East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 26, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 ,
Evaporated Peaches, pound 15c
Evaporated Prunes, 10c and 15c
Evaporated Apricots, pound 25c
Kullttim Hulslns, pound Lie .
Horded Raisins, 2 packagcM , 2.'K!
Rikstum iuni Meal, pound wick . . . r. . . .'.. OSes
Rolled Outs, e pound Rack 7k!
llarley Hour, 9 pound sack O.'k;
Hominy, 9 pound navk Wlc
CrlscM small BSC, mod. fl.OO, lurge $2.00
Potatoes, cwt 1 1 ,2&
Macaroni, KlHigliotti, Noodles, aekaK 10c
Macaroni, KpagiieUi, 5 poum( bo SSo
Toilet I'apePj 4 rolls 2.'c
Onion SotH, 2 pounds 2."ki
Itottla Blue, 10c
Citriw lovwlcr, puck ago 2!o
lied Beans Ninall nan IOf, medium 1S
0ni and Tomatoes, 2 can a.lo
Moiuit Vernon Milk, van Mo
Crazy Man Causes KxrltcnM-nt;
Friend Jrcet MohhIo; Other
Noiy Notes of Much Interest.
"The Fighting Trail," Greater Vlta-
graphs .smashing serial of adventure
larl the great outdoors, the seventh
( episode of which will lie the attrac
tion In the (Amy theatre today. Cut-
Deep, who Ih Oeorge Holt, and sure
Rome outlaw, proceeds to cut the rope
strand nt a time and between each
Htrand Hit hack In grief at the realiza
tlen that the full will be go r;reat the
two helpless persons will' he killed
without lingering.
And no cut-Deep cuts the strands,
one two three, until only one re
mains. Kneeling at the edge of the
cliff, IiIh face wreathed In a smile of
flendiflh (flee, he presses his knife
against the remaining strand, while
William Iuncan and Carol Holloway,
stars In the great aerial, still clinging
bravely to the rope, clone their eyeH.
ir otnss. rKVKiusir, kick, mi
lOl'N, -I,R JilTTIvK MVKlt
A laxative today saves a nick child
tomorrow. Children nlmply will not
take the time from play to empty their
bowels, which" become clogged, up with
waste, liver gt jduKKlnh, stomach
Look at the tongue. Mother! II
coated or your child Ih listlens, crona
feverish, breath bad, rootless, doesn't
eat heartly, full of cold or nan wore
throat or any other children's ail
mentH, iflve a teaftoonful of "Callfor
noa Syrup of Fig"." then don't worry,
because It U perfectly harmless, and
In a few hours all this con.stlpatlon
poison, sour bile and fermenting wuste
will Rently move out of the bowels,
and you have a well, ' playful child
again. A thorough "Inside cleansing"
U oftlmen all that In necessary. It
should be the flm treatment given In
any sickness
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups
Ak your druggist for a bottle of
"California yrup of Figs, which has
full directions for babies, children ot
all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. jUnok carefully
nnd see that it is made by the "Call-1
f"rnlu Fig Syrup Company."
lill.S AM) SOCKS.
Mrs. Mary Monuromrry Injured by
Fall; Mrn. carglll lias chickens
Two Weeks Md; Other Newsy
rtltzvillo to take tho place of It. M.
Wilder tit the N. P. depot, who bocs
to Kltssvllle. lira. Hpike accompanied
her husband nnd they have secured
rooms nt tho M. D. Smith home. Mr.
Wllder's family will probably remain
until the close of school.
Win. Davidson. 8 year old son of
W. 11. Davidson, rural mail carrier.
(swallowed a violin tuner one evening
i last week.
The Knights of Pythias lodsc pave a
'social Wednesday evening last, invit
jlng a few friends. A musical pro-
Brain and Hoovcrized refreshments
were among the features enjoyed.',
! The annual K. of P. ball followed
I Friday evening.
Miss Kate Sailing- lectured on mts
'eionary work Monday afternoon.
I Twenty three members of Helix
!ldgo J. O. O. F. attended the con
vention at Stanfield Saturday night.
Is Injured by Fall.
Mrs. Mary Montgomery fell Friday
and slipped some of the bones in her
left hund, requiring surgical aid. She
wus also badly shaken up by the fall,
necessitating her being In bed for a
few days. Tho accident occurred on
her Tfith birthday.
Mrs. Catherine Stanton Is celebrat
ing her S3rd birthday anniversary to
day knitting for the soldiers. She has
knitted several pairs of socks and
Announcements have been received
of a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Campbell (Jean McGregor! in
their Dakota home.
Mrs. Wm. Piper and son ill nre
home from California.
..Mrs. Katherine Timmerman is home
from a trip to Nebraska and Califor
nia, covering several weeks.
Earnest Ghormley is home from
Idaho where he suffered a two weeks
sieKC of pneumonia.
Air. McAlavy is home from on east
ern trip.
James Hill and Fred Raymond were
recent visitors from Pendleton.
-Margaret Walker and Blanche
Lewis walked from the Lewis home 5
miles, Saturday on a wuger.
