PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918. Don't Fail to Attend This If "THE If 'Tj2.i..,. A fter Supper Sale This 'sale will talk strongly to the economical side of your pocketbook. It wilt place at your disposal new, seasonable goods for which you have become accustomed to pay, and were only too glad to pay, certain specified amounts at the greatest price savings of the season. Be on hand, therefore, to choose from these economies and prof it by the savings they of fer. . ( , Special No. 1 " $1.00 GOLF SHIRTS 79c Here's a bargain, Mr. Man, that spells economy for you; all sizes from 14 to 17; Jight, .medium and dark col ors; full cut and extra well made. After Supper Price . 79c Special No. 2 75c FOUR IN HAND TIES 49c ' A wonderful assortment of new styles and patterns in fine quality silk. After Supper Price 49c l$w?ci3a o 3 $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00 HATS $1.49 A bargain without an equal. A wide assortment of hats in all sizes ; all the most wanted shades; some are cloth and some are felt; the celebrat ed Kensington make: the best medi um priced hat in America. After Supper Your Choice. ... J $1.49 Special No. 4 , t , 12! ic PERCALES 10c Light ami dark colors; 2S inches wide"; a value that's too good for you to pass up, After Supper Price 10c . Special No. 5 35 AND 40c J5EACH CLOTH 25c , Sport suitings, White and tan grounds with stripes, dots and orien tal designs; a suitable cloth for out door wear; 36 inches wide. After Supper Price only 2'c ' Special No. 6 75c WOMEN'S SLEEVELESS VESTS 49c Very fine lisle, low neck, sleeveless, all sizes. After Supper Price. . 49c Special No. 7 65c TURKISH BATH TOWELS 52c Extra heavy; size 44x24; plain white; worth much more than the regular .-price.' After Supper Pr. 52c 7 Special No. 8 5c VALENCIENNES LACES 3'2c Laces and insertions in very choice designs, extra quality for the regular price. After Supper, yard VzC Special No. 9 NEW SILK PETTICOATS $3.95 These come in all the new and wanted shades of changeable taffeta with prettily tucked, and scalloped flounces. After Supper Price. $3.95 Special No. 10 NEW APRON DRESSES 89c These are made of good quality percale in neat patterns, both light and dark colors, cut full and long and made in good attractive styles with wide belts and large pockets. After Supper Price 89c ' PENDLETONS GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE cjne Feoples waronousQ V1' WHFPE IT PAYS TO TRA PE- &4 BEST FOOD The best meats the test coffee the best pastry at low prices. Clean cour-. teous excellent service. MILLER'S 733 Main St. -! IL QUICK LUNCH NO CASUALTY LIST r the hig ;crman ruicl iieai YET OF AMERICAN T"ul ,,U!' b''" ro"''v,''l. Army men ' i... OPOTrt CP rl? T 4 TTA ' "ri elated over the hullilnj; tenacity - REPULSE OF RAID n thw Vm(.rl(,1Hw iwiIiKt wh(m th " ASHING TOX. .Marelv a. No 1M mmn are will every .possible of isualticn 111 tlie; American re- trick to fool the green men. 4 j. Bulls '.for Sale. At J We are offering about 35 head of, good registered SHORTHORN and HERFORD Bulls suitable for farm and range purposes. ' .. These Bulls are acclimated and conditioned especially for range purposes. Each .will be sold, backed by our guarantee. , . FEMALES We are also offering a few good SHORT HORN FEMALES. Write or wire us for particulars. Tell us your needs. PENDLETON MEAT COMPANY Pendleton, Oregon The New Oakland Sensible Six Has GREATER PROPORTIONATE POWER for its weight than any other car built with the single exception of one other, which sells at three times the Oakland cost. - : Its high-speed overhead-valve motor is positive and unfailing in action, delivering at 2600 r. j. m. FOURTY-FOUR FULL WORKING HORSE POWER or ONE HORSEPOWER TO EVERY 48 POUNDS OF CAR WEIGHT. . With all its excess power supply, however, this motor is exceedingly spar ing of f uel. - This is due to its efficient and compact design, the system of advanced carburetion with which it is equipped, and the light weight of the car itself. N. P. McLEAN, Distributor Oakland, Hupmobile and King:. w Phone 222 Main Street Opposite Pendleton Hotel S. A. , ftuV' and Vat lHherty. raw (ilia oouiKyt