PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONTN, PENDLETON, OREGON', THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918. EIGHT PAGES AN INriErKXDKXT NKWSPAPBH reftoniari) "PUTTING THE GRIN INTO THE FIGHT!" . uW 1 1,17 ana Hend-Weckif at 'ea J""on' Ore-Jon, by the At ORKUQN1AN I'LULlslMXq CO. Oracoo, aa twanil th pnatnfrire at Pendleton. lasa mail matter. Wlapbona . j ON SALH N OTHKK C1T1RS Iprlal Hotel Newa tstunil, I'ortlan. Hoffman New. Co., Parciaud, Orecoa. ON, ',r-K AT rfitcaro Ruremt, no Kecnrltj Burldlag. Waablrnrtoa. u. C, linreau 801 kour tnth Street. N. XV. Sl'BSCRll'TION BATES (IN ADVANCE) Plly. one year, by mall laUy, aiz montha by mall , "ally, three montha by mall . ally, one month, by mall pally, one year by carrier 'ally, eli mouths, by carrier 'ally, three montha, by carrier.. "jr. oie momn, oy carrier .lio seml V,'e"klr, oue year, by mail l.."0 Semi Weekly, six months, by mall ... .75 Semi -w cfcly. f.nir montln. by mall .50 $5.00 , 2.5t : 1.25 .511 T.oni , S.75 1.05 i tiik i.u;i;1stv hoys." and' lute of the es tho "Over the top" fray. Come the fighting' boys l S. A. Across the stretches' of Man's IamV vilth fearless stride Kalltmt band. ! On thru tHe fire- stone they press; T tho the blast is merciless; Their souls aflame wth the stern decree. "Make the world safe for democracy." and .ft At length.- thru the flume smoke is seen The Stars and Stripes al serene; And the "liberty Boys from over the sea Have Done Their Isif for Hu manity. F. Cory miss. , t ; . Its Washington correspond ent has wired the New York Tribune that the president may later indorse republican con gressmen who have consistent ly supported the war policies of the administration. It is stated also that a non partisan coalition may be form ed in which Idaho will return; a republican and democratic senator. If true, it is the working out' of brcrad purpose. There could be no greater disaster than for; the war to be made the foot-i ball of partisan-politics. There: is no surer way for the conflict ; to be lost. It is as important to keep partisan feeling and prejudice i buried for the period of .the war as to keep pro-German i propaganda submerged. Thej one is as destructive as the I other This war is a supreme tra-i :- gedy. Events in Europe are! T daily making it more porten- idea is opposed because from tous, more terrible. The Prus- the standpoint of efficient sians have obliterated the east- news service it is a flimflam, era front and their empire is no It provides an inadequate se'r longer girted by a ring of steel, vice at a high cost when a far The more than a million Am- superior service is available at erican bovs who are in France all times at a greatly lower ;or en route there, are offering cost. This fact can be thor themselves for the mighty sac- oughly proven to anyone desir rifice. They are in an hourly ing to look into the subject. mNIMPORTANT from a mi- rendezvous with death. The With such necessity of economy litary standpoint the gas drafted men and the volunteers before the public it behooves attack by the Germans down to the dangerous sea our war drive committee to be on our troops at the front, some m ships without a murmur and ware of any $1000 gift for this of whom may have been inland then, flushed with the thought purpose, empire boys," is significant. - It of an undivided country be-j typifies the Teuton method in hind and supporting them, go! Senator Lodge thinks food this war., The use of gas over there to face a" greater and fuel control by the govern-; against troops is fiendish. The peril. jment has been a failure. But: kaiser introduced it as a means Millions of taxpayers are. fuel, sugar and some other1 of warfare. It is on a par with without complaint, pouring products in which there is a ' their sinking of merchant ships literal billions- of money into ! scarcity are selling at prices without warning and a chance the nation's war chests. The tout slightly above the peace for those aboard to escape ; the people are sacrificing hus- price when without government bombing of hospitals and cities, Dands sons, brothers, money j control the prices for these pro the enslavement of women and without stint, all in a loyal pur-'ducts, based on supply and de- ; the mutilating of little children, pose to make America strong mand, would be sky high. The German policy is vicious in this gigantic struggle. j " fcut it is a failure. It is not ef-i Is this monumental sacrifice j Where now is "that wonder fective. Intended to awe the to be imperiled by efforts of ful armistice that Lenine and; world and make it stand in fear self seeking politicians to cap- j Trotsky were so crazy to bring , of kaiserism it has had the re- italize it for