PAGE THRF.B EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOfflAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, ERIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1918. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON : Weston Couple to Wed. J. L'luude l'rlce and Miibcl Illom Kren, bntn nt WflMtoii, yi'HtiTUay no fured a nmiTluwo license In H'ullu . 'VuMii. Aiinllicr Avlnlor Advanced. Fred Nelson, formerly employed at tho Oregon Motor liui-uKi' and lirolh- er-.uf otto Nelson, inorliunle at name ' Raj-use, nan received rapid advunce m A Real m WarTimeFood GRAPEfIUTS Delicious barley flavor Over I0actual grain sugar produced in mak-inf-NOTACRUrlBOFWASTL ! mt'nt since hiK enlistment In the avi ation section, of the army Inst Alay. Aftor four llloiuhH he wan mad first HTKcimt of the 21st Hijiiadron and ' since then lias been advanced to av iation mechanician and Is now a mas i ter signal electrician In the! 'I'i'ln I ciuniron of llellevllle, III. lo writes hlx brother that he tried for a flylnK i commission ho as to be sent to France I but was refused as the officers Paid ' they could make flyers of anyone but ' it was hard to Ket nod mechanic. 'Two other brothers are In the navy on convoy duty on the A.'. S. K Wan IHeKo and havo been across three Hints and It Is thought they are on Patrol duty "over there" ut present time. clal Association for the purpose of organizing u rinrtlcton Hod & Hun Club. (Jultf a number havj already pledHcd themselves to Join. To Itciiiodi l Dwelling;. Hen K yountr has taken out a per mit to remodel his dwelling in Haley street ut a cost of $350. I mi lighter Is Horn. A seven pound Klrl was born this morning at St. Anthony's hospital t j Mr. and -Mrs. K. It. Lester of Pilot llock. lhlitli- (lull Mcctlnjr. Those memliers of the TTiniilllla t'otinty (lunrd who have agreed to Join an athletic club will meet this evening at 7:30 In the armory to or ganize for class work. (mi Club Mi-t-tinjr Tnniclit. A nieetinir e,f trapshooters and sportsmen will be held at 7:30 this evening In the rooms of the t'ommer- llui-ulil lsrock Transferred. j A letter from Hurold lsrock, son of j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hrock brinH I word that he has been transferred ;fiom Cambridge to the 1'. S. Kadio liarracks at -ew York. I i New Tlckfl ClerU. ! A. O. Parker Is the new ticke. 1 clerk ut the office of the O.-W. H & ! .V. In this city, relieving J. M. Mc Iionuld who came over from Walla I Walla a month ao. .Mr. Parker j comes from Thornton. Wash., here. a tourney of their own under the aus- pices of the Woman's National l'owl IriK association and they will roll on I be same alleys where the A. IS. C. championships will be decided. It s the first time a women's tour ney ever has been held In connection with the A. H. (' evowt. over SO tcani will bowl In the club event of the women's division In future years the women expect to Increase this number mil II their tourney rivals that of tho nun In size. This Is not art Impossibility by any means. When the A. !. ('. held tie first tourney In 1 :t ' I ut ChlctiKO only 41 teams competed. The next year 61 teams bowled at Kut'falo and the following year 78 rolled at Indianap olis. The A. 11. " tourney then be t?nn growlns by leaps and bounds until the hlKh water mark was reach oil at Toledo in 191! when 755 teams relied. Several nifty entertainment fea tures are on the card for the women bowlers. Anions them will be a blK ca,rd parly with tt monster prize list. MIMTAltlKTH "OKI" IH'I-TM.VNX. The Dean Mom Co. Grocery Dept. Phone S8 T Meat Dept. Phone 8G Corn Flakes 10c, 3 for 25c Honey from Echo, qt. Economy jars. . . 75c Apex Coffee, its a good 45c grade for. 35c Pimento Cheese, 2 for 25c Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti, package 10c Eggs, "Strictly Fresh, dozen 50c Our Meat Department is Second to None. Phone 8(. SHN Mor I.uimI. Jien V. JJijjuis of the Out nil Mon (iiiiu Ranches Co., remrnfrd from HlnKham lunt nlKht and roportH thr .sale of two suction and a h;lf of land. He was acconifja nlt.'d on the trip hy Kino and Charles We.ster Kiind and S. C. KtlHore. , Ium Sldlir'H liiMiraiict'. , J. 1'. Walker, clerk of tho local camp of Woodmen of the World to day paid to the father of Krvin Huff. thi! youiiK soldier who died al Van- i couvrr recently, the 12000 insurance j v. men me unt man euir.e.i i;i uuu oric r. entrul ommiiiee Mwtliitf. A meeting in being held this after-! noon in the Commercial association rooms for the. organization of a coun- i ty cetttral war relief committee along the lines upon which the I'emlleton organization was formed on Tuesday. Most of the communities of the coun- : ty have sent delegates to the meeting. Kllwore Hnys l.caf-t'. At a price (--aid to be In the neigh borhood of $ 2 r; . M 1 1. Sim Kili?ore has taken over the outfit and lease of Kino Wcstersund who has been farm ing the Mrs. Stockman place north of Helix. The land comprised a sec tion In wheat and a section In stub-, ble. The deal was'made through the tfcency of It. K Dupuis. 1 K. littmuiill. For a Ions? time F. K- Dittmann. German reichstag- deputy, was a "marked man." He s a socians! aim he was always sayinf? things the mi litarists didn't like. Hut for what he said thev couldn't touch him. The militarists "waited." Now llittmann's in jail. He was indiscreet eiiuugn. n appears, to leave tne reiniuB try to make a radical speech to a crowd of Berlin strikers. Hniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii' I The Brunswick I : All Phonographs in One. Plays All Records. . ; I'llK'i: S;t.-.mi TO Terms Murcli I'll 1 1 linT.i pf-A v .1 To Suit l'lircliascr. ninl IVhrnnr.v liccoiils. nnU Hear Tlicnu , new m'.mhi:i:s: Wr Sons Hits Take le Hack t" lcur Old HliKlny v When VhiiKch' IHmiiIIc Uaj-ns In I'urltv. 'mis I'raiii'als V Tho ( aniiilml Kinir V Tlicv .May t all Vim lluwaiiuit 1.11 ItrouilwHV V We'll KncH'k Hie Ili-lmo Into Hc lluu Out oT Helluo I.llld: . A lllllH Hall! Tim illll!i' AH Urn. : Tin- Illvie ollililci rs lKin't Try to Meal the Sweet - licarl of it Soldier V Livery Slalile nines ( That 'Ju..'! imiiif. The HiKiklne '' Hllies A Oil- Mi-w HC liln-'hln- Minima ii Ih.linr IHm Hit Tor Illii t.lrls.. A Itl-elll. Hie News to lollier.. A ,lii'-t us the Sun Went Down.. A 2 t lH 2I.-.1 2111 111 2lt. 2tt: 2117 21 17 Jllll sun 2 1211 21211 II ION i;iioh 2 l::i 2 l:;u Economy Drug Co. 5 Hotel St. George Building Day Telephone 711 Nisht Telephone 718 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111? Wants .Money rr Halls anil Hills. Itecruiltn I f 1'lcer l'eter Hv iirlz of the 1'. nay has received another rtuuest from the directors of the Clark Orlffeth Hall and Hat Fund to! solicit additional funds for the pur- l eh'.ise of baseiall outfits for the bovs of the army and navy. Mr. Swarlz i on two previous occasions raised 7f In quarters and half-dollar sub-: scriptions for this fund. German newspapers fatuously talk about the "ifhycholoiiical effect of the sinking of the Tuscai.ia." Cerniany has studied psychology more assiduously than any other nation in the world am has less understanding "f " "FrlKhlfulness'' is the only fruit of Cermnn "!Jhcholog "' and frightt'ul ness has hurl just the opposite effect to what it was Intended to produce. WKAI.TIIY AVIKKit'A.V WIIMW HIX ).Ml:s l!l I. A I l K OK KIXCS J&4 I 'arm Meeting Well Alt4inlod. Unlh at Athena and Milton yester day, as at Hermiston the day hefore. M Shir.rk, cmi nty aent , received an encouraging response to his call for a meeting of influential farmer? lor making arrangements for a farm su rvcy. He received assurances of active co-operation. m Today he is at I'tli it Kock on a similar mission. i 4, ' cv I.iiiicli Counter Opriis. i Miller's Quick I.unch Counter will open for business tomorrow on Mam ; sire-t at the old location of the ide boa rd. The proprietor has nuide a Vciy attractive place of his catine hoii?c. The walls are white enamel- , ed ami a foi foot marble topped coun-, ter runs the length of the room. Fine rarmes have been installed and ga , a ml elect rieity w ill be used exclu- j Mvcly as fuel. AHNOUNC n n M n NtH I TO THE MANY SCORE OF FRIENDS AND PATRONS WITH WHOM I HAVE HAD THE PLEASURE OF A' MOST ENJOYABLE AND LOYAL PATRONAGE FOR A PERIOD OF 40 YEARS COVERING -MY ACTIVE BUSI NESS CAREER IN PENDLETON, I ANNOUNCE MY RE TIREMENT FROM THE MANAGEMENT AND ACTIVITIES OF THE ALEXANDER DEPT. STORE, TAKING EFFECT FEB. 23RD. MY RETIREMENT BEING CHIEFLY DUE TO LOSING THE ASSISTANCE OF MY SON, ROY ALEXANDER, WHO WAS CALLED TO THE COLORS. . u FURTHER, I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE STORE WILL BE CLOSED FROM THE ABOVE DATE UNTIL SAT URDAY, MARCH 2ND, REOPENING MARCH 2ND UNDER THE NEW INCORPORATION, COMPOSED OF R. ALEXAN DER, H. W. COLLINS AND CARL COOLEY. . THE ACTIVE MANAGEMENT BEING UNDER THE ' SUPERVISION OF MR. COLLINS AND MR. COOLEY. YOURS VERY TRULY, R. ALEXANDER. SPECIAL - The Grocery Dept. will remain open, and the last four days of February will appear on your bill April 1st. WATCH THIS SPACE. ' r ALEXANDERS lr, Shows for Ono IM-icc. There arc t wo remaining n umbers' on t he lyceuni program of I 'end let on : and the ministerial committee, which 1 is handling the local end of the pro gr;uii, announced today that local pen-1 pie ma secure t icleis for both for , one dollar. Single ail mission lo ei I her would be 7.'. cenls. The 1 ickcts for tho two may be purchased i.p un til .Monday night when the llob Hoy the Arcade Theater The other atirac the Aread Theater. The other attrac tion is Kugene lturant. a magician who has been a chauta uqiia and 1y roiim headliner for 17 ears. lie v, ill be here April is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ! I i I I II 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 Bodge Brothers motor, car I 1 A pond car is known by its second hand value. . 3 It is seldom one finds a second- hand Dodge Brothers car advertised, 5 but when offered for sale their value is far greater than the ordinary car. 5 Price of Touiins Car $8S3 (F. O. B. Detroit) I ' PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. ' 1 Cor. Cottonwood and Water Streets . ( . liitiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiMiimiimiiii nun iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r? Is In ltl Again. 1111 Fuller is in had again. He the 19 year old youth who has been; 'arrested here twice previously lor j petty thievery and now he is again in! the county jail while the officers in- I vestigate to ascertain w here he se-i cured the shoes and ot her mere ban- ; disc which he was peddling about ' Treewater this week. He made the, mistake of tring to sell the shoes to Joe West. Krcewater shoeuuin who is; also special deputy sheriff. West ' picked him up ftr investigation but the young man made a getaway out , the bac kdoor of the shop and was only recaptured after an exciting chase in which unite a number of townspeople joined. Fuller, when re- j leased here recently, agreed to join tho navy but declares he was re jected. I Mrs. William R Leeds, whose late husband left her about $1 4. ', ona he uuide in investments in tin plate and the Hock Island Railroad wit h t he Moores and P.miel I. lieid, has be come, by her ii sirriuw to Piince Christopher of i ! recce, a eon sin -inlaw to King Ccorgo of Knuland find to Queen Victoria of Spain, and aunt of the present King Alexander of Creeee. She lias been sought by half the eligible peers of Kurope. and many times rumor had her engaged. Her husband is about thirty ears of age. His brother. King Constan ,tine of (5 recce was deposed and is now living quietly in Switzerland. ! Ol It NATIONAL MOXI MKNTS. j The often-asked question as to the 1 difference between a national park and a national monument Is now harder than ever to answer. Uefore the passage of the National Park Service Act, a well-defined disfunction was recognized by common consent. i based upon the idea that the mo. la ment was merely conserved with no idea of development, while the na- ; tional park was created with the pur pose of development. In the absenct of formal definition, the new act. which several times men t ion both j kinds of reservations without any distinction whatever, must be held to a bolish previous unwritten concep- t ions and establish the ant h'uity for th future. What is left. then, of the distinc- ' tion is the fact t hat the monument - are generally smaller and generally of less Importance than the parks. Hut. on the other hand, there is one Grand Canyon of the Colorado, which monument larger than all but tht Is a national monument, Is at least largest parks, and there are several equal in importance to any national p;;rks as small as many of the small- , park and of more Importance than est monuments. Furthermore, the many. Watch Your Blood Supply, Don't Let Impurities Creep In Pure Wood Means Perfect Health. The average druggiot has handled hundreds of medicines in his day, some of which have long: since been forgotten. But there is one that has been sold ly the druggists throughout this rnnnlrv. for more than fifty years. and that is S. S. S., the reliable blood medicin. that is purely vegetable. Many druggists nave seen wonderiui results accomplished among their customers by this great old medicine, and they know that S. S. 8. is one of the most reliable blood purifiers aver made. Keep your blood free of im purities by. the use of this honest old medicine, and if you want medical advice, you can obtain same without cost by writing to Medical Director, Swift Specific Co., 28 Swift Labora-i tory, Atlanta, Ga. Women Bowlers Compete 1 In National Tourney I'l.Ni'INNATl. i'.. I'l l'. -Worn- . I'll mi' cM.miiiK intu Ihi'ir own tills yt'iir in inoro ways than oiu I'on.m'oss starti'il thi' lall rnliinix hy I'lisslnir III" winiwn's siiffran,' Iiihis lifi and ii-w wmni'ii arc lo havi' ' tMiual rights wilh iiti'ii In llu I'ltwlini! Kami. i WhiM! Iho Aincrii-utl Howling i'im- i Vlvss. 1h.' lar"t'st hnwlilli; body it. tho viirhl. optMit-il lis annua! tnurnry al Ihf ililo National I'.itaril armory hero. lmla". wntuon howlors nut thoil first chaiioo lo coinpito In a national tounipy. ' j Tho woiiioii won't conio(o for tho saino i rl.os as the men hut will have j The Standard Family Remedy for Children and Grown-Ups Constipation is a condition that has to be guarded against from infancy to old age. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, acts easily and naturally and is as safe and pleasant for children as it is ef fective on even the strongest constitution. All Drizgisfi 50 cts. and $1.00 A bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writino; to Or. V. R Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Montiivllo, III. WANTED! Live Beef, Veal and Mutton Call up 187 or 188 DOWNEY'S MARKET Pendleton, Oregon J