1 EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913. A! The llK'lill'Ci r.icet tonight al home nf Mrs. ( Lincoln t reel. n. A. K. w 'll ' o'd.'cK at the K. Heard, 1 T ; Trod Pa vis f Walla Walla is nt the Golden Kul.-. R, Hrnrlksen of Helix was in the city last evening. Vlrieh Kaufman of Adams. spent the night In the city. Tom Farrow of Adams was down from hip home- yesterday. Hen F. Pui'uis. xiles a sent for Montana, lands, has .. rot urned from a trip ti Htnghain. K. U. I .ester. IMlot Uncle dealer, was In the city overnight. Jack Flynn. representing It take McFall, Is making I'endlotoii a visit. R. S. Dixon of l'rineville. one cf the Kouini-Fp judges, is paying the city i visit. , Kverelt Meiners of northern Ida ho, is visiting- at the home of W. I. Ianiel, 70S Haley street, and expects to locate here. Sam 1. Peterson, Milton attorney, w as here yesterday. It is reported that ho is being- groomed a - a candi date for state senator. . M iss ilyrtle Koss, who lias heen lumber i at tending the University of Oregon, has arrived homo, having been call ed hy the sudden death of her father, the late Donald llosa. C G. Tow of Athena was In the city last evening. H. G. Newport of Hormiston Is at the St. George. George W, McMath of Iortlami Is registered at the l'emlleton. This Tear c?refu!'' rUn w - - - 1 plantings choose varieties for food value and productiveness. Plant GOOD SEED Strive for big returns. Our standing of over a quarter cenfurv as the SEED HEADQUARTERS ot the Northwest Guarantees that We can Serve You to Your Profit and Satisfaction "BUCKEYE" Incubators. Standard Brooder Stoves. Diamond Poultry Foods. . LEE'S Foods 6 Remedies. Special Catalogs NURSERY stock POULTRY supplies BEE SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS "BUCKF.VE" nd LEE BOOKLETS J Mailed on Request. j ECHO CHURCH GIVES 1 WASHINGTON PROGRAM im; iMiKr.MSATioxs maihc kou AFFAIR T BK UIVFN TO X Hi I IT. Other News mitl Ktx'fal ols of In , terrst As iathrwl hy tliu Kaist Orcoiiiun i oito-jhuhIciU. .ysk for CataqgA'a 770 1 T&si&w-rv i8iiiiuifiiiiiiijniiiifiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiriniiii!iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP Look at Your Teeth Are they decayed, full f of holes and afescessed? E If so remember it is the worst thing possible for your health. Newton Painless Dentists Corner Main and Webb Bvcm Phono 12 Open Evening E 5niniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiii)iiiiiiiiimiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. (Kast OreRonian Special.) KCHO, Ko!,. 2 J. The Methodl.U church fif this place Is giving: an ex tensive Washington's birthday pro Brain tonight. A fireat deal of time has heen expended in preparation and a. real treat is promised. The t pro gram is as follows; Music Piano lttihy Johnson and Marion tieorse Music t'iano Allien liell St ng So l.oti. Mother . . . . , Pearl and F'ern I,ons Recitation "From Dad'' Nan Crary March t-'ongr I-orine Woodward Mjisic-i Piano Clyde Hale .Song "O, Rammio". .'..Mildred Cook Heading "A Telephone Romance" Mrs. Joel Davit. Duet Piano . . Francis and Eleanor Spike Song "Oood Bye Kcho" Lois and Tluth Gobhell nfcltatlcn "I've Got a Pain tin My Siiwnst" Marion George Duet Piano Veda Wattenburger and Rizpah Wright. Seng "Long- Foy' Lois Smith Reading "Manda's Organ" Mrs. Joel Davis Quartet o P. R. A. Heading "Speakin' Day in a Coun try .School' ?....Lois Smith Song "Johnny Get Your Gun". . . Misses Spike and Gillett The entertainment will begin at 8 Hoffnaglo were glad to get hack to Oregon with Its milder climate. Mrs. W. W. Howell and little son returned home Wednesday from a visit to North Yakima, Wash. Mrs. Al Daggett has just received word from Holse, Idaho, that her son G e ral d "Tedd y ' Da k get t who has heen attending the Pnragon HualnesA college at that place, will graduate from the school In a couple of weeks and will Immediately enter the