niolf I he wcll-li.
j than walks ami
I IIKlSt Cllfficillt l'l.
i irni r:ii:ri
i - uj?e of :!. and cx
ly through eiiiki
is no more v:iluaide
Wlio desires to pfo
ins of her children
itllcs. H is usually
tlw lioint-keepum
Mli'icierit leisure-' or
ted leisure to eon-
Work or play with her
""Doctor Pierce's Pellets are the original
Utile Liver Pills One lft:ie Pellet for a
laxative three for a rathetic. Csoid by
4rugg!?tfi for neai.y 5U ycais.
Lady P.awlinson is the wife of Gen
eral Henry. s. Kawlinson. liritih mil
itary representative on the supreme
war council. She doesn't rest on her
t husband's laurels, however, hut is
daily at work for jTie Xi'ed Cross aiid
( organizations taking care of soldiers'
dependents. -r
iirofKii:APii i5fxonis
CTAJN (iKlblAX 111 A ISR
CHICAGO. March 5. Federal
authorities are Investigating to
ascertain the orisin of-25 phono-
graph records, made in Amer
ica, filled with German praise.
If their sales are held to violate
the espionage act, the manufac
turers and dealers will be warn
ed to stop their circulation dur
ing the war
J percentage of
j are nor nearly
i former classes
i est 1 i.('(ln;iii('C
i the university
j 00 men ,
j The men will be uniformed and ful-
ly -.equipped liefore cominn tu - En-
gfne. The class will be on a strictly
military basis as the members must
Ue mustered into the service before
begin n hit? their studies.
Lieut Jeremiah in charge rf the
course has been advised by the war
department lhat if any of .the men
selected for this or any future train
ing course conducted by the ordnance
department fail to report they will
he placed on a black list and pre
vented from entering the ordnance
service as long as the war lasts. He
has been furnished with a list of has. the advantage In this respect,
names of men who have failed' to re- I The city mother will have to substt
Uort at other universities nnd htis tnte. or the sn truest ion hr.i,ur t He
LJcen required to forward similar lists ! city parks, the river or lake front
from Oregon
Toother to find
rather, unirvlfrrr
cenirate on
children. We ure Jill only too familiar ponds and trt
wjtn tne tnterrnnttlons of the butcher,
the banker, the telephone, the friend
ly neighbor, which break in repeated
ly until one "gives up" In despair.
tut when you leave your home
it r: distractions behind you, you
gin to realize that you have found a
way in which you can say with Ktoe
ble, "Come, let us live with our chil
dren. These walks and talks can be use
ful both to the city iother and the
country mother, though it will be
easily seen that the country mother
and Axx g ;
be- dom
- - -
Necessary to Purify Blood and Correct
Weak, Run-Down Conditions.
By using the"WRIGHT f
S tir i vh , a.
3 hai oi curing meat
1 you can have the best e
meat that can possibly
be produced. ;
I 1
S Thp "WKTliHT WAY Trying weather, exposure to storms,
g ic TTwuimx a t the rj hartJ colfJs rmeiinicna. fev-
3 f CE trt tictp WHfrlit'? TTnm ' rs, diphtheria and of her blood-poison-
12 tU UftC tVligULb liaill . nrnRfratine niseases leave the
wlioje system sub -normal below par
weak and slow blood depleted at.:,
thin, wiih that tired feeling, poor ap
petite, backache, rheumatic pains,
delicate diyeMi ve power or almost
none at all. The ideal treatment is ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla to betaken be
fot e meals thorouphly to purify the
blood and expel pfi'ns. and
I'epirron to be taken after mal
fo put power into the blood, pive
stifO-ith, i-icrea.se red corpuscles and
restore tone, and do it quickly.
if then is biliousness, consultation,
bad la-tie in the mouth, or "the blues.''
the liv-r is torpid. Take flood's
y rouse tiie lifer and relieve a1'
i: er ills, are per feci ly cornpat ii wiir
lood'a .Snrsapariila and l'epSrorj.
P)ltTLAl. ,Iai-cii I. At a pon.
fen-Hce of the lxal Ix'ion, l'o. Jis-
ftfc aiinoiiiiciil operators agreed to
, furnisli tiie men with blankets. The
bwmi will he the suiih; rute t nil
f.-unis. i up wasc inititer lias not
been readied.
Pickle for making sugar :
x cured meat and then ;
5 smoke the meat with
, Sold by
I Tallman Gt Co. II
Loading JirugglstA.
Farmers Attention!
Having bought the Blacksmith inj RiinpR
formerly owned by II. M. Sloan, I desire to an
nounce that the same treatment, the same, guar
antee of good workmanship and the same all
around satisfaction will be maintained as in the
past. Your continued patronage w ill be appreci
ated and given the very strictest attention.