AX.XA l.rcilll AttAIN
Is featured In Allan Dwan produc
tion, "The Grafters," with. Jack Do-vereaux.
Anna Lehr, who waa Introduced to
Program In "The Grafters," the latest
Triangle production to be made under
the supervision of Allan Dwan.
It is as an emotional actress that
Anna 'Lehr has won distinction In the
motion picture world She has ap
peared In a number of large produc
tions, and each time Invested her roles
with that peculiar, electric force of
her personality. Her characterization
have a certain eloquence that appeals
to the imagination.
Miss Lehr was born In Austria,
(East Oregonlan Special.)
IIEUIX. Feb. 26. Mrs. Wallnce
Carglll of Cold Springs has 30 two
weeks' old chicks.
A sufficient number of poles have
been secured to complete the electric
Miss Eunice Smith, assistant high
school teacher, has resigned, owing
to the serious illness of her mother,
nnd left Sunday for her home at
Ashland. Mrs. J. & Anderson has
accepted tho position, beglninng her
duties Monday last. Mrs. Anderson
aught hefo 6 years ago, at that time
Miss Wilma Hurrows.
Kcrvloe Hag: Dedicated.
A service flag was dedicated at the
Itebekah lodge Thursday evening,
Jack Slack and Earnest Gillette be
ing the members In service. Tho He
bekah's are muklng a flug for the I.
'). O. F to be presented. Heslde the
'above named Claude Kussell and
Walter Clark have joined the army.
Win. M. Spike en mo Monday from
(II i n
Alia Today.
Jack Devereax
The Grafters
A White Slave Drama of Unusual Entertaining
(East Oregonlan Special.)
UKIAH, Feb. 26. The Infant son
of Mr and Mrs. Granville plant died
very suddenly Tuesday morning at
nine o'clock at their home two and
one-half miles from Dale. Mr. Plant
left home at seven o'clock, going to
a neighbor's to cut wood, leaving the
baby as well as usual, and ut nine o'
clock Mrs. Plant went to the bed
where the baby was lying and saw
there was something wrong with the
little one, picked it up, when It died
In her armB. She remained with It
alone till she was sure It was dead
and then started for Dale, atrd had
to wade tho Jonri Day river to sum
mon help. Her husband and friends
soon heached her and the baby, was
buried Wednesday by the side of
their first baby, which died a year
ago. Mr. and Mrs. Plant have the
sympathy of the entire community
In their sad (bereavement.
An all night dance wa given here
last Friday, February 15, and a good
crowd was In attendance. Supper
was served In the hall by Herman
St. Clair, which consisted of sand
wiches, coffee and pie. Those at
tending; from Alba were Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Stum. Johnny and Marie Dern.
Miss Hessle Hottoms, Miss Vivian
Budd, Ward Iteeves, Pine Dick and
Bert Constant. ( , '
Frank Chamberlain has o'lirftnased
roller skates and the young people
are now enjoying themselves skaflng.
Mrs Abe Martin left Monday for
Filer, Idaho, in response to a message
telling of the serious illness of her
brother'a wle.
MIsb Zena Mettle left Monday for
Camp Iwls where she will enter the
base hospital there for training.
Friends ;r't Mossl.n.
About thirty friends gathered nt the
Mossle home Saturday night to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Mossle on their return
from their wedding trip. Treatsvere
passed and games were played and
all returned feeling that they had
been delightfully entertained.
Mrs. Fred Casteel and children
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Nichols Saturday and Sunday.
' Mrs. Olive Turner of Pendleton Is
visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Pert
KoKCoe- Dickenson was e
visitor here last Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Sturdlvant
home Monday night.
Word was received here by rela
tives of the death of Mr Itluckburn.
father of Walter Hluckburn of I'kiah
and grandfather of Elmer Nlchol, al
so of Uklah. who died at Lebanon,
Oregon, Feb. 10.
Hev. Herbert Is wiring I. R. Law
rence's residence for electric lights.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Hilbert have
arrived in Portland where they will
remain awhile before coming on
home. , '
Hen Colvln of Hitter passed through
town Mondav en route to Pendleton
to visit with his family.
Mrs. Whltaker. mother of Mrs. R.
G. Clark. Is ill w ith erysipelas.
Gordon Mettle, who has been in
Pendleton for the last month, return
ed Mondav.