lloise bank where he has a position. Mrs. Sadie F.lder wnw among the visitors In Pendleton on Thursday Louis Keholl Jr.. spent Wednesday In Hermlston where he went to at tend the meeting held there to jiuke plana for the crop and farm labor survey for this part of the county. F. T. George Is having a garage built at his new residence on South Bonanza street. Mrs. V. H. Castle came up -'from Trrigon Wednesday evening on n visit to her daughter. Mrs. K. C. Walker, who resides on West Lawn. Mr. J. C. Guilford returned to her Pendleton home Monday morning after a several days visit with her "on, O J. Guilford and family. The members of the Knitting club met at the home of Mrs. J. w, Cop plnger on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gulliford was given a farewell party on Wednesday evening at the homo of M rs. Gull ford's mother. Mrs. L. A, McCuIIouuh. The Gullifords expect to leave this week for Portland where .they will make their home, ! Mr. and Mrs A. Palmer gave a pleasant dancing party at their home! op last Wednesday evening. A large i rumber of friends were nresent and a happy evening was spent. The local Ladies' Aid of the M. K. church will hold their meetings here after at the Red Cross room in thft city hall as their further labors will be directed for the benefit of the lied Cross. Mrs. lively n Sk Inner ret urned yes terday from a business visit to Ten dleton. Mrs. Wm. Wattenburger !h teach ing the third and fourth grades In the public fccbool during the illness of Mrs. W. W. Green the regular teucher. MFN AS retl SLACHKRS. A woman writing in the March Woman's Home Companion asks men to stop scolding her sex and look to their own faults, and she says: "I'd like to see a count taken of tho men who've z ter and sweets to help win this war, and the women who have given up these two things! it mlfcht check nme of these persistent scolders of the American housewife and her pa triotism. Only a few days ago a friend of mine said U me. 'It would o easy if it were not for Arthur. 4 Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations Mrt. Etta Dorion, of Ogdemburg, Wi., ayi! "I sufTored from femalo tronbles'wliicU caused piercing imins like, a knife through my buck ttnd side. 1 finally lost all my strength bo I had to go to bed. The doctor advised nn operation but I would not listen to it I thought of what I had rend about LyJia K. l'lukhnin's Vegetable Conipouml and tried it. The nrst bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have femulo trouble of any kind should try Lydia H. llnkharu'u Vegetable Compound." How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio.'! suffered from a fomnlo trouble which caused me much sintering, anu two doctor cieeiaeu mat I would have to go through an operation Deloro i coma get well. "My mother, who had been helped by I.ydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable uouipounu. auvisea me to try it on. fore submitting to an operation. It relieved me from my troubles bo I can do my house work without any uluiuity. I auvise any wuiuan wno im aiiiieteu wiin , female troubles to give Lydia K. l'inkham's Vege- table Compound a trial and It will do as much for them.' Mrs. Makie liovp, 14t't Oth St., -f N. E., Canton, Ohio. ' Everij Sick Woman Shou VEGETABLE COMPOUND Jrwy1 . J-t LXTi,-- NifM", PINKHAMS Wl II II" IB J3 Before Submitting To An Operation LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. HAWAIIAN' 1'Uil.lC- Sl'IKIT. At the annual meeting of the Ha waiian ittweurth Association held re centlv In Honolulu l'runiuent Lorrin ! A. Jliurston told how public from liuth tho speclacular and re search point of view 1m thus mad.) acrpssihli'. and no he f.iiind t. complete the trail, th'j liiilnnco uf which has heen located dmiht meaiiH will and partly constructed. hp p. ni. J. L. " Hiffnagle and wife are just hack from a four months' visit with friends and relatives at their old home