Cor. Alta and Cottonwood Sts.
.. ... l. I I. I. IV ,1 ,L,,t ,., y
NtiwtjI W i 1 1 i.-i in CiImiIkoiv
I'riiiuh Ini.if i i;i fi nci'iil
"Tl''i ill I.:Im1(. Ccill.!--
a( Wilwiu .-.-tri-. .-nt.-.l Kui-luii,! j, t lie
:illit'il riinf.-i'HiM:i.s in 'rsailli'.s.
piiir-c or 1 1:.
:;)!i Cr. it is.r.
m of mmim
m-. the M -m i
a,. '.few. i
gl need ILr Jj
m sugar -UfJ
I visits to the large -factories, inuseunfs
nno nistorical points of interest. You
ninke the walks as inn? or short
ds your leis irc permits; you can plan
them for every day or every other
day, morning or afternoon: and after
a month's 'nil you will benln to re
alize their vain for yourself as much
as for the children The blue sky and
the great outdoors will take ymi away
from the pettiness of the thousand
and one trifles that continually intrndt
themselves upon your attention while
you remain within four walls, and
they will lie equally uplifting in bik
Ing the little ones a way especia My
in this true In small tmvn:; from the.
petty small-talk that emanates from
the porches and the front stoops and
passes nlonx the sidewalks from hoii;;e
to house anil from child to eliild.
H is 'well for you to decide upn:
your des"tinat ion before voti f all t hp
J Hdren jvil h"l.et 'h hi to the poud
today:" or -This is a Kreat day for
, the woods!" A,id:iymale or two tak
en alonw oceadnti.'illy (and rreipteri I -;
l.v if you haw- Jnt oi.e chihl) will
j lend additional zest to i he walks and
j WllU'tiInrKe your opportunities of et
t:n beMt-r a'cfualnted, not only with
the play'nmii N. but with yoi-r own chib
j'dri-n in relation fo iheir playmates.
In the case .(f very yottiiii childr-en.
I'faoe.s vt-ry mar home ViII servo as
well as the inoj-e dij-.tant i.:ils v. bjcb
I fire usually mote aft rail fve V. t hi.
other children. The pond of H,i' :
stream oder (lie hrlde. or the'water
Iront. the be::eh, o- tin- meky hould
er;i that can be sealed, or I he unod -SMek
Ibem oni in your vieiniiy. Try
every mini and see l;ere it leads to;
i ne mijtitniux town, if n be within
liv,, or three inile;:, maken a splendid
" objective point with 'older cY 1 11 ren.
.-Jim .'i tiolly ride will brim: yon ,a-k
should tii ,r fati!,'ite nmke (m neces-
-a ry.
Try to fortii i all your Krown-up
dignity on I In- e walks (especially If
il be- in a country roadj and have ai
iiiiieh fun and lhter as the chil
dren are read. for. W ear 'only stmii '
shoex and ' too tiling" clothes. Some
times "permit i he children to take
skater, or a Mcvrle. or a veloeioeiii.
i 'ason or jaunting cart, or a sled, a
n ins. .II these will
nal attraelion when
m loath to leave their
confer nod, you need sot; ires t very lit
ile"; the chlhlten will liutti-.te a. muck
as there an .time and energy for
Tii ere will be wn Ik Intr forward a nd
t'ackward, sonn l imes . with eyes shut.
mt n t lines on st n ne w:lls a ml In
i itches; there w ill), be runnint;. skip
ping. hoiipiiTr, jmninK fro'n different
ieiKll!s, whist liri.tr and smhi, f. run"
Ol" "follow master," racing. slonc
tli rowing a nd st if U-tn rowing Into
nd t ree-cllm bint?.
I hat. th., w ill t ar l talks ' are a
R'ri-a t mental stimulus is readily a p
parent. when one reflects for a mo
ment upon the oportunities. for ask-
nd answering (juestions that sel
arise In the school room; the op.
port unities to observe public work
that is j;oIuk on away from one's im
; mediate neighborhood ; t he road
bt!ildinR. the diKjfinar "f trendies and
layin.i? of mains, the setting and tak
ing down of telewaph poles, theop
; eratinn of the switch towers near the
I railroad bridge, the regulation of traf
; fio, the construction of bulldlntfs. .
: Tii ere is a ileepenlnt;- of sense impres
sions; there is. training in the correct
inve of ,t;n(i( Kir-jlish in conversations j
and story-tellint? by the way-side,
there is reatlin? and dramatisation in j
the worids and in I ile shady nook:: ;
and on the rocky heights, that nid so
ni uch in creat ins a congenial atmos
phere for the play of the illumination,
and last but not least perhaps the
most valuable feat ore t here is a
tremendous f h;ld for developing a
krowled-e nfV'nat ure'a -workshop.