Mrs. Jennie Chamberlain left fort T
Pendleton Wednesday to have dental
work don j Bridge creek and 'smoke coming out
News reached here Thursday of a fof the stove pipe, and as Mr. Martin
shooting scrape near Long Creek, ond family were living in town, the
which resulted in the death of a Mr. ; Intruder was . supposed to be the
McQue, who was shot five times by crazy man. Next morning Bert Mar
Chris Itader of Long Creek. Mr. Mc- tin and Louis Johnson went to the
Que leaves a wife and four children. I house to investigate and found a man
The particulars of the shooting were ' there getting his breakfast. He had
not learned. j entered the cellar, brought out ap-
Mrs. Mllford Martin and children ; pies and canned fruit, and waa mak
left Thursday for a few days' visit ' Ing himself at home. He carried a
w ith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sturdlvant. j roll of blankets and three guns, all
Mrs. Bert Martin of Bridge creek, of which he left at Mr. Marlins
who has been staying with her sis- house. . When asked by Mr. Johnson
I yie water, supporting some of the
leading actors of the day.
j In "The Grafters" she Is seen as a
confederate of a gang of crooks, and
Is placed on the trial of a young fel
low who has Just fallen heir to several
millions. Unconsciously she grows to
care for him, but the power of the
gang Is to great for her to resist and
she Is compelled to continue with the
blackmail plot. The boy finally learns
of the game she Is plnyln,g. Never
theless, he remains loyal to her, event
ually succeding In turning the tables
on the grafters.
Theatre Offering Uis
I'rogram Today
The retreat of the Germans at the
Hattle of Arras the sensational offi
cial British War Picture comes to the
Alta today, these pictures are shown
In conjunction with the regular Fox
program of which the picture for to
day la Madam Sonla Markova in "A
Hearts Desire" being an expose of In
trigue In Washington society life. The
war pictures are very interesting
Triangle patrons some time ago in I showing as It does the wanton wajue
"Civilization's Child," returns to the I laid by the Germans In the retreat
toiiowing the Battle of the Arras.
Whole villages were leveled to the
ground, every vestage of crops were
destroyed and what Man once a fertile
country was made so barren that one
of our western horny toads would
starve to death In a week. The Alta
is presenting these pictures along with
the regular pictures and- vaudeville
auo at no raise in tne admission. The
management figures that the addition
al people these pictures will draw will
but ' more than pay for them. A neroent-
came to America when a. child, since age of the money paid for these pic
then, she has played on both sides of j tures goes to the British War Belief.
The Retreat of the
Germans at the Battle
of the Arras
Showing the destruction caused by the German army
after their defeat at this famous battle.
In Addition WILLIAM FOX Presents
Sonia Markova
lum In ess
h- r-. J r:i - M -i
An Expose of Intrigue in Washington Society Life.
Present "A Package of Surprises," featuring Miss
Conf etta's impersonation of a wax doll, interspersed
with double voiced singing, dancing, violin.
Singing and Instrumental.
Children 10c
Adults 30c
Vernon Castle, later Captain Ver
non Casile. who became perhaps the
most famous professional dancer the
United States has known, died in an
aeroplane accident at Fort Worth,
lex He had enlisted in the British
Flying Corps and gone to the front
where he had made many flights over
the .German lines. He came bac
here to instruct young Americana In
the art of flying.
lice officers to have falsified in their Some of the misstatements, the police
affidavits. This announcement was said, were unintentional. ;
made tonight as the result of reports j
from 500 policemen who have quiet- j A girl will believe everything a
ly investigated the affidavits. man tells her during courtship, but
Those whose affidavits are false after marriage well, the accounts
will be reported to federal authorities. Vary.
The weather has turned colder
and the muddy roads are frozen mak
ing it disagreeable traveling.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger and
son Garland were in town Thursday
on business
liev. and Mrs. Herbert left Wed
nesday for a few ays' visit at the
Sturdlvant Brothers' ranch.
Lloyd Stuart of Pilot I'ock, and
ltnlph Stuart oil Washington, were
business visitors In Uklah Thursday
night. They purchased ten head
good young horses from Mossie and
sons while here.
ter, Mrs. Earl Martin, during her ill
ness, returned home Wednesday
Crazy Man Causes Fvltement
Considerable excitement was caus
ed here lust week wljen a telephone
message came stating that a crazy
man had been seen on the John Day
river, heavily armed and headed to
ward I'kiah. And that night lights . turned over to Joe Hlakely, who took ten registering here under the enemy
were seen In Earl Martin's house on ' him on to Pendleton. alien registration are declared Dy pr-
if he wanted work, he said yes and
came along till met by Mr. Lenz, con
stable, who brought him to town. GERMANS
keeping him here one night. 'While!
here he refused to eat anything as , Los ngeles Policemen Report After
he said some one was trying to poison f Quiet Investigation.
him. He was taken out on the stage; LOh A.Mii.Lfc-s. tab, t eb. 26. One
next morning by Clarence Daly and fourth of the 1100 German enemy al-
frv ;,
1 4 f.
The Fighting Trail
"The Strands
of Alta"
The wildest horseback ride you ever witness
ed. The villains cut the rope with the man and
woman swinging 300 feet in the air. Sensations,
deeds of daring the like of which you have never
seen holds you spell bound. See William Dun
can and Carol Holloway in the most nerve
wrecking picture ever made.
Helen Holmes
'The Lost Express'
This is the concluding chapter. In this pic
ture we find where the mysterious Lost Express
vanished to. And the other mysteries are also
cleared up.
Keystone Comedy
The Late Lamented
- Laughs, Thrills and Sensations.
A comedy that will bring the smiles. Don't fail
to see this wonderful program.