in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Empire Meat Co. Inc. Old Reliable Firm Established 1890 WANTED Dressed Wt. Prime Heavy Hogs . . i 18.00 Prime Light Hogs $19.25 Rough Heavy Hogs 17.50 Heavy Hogs 17.50 H1GUEST MARKET riUCF PAID 1'Oft 1)1!ESSEI V.VX V, VEAL A"1 CJIU KEXS. Phone 18 607 Main St. STUMEZE Stops Indigestion of Twenty Five Years Standing J. Ii. llendersot. M. I)., of Elmdale Montana, graduated 18i(-l, says have had indigestion for twenty-five years, also piles have troubled me for j the past three years. Your STUMEZE ! las stopped It all." STUMEZE, the Master Prescription for. catarrh of the ' stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, gases, belching, nausea, painful acid somachs has man friends and lndorsers In the medical profession. There Is in STUMEZE that direct and immediate help that all stomach sufferers need and appreciate. STMUEZE is for sale and guaranteed by all druggists. Get a bottle today. Be well! ITe does so love heavy, sweet dessert and he wants to have a stealc or roast beef every night for dinner and bacon every morning for breakfast. I can't make him s.-e that it does mat ter, even if we have the money to buy these things. I try to tell him that It's a matter of honor not. to eat them all the time, so that there'll be enough to bo round for everybody. Bu he only acts peevish and wants to increase my house allowance "It's incidents like this that have brought me to the profound belief that after the Food Administration has shown the women what they can I ! do to save food and check waste, then men. the real work will begin, for they'll have to make all the heavy midle-aged men .with long-Indulged appetites Come up to the scratch, too." how public spirit opened the way f.oni Kliauea to the summit crater .of Mauna Loa in the Hawaiian National Park. The dis tance was thirty miles by way of the ! scene of greatest volcanic activity, the north east corner of the great crater. Private subscriptions In Hilu und ! Honolulu yielded three thousand riol- up eating hut-; lnrH. which was enough for the rest i house but not enough to build th6 trail. So finally a company of the ! Twenty-fifth Infantry volunteered Its ! labor a.nd constructed an effective I horse trail to l'uu Ulaula, two-thirds I of the. way to the crater. It was nt ' tho end of this trail that the rest house was constructed. It contains cooking apparatus, beds and furniture for ten people, and stabling for a doz en horses . ' The most vital part of Mauna Loa Your Liver has important work to do. Un' Act favorable conditions it does it well. If sluggish, relieve it with PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the WcrUZ. Hoovcrize on Poultry Food, Don't Feed Wheat Plydrnsten's Poultry Mash and Scratch Kood are balanced ration, also barley, Oats, Bone, Fish Scraps. BLYDENSTEIN & CO. Phono 351. HOOKER'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone 522 Calls 15c and up. ill LUNCH 733 Mean Street OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS 7?7 6 e o o o e o o o o o e o o e Socialism 'if whatsoever hranr has not. Miner the beginning of the war. Hien anything save to help a autocracy TWO FX-VR HKTIIKTARTKS TOR 1UU COXUKKSg IN CHICAGO. Satur ay, r eoruary azra Open 6:30 a. m. to 1 a. m. Nothing lias heen spared to make this the most up-to-date lunch room in Eastern Oregon. Every thing in the -way of equipment is strict ly modern and up-to-date, which will enable us to give service in every way that is sure to meet with your approval. Drop in Tomorrow and See For Yourself. , . """" (' f si J l J' ' , " ' ; g 'n : ; Jr - I ' I. o o o o o o o o JACOB rl.,DICWM5UMi Jacoli M T'ickinson. secretary of war in the cabinet of President Taft. and I. uke K. Wright, seeretary of war In the caliinet of I'rcsldent Koosevelt will be among the Important national characters at the Uongress of Nation al service to he held in Chicago. Feb. -1. '11 and under the misplees of the Nati'.iiiil Security league. Mr. 1 Mrs Inson Is honorary chalrinan of the cbieago branch . f the league, while. Mr. Wright Is vice-president of the association. 