FN rhaps some concrete illustrations
vill serve to rond purpose;
Sense Training.
Stand still a few moments with
e es 'shut ; listen intently, then tell j
what was heard. '
Triok intently in all directions, close!
eyes, and U-II whnt was si en. !
Name nbjoets tsecibs, flowers.
Iwisjs, etc,) by touch alone with eves I
shut. " j
I'oint to every bird's mr-t observed !
on the walk. j
Kind all the maple trees alon?r nro- I
r ail. J:y taking one tree at a time;
you will soon be surprised to dis-i,
eover hiw many trees you and thej
children can name. . i
These walks vUI also conlribute to j i
spiritual srowth in no smalt mensuie.
'J'ln-v v.ill afiord a bais of compnn-!:
iom-hip Unit willi (he oIb-r years I '
not tiadily outgrown, and many fond!'
niemorie.4 will cluster a round' I Itese
Ihtle pi(K. IN-rbaps the same wnlks,
tlinuh 'b-s rteiucnl In the adnles-
vtii-rxTi-rus roit iiahvkst.
s l,i:i. March I. siaio !JuiMr
( oinmiloner llotr mu l wlerul I unn
I pcrt ItiTwcr aro planning to uhU
liirm Oirmiti' employers to M-rtnlt
certain jMrccnlage of iheir tfnployen
lo olunfi er fur harvesl work, lri
knowledge of nal ore's story as the Udinv tho mobile force Is ttifetilia: ll
years go by, but with your interest Die lalHir reiiuii-cmi-nts. '
ritwi i in iiiw iwwi ii fl ii1 in ii i i"TtrTTiiiil li iumMmmmpm
-. vSct Contents IT .uidDraohnig
;c e..
'e ; ft"C
:iIOI.-.-l 1'tR CliNT.
if AVciclabk-ftcparalioafarAi-!
I 1indUw,StoniiH.'hsandl!vlSQi
i T!icri!-.y Pw.-iioUii DMcsUon
i Ciiccr(ulncssan(lwsi.tou
j nciUicr OpHim. Morphine nor
, Mineral. ota.V"
A helpful iicmcdy for
a:u1 Fi-vrrishness and
For Infants nnd Children. -
Mothers Know Mi
Genuine Castoria
Bears tli(
For Over
Thirty Years
.iiii muunfll.m,iin ii ii !. i ' I in
-says ,
Corn Sweet
And Ready To Eat
Bo-sun aiawfaULiJiBtjjau
hootj. or hot
provide addit i.
he children y
Street Jday.
These walkH
dren phy.-ii ia 1
Hysteuiatic tx
tit 'Htunt.-" t ha
the road will
of t hem you j
ttach you to
nerves, while
atrenth and
. r r b
Musterole Works Easier. Quicker
and Without tha Llister :
Tlipro's no scn?a in m:::;ng a m9s of
rr.u?tard, flour sncir vutcr nrlicn ycti csr.
catily relieve pr-in, tarcrCTs r.r stillness
vith a little ciean, v;hito IiliiEtcrole.
I.fustcrols ii n:sds cf ure c.ii cf m
t-rd t:id ether htlpf-J i.-.;rcdi..nt3, corn
Lined in tho form of tho prevent white
tintpjiit. It tal:3 V.-.0 piece of ctu-of
i,:,:.: TMi-Xzxi x-Alz'.ztz, cndv.i.1 r.otLlirlcr
Mustcrolo fvo prmpt rilitl
tlrcnt, trjnchit j, tnr.iliti:
Hooverize "": . '
"Raise,, More Chick-ens and Save Meat"
Just received.
Chick Food for Baby Chicks
, Scratch Food, Bone, Shell, Grit, Etc.
5VVU fno
Telephone tot
Look at Your Teeth I
c'Jlf r.rlz
X r.curzzlnt hecc.
wlil develop your ehil
fully as imii i) as anv
decs, and the v.uietv
it will be initiated nloii-;
itotiTjd you. Ji home1
i. my Join: other will I
have control of your'
th.6 children develop (
lndrpwndenee thretn. '
r.c:i cr.nrcrucn, ni.?j:r:cv, rircvmottf.n-
lumban, ps.ms r.nd rxhen of the beck ot r
joint' , jprain', sore murx-'c bruise?, c.fot I
bHin'i, frotetI feef, cok's at the clicu! . S
(itoitcn prevents pneumonia),
wJw and t0s. j:;r.;; Jicsila! size 52.50,
Are they decayed, full
of holes and abscessed?.
If so remember it is the
worst thing possible
for your health. t
Newton Painless Dentists
Corner Main and Wtbb mrm
hoB 11 Open Ermines