stockmen, wer inWftlla Walla" yerriny.v " (. A ' Mrs. It. AYlsHler has returned from Im Orttnde where Hhe has been visit In? her fbtutrhters, Mrs. Gale Sturdl vant and Mrs. Karl Inne. MIrs Jessica McKwen baa returned from Lenburg: and Kuaene and will attain make her home wliH hwp sls- ! ter, Mrs. H. A. Barrett, Athena i Press. Following the V. H. and rtaker hlwh school , basketball game last nlsht an enjoyable Informal v dance was held in the gymnasium of the high school, which was largely at tended by students and a inimbpr.of wn folk. The Sunday afternoon VJctroln concert at the County Library will consist mainly of patriotic numbers loaned by Mrs. K. I-v Smith. Concert from S to 4 o'clock. JrorrMin. Lights out march , Victor Military Hand i , Iji Pa lorn a Sousa'H Hand Cany mo back to old Vlrglnny Abna Oluck . Homo, swoot borne KLsio taker Tlicre'a t lmjf, long trail" Stuart & Juifton Wnwhlnglon post march Victor Military Band Fur your country and my country Peerless tinartette vnr there I Arthur Fields I Juan of Arc I Henry Burr ! Keep the hmne fires liurntng John McOormatk Mflilury polonaise (Chopin) Vesella'M Italian band Columbia tha gem of the ocerfn Lambert Murphy Battle hymn of the republic Keinald Warrenrath Star spangled banner , !eraldlne Farrar -I -a Marseillaise ' Soiifta'fi Band, Miss Thelma Kretzer, formerly of The Dalles but now of Helix, 1r the guest of her cousin. Miss Kva V. Belts, : ( at her home, 510 Jane street. Mrs X'or bourne Berkeley's class In surgical dressings will meet Monday at two o'clock, at the federal building. Mme Melba is. to sing in Walla Walla sometime this montb and the event is arousing- much interest In lo cal musical circles. Mine, Metba is en route to her home in Australia aft er closing a most Buccessful season during which she raised more than $100,000. for Ked Cross work. A dellghtfijjl surprise was given yes terday afterifn at the home of Mrs. A. B. McCully; at 113 L,ee street In honor of her mother. Mrs D. E. Cargill, who has just returned from a visit at North Yakima. The after noon was spent in knitting and chat ting and light refreshments were served. Those present included Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Black. Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Meeker, Mrs. Headlee and j daughter Delori, Mrs. Tryon, Mrs. i Howard and Mrs. Hoover. Mrs It, Raymond, assisted by Mrs. K. L, Power and Mrs. R. H. Horr.e, was responsilrte for a most interest ing meeting of the Presbyterian Mis sionary Society -on Wednesday after noon at the Raymond home on Wa ter street. It being the last meeting of the calender year electkin of offi cers was held, resulting In the selec tiitn of Mrs. P. J. Hpgeman as presi dent, Mrs. Mc Masters secretary, Mrs. Thomas Thompson, first vice presi dent. Mrs. Matthews, second . vice president and Mrs. J. T. Richardson, secretary of literature Following the business period a delightful so cial and musical jiour was enjoyed, during which time Mrs. J. U. McC'ook contributed a vocal solo, Mrs. Walter liose a reauing, Airs, j neo. uemnou a. vocal number, Miss Paloma Bow man and Raphael R. Rayfnond, a vio lin duftt, accompanied by Miss Kath' erlne Wilcox. Mrs. Raymond Hatch. a vocal solo and Miss GayneU Bald win, a violin solo. Dainty refresh ments concluded the lntresting aft ernoon. Mr. W. IT. Bailfly of Milton and Mrs. Spear of Freewater were visit ors In I 'e n d 1 t r j n We d n esd ay, h a v 1 n g come down in the interests of Red Cross work. A. D. Cargill of Helix is hero to day. . Vera Ta Tmde of Finterprlse Is registered at the Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. A. F- Warren of He lix are in from their home today. Hugh C Cnrrln, Pilot Rock sheep man, Is spending the day In the city. Miss Malen Burnett. Walla Walla musical Instructor, Is In the city to day, Mian Fsdlth Malson of Helix, one of the teachers near that town, Is here today. Gui Peret, expert marksman. Is here and will shoot with the Pendle ton trapshooters tomorrow. R. W. Borleske roach at Whitman College, was here last evening to ref eree the basketball game. ! An Announcement! Having boughout the fehop, tools