partisan purposes? jabout? i verse effect. It has enraged 1 Are division and strife to be j the world. It has aroused con- stirred up at home that will Speed the aircraft work and j tempt and a determination to weaken us abroad and length- the shipbuilding; there is I stamp this thing from the face en the bloody lists cabled fromjwhere we can punch the hard-j of the earth. Frie-htf illness U over there ol lives lost ana est. not bravery; it is cowardice. It bodies mutilated? cringes and crawls and whines Let the politicians beware. when brought to bay. It is" Days of agony are ahead, days! valorous chiefly against those! when the stupendous truth of j who are helpless or unm-e-this war will oe upon ana 13: "ket Ball. BOYS S. BOYS BAKER H. S. VS. PENDLETON H. Friday Evening, March 1 HfGH SCHOOL GYM FAST PRELIMINARY AT 7:30. MAIN EVENT AT 8:00 LAST AND BEST GAME OF THE SE ASON. Admission 35c In tints increasing the bread sup- 1 mers, fix equitable prices to growers; to compel land owners to sow mini mum areas, uud to assist in organiz ing labor. .' , . In tints increasing the bread sup ply from French soli the state would undertake direction of many coreluted ' activities, thereby controlling tho out put from tho preparation of the ground for sowing until tha product is sold as bread upon presentation' ot a ticket by tho consumer. . . IT IS COWARDICE NOT BRAVERY Cunha, $Jiiuii. Section 1 :), Township 1 North. Itiinge 2. Mury Hoskins et u. to W. 11. mil- ! lips. SG'iucl. Mete and bound di-scrlp- ' Hon. XW 1-1 SE 1-1. Section HO. I township 6 north, range 3r. Jesse Vert, et vir. to W. l. Jtoss, $6(iti. iots 2, 10. 11 and u, Hlock 4. : Lots 1, 2, block 5, Meachani. i Mrs. Cynthia A Koontz to Alex j Malcolm, $1. Lot 2. block r.. Kcho. Ira W. Kerry et ux to ceil Muthius, I $1. Lot 2, 3, Klacli I, Gross Addition, Milton. Mutt Mosgrove to William Frazier. $4CS,0. S 1-2 NE 1-4 and SU 1-4 SW 1-4. Section C2, township o north, raiiRe 37. I.ATKST PHOTO OP TIIK NKW iti.pi .-v t'ii.n:.i v It is time for 100 per cent ! Americans to get together. j pared. At the Marne and around us. They will be days many times since the boasted of wrath in which there will be Prussian army has been unable little patience with carping :M to stand even against inferior partisan ana bogus patriots numbers of French and British. ' The kaiser ingoing to be whip- INVESTIGATE IT ned and his resort to rattle- suake tactics of warfare makes j "Tf?. his defeat more certain and j V will make that aeteat more thorough when it does come. The kaiser has misjudged man kind. 28 YEARS AGO l From the Daily Fast 1 ircKoniun, Feb. 2S, 1SIOI.J Mr. James Coney Is bidding kimkI bye t'j his friends in I'enUleton. lb: is leaving Tuesday for tile Willamette valb-y. e, 1 , H. OOOOO 0000000000009000000000000 oooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o o o s o Go Get It! Don't trust to luck and get left. D ISPOSING of what you have or getting what you want is no longer a matter of luck. . . . WILL HAYES HE case of the so called Soldier's New Letter af fords a splendid instance !of the value of looking into , money raising schemes before ! taking up with every proposal ithat is broached upon an un-: operations win wnw the WAR MAY rf. suspecting public. It is art-!"" i'w'e - LOST ; fully claimed by those seeking i wa"n 10ali- ' ! money for the enterprise that! Ther(, u nrs t: r( T is said that President the newspapers, notably the , , ( ?ra house at W'et'm II Wilson has asked Minne-(Portland press, has opposed it h. uichardson, offers sota democrats not to from a standpoint of .iealousy,tne undertaking, name a candidate to oppose j because it competes with them.! Klo(klll,.n ,.",. er,.ck republican Senator Nelson. jThe charge is not true. Thei,.r tn fl. nuv ,' p,.,,,,,,,,, for haulit:; Mr. T. I!. Wells of the firm of Hint le ifcy-Wclls has received his appoint ment as a notary public be ciuninenced a n the Imy Creek This is the latest photouruldl ol Will 11. Hays of Indiana. the new chairman of the Republican National Committee. He is l he youngest man to hold the place, being only thirly cifcht years old. .Mr. Hays has the i pi. rtunily given t" few chairman of of Hie guiding committee of his par ty. His friend-; believe he will set the pace I'or the organization between now ami the next presidential election. o o o o o o o o o o o e o o 2 o o o e o o o o of building an ( me man, W. $10H) towards TO CONTROL WHEAT IT FROM SEED TO SHOP o o It y i ind to their ranches. OVERLAND LIGHT FOUR In these tinn-s f national finiTtMiiy it h-Jnovi-s (is t 'im miz?. To Ton'tiuiy-e duos not iii.-an to in njisfrly. but to !