1,, pack five EIGHT. PApES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1918. jr 1 r IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Now is Your Chance to Make a Little Money go a Long Ways. CONROY'S as 525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 ) Bananas, Special for Saturday, doz 30c 1 Potatoes, cwt.' . P. $1.25 I0ut rn Corn Mrul, 9 Mliml Mick ."; lluiioy Flour, 8 pound un-lt ...... . .-(. " Itjo I'lour, pound Buck , , 7d,. ' JlomCny, 9 iMiiuul sui'k no(! . Holltyl (win, 0 iMtuiid MU'k 7o! 1VUcth Cuffcr, J jisiKu, 1 pound piKkuun a.-o r Miolllcil (illtO 1 (()(; fl II),,. $1.75 IV)1th Ti-a, KIiumIk tt ,. a.jc; 1 ll. suu ; (Itliu'k, ;r-cii, ( li)ii.) Uoldcn ;atc,..; III. 10c; 1 111. 73c . (Illiu k, (iro n, (Vylon.) .", OlliOII MtH, 2 pounds '.' a.'K! :- rtloiioMln und KiiJiUth Cjmnup, lioulc 2."rtJ - W. W. u1m, 2 Ixitllin ,.. Monoimlu .Mly I'owdc-r, :t uicku(H 2."c; 1 MoiiomIo rtNrvc'H, 10 oie. Jar ;tc Toilet 1'uxt, 4 rolls 2.V) -'. MhIcIicm, box 5 mr NHjillia Powdrr, a ku;i- 20c IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture theaters Have to Tell You. PASTIME TODAY. Uossio Ilarrfscalo Land In America; tVmics In DuU'h Vessel from Her Homo In Holland. Triangle patrons are promised a rftre treat when 'Woodon Shoes," the !atet starring vehicle of Hessle Kar rlHcale. la presented to the public The piece Is a picturesque story of Holland from the pen of J. O. Hawks, and presents the Ltopular Triangls actress as "I'ampy a beautiful Dutch girl upon whom an invalid futher in dependent for support.. Cosy Today. Vester Pegg, who never killed any body In his life, and who before Har ry Carey picked him for a villain, was a peaceful cowboy without a thought of fame aa an outlaw and general bad man would hot be able to got a Job on any ranch west of the Rockies if ho should go back to the old life. Though his name has not aH yet been entered in the blue book of bad men he has played ft suc cession of heavy roles culminating Jn "The rtiantom Riders," which will be seen at the Cosy theater on to day, which should earn him a cer tificate cum laude Harry Carey, star of "The Phantom Riders.' made I'egg a bad man, and a bad man he ban remained. PHONE 334 For Staple and Fancy Groceries Lynde Bros. 309 W. Webb Alia Today Mr. Kit Inge, tho well-known fem inine Impersonator, who has recently 'inished his second Paramount photo play, "The Clever Mrs Carfax," the first one having been "The Countess '-harming.'' recently gave out his reason fyr deserting the stage. "It certainly seemed queer at first DON'USUFFER WITH i Use Soothing Musterole When those sharp pains go shooting through your head, when your skull seems as if it would split, just rub a little Musterole on your temples and neck. It draws out the inflammation, soothes away the pain, usually giving quick relief. Musterole la a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Many doctors and nurses frankly rec ommend Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neural gia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or oints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). It is always dependable. 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.30. TODAY SV TODAY HARRY CAREY VESTER PEGG V. MOLLY MALONE :v" BUCK CONNORS IN The Phantom Riders A drama of the wild and wooly west. Cowboys, cow-girls, outlaws, gun men, girls of the dance halls, beautiful western scenery, daring riding, expert roping and through it all is a story of sweet love.. .... ' IN ADDITION A GOOD COMEDY PASTIME TODAY TRIANGLE PRESENTS Bessie Barriscale IN Wooden So es A $50,000 production that is entertaining and pleasing. Miss Barriscale is quaint and , pretty as the little Dutch lass. In Addition a Triangle Comedy AI TODAY The House of Quality M"M'!!imi!H"nil!! ILA.S ii f TfAfvMm jt i in crra ' fill 11 tliJiAl ' "fj. I Story and direction'by: VlTTrflllllfJt An'ATCAFT Picture Without a shadow of a doubt this is the most interesting pic ture Dug has ever made. Filmed in the Grand Canyon of the Arizona among high cliffs and mountain craigs the scenery is indescribable. It's wonderful ! The modern- auto and the trusty six-shooter replace the prancing steed and flaming, sword of the departed D'Artagman. IT'S TYPICAL FAIRBANKS BOYS, LET'S GO! TP SUNDAY S MONDAY CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 25c to be getting up at about the time I had been used to going to bed a.nd the other way around. But now I like It a hillllon times better and wouldn't change back. "There are many reasons why I en Joy this the first being that Is seems healthier. My complexion has Im proved tremendously. This sounds odd for a man to say but If I were not carefull about complexion and figure, where would "The Clever Mrs. Carfax'' be? Anothe reason Is that I believe the early morning hours to be the pleayantest part of the day. I never knew much about them before, tul on closer acquaintance. I like them." "The Clever Mr. Carfax" is on the bill at the Alta Theatre today. . GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT! STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR IIAI.lt STOPS l AlJJXG OUT AND CKTS THICK. WAVY, STKOXG AXI MHYUTIFUI A MOOERV MUSKETKE3U' PusUme .Sunday and Monday Where is the Chivalry , of long ago, when knights fought to the death