and equipment of the Pendletori 'Auto Coihpany and secured the lease on the building formerly occupied by them at 812 Johnson street, Long's Stone Garage will .re move to this location March first. ... , The new location gives us a arge and commodi ous Building which will be remodeled and improved making one of the largest and most convenient gar ages in Eastern Oregon. A service station with expert mechanics will be maintained by us for all cars handled by the Pendle ton Auto Company, the Stone Garage and the Over land Night service until eleven o'clock will be main- tained. The new garage will be equipped with the latest devices for up to the minute service and hon est charges will be guaranteed patrons. M. K. LONG . Pendleton's Pioneer Auto Man A CHILD'S TONGUE SHOWS if LIVER OR BOWELS ARE ACTIVE IF CROSS, 1-KVKRISII, SICK, BIL IOUS, GIVK I IU IT T,AX TIVK AT t)N( F- i Every mother realises, after giving her children "California fyrnp of Figs." that this is their ideal laxative, because they love, its pleasant taste and It thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out gripping. When, cross. Irritable feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, Mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless ''fruit laxative." and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the boweLs. and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach- ache,' diarrhoea. Indigestion, colje remember, a good "insido cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep 'California Syrup of Figs' bandy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for hahiea, chil dren of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled.. Hot the genu Ins, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT la autired by th tu of iom of these baautiful , flxturaa of ours. They iva a, light that iliiml.Bt.. . iupfai.ll. but that doaa not tire or atraln. the eyes. They are aot expen- flciency an ertra beauty, tfby Dot at least aee them t J. L. VAUGHAN CAN BE CURED Free Proof to You AH I want la yonr name niirt addrcw 1 can ii1 vn a fry tHiit trwat tiicnt. 1 wtinL yntijiiMi to try Uii tr.tment tbi all u try a. Tnt' my oolyufgument. ' I've been in the drutf bntnrs in Fort Wdinc for M jrc ir, nearly cYeryone wWi DM nd knowi!iaoul.iiiy succetaiul ttramicnL Over tiotwuM Wnd tPl ouUmIc of tort Warnc have, arcoiiliii to their wn JtaUmenti, to cured by ttui treatiaeqt dc 1 flrt maue thin orJr public. - - : ' If V'U have Ec2m, Itch. mH Wifmm Tr nvr mind bow had in if tntUnrat l)u cured the worst cMea 1 evi ttuw-ghrt mm m chanc to prmv my claim. Fend me yoarnnwie nnd nddreM on the coupon below and ft the trial treatment 1 want t send you KKKK. 1 ho wonticra ac'conipluhed in yoar own caw will be pr1s tusMMaaaauaiaawiaHiMi OUT AMO MAIL TODAY m I. C. HUTZELLy Druggist, 2556 Wst Mala St., Fort Wyn htd. Please send wilnoui coat or fbliffatioo to ma your Free Proof Treat roent, r Inaomnla Ih seldom caused by the i things a man doenn't say.. 9lreetand No To ItemoI'l interior. The Smlhi-Inergan Co. took out a permit thlH morn Ins fur the re modelfntf rf the interior of their building. May Anl" ,tr PowlHnii. i-'red K. Hroucr of Salem Is here to- j diiy lonklnK over the. Ran engine j rourHe in the hish Hchrxd with a view i t.o ppl. IrtK for IriKtrurtor. He Is a ; practical marhiniHt. IMIot lEoi k Couple lo.Wct!. A inarriiiii licciiMe bus ben (rrant d to Hairy K. Iivell of I'ilot Kock. 4 7. and Kay KJea rir Kturtevant, lio. alo of I'ilot Ituck. i When 5 'I i ; I" '; ! f - S t .;. ! You Think of Music think of Pendleton's biggest and oldest established music store Warren's Music House j Here to stay and bigger than ever ... LATEST SHEET MUSIC LATEST RECORDS This big music store with its complete stock ' of everything musical is in an ideal position , '" . ., .. k ' ' to serve you best when you need ' Pianos Player-Pianos Violins Ukelales Guitars Banjos Edison Talking Machines Victor Victrolas Reed Instruments Brass Instruments Strings Instruction Books . Sheet Music NEW VICTOR RECORDS JUST RECEIVED " v . Come in and look over our stock whether you wish to buy or not. 820 Main Street' Phone 524