-p-ni wisely. tor r In Imi inn : a car that v. ill ko i isistent prico. The pi iir w'u should hp-ml wisiy. all the :ulantaK f a niott i- can he too iow um well as t' f shoulrl hll .With hut one exception the Overland factory builds more automobiles than any other factory in the world. . It is for this reason that you can buy an Overland at the lowest possible price consist ent with quality. Call and see this car. Married on the Cth of Kohruary a) the residence of the bride's father, j bout seven miles from At hen a. At r. (it n.j;i rnin Xainbride and Miss Uoset t.i Jerrieii, the ceiemuny b'iny per formed by the Key. J. A. Ferris. The liwht f"r v (-oinplett!y c-'jUiplH-ti rJand !l.lllt is an txample ef en at ;t (jnaiity pi i Overland Pendleton Co. lll Owrlaml Motor ( ar lieaier. T2B Jolmson St. I'llone 71 REALTY TRANSFERS a !els. 'liver Kelsey et ux tr( J. II Jlerry. $1. I.t 1. t, 1.1. and 11. Hlock Kesersation addition. I't-ndb-ton. VV. J. Kelsey et u- to J. li. Berry. $1. Lots I. 2. 13. and 13, lilock Ji's, rie'-erx-atlon Addition. I'endleton. ' Ternn. Josephine I-'man to J. It. I'erry. $1. I-ots 1, . 13 and 14. IJlk Ileser-1 I'ation Addition. I'endleton, orej?on. J. II. I'erry et ux to Alice K Turley 1. ljts 1.-2. 13 ami 14. I;lork lle-ervalion addition. I'endleton. T. I). Taylor to I:. W. Avers $:!;!.. IC. W. Avers, et ux to Alice M. Tnr b v. 51a. i.nt l. z 14. Uloek jjs, lie s, ervatitm Addition. I 'endleton. , Mary Kmily Isa-te et ylr to Kanni"-. Col'fmun. j:,im. S la feet. Ijit a l.ots 3. 4. II and 1.' lib.rk 1''0. Iteser vation Adilition. I' James Johns et ux. to Joseph T T'j v i ii. et ux. faa. i.,t la. i 13 an i ' It. Hlock "M" IteservatlfiM Addition. I I'endleton. i Hubert V. Manfu ld e ux to Joseph r.WMS, l-'eli. I's. - The cabinet bill t-'ianliny the government full powers over wheat production and wheat con trol In Franc-? was debated In the chamber of deputies loday. Minister of Provisions lloret said: "There must be an Intensification ol wheat production and the cabinet is firmly resolved to use extraordinary measures to accomplish this end. The production has been increased .since the war beKau, lint only enough to supply France with food for an addi tional fifteen days In the year. The French requirements have been sup plied by imports, but new tnnnafte nius! be used for other purposes than to import wheat, which the country was able tj produce." Iilscussioti brought out that under the new- powers It asks the Rovern nient can take over the whole harvest of mis. beonmiiij? the sole buyer and sole seller of lira ins for bread makinir. It was also shown that the Rnvcrn ment would have power to supply seed for spring sewing and fertilizer to far- Stop Itching Eczema Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching ccrema quickly by applying a little zemo furnished by any druggist for 3'jc Extra lar,;0 bottla, S1.0O. Healing bcTin3 the moment zemo io implied. In a short C3ual!y every trace of eczema, VA-r, pimples, rach, "blackhead3 and c:nii!ai skin diseases will be removed. Tor clearing; the ek:n end rns!::r.3 it Q vi.-jorously hcc'.t'-y, ilways t;se zem, t'-.e I penetratins, or.tir.-p'ic It W greasy salvo rr. J it doe3 net Etrin. l:sn Q others fail it i: tha one dcpwdcHo treat- i rnent for akin troubles cf eH l:tnc-.. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s o s o It's a matter of going after the peo ple whom you want to reach. Thomas Dreier, editor of "Associated Advertising," the official organ of the Associated Advertising Clubs of Amer ica, said recently: "The way .to .get what you want is to find out the man who's got it, and then go after him and hang on." And isn't that good logic? Isn't it a fact that none of us is really independ ent that we are all interdependent that the things one man has serve to supply the needs of some other man that we are all subject to the great law of Supply and Demand? ' Take the Want Ads, for instance. Do they not form a daily market place where the man who wants to sell can get in touch with the man who wants to buy where the woman who wants a domestic can get the attention of the domestic who wants a jobwhere the man who is looking for a position can reach the eye of the employer who is looking for men? I venture the assertion that eight, persons in every ten have never thought about, and consequently never realized, the far-reaching power of the Want Ad columns in The East Oregonian. The people who use the Want Ads aren't trusting to luck. They are going after what they want in a mighty quick, sure and inexpensive way. Remember, you can telephone in the copy and the telephone number is 1. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o V s K. V. llir. j Co.. Ckvt'.ur. J, O. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o O- o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o Q