7m Ti itik i wtl YOU Don't Have to Suffer BACKACHE ? Feeling tired? Shooting pain in tides? Ankfei swollen? Joints stiff? Muscles sore? Do you feel bilious and out of sorts? Have you dark pouches under your eyesr Uo you led that vou ere growing old? Are you annoyed al nigm with sleep disturbing bladder irregulnritics? Would you like to know of a good rem edy for kidney trouble, the cause of moat of these symptoms and ailments? The best good-health insurance known is to keep the kidneys and urinary tract in the proper condition to do their work of filtering and throwing out from the blood stream, uric acid and poisons that settle throughout the system whea the kidneys fail in their work. will tone up and invigorate your kidney. They banish backache and other jym-ptomi tit weak and disordered kidncyi. They irart yo-i rifiht toward tfood health. Thr-y toothe and beat the bladder and regulate the liver. Why auffer when inch a well known remedy can be had with so little effort? Mr. F.ffie E. Kleppe, Averill, Minnesota, write : I wm al Farfin Sanitarium (or three rein at one fimc and (wo weeks at another time for rheumatiam miH kidrtev trouble and int nn Hfc relief. And on my return hom ' t l. t'l..,l'i,l P.M. and iound immediate relief and Ahrttit halt a bottle completed the cure. I always have them on hand and use them wbea I feel any pain in my bock. In two sizes, 50c and $1.00 TAM.MAX'jfc CO. Brusha Millinery Invite You to Attend Our SATURDAY, FEU. 23 p .Where you may inspect the very newest in jl GAGE, FISK M and 3 GOLD MEDAL PATTERNS g i H Spring's smartest creations will be shown. g LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO War bread should not be judned by Wm itnxlily t'lrini'lcxlon. )ul by ltHHttvr iii.d lis nutritive qualities, Jfc j i sk i,iiiMA's sauk ti:a AM) siu'in it liiorm-; am o- 1IV WUJi know. Tlin ire of SiiKe and Hulphur f"-r re.storinK faded, Kray hair to itx nat uial color date hack to Krandmother'a time. She ued H to keej her hair heautlftilly dark, Klssy and attractive Whenever her hair took nn that dull, fadd or Htreaked n ppearancc, this Him mixture was api'hetl with wonderful effect. Hut "brewing- at home Is nniHsy and Hit-ff-d;ite. XowadavH. hy asktiiR at any drug :-iore for a r.ti cent brittle of 'Wyeth s i-'affe and Sulphur Compound.'- you will pet thin famous old preparation. Improved hy the addition of other ItiKredietitH. which can be de pf nded upon to restore natural jolor and beauty to t he ha ir. A well-known downtown drutrniM says It darkens the hnlr ! naturally and evenly that nobody ran tell it has been applied. You niniply (lumpen a Hponge or soft brush witn It and draw this- t h rough your hair. t;i k ini; one .strand at a time. ISy morning the gray hair d isa ppea rs, and a ft er a n ot her a ppltcat ion or t wo. it becomes brunt if ully dark and Rh . Wyei h' Sa ge and Sulphur t'nm ! -(! lid Is a delightful toilet requisite frr thrive who desire a more uthful appearance. It I not Intended f ot I he en re, mi I tKU 1 1 il or pre veil 1 1on of disease. ' Wull Save Your Old Furniture Look it over carefully. Perhaps it's only the finish that has become scarred and worn. You can fix that in a "jiffy" with. VERNICOL Floor and Varnish Stain Yon will be surprised how Vkrnicui. freshen! ap old chairs, tables, lamp stands, and other furniture. It'i a shame to throw these thinffsaway when Ver nrroi, will make them look like new and at such a small cost. YcRNiroL is also fine for floors and woodwork. Tell us what you have to rrftnish, and let us show you how inexpensive Vk Haricot really is IuH-r. UinsN ami Picture ilnuhllii rain inic mid laiMr HaiiKinu. L. J. EVlcATEE Till", Tit TK li .M:l Main St. ' IT MAX rJ'fU'tholic I5K wmm ' JLIQHT OAK h1!