for their ladies fair? Where is the chiv alry of D'Artagnan. the famoirt mus keteer and gallant? Though slumbering all these years It ha been awakened in the person of without assistance, tastes nice .and Ned Thacker (tho role played through prenatal Influence Inherited the spirit f the famous Dumas hero. Before he was born his mother" rellgiou-dy read IXimas, hoping that the sfork Aould deliver the ' reincarnation of D'Artagnan, Fairbanks is an Ideal type, dashing, athletic and fearless. The flashing sword of the romantic period is replaced by the powerful left iab and the mighty right hoop, and 'n the more sensational encounters with the trusty six-shooter. The spirit lis there, however, and Fairbanks bat j ties for his lady love in a manner to amuse the envy of the departed i D'Artagnan. I No whinnying charger carrles( his ioughty rider to the fray, but ! the i modern flivver comes In timely need- and proves much more serviceable In annihilation distances. Many humorous situations are pre sented as the gallantry of the youth Is misunderstood, and his impetuosity! fs succoring females in real or fancied distress places him In embarraslng situations. 1 Ned finally- meets his fate, and In scenes nf superhorofsm, done In dash ing Fairbanks style, he saves the girl from a horrible fate and .wins r bride. powerful cast supports Douglas Fairbanks, including Frank Campeau Marjorle Daw, Eugene Ormonde, Tully Marshall and Kathleen Kirkham. fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse' Just try thls moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw j It through your hair, taking one small; strand at a time. This will cleanse j the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and In just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once. Danderine dissolves every parti cle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stop ping itching and fating hair. Hut what will please you most will be after a few weeks use when you will actually see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of It. surely get a small . bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drus gist or toilet counter for a few cents. Julian Elting'e IN "The Clever Mrs. Carfax" By Hector Torn bull and Gardner Hunting r Scenario by Gardner Hunting lnected by Donald Crisp ties, which supervises similar activi ties in the army camps, although both commissions have the same chairman, Kaymond B. Fosdick. Since the war began. Mrs. Stote bury has heart actively engaged in providing recreation and entertain ment for sailors and marines in training stations and on shore leave, and her work with the commission will be In this connection. "Komomber the Tuscania!" and similar slogans are not popular in this war. Germany has given the world too many bitter things to remember. CASTOR l A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of iff -Khiy--i ;:5j3 ft ::f ? - m f - f JULIAN ELTINGE L - j S A Great Detective Story v in which Mr. Kltinge uses his wonderful ability to pass as a woman to run down a gang of blackmailers and find his sweetheart who didn't know him when she saw him. Don't miss him. v In Addition Paramount-Sennett Comedy "ROPING HER ROMEO" Laughs, Thrills and Then More Laughs. VAUDEVILLE HOWARD & GRAFF "The Dream" Singing and Balancing. BAKER & BURTON Comedy Singing and Talking. To Check Passenger Traffic By Making" " Sharp Rate Raises WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Th cur tailment of passenger traffic by sharp I rate increases and the elimination of competing overnight trains between the east and middiewest Is expected soon. Simultaneously, Interchange able tickets will be introduced to mi nimize the Inconvenience. These will be ordered as soon as the details are completed. It is loarued that "pas- scngerless days" were considered, but were deemed unnecessary in view of hotter weal her. The new order will make possible the routing of . all night trains over one line, leaving- the thers free for freight. A campaign to fill all upper as well as lower berths has started, as the train will run only when fully loaded. ' ' Gernw of liMar should be prompt ly expelled from the blood This is a time when the system is especially susceptible to them. ict rid of all -Hood's Sarsaparllla and thus fortif your whole body ami prevent illness. MICK STOTFNIU KV OX UO VKU. lliladelpliia Woman Appointed on iraiutiijr t amp t ommis.su m. Secretary Daniels has appointed Mrs. Kdward T. Stoteshury, promi- nent Philadelphia society woman and charity worker, a member of' the na vy department commission on Train ing Camp Activities. Thei navy commission has charge of the recrrtational and welfare work among sailors In the naval training stations and contiguous communities. I la a d 1st I n et and se p rat e or ga n - tzatlon from the war department commission on Training Cainn Activl- ONE OF BEST GAMES TO BE SEEN IN PENDLETON THIS SEASON Waitsburg' Ii. S. Girls vs. Pendleton Ii. S. Girls FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22nd " -r-r -Tr-jesr-jTFTr- Whistle Blows at 7:30. HIGH SCHOOL GY3IN A Good Fast Preliminary. Admission 35c AND DON'T FORGET THE DANCE It starts right after the game. Liberty Hall, Sawyer's Jazz orchestra and lots of pep. .The public cordially invited.- ADMISSION